2014-11-11 19:55:07 -05:00

1004 lines
25 KiB

// Copyright (C) 2012-2014 by John "JTE" Muniz.
// Copyright (C) 2012-2014 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file lua_hooklib.c
/// \brief hooks for Lua scripting
#include "doomdef.h"
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "p_mobj.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "r_things.h"
#include "b_bot.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "lua_script.h"
#include "lua_libs.h"
#include "lua_hook.h"
#include "lua_hud.h" // hud_running errors
static UINT8 hooksAvailable[(hook_MAX/8)+1];
const char *const hookNames[hook_MAX+1] = {
// Takes hook, function, and additional arguments (mobj type to act on, etc.)
static int lib_addHook(lua_State *L)
UINT16 hook;
boolean notable = false;
boolean subtable = false;
UINT32 subindex = 0;
char *subfield = NULL;
const char *lsubfield = NULL;
hook = (UINT16)luaL_checkoption(L, 1, NULL, hookNames);
luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION);
if (hud_running)
return luaL_error(L, "HUD rendering code should not call this function!");
// Take a mobjtype enum which this hook is specifically for.
case hook_MobjSpawn:
case hook_MobjCollide:
case hook_MobjMoveCollide:
case hook_TouchSpecial:
case hook_MobjFuse:
case hook_MobjThinker:
case hook_BossThinker:
case hook_ShouldDamage:
case hook_MobjDamage:
case hook_MobjDeath:
case hook_BossDeath:
case hook_MobjRemoved:
subtable = true;
if (lua_isnumber(L, 3))
subindex = (UINT32)luaL_checkinteger(L, 3);
lsubfield = "a";
lua_settop(L, 2);
case hook_BotAI: // Only one AI function per skin, please!
notable = true;
subtable = true;
subfield = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(luaL_checkstring(L, 3))+1);
{ // lowercase copy
char *p = subfield;
const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
do {
*p = tolower(*s);
} while(*(++s));
*p = 0;
lua_settop(L, 3);
case hook_LinedefExecute: // Get one linedef executor function by name
notable = true;
subtable = true;
subfield = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(luaL_checkstring(L, 3))+1);
{ // uppercase copy
char *p = subfield;
const char *s = luaL_checkstring(L, 3);
do {
*p = toupper(*s);
} while(*(++s));
*p = 0;
lua_settop(L, 3);
lua_settop(L, 2);
lua_getfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(L, -1));
// This hook type only allows one entry, not an array of hooks.
// New hooks will overwrite the previous ones, and the stack is one table shorter.
if (notable)
if (subtable)
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, hook);
lua_remove(L, -2); // pop "hook"
I_Assert(lua_istable(L, -1));
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
if (subfield)
lua_setfield(L, -2, subfield);
else if (lsubfield)
lua_setfield(L, -2, lsubfield);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, subindex);
} else {
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, hook);
hooksAvailable[hook/8] |= 1<<(hook%8);
return 0;
// Fetch the hook's table from the registry.
// It should always exist, since LUA_HookLib creates a table for every hook.
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, hook);
lua_remove(L, -2); // pop "hook"
I_Assert(lua_istable(L, -1));
if (subtable)
// Fetch a subtable based on index
if (subfield)
lua_getfield(L, -1, subfield);
else if (lsubfield)
lua_getfield(L, -1, lsubfield);
lua_rawgeti(L, -1, subindex);
// Subtable doesn't exist, make one now.
if (lua_isnil(L, -1))
lua_pop(L, 1);
// Store a link to the subtable for later.
lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
if (subfield)
lua_setfield(L, -3, subfield);
else if (lsubfield)
lua_setfield(L, -3, lsubfield);
lua_rawseti(L, -3, subindex);
} }
// Add function to the table.
lua_pushvalue(L, 2);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, (int)(lua_objlen(L, -2) + 1));
if (subfield)
hooksAvailable[hook/8] |= 1<<(hook%8);
return 0;
int LUA_HookLib(lua_State *L)
// Create all registry tables
enum hook i;
for (i = 0; i < hook_MAX; i++)
case hook_MobjSpawn:
case hook_MobjCollide:
case hook_MobjMoveCollide:
case hook_TouchSpecial:
case hook_MobjFuse:
case hook_MobjThinker:
case hook_BossThinker:
case hook_ShouldDamage:
case hook_MobjDamage:
case hook_MobjDeath:
case hook_BossDeath:
case hook_MobjRemoved:
lua_pushstring(L, "a");
lua_rawset(L, -3);
lua_rawseti(L, -2, i);
lua_setfield(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
lua_register(L, "addHook", lib_addHook);
return 0;
boolean LUAh_MobjHook(mobj_t *mo, enum hook which)
boolean hooked = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[which/8] & (1<<(which%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack (just in case)
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, which);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// generic subtable
lua_pushstring(gL, "a");
lua_rawget(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mo, META_MOBJ);
while (lua_next(gL, -3)) {
CONS_Debug(DBG_LUA, "MobjHook: Calling hook_%s for generic mobj types\n", hookNames[which]);
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // mo
// stack is: hook_Mobj table, subtable "a", mobj, i, function, mobj
if (lua_pcall(gL, 1, 1, 0)) {
// A run-time error occurred.
