
384 lines
16 KiB
Raw Normal View History

from multiprocessing.forkserver import connect_to_new_process
import xmltodict
import glob
import pprint
import re
from pathlib import Path
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
def get_param_text_from_xml(data, name):
if isinstance(data['param'], list):
for p in data['param']:
if p['@name'] == name:
return p['#text']
return data['param']['#text']
return '*missing*'
def gen_dts_function(data, isclass):
outstr = f'\t\t/**\n'
if 'summary' in data['xml']:
summary = data['xml']['summary'].split('\n')[0]
outstr += f'\t\t * {summary}\n'
for p in data['parameters']:
outstr += f'\t\t * @param {p["name"]} {get_param_text_from_xml(data["xml"], p["name"])}\n'
if 'returns' in data['xml']:
outstr += f'\t\t * @returns {data["xml"]["returns"]}\n'
outstr += f'\t\t */\n'
outstr += f'\t\t'
if not isclass:
outstr += 'function '
outstr += f'{data["name"]}('
for p in data['parameters']:
outstr += f'{p["name"]}: {convert_type_to_js(p["type"])}'
#if p['default'] is not None:
# outstr += f' = {p["default"]}'
outstr += ', '
if outstr.endswith(', '):
outstr = outstr[:-2]
if data['returntype'] is None:
outstr += ');'
outstr += f'): {convert_type_to_js(data["returntype"])};'
return outstr
def gen_dts_property(data, isclass):
outstr = f'\t\t/**\n'
if 'summary' in data['xml']:
summary = data['xml']['summary'].split('\n')[0]
outstr += f'\t\t * {summary}\n'
outstr += f'\t\t */\n'
outstr += f'\t\t'
if 'fakedtstype' in data['xml']:
returntype = data['xml']['fakedtstype']
returntype = data['returntype']
if not isclass:
outstr += 'let '
outstr += f'{data["name"]}: {convert_type_to_js(returntype)};'
return outstr
def gen_dts_enum(data):
outstr = f'\t\t/**\n'
if 'summary' in data['xml']:
summary = data['xml']['summary'].split('\n')[0]
outstr += f'\t\t * {summary}\n'
outstr += f'\t\t */\n'
outstr += f'\t\tenum {data["name"]} {{\n'
for e in data['xml']['enum']:
outstr += f'\t\t\t/**\n'
outstr += f'\t\t\t * {e["#text"]}\n'
outstr += f'\t\t\t */\n'
outstr += f'\t\t\t{e["@name"]},\n'
outstr += '\t\t}\n'
return outstr
def convert_type_to_js(text):
if '[]' in text:
arr = '[]'
arr = ''
if text == 'double' or text == 'float' or 'int' in text:
return 'number' + arr
elif text == 'bool':
return 'boolean' + arr
elif text == 'object' or text == 'ExpandoObject':
return 'any' + arr
return text
def determine_text_type(text):
#print(f'text: {text}')
signature = text.replace('public ', '').replace('static ', '').replace('override', '').replace('Wrapper', '')
#print(f'signature: {signature}')
parameters = []
if 'internal' in signature:
return 'internal', None, None, None
if 'private' in signature:
return 'private', None, None, None
if 'class ' in text or 'struct ' in text:
return 'global', None, None, None
if signature.strip().startswith('enum'):
return 'enums', re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signature), None, None
if '(' not in text:
returntype = signature.split(' ', 1)[0].strip()
return 'properties', re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signature).rstrip(';'), None, returntype
signaturefields = signature.split('(')
if signaturefields[1] != ')':
for sf in signaturefields[1].rstrip(')').split(','):
#print(f'### {sf}')
ptype, pname = sf.strip().split(' ', 1)
if '=' in pname:
defaultvalue = pname.split('=')[1].strip()
pname = pname.split('=')[0].strip()
defaultvalue = None
parameters.append({ 'name': pname, 'type': ptype, 'default': defaultvalue })
#for pt in parametertypes:
# print(f'\t{pt}')
returntype = signaturefields[0].strip().split(' ')[0]
name = re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signaturefields[0].strip())
#print(f'name: {name}')
#for p in parameters:
# print(f'pname: {p["name"]}, ptype: {p["type"]}')
signature = re.sub(r'[^\s]+\s+', r'', signaturefields[0]) + '(' + re.sub(r'([^\s]+) ([^,]+)(,?\s*)', r'\2\3', signaturefields[1])
#print(f'signature: {signature}')
