
2893 lines
88 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_segs.c
/// \brief All the clipping: columns, horizontal spans, sky columns
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "r_portal.h"
#include "r_splats.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "netcode/d_netcmd.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "p_local.h" // Camera...
#include "p_slopes.h"
#include "console.h" // con_clipviewtop
#include "taglist.h"
// OPTIMIZE: closed two sided lines as single sided
// True if any of the segs textures might be visible.
static boolean segtextured;
static boolean markfloor; // False if the back side is the same plane.
static boolean markceiling;
static boolean maskedtexture;
static INT32 toptexture, bottomtexture, midtexture;
static INT32 numthicksides, numbackffloors;
angle_t rw_normalangle;
// angle to line origin
angle_t rw_angle1;
fixed_t rw_distance;
// regular wall
static INT32 rw_x, rw_stopx;
static angle_t rw_centerangle;
static fixed_t rw_offset, rw_offsetx;
static fixed_t rw_offset_top, rw_offset_mid, rw_offset_bottom;
static fixed_t rw_scale, rw_scalestep;
static fixed_t rw_midtexturemid, rw_toptexturemid, rw_bottomtexturemid;
static INT32 worldtop, worldbottom, worldhigh, worldlow;
static INT32 worldtopslope, worldbottomslope, worldhighslope, worldlowslope; // worldtop/bottom at end of slope
static fixed_t rw_toptextureslide, rw_midtextureslide, rw_bottomtextureslide; // Defines how to adjust Y offsets along the wall for slopes
static fixed_t rw_midtextureback, rw_midtexturebackslide; // Values for masked midtexture height calculation
static fixed_t rw_midtexturescalex, rw_midtexturescaley;
static fixed_t rw_toptexturescalex, rw_toptexturescaley;
static fixed_t rw_bottomtexturescalex, rw_bottomtexturescaley;
static fixed_t rw_invmidtexturescalex, rw_invtoptexturescalex, rw_invbottomtexturescalex;
// Lactozilla: 3D floor clipping
static boolean rw_floormarked = false;
static boolean rw_ceilingmarked = false;
static INT32 *rw_silhouette = NULL;
static fixed_t *rw_tsilheight = NULL;
static fixed_t *rw_bsilheight = NULL;
static fixed_t pixhigh, pixlow, pixhighstep, pixlowstep;
static fixed_t topfrac, topstep;
static fixed_t bottomfrac, bottomstep;
static lighttable_t **walllights;
static fixed_t *maskedtexturecol = NULL;
static fixed_t *maskedtextureheight = NULL;
static fixed_t *thicksidecol = NULL;
static fixed_t *invscale = NULL;
//SoM: 3/23/2000: Use boom opening limit removal
static size_t numopenings;
static INT16 *openings, *lastopening;
static size_t texturecolumntablesize;
static fixed_t *texturecolumntable, *curtexturecolumntable;
void R_ClearSegTables(void)
lastopening = openings;
curtexturecolumntable = texturecolumntable;
// ==========================================================================
// R_RenderMaskedSegRange
// ==========================================================================
// If we have a multi-patch texture on a 2sided wall (rare) then we draw
// it using R_DrawColumn, else we draw it using R_DrawMaskedColumn, this
// way we don't have to store extra post_t info with each column for
// multi-patch textures. They are not normally needed as multi-patch
// textures don't have holes in it. At least not for now.
static void R_Render2sidedMultiPatchColumn(column_t *column)
INT32 topscreen, bottomscreen;
topscreen = sprtopscreen; // + spryscale*column->topdelta; topdelta is 0 for the wall
bottomscreen = topscreen + spryscale * lengthcol;
dc_yl = (sprtopscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
dc_yh = (bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
if (windowtop != INT32_MAX && windowbottom != INT32_MAX)
dc_yl = ((windowtop + FRACUNIT)>>FRACBITS);
dc_yh = (windowbottom - 1)>>FRACBITS;
if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x] - 1;
if (dc_yl <= mceilingclip[dc_x])
dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x] + 1;
if (dc_yl >= vid.height || dc_yh < 0)
if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yh < vid.height && dc_yh > 0)
dc_source = (UINT8 *)column + 3;
if (colfunc == colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC])
else if (colfunc == colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY])
transnum_t R_GetLinedefTransTable(fixed_t alpha)
return (20*(FRACUNIT - alpha - 1) + FRACUNIT) >> (FRACBITS+1);
void R_RenderMaskedSegRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2)
size_t pindex;
column_t *col;
INT32 lightnum, texnum, i;
fixed_t height, realbot;
lightlist_t *light;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
void (*colfunc_2s)(column_t *);
line_t *ldef;
sector_t *front, *back;
INT32 times, repeats;
INT64 overflow_test;
INT32 range;
// Calculate light table.
// Use different light tables
// for horizontal / vertical / diagonal. Diagonal?
// OPTIMIZE: get rid of LIGHTSEGSHIFT globally
curline = ds->curline;
frontsector = curline->frontsector;
backsector = curline->backsector;
sidedef = curline->sidedef;
texnum = R_GetTextureNum(sidedef->midtexture);
windowbottom = windowtop = sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
ldef = curline->linedef;
if (!ldef->alpha)
if (ldef->blendmode == AST_FOG)
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FOG];
windowtop = frontsector->ceilingheight;
windowbottom = frontsector->floorheight;
else if (ldef->blendmode)
if (ldef->alpha == NUMTRANSMAPS || ldef->blendmode == AST_MODULATE)
dc_transmap = R_GetBlendTable(ldef->blendmode, 0);
dc_transmap = R_GetBlendTable(ldef->blendmode, R_GetLinedefTransTable(ldef->alpha));
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
else if (ldef->alpha > 0 && ldef->alpha < FRACUNIT)
dc_transmap = R_GetTranslucencyTable(R_GetLinedefTransTable(ldef->alpha));
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (curline->polyseg && curline->polyseg->translucency > 0)
if (curline->polyseg->translucency >= NUMTRANSMAPS)
dc_transmap = R_GetTranslucencyTable(curline->polyseg->translucency);
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
fixed_t wall_scaley = sidedef->scaley_mid;
fixed_t scalestep = FixedDiv(ds->scalestep, wall_scaley);
fixed_t scale1 = FixedDiv(ds->scale1, wall_scaley);
range = max(ds->x2-ds->x1, 1);
rw_scalestep = scalestep;
spryscale = scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw_scalestep;
// Texture must be cached before setting colfunc_2s,
// otherwise texture[texnum]->holes may be false when it shouldn't be
// handle case where multipatch texture is drawn on a 2sided wall, multi-patch textures
// are not stored per-column with post info in SRB2
if (textures[texnum]->holes)
if (textures[texnum]->flip & 2) // vertically flipped?
colfunc_2s = R_DrawFlippedMaskedColumn;
lengthcol = textures[texnum]->height;
colfunc_2s = R_DrawMaskedColumn; // render the usual 2sided single-patch packed texture
colfunc_2s = R_Render2sidedMultiPatchColumn; // render multipatch with no holes (no post_t info)
lengthcol = textures[texnum]->height;
// Setup lighting based on the presence/lack-of 3D floors.
dc_numlights = 0;
if (frontsector->numlights)
dc_numlights = frontsector->numlights;
if (dc_numlights >= dc_maxlights)
dc_maxlights = dc_numlights;
dc_lightlist = Z_Realloc(dc_lightlist, sizeof (*dc_lightlist) * dc_maxlights, PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
fixed_t leftheight, rightheight;
light = &frontsector->lightlist[i];
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
leftheight = P_GetLightZAt(light, ds-> leftpos.x, ds-> leftpos.y);
rightheight = P_GetLightZAt(light, ds->rightpos.x, ds->rightpos.y);
leftheight -= viewz;
rightheight -= viewz;
rlight->height = (centeryfrac) - FixedMul(leftheight , ds->scale1);
rlight->heightstep = (centeryfrac) - FixedMul(rightheight, ds->scale2);
rlight->heightstep = (rlight->heightstep-rlight->height)/(range);
//if (x1 > ds->x1)
//rlight->height -= (x1 - ds->x1)*rlight->heightstep;
rlight->startheight = rlight->height; // keep starting value here to reset for each repeat
rlight->lightlevel = *light->lightlevel;
rlight->extra_colormap = *light->extra_colormap;
rlight->flags = light->flags;
if ((colfunc != colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY])
|| (rlight->flags & FOF_FOG)
|| (rlight->extra_colormap && (rlight->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)))
lightnum = (rlight->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
lightnum = LIGHTLEVELS - 1;
if (rlight->extra_colormap && (rlight->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG))
else if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
rlight->lightnum = lightnum;
if ((colfunc != colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY])
|| (frontsector->extra_colormap && (frontsector->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)))
lightnum = (frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
lightnum = LIGHTLEVELS - 1;
if (colfunc == colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FOG]
|| (frontsector->extra_colormap && (frontsector->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)))
else if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
if (lightnum < 0)
walllights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
walllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS - 1];
walllights = scalelight[lightnum];
maskedtexturecol = ds->maskedtexturecol;
mfloorclip = ds->sprbottomclip;
mceilingclip = ds->sprtopclip;
if (frontsector->heightsec != -1)
front = &sectors[frontsector->heightsec];
front = frontsector;
if (backsector->heightsec != -1)
back = &sectors[backsector->heightsec];
back = backsector;
if (sidedef->repeatcnt)
repeats = 1 + sidedef->repeatcnt;
else if (ldef->flags & ML_WRAPMIDTEX)
fixed_t high, low;
if (front->ceilingheight > back->ceilingheight)
high = back->ceilingheight;
high = front->ceilingheight;
if (front->floorheight > back->floorheight)
low = front->floorheight;
low = back->floorheight;
repeats = (high - low)/textureheight[texnum];
if ((high-low)%textureheight[texnum])
repeats++; // tile an extra time to fill the gap -- Monster Iestyn
repeats = 1;
for (times = 0; times < repeats; times++)
if (times > 0)
rw_scalestep = scalestep;
spryscale = scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw_scalestep;
// reset all lights to their starting heights
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height = rlight->startheight;
dc_texheight = textureheight[texnum]>>FRACBITS;
// draw the columns
for (dc_x = x1; dc_x <= x2; dc_x++)
dc_texturemid = ds->maskedtextureheight[dc_x];
if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
dc_texturemid += (textureheight[texnum])*times + textureheight[texnum];
dc_texturemid -= (textureheight[texnum])*times;
// Check for overflows first
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)dc_texturemid*spryscale)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test < 0) overflow_test = -overflow_test;
if ((UINT64)overflow_test&0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL)
// Eh, no, go away, don't waste our time
if (dc_numlights)
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
// calculate lighting
if (dc_numlights)
lighttable_t **xwalllights;
sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
sprtopscreen = windowtop = (centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale));
realbot = FixedMul(textureheight[texnum], spryscale) + sprtopscreen;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(ds->invscale[dc_x], wall_scaley);
windowbottom = realbot;
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(texnum, (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] >> FRACBITS)) - 3);
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
if ((rlight->flags & FOF_NOSHADE))
if (rlight->lightnum < 0)
xwalllights = scalelight[0];
else if (rlight->lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
xwalllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
xwalllights = scalelight[rlight->lightnum];
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
if (rlight->extra_colormap)
rlight->rcolormap = rlight->extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
rlight->rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
height = rlight->height;
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (height <= windowtop)
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = height;
if (windowbottom >= realbot)
windowbottom = realbot;
for (i++; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
windowtop = windowbottom + 1;
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = realbot;
if (windowtop < windowbottom)
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
// calculate lighting
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
dc_colormap = walllights[pindex];
if (frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
dc_iscale = FixedMul(ds->invscale[dc_x], wall_scaley);
// draw the texture
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(texnum, (maskedtexturecol[dc_x] >> FRACBITS)) - 3);
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
// Loop through R_DrawMaskedColumn calls
static void R_DrawRepeatMaskedColumn(column_t *col)
while (sprtopscreen < sprbotscreen) {
if ((INT64)sprtopscreen + dc_texheight*spryscale > (INT64)INT32_MAX) // prevent overflow
sprtopscreen = INT32_MAX;
sprtopscreen += dc_texheight*spryscale;
static void R_DrawRepeatFlippedMaskedColumn(column_t *col)
do {
sprtopscreen += dc_texheight*spryscale;
} while (sprtopscreen < sprbotscreen);
// Returns true if a fake floor is translucent.
static boolean R_IsFFloorTranslucent(visffloor_t *pfloor)
if (pfloor->polyobj)
return (pfloor->polyobj->translucency > 0);
// Polyobjects have no ffloors, and they're handled in the conditional above.
if (pfloor->ffloor != NULL)
return (pfloor->ffloor->fofflags & (FOF_TRANSLUCENT|FOF_FOG));
return false;
// R_RenderThickSideRange
// Renders all the thick sides in the given range.
static fixed_t ffloortexturecolumn[MAXVIDWIDTH];
void R_RenderThickSideRange(drawseg_t *ds, INT32 x1, INT32 x2, ffloor_t *pfloor)
size_t pindex;
column_t * col;
INT32 lightnum;
INT32 texnum;
sector_t tempsec;
INT32 templight;
INT32 i, p;
fixed_t bottombounds = viewheight << FRACBITS;
fixed_t topbounds = (con_clipviewtop - 1) << FRACBITS;
fixed_t offsetvalue;
lightlist_t *light;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
INT32 range;
line_t *newline = NULL;
// Render FOF sides kinda like normal sides, with the frac and step and everything
// NOTE: INT64 instead of fixed_t because overflow concerns
INT64 top_frac, top_step, bottom_frac, bottom_step;
// skew FOF walls with slopes?
fixed_t ffloortextureslide = 0;
INT32 oldx = -1;
fixed_t left_top, left_bottom; // needed here for slope skewing
pslope_t *skewslope = NULL;
boolean do_texture_skew;
INT16 lineflags;
fixed_t wall_scalex, wall_scaley;
void (*colfunc_2s) (column_t *);
// Calculate light table.
// Use different light tables
// for horizontal / vertical / diagonal. Diagonal?
// OPTIMIZE: get rid of LIGHTSEGSHIFT globally
curline = ds->curline;
backsector = pfloor->target;
frontsector = curline->frontsector == pfloor->target ? curline->backsector : curline->frontsector;
sidedef = &sides[pfloor->master->sidenum[0]];
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (pfloor->master->flags & ML_TFERLINE)
size_t linenum = curline->linedef-backsector->lines[0];
newline = pfloor->master->frontsector->lines[0] + linenum;
sidedef = &sides[newline->sidenum[0]];
lineflags = newline->flags;
lineflags = curline->linedef->flags;
texnum = R_GetTextureNum(sidedef->midtexture);
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_TRANSLUCENT)
boolean fuzzy = true;
// Hacked up support for alpha value in software mode Tails 09-24-2002
// ...unhacked by toaster 04-01-2021, re-hacked a little by sphere 19-11-2021
INT32 trans = (10*((256+12) - pfloor->alpha))/255;
if (trans >= 10)
return; // Don't even draw it
if (pfloor->blend) // additive, (reverse) subtractive, modulative
dc_transmap = R_GetBlendTable(pfloor->blend, trans);
else if (!(dc_transmap = R_GetTranslucencyTable(trans)) || trans == 0)
fuzzy = false; // Opaque
if (fuzzy)
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY];
else if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG)
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FOG];
range = max(ds->x2-ds->x1, 1);
//SoM: Moved these up here so they are available for my lightlist calculations
rw_scalestep = ds->scalestep;
spryscale = ds->scale1 + (x1 - ds->x1)*rw_scalestep;
dc_numlights = 0;
if (frontsector->numlights)
dc_numlights = frontsector->numlights;
if (dc_numlights > dc_maxlights)
dc_maxlights = dc_numlights;
dc_lightlist = Z_Realloc(dc_lightlist, sizeof (*dc_lightlist) * dc_maxlights, PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (i = p = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
fixed_t leftheight, rightheight;
fixed_t pfloorleft, pfloorright;
INT64 overflow_test;
light = &frontsector->lightlist[i];
rlight = &dc_lightlist[p];
#define SLOPEPARAMS(slope, end1, end2, normalheight) \
end1 = P_GetZAt(slope, ds-> leftpos.x, ds-> leftpos.y, normalheight); \
end2 = P_GetZAt(slope, ds->rightpos.x, ds->rightpos.y, normalheight);
SLOPEPARAMS(light->slope, leftheight, rightheight, light->height)
SLOPEPARAMS(*pfloor->b_slope, pfloorleft, pfloorright, *pfloor->bottomheight)
if (leftheight < pfloorleft && rightheight < pfloorright)
SLOPEPARAMS(*pfloor->t_slope, pfloorleft, pfloorright, *pfloor->topheight)
if (leftheight > pfloorleft && rightheight > pfloorright && i+1 < dc_numlights)
lightlist_t *nextlight = &frontsector->lightlist[i+1];
if (P_GetZAt(nextlight->slope, ds-> leftpos.x, ds-> leftpos.y, nextlight->height) > pfloorleft
&& P_GetZAt(nextlight->slope, ds->rightpos.x, ds->rightpos.y, nextlight->height) > pfloorright)
leftheight -= viewz;
rightheight -= viewz;
#define CLAMPMIN (-INT32_MAX) // This is not INT32_MIN on purpose! INT32_MIN makes the drawers freak out.
// Monster Iestyn (25/03/18): do not skip these lights if they fail overflow test, just clamp them instead so they behave.
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)leftheight*ds->scale1)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) rlight->height = CLAMPMAX;
else if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) rlight->height = (fixed_t)overflow_test;
else rlight->height = CLAMPMIN;
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)rightheight*ds->scale2)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) rlight->heightstep = CLAMPMAX;
else if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) rlight->heightstep = (fixed_t)overflow_test;
else rlight->heightstep = CLAMPMIN;
rlight->heightstep = (rlight->heightstep-rlight->height)/(range);
rlight->flags = light->flags;
if (light->flags & FOF_CUTLEVEL)
SLOPEPARAMS(*light->caster->b_slope, leftheight, rightheight, *light->caster->bottomheight)
leftheight -= viewz;
rightheight -= viewz;
// Monster Iestyn (25/03/18): do not skip these lights if they fail overflow test, just clamp them instead so they behave.
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)leftheight*ds->scale1)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) rlight->botheight = CLAMPMAX;
else if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) rlight->botheight = (fixed_t)overflow_test;
else rlight->botheight = CLAMPMIN;
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)rightheight*ds->scale2)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) rlight->botheightstep = CLAMPMAX;
else if (overflow_test > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) rlight->botheightstep = (fixed_t)overflow_test;
else rlight->botheightstep = CLAMPMIN;
rlight->botheightstep = (rlight->botheightstep-rlight->botheight)/(range);
rlight->lightlevel = *light->lightlevel;
rlight->extra_colormap = *light->extra_colormap;
// Check if the current light effects the colormap/lightlevel
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG)
rlight->lightnum = (pfloor->master->frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
rlight->lightnum = (rlight->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG || rlight->flags & FOF_FOG || (rlight->extra_colormap && (rlight->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)))
else if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
dc_numlights = p;
// Get correct light level!
if ((frontsector->extra_colormap && (frontsector->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)))
lightnum = (frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
else if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG)
lightnum = (pfloor->master->frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
else if (colfunc == colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_FUZZY])
lightnum = LIGHTLEVELS-1;
lightnum = R_FakeFlat(frontsector, &tempsec, &templight, &templight, false)
->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT;
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG || (frontsector->extra_colormap && (frontsector->extra_colormap->flags & CMF_FOG)));
else if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
if (lightnum < 0)
walllights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
walllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
walllights = scalelight[lightnum];
wall_scalex = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, sidedef->scalex_mid);
wall_scaley = sidedef->scaley_mid;
thicksidecol = ffloortexturecolumn;
if (wall_scalex == FRACUNIT)
for (INT32 x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
thicksidecol[x] = ds->thicksidecol[x] + ds->offsetx;
for (INT32 x = x1; x <= x2; x++)
thicksidecol[x] = FixedDiv(ds->thicksidecol[x], wall_scalex) + ds->offsetx;
mfloorclip = ds->sprbottomclip;
mceilingclip = ds->sprtopclip;
dc_texheight = textureheight[texnum]>>FRACBITS;
// calculate both left ends
left_top = P_GetFFloorTopZAt (pfloor, ds->leftpos.x, ds->leftpos.y) - viewz;
left_bottom = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(pfloor, ds->leftpos.x, ds->leftpos.y) - viewz;
do_texture_skew = lineflags & ML_SKEWTD;
if (do_texture_skew)
skewslope = *pfloor->t_slope; // skew using top slope by default
dc_texturemid = FixedMul(left_top, wall_scaley);
dc_texturemid = FixedMul(*pfloor->topheight - viewz, wall_scaley);
offsetvalue = sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_mid;
if (lineflags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
if (do_texture_skew)
skewslope = *pfloor->b_slope; // skew using bottom slope
dc_texturemid = FixedMul(left_bottom, wall_scaley);
offsetvalue -= FixedMul(*pfloor->topheight - *pfloor->bottomheight, wall_scaley);
if (skewslope)
angle_t lineangle = R_PointToAngle2(curline->v1->x, curline->v1->y, curline->v2->x, curline->v2->y);
ffloortextureslide = FixedMul(skewslope->zdelta, FINECOSINE((lineangle-skewslope->xydirection)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
dc_texturemid += offsetvalue;
// Texture must be cached before setting colfunc_2s,
// otherwise texture[texnum]->holes may be false when it shouldn't be
//faB: handle case where multipatch texture is drawn on a 2sided wall, multi-patch textures
// are not stored per-column with post info anymore in Doom Legacy
if (textures[texnum]->holes)
if (textures[texnum]->flip & 2) // vertically flipped?
colfunc_2s = R_DrawRepeatFlippedMaskedColumn;
lengthcol = textures[texnum]->height;
colfunc_2s = R_DrawRepeatMaskedColumn; // render the usual 2sided single-patch packed texture
colfunc_2s = R_Render2sidedMultiPatchColumn; //render multipatch with no holes (no post_t info)
lengthcol = textures[texnum]->height;
// Set heights according to plane, or slope, whichever
fixed_t right_top, right_bottom;
// calculate right ends now
right_top = P_GetFFloorTopZAt (pfloor, ds->rightpos.x, ds->rightpos.y) - viewz;
right_bottom = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(pfloor, ds->rightpos.x, ds->rightpos.y) - viewz;
// using INT64 to avoid 32bit overflow
top_frac = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)left_top * ds->scale1) >> FRACBITS);
bottom_frac = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)left_bottom * ds->scale1) >> FRACBITS);
top_step = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)right_top * ds->scale2) >> FRACBITS);
bottom_step = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)right_bottom * ds->scale2) >> FRACBITS);
top_step = (top_step-top_frac)/(range);
bottom_step = (bottom_step-bottom_frac)/(range);
top_frac += top_step * (x1 - ds->x1);
bottom_frac += bottom_step * (x1 - ds->x1);
// draw the columns
for (dc_x = x1; dc_x <= x2; dc_x++)
// skew FOF walls
if (ffloortextureslide)
if (oldx != -1)
dc_texturemid += FixedMul(ffloortextureslide, thicksidecol[oldx]-thicksidecol[dc_x]);
oldx = dc_x;
// Calculate bounds
// clamp the values if necessary to avoid overflows and rendering glitches caused by them
if (top_frac > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) sprtopscreen = windowtop = CLAMPMAX;
else if (top_frac > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) sprtopscreen = windowtop = (fixed_t)top_frac;
else sprtopscreen = windowtop = CLAMPMIN;
if (bottom_frac > (INT64)CLAMPMAX) sprbotscreen = windowbottom = CLAMPMAX;
else if (bottom_frac > (INT64)CLAMPMIN) sprbotscreen = windowbottom = (fixed_t)bottom_frac;
else sprbotscreen = windowbottom = CLAMPMIN;
top_frac += top_step;
bottom_frac += bottom_step;
// SoM: If column is out of range, why bother with it??
if (windowbottom < topbounds || windowtop > bottombounds)
if (dc_numlights)
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (rlight->flags & FOF_CUTLEVEL)
rlight->botheight += rlight->botheightstep;
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(0xffffffffu / (unsigned)spryscale, wall_scaley);
// Get data for the column
col = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)R_GetColumn(texnum, (thicksidecol[dc_x] >> FRACBITS)) - 3);
// SoM: New code does not rely on R_DrawColumnShadowed_8 which
// will (hopefully) put less strain on the stack.
if (dc_numlights)
lighttable_t **xwalllights;
fixed_t height;
fixed_t bheight = 0;
INT32 solid = 0;
INT32 lighteffect = 0;
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
// Check if the current light effects the colormap/lightlevel
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
lighteffect = !(dc_lightlist[i].flags & FOF_NOSHADE);
if (lighteffect)
lightnum = rlight->lightnum;
if (lightnum < 0)
xwalllights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
xwalllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
xwalllights = scalelight[lightnum];
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG)
if (pfloor->master->frontsector->extra_colormap)
rlight->rcolormap = pfloor->master->frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
rlight->rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
if (rlight->extra_colormap)
rlight->rcolormap = rlight->extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
rlight->rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
solid = 0; // don't carry over solid-cutting flag from the previous light
// Check if the current light can cut the current 3D floor.
if (rlight->flags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS && !(pfloor->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA))
solid = 1;
else if (rlight->flags & FOF_CUTEXTRA && pfloor->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA)
if (rlight->flags & FOF_EXTRA)
// The light is from an extra 3D floor... Check the flags so
// there are no undesired cuts.
if ((rlight->flags & (FOF_FOG|FOF_SWIMMABLE)) == (pfloor->fofflags & (FOF_FOG|FOF_SWIMMABLE)))
solid = 1;
solid = 1;
solid = 0;
height = rlight->height;
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (solid)
bheight = rlight->botheight - (FRACUNIT >> 1);
rlight->botheight += rlight->botheightstep;
if (height <= windowtop)
if (lighteffect)
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
if (solid && windowtop < bheight)
windowtop = bheight;
windowbottom = height;
if (windowbottom >= sprbotscreen)
windowbottom = sprbotscreen;
// draw the texture
colfunc_2s (col);
for (i++; i < dc_numlights; i++)
rlight = &dc_lightlist[i];
rlight->height += rlight->heightstep;
if (rlight->flags & FOF_CUTLEVEL)
rlight->botheight += rlight->botheightstep;
// draw the texture
colfunc_2s (col);
if (solid)
windowtop = bheight;
windowtop = windowbottom + 1;
if (lighteffect)
dc_colormap = rlight->rcolormap;
windowbottom = sprbotscreen;
// draw the texture, if there is any space left
if (windowtop < windowbottom)
colfunc_2s (col);
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
// calculate lighting
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
pindex = MAXLIGHTSCALE - 1;
dc_colormap = walllights[pindex];
if (pfloor->fofflags & FOF_FOG && pfloor->master->frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = pfloor->master->frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
else if (frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
// draw the texture
colfunc_2s (col);
spryscale += rw_scalestep;
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
// R_ExpandPlaneY
// A simple function to modify a visplane's top and bottom for a particular column
// Sort of like R_ExpandPlane in r_plane.c, except this is vertical expansion
static inline void R_ExpandPlaneY(visplane_t *pl, INT32 x, INT16 top, INT16 bottom)
// Expand the plane, don't shrink it!
// note: top and bottom default to 0xFFFF and 0x0000 respectively, which is totally compatible with this
if (pl->top[x] > top) pl->top[x] = top;
if (pl->bottom[x] < bottom) pl->bottom[x] = bottom;
// R_FFloorCanClip
// Returns true if a fake floor can clip a column away.
static boolean R_FFloorCanClip(visffloor_t *pfloor)
return (cv_ffloorclip.value && !R_IsFFloorTranslucent(pfloor) && !pfloor->polyobj);
// R_RenderSegLoop
// Draws zero, one, or two textures (and possibly a masked
// texture) for walls.
// Can draw or mark the starting pixel of floor and ceiling
// textures.
#define HEIGHTBITS 12
//profile stuff ---------------------------------------------------------
//#define TIMING
#ifdef TIMING
#include "p5prof.h"
INT64 mycount;
INT64 mytotal = 0;
UINT32 nombre = 100000;
//static char runtest[10][80];
//profile stuff ---------------------------------------------------------
static void R_RenderSegLoop (void)
angle_t angle;
fixed_t textureoffset;
size_t pindex;
INT32 yl;
INT32 yh;
INT32 mid;
fixed_t texturecolumn = 0;
fixed_t toptexturecolumn = 0;
fixed_t bottomtexturecolumn = 0;
fixed_t oldtexturecolumn = -1;
fixed_t oldtexturecolumn_top = -1;
fixed_t oldtexturecolumn_bottom = -1;
INT32 top;
INT32 bottom;
INT32 i;
for (; rw_x < rw_stopx; rw_x++)
// mark floor / ceiling areas
yl = (topfrac+HEIGHTUNIT-1)>>HEIGHTBITS;
top = ceilingclip[rw_x]+1;
// no space above wall?
if (yl < top)
yl = top;
if (markceiling)
#if 0
bottom = yl-1;
if (bottom >= floorclip[rw_x])
bottom = floorclip[rw_x]-1;
if (top <= bottom)
bottom = yl > floorclip[rw_x] ? floorclip[rw_x] : yl;
if (top <= --bottom && ceilingplane)
R_ExpandPlaneY(ceilingplane, rw_x, top, bottom);
yh = bottomfrac>>HEIGHTBITS;
bottom = floorclip[rw_x]-1;
if (yh > bottom)
yh = bottom;
if (markfloor)
top = yh < ceilingclip[rw_x] ? ceilingclip[rw_x] : yh;
if (++top <= bottom && floorplane)
R_ExpandPlaneY(floorplane, rw_x, top, bottom);
rw_floormarked = false;
rw_ceilingmarked = false;
if (numffloors)
INT16 fftop, ffbottom;
firstseg->frontscale[rw_x] = frontscale[rw_x];
top = ceilingclip[rw_x]+1; // PRBoom
bottom = floorclip[rw_x]-1; // PRBoom
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (ffloor[i].polyobj && (!curline->polyseg || ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg))
if (ffloor[i].height < viewz)
INT32 top_w = (ffloor[i].f_frac >> HEIGHTBITS) + 1;
INT32 bottom_w = ffloor[i].f_clip[rw_x];
if (top_w < top)
top_w = top;
if (bottom_w > bottom)
bottom_w = bottom;
// Polyobject-specific hack to fix plane leaking -Red
if (ffloor[i].polyobj && top_w >= bottom_w)
ffloor[i].plane->top[rw_x] = 0xFFFF;
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[rw_x] = 0x0000; // fix for sky plane drawing crashes - Monster Iestyn 25/05/18
if (top_w <= bottom_w)
fftop = (INT16)top_w;
ffbottom = (INT16)bottom_w;
ffloor[i].plane->top[rw_x] = fftop;
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[rw_x] = ffbottom;
// Lactozilla: Cull part of the column by the 3D floor if it can't be seen
// "bottom" is the top pixel of the floor column
if (ffbottom >= bottom-1 && R_FFloorCanClip(&ffloor[i]) && !curline->polyseg)
rw_floormarked = true;
floorclip[rw_x] = fftop;
if (yh > fftop)
yh = fftop;
if (markfloor && floorplane)
floorplane->top[rw_x] = bottom;
if (rw_silhouette)
(*rw_silhouette) |= SIL_BOTTOM;
(*rw_bsilheight) = INT32_MAX;
else if (ffloor[i].height > viewz)
INT32 top_w = ffloor[i].c_clip[rw_x] + 1;
INT32 bottom_w = (ffloor[i].f_frac >> HEIGHTBITS);
if (top_w < top)
top_w = top;
if (bottom_w > bottom)
bottom_w = bottom;
// Polyobject-specific hack to fix plane leaking -Red
if (ffloor[i].polyobj && top_w >= bottom_w)
ffloor[i].plane->top[rw_x] = 0xFFFF;
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[rw_x] = 0x0000; // fix for sky plane drawing crashes - Monster Iestyn 25/05/18
if (top_w <= bottom_w)
fftop = (INT16)top_w;
ffbottom = (INT16)bottom_w;
ffloor[i].plane->top[rw_x] = fftop;
ffloor[i].plane->bottom[rw_x] = ffbottom;
// Lactozilla: Cull part of the column by the 3D floor if it can't be seen
// "top" is the height of the ceiling column
if (fftop <= top+1 && R_FFloorCanClip(&ffloor[i]) && !curline->polyseg)
rw_ceilingmarked = true;
ceilingclip[rw_x] = ffbottom;
if (yl < ffbottom)
yl = ffbottom;
if (markceiling && ceilingplane)
ceilingplane->bottom[rw_x] = top;
if (rw_silhouette)
(*rw_silhouette) |= SIL_TOP;
(*rw_tsilheight) = INT32_MIN;
//SoM: Calculate offsets for Thick fake floors.
// calculate texture offset
angle = (rw_centerangle + xtoviewangle[rw_x])>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT;
textureoffset = rw_offset - FixedMul(FINETANGENT(angle), rw_distance);
texturecolumn = FixedDiv(textureoffset, rw_invmidtexturescalex);
// texturecolumn and lighting are independent of wall tiers
if (segtextured)
// calculate lighting
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
dc_colormap = walllights[pindex];
dc_x = rw_x;
if (frontsector->extra_colormap)
dc_colormap = frontsector->extra_colormap->colormap + (dc_colormap - colormaps);
if (dc_numlights)
lighttable_t **xwalllights;
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
INT32 lightnum;
lightnum = (dc_lightlist[i].lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (dc_lightlist[i].extra_colormap)
else if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
if (lightnum < 0)
xwalllights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
xwalllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
xwalllights = scalelight[lightnum];
if (pindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
if (dc_lightlist[i].extra_colormap)
dc_lightlist[i].rcolormap = dc_lightlist[i].extra_colormap->colormap + (xwalllights[pindex] - colormaps);
dc_lightlist[i].rcolormap = xwalllights[pindex];
colfunc = colfuncs[COLDRAWFUNC_SHADOWED];
frontscale[rw_x] = rw_scale;
// draw the wall tiers
if (midtexture)
// single sided line
if (yl <= yh && yh >= 0 && yl < viewheight)
fixed_t offset = texturecolumn + rw_offsetx;
dc_yl = yl;
dc_yh = yh;
dc_texturemid = rw_midtexturemid;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(0xffffffffu / (unsigned)rw_scale, rw_midtexturescaley);
dc_source = R_GetColumn(midtexture, offset >> FRACBITS);
dc_texheight = textureheight[midtexture]>>FRACBITS;
//profile stuff ---------------------------------------------------------
#ifdef TIMING
#ifdef TIMING
mytotal += mycount; //64bit add
if (nombre--==0)
I_Error("R_DrawColumn CPU Spy reports: 0x%d %d\n", *((INT32 *)&mytotal+1),
//profile stuff ---------------------------------------------------------
// dont draw anything more for this column, since
// a midtexture blocks the view
if (!rw_ceilingmarked)
ceilingclip[rw_x] = (INT16)viewheight;
if (!rw_floormarked)
floorclip[rw_x] = -1;
// note: don't use min/max macros, since casting from INT32 to INT16 is involved here
if (markceiling && (!rw_ceilingmarked))
ceilingclip[rw_x] = (yl >= 0) ? ((yl > viewheight) ? (INT16)viewheight : (INT16)((INT16)yl - 1)) : -1;
if (markfloor && (!rw_floormarked))
floorclip[rw_x] = (yh < viewheight) ? ((yh < -1) ? -1 : (INT16)((INT16)yh + 1)) : (INT16)viewheight;
INT16 topclip = (yl >= 0) ? ((yl > viewheight) ? (INT16)viewheight : (INT16)((INT16)yl - 1)) : -1;
INT16 bottomclip = (yh < viewheight) ? ((yh < -1) ? -1 : (INT16)((INT16)yh + 1)) : (INT16)viewheight;
// two sided line
if (toptexture)
// top wall
mid = pixhigh>>HEIGHTBITS;
pixhigh += pixhighstep;
if (mid >= floorclip[rw_x])
mid = floorclip[rw_x]-1;
toptexturecolumn = FixedDiv(textureoffset, rw_invtoptexturescalex);
if (mid >= yl) // back ceiling lower than front ceiling ?
if (yl >= viewheight) // entirely off bottom of screen
if (!rw_ceilingmarked)
ceilingclip[rw_x] = (INT16)viewheight;
else if (mid >= 0) // safe to draw top texture
fixed_t offset = rw_offset_top;
if (rw_toptexturescalex < 0)
offset = -offset;
offset = toptexturecolumn + offset;
dc_yl = yl;
dc_yh = mid;
dc_texturemid = rw_toptexturemid;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(0xffffffffu / (unsigned)rw_scale, rw_toptexturescaley);
dc_source = R_GetColumn(toptexture, offset >> FRACBITS);
dc_texheight = textureheight[toptexture]>>FRACBITS;
ceilingclip[rw_x] = (INT16)mid;
else if (!rw_ceilingmarked) // entirely off top of screen
ceilingclip[rw_x] = -1;
else if (!rw_ceilingmarked)
ceilingclip[rw_x] = topclip;
if (oldtexturecolumn_top != -1)
rw_toptexturemid += FixedMul(rw_toptextureslide, oldtexturecolumn_top-toptexturecolumn);
oldtexturecolumn_top = toptexturecolumn;
else if (markceiling && (!rw_ceilingmarked)) // no top wall
ceilingclip[rw_x] = topclip;
if (bottomtexture)
// bottom wall
mid = (pixlow+HEIGHTUNIT-1)>>HEIGHTBITS;
pixlow += pixlowstep;
// no space above wall?
if (mid <= ceilingclip[rw_x])
mid = ceilingclip[rw_x]+1;
bottomtexturecolumn = FixedDiv(textureoffset, rw_invbottomtexturescalex);
if (mid <= yh) // back floor higher than front floor ?
if (yh < 0) // entirely off top of screen
if (!rw_floormarked)
floorclip[rw_x] = -1;
else if (mid < viewheight) // safe to draw bottom texture
fixed_t offset = rw_offset_bottom;
if (rw_bottomtexturescalex < 0)
offset = -offset;
offset = bottomtexturecolumn + offset;
dc_yl = mid;
dc_yh = yh;
dc_texturemid = rw_bottomtexturemid;
dc_iscale = FixedMul(0xffffffffu / (unsigned)rw_scale, rw_bottomtexturescaley);
dc_source = R_GetColumn(bottomtexture, offset >> FRACBITS);
dc_texheight = textureheight[bottomtexture]>>FRACBITS;
floorclip[rw_x] = (INT16)mid;
else if (!rw_floormarked) // entirely off bottom of screen
floorclip[rw_x] = (INT16)viewheight;
else if (!rw_floormarked)
floorclip[rw_x] = bottomclip;
if (oldtexturecolumn_bottom != -1)
rw_bottomtexturemid += FixedMul(rw_bottomtextureslide, oldtexturecolumn_bottom-bottomtexturecolumn);
oldtexturecolumn_bottom = bottomtexturecolumn;
else if (markfloor && (!rw_floormarked)) // no bottom wall
floorclip[rw_x] = bottomclip;
if (maskedtexturecol)
maskedtexturecol[rw_x] = texturecolumn + rw_offsetx;
if (thicksidecol)
thicksidecol[rw_x] = textureoffset;
if (maskedtextureheight)
if (curline->linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
maskedtextureheight[rw_x] = max(rw_midtexturemid, rw_midtextureback);
maskedtextureheight[rw_x] = min(rw_midtexturemid, rw_midtextureback);
if (midtexture || maskedtextureheight)
if (oldtexturecolumn != -1)
rw_midtexturemid += FixedMul(rw_midtextureslide, oldtexturecolumn-texturecolumn);
rw_midtextureback += FixedMul(rw_midtexturebackslide, oldtexturecolumn-texturecolumn);
oldtexturecolumn = texturecolumn;
if (invscale)
invscale[rw_x] = 0xffffffffu / (unsigned)rw_scale;
if (dc_numlights)
for (i = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
dc_lightlist[i].height += dc_lightlist[i].heightstep;
if (dc_lightlist[i].flags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS)
dc_lightlist[i].botheight += dc_lightlist[i].botheightstep;
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (curline->polyseg && (ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg))
ffloor[i].f_frac += ffloor[i].f_step;
for (i = 0; i < numbackffloors; i++)
if (curline->polyseg && (ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg))
ffloor[i].f_clip[rw_x] = ffloor[i].c_clip[rw_x] = (INT16)((ffloor[i].b_frac >> HEIGHTBITS) & 0xFFFF);
ffloor[i].b_frac += ffloor[i].b_step;
rw_scale += rw_scalestep;
topfrac += topstep;
bottomfrac += bottomstep;
// Uses precalculated seg->length
static INT64 R_CalcSegDist(seg_t* seg, INT64 x2, INT64 y2)
if (!seg->linedef->dy)
return llabs(y2 - seg->v1->y);
else if (!seg->linedef->dx)
return llabs(x2 - seg->v1->x);
INT64 dx = (seg->v2->x)-(seg->v1->x);
INT64 dy = (seg->v2->y)-(seg->v1->y);
INT64 vdx = x2-(seg->v1->x);
INT64 vdy = y2-(seg->v1->y);
return ((dy*vdx)-(dx*vdy))/(seg->length);
//SoM: Code to remove limits on openings.
static void R_AllocClippingTables(size_t range)
size_t pos = lastopening - openings;
size_t need = range * 2; // for both sprtopclip and sprbottomclip
if (pos + need < numopenings)
INT16 *oldopenings = openings;
INT16 *oldlast = lastopening;
if (numopenings == 0)
numopenings = 16384;
numopenings += need;
openings = Z_Realloc(openings, numopenings * sizeof (*openings), PU_STATIC, NULL);
lastopening = openings + pos;
if (oldopenings == NULL)
// borrowed fix from *cough* zdoom *cough*
// [RH] We also need to adjust the openings pointers that
// were already stored in drawsegs.
