Monster Iestyn 9cdf87404e Rewrote findfile to store whether any of the three paths searched had a bad MD5 rather than just simply being not there.
This means that, if the three paths are not the same, you should be able to tell if at least one of them has a file that just had a bad MD5. Most relevant for Linux peeps I expect.

Note: Untested as of writing
2018-04-15 22:00:31 +01:00

1030 lines
28 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file d_netfil.c
/// \brief Transfer a file using HSendPacket.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#ifdef __OS2__
#include <sys/types.h>
#endif // __OS2__
#include <sys/stat.h>
#if !defined (UNDER_CE)
#include <time.h>
#if ((defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN32_WCE)) || defined (__DJGPP__)) && !defined (_XBOX)
#include <io.h>
#include <direct.h>
#elif !defined (_WIN32_WCE) && !(defined (_XBOX) && !defined (__GNUC__))
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <utime.h>
#ifdef __GNUC__
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#elif defined (_WIN32) && !defined (_WIN32_WCE)
#include <sys/utime.h>
#ifdef __DJGPP__
#include <dir.h>
#include <utime.h>
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "d_main.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "i_net.h"
#include "i_system.h"
#include "m_argv.h"
#include "d_net.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "d_netfil.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "byteptr.h"
#include "p_setup.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "m_menu.h"
#include "md5.h"
#include "filesrch.h"
#include <errno.h>
// Prototypes
static boolean SV_SendFile(INT32 node, const char *filename, UINT8 fileid);
// Sender structure
typedef struct filetx_s
INT32 ram;
union {
char *filename; // Name of the file
char *ram; // Pointer to the data in RAM
} id;
UINT32 size; // Size of the file
UINT8 fileid;
INT32 node; // Destination
struct filetx_s *next; // Next file in the list
} filetx_t;
// Current transfers (one for each node)
typedef struct filetran_s
filetx_t *txlist; // Linked list of all files for the node
UINT32 position; // The current position in the file
FILE *currentfile; // The file currently being sent/received
} filetran_t;
static filetran_t transfer[MAXNETNODES];
// Read time of file: stat _stmtime
// Write time of file: utime
// Receiver structure
INT32 fileneedednum; // Number of files needed to join the server
fileneeded_t fileneeded[MAX_WADFILES]; // List of needed files
char downloaddir[256] = "DOWNLOAD";
// for cl loading screen
INT32 lastfilenum = -1;
/** Fills a serverinfo packet with information about wad files loaded.
* \todo Give this function a better name since it is in global scope.
UINT8 *PutFileNeeded(void)
size_t i, count = 0;
UINT8 *p = netbuffer->u.serverinfo.fileneeded;
char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH] = "";
UINT8 filestatus;
size_t bytesused = 0;
for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++)
// If it has only music/sound lumps, mark it as unimportant
if (W_VerifyNMUSlumps(wadfiles[i]->filename))
filestatus = 0;
filestatus = 1; // Important
// Store in the upper four bits
if (!cv_downloading.value)
filestatus += (2 << 4); // Won't send
else if ((wadfiles[i]->filesize > (UINT32)cv_maxsend.value * 1024))
filestatus += (0 << 4); // Won't send
filestatus += (1 << 4); // Will send if requested
bytesused += (nameonlylength(wadfilename) + 22);
// Don't write too far...