fields = text.split()
if fields[0] == 'public' and ('Wrapper(' in fields[1] or 'QueryOptions(' in fields[1]):
return 'constructors', name, parameters, returntype
elif fields[1] == 'static':
return 'staticmethods', name, parameters, returntype
return 'methods', name, parameters, returntype
def get_sorted_comment_texts(texts):
text = ''
for t in sorted(texts.keys()):
text += texts[t]
return text
def parse_attributes_line(line, attributes):
mo = re.match(r'\[(.+?)\((.+?)\)\]', line)
if mo is None:
attr_name = mo.group(1)
attr_vals = mo.group(2)
if attr_name not in attributes:
attributes[attr_name] = {}
for attr in attr_vals.split(','):
mo = re.match(r'(.+)=(.+)', attr)
if mo is None:
attributes[attr_name][mo.group(1).strip()] = mo.group(2).strip()
topics = {
'GameConfiguration': { 'files': [ '../API/GameConfigurationWrapper.cs' ], 'asnamespace': True },
'Angle2D': { 'files': [ '../API/Angle2DWrapper.cs' ], 'asnamespace': True },
'BlockEntry' : { 'files': [ '../API/BlockEntryWrapper.cs' ] },
'BlockMapQueryResult' : { 'files': [ '../API/BlockMapQueryResult.cs' ] },
'BlockMap' : { 'files': [ '../API/BlockMapWrapper.cs' ] },
'Data': { 'files': [ '../API/DataWrapper.cs' ], 'asnamespace': True },
'ImageInfo': { 'files': [ '../API/ImageInfo.cs' ] },
'Line2D': { 'files': [ '../API/Line2DWrapper.cs' ] },
'Linedef': { 'files': [ '../API/LinedefWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ] },
'Map': { 'files': [ '../API/MapWrapper.cs' ], 'asnamespace': True },
'Plane': { 'files': [ '../API/PlaneWrapper.cs' ]},
'Sector': { 'files': [ '../API/SectorWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ] },
'Sidedef': { 'files': [ '../API/SidedefWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ] },
'Thing': { 'files': [ '../API/ThingWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ] },
'UDB': { 'files': [ '../API/UDBWrapper.cs' ] },
'Vector2D': { 'files': [ '../API/Vector2DWrapper.cs' ] },
'Vector3D': { 'files': [ '../API/Vector3DWrapper.cs' ] },
'Vertex': { 'files': [ '../API/VertexWrapper.cs', '../API/MapElementWrapper.cs' ] },
'VisualCamera': { 'files': [ '../API/VisualCameraWrapper.cs' ] },
'QueryOptions': { 'files': [ '../QueryOptions.cs' ] },
dtsdata = {}
for topic in topics:
dtsd = {
'properties': [],
'constructors': [],
'methods': [],
'staticmethods': [],
'enums': []
texts = {
'global': '',
'properties': {},
'constructors': {},
'methods': {},
'staticmethods': {},
'enums': {}
memberattributes = {}
for filename in topics[topic]['files']:
topicname = filename.split('\\')[-1].replace('Wrapper.cs', '')
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
xmltext = ''
parsingcomment = False
incodeblock = False
for line in file:
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('['):
parse_attributes_line(line, memberattributes)
elif line.startswith('///'):
parsingcomment = True
line = re.sub(r'^\s', r'', line.lstrip('/'))
if line.startswith('```'):
if incodeblock:
xmltext += '```\n'
incodeblock = False
xmltext += '\n```js\n'
incodeblock = True
xmltext += line + '\n'
elif parsingcomment is True:
commenttext = ''
d = xmltodict.parse('<d>' + xmltext + '</d>')['d']
summary = d['summary']
texttype, signature, parameters, returntype = determine_text_type(line)
if texttype == 'global':
texts['global'] = f'{summary}\n'
elif texttype != 'internal' and texttype != 'private':
if texttype == 'properties':
'xml': d,
'name': signature,
'returntype': returntype
elif texttype == 'constructors':
'xml': d,
'name': 'constructor',
'returntype': None,
'parameters': parameters
elif texttype == 'methods':
'xml': d,
'name': signature,
'returntype': returntype,
'parameters': parameters
elif texttype == 'staticmethods':
'xml': d,
'name': signature,
'returntype': returntype,
'parameters': parameters
elif texttype == 'enums':
'xml': d,
'name': signature
commenttext += '\n---\n'
if 'version' in d:
commenttext += f'<span style="float:right;font-weight:normal;font-size:66%">Version: {d["version"]}</span>\n'