for (drawseg_t *ds = drawsegs; ds < ds_p; ds++)
// Check if it's in range of the openings
if (ds->sprtopclip + ds->x1 >= oldopenings && ds->sprtopclip + ds->x1 <= oldlast)
ds->sprtopclip = (ds->sprtopclip - oldopenings) + openings;
if (ds->sprbottomclip + ds->x1 >= oldopenings && ds->sprbottomclip + ds->x1 <= oldlast)
ds->sprbottomclip = (ds->sprbottomclip - oldopenings) + openings;
static void R_AllocTextureColumnTables(size_t range)
size_t pos = curtexturecolumntable - texturecolumntable;
size_t need = range * 3;
if (pos + need < texturecolumntablesize)
fixed_t *oldtable = texturecolumntable;
fixed_t *oldlast = curtexturecolumntable;
if (texturecolumntablesize == 0)
texturecolumntablesize = 16384;
texturecolumntablesize += need;
texturecolumntable = Z_Realloc(texturecolumntable, texturecolumntablesize * sizeof (*texturecolumntable), PU_STATIC, NULL);
curtexturecolumntable = texturecolumntable + pos;
if (oldtable == NULL)
for (drawseg_t *ds = drawsegs; ds < ds_p; ds++)
// Check if it's in range of the tables
if (ds->maskedtexturecol + ds->x1 >= oldtable && ds->maskedtexturecol + ds->x1 <= oldlast)
ds->maskedtexturecol = (ds->maskedtexturecol - oldtable) + texturecolumntable;
if (ds->thicksidecol + ds->x1 >= oldtable && ds->thicksidecol + ds->x1 <= oldlast)
ds->thicksidecol = (ds->thicksidecol - oldtable) + texturecolumntable;
if (ds->invscale + ds->x1 >= oldtable && ds->invscale + ds->x1 <= oldlast)
ds->invscale = (ds->invscale - oldtable) + texturecolumntable;
// R_StoreWallRange
// A wall segment will be drawn
// between start and stop pixels (inclusive).
void R_StoreWallRange(INT32 start, INT32 stop)
fixed_t hyp;
fixed_t sineval;
angle_t distangle, offsetangle;
boolean longboi;
INT32 lightnum;
INT32 i, p;
lightlist_t *light;
r_lightlist_t *rlight;
INT32 range;
vertex_t segleft, segright;
fixed_t ceilingfrontslide, floorfrontslide, ceilingbackslide, floorbackslide;
static size_t maxdrawsegs = 0;
maskedtexturecol = NULL;
maskedtextureheight = NULL;
thicksidecol = NULL;
invscale = NULL;
//initialize segleft and segright
memset(&segleft, 0x00, sizeof(segleft));
memset(&segright, 0x00, sizeof(segright));
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (ds_p == drawsegs+maxdrawsegs)
size_t curpos = curdrawsegs - drawsegs;
size_t pos = ds_p - drawsegs;
size_t newmax = maxdrawsegs ? maxdrawsegs*2 : 128;
if (firstseg)
firstseg = (drawseg_t *)(firstseg - drawsegs);
drawsegs = Z_Realloc(drawsegs, newmax*sizeof (*drawsegs), PU_STATIC, NULL);
ds_p = drawsegs + pos;
maxdrawsegs = newmax;
curdrawsegs = drawsegs + curpos;
if (firstseg)
firstseg = drawsegs + (size_t)firstseg;
sidedef = curline->sidedef;
linedef = curline->linedef;
// calculate rw_distance for scale calculation
rw_normalangle = curline->angle + ANGLE_90;
offsetangle = abs((INT32)(rw_normalangle-rw_angle1));
if (offsetangle > ANGLE_90)
offsetangle = ANGLE_90;
distangle = ANGLE_90 - offsetangle;
sineval = FINESINE(distangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
hyp = R_PointToDist(curline->v1->x, curline->v1->y);
rw_distance = FixedMul(hyp, sineval);
longboi = (hyp >= INT32_MAX);
// big room fix
if (longboi)
rw_distance = (fixed_t)R_CalcSegDist(curline,viewx,viewy);
ds_p->x1 = rw_x = start;
ds_p->x2 = stop;
ds_p->curline = curline;
rw_stopx = stop+1;
// calculate scale at both ends and step
ds_p->scale1 = rw_scale = R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle(viewangle + xtoviewangle[start]);
if (stop > start)
ds_p->scale2 = R_ScaleFromGlobalAngle(viewangle + xtoviewangle[stop]);
range = stop-start;
// UNUSED: try to fix the stretched line bug
#if 0
if (rw_distance < FRACUNIT/2)
fixed_t tr_x,tr_y;
fixed_t gxt,gyt;
tr_x = curline->v1->x - viewx;
tr_y = curline->v1->y - viewy;
gxt = FixedMul(tr_x, viewcos);
gyt = -FixedMul(tr_y, viewsin);
ds_p->scale1 = FixedDiv(projection, gxt - gyt);
ds_p->scale2 = ds_p->scale1;
range = 1;
ds_p->scalestep = rw_scalestep = (ds_p->scale2 - rw_scale) / (range);
// calculate texture boundaries
// and decide if floor / ceiling marks are needed
// Figure out map coordinates of where start and end are mapping to on seg, so we can clip right for slope bullshit
if (frontsector->hasslope || (backsector && backsector->hasslope)) // Commenting this out for FOFslop. -Red
angle_t temp;
// left
temp = xtoviewangle[start]+viewangle;
#define FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(x) (((double)(x)) / ((double)FRACUNIT))
#define DOUBLE_TO_FIXED(x) (fixed_t)((x) * ((double)FRACUNIT))
// Both lines can be written in slope-intercept form, so figure out line intersection
double a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, det; // 1 is the seg, 2 is the view angle vector...
///TODO: convert to fixed point
a1 = FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v2->y-curline->v1->y);
b1 = FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->x-curline->v2->x);
c1 = a1*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->x) + b1*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->y);
c2 = a2*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(viewx) + b2*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(viewy);
det = a1*b2 - a2*b1;
ds_p->leftpos.x = segleft.x = DOUBLE_TO_FIXED((b2*c1 - b1*c2)/det);
ds_p->leftpos.y = segleft.y = DOUBLE_TO_FIXED((a1*c2 - a2*c1)/det);
// right
temp = xtoviewangle[stop]+viewangle;
// Both lines can be written in slope-intercept form, so figure out line intersection
double a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, det; // 1 is the seg, 2 is the view angle vector...
///TODO: convert to fixed point
a1 = FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v2->y-curline->v1->y);
b1 = FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->x-curline->v2->x);
c1 = a1*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->x) + b1*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(curline->v1->y);
c2 = a2*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(viewx) + b2*FIXED_TO_DOUBLE(viewy);
det = a1*b2 - a2*b1;
ds_p->rightpos.x = segright.x = DOUBLE_TO_FIXED((b2*c1 - b1*c2)/det);
ds_p->rightpos.y = segright.y = DOUBLE_TO_FIXED((a1*c2 - a2*c1)/det);
#define SLOPEPARAMS(slope, end1, end2, normalheight) \
end1 = P_GetZAt(slope, segleft.x, segleft.y, normalheight); \
end2 = P_GetZAt(slope, segright.x, segright.y, normalheight);
SLOPEPARAMS(frontsector->c_slope, worldtop, worldtopslope, frontsector->ceilingheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(frontsector->f_slope, worldbottom, worldbottomslope, frontsector->floorheight)
// subtract viewz from these to turn them into
// positions relative to the camera's z position
worldtop -= viewz;
worldtopslope -= viewz;
worldbottom -= viewz;
worldbottomslope -= viewz;
midtexture = toptexture = bottomtexture = maskedtexture = 0;
ds_p->maskedtexturecol = NULL;
ds_p->numthicksides = numthicksides = 0;
ds_p->thicksidecol = NULL;
ds_p->invscale = NULL;
ds_p->tsilheight = 0;
numbackffloors = 0;
for (i = 0; i < MAXFFLOORS; i++)
ds_p->thicksides[i] = NULL;
if (numffloors)
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (ffloor[i].polyobj && (!ds_p->curline->polyseg || ffloor[i].polyobj != ds_p->curline->polyseg))
ffloor[i].f_pos = P_GetZAt(ffloor[i].slope, segleft .x, segleft .y, ffloor[i].height) - viewz;
ffloor[i].f_pos_slope = P_GetZAt(ffloor[i].slope, segright.x, segright.y, ffloor[i].height) - viewz;
// Set up texture Y offset slides for sloped walls
rw_toptextureslide = rw_midtextureslide = rw_bottomtextureslide = 0;
ceilingfrontslide = floorfrontslide = ceilingbackslide = floorbackslide = 0;
angle_t lineangle = R_PointToAngle2(curline->v1->x, curline->v1->y, curline->v2->x, curline->v2->y);
if (frontsector->f_slope)
floorfrontslide = FixedMul(frontsector->f_slope->zdelta, FINECOSINE((lineangle-frontsector->f_slope->xydirection)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
if (frontsector->c_slope)
ceilingfrontslide = FixedMul(frontsector->c_slope->zdelta, FINECOSINE((lineangle-frontsector->c_slope->xydirection)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
if (backsector && backsector->f_slope)
floorbackslide = FixedMul(backsector->f_slope->zdelta, FINECOSINE((lineangle-backsector->f_slope->xydirection)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
if (backsector && backsector->c_slope)
ceilingbackslide = FixedMul(backsector->c_slope->zdelta, FINECOSINE((lineangle-backsector->c_slope->xydirection)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT));
rw_midtexturescalex = sidedef->scalex_mid;
rw_midtexturescaley = sidedef->scaley_mid;
rw_invmidtexturescalex = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, rw_midtexturescalex);
if (!backsector)
midtexture = R_GetTextureNum(sidedef->midtexture);
// a single sided line is terminal, so it must mark ends
markfloor = markceiling = true;
fixed_t rowoffset = sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_mid;
fixed_t texheight = textureheight[midtexture];
if (rw_midtexturescaley > 0)
if (linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW)
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(frontsector->floorheight - viewz, rw_midtexturescaley) + texheight;
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(frontsector->ceilingheight - viewz, rw_midtexturescaley);
else if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(worldbottom, rw_midtexturescaley) + texheight;
rw_midtextureslide = floorfrontslide;
// top of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(worldtop, rw_midtexturescaley);
rw_midtextureslide = ceilingfrontslide;
// Upside down
rowoffset = -rowoffset;
if (linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW)
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(frontsector->floorheight - viewz, rw_midtexturescaley);
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(frontsector->ceilingheight - viewz, rw_midtexturescaley) + texheight;
else if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(worldbottom, rw_midtexturescaley);
rw_midtextureslide = floorfrontslide;
// top of texture at top
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(worldtop, rw_midtexturescaley) + texheight;
rw_midtextureslide = ceilingfrontslide;
rw_midtexturemid += rowoffset;
ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTH;
ds_p->sprtopclip = screenheightarray;
ds_p->sprbottomclip = negonearray;
ds_p->bsilheight = INT32_MAX;
ds_p->tsilheight = INT32_MIN;
// two sided line
SLOPEPARAMS(backsector->c_slope, worldhigh, worldhighslope, backsector->ceilingheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(backsector->f_slope, worldlow, worldlowslope, backsector->floorheight)
worldhigh -= viewz;
worldhighslope -= viewz;
worldlow -= viewz;
worldlowslope -= viewz;
ds_p->sprtopclip = ds_p->sprbottomclip = NULL;
ds_p->silhouette = 0;
if (!bothfloorssky)
if (worldbottomslope > worldlowslope || worldbottom > worldlow)
ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTTOM;
if (P_GetSectorFloorZAt(backsector, viewx, viewy) > viewz)
ds_p->bsilheight = INT32_MAX;
ds_p->bsilheight = (frontsector->f_slope ? INT32_MAX : frontsector->floorheight);
else if (P_GetSectorFloorZAt(backsector, viewx, viewy) > viewz)
ds_p->silhouette = SIL_BOTTOM;
ds_p->bsilheight = INT32_MAX;
// ds_p->sprbottomclip = negonearray;
if (!bothceilingssky)
if (worldtopslope < worldhighslope || worldtop < worldhigh)
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP;
if (P_GetSectorCeilingZAt(backsector, viewx, viewy) < viewz)
ds_p->tsilheight = INT32_MIN;
ds_p->tsilheight = (frontsector->c_slope ? INT32_MIN : frontsector->ceilingheight);
else if (P_GetSectorCeilingZAt(backsector, viewx, viewy) < viewz)
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP;
ds_p->tsilheight = INT32_MIN;
// ds_p->sprtopclip = screenheightarray;
if (!bothceilingssky && !bothfloorssky)
if (worldhigh <= worldbottom && worldhighslope <= worldbottomslope)
ds_p->sprbottomclip = negonearray;
ds_p->bsilheight = INT32_MAX;
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_BOTTOM;
if (worldlow >= worldtop && worldlowslope >= worldtopslope)
ds_p->sprtopclip = screenheightarray;
ds_p->tsilheight = INT32_MIN;
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP;
//SoM: 3/25/2000: This code fixes an automap bug that didn't check
// frontsector->ceiling and backsector->floor to see if a door was closed.