lua_pop(gL, 1);
// Remove this function from the hook table to prevent further errors.
lua_pushvalue(gL, -1); // key
lua_pushnil(gL); // value
lua_rawset(gL, -5); // table
CONS_Printf("Hook removed.\n");
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
hooked = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1);
// stack is: hook_Mobj table, subtable "a", mobj
lua_remove(gL, -2); // pop subtable, leave mobj
// mobjtype subtable
// stack is: hook_Mobj table, mobj
lua_rawgeti(gL, -2, mo->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 3); // pop hook_Mobj table, mobj, and nil
// the stack should now be empty.
return false;
lua_remove(gL, -3); // remove hook table
// stack is: mobj, mobjtype subtable
lua_insert(gL, lua_gettop(gL)-1); // swap subtable with mobj
// stack is: mobjtype subtable, mobj
while (lua_next(gL, -3)) {
CONS_Debug(DBG_LUA, "MobjHook: Calling hook_%s for mobj type %d\n", hookNames[which], mo->type);
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // mo
// stack is: mobjtype subtable, mobj, i, function, mobj
if (lua_pcall(gL, 1, 1, 0)) {
// A run-time error occurred.
lua_pop(gL, 1);
// Remove this function from the hook table to prevent further errors.
lua_pushvalue(gL, -1); // key
lua_pushnil(gL); // value
lua_rawset(gL, -5); // table
CONS_Printf("Hook removed.\n");
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
hooked = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1);
lua_pop(gL, 2); // pop mobj and subtable
// the stack should now be empty.
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 3);
return hooked;
boolean LUAh_PlayerHook(player_t *plr, enum hook which)
boolean hooked = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[which/8] & (1<<(which%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack (just in case)
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, which);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, plr, META_PLAYER);
while (lua_next(gL, -3) != 0) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // player
if (lua_pcall(gL, 1, 1, 0)) { // pops hook function, player, pushes 1 return result
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1)) // if return true,
hooked = true; // override vanilla behavior
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return hooked;
// Hook for map change (before load)
void LUAh_MapChange(void)
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MapChange/8] & (1<<(hook_MapChange%8))))
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MapChange);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_pushinteger(gL, gamemap);
while (lua_next(gL, -3) != 0) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // gamemap
LUA_Call(gL, 1);
lua_pop(gL, 1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
// Hook for map load
void LUAh_MapLoad(void)
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MapLoad/8] & (1<<(hook_MapLoad%8))))
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MapLoad);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_pushinteger(gL, gamemap);
while (lua_next(gL, -3) != 0) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // gamemap
LUA_Call(gL, 1);
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
// Hook for Got_AddPlayer
void LUAh_PlayerJoin(int playernum)
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_PlayerJoin/8] & (1<<(hook_PlayerJoin%8))))
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_PlayerJoin);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_pushinteger(gL, playernum);
while (lua_next(gL, -3) != 0) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); // playernum
LUA_Call(gL, 1);
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
// Hook for frame (after mobj and player thinkers)
void LUAh_ThinkFrame(void)
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_ThinkFrame/8] & (1<<(hook_ThinkFrame%8))))
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_ThinkFrame);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
while (lua_next(gL, -2) != 0)
//LUA_Call(gL, 0);
if (lua_pcall(gL, 0, 0, 0))
// A run-time error occurred.
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING,"%s\n", lua_tostring(gL, -1));
lua_pop(gL, 1);
// Remove this function from the hook table to prevent further errors.
lua_pushvalue(gL, -1); // key
lua_pushnil(gL); // value
lua_rawset(gL, -4); // table
CONS_Printf("Hook removed.\n");
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCCOLLECT, 0);
// Hook for PIT_CheckThing by (thing) mobj type (thing1 = thing, thing2 = tmthing)
UINT8 LUAh_MobjCollide(mobj_t *thing1, mobj_t *thing2)
UINT8 shouldCollide = 0; // 0 = default, 1 = force yes, 2 = force no.
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MobjCollide/8] & (1<<(hook_MobjCollide%8))))
return 0;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MobjCollide);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// mobjtype subtable
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, thing1->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return 0;
lua_remove(gL, -2); // remove hook table
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, thing1, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, thing2, META_MOBJ);
while (lua_next(gL, -4)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -4); // thing1
lua_pushvalue(gL, -4); // thing2
if (lua_pcall(gL, 2, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1))
{ // if nil, leave shouldCollide = 0.
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
shouldCollide = 1; // Force yes
shouldCollide = 2; // Force no
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 3); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return shouldCollide;
// Hook for PIT_CheckThing by (tmthing) mobj type (thing1 = tmthing, thing2 = thing)
UINT8 LUAh_MobjMoveCollide(mobj_t *thing1, mobj_t *thing2)
UINT8 shouldCollide = 0; // 0 = default, 1 = force yes, 2 = force no.
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MobjMoveCollide/8] & (1<<(hook_MobjMoveCollide%8))))
return 0;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MobjMoveCollide);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// mobjtype subtable
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, thing1->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return 0;
lua_remove(gL, -2); // remove hook table
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, thing1, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, thing2, META_MOBJ);
while (lua_next(gL, -4)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -4); // thing1
lua_pushvalue(gL, -4); // thing2
if (lua_pcall(gL, 2, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1))
{ // if nil, leave shouldCollide = 0.
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
shouldCollide = 1; // Force yes
shouldCollide = 2; // Force no
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 3); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return shouldCollide;
// Hook for P_TouchSpecialThing by mobj type
boolean LUAh_TouchSpecial(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher)
boolean hooked = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_TouchSpecial/8] & (1<<(hook_TouchSpecial%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// get hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_TouchSpecial);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// get mobjtype subtable
lua_pushinteger(gL, special->type);
lua_rawget(gL, 1);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return false;
lua_remove(gL, 1); // pop hook table off the stack
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, special, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, toucher, META_MOBJ);
while (lua_next(gL, 1) != 0) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, 2); // special
lua_pushvalue(gL, 3); // toucher
if (lua_pcall(gL, 2, 1, 0)) { // pops hook function, special, toucher, pushes 1 return result
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1)) // if return true,
hooked = true; // override vanilla behavior
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return hooked;
// Hook for P_DamageMobj by mobj type (Should mobj take damage?)
UINT8 LUAh_ShouldDamage(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage)
UINT8 shouldDamage = 0; // 0 = default, 1 = force yes, 2 = force no.
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_ShouldDamage/8] & (1<<(hook_ShouldDamage%8))))
return 0;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_ShouldDamage);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// mobjtype subtable
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, target->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return 0;
lua_remove(gL, -2); // remove hook table
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, target, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ);
lua_pushinteger(gL, damage);
while (lua_next(gL, -6)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // target
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // inflictor
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // source
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // damage
if (lua_pcall(gL, 4, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1))
{ // if nil, leave shouldDamage = 0.
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
shouldDamage = 1; // Force yes
shouldDamage = 2; // Force no
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 5); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return shouldDamage;
// Hook for P_DamageMobj by mobj type (Mobj actually takes damage!)
boolean LUAh_MobjDamage(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage)
boolean handled = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MobjDamage/8] & (1<<(hook_MobjDamage%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MobjDamage);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// mobjtype subtable
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, target->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return false;
lua_remove(gL, -2); // remove hook table
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, target, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ);
lua_pushinteger(gL, damage);
while (lua_next(gL, -6)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // target
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // inflictor
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // source
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // damage
if (lua_pcall(gL, 4, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
handled = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 5); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return handled;
// Hook for P_KillMobj by mobj type
boolean LUAh_MobjDeath(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source)
boolean handled = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_MobjDeath/8] & (1<<(hook_MobjDeath%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_MobjDeath);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// mobjtype subtable
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, target->type);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return false;
lua_remove(gL, -2); // remove hook table
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, target, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ);
while (lua_next(gL, -5)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // target
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // inflictor
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // source
if (lua_pcall(gL, 3, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
handled = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 4); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return handled;
// Hook for B_BuildTiccmd
boolean LUAh_BotTiccmd(player_t *bot, ticcmd_t *cmd)
boolean hooked = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_BotTiccmd/8] & (1<<(hook_BotTiccmd%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_BotTiccmd);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, bot, META_PLAYER);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, cmd, META_TICCMD);
while (lua_next(gL, 1)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, 2); // bot
lua_pushvalue(gL, 3); // cmd
if (lua_pcall(gL, 2, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
hooked = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return hooked;
// Hook for B_BuildTailsTiccmd by skin name
boolean LUAh_BotAI(mobj_t *sonic, mobj_t *tails, ticcmd_t *cmd)
if (!gL || !tails->skin || !(hooksAvailable[hook_BotAI/8] & (1<<(hook_BotAI%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_BotAI);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// bot skin ai function
lua_getfield(gL, 1, ((skin_t *)tails->skin)->name);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return false;
lua_remove(gL, 1); // pop the hook table
// Takes sonic, tails
// Returns forward, backward, left, right, jump, spin
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, sonic, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, tails, META_MOBJ);
if (lua_pcall(gL, 2, 8, 0)) {
return false;
// This turns forward, backward, left, right, jump, and spin into a proper ticcmd for tails.
