Monster Iestyn b0f4bbb44b Played TD's Stormy Streets enough to know precipitation sprites didn't get an overflow test of their own
(various large invisible blocks used in the level cause rain to make splashes high above the main level, high enough to make ghostly rain splash sprite artifacts appear sometimes in nearby areas)
2017-03-02 19:37:21 +00:00

2854 lines
76 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_things.c
/// \brief Refresh of things, i.e. objects represented by sprites
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "st_stuff.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "i_video.h" // rendermode
#include "r_things.h"
#include "r_plane.h"
#include "p_tick.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "p_slopes.h"
#include "dehacked.h" // get_number (for thok)
#include "d_netfil.h" // blargh. for nameonly().
#include "m_cheat.h" // objectplace
#include "hardware/hw_md2.h"
#ifdef PC_DOS
#include <stdio.h> // for snprintf
int snprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, ...);
//int vsnprintf(char *str, size_t n, const char *fmt, va_list ap);
static void R_InitSkins(void);
#define MINZ (FRACUNIT*4)
typedef struct
INT32 x1, x2;
INT32 column;
INT32 topclip, bottomclip;
} maskdraw_t;
// Sprite rotation 0 is facing the viewer,
// rotation 1 is one angle turn CLOCKWISE around the axis.
// This is not the same as the angle,
// which increases counter clockwise (protractor).
// There was a lot of stuff grabbed wrong, so I changed it...
static lighttable_t **spritelights;
// constant arrays used for psprite clipping and initializing clipping
INT16 negonearray[MAXVIDWIDTH];
INT16 screenheightarray[MAXVIDWIDTH];
// variables used to look up and range check thing_t sprites patches
spritedef_t *sprites;
size_t numsprites;
static spriteframe_t sprtemp[64];
static size_t maxframe;
static const char *spritename;
// ==========================================================================
// Sprite loading routines: support sprites in pwad, dehacked sprite renaming,
// replacing not all frames of an existing sprite, add sprites at run-time,
// add wads at run-time.
// ==========================================================================
static void R_InstallSpriteLump(UINT16 wad, // graphics patch
UINT16 lump,
size_t lumpid, // identifier
UINT8 frame,
UINT8 rotation,
UINT8 flipped)
char cn = R_Frame2Char(frame); // for debugging
INT32 r;
lumpnum_t lumppat = wad;
lumppat <<= 16;
lumppat += lump;
if (frame >= 64 || rotation > 8)
I_Error("R_InstallSpriteLump: Bad frame characters in lump %s", W_CheckNameForNum(lumppat));
if (maxframe ==(size_t)-1 || frame > maxframe)
maxframe = frame;
if (rotation == 0)
// the lump should be used for all rotations
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 0)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has multiple rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 1)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 8; r++)
sprtemp[frame].lumppat[r] = lumppat;
sprtemp[frame].lumpid[r] = lumpid;
sprtemp[frame].flip = flipped ? UINT8_MAX : 0;
// the lump is only used for one rotation
if (sprtemp[frame].rotate == 0)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s frame %c has rotations and a rot = 0 lump\n", spritename, cn);
sprtemp[frame].rotate = 1;
// make 0 based
if (sprtemp[frame].lumppat[rotation] != LUMPERROR)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: Sprite %s: %c%c has two lumps mapped to it\n", spritename, cn, '1'+rotation);
// lumppat & lumpid are the same for original Doom, but different
// when using sprites in pwad : the lumppat points the new graphics
sprtemp[frame].lumppat[rotation] = lumppat;
sprtemp[frame].lumpid[rotation] = lumpid;
if (flipped)
sprtemp[frame].flip |= (1<<rotation);
sprtemp[frame].flip &= ~(1<<rotation);
// Install a single sprite, given its identifying name (4 chars)
// (originally part of R_AddSpriteDefs)
// Pass: name of sprite : 4 chars
// spritedef_t
// wadnum : wad number, indexes wadfiles[], where patches
// for frames are found
// startlump : first lump to search for sprite frames
// endlump : AFTER the last lump to search
// Returns true if the sprite was succesfully added
static boolean R_AddSingleSpriteDef(const char *sprname, spritedef_t *spritedef, UINT16 wadnum, UINT16 startlump, UINT16 endlump)
UINT16 l;
UINT8 frame;
UINT8 rotation;
lumpinfo_t *lumpinfo;
patch_t patch;
UINT8 numadded = 0;
memset(sprtemp,0xFF, sizeof (sprtemp));
maxframe = (size_t)-1;
// are we 'patching' a sprite already loaded ?
// if so, it might patch only certain frames, not all
if (spritedef->numframes) // (then spriteframes is not null)
// copy the already defined sprite frames
M_Memcpy(sprtemp, spritedef->spriteframes,
spritedef->numframes * sizeof (spriteframe_t));
maxframe = spritedef->numframes - 1;
// scan the lumps,
// filling in the frames for whatever is found
lumpinfo = wadfiles[wadnum]->lumpinfo;
if (endlump > wadfiles[wadnum]->numlumps)
endlump = wadfiles[wadnum]->numlumps;
for (l = startlump; l < endlump; l++)
if (memcmp(lumpinfo[l].name,sprname,4)==0)
frame = R_Char2Frame(lumpinfo[l].name[4]);
rotation = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[5] - '0');
if (frame >= 64 || rotation > 8) // Give an actual NAME error -_-...
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Bad sprite name: %s\n"), W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,l));
// skip NULL sprites from very old dmadds pwads
if (W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum,l)<=8)
// store sprite info in lookup tables
//FIXME : numspritelumps do not duplicate sprite replacements
W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wadnum, l, &patch, sizeof (patch_t), 0);
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].width = SHORT(patch.width)<<FRACBITS;
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].offset = SHORT(patch.leftoffset)<<FRACBITS;
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].topoffset = SHORT(patch.topoffset)<<FRACBITS;
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].height = SHORT(patch.height)<<FRACBITS;
//BP: we cannot use special tric in hardware mode because feet in ground caused by z-buffer
if (rendermode != render_none) // not for psprite
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].topoffset += 4<<FRACBITS;
// Being selective with this causes bad things. :( Like the special stage tokens breaking apart.
/*if (rendermode != render_none // not for psprite
&& SHORT(patch.topoffset)>0 && SHORT(patch.topoffset)<SHORT(patch.height))
// perfect is patch.height but sometime it is too high
spritecachedinfo[numspritelumps].topoffset = min(SHORT(patch.topoffset)+4,SHORT(patch.height))<<FRACBITS;*/
R_InstallSpriteLump(wadnum, l, numspritelumps, frame, rotation, 0);
if (lumpinfo[l].name[6])
frame = R_Char2Frame(lumpinfo[l].name[6]);
rotation = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[7] - '0');
R_InstallSpriteLump(wadnum, l, numspritelumps, frame, rotation, 1);
if (++numspritelumps >= max_spritelumps)
max_spritelumps *= 2;
Z_Realloc(spritecachedinfo, max_spritelumps*sizeof(*spritecachedinfo), PU_STATIC, &spritecachedinfo);
// if no frames found for this sprite
if (maxframe == (size_t)-1)
// the first time (which is for the original wad),
// all sprites should have their initial frames
// and then, patch wads can replace it
// we will skip non-replaced sprite frames, only if
// they have already have been initially defined (original wad)
//check only after all initial pwads added
//if (spritedef->numframes == 0)
// I_Error("R_AddSpriteDefs: no initial frames found for sprite %s\n",
// namelist[i]);
// sprite already has frames, and is not replaced by this wad
return false;
else if (!numadded)
// Nothing related to this spritedef has been changed
// so there is no point going back through these checks again.
return false;
// some checks to help development
for (frame = 0; frame < maxframe; frame++)
switch (sprtemp[frame].rotate)
case 0xff:
// no rotations were found for that frame at all
I_Error("R_AddSingleSpriteDef: No patches found for %.4s frame %c", sprname, R_Frame2Char(frame));
case 0:
// only the first rotation is needed
case 1:
// must have all 8 frames
for (rotation = 0; rotation < 8; rotation++)
// we test the patch lump, or the id lump whatever
// if it was not loaded the two are LUMPERROR
if (sprtemp[frame].lumppat[rotation] == LUMPERROR)
I_Error("R_AddSingleSpriteDef: Sprite %.4s frame %c is missing rotations",
sprname, R_Frame2Char(frame));
// allocate space for the frames present and copy sprtemp to it
if (spritedef->numframes && // has been allocated
spritedef->numframes < maxframe) // more frames are defined ?
spritedef->spriteframes = NULL;
// allocate this sprite's frames
if (!spritedef->spriteframes)
spritedef->spriteframes =
Z_Malloc(maxframe * sizeof (*spritedef->spriteframes), PU_STATIC, NULL);
spritedef->numframes = maxframe;
M_Memcpy(spritedef->spriteframes, sprtemp, maxframe*sizeof (spriteframe_t));
return true;
// Search for sprites replacements in a wad whose names are in namelist
void R_AddSpriteDefs(UINT16 wadnum)
size_t i, addsprites = 0;
UINT16 start, end;
char wadname[MAX_WADPATH];
// find the sprites section in this pwad
// we need at least the S_END
// (not really, but for speedup)
start = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("S_START", wadnum, 0);
if (start == INT16_MAX)
start = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("SS_START", wadnum, 0); //deutex compatib.
if (start == INT16_MAX)
start = 0; //let say S_START is lump 0
start++; // just after S_START
end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("S_END",wadnum,start);
if (end == INT16_MAX)
end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("SS_END",wadnum,start); //deutex compatib.
if (end == INT16_MAX)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "no sprites in pwad %d\n", wadnum);
// scan through lumps, for each sprite, find all the sprite frames
for (i = 0; i < numsprites; i++)
spritename = sprnames[i];
if (spritename[4] && wadnum >= (UINT16)spritename[4])
if (R_AddSingleSpriteDef(spritename, &sprites[i], wadnum, start, end))
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
// if a new sprite was added (not just replaced)
#ifndef ZDEBUG
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "sprite %s set in pwad %d\n", spritename, wadnum);
nameonly(strcpy(wadname, wadfiles[wadnum]->filename));
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s added %d frames in %s sprites\n"), wadname, end-start, sizeu1(addsprites));
#ifdef DELFILE
static void R_RemoveSpriteLump(UINT16 wad, // graphics patch
UINT16 lump,
size_t lumpid, // identifier
UINT8 frame,
UINT8 rotation,
UINT8 flipped)
(void)wad; /// \todo: how do I remove sprites?
static boolean R_DelSingleSpriteDef(const char *sprname, spritedef_t *spritedef, UINT16 wadnum, UINT16 startlump, UINT16 endlump)
UINT16 l;
UINT8 frame;
UINT8 rotation;
lumpinfo_t *lumpinfo;
maxframe = (size_t)-1;
// scan the lumps,
// filling in the frames for whatever is found
lumpinfo = wadfiles[wadnum]->lumpinfo;
if (endlump > wadfiles[wadnum]->numlumps)
endlump = wadfiles[wadnum]->numlumps;
for (l = startlump; l < endlump; l++)
if (memcmp(lumpinfo[l].name,sprname,4)==0)
frame = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[4] - 'A');
rotation = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[5] - '0');
// skip NULL sprites from very old dmadds pwads
if (W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum,l)<=8)
R_RemoveSpriteLump(wadnum, l, numspritelumps, frame, rotation, 0);
if (lumpinfo[l].name[6])
frame = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[6] - 'A');
rotation = (UINT8)(lumpinfo[l].name[7] - '0');
R_RemoveSpriteLump(wadnum, l, numspritelumps, frame, rotation, 1);
if (maxframe == (size_t)-1)
return false;
spritedef->numframes = 0;
spritedef->spriteframes = NULL;
return true;
void R_DelSpriteDefs(UINT16 wadnum)
size_t i, delsprites = 0;
UINT16 start, end;
// find the sprites section in this pwad
// we need at least the S_END
// (not really, but for speedup)
start = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("S_START", wadnum, 0);
if (start == INT16_MAX)
start = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("SS_START", wadnum, 0); //deutex compatib.
if (start == INT16_MAX)
start = 0; //let say S_START is lump 0
start++; // just after S_START
end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("S_END",wadnum,start);
if (end == INT16_MAX)
end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("SS_END",wadnum,start); //deutex compatib.
if (end == INT16_MAX)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "no sprites in pwad %d\n", wadnum);
//I_Error("R_DelSpriteDefs: S_END, or SS_END missing for sprites "
// "in pwad %d\n",wadnum);
// scan through lumps, for each sprite, find all the sprite frames
for (i = 0; i < numsprites; i++)
spritename = sprnames[i];
if (R_DelSingleSpriteDef(spritename, &sprites[i], wadnum, start, end))
// if a new sprite was removed (not just replaced)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "sprite %s set in pwad %d\n", spritename, wadnum);
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s sprites removed from file %s\n"), sizeu1(delsprites), wadfiles[wadnum]->filename);
static UINT32 visspritecount;
static UINT32 clippedvissprites;
static vissprite_t *visspritechunks[MAXVISSPRITES >> VISSPRITECHUNKBITS] = {NULL};
// R_InitSprites
// Called at program start.
void R_InitSprites(void)
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < MAXVIDWIDTH; i++)
negonearray[i] = -1;
// count the number of sprite names, and allocate sprites table
numsprites = 0;
for (i = 0; i < NUMSPRITES + 1; i++)
if (sprnames[i][0] != '\0') numsprites++;
if (!numsprites)
I_Error("R_AddSpriteDefs: no sprites in namelist\n");
sprites = Z_Calloc(numsprites * sizeof (*sprites), PU_STATIC, NULL);
// find sprites in each -file added pwad
for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++)
// now check for skins
// it can be is do before loading config for skin cvar possible value
for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++)
// check if all sprites have frames
for (i = 0; i < numsprites; i++)
if (sprites[i].numframes < 1)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_InitSprites: sprite %s has no frames at all\n", sprnames[i]);
// R_ClearSprites
// Called at frame start.
void R_ClearSprites(void)
visspritecount = clippedvissprites = 0;
// R_NewVisSprite
static vissprite_t overflowsprite;
static vissprite_t *R_GetVisSprite(UINT32 num)
// Allocate chunk if necessary
if (!visspritechunks[chunk])
Z_Malloc(sizeof(vissprite_t) * VISSPRITESPERCHUNK, PU_LEVEL, &visspritechunks[chunk]);
return visspritechunks[chunk] + (num & VISSPRITEINDEXMASK);
static vissprite_t *R_NewVisSprite(void)
if (visspritecount == MAXVISSPRITES)
return &overflowsprite;
return R_GetVisSprite(visspritecount++);
// R_DrawMaskedColumn
// Used for sprites and masked mid textures.
// Masked means: partly transparent, i.e. stored
// in posts/runs of opaque pixels.
INT16 *mfloorclip;
INT16 *mceilingclip;
fixed_t spryscale = 0, sprtopscreen = 0, sprbotscreen = 0;
fixed_t windowtop = 0, windowbottom = 0;
void R_DrawMaskedColumn(column_t *column)
INT32 topscreen;
INT32 bottomscreen;
fixed_t basetexturemid;
INT32 topdelta, prevdelta = 0;
basetexturemid = dc_texturemid;
for (; column->topdelta != 0xff ;)
// calculate unclipped screen coordinates
// for post
topdelta = column->topdelta;
if (topdelta <= prevdelta)
topdelta += prevdelta;
prevdelta = topdelta;
topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*topdelta;
bottomscreen = topscreen + spryscale*column->length;
dc_yl = (topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
dc_yh = (bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
if (windowtop != INT32_MAX && windowbottom != INT32_MAX)
if (windowtop > topscreen)
dc_yl = (windowtop + FRACUNIT - 1)>>FRACBITS;
if (windowbottom < bottomscreen)
dc_yh = (windowbottom - 1)>>FRACBITS;
if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x]-1;
if (dc_yl <= mceilingclip[dc_x])
dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x]+1;
if (dc_yl < 0)
dc_yl = 0;
if (dc_yh >= vid.height)
dc_yh = vid.height - 1;
if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yl < vid.height && dc_yh > 0)
dc_source = (UINT8 *)column + 3;
dc_texturemid = basetexturemid - (topdelta<<FRACBITS);
// Drawn by R_DrawColumn.
// This stuff is a likely cause of the splitscreen water crash bug.
// FIXTHIS: Figure out what "something more proper" is and do it.
// quick fix... something more proper should be done!!!
if (ylookup[dc_yl])
else if (colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8
#ifdef USEASM
|| colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8_ASM || colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8_MMX
static INT32 first = 1;
if (first)
CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "WARNING: avoiding a crash in %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
first = 0;
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)column + column->length + 4);
dc_texturemid = basetexturemid;
static void R_DrawFlippedMaskedColumn(column_t *column, INT32 texheight)
INT32 topscreen;
INT32 bottomscreen;
fixed_t basetexturemid = dc_texturemid;
INT32 topdelta, prevdelta = -1;
UINT8 *d,*s;
for (; column->topdelta != 0xff ;)
// calculate unclipped screen coordinates
// for post
topdelta = column->topdelta;
if (topdelta <= prevdelta)
topdelta += prevdelta;
prevdelta = topdelta;
topdelta = texheight-column->length-topdelta;
topscreen = sprtopscreen + spryscale*topdelta;
bottomscreen = sprbotscreen == INT32_MAX ? topscreen + spryscale*column->length
: sprbotscreen + spryscale*column->length;
dc_yl = (topscreen+FRACUNIT-1)>>FRACBITS;
dc_yh = (bottomscreen-1)>>FRACBITS;
if (windowtop != INT32_MAX && windowbottom != INT32_MAX)
if (windowtop > topscreen)
dc_yl = (windowtop + FRACUNIT - 1)>>FRACBITS;
if (windowbottom < bottomscreen)
dc_yh = (windowbottom - 1)>>FRACBITS;
if (dc_yh >= mfloorclip[dc_x])
dc_yh = mfloorclip[dc_x]-1;
if (dc_yl <= mceilingclip[dc_x])
dc_yl = mceilingclip[dc_x]+1;
if (dc_yl < 0)
dc_yl = 0;
if (dc_yh >= vid.height)
dc_yh = vid.height - 1;
if (dc_yl <= dc_yh && dc_yl < vid.height && dc_yh > 0)
dc_source = ZZ_Alloc(column->length);
for (s = (UINT8 *)column+2+column->length, d = dc_source; d < dc_source+column->length; --s)
*d++ = *s;
dc_texturemid = basetexturemid - (topdelta<<FRACBITS);
// Still drawn by R_DrawColumn.
if (ylookup[dc_yl])
else if (colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8
#ifdef USEASM
|| colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8_ASM || colfunc == R_DrawColumn_8_MMX
static INT32 first = 1;
if (first)
CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "WARNING: avoiding a crash in %s %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
first = 0;
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)column + column->length + 4);
dc_texturemid = basetexturemid;
// R_DrawVisSprite
// mfloorclip and mceilingclip should also be set.
static void R_DrawVisSprite(vissprite_t *vis)
column_t *column;
INT32 texturecolumn;
fixed_t frac;
patch_t *patch = W_CacheLumpNum(vis->patch, PU_CACHE);
fixed_t this_scale = vis->mobj->scale;
INT32 x1, x2;
INT64 overflow_test;
if (!patch)
// Check for overflow
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)vis->texturemid*vis->scale)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test < 0) overflow_test = -overflow_test;
if ((UINT64)overflow_test&0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL) return; // fixed point mult would overflow
colfunc = basecolfunc; // hack: this isn't resetting properly somewhere.
dc_colormap = vis->colormap;
if ((vis->mobj->flags & MF_BOSS) && (vis->mobj->flags2 & MF2_FRET) && (leveltime & 1)) // Bosses "flash"
// translate green skin to another color
colfunc = transcolfunc;
if (vis->mobj->type == MT_CYBRAKDEMON)
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_ALLWHITE, 0, GTC_CACHE);
else if (vis->mobj->type == MT_METALSONIC_BATTLE)
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_METALSONIC, 0, GTC_CACHE);
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_BOSS, 0, GTC_CACHE);
else if (vis->mobj->color && vis->transmap) // Color mapping
colfunc = transtransfunc;
dc_transmap = vis->transmap;
if (vis->mobj->skin && vis->mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) // MT_GHOST LOOKS LIKE A PLAYER SO USE THE PLAYER TRANSLATION TABLES. >_>
size_t skinnum = (skin_t*)vis->mobj->skin-skins;
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap((INT32)skinnum, vis->mobj->color, GTC_CACHE);
else // Use the defaults
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, vis->mobj->color, GTC_CACHE);
else if (vis->transmap)
colfunc = fuzzcolfunc;
dc_transmap = vis->transmap; //Fab : 29-04-98: translucency table
else if (vis->mobj->color)
// translate green skin to another color
colfunc = transcolfunc;
// New colormap stuff for skins Tails 06-07-2002
if (vis->mobj->skin && vis->mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) // This thing is a player!
size_t skinnum = (skin_t*)vis->mobj->skin-skins;
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap((INT32)skinnum, vis->mobj->color, GTC_CACHE);
else // Use the defaults
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, vis->mobj->color, GTC_CACHE);
else if (vis->mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) // Looks like a player, but doesn't have a color? Get rid of green sonic syndrome.
colfunc = transcolfunc;
dc_translation = R_GetTranslationColormap(TC_DEFAULT, SKINCOLOR_BLUE, GTC_CACHE);
if (vis->extra_colormap)
if (!dc_colormap)
dc_colormap = vis->extra_colormap->colormap;
dc_colormap = &vis->extra_colormap->colormap[dc_colormap - colormaps];
if (!dc_colormap)
dc_colormap = colormaps;
dc_iscale = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, vis->scale);
dc_texturemid = vis->texturemid;
dc_texheight = 0;
frac = vis->startfrac;
spryscale = vis->scale;
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
windowtop = windowbottom = sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
if (vis->mobj->skin && ((skin_t *)vis->mobj->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES)
this_scale = FixedMul(this_scale, ((skin_t *)vis->mobj->skin)->highresscale);
if (this_scale <= 0)
this_scale = 1;
if (this_scale != FRACUNIT)
if (!vis->isScaled)
vis->scale = FixedMul(vis->scale, this_scale);
spryscale = vis->scale;
dc_iscale = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, vis->scale);
vis->xiscale = FixedDiv(vis->xiscale,this_scale);
vis->isScaled = true;
dc_texturemid = FixedDiv(dc_texturemid,this_scale);
//Oh lordy, mercy me. Don't freak out if sprites go offscreen!
/*if (vis->xiscale > 0)
frac = FixedDiv(frac, this_scale);
else if (vis->x1 <= 0)
frac = (vis->x1 - vis->x2) * vis->xiscale;*/
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid, spryscale);
//dc_hires = 1;
x1 = vis->x1;
x2 = vis->x2;
if (vis->x1 < 0)
vis->x1 = 0;
if (vis->x2 >= vid.width)
vis->x2 = vid.width-1;
for (dc_x = vis->x1; dc_x <= vis->x2; dc_x++, frac += vis->xiscale)
texturecolumn = frac>>FRACBITS;
if (texturecolumn < 0 || texturecolumn >= SHORT(patch->width))
I_Error("R_DrawSpriteRange: bad texturecolumn");
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[texturecolumn]));
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[frac>>FRACBITS]));
if (vis->vflip)
R_DrawFlippedMaskedColumn(column, patch->height);
colfunc = basecolfunc;
dc_hires = 0;
vis->x1 = x1;
vis->x2 = x2;
// Special precipitation drawer Tails 08-18-2002
static void R_DrawPrecipitationVisSprite(vissprite_t *vis)
column_t *column;
INT32 texturecolumn;
fixed_t frac;
patch_t *patch;
INT64 overflow_test;
//Fab : R_InitSprites now sets a wad lump number
patch = W_CacheLumpNum(vis->patch, PU_CACHE);
if (!patch)
// Check for overflow
overflow_test = (INT64)centeryfrac - (((INT64)vis->texturemid*vis->scale)>>FRACBITS);
if (overflow_test < 0) overflow_test = -overflow_test;
if ((UINT64)overflow_test&0xFFFFFFFF80000000ULL) return; // fixed point mult would overflow
if (vis->transmap)
colfunc = fuzzcolfunc;
dc_transmap = vis->transmap; //Fab : 29-04-98: translucency table
dc_colormap = colormaps;
dc_iscale = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, vis->scale);
dc_texturemid = vis->texturemid;
dc_texheight = 0;
frac = vis->startfrac;
spryscale = vis->scale;
sprtopscreen = centeryfrac - FixedMul(dc_texturemid,spryscale);
windowtop = windowbottom = sprbotscreen = INT32_MAX;
if (vis->x1 < 0)
vis->x1 = 0;
if (vis->x2 >= vid.width)
vis->x2 = vid.width-1;
for (dc_x = vis->x1; dc_x <= vis->x2; dc_x++, frac += vis->xiscale)
texturecolumn = frac>>FRACBITS;
if (texturecolumn < 0 || texturecolumn >= SHORT(patch->width))
I_Error("R_DrawPrecipitationSpriteRange: bad texturecolumn");
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[texturecolumn]));
column = (column_t *)((UINT8 *)patch + LONG(patch->columnofs[frac>>FRACBITS]));
colfunc = basecolfunc;
// R_SplitSprite
// runs through a sector's lightlist and
static void R_SplitSprite(vissprite_t *sprite, mobj_t *thing)
INT32 i, lightnum, lindex;
INT16 cutfrac;
sector_t *sector;
vissprite_t *newsprite;
sector = sprite->sector;
for (i = 1; i < sector->numlights; i++)
fixed_t testheight = sector->lightlist[i].height;
if (!(sector->lightlist[i].caster->flags & FF_CUTSPRITES))
#ifdef ESLOPE
if (sector->lightlist[i].slope)
testheight = P_GetZAt(sector->lightlist[i].slope, sprite->gx, sprite->gy);
if (testheight >= sprite->gzt)
if (testheight <= sprite->gz)
cutfrac = (INT16)((centeryfrac - FixedMul(testheight - viewz, sprite->scale))>>FRACBITS);
if (cutfrac < 0)
if (cutfrac > viewheight)
// Found a split! Make a new sprite, copy the old sprite to it, and
// adjust the heights.
newsprite = M_Memcpy(R_NewVisSprite(), sprite, sizeof (vissprite_t));
sprite->cut |= SC_BOTTOM;
sprite->gz = testheight;
newsprite->gzt = sprite->gz;
sprite->sz = cutfrac;
newsprite->szt = (INT16)(sprite->sz - 1);
if (testheight < sprite->pzt && testheight > sprite->pz)
sprite->pz = newsprite->pzt = testheight;
newsprite->pz = newsprite->gz;
newsprite->pzt = newsprite->gzt;
newsprite->szt -= 8;
newsprite->cut |= SC_TOP;
if (!(sector->lightlist[i].caster->flags & FF_NOSHADE))
lightnum = (*sector->lightlist[i].lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (lightnum < 0)
spritelights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
spritelights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
spritelights = scalelight[lightnum];
newsprite->extra_colormap = sector->lightlist[i].extra_colormap;
if (thing->frame & FF_TRANSMASK)
else if (thing->flags2 & MF2_SHADOW)
if (!((thing->frame & (FF_FULLBRIGHT|FF_TRANSMASK) || thing->flags2 & MF2_SHADOW)
&& (!newsprite->extra_colormap || !newsprite->extra_colormap->fog)))
lindex = FixedMul(sprite->xscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>(LIGHTSCALESHIFT);
if (lindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
newsprite->colormap = spritelights[lindex];
sprite = newsprite;
// R_ProjectSprite
// Generates a vissprite for a thing
// if it might be visible.
static void R_ProjectSprite(mobj_t *thing)
fixed_t tr_x, tr_y;
fixed_t gxt, gyt;
fixed_t tx, tz;
fixed_t xscale, yscale; //added : 02-02-98 : aaargll..if I were a math-guy!!!
INT32 x1, x2;
spritedef_t *sprdef;
spriteframe_t *sprframe;
size_t lump;
size_t rot;
UINT8 flip;
INT32 lindex;
vissprite_t *vis;
angle_t ang;
fixed_t iscale;
//SoM: 3/17/2000
fixed_t gz, gzt;
INT32 heightsec, phs;
INT32 light = 0;
fixed_t this_scale = thing->scale;
// transform the origin point
tr_x = thing->x - viewx;
tr_y = thing->y - viewy;
gxt = FixedMul(tr_x, viewcos);
gyt = -FixedMul(tr_y, viewsin);
tz = gxt-gyt;
// thing is behind view plane?
if (tz < FixedMul(MINZ, this_scale))
gxt = -FixedMul(tr_x, viewsin);
gyt = FixedMul(tr_y, viewcos);
tx = -(gyt + gxt);
// too far off the side?
if (abs(tx) > tz<<2)
// aspect ratio stuff
xscale = FixedDiv(projection, tz);
yscale = FixedDiv(projectiony, tz);
// decide which patch to use for sprite relative to player
if ((size_t)(thing->sprite) >= numsprites)
I_Error("R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite number %d ", thing->sprite);
rot = thing->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK;
//Fab : 02-08-98: 'skin' override spritedef currently used for skin
if (thing->skin && thing->sprite == SPR_PLAY)
sprdef = &((skin_t *)thing->skin)->spritedef;
if (rot >= sprdef->numframes)
sprdef = &sprites[thing->sprite];
sprdef = &sprites[thing->sprite];
if (rot >= sprdef->numframes)
CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("R_ProjectSprite: invalid sprite frame %s/%s for %s\n"),
sizeu1(rot), sizeu2(sprdef->numframes), sprnames[thing->sprite]);
thing->sprite = states[S_UNKNOWN].sprite;
thing->frame = states[S_UNKNOWN].frame;
sprdef = &sprites[thing->sprite];
rot = thing->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK;
if (!thing->skin)
thing->state->sprite = thing->sprite;
thing->state->frame = thing->frame;
sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[rot];
if (!sprframe)
I_Error("R_ProjectSprite: sprframes NULL for sprite %d\n", thing->sprite);
if (sprframe->rotate)
// choose a different rotation based on player view
ang = R_PointToAngle (thing->x, thing->y);
rot = (ang-thing->angle+ANGLE_202h)>>29;
//Fab: lumpid is the index for spritewidth,spriteoffset... tables
lump = sprframe->lumpid[rot];
flip = sprframe->flip & (1<<rot);
// use single rotation for all views
rot = 0; //Fab: for vis->patch below
lump = sprframe->lumpid[0]; //Fab: see note above
flip = sprframe->flip; // Will only be 0x00 or 0xFF
I_Assert(lump < max_spritelumps);
if (thing->skin && ((skin_t *)thing->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES)
this_scale = FixedMul(this_scale, ((skin_t *)thing->skin)->highresscale);
// calculate edges of the shape
if (flip)
tx -= FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].width-spritecachedinfo[lump].offset, this_scale);
tx -= FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].offset, this_scale);
x1 = (centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,xscale)) >>FRACBITS;
// off the right side?
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].width, this_scale);
x2 = ((centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,xscale)) >>FRACBITS) - 1;
// off the left side
if (x2 < 0)
if (portalrender)
if (x2 < portalclipstart || x1 > portalclipend)
if (P_PointOnLineSide(thing->x, thing->y, portalclipline) != 0)
//SoM: 3/17/2000: Disregard sprites that are out of view..
if (thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
// When vertical flipped, draw sprites from the top down, at least as far as offsets are concerned.
// sprite height - sprite topoffset is the proper inverse of the vertical offset, of course.
// remember gz and gzt should be seperated by sprite height, not thing height - thing height can be shorter than the sprite itself sometimes!
gz = thing->z + thing->height - FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].topoffset, this_scale);
gzt = gz + FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].height, this_scale);
gzt = thing->z + FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].topoffset, this_scale);
gz = gzt - FixedMul(spritecachedinfo[lump].height, this_scale);
if (thing->subsector->sector->cullheight)
if (R_DoCulling(thing->subsector->sector->cullheight, viewsector->cullheight, viewz, gz, gzt))
if (thing->subsector->sector->numlights)
INT32 lightnum;
#ifdef ESLOPE // R_GetPlaneLight won't work on sloped lights!
light = thing->subsector->sector->numlights - 1;
for (lightnum = 1; lightnum < thing->subsector->sector->numlights; lightnum++) {
fixed_t h = thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[lightnum].slope ? P_GetZAt(thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[lightnum].slope, thing->x, thing->y)
: thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[lightnum].height;
if (h <= gzt) {
light = lightnum - 1;
light = R_GetPlaneLight(thing->subsector->sector, gzt, false);
lightnum = (*thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (lightnum < 0)
spritelights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
spritelights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
spritelights = scalelight[lightnum];
heightsec = thing->subsector->sector->heightsec;
if (viewplayer->mo && viewplayer->mo->subsector)
phs = viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->heightsec;
phs = -1;
if (heightsec != -1 && phs != -1) // only clip things which are in special sectors
if (viewz < sectors[phs].floorheight ?
thing->z >= sectors[heightsec].floorheight :
gzt < sectors[heightsec].floorheight)
if (viewz > sectors[phs].ceilingheight ?
gzt < sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight && viewz >= sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight :
thing->z >= sectors[heightsec].ceilingheight)
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->heightsec = heightsec; //SoM: 3/17/2000
vis->mobjflags = thing->flags;
vis->scale = yscale; //<<detailshift;
vis->dispoffset = thing->info->dispoffset; // Monster Iestyn: 23/11/15
vis->gx = thing->x;
vis->gy = thing->y;
vis->gz = gz;
vis->gzt = gzt;
vis->thingheight = thing->height;
vis->pz = thing->z;
vis->pzt = vis->pz + vis->thingheight;
vis->texturemid = vis->gzt - viewz;
vis->mobj = thing; // Easy access! Tails 06-07-2002
vis->x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth-1 : x2;
if (portalrender)
if (vis->x1 < portalclipstart)
vis->x1 = portalclipstart;
if (vis->x2 > portalclipend)
vis->x2 = portalclipend;
vis->xscale = xscale; //SoM: 4/17/2000
vis->sector = thing->subsector->sector;
vis->szt = (INT16)((centeryfrac - FixedMul(vis->gzt - viewz, yscale))>>FRACBITS);
vis->sz = (INT16)((centeryfrac - FixedMul(vis->gz - viewz, yscale))>>FRACBITS);
vis->cut = SC_NONE;
if (thing->subsector->sector->numlights)
vis->extra_colormap = thing->subsector->sector->lightlist[light].extra_colormap;
vis->extra_colormap = thing->subsector->sector->extra_colormap;
iscale = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, xscale);
if (flip)
vis->startfrac = spritecachedinfo[lump].width-1;
vis->xiscale = -iscale;
vis->startfrac = 0;
vis->xiscale = iscale;
if (vis->x1 > x1)
vis->startfrac += FixedDiv(vis->xiscale, this_scale)*(vis->x1-x1);
//Fab: lumppat is the lump number of the patch to use, this is different
// than lumpid for sprites-in-pwad : the graphics are patched
vis->patch = sprframe->lumppat[rot];
// determine the colormap (lightlevel & special effects)
vis->transmap = NULL;
// specific translucency
if (!cv_translucency.value)
; // no translucency
else if (thing->flags2 & MF2_SHADOW) // actually only the player should use this (temporary invisibility)
vis->transmap = transtables + ((tr_trans80-1)<<FF_TRANSSHIFT); // because now the translucency is set through FF_TRANSMASK
else if (thing->frame & FF_TRANSMASK)
vis->transmap = transtables + (thing->frame & FF_TRANSMASK) - 0x10000;
if (((thing->frame & FF_FULLBRIGHT) || (thing->flags2 & MF2_SHADOW))
&& (!vis->extra_colormap || !vis->extra_colormap->fog))
// full bright: goggles
vis->colormap = colormaps;
// diminished light
lindex = FixedMul(xscale, FixedDiv(640, vid.width))>>(LIGHTSCALESHIFT);
if (lindex >= MAXLIGHTSCALE)
vis->colormap = spritelights[lindex];
vis->precip = false;
if (thing->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP)
vis->vflip = true;
vis->vflip = false;
vis->isScaled = false;
if (thing->subsector->sector->numlights)
R_SplitSprite(vis, thing);
// Debug
static void R_ProjectPrecipitationSprite(precipmobj_t *thing)
fixed_t tr_x, tr_y;
fixed_t gxt, gyt;
fixed_t tx, tz;
fixed_t xscale, yscale; //added : 02-02-98 : aaargll..if I were a math-guy!!!
INT32 x1, x2;
spritedef_t *sprdef;
spriteframe_t *sprframe;
size_t lump;
vissprite_t *vis;
fixed_t iscale;
//SoM: 3/17/2000
fixed_t gz ,gzt;
// transform the origin point
tr_x = thing->x - viewx;
tr_y = thing->y - viewy;
gxt = FixedMul(tr_x, viewcos);
gyt = -FixedMul(tr_y, viewsin);
tz = gxt - gyt;
// thing is behind view plane?
if (tz < MINZ)
gxt = -FixedMul(tr_x, viewsin);
gyt = FixedMul(tr_y, viewcos);
tx = -(gyt + gxt);
// too far off the side?
if (abs(tx) > tz<<2)
// aspect ratio stuff :
xscale = FixedDiv(projection, tz);
yscale = FixedDiv(projectiony, tz);
// decide which patch to use for sprite relative to player
if ((unsigned)thing->sprite >= numsprites)
I_Error("R_ProjectPrecipitationSprite: invalid sprite number %d ",
sprdef = &sprites[thing->sprite];
if ((UINT8)(thing->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK) >= sprdef->numframes)
I_Error("R_ProjectPrecipitationSprite: invalid sprite frame %d : %d for %s",
thing->sprite, thing->frame, sprnames[thing->sprite]);
sprframe = &sprdef->spriteframes[thing->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK];
if (!sprframe)
I_Error("R_ProjectPrecipitationSprite: sprframes NULL for sprite %d\n", thing->sprite);
// use single rotation for all views
lump = sprframe->lumpid[0]; //Fab: see note above
// calculate edges of the shape
tx -= spritecachedinfo[lump].offset;
x1 = (centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,xscale)) >>FRACBITS;
// off the right side?
if (x1 > viewwidth)
tx += spritecachedinfo[lump].width;
x2 = ((centerxfrac + FixedMul (tx,xscale)) >>FRACBITS) - 1;
// off the left side
if (x2 < 0)
if (portalrender)
if (x2 < portalclipstart || x1 > portalclipend)
if (P_PointOnLineSide(thing->x, thing->y, portalclipline) != 0)
//SoM: 3/17/2000: Disregard sprites that are out of view..
gzt = thing->z + spritecachedinfo[lump].topoffset;
gz = gzt - spritecachedinfo[lump].height;
if (thing->subsector->sector->cullheight)
if (R_DoCulling(thing->subsector->sector->cullheight, viewsector->cullheight, viewz, gz, gzt))
// store information in a vissprite
vis = R_NewVisSprite();
vis->scale = yscale; //<<detailshift;
vis->dispoffset = 0; // Monster Iestyn: 23/11/15
vis->gx = thing->x;
vis->gy = thing->y;
vis->gz = gz;
vis->gzt = gzt;
vis->thingheight = 4*FRACUNIT;
vis->pz = thing->z;
vis->pzt = vis->pz + vis->thingheight;
vis->texturemid = vis->gzt - viewz;
vis->x1 = x1 < 0 ? 0 : x1;
vis->x2 = x2 >= viewwidth ? viewwidth-1 : x2;
if (portalrender)
if (vis->x1 < portalclipstart)
vis->x1 = portalclipstart;
if (vis->x2 > portalclipend)
vis->x2 = portalclipend;
vis->xscale = xscale; //SoM: 4/17/2000
vis->sector = thing->subsector->sector;
vis->szt = (INT16)((centeryfrac - FixedMul(vis->gzt - viewz, yscale))>>FRACBITS);
vis->sz = (INT16)((centeryfrac - FixedMul(vis->gz - viewz, yscale))>>FRACBITS);
iscale = FixedDiv(FRACUNIT, xscale);
vis->startfrac = 0;
vis->xiscale = iscale;
if (vis->x1 > x1)
vis->startfrac += vis->xiscale*(vis->x1-x1);
//Fab: lumppat is the lump number of the patch to use, this is different
// than lumpid for sprites-in-pwad : the graphics are patched
vis->patch = sprframe->lumppat[0];
// specific translucency
if (thing->frame & FF_TRANSMASK)
vis->transmap = (thing->frame & FF_TRANSMASK) - 0x10000 + transtables;
vis->transmap = NULL;
vis->mobjflags = 0;
vis->cut = SC_NONE;
vis->extra_colormap = thing->subsector->sector->extra_colormap;
vis->heightsec = thing->subsector->sector->heightsec;
// Fullbright
vis->colormap = colormaps;
vis->precip = true;
vis->vflip = false;
vis->isScaled = false;
// R_AddSprites
// During BSP traversal, this adds sprites by sector.
void R_AddSprites(sector_t *sec, INT32 lightlevel)
mobj_t *thing;
precipmobj_t *precipthing; // Tails 08-25-2002
INT32 lightnum;
fixed_t approx_dist, limit_dist;
if (rendermode != render_soft)
// BSP is traversed by subsector.
// A sector might have been split into several
// subsectors during BSP building.
// Thus we check whether its already added.
if (sec->validcount == validcount)
// Well, now it will be done.
sec->validcount = validcount;
if (!sec->numlights)
if (sec->heightsec == -1) lightlevel = sec->lightlevel;
lightnum = (lightlevel >> LIGHTSEGSHIFT);
if (lightnum < 0)
spritelights = scalelight[0];
else if (lightnum >= LIGHTLEVELS)
spritelights = scalelight[LIGHTLEVELS-1];
spritelights = scalelight[lightnum];
// Handle all things in sector.
// If a limit exists, handle things a tiny bit different.
if ((limit_dist = (fixed_t)((maptol & TOL_NIGHTS) ? cv_drawdist_nights.value : cv_drawdist.value) << FRACBITS))
for (thing = sec->thinglist; thing; thing = thing->snext)
if (thing->sprite == SPR_NULL || thing->flags2 & MF2_DONTDRAW)
approx_dist = P_AproxDistance(viewx-thing->x, viewy-thing->y);
if (approx_dist <= limit_dist)
// Draw everything in sector, no checks
for (thing = sec->thinglist; thing; thing = thing->snext)
if (!(thing->sprite == SPR_NULL || thing->flags2 & MF2_DONTDRAW))
// Someone seriously wants infinite draw distance for precipitation?
if ((limit_dist = (fixed_t)cv_drawdist_precip.value << FRACBITS))
for (precipthing = sec->preciplist; precipthing; precipthing = precipthing->snext)
if (precipthing->precipflags & PCF_INVISIBLE)
approx_dist = P_AproxDistance(viewx-precipthing->x, viewy-precipthing->y);
if (approx_dist <= limit_dist)
// Draw everything in sector, no checks
for (precipthing = sec->preciplist; precipthing; precipthing = precipthing->snext)
if (!(precipthing->precipflags & PCF_INVISIBLE))
// R_SortVisSprites
static vissprite_t vsprsortedhead;
void R_SortVisSprites(void)
UINT32 i;
vissprite_t *ds, *dsprev, *dsnext, *dsfirst;
vissprite_t *best = NULL;
vissprite_t unsorted;
fixed_t bestscale;
INT32 bestdispoffset;
if (!visspritecount)
return; = unsorted.prev = &unsorted;
dsfirst = R_GetVisSprite(0);
// The first's prev and last's next will be set to
// nonsense, but are fixed in a moment
for (i = 0, dsnext = dsfirst, ds = NULL; i < visspritecount; i++)
dsprev = ds;
ds = dsnext;
if (i < visspritecount - 1) dsnext = R_GetVisSprite(i + 1);
ds->next = dsnext;
ds->prev = dsprev;
// Fix first and last. ds still points to the last one after the loop
dsfirst->prev = &unsorted; = dsfirst;
if (ds)
ds->next = &unsorted;
unsorted.prev = ds;
// pull the vissprites out by scale = vsprsortedhead.prev = &vsprsortedhead;
for (i = 0; i < visspritecount; i++)
bestscale = bestdispoffset = INT32_MAX;
for (ds =; ds != &unsorted; ds = ds->next)
if (ds->scale < bestscale)
bestscale = ds->scale;
bestdispoffset = ds->dispoffset;
best = ds;
// order visprites of same scale by dispoffset, smallest first
else if (ds->scale == bestscale && ds->dispoffset < bestdispoffset)
bestdispoffset = ds->dispoffset;
best = ds;
best->next->prev = best->prev;
best->prev->next = best->next;
best->next = &vsprsortedhead;
best->prev = vsprsortedhead.prev;
vsprsortedhead.prev->next = best;
vsprsortedhead.prev = best;
// R_CreateDrawNodes
// Creates and sorts a list of drawnodes for the scene being rendered.
static drawnode_t *R_CreateDrawNode(drawnode_t *link);
static drawnode_t nodebankhead;
static drawnode_t nodehead;
static void R_CreateDrawNodes(void)
drawnode_t *entry;
drawseg_t *ds;
INT32 i, p, best, x1, x2;
fixed_t bestdelta, delta;
vissprite_t *rover;
drawnode_t *r2;
visplane_t *plane;
INT32 sintersect;
fixed_t scale = 0;
// Add the 3D floors, thicksides, and masked textures...
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > drawsegs ;)
if (ds->numthicksides)
for (i = 0; i < ds->numthicksides; i++)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->thickseg = ds;
entry->ffloor = ds->thicksides[i];
// Check for a polyobject plane, but only if this is a front line
if (ds->curline->polyseg && ds->curline->polyseg->visplane && !ds->curline->side) {
plane = ds->curline->polyseg->visplane;
if (plane->low < con_clipviewtop || plane->high > vid.height || plane->high > plane->low)
else {
// Put it in!
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->plane = plane;
entry->seg = ds;
ds->curline->polyseg->visplane = NULL;
if (ds->maskedtexturecol)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->seg = ds;
if (ds->numffloorplanes)
for (i = 0; i < ds->numffloorplanes; i++)
best = -1;
bestdelta = 0;
for (p = 0; p < ds->numffloorplanes; p++)
if (!ds->ffloorplanes[p])
plane = ds->ffloorplanes[p];
if (plane->low < con_clipviewtop || plane->high > vid.height || plane->high > plane->low || plane->polyobj)
ds->ffloorplanes[p] = NULL;
delta = abs(plane->height - viewz);
if (delta > bestdelta)
best = p;
bestdelta = delta;
if (best != -1)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->plane = ds->ffloorplanes[best];
entry->seg = ds;
ds->ffloorplanes[best] = NULL;
// find all the remaining polyobject planes and add them on the end of the list
// probably this is a terrible idea if we wanted them to be sorted properly
// but it works getting them in for now
for (i = 0; i < numPolyObjects; i++)
if (!PolyObjects[i].visplane)
plane = PolyObjects[i].visplane;
if (plane->low < con_clipviewtop || plane->high > vid.height || plane->high > plane->low)
PolyObjects[i].visplane = NULL;
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->plane = plane;
// note: no seg is set, for what should be obvious reasons
PolyObjects[i].visplane = NULL;
if (visspritecount == 0)
for (rover = vsprsortedhead.prev; rover != &vsprsortedhead; rover = rover->prev)
if (rover->szt > vid.height || rover->sz < 0)
sintersect = (rover->x1 + rover->x2) / 2;
for (r2 =; r2 != &nodehead; r2 = r2->next)
if (r2->plane)
fixed_t planeobjectz, planecameraz;
if (r2->plane->minx > rover->x2 || r2->plane->maxx < rover->x1)
if (rover->szt > r2->plane->low || rover->sz < r2->plane->high)
#ifdef ESLOPE
// Effective height may be different for each comparison in the case of slopes
if (r2->plane->slope) {
planeobjectz = P_GetZAt(r2->plane->slope, rover->gx, rover->gy);
planecameraz = P_GetZAt(r2->plane->slope, viewx, viewy);
} else
planeobjectz = planecameraz = r2->plane->height;
if (rover->mobjflags & MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT)
//Objects with NOCLIPHEIGHT can appear halfway in.
if (planecameraz < viewz && rover->pz+(rover->thingheight/2) >= planeobjectz)
if (planecameraz > viewz && rover->pzt-(rover->thingheight/2) <= planeobjectz)
if (planecameraz < viewz && rover->pz >= planeobjectz)
if (planecameraz > viewz && rover->pzt <= planeobjectz)
// SoM: NOTE: Because a visplane's shape and scale is not directly
// bound to any single linedef, a simple poll of it's frontscale is
// not adequate. We must check the entire frontscale array for any
// part that is in front of the sprite.
x1 = rover->x1;
x2 = rover->x2;
if (x1 < r2->plane->minx) x1 = r2->plane->minx;
if (x2 > r2->plane->maxx) x2 = r2->plane->maxx;
if (r2->seg) // if no seg set, assume the whole thing is in front or something stupid
for (i = x1; i <= x2; i++)
if (r2->seg->frontscale[i] > rover->scale)
if (i > x2)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(NULL);
(entry->prev = r2->prev)->next = entry;
(entry->next = r2)->prev = entry;
entry->sprite = rover;
else if (r2->thickseg)
fixed_t topplaneobjectz, topplanecameraz, botplaneobjectz, botplanecameraz;
if (rover->x1 > r2->thickseg->x2 || rover->x2 < r2->thickseg->x1)
scale = r2->thickseg->scale1 > r2->thickseg->scale2 ? r2->thickseg->scale1 : r2->thickseg->scale2;
if (scale <= rover->scale)
scale = r2->thickseg->scale1 + (r2->thickseg->scalestep * (sintersect - r2->thickseg->x1));
if (scale <= rover->scale)
#ifdef ESLOPE
if (*r2->ffloor->t_slope) {
topplaneobjectz = P_GetZAt(*r2->ffloor->t_slope, rover->gx, rover->gy);
topplanecameraz = P_GetZAt(*r2->ffloor->t_slope, viewx, viewy);
} else
topplaneobjectz = topplanecameraz = *r2->ffloor->topheight;
#ifdef ESLOPE
if (*r2->ffloor->b_slope) {
botplaneobjectz = P_GetZAt(*r2->ffloor->b_slope, rover->gx, rover->gy);
botplanecameraz = P_GetZAt(*r2->ffloor->b_slope, viewx, viewy);
} else
botplaneobjectz = botplanecameraz = *r2->ffloor->bottomheight;
if ((topplanecameraz > viewz && botplanecameraz < viewz) ||
(topplanecameraz < viewz && rover->gzt < topplaneobjectz) ||
(botplanecameraz > viewz && rover->gz > botplaneobjectz))
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(NULL);
(entry->prev = r2->prev)->next = entry;
(entry->next = r2)->prev = entry;
entry->sprite = rover;
else if (r2->seg)
if (r2->seg->curline->polyseg && rover->mobj && P_MobjInsidePolyobj(r2->seg->curline->polyseg, rover->mobj)) {
// Determine if we need to sort in front of the polyobj, based on the planes. This fixes the issue where
// polyobject planes render above the object standing on them. (A bit hacky... but it works.) -Red
mobj_t *mo = rover->mobj;
sector_t *po = r2->seg->curline->backsector;
if (po->ceilingheight < viewz && mo->z+mo->height > po->ceilingheight)
if (po->floorheight > viewz && mo->z < po->floorheight)
if (rover->x1 > r2->seg->x2 || rover->x2 < r2->seg->x1)
scale = r2->seg->scale1 > r2->seg->scale2 ? r2->seg->scale1 : r2->seg->scale2;
if (scale <= rover->scale)
scale = r2->seg->scale1 + (r2->seg->scalestep * (sintersect - r2->seg->x1));
if (rover->scale < scale)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(NULL);
(entry->prev = r2->prev)->next = entry;
(entry->next = r2)->prev = entry;
entry->sprite = rover;
else if (r2->sprite)
if (r2->sprite->x1 > rover->x2 || r2->sprite->x2 < rover->x1)
if (r2->sprite->szt > rover->sz || r2->sprite->sz < rover->szt)
if (r2->sprite->scale > rover->scale
|| (r2->sprite->scale == rover->scale && r2->sprite->dispoffset > rover->dispoffset))
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(NULL);
(entry->prev = r2->prev)->next = entry;
(entry->next = r2)->prev = entry;
entry->sprite = rover;
if (r2 == &nodehead)
entry = R_CreateDrawNode(&nodehead);
entry->sprite = rover;
static drawnode_t *R_CreateDrawNode(drawnode_t *link)
drawnode_t *node =;
if (node == &nodebankhead)
node = malloc(sizeof (*node));
if (!node)
I_Error("No more free memory to CreateDrawNode");
( = node->next)->prev = &nodebankhead;
if (link)
node->next = link;
node->prev = link->prev;
link->prev->next = node;
link->prev = node;
node->plane = NULL;
node->seg = NULL;
node->thickseg = NULL;
node->ffloor = NULL;
node->sprite = NULL;
return node;
static void R_DoneWithNode(drawnode_t *node)
(node->next->prev = node->prev)->next = node->next;
(node->next =>prev = node;
(node->prev = &nodebankhead)->next = node;
static void R_ClearDrawNodes(void)
drawnode_t *rover;
drawnode_t *next;
for (rover =; rover != &nodehead ;)
next = rover->next;
rover = next;
} = nodehead.prev = &nodehead;
void R_InitDrawNodes(void)
{ = nodebankhead.prev = &nodebankhead; = nodehead.prev = &nodehead;
// R_DrawSprite
//Fab : 26-04-98:
// NOTE : uses con_clipviewtop, so that when console is on,
// don't draw the part of sprites hidden under the console
static void R_DrawSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
mfloorclip = spr->clipbot;
mceilingclip = spr->cliptop;
// Special drawer for precipitation sprites Tails 08-18-2002
static void R_DrawPrecipitationSprite(vissprite_t *spr)
mfloorclip = spr->clipbot;
mceilingclip = spr->cliptop;
// R_ClipSprites
// Clips vissprites without drawing, so that portals can work. -Red
void R_ClipSprites(void)
vissprite_t *spr;
for (;clippedvissprites < visspritecount; clippedvissprites++)
drawseg_t *ds;
INT32 x;
INT32 r1;
INT32 r2;
fixed_t scale;
fixed_t lowscale;
INT32 silhouette;
spr = R_GetVisSprite(clippedvissprites);
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
spr->clipbot[x] = spr->cliptop[x] = -2;
// Scan drawsegs from end to start for obscuring segs.
// The first drawseg that has a greater scale
// is the clip seg.
//SoM: 4/8/2000:
// Pointer check was originally nonportable
// and buggy, by going past LEFT end of array:
// for (ds = ds_p-1; ds >= drawsegs; ds--) old buggy code
for (ds = ds_p; ds-- > drawsegs ;)
// determine if the drawseg obscures the sprite
if (ds->x1 > spr->x2 ||
ds->x2 < spr->x1 ||
&& !ds->maskedtexturecol))
// does not cover sprite
if (ds->portalpass > 0 && ds->portalpass <= portalrender)
continue; // is a portal
r1 = ds->x1 < spr->x1 ? spr->x1 : ds->x1;
r2 = ds->x2 > spr->x2 ? spr->x2 : ds->x2;
if (ds->scale1 > ds->scale2)
lowscale = ds->scale2;
scale = ds->scale1;
lowscale = ds->scale1;
scale = ds->scale2;
if (scale < spr->scale ||
(lowscale < spr->scale &&
!R_PointOnSegSide (spr->gx, spr->gy, ds->curline)))
// masked mid texture?
/*if (ds->maskedtexturecol)
R_RenderMaskedSegRange (ds, r1, r2);*/
// seg is behind sprite
// clip this piece of the sprite
silhouette = ds->silhouette;
if (spr->gz >= ds->bsilheight)
silhouette &= ~SIL_BOTTOM;
if (spr->gzt <= ds->tsilheight)
silhouette &= ~SIL_TOP;
if (silhouette == SIL_BOTTOM)
// bottom sil
for (x = r1; x <= r2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2)
spr->clipbot[x] = ds->sprbottomclip[x];
else if (silhouette == SIL_TOP)
// top sil
for (x = r1; x <= r2; x++)
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2)
spr->cliptop[x] = ds->sprtopclip[x];
else if (silhouette == (SIL_TOP|SIL_BOTTOM))
// both
for (x = r1; x <= r2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2)
spr->clipbot[x] = ds->sprbottomclip[x];
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2)
spr->cliptop[x] = ds->sprtopclip[x];
//SoM: 3/17/2000: Clip sprites in water.
if (spr->heightsec != -1) // only things in specially marked sectors
fixed_t mh, h;
INT32 phs = viewplayer->mo->subsector->sector->heightsec;
if ((mh = sectors[spr->heightsec].floorheight) > spr->gz &&
(h = centeryfrac - FixedMul(mh -= viewz, spr->scale)) >= 0 &&
(h >>= FRACBITS) < viewheight)
if (mh <= 0 || (phs != -1 && viewz > sectors[phs].floorheight))
{ // clip bottom
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2 || h < spr->clipbot[x])
spr->clipbot[x] = (INT16)h;
else // clip top
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2 || h > spr->cliptop[x])
spr->cliptop[x] = (INT16)h;
if ((mh = sectors[spr->heightsec].ceilingheight) < spr->gzt &&
(h = centeryfrac - FixedMul(mh-viewz, spr->scale)) >= 0 &&
(h >>= FRACBITS) < viewheight)
if (phs != -1 && viewz >= sectors[phs].ceilingheight)
{ // clip bottom
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2 || h < spr->clipbot[x])
spr->clipbot[x] = (INT16)h;
else // clip top
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2 || h > spr->cliptop[x])
spr->cliptop[x] = (INT16)h;
if (spr->cut & SC_TOP && spr->cut & SC_BOTTOM)
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2 || spr->szt > spr->cliptop[x])
spr->cliptop[x] = spr->szt;
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2 || spr->sz < spr->clipbot[x])
spr->clipbot[x] = spr->sz;
else if (spr->cut & SC_TOP)
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2 || spr->szt > spr->cliptop[x])
spr->cliptop[x] = spr->szt;
else if (spr->cut & SC_BOTTOM)
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2 || spr->sz < spr->clipbot[x])
spr->clipbot[x] = spr->sz;
// all clipping has been performed, so store the values - what, did you think we were drawing them NOW?
// check for unclipped columns
for (x = spr->x1; x <= spr->x2; x++)
if (spr->clipbot[x] == -2)
spr->clipbot[x] = (INT16)viewheight;
if (spr->cliptop[x] == -2)
//Fab : 26-04-98: was -1, now clips against console bottom
spr->cliptop[x] = (INT16)con_clipviewtop;
// R_DrawMasked
void R_DrawMasked(void)
drawnode_t *r2;
drawnode_t *next;
for (r2 =; r2 != &nodehead; r2 = r2->next)
if (r2->plane)
next = r2->prev;
r2 = next;
else if (r2->seg && r2->seg->maskedtexturecol != NULL)
next = r2->prev;
R_RenderMaskedSegRange(r2->seg, r2->seg->x1, r2->seg->x2);
r2->seg->maskedtexturecol = NULL;
r2 = next;
else if (r2->thickseg)
next = r2->prev;
R_RenderThickSideRange(r2->thickseg, r2->thickseg->x1, r2->thickseg->x2, r2->ffloor);
r2 = next;
else if (r2->sprite)
next = r2->prev;
// Tails 08-18-2002
if (r2->sprite->precip == true)
r2 = next;
// ==========================================================================
// ==========================================================================
INT32 numskins = 0;
skin_t skins[MAXSKINS+1];
// FIXTHIS: don't work because it must be inistilised before the config load
//#define SKINVALUES
CV_PossibleValue_t skin_cons_t[MAXSKINS+1];
static void Sk_SetDefaultValue(skin_t *skin)
INT32 i;
// set default skin values
memset(skin, 0, sizeof (skin_t));
sizeof skin->name, "skin %u", (UINT32)(skin-skins));
skin->name[sizeof skin->name - 1] = '\0';
skin->wadnum = INT16_MAX;
strcpy(skin->sprite, "");
skin->flags = 0;
strcpy(skin->realname, "Someone");
strcpy(skin->hudname, "???");
strncpy(skin->charsel, "CHRSONIC", 8);
strncpy(skin->face, "MISSING", 8);
strncpy(skin->superface, "MISSING", 8);
skin->starttranscolor = 160;
skin->prefcolor = SKINCOLOR_GREEN;
skin->normalspeed = 36<<FRACBITS;
skin->runspeed = 28<<FRACBITS;
skin->thrustfactor = 5;
skin->accelstart = 96;
skin->acceleration = 40;
skin->ability = CA_NONE;
skin->ability2 = CA2_SPINDASH;
skin->jumpfactor = FRACUNIT;
skin->actionspd = 30<<FRACBITS;
skin->mindash = 15<<FRACBITS;
skin->maxdash = 90<<FRACBITS;
skin->thokitem = -1;
skin->spinitem = -1;
skin->revitem = -1;
skin->highresscale = FRACUNIT>>1;
for (i = 0; i < sfx_skinsoundslot0; i++)
if (S_sfx[i].skinsound != -1)
skin->soundsid[S_sfx[i].skinsound] = i;
// Initialize the basic skins
void R_InitSkins(void)
skin_t *skin;
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i <= MAXSKINS; i++)
skin_cons_t[i].value = 0;
skin_cons_t[i].strvalue = NULL;
// skin[0] = Sonic skin
skin = &skins[0];
numskins = 1;
// Hardcoded S_SKIN customizations for Sonic.
strcpy(skin->name, DEFAULTSKIN);
skin_cons_t[0].strvalue = skins[0].name;
strcpy(skin->realname, "Sonic");
strcpy(skin->hudname, "SONIC");
strncpy(skin->charsel, "CHRSONIC", 8);
strncpy(skin->face, "LIVSONIC", 8);
strncpy(skin->superface, "LIVSUPER", 8);
skin->prefcolor = SKINCOLOR_BLUE;
skin->ability = CA_THOK;
skin->actionspd = 60<<FRACBITS;
skin->normalspeed = 36<<FRACBITS;
skin->runspeed = 28<<FRACBITS;
skin->thrustfactor = 5;
skin->accelstart = 96;
skin->acceleration = 40;
skin->spritedef.numframes = sprites[SPR_PLAY].numframes;
skin->spritedef.spriteframes = sprites[SPR_PLAY].spriteframes;
ST_LoadFaceGraphics(skin->face, skin->superface, 0);
//MD2 for sonic doesn't want to load in Linux.
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
// returns true if the skin name is found (loaded from pwad)
// warning return -1 if not found
INT32 R_SkinAvailable(const char *name)
INT32 i;
for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++)
if (stricmp(skins[i].name,name)==0)
return i;
return -1;
// network code calls this when a 'skin change' is received
void SetPlayerSkin(INT32 playernum, const char *skinname)
INT32 i;
player_t *player = &players[playernum];
for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++)
// search in the skin list
if (stricmp(skins[i].name, skinname) == 0)
SetPlayerSkinByNum(playernum, i);
if (P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Skin '%s' not found.\n"), skinname);
else if(server || adminplayer == consoleplayer)
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Player %d (%s) skin '%s' not found\n"), playernum, player_names[playernum], skinname);
SetPlayerSkinByNum(playernum, 0);
// Same as SetPlayerSkin, but uses the skin #.
// network code calls this when a 'skin change' is received
void SetPlayerSkinByNum(INT32 playernum, INT32 skinnum)
player_t *player = &players[playernum];
skin_t *skin = &skins[skinnum];
if (skinnum >= 0 && skinnum < numskins) // Make sure it exists!
player->skin = skinnum;
if (player->mo)
player->mo->skin = skin;
player->charability = (UINT8)skin->ability;
player->charability2 = (UINT8)skin->ability2;
player->charflags = (UINT32)skin->flags;
player->thokitem = skin->thokitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].painchance : (UINT32)skin->thokitem;
player->spinitem = skin->spinitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].damage : (UINT32)skin->spinitem;
player->revitem = skin->revitem < 0 ? (mobjtype_t)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].raisestate : (UINT32)skin->revitem;
player->actionspd = skin->actionspd;
player->mindash = skin->mindash;
player->maxdash = skin->maxdash;
player->normalspeed = skin->normalspeed;
player->runspeed = skin->runspeed;
player->thrustfactor = skin->thrustfactor;
player->accelstart = skin->accelstart;
player->acceleration = skin->acceleration;
player->jumpfactor = skin->jumpfactor;
if (!(cv_debug || devparm) && !(netgame || multiplayer || demoplayback))
if (playernum == consoleplayer)
CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, skin->prefcolor);
else if (playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)
CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, skin->prefcolor);
player->skincolor = skin->prefcolor;
if (player->mo)
player->mo->color = player->skincolor;
if (player->mo)
P_SetScale(player->mo, player->mo->scale);
if (P_IsLocalPlayer(player))
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Skin %d not found\n"), skinnum);
else if(server || adminplayer == consoleplayer)
CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "Player %d (%s) skin %d not found\n", playernum, player_names[playernum], skinnum);
SetPlayerSkinByNum(playernum, 0); // not found put the sonic skin
// Add skins from a pwad, each skin preceded by 'S_SKIN' marker
// Does the same is in w_wad, but check only for
// the first 6 characters (this is so we can have S_SKIN1, S_SKIN2..
// for wad editors that don't like multiple resources of the same name)
static UINT16 W_CheckForSkinMarkerInPwad(UINT16 wadid, UINT16 startlump)
UINT16 i;
const char *S_SKIN = "S_SKIN";
lumpinfo_t *lump_p;
// scan forward, start at <startlump>
if (startlump < wadfiles[wadid]->numlumps)
lump_p = wadfiles[wadid]->lumpinfo + startlump;
for (i = startlump; i < wadfiles[wadid]->numlumps; i++, lump_p++)
if (memcmp(lump_p->name,S_SKIN,6)==0)
return i;
return INT16_MAX; // not found
// Find skin sprites, sounds & optional status bar face, & add them
void R_AddSkins(UINT16 wadnum)
UINT16 lump, lastlump = 0;
char *buf;
char *buf2;
char *stoken;
char *value;
size_t size;
skin_t *skin;
boolean hudname, realname, superface;
// search for all skin markers in pwad
while ((lump = W_CheckForSkinMarkerInPwad(wadnum, lastlump)) != INT16_MAX)
// advance by default
lastlump = lump + 1;
if (numskins > MAXSKINS)
CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "ignored skin (%d skins maximum)\n", MAXSKINS);
continue; // so we know how many skins couldn't be added
buf = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadnum, lump, PU_CACHE);
size = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum, lump);
// for strtok
buf2 = malloc(size+1);
if (!buf2)
I_Error("R_AddSkins: No more free memory\n");
buf2[size] = '\0';
// set defaults
skin = &skins[numskins];
skin->wadnum = wadnum;
hudname = realname = superface = false;
// parse
stoken = strtok (buf2, "\r\n= ");
while (stoken)
if ((stoken[0] == '/' && stoken[1] == '/')
|| (stoken[0] == '#'))// skip comments
stoken = strtok(NULL, "\r\n"); // skip end of line
goto next_token; // find the real next token
value = strtok(NULL, "\r\n= ");
if (!value)
I_Error("R_AddSkins: syntax error in S_SKIN lump# %d(%s) in WAD %s\n", lump, W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lump), wadfiles[wadnum]->filename);
if (!stricmp(stoken, "name"))
// the skin name must uniquely identify a single skin
// I'm lazy so if name is already used I leave the 'skin x'
// default skin name set in Sk_SetDefaultValue
if (R_SkinAvailable(value) == -1)
STRBUFCPY(skin->name, value);
// I'm not lazy, so if the name is already used I make the name 'namex'
// using the default skin name's number set above
const size_t stringspace =
strlen(value) + sizeof (numskins) + 1;
char *value2 = Z_Malloc(stringspace, PU_STATIC, NULL);
snprintf(value2, stringspace,
"%s%d", value, numskins);
value2[stringspace - 1] = '\0';
if (R_SkinAvailable(value2) == -1)
// copy to hudname and fullname as a default.
if (!realname)
STRBUFCPY(skin->realname, skin->name);
for (value = skin->realname; *value; value++)
if (*value == '_') *value = ' '; // turn _ into spaces.
if (!hudname)
STRBUFCPY(skin->hudname, skin->name);
for (value = skin->hudname; *value; value++)
if (*value == '_') *value = ' '; // turn _ into spaces.
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "realname"))
{ // Display name (eg. "Knuckles")
realname = true;
STRBUFCPY(skin->realname, value);
for (value = skin->realname; *value; value++)
if (*value == '_') *value = ' '; // turn _ into spaces.
if (!hudname)
STRBUFCPY(skin->hudname, skin->realname);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "hudname"))
{ // Life icon name (eg. "K.T.E")
hudname = true;
STRBUFCPY(skin->hudname, value);
for (value = skin->hudname; *value; value++)
if (*value == '_') *value = ' '; // turn _ into spaces.
if (!realname)
STRBUFCPY(skin->realname, skin->hudname);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "sprite"))
strncpy(skin->sprite, value, sizeof skin->sprite);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "charsel"))
strncpy(skin->charsel, value, sizeof skin->charsel);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "face"))
strncpy(skin->face, value, sizeof skin->face);
if (!superface)
strncpy(skin->superface, value, sizeof skin->superface);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "superface"))
superface = true;
strncpy(skin->superface, value, sizeof skin->superface);
#define FULLPROCESS(field) else if (!stricmp(stoken, #field)) skin->field = get_number(value);
// character type identification
#define GETSPEED(field) else if (!stricmp(stoken, #field)) skin->field = atoi(value)<<FRACBITS;
#define GETINT(field) else if (!stricmp(stoken, #field)) skin->field = atoi(value);
#undef GETINT
// custom translation table
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "startcolor"))
skin->starttranscolor = atoi(value);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "prefcolor"))
skin->prefcolor = R_GetColorByName(value);
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "jumpfactor"))
skin->jumpfactor = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(atof(value));
else if (!stricmp(stoken, "highresscale"))
skin->highresscale = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(atof(value));
INT32 found = false;
sfxenum_t i;
// copy name of sounds that are remapped
// for this skin
for (i = 0; i < sfx_skinsoundslot0; i++)
if (!S_sfx[i].name)
if (S_sfx[i].skinsound != -1
&& !stricmp(S_sfx[i].name,
stoken + 2))
skin->soundsid[S_sfx[i].skinsound] =
S_AddSoundFx(value+2, S_sfx[i].singularity, S_sfx[i].pitch, true);
found = true;
if (!found)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "R_AddSkins: Unknown keyword '%s' in S_SKIN lump# %d (WAD %s)\n", stoken, lump, wadfiles[wadnum]->filename);
stoken = strtok(NULL, "\r\n= ");
lump++; // if no sprite defined use spirte just after this one
if (skin->sprite[0] == '\0')
const char *csprname = W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lump);
// skip to end of this skin's frames
lastlump = lump;
while (W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lastlump) && memcmp(W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lastlump),csprname,4)==0)
// allocate (or replace) sprite frames, and set spritedef
R_AddSingleSpriteDef(csprname, &skin->spritedef, wadnum, lump, lastlump);
// search in the normal sprite tables
size_t name;
boolean found = false;
const char *sprname = skin->sprite;
for (name = 0;sprnames[name][0] != '\0';name++)
if (strncmp(sprnames[name], sprname, 4) == 0)
found = true;
skin->spritedef = sprites[name];
// not found so make a new one
// go through the entire current wad looking for our sprite
// don't just mass add anything beginning with our four letters.
// "HOODFACE" is not a sprite name.
if (!found)
UINT16 localllump = 0, lstart = UINT16_MAX, lend = UINT16_MAX;
const char *lname;
while ((lname = W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,localllump)))
// If this is a valid sprite...
if (!memcmp(lname,sprname,4) && lname[4] && lname[5] && lname[5] >= '0' && lname[5] <= '8')
if (lstart == UINT16_MAX)
lstart = localllump;
// If already set do nothing
if (lstart != UINT16_MAX)
lend = localllump;
// If not already set do nothing
R_AddSingleSpriteDef(sprname, &skin->spritedef, wadnum, lstart, lend);
// I don't particularly care about skipping to the end of the used frames.
// We could be using frames from ANYWHERE in the current WAD file, including
// right before us, which is a terrible idea.
// So just let the function in the while loop take care of it for us.
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Added skin '%s'\n"), skin->name);
skin_cons_t[numskins].value = numskins;
skin_cons_t[numskins].strvalue = skin->name;
// add face graphics
ST_LoadFaceGraphics(skin->face, skin->superface, numskins);
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
#ifdef DELFILE
void R_DelSkins(UINT16 wadnum)
UINT16 lump, lastlump = 0;
while ((lump = W_CheckForSkinMarkerInPwad(wadnum, lastlump)) != INT16_MAX)
if (skins[numskins].wadnum != wadnum)
ST_UnLoadFaceGraphics(numskins); // only used by DELFILE
if (skins[numskins].sprite[0] != '\0')
const char *csprname = W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lump);
// skip to end of this skin's frames
lastlump = lump;
while (W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lastlump) && memcmp(W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lastlump),csprname,4)==0)
// allocate (or replace) sprite frames, and set spritedef
R_DelSingleSpriteDef(csprname, &skins[numskins].spritedef, wadnum, lump, lastlump);
// search in the normal sprite tables
size_t name;
boolean found = false;
const char *sprname = skins[numskins].sprite;
for (name = 0;sprnames[name][0] != '\0';name++)
if (strcmp(sprnames[name], sprname) == 0)
found = true;
skins[numskins].spritedef = sprites[name];
// not found so make a new one
if (!found)
R_DelSingleSpriteDef(sprname, &skins[numskins].spritedef, wadnum, 0, INT16_MAX);
while (W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lastlump) && memcmp(W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lastlump),sprname,4)==0)
CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Removed skin '%s'\n"), skins[numskins].name);