// Without the following code, sprites get displayed behind closed doors.
if (!bothceilingssky && !bothfloorssky)
if (doorclosed || (worldhigh <= worldbottom && worldhighslope <= worldbottomslope))
ds_p->sprbottomclip = negonearray;
ds_p->bsilheight = INT32_MAX;
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_BOTTOM;
if (doorclosed || (worldlow >= worldtop && worldlowslope >= worldtopslope))
{ // killough 1/17/98, 2/8/98
ds_p->sprtopclip = screenheightarray;
ds_p->tsilheight = INT32_MIN;
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP;
if (bothfloorssky)
// see double ceiling skies comment
// this is the same but for upside down thok barriers where the floor is sky and the ceiling is normal
markfloor = false;
else if (worldlow != worldbottom
|| worldlowslope != worldbottomslope
|| backsector->f_slope != frontsector->f_slope
|| backsector->floorpic != frontsector->floorpic
|| backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel
//SoM: 3/22/2000: Check floor x and y offsets.
|| backsector->floorxoffset != frontsector->floorxoffset
|| backsector->flooryoffset != frontsector->flooryoffset
|| backsector->floorxscale != frontsector->floorxscale
|| backsector->flooryscale != frontsector->flooryscale
|| backsector->floorangle != frontsector->floorangle
//SoM: 3/22/2000: Prevents bleeding.
|| (frontsector->heightsec != -1 && frontsector->floorpic != skyflatnum)
|| backsector->floorlightlevel != frontsector->floorlightlevel
|| backsector->floorlightabsolute != frontsector->floorlightabsolute
|| backsector->floorlightsec != frontsector->floorlightsec
//SoM: 4/3/2000: Check for colormaps
|| frontsector->extra_colormap != backsector->extra_colormap
|| !P_CompareSectorPortals(P_SectorGetFloorPortal(frontsector), P_SectorGetFloorPortal(backsector))
|| (frontsector->ffloors != backsector->ffloors && !Tag_Compare(&frontsector->tags, &backsector->tags)))
markfloor = true;
// same plane on both sides
markfloor = false;
if (bothceilingssky)
// double ceiling skies are special
// we don't want to lower the ceiling clipping, (no new plane is drawn anyway)
// so we can see the floor of thok barriers always regardless of sector properties
markceiling = false;
else if (worldhigh != worldtop
|| worldhighslope != worldtopslope
|| backsector->c_slope != frontsector->c_slope
|| backsector->ceilingpic != frontsector->ceilingpic
|| backsector->lightlevel != frontsector->lightlevel
//SoM: 3/22/2000: Check floor x and y offsets.
|| backsector->ceilingxoffset != frontsector->ceilingxoffset
|| backsector->ceilingyoffset != frontsector->ceilingyoffset
|| backsector->ceilingxscale != frontsector->ceilingxscale
|| backsector->ceilingyscale != frontsector->ceilingyscale
|| backsector->ceilingangle != frontsector->ceilingangle
//SoM: 3/22/2000: Prevents bleeding.
|| (frontsector->heightsec != -1 && frontsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum)
|| backsector->ceilinglightlevel != frontsector->ceilinglightlevel
|| backsector->ceilinglightabsolute != frontsector->ceilinglightabsolute
|| backsector->ceilinglightsec != frontsector->ceilinglightsec
//SoM: 4/3/2000: Check for colormaps
|| frontsector->extra_colormap != backsector->extra_colormap
|| !P_CompareSectorPortals(P_SectorGetCeilingPortal(frontsector), P_SectorGetCeilingPortal(backsector))
|| (frontsector->ffloors != backsector->ffloors && !Tag_Compare(&frontsector->tags, &backsector->tags)))
markceiling = true;
// same plane on both sides
markceiling = false;
if (!bothceilingssky && !bothfloorssky)
if ((worldhigh <= worldbottom && worldhighslope <= worldbottomslope)
|| (worldlow >= worldtop && worldlowslope >= worldtopslope))
// closed door
markceiling = markfloor = true;
fixed_t toprowoffset = sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_top;
fixed_t botrowoffset = sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_bottom;
// check TOP TEXTURE
if (!bothceilingssky // never draw the top texture if on
&& (worldhigh < worldtop || worldhighslope < worldtopslope))
toptexture = R_GetTextureNum(sidedef->toptexture);
rw_toptexturescalex = sidedef->scalex_top;
rw_toptexturescaley = sidedef->scaley_top;
rw_invtoptexturescalex = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, rw_toptexturescalex);
if (rw_toptexturescaley < 0)
toprowoffset = -toprowoffset;
fixed_t texheight = textureheight[toptexture];
// Ignore slopes for lower/upper textures unless flag is checked
if (!(linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
rw_toptexturemid = frontsector->ceilingheight - viewz;
rw_toptexturemid = backsector->ceilingheight - viewz;
else if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGTOP)
// top of texture at top
rw_toptexturemid = worldtop;
rw_toptextureslide = ceilingfrontslide;
rw_toptexturemid = worldhigh + texheight;
rw_toptextureslide = ceilingbackslide;
rw_toptexturemid = FixedMul(rw_toptexturemid, rw_toptexturescaley);
if (!bothfloorssky // never draw the bottom texture if on
&& (worldlow > worldbottom || worldlowslope > worldbottomslope)) // Only if VISIBLE!!!
// bottom texture
bottomtexture = R_GetTextureNum(sidedef->bottomtexture);
rw_bottomtexturescalex = sidedef->scalex_bottom;
rw_bottomtexturescaley = sidedef->scaley_bottom;
rw_invbottomtexturescalex = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, rw_bottomtexturescalex);
if (rw_bottomtexturescaley < 0)
botrowoffset = -botrowoffset;
// Ignore slopes for lower/upper textures unless flag is checked
if (!(linedef->flags & ML_SKEWTD))
if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
rw_bottomtexturemid = frontsector->floorheight - viewz;
rw_bottomtexturemid = backsector->floorheight - viewz;
else if (linedef->flags & ML_DONTPEGBOTTOM)
// bottom of texture at bottom
// top of texture at top
rw_bottomtexturemid = worldbottom;
rw_bottomtextureslide = floorfrontslide;
// top of texture at top
rw_bottomtexturemid = worldlow;
rw_bottomtextureslide = floorbackslide;
rw_bottomtexturemid = FixedMul(rw_bottomtexturemid, rw_bottomtexturescaley);
rw_toptexturemid += toprowoffset;
rw_bottomtexturemid += botrowoffset;
// allocate space for masked texture tables
R_AllocTextureColumnTables(rw_stopx - start);
if (frontsector && backsector && !Tag_Compare(&frontsector->tags, &backsector->tags) && (backsector->ffloors || frontsector->ffloors))
ffloor_t *rover;
ffloor_t *r2;
fixed_t lowcut, highcut;
fixed_t lowcutslope, highcutslope;
// Used for height comparisons and etc across FOFs and slopes
fixed_t high1, highslope1, low1, lowslope1, high2, highslope2, low2, lowslope2;
maskedtexture = true;
ds_p->thicksidecol = thicksidecol = curtexturecolumntable - rw_x;
curtexturecolumntable += rw_stopx - rw_x;
lowcut = max(worldbottom, worldlow) + viewz;
highcut = min(worldtop, worldhigh) + viewz;
lowcutslope = max(worldbottomslope, worldlowslope) + viewz;
highcutslope = min(worldtopslope, worldhighslope) + viewz;
if (frontsector->ffloors && backsector->ffloors)
i = 0;
for (rover = backsector->ffloors; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS))
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_ALLSIDES) && rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTSIDES)
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
SLOPEPARAMS(*rover->t_slope, high1, highslope1, *rover->topheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(*rover->b_slope, low1, lowslope1, *rover->bottomheight)
if ((high1 < lowcut && highslope1 < lowcutslope) || (low1 > highcut && lowslope1 > highcutslope))
for (r2 = frontsector->ffloors; r2; r2 = r2->next)
if (r2->master == rover->master) // Skip if same control line.
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS) || !(r2->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES))
if (r2->norender == leveltime)
if (rover->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA)
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_CUTEXTRA))
if (r2->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA && (r2->fofflags & (FOF_TRANSLUCENT|FOF_FOG)) != (rover->fofflags & (FOF_TRANSLUCENT|FOF_FOG)))
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS))
SLOPEPARAMS(*r2->t_slope, high2, highslope2, *r2->topheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(*r2->b_slope, low2, lowslope2, *r2->bottomheight)
if ((high2 < lowcut || highslope2 < lowcutslope) || (low2 > highcut || lowslope2 > highcutslope))
if ((high1 > high2 || highslope1 > highslope2) || (low1 < low2 || lowslope1 < lowslope2))
if (r2)
ds_p->thicksides[i] = rover;
for (rover = frontsector->ffloors; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS))
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_ALLSIDES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTSIDES))
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
SLOPEPARAMS(*rover->t_slope, high1, highslope1, *rover->topheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(*rover->b_slope, low1, lowslope1, *rover->bottomheight)
if ((high1 < lowcut && highslope1 < lowcutslope) || (low1 > highcut && lowslope1 > highcutslope))
for (r2 = backsector->ffloors; r2; r2 = r2->next)
if (r2->master == rover->master) // Skip if same control line.
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS) || !(r2->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES))
if (r2->norender == leveltime)
if (rover->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA)
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_CUTEXTRA))
if (r2->fofflags & FOF_EXTRA && (r2->fofflags & (FOF_TRANSLUCENT|FOF_FOG)) != (rover->fofflags & (FOF_TRANSLUCENT|FOF_FOG)))
if (!(r2->fofflags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS))
SLOPEPARAMS(*r2->t_slope, high2, highslope2, *r2->topheight)
SLOPEPARAMS(*r2->b_slope, low2, lowslope2, *r2->bottomheight)
if ((high2 < lowcut || highslope2 < lowcutslope) || (low2 > highcut || lowslope2 > highcutslope))
if ((high1 > high2 || highslope1 > highslope2) || (low1 < low2 || lowslope1 < lowslope2))
if (r2)
ds_p->thicksides[i] = rover;
else if (backsector->ffloors)
for (rover = backsector->ffloors, i = 0; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS))
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_ALLSIDES) && rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTSIDES)
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
// Oy vey.
if ( ((P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segleft .x, segleft .y)) <= worldbottom + viewz
&& (P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segright.x, segright.y)) <= worldbottomslope + viewz)
||((P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y)) >= worldtop + viewz
&& (P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y)) >= worldtopslope + viewz))
ds_p->thicksides[i] = rover;
else if (frontsector->ffloors)
for (rover = frontsector->ffloors, i = 0; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERSIDES) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS))
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_ALLSIDES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTSIDES))
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
// Oy vey.
if ( (P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) <= worldbottom + viewz
&& P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segright.x, segright.y) <= worldbottomslope + viewz)
||(P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) >= worldtop + viewz
&& P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) >= worldtopslope + viewz))
if ( (P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) <= worldlow + viewz
&& P_GetFFloorTopZAt (rover, segright.x, segright.y) <= worldlowslope + viewz)
||(P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) >= worldhigh + viewz
&& P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) >= worldhighslope + viewz))
ds_p->thicksides[i] = rover;
ds_p->numthicksides = numthicksides = i;
// masked midtexture
if (sidedef->midtexture > 0 && sidedef->midtexture < numtextures)
ds_p->maskedtexturecol = maskedtexturecol = curtexturecolumntable - rw_x;
curtexturecolumntable += rw_stopx - rw_x;
maskedtextureheight = ds_p->maskedtextureheight; // note to red, this == &(ds_p->maskedtextureheight[0])
maskedtexture = true;
if (curline->polyseg)
// use REAL front and back floors please, so midtexture rendering isn't mucked up
rw_midtextureslide = rw_midtexturebackslide = 0;
if (linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
rw_midtexturemid = rw_midtextureback = max(curline->frontsector->floorheight, curline->backsector->floorheight) - viewz;
rw_midtexturemid = rw_midtextureback = min(curline->frontsector->ceilingheight, curline->backsector->ceilingheight) - viewz;
// Set midtexture starting height
if (linedef->flags & ML_NOSKEW)
// Ignore slopes when texturing
rw_midtextureslide = rw_midtexturebackslide = 0;
if (linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
rw_midtexturemid = rw_midtextureback = max(frontsector->floorheight, backsector->floorheight) - viewz;
rw_midtexturemid = rw_midtextureback = min(frontsector->ceilingheight, backsector->ceilingheight) - viewz;
else if (linedef->flags & ML_MIDPEG)
rw_midtexturemid = worldbottom;
rw_midtextureslide = floorfrontslide;
rw_midtextureback = worldlow;
rw_midtexturebackslide = floorbackslide;
rw_midtexturemid = worldtop;
rw_midtextureslide = ceilingfrontslide;
rw_midtextureback = worldhigh;
rw_midtexturebackslide = ceilingbackslide;
rw_midtexturemid = FixedMul(rw_midtexturemid, rw_midtexturescaley);
rw_midtextureback = FixedMul(rw_midtextureback, rw_midtexturescaley);
rw_midtexturemid += sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_mid;
rw_midtextureback += sidedef->rowoffset + sidedef->offsety_mid;
maskedtexture = true;
// calculate rw_offset (only needed for textured lines)
segtextured = midtexture || toptexture || bottomtexture || maskedtexture || (numthicksides > 0);
if (segtextured)
fixed_t sideoffset = sidedef->textureoffset;
offsetangle = rw_normalangle-rw_angle1;
if (offsetangle > ANGLE_180)
offsetangle = -(signed)offsetangle;
if (offsetangle > ANGLE_90)
offsetangle = ANGLE_90;
sineval = FINESINE(offsetangle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT);
rw_offset = FixedMul(hyp, sineval);
// big room fix
if (longboi)
INT64 dx = (curline->v2->x)-(curline->v1->x);
INT64 dy = (curline->v2->y)-(curline->v1->y);
INT64 vdx = viewx-(curline->v1->x);
INT64 vdy = viewy-(curline->v1->y);
rw_offset = ((dx*vdx-dy*vdy))/(curline->length);
if (rw_normalangle-rw_angle1 < ANGLE_180)
rw_offset = -rw_offset;
rw_offset += curline->offset;
rw_centerangle = ANGLE_90 + viewangle - rw_normalangle;
rw_offset_top = sideoffset + sidedef->offsetx_top;
rw_offset_mid = sideoffset + sidedef->offsetx_mid;
rw_offset_bottom = sideoffset + sidedef->offsetx_bottom;
rw_offsetx = rw_offset_mid;
if (rw_midtexturescalex < 0)
rw_offsetx = -rw_offsetx;
if (numthicksides)
ds_p->offsetx = rw_offsetx;
// calculate light table
// use different light tables
// for horizontal / vertical / diagonal
// OPTIMIZE: get rid of LIGHTSEGSHIFT globally
lightnum = (frontsector->lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (curline->v1->y == curline->v2->y)
else if (curline->v1->x == curline->v2->x)
if (lightnum < 0)
walllights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
walllights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS - 1];
walllights = scalelight[lightnum];
if (maskedtexture)
ds_p->invscale = invscale = curtexturecolumntable - rw_x;
curtexturecolumntable += rw_stopx - rw_x;
// if a floor / ceiling plane is on the wrong side
// of the view plane, it is definitely invisible
// and doesn't need to be marked.
if (frontsector->heightsec == -1)
if (frontsector->floorpic != skyflatnum && P_GetSectorFloorZAt(frontsector, viewx, viewy) >= viewz)
// above view plane
markfloor = false;
if (frontsector->ceilingpic != skyflatnum && P_GetSectorCeilingZAt(frontsector, viewx, viewy) <= viewz)
// below view plane
markceiling = false;
// calculate incremental stepping values for texture edges
worldtop >>= 4;
worldbottom >>= 4;
worldtopslope >>= 4;
worldbottomslope >>= 4;
if (horizonline) { // HORIZON LINES
topstep = bottomstep = 0;
topfrac = bottomfrac = (centeryfrac>>4);
topfrac++; // Prevent 1px HOM
} else {
topstep = -FixedMul (rw_scalestep, worldtop);
topfrac = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldtop, rw_scale);
bottomstep = -FixedMul (rw_scalestep,worldbottom);
bottomfrac = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldbottom, rw_scale);
if (frontsector->c_slope) {
fixed_t topfracend = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldtopslope, ds_p->scale2);
topstep = (topfracend-topfrac)/(range);
if (frontsector->f_slope) {
fixed_t bottomfracend = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldbottomslope, ds_p->scale2);
bottomstep = (bottomfracend-bottomfrac)/(range);
dc_numlights = 0;
if (frontsector->numlights)
dc_numlights = frontsector->numlights;
if (dc_numlights >= dc_maxlights)
dc_maxlights = dc_numlights;
dc_lightlist = Z_Realloc(dc_lightlist, sizeof (*dc_lightlist) * dc_maxlights, PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (i = p = 0; i < dc_numlights; i++)
fixed_t leftheight, rightheight;
light = &frontsector->lightlist[i];
rlight = &dc_lightlist[p];
leftheight = P_GetLightZAt(light, segleft.x, segleft.y);
rightheight = P_GetLightZAt(light, segright.x, segright.y);
if (light->slope)
// Flag sector as having slopes
frontsector->hasslope = true;
leftheight -= viewz;
rightheight -= viewz;
leftheight >>= 4;
rightheight >>= 4;
if (i != 0)
if (leftheight < worldbottom && rightheight < worldbottomslope)
if (leftheight > worldtop && rightheight > worldtopslope && i+1 < dc_numlights && frontsector->lightlist[i+1].height > frontsector->ceilingheight)
rlight->height = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(leftheight, rw_scale);
rlight->heightstep = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(rightheight, ds_p->scale2);
rlight->heightstep = (rlight->heightstep-rlight->height)/(range);
rlight->flags = light->flags;
if (light->caster && light->caster->fofflags & FOF_CUTSOLIDS)
leftheight = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(light->caster, segleft.x, segleft.y);
rightheight = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(light->caster, segright.x, segright.y);
if (*light->caster->b_slope)
// Flag sector as having slopes
frontsector->hasslope = true;
leftheight -= viewz;
rightheight -= viewz;
leftheight >>= 4;
rightheight >>= 4;
rlight->botheight = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(leftheight, rw_scale);
rlight->botheightstep = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(rightheight, ds_p->scale2);
rlight->botheightstep = (rlight->botheightstep-rlight->botheight)/(range);
rlight->lightlevel = *light->lightlevel;
rlight->extra_colormap = *light->extra_colormap;
dc_numlights = p;
if (numffloors)
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
ffloor[i].f_pos >>= 4;
ffloor[i].f_pos_slope >>= 4;
if (horizonline) // Horizon lines extend FOFs in contact with them too.
ffloor[i].f_step = 0;
ffloor[i].f_frac = (centeryfrac>>4);
topfrac++; // Prevent 1px HOM
ffloor[i].f_frac = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].f_pos, rw_scale);
ffloor[i].f_step = ((centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].f_pos_slope, ds_p->scale2) - ffloor[i].f_frac)/(range);
if (backsector)
worldhigh >>= 4;
worldlow >>= 4;
worldhighslope >>= 4;
worldlowslope >>= 4;
if (toptexture)
pixhigh = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldhigh, rw_scale);
pixhighstep = -FixedMul (rw_scalestep,worldhigh);
if (backsector->c_slope) {
fixed_t topfracend = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldhighslope, ds_p->scale2);
pixhighstep = (topfracend-pixhigh)/(range);
if (bottomtexture)
pixlow = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldlow, rw_scale);
pixlowstep = -FixedMul (rw_scalestep,worldlow);
if (backsector->f_slope) {
fixed_t bottomfracend = (centeryfrac>>4) - FixedMul (worldlowslope, ds_p->scale2);
pixlowstep = (bottomfracend-pixlow)/(range);
ffloor_t * rover;
fixed_t roverleft, roverright;
fixed_t planevistest;
i = 0;
if (backsector->ffloors)
for (rover = backsector->ffloors; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERPLANES))
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
// Let the renderer know this sector is sloped.
if (*rover->b_slope || *rover->t_slope)
backsector->hasslope = true;
roverleft = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) - viewz;
roverright = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) - viewz;
planevistest = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, viewx, viewy);
if ((roverleft>>4 <= worldhigh || roverright>>4 <= worldhighslope) &&
(roverleft>>4 >= worldlow || roverright>>4 >= worldlowslope) &&
((viewz < planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))) ||
(viewz > planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))))
//ffloor[i].slope = *rover->b_slope;
ffloor[i].b_pos = roverleft;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope = roverright;
ffloor[i].b_pos >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
ffloor[i].b_step = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos_slope, ds_p->scale2);
ffloor[i].b_step = (ffloor[i].b_step-ffloor[i].b_frac)/(range);
if (i >= MAXFFLOORS)
roverleft = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) - viewz;
roverright = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) - viewz;
planevistest = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, viewx, viewy);
if ((roverleft>>4 <= worldhigh || roverright>>4 <= worldhighslope) &&
(roverleft>>4 >= worldlow || roverright>>4 >= worldlowslope) &&
((viewz > planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))) ||
(viewz < planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))))
//ffloor[i].slope = *rover->t_slope;
ffloor[i].b_pos = roverleft;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope = roverright;
ffloor[i].b_pos >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
ffloor[i].b_step = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos_slope, ds_p->scale2);
ffloor[i].b_step = (ffloor[i].b_step-ffloor[i].b_frac)/(range);
else if (frontsector && frontsector->ffloors)
for (rover = frontsector->ffloors; rover && i < MAXFFLOORS; rover = rover->next)
if (!(rover->fofflags & FOF_EXISTS) || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_RENDERPLANES))
if (rover->norender == leveltime)
// Let the renderer know this sector is sloped.
if (*rover->b_slope || *rover->t_slope)
frontsector->hasslope = true;
roverleft = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) - viewz;
roverright = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) - viewz;
planevistest = P_GetFFloorBottomZAt(rover, viewx, viewy);
if ((roverleft>>4 <= worldhigh || roverright>>4 <= worldhighslope) &&
(roverleft>>4 >= worldlow || roverright>>4 >= worldlowslope) &&
((viewz < planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))) ||
(viewz > planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))))
//ffloor[i].slope = *rover->b_slope;
ffloor[i].b_pos = roverleft;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope = roverright;
ffloor[i].b_pos >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
ffloor[i].b_step = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos_slope, ds_p->scale2);
ffloor[i].b_step = (ffloor[i].b_step-ffloor[i].b_frac)/(range);
if (i >= MAXFFLOORS)
roverleft = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, segleft .x, segleft .y) - viewz;
roverright = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, segright.x, segright.y) - viewz;
planevistest = P_GetFFloorTopZAt(rover, viewx, viewy);
if ((roverleft>>4 <= worldhigh || roverright>>4 <= worldhighslope) &&
(roverleft>>4 >= worldlow || roverright>>4 >= worldlowslope) &&
((viewz > planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || !(rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))) ||
(viewz < planevistest && (rover->fofflags & FOF_BOTHPLANES || rover->fofflags & FOF_INVERTPLANES))))
//ffloor[i].slope = *rover->t_slope;
ffloor[i].b_pos = roverleft;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope = roverright;
ffloor[i].b_pos >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_pos_slope >>= 4;
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
ffloor[i].b_step = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos_slope, ds_p->scale2);
ffloor[i].b_step = (ffloor[i].b_step-ffloor[i].b_frac)/(range);
if (curline->polyseg && frontsector && (curline->polyseg->flags & POF_RENDERPLANES))
while (i < numffloors && ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg) i++;
if (i < numffloors && backsector->floorheight <= frontsector->ceilingheight &&
backsector->floorheight >= frontsector->floorheight &&
(viewz < backsector->floorheight))
if (ffloor[i].plane->minx > ds_p->x1)
ffloor[i].plane->minx = ds_p->x1;
if (ffloor[i].plane->maxx < ds_p->x2)
ffloor[i].plane->maxx = ds_p->x2;
ffloor[i].slope = NULL;
ffloor[i].b_pos = backsector->floorheight;
ffloor[i].b_pos = (ffloor[i].b_pos - viewz) >> 4;
ffloor[i].b_step = FixedMul(-rw_scalestep, ffloor[i].b_pos);
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
if (i < numffloors && backsector->ceilingheight >= frontsector->floorheight &&
backsector->ceilingheight <= frontsector->ceilingheight &&
(viewz > backsector->ceilingheight))
if (ffloor[i].plane->minx > ds_p->x1)
ffloor[i].plane->minx = ds_p->x1;
if (ffloor[i].plane->maxx < ds_p->x2)
ffloor[i].plane->maxx = ds_p->x2;
ffloor[i].slope = NULL;
ffloor[i].b_pos = backsector->ceilingheight;
ffloor[i].b_pos = (ffloor[i].b_pos - viewz) >> 4;
ffloor[i].b_step = FixedMul(-rw_scalestep, ffloor[i].b_pos);
ffloor[i].b_frac = (centeryfrac >> 4) - FixedMul(ffloor[i].b_pos, rw_scale);
numbackffloors = i;
// get a new or use the same visplane
if (markceiling)
if (ceilingplane) //SoM: 3/29/2000: Check for null ceiling planes
ceilingplane = R_CheckPlane (ceilingplane, rw_x, rw_stopx-1);
markceiling = false;
// Don't mark ceiling flat lines for polys unless this line has an upper texture, otherwise we get flat leakage pulling downward
// (If it DOES have an upper texture and we do this, the ceiling won't render at all)
if (curline->polyseg && !curline->sidedef->toptexture)
markceiling = false;
// get a new or use the same visplane
if (markfloor)
if (floorplane) //SoM: 3/29/2000: Check for null planes
floorplane = R_CheckPlane (floorplane, rw_x, rw_stopx-1);
markfloor = false;
// Don't mark floor flat lines for polys unless this line has a lower texture, otherwise we get flat leakage pulling upward
// (If it DOES have a lower texture and we do this, the floor won't render at all)
if (curline->polyseg && !curline->sidedef->bottomtexture)
markfloor = false;
ds_p->numffloorplanes = 0;
if (numffloors)
if (!firstseg)
ds_p->numffloorplanes = numffloors;
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
ds_p->ffloorplanes[i] = ffloor[i].plane =
R_CheckPlane(ffloor[i].plane, rw_x, rw_stopx - 1);
firstseg = ds_p;
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
R_ExpandPlane(ffloor[i].plane, rw_x, rw_stopx - 1);
// FIXME hack to fix planes disappearing when a seg goes behind the camera. This NEEDS to be changed to be done properly. -Red
if (curline->polyseg)
for (i = 0; i < numffloors; i++)
if (!ffloor[i].polyobj || ffloor[i].polyobj != curline->polyseg)
if (ffloor[i].plane->minx > rw_x)
ffloor[i].plane->minx = rw_x;
if (ffloor[i].plane->maxx < rw_stopx - 1)
ffloor[i].plane->maxx = rw_stopx - 1;
rw_silhouette = &(ds_p->silhouette);
rw_tsilheight = &(ds_p->tsilheight);
rw_bsilheight = &(ds_p->bsilheight);
colfunc = colfuncs[BASEDRAWFUNC];
if (portalline) // if curline is a portal, set portalrender for drawseg
ds_p->portalpass = portalrender+1;
ds_p->portalpass = 0;
// save sprite clipping info
if (maskedtexture || (ds_p->silhouette & (SIL_TOP | SIL_BOTTOM)))
R_AllocClippingTables(rw_stopx - start);
if (((ds_p->silhouette & SIL_TOP) || maskedtexture) && !ds_p->sprtopclip)
M_Memcpy(lastopening, ceilingclip + start, 2*(rw_stopx - start));
ds_p->sprtopclip = lastopening - start;
lastopening += rw_stopx - start;
if (((ds_p->silhouette & SIL_BOTTOM) || maskedtexture) && !ds_p->sprbottomclip)
M_Memcpy(lastopening, floorclip + start, 2*(rw_stopx - start));
ds_p->sprbottomclip = lastopening - start;
lastopening += rw_stopx - start;
if (maskedtexture && !(ds_p->silhouette & SIL_TOP))
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_TOP;
ds_p->tsilheight = (sidedef->midtexture > 0 && sidedef->midtexture < numtextures) ? INT32_MIN : INT32_MAX;
if (maskedtexture && !(ds_p->silhouette & SIL_BOTTOM))
ds_p->silhouette |= SIL_BOTTOM;
ds_p->bsilheight = (sidedef->midtexture > 0 && sidedef->midtexture < numtextures) ? INT32_MAX : INT32_MIN;