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// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright (C) 2011 by Callum Dickinson.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
// as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
// of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
/// \file
/// \brief SDL_ttf interface code. Necessary for platforms with no framebuffer console systems.
#if defined(HAVE_SDL) && defined(HAVE_TTF)
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "../doomdef.h"
#include "../doomstat.h"
#include "../d_netfil.h"
#include "../filesrch.h"
#include "i_ttf.h"
// Search directories to find aforementioned TTF file.
#if defined (__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON)
#define FONTSEARCHPATH1 "/usr/share/fonts"
#define FONTSEARCHPATH2 "/usr/local/share/fonts"
#define FONTSEARCHPATH3 "/usr/games/SRB2"
#define FONTSEARCHPATH4 "/usr/local/games/SRB2"
#define FONTSEARCHPATH5 "/usr/local/share/games/SRB2"
#define FONTHANDLE -1
// Renduring surfaces.
SDL_Surface *TTFSurface = NULL;
SDL_Surface *TTFRendSurface = NULL;
// Text box.
SDL_Rect TTFRect;
// Temporary storage for the new TTFRect, used to check for
// line wrapping.
SDL_Rect TTFRectCheck;
// Text rendering resolution.
videoResolution res;
// Text storage buffer, the contents get printed to the SDL surface.
char textbuffer[8192];
// look for default ttf file in given directory
static char *searchFont(const char *fontsearchDir)
static char tempsw[256] = "";
filestatus_t fstemp;
strcpy(tempsw, FONTFILE);
fstemp = filesearch(tempsw, fontsearchDir, NULL, true, 20);
if (fstemp == FS_FOUND)
return tempsw;
return NULL;
// Load TTF font from file.
INT32 I_TTFLoadFont(const char *file, UINT32 ptsize)
TTF_Font *tmpfont = NULL;
float fontsize;
// If a font is currently loaded, unload it.
if (currentfont)
// Scale the specified font point size for the current resolution.
fontsize = (ptsize * 0.005f) * (res.width - res.height);
tmpfont = TTF_OpenFont(file, fontsize);
if (!tmpfont)
// set pointer for current font
currentfont = tmpfont;
// set current font point size
currentfontpoint = ptsize;
// get font properties, and set them
currentfontstyle = TTF_GetFontStyle(currentfont);
TTF_SetFontStyle(currentfont, currentfontstyle);
// these functions only exist in SDL_ttf 2.0.10 onwards
currentfontkerning = TTF_GetFontKerning(currentfont);
TTF_SetFontKerning(currentfont, currentfontkerning);
currentfonthinting = TTF_GetFontHinting(currentfont);
TTF_SetFontHinting(currentfont, currentfonthinting);
currentfontoutline = TTF_GetFontOutline(currentfont);
TTF_SetFontOutline(currentfont, currentfontoutline);
return 0;
static void I_TTFRendSurface(const char *textmsg, TTF_Font *font, TextQuality quality, SDL_Color fontfgcolor, SDL_Color fontbgcolor)
// Print text in the buffer.
// SDL_ttf has three modes to draw text.
// Solid rendering is quick, but dirty. Use it if you need speed more than quality.
switch (quality)
case solid:
TTFRendSurface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, textmsg, fontfgcolor);
// Shaded rendering adds a background to the rendered text. Because of this, I_TTFDrawText
// takes an extra color more than the other styles to be a background color.
// Shaded is supposedly as fast as solid rendering and about as good quality as blended.
case shaded:
TTFRendSurface = TTF_RenderText_Shaded(font, textmsg, fontfgcolor, fontbgcolor);
// Blended rendering is the opposite of solid. Good quality, but slow.
case blended:
TTFRendSurface = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font, textmsg, fontfgcolor);
// Get SDL to update the main surface.
SDL_BlitSurface(TTFRendSurface, NULL, TTFSurface, &TTFRect);
// Draw text to screen. It will accept four colour vales (red, green, blue and alpha)
// with foreground for draw modes Solid and Blended, and an extra four values for background
// colour with draw type Shaded.
void I_TTFDrawText(TTF_Font *font, TextQuality quality, INT32 fgR, INT32 fgG, INT32 fgB, INT32 fgA, INT32 bgR, INT32 bgG, INT32 bgB, INT32 bgA, const char *textmsg)
// Temporary small buffer to store character to process.
// NULL pointer to prevc to kill warning
char c, prevc = 0x0;
// hack to allow TTF_SizeText to work properly.
char linebuffer[2];
// Don't need h, but TTF_SizeText needs a height parameter
INT32 w, h;
// Globally declare foreground and background text colours,
// text drawing mode and the font to draw.
SDL_Color fontfgcolor = {fgR, fgG, fgB, fgA};
SDL_Color fontbgcolor = {bgR, bgG, bgB, bgA};
// Keep on processing until the null terminator in the text buffer is reached.
while (*textmsg != '\0')
// Copy pointer for current character into the temporary buffer.
c = *textmsg;
// If c is a newline, move to the next available line.
if (c == '\n')
TTFRectCheck.x = 0;
TTFRectCheck.y += (currentfontpoint + 1);
// Otherwise...
// If the previous character was a newline, actually move to the next line.
if (prevc == '\n')
if (textbuffer != NULL)
// Render cached text to the SDL surface.
I_TTFRendSurface(textbuffer, font, quality, fontfgcolor, fontbgcolor);
// Empty text buffer.
memset(textbuffer, '\0', 1);
TTFRect.x = TTFRectCheck.x;
TTFRect.y = TTFRectCheck.y;
// Copy the character to the text buffer.
sprintf(textbuffer, "%s%c", textbuffer, c);
// Hack to allow TTF_SizeText to work properly.
sprintf(linebuffer, "%c", c);
// If we have reached the end of the screen, move to the next available line.
TTF_SizeText(currentfont, linebuffer, &w, &h);
TTFRectCheck.x += w;
if (TTFRectCheck.x >= res.width)
// Render cached text to the SDL surface.
I_TTFRendSurface(textbuffer, font, quality, fontfgcolor, fontbgcolor);
// Empty text buffer.
memset(textbuffer, '\0', 1);
// Move to the next line.
TTFRectCheck.x = 0;
TTFRectCheck.y += (currentfontpoint + 1);
// Set stored co-ordinates for next line.
TTFRect.x = TTFRectCheck.x;
TTFRect.y = TTFRectCheck.y;
// Add 1 to the pointer reference for the character to process.
// Copy contents of the now-old buffer to somewhere else, so it can be referenced in next loop.
prevc = c;
// If the buffer was previously emptied by a line wrapping operation and
// no text came after that, don't print anything. Otherwise, print everything
// still in the buffer.
if (textbuffer != NULL)
// Render cached text to the SDL surface.
I_TTFRendSurface(textbuffer, font, quality, fontfgcolor, fontbgcolor);
// Empty text buffer.
memset(textbuffer, '\0', 1);
// Set stored co-ordinates for next line.
TTFRect.x = TTFRectCheck.x;
TTFRect.y = TTFRectCheck.y;
// Initialise SDL_ttf.
void I_StartupTTF(UINT32 fontpointsize, Uint32 initflags, Uint32 vidmodeflags)
char *fontpath = NULL;
INT32 fontstatus = -1;
res.width = 320;
res.height = 200;
bitsperpixel = 8;
// what's the point of trying to display an error?
// SDL_ttf is not started, can't display anything to screen (presumably)...
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(initflags) < 0)
I_Error("Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
TTFSurface = SDL_SetVideoMode(res.width, res.height, bitsperpixel, vidmodeflags);
if (!TTFSurface)
I_Error("Couldn't set SDL Video resolution: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
if (TTF_Init() < 0)
I_Error("Couldn't start SDL_ttf: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
// look for default font in many directories
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH1);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH2);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH3);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH4);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH5);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH6);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
if (fontstatus < 0)
fontpath = searchFont(FONTSEARCHPATH7);
if (fontpath) fontstatus = I_TTFLoadFont(fontpath, fontpointsize);
// argh! no font file found! disable SDL_ttf code
if (fontstatus < 0)
CONS_Printf("Unable to find default font files! Not loading SDL_ttf\n");
// Get SDL_ttf compiled and linked version
SDL_version TTFcompiled;
const SDL_version *TTFlinked;
TTFlinked = TTF_Linked_Version();
// Display it on screen
CONS_Printf("Compiled for SDL_ttf version: %d.%d.%d\n",
TTFcompiled.major, TTFcompiled.minor, TTFcompiled.patch);
CONS_Printf("Linked with SDL_ttf version: %d.%d.%d\n",
TTFlinked->major, TTFlinked->minor, TTFlinked->patch);
void I_ShutdownTTF(void)
// close current font
// shutdown SDL_ttf
// Free TTF rendering surfaces.