if (bytesused > sizeof(netbuffer->u.serverinfo.fileneeded))
I_Error("Too many wad files added to host a game. (%s, stopped on %s)\n", sizeu1(bytesused), wadfilename);
WRITEUINT8(p, filestatus);
WRITEUINT32(p, wadfiles[i]->filesize);
nameonly(strcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[i]->filename));
WRITEMEM(p, wadfiles[i]->md5sum, 16);
netbuffer->u.serverinfo.fileneedednum = (UINT8)count;
return p;
/** Parses the serverinfo packet and fills the fileneeded table on client
* \param fileneedednum_parm The number of files needed to join the server
* \param fileneededstr The memory block containing the list of needed files
void D_ParseFileneeded(INT32 fileneedednum_parm, UINT8 *fileneededstr)
INT32 i;
UINT8 *p;
UINT8 filestatus;
fileneedednum = fileneedednum_parm;
p = (UINT8 *)fileneededstr;
for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++)
fileneeded[i].status = FS_NOTFOUND; // We haven't even started looking for the file yet
filestatus = READUINT8(p); // The first byte is the file status
fileneeded[i].important = (UINT8)(filestatus & 3);
fileneeded[i].willsend = (UINT8)(filestatus >> 4);
fileneeded[i].totalsize = READUINT32(p); // The four next bytes are the file size
fileneeded[i].file = NULL; // The file isn't open yet
READSTRINGN(p, fileneeded[i].filename, MAX_WADPATH); // The next bytes are the file name
READMEM(p, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16); // The last 16 bytes are the file checksum
void CL_PrepareDownloadSaveGame(const char *tmpsave)
fileneedednum = 1;
fileneeded[0].status = FS_REQUESTED;
fileneeded[0].totalsize = UINT32_MAX;
fileneeded[0].file = NULL;
memset(fileneeded[0].md5sum, 0, 16);
strcpy(fileneeded[0].filename, tmpsave);
/** Checks the server to see if we CAN download all the files,
* before starting to create them and requesting.
* \return True if we can download all the files
boolean CL_CheckDownloadable(void)
UINT8 i,dlstatus = 0;
for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++)
if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN && fileneeded[i].important)
if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 1)
if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 0)
dlstatus = 1;
else //if (fileneeded[i].willsend == 2)
dlstatus = 2;
// Downloading locally disabled
if (!dlstatus && M_CheckParm("-nodownload"))
dlstatus = 3;
if (!dlstatus)
return true;
// not downloadable, put reason in console
CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You need additional files to connect to this server:\n"));
for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++)
if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN && fileneeded[i].important)
CONS_Printf(" * \"%s\" (%dK)", fileneeded[i].filename, fileneeded[i].totalsize >> 10);
if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_NOTFOUND)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" not found, md5: "));
else if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" wrong version, md5: "));
INT32 j;
char md5tmp[33];
for (j = 0; j < 16; j++)
sprintf(&md5tmp[j*2], "%02x", fileneeded[i].md5sum[j]);
CONS_Printf("%s", md5tmp);
switch (dlstatus)
case 1:
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Some files are larger than the server is willing to send.\n"));
case 2:
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server is not allowing download requests.\n"));
case 3:
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("All files downloadable, but you have chosen to disable downloading locally.\n"));
return false;
/** Sends requests for files in the ::fileneeded table with a status of
* \return True if the packet was successfully sent
* \note Sends a PT_REQUESTFILE packet
boolean CL_SendRequestFile(void)
char *p;
INT32 i;
INT64 totalfreespaceneeded = 0, availablefreespace;
if (M_CheckParm("-nodownload"))
I_Error("Attempted to download files in -nodownload mode");
for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++)
if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND && fileneeded[i].status != FS_OPEN
&& fileneeded[i].important && (fileneeded[i].willsend == 0 || fileneeded[i].willsend == 2))
I_Error("Attempted to download files that were not sendable");
netbuffer->packettype = PT_REQUESTFILE;
p = (char *)netbuffer->u.textcmd;
for (i = 0; i < fileneedednum; i++)
if ((fileneeded[i].status == FS_NOTFOUND || fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD)
&& fileneeded[i].important)
totalfreespaceneeded += fileneeded[i].totalsize;
WRITEUINT8(p, i); // fileid
WRITESTRINGN(p, fileneeded[i].filename, MAX_WADPATH);
// put it in download dir
strcatbf(fileneeded[i].filename, downloaddir, "/");
fileneeded[i].status = FS_REQUESTED;
if (totalfreespaceneeded > availablefreespace)
I_Error("To play on this server you must download %s KB,\n"
"but you have only %s KB free space on this drive\n",
sizeu1((size_t)(totalfreespaceneeded>>10)), sizeu2((size_t)(availablefreespace>>10)));
// prepare to download
I_mkdir(downloaddir, 0755);
return HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, p - (char *)netbuffer->u.textcmd);
// get request filepak and put it on the send queue
// returns false if a requested file was not found or cannot be sent
boolean Got_RequestFilePak(INT32 node)
char wad[MAX_WADPATH+1];
UINT8 *p = netbuffer->u.textcmd;
UINT8 id;
while (p < netbuffer->u.textcmd + MAXTEXTCMD-1) // Don't allow hacked client to overflow
id = READUINT8(p);
if (id == 0xFF)
if (!SV_SendFile(node, wad, id))
return false; // don't read the rest of the files
return true; // no problems with any files
/** Checks if the files needed aren't already loaded or on the disk
* \return 0 if some files are missing
* 1 if all files exist
* 2 if some already loaded files are not requested or are in a different order
INT32 CL_CheckFiles(void)
INT32 i, j;
char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH];
INT32 ret = 1;
size_t packetsize = 0;
size_t filestoget = 0;
serverinfo_pak *dummycheck = NULL;
// Shut the compiler up.
// if (M_CheckParm("-nofiles"))
// return 1;
// the first is the iwad (the main wad file)
// we don't care if it's called srb2.srb or srb2.wad.
// Never download the IWAD, just assume it's there and identical
fileneeded[0].status = FS_OPEN;
// Modified game handling -- check for an identical file list
// must be identical in files loaded AND in order
// Return 2 on failure -- disconnect from server
if (modifiedgame)
CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "game is modified; only doing basic checks\n");
for (i = 1, j = 1; i < fileneedednum || j < numwadfiles;)
if (i < fileneedednum && !fileneeded[i].important)
// Eh whatever, don't care
if (j < numwadfiles && W_VerifyNMUSlumps(wadfiles[j]->filename))
// Unimportant on our side. still don't care.
// If this test is true, we've reached the end of one file list
// and the other still has a file that's important
if (i >= fileneedednum || j >= numwadfiles)
return 2;
// For the sake of speed, only bother with a md5 check
if (memcmp(wadfiles[j]->md5sum, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16))
return 2;
// It's accounted for! let's keep going.
CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "'%s' accounted for\n", fileneeded[i].filename);
fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN;
return 1;
// See W_LoadWadFile in w_wad.c
for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++)
packetsize += nameonlylength(wadfiles[i]->filename) + 22;
for (i = 1; i < fileneedednum; i++)
CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "searching for '%s' ", fileneeded[i].filename);
// Check in already loaded files
for (j = 1; wadfiles[j]; j++)
nameonly(strcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[j]->filename));
if (!stricmp(wadfilename, fileneeded[i].filename) &&
!memcmp(wadfiles[j]->md5sum, fileneeded[i].md5sum, 16))
CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "already loaded\n");
fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN;
if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_NOTFOUND || !fileneeded[i].important)
packetsize += nameonlylength(fileneeded[i].filename) + 22;
if ((numwadfiles+filestoget >= MAX_WADFILES)
|| (packetsize > sizeof(dummycheck->fileneeded)))
return 3;
fileneeded[i].status = findfile(fileneeded[i].filename, fileneeded[i].md5sum, true);
CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "found %d\n", fileneeded[i].status);
if (fileneeded[i].status != FS_FOUND)
ret = 0;
return ret;
// Load it now
void CL_LoadServerFiles(void)
INT32 i;
// if (M_CheckParm("-nofiles"))
// return;
for (i = 1; i < fileneedednum; i++)
if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_OPEN)
continue; // Already loaded
else if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_FOUND)
P_AddWadFile(fileneeded[i].filename, NULL);
fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN;
else if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_MD5SUMBAD)
// If the file is marked important, don't even bother proceeding.
if (fileneeded[i].important)
I_Error("Wrong version of important file %s", fileneeded[i].filename);
// If it isn't, no need to worry the user with a console message,
// although it can't hurt to put something in the debug file.
// ...but wait a second. What if the local version is "important"?
if (!W_VerifyNMUSlumps(fileneeded[i].filename))
I_Error("File %s should only contain music and sound effects!",
// Okay, NOW we know it's safe. Whew.
P_AddWadFile(fileneeded[i].filename, NULL);
if (fileneeded[i].important)
fileneeded[i].status = FS_OPEN;
DEBFILE(va("File %s found but with different md5sum\n", fileneeded[i].filename));
else if (fileneeded[i].important)
const char *s;
s = "unknown";
I_Error("Try to load file \"%s\" with status of %d (%s)\n", fileneeded[i].filename,
fileneeded[i].status, s);
// Number of files to send
// Little optimization to quickly test if there is a file in the queue
static INT32 filestosend = 0;
/** Adds a file to the file list for a node
* \param node The node to send the file to
* \param filename The file to send
* \param fileid ???
* \sa SV_SendRam
static boolean SV_SendFile(INT32 node, const char *filename, UINT8 fileid)
filetx_t **q; // A pointer to the "next" field of the last file in the list
filetx_t *p; // The new file request
INT32 i;
char wadfilename[MAX_WADPATH];
if (cv_noticedownload.value)
CONS_Printf("Sending file \"%s\" to node %d (%s)\n", filename, node, I_GetNodeAddress(node));
// Find the last file in the list and set a pointer to its "next" field
q = &transfer[node].txlist;
while (*q)
q = &((*q)->next);
// Allocate a file request and append it to the file list
p = *q = (filetx_t *)malloc(sizeof (filetx_t));
if (!p)
I_Error("SV_SendFile: No more memory\n");
// Initialise with zeros
memset(p, 0, sizeof (filetx_t));
// Allocate the file name
p->id.filename = (char *)malloc(MAX_WADPATH);
if (!p->id.filename)
I_Error("SV_SendFile: No more memory\n");
// Set the file name and get rid of the path
strlcpy(p->id.filename, filename, MAX_WADPATH);
// Look for the requested file through all loaded files
for (i = 0; wadfiles[i]; i++)
strlcpy(wadfilename, wadfiles[i]->filename, MAX_WADPATH);
if (!stricmp(wadfilename, p->id.filename))
// Copy file name with full path
strlcpy(p->id.filename, wadfiles[i]->filename, MAX_WADPATH);
// Handle non-loaded file requests
if (!wadfiles[i])
DEBFILE(va("%s not found in wadfiles\n", filename));
// This formerly checked if (!findfile(p->id.filename, NULL, true))
// Not found
// Don't inform client (probably someone who thought they could leak 2.2 ACZ)
DEBFILE(va("Client %d request %s: not found\n", node, filename));
*q = NULL;
return false; // cancel the rest of the requests
// Handle huge file requests (i.e. bigger than cv_maxsend.value KB)
if (wadfiles[i]->filesize > (UINT32)cv_maxsend.value * 1024)
// Too big
// Don't inform client (client sucks, man)
DEBFILE(va("Client %d request %s: file too big, not sending\n", node, filename));
*q = NULL;
return false; // cancel the rest of the requests
DEBFILE(va("Sending file %s (id=%d) to %d\n", filename, fileid, node));
p->ram = SF_FILE; // It's a file, we need to close it and free its name once we're done sending it
p->fileid = fileid;
p->next = NULL; // End of list
return true;
/** Adds a memory block to the file list for a node
* \param node The node to send the memory block to
* \param data The memory block to send
* \param size The size of the block in bytes
* \param freemethod How to free the block after it has been sent
* \param fileid ???
* \sa SV_SendFile
void SV_SendRam(INT32 node, void *data, size_t size, freemethod_t freemethod, UINT8 fileid)
filetx_t **q; // A pointer to the "next" field of the last file in the list
filetx_t *p; // The new file request
// Find the last file in the list and set a pointer to its "next" field
q = &transfer[node].txlist;
while (*q)
q = &((*q)->next);
// Allocate a file request and append it to the file list
p = *q = (filetx_t *)malloc(sizeof (filetx_t));
if (!p)
I_Error("SV_SendRam: No more memory\n");
// Initialise with zeros
memset(p, 0, sizeof (filetx_t));
p->ram = freemethod; // Remember how to free the memory block for when we're done sending it
p->id.ram = data;
p->size = (UINT32)size;
p->fileid = fileid;
p->next = NULL; // End of list
DEBFILE(va("Sending ram %p(size:%u) to %d (id=%u)\n",p->id.ram,p->size,node,fileid));
/** Stops sending a file for a node, and removes the file request from the list,
* either because the file has been fully sent or because the node was disconnected
* \param node The destination
static void SV_EndFileSend(INT32 node)
filetx_t *p = transfer[node].txlist;
// Free the file request according to the freemethod parameter used with SV_SendFile/Ram
switch (p->ram)
case SF_FILE: // It's a file, close it and free its filename
if (cv_noticedownload.value)
CONS_Printf("Ending file transfer for node %d\n", node);
if (transfer[node].currentfile)
case SF_Z_RAM: // It's a memory block allocated with Z_Alloc or the likes, use Z_Free
case SF_RAM: // It's a memory block allocated with malloc, use free
case SF_NOFREERAM: // Nothing to free
// Remove the file request from the list
transfer[node].txlist = p->next;
// Indicate that the transmission is over
transfer[node].currentfile = NULL;
#define PACKETPERTIC net_bandwidth/(TICRATE*software_MAXPACKETLENGTH)
/** Handles file transmission
* \todo Use an acknowledging method more adapted to file transmission
* The current download speed suffers from lack of ack packets,
* especially when the one downloading has high latency
void SV_FileSendTicker(void)
static INT32 currentnode = 0;
filetx_pak *p;
size_t size;
filetx_t *f;
INT32 packetsent, ram, i, j;
INT32 maxpacketsent;
if (!filestosend) // No file to send
if (cv_downloadspeed.value) // New (and experimental) behavior
packetsent = cv_downloadspeed.value;
// Don't send more packets than we have free acks
#ifndef NONET
maxpacketsent = Net_GetFreeAcks(false) - 5; // Let 5 extra acks just in case
maxpacketsent = 1;
if (packetsent > maxpacketsent && maxpacketsent > 0) // Send at least one packet
packetsent = maxpacketsent;
else // Old behavior
packetsent = PACKETPERTIC;
if (!packetsent)
packetsent = 1;
netbuffer->packettype = PT_FILEFRAGMENT;
// (((sendbytes-nowsentbyte)*TICRATE)/(I_GetTime()-starttime)<(UINT32)net_bandwidth)
while (packetsent-- && filestosend != 0)
for (i = currentnode, j = 0; j < MAXNETNODES;
i = (i+1) % MAXNETNODES, j++)
if (transfer[i].txlist)
goto found;
// no transfer to do
I_Error("filestosend=%d but no file to send found\n", filestosend);
currentnode = (i+1) % MAXNETNODES;
f = transfer[i].txlist;
ram = f->ram;
// Open the file if it isn't open yet, or
if (!transfer[i].currentfile)
if (!ram) // Sending a file
long filesize;
transfer[i].currentfile =
fopen(f->id.filename, "rb");
if (!transfer[i].currentfile)
I_Error("File %s does not exist",
fseek(transfer[i].currentfile, 0, SEEK_END);
filesize = ftell(transfer[i].currentfile);
// Nobody wants to transfer a file bigger
// than 4GB!
if (filesize >= LONG_MAX)
I_Error("filesize of %s is too large", f->id.filename);
if (filesize == -1)
I_Error("Error getting filesize of %s", f->id.filename);
f->size = (UINT32)filesize;
fseek(transfer[i].currentfile, 0, SEEK_SET);
else // Sending RAM
transfer[i].currentfile = (FILE *)1; // Set currentfile to a non-null value to indicate that it is open
transfer[i].position = 0;
// Build a packet containing a file fragment
p = &netbuffer->u.filetxpak;
if (f->size-transfer[i].position < size)
size = f->size-transfer[i].position;
if (ram)
M_Memcpy(p->data, &f->id.ram[transfer[i].position], size);
else if (fread(p->data, 1, size, transfer[i].currentfile) != size)
I_Error("SV_FileSendTicker: can't read %s byte on %s at %d because %s", sizeu1(size), f->id.filename, transfer[i].position, strerror(ferror(transfer[i].currentfile)));
p->position = LONG(transfer[i].position);
// Put flag so receiver knows the total size
if (transfer[i].position + size == f->size)
p->position |= LONG(0x80000000);
p->fileid = f->fileid;
p->size = SHORT((UINT16)size);
// Send the packet
if (HSendPacket(i, true, 0, FILETXHEADER + size)) // Reliable SEND
{ // Success
transfer[i].position = (UINT32)(transfer[i].position + size);
if (transfer[i].position == f->size) // Finish?
{ // Not sent for some odd reason, retry at next call
if (!ram)
fseek(transfer[i].currentfile,transfer[i].position, SEEK_SET);
// Exit the while (can't send this one so why should i send the next?)
void Got_Filetxpak(void)
INT32 filenum = netbuffer->u.filetxpak.fileid;
fileneeded_t *file = &fileneeded[filenum];
char *filename = file->filename;
static INT32 filetime = 0;
if (!(strcmp(filename, "srb2.srb")
&& strcmp(filename, "srb2.wad")
&& strcmp(filename, "zones.dta")
&& strcmp(filename, "player.dta")
&& strcmp(filename, "rings.dta")
&& strcmp(filename, "patch.dta")
&& strcmp(filename, "music.dta")
I_Error("Tried to download \"%s\"", filename);
if (filenum >= fileneedednum)
DEBFILE(va("fileframent not needed %d>%d\n", filenum, fileneedednum));
//I_Error("Received an unneeded file fragment (file id received: %d, file id needed: %d)\n", filenum, fileneedednum);
if (file->status == FS_REQUESTED)
if (file->file)
I_Error("Got_Filetxpak: already open file\n");
file->file = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!file->file)
I_Error("Can't create file %s: %s", filename, strerror(errno));
file->currentsize = 0;
file->status = FS_DOWNLOADING;
if (file->status == FS_DOWNLOADING)
UINT32 pos = LONG(netbuffer->u.filetxpak.position);
UINT16 size = SHORT(netbuffer->u.filetxpak.size);
// Use a special trick to know when the file is complete (not always used)
// WARNING: file fragments can arrive out of order so don't stop yet!
if (pos & 0x80000000)
pos &= ~0x80000000;
file->totalsize = pos + size;
// We can receive packet in the wrong order, anyway all os support gaped file
fseek(file->file, pos, SEEK_SET);
if (fwrite(netbuffer->,size,1,file->file) != 1)
I_Error("Can't write to %s: %s\n",filename, strerror(ferror(file->file)));
file->currentsize += size;
// Finished?
if (file->currentsize == file->totalsize)
file->file = NULL;
file->status = FS_FOUND;
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Downloading %s...(done)\n"),
const char *s;
case FS_FOUND:
s = "FS_FOUND";
case FS_OPEN:
s = "FS_OPEN";
s = "unknown";
I_Error("Received a file not requested (file id: %d, file status: %s)\n", filenum, s);
// Send ack back quickly
if (++filetime == 3)
filetime = 0;
lastfilenum = filenum;
/** \brief Checks if a node is downloading a file
* \param node The node to check for
* \return True if the node is downloading a file
boolean SV_SendingFile(INT32 node)
return transfer[node].txlist != NULL;
/** Cancels all file requests for a node
* \param node The destination
* \sa SV_EndFileSend
void SV_AbortSendFiles(INT32 node)
while (transfer[node].txlist)
void CloseNetFile(void)
INT32 i;
// Is sending?
for (i = 0; i < MAXNETNODES; i++)
// Receiving a file?
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WADFILES; i++)
if (fileneeded[i].status == FS_DOWNLOADING && fileneeded[i].file)
// File is not complete delete it
// Remove PT_FILEFRAGMENT from acknowledge list
// Functions cut and pasted from Doomatic :)
void nameonly(char *s)
size_t j, len;
void *ns;
for (j = strlen(s); j != (size_t)-1; j--)
if ((s[j] == '\\') || (s[j] == ':') || (s[j] == '/'))
ns = &(s[j+1]);
len = strlen(ns);
if (false)
M_Memcpy(s, ns, len+1);
memmove(s, ns, len+1);
// Returns the length in characters of the last element of a path.
size_t nameonlylength(const char *s)
size_t j, len = strlen(s);
for (j = len; j != (size_t)-1; j--)
if ((s[j] == '\\') || (s[j] == ':') || (s[j] == '/'))
return len - j - 1;
return len;
#ifndef O_BINARY
#define O_BINARY 0
filestatus_t checkfilemd5(char *filename, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum)
#if defined (NOMD5) || defined (_arch_dreamcast)
FILE *fhandle;
UINT8 md5sum[16];
if (!wantedmd5sum)
return FS_FOUND;
fhandle = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (fhandle)
if (!memcmp(wantedmd5sum, md5sum, 16))
return FS_FOUND;
return FS_MD5SUMBAD;
I_Error("Couldn't open %s for md5 check", filename);
return FS_FOUND; // will never happen, but makes the compiler shut up
// Rewritten by Monster Iestyn to be less stupid
// Note: if completepath is true, "filename" is modified, but only if FS_FOUND is going to be returned
// (Don't worry about WinCE's version of filesearch, nobody cares about that OS anymore)
filestatus_t findfile(char *filename, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum, boolean completepath)
filestatus_t homecheck; // store result of last file search
boolean badmd5 = false; // store whether md5 was bad from either of the first two searches (if nothing was found in the third)
// first, check SRB2's "home" directory
homecheck = filesearch(filename, srb2home, wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10);
if (homecheck == FS_FOUND) // we found the file, so return that we have :)
return FS_FOUND;
else if (homecheck == FS_MD5SUMBAD) // file has a bad md5; move on and look for a file with the right md5
badmd5 = true;
// if not found at all, just move on without doing anything
// next, check SRB2's "path" directory
homecheck = filesearch(filename, srb2path, wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10);
if (homecheck == FS_FOUND) // we found the file, so return that we have :)
return FS_FOUND;
else if (homecheck == FS_MD5SUMBAD) // file has a bad md5; move on and look for a file with the right md5
badmd5 = true;
// if not found at all, just move on without doing anything
// finally check "." directory
#ifdef _arch_dreamcast
homecheck = filesearch(filename, "/cd", wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10);
homecheck = filesearch(filename, ".", wantedmd5sum, completepath, 10);
if (homecheck != FS_NOTFOUND) // if not found this time, fall back on the below return statement
return homecheck; // otherwise return the result we got
return (badmd5 ? FS_MD5SUMBAD : FS_NOTFOUND); // md5 sum bad or file not found