if (lua_istable(gL, 1)) {
boolean forward=false, backward=false, left=false, right=false, strafeleft=false, straferight=false, jump=false, spin=false;
#define CHECKFIELD(field) \
lua_getfield(gL, 1, #field);\
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))\
field = true;\
lua_pop(gL, 1);
B_KeysToTiccmd(tails, cmd, forward, backward, left, right, strafeleft, straferight, jump, spin);
} else
B_KeysToTiccmd(tails, cmd, lua_toboolean(gL, 1), lua_toboolean(gL, 2), lua_toboolean(gL, 3), lua_toboolean(gL, 4), lua_toboolean(gL, 5), lua_toboolean(gL, 6), lua_toboolean(gL, 7), lua_toboolean(gL, 8));
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return true;
// Hook for linedef executors
boolean LUAh_LinedefExecute(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sector)
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_LinedefExecute/8] & (1<<(hook_LinedefExecute%8))))
return false;
// clear the stack
lua_pop(gL, -1);
// get hook table
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_LinedefExecute);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
// get function by line text
lua_getfield(gL, 1, line->text);
if (lua_isnil(gL, -1)) {
lua_pop(gL, 2);
return false;
lua_remove(gL, 1); // pop hook table off the stack
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, line, META_LINE);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mo, META_MOBJ);
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, sector, META_SECTOR);
LUA_Call(gL, 3); // pops hook function, line, mo, sector
lua_pop(gL, -1);
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return true;
// Hook for PlayerMsg -Red
boolean LUAh_PlayerMsg(int source, int target, int flags, char *msg)
boolean handled = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_PlayerMsg/8] & (1<<(hook_PlayerMsg%8))))
return false;
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_PlayerMsg);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, &players[source], META_PLAYER); // Source player
if (flags & 2 /*HU_CSAY*/) { // csay TODO: make HU_CSAY accessible outside hu_stuff.c
lua_pushinteger(gL, 3); // type
lua_pushnil(gL); // target
} else if (target == -1) { // sayteam
lua_pushinteger(gL, 1); // type
lua_pushnil(gL); // target
} else if (target == 0) { // say
lua_pushinteger(gL, 0); // type
lua_pushnil(gL); // target
} else { // sayto
lua_pushinteger(gL, 2); // type
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, &players[target-1], META_PLAYER); // target
lua_pushstring(gL, msg); // msg
while (lua_next(gL, -6)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // source
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // type
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // target
lua_pushvalue(gL, -6); // msg
if (lua_pcall(gL, 4, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
handled = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 4); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return handled;
// Hook for hurt messages -Red
// The internal name is DeathMsg, but the API name is "HurtMsg". Keep that in mind. (Should this be fixed at some point?)
// @TODO This hook should be fixed to take mobj type at the addHook parameter to compare to inflictor. (I couldn't get this to work without crashing)
boolean LUAh_DeathMsg(player_t *player, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source)
boolean handled = false;
if (!gL || !(hooksAvailable[hook_DeathMsg/8] & (1<<(hook_DeathMsg%8))))
return false;
lua_getfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "hook");
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, hook_DeathMsg);
lua_remove(gL, -2);
I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1));
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); // Player
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ); // Inflictor
LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ); // Source
while (lua_next(gL, -5)) {
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // player
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // inflictor
lua_pushvalue(gL, -5); // source
if (lua_pcall(gL, 3, 1, 0)) {
lua_pop(gL, 1);
if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1))
handled = true;
lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop return value
lua_pop(gL, 3); // pop arguments and mobjtype table
lua_gc(gL, LUA_GCSTEP, 1);
return handled;