if 'UDBScriptSettings' in memberattributes:
commenttext += f'<span style="float:right;font-weight:normal;font-size:66%">Version: {memberattributes["UDBScriptSettings"]["MinVersion"]}</span>\n'
commenttext += f'### {signature}'
if parameters is not None:
commenttext += '('
for param in parameters:
commenttext += f'{param["name"]}: {param["type"]}, '
if commenttext.endswith(', '):
commenttext = commenttext[:-2]
commenttext += ')'
commenttext += '\n'
commenttext += f'{summary}\n'
if 'param' in d:
commenttext += '#### Parameters\n'
if isinstance(d['param'], list):
for p in d['param']:
text = '*missing*'
if '#text' in p:
text = p['#text']
commenttext += f'* {p["@name"]}: {text}\n'
text ='*missing*'
if '#text' in d['param']:
text = d['param']['#text'].replace('```', '\n```\n')
commenttext += f'* {d["param"]["@name"]}: {text}\n'
if 'enum' in d:
commenttext += '#### Options\n'
if isinstance(d['enum'], list):
for p in d['enum']:
text = '*missing*'
if '#text' in p:
text = p['#text']
commenttext += f'* {p["@name"]}: {text}\n'
text ='*missing*'
if '#text' in d['enum']:
text = d['enum']['#text'].replace('```', '\n```\n')
commenttext += f'* {d["enum"]["@name"]}: {text}\n'
if 'returns' in d:
commenttext += '#### Return value\n'
text = '*missing*'
if d['returns'] is not None:
text = d['returns']
commenttext += f'{text}\n'
if signature not in texts[texttype]:
texts[texttype][signature] = ''
texts[texttype][signature] += commenttext
xmltext = ''
memberattributes = {}
parsingcomment = False
dtsdata[topic] = dtsd
outfile = open(f'htmldoc/docs/{topic}.md', 'w')
outfile.write(f'# {topic}\n\n')
if len(texts["constructors"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Constructors\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["constructors"])}')
if len(texts["staticmethods"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Static methods\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["staticmethods"])}')
if len(texts["properties"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Properties\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["properties"])}')
if len(texts["methods"]) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Methods\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["methods"])}')
if len(texts['enums']) > 0:
outfile.write(f'## Enums\n{get_sorted_comment_texts(texts["enums"])}')
# Create the .d.ts file
dtsoutstr = 'declare namespace UDB {\n'
for key in dtsdata:
if key == 'UDB':
for m in dtsdata[key]['methods']:
dtsoutstr += (gen_dts_function(m, False) + '\n')[1:]
if 'asnamespace' in topics[key] and topics[key]['asnamespace'] is True:
blocktype = 'namespace'
isclass = False
blocktype = 'class'
isclass = True
if len(dtsdata[key]['constructors']) > 0 or len(dtsdata[key]['methods']) > 0 or len(dtsdata[key]['properties']) > 0:
dtsoutstr += f'\t{blocktype} {key} {{\n'
# constructors
for c in dtsdata[key]['constructors']:
dtsoutstr += gen_dts_function(c, isclass) + '\n'
# methods
for m in dtsdata[key]['methods']:
dtsoutstr += gen_dts_function(m, isclass) + '\n'
# properties
for p in dtsdata[key]['properties']:
if not (p['name'] in topics and p['name'] == p['returntype']):
dtsoutstr += gen_dts_property(p, isclass) + '\n'
print(f'ignoring {p["name"]} in {key} - returntype {p["returntype"]}')
dtsoutstr += '\t}\n'
# static methods and enums
if len(dtsdata[key]['staticmethods']) > 0 or len(dtsdata[key]['enums']) > 0:
dtsoutstr += f'\tnamespace {key} {{\n'
if len(dtsdata[key]['staticmethods']) > 0:
for m in dtsdata[key]['staticmethods']:
dtsoutstr += gen_dts_function(m, False) + '\n'
if len(dtsdata[key]['enums']) > 0:
for e in dtsdata[key]['enums']:
dtsoutstr += gen_dts_enum(e) + '\n'
dtsoutstr += '\t}\n'
dtsoutstr += '}\n'
dtsfile = Path('../../../../Build/UDBScript/udbscript.d.ts')
if not dtsfile.parent.exists():
dtsfile.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)