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// Copyright (C) 2020-2023 by Jaime "Lactozilla" Passos.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_patchrotation.c
/// \brief Patch rotation.
#include "r_patchrotation.h"
#include "r_things.h" // FEETADJUST
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
fixed_t rollcosang[ROTANGLES];
fixed_t rollsinang[ROTANGLES];
INT32 R_GetRollAngle(angle_t rollangle)
INT32 ra = AngleFixed(rollangle)>>FRACBITS;
#if (ROTANGDIFF > 1)
ra += (ROTANGDIFF/2);
return ra;
patch_t *Patch_GetRotated(patch_t *patch, INT32 angle, boolean flip)
rotsprite_t *rotsprite = patch->rotated;
if (rotsprite == NULL || angle < 1 || angle >= ROTANGLES)
return NULL;
if (flip)
angle += rotsprite->angles;
return rotsprite->patches[angle];
patch_t *Patch_GetRotatedSprite(
spriteframe_t *sprite,
size_t frame, size_t spriteangle,
boolean flip, boolean adjustfeet,
void *info, INT32 rotationangle)
rotsprite_t *rotsprite;
spriteinfo_t *sprinfo = (spriteinfo_t *)info;
INT32 idx = rotationangle;
UINT8 type = (adjustfeet ? 1 : 0);
if (rotationangle < 1 || rotationangle >= ROTANGLES)
return NULL;
rotsprite = sprite->rotated[type][spriteangle];
if (rotsprite == NULL)
rotsprite = RotatedPatch_Create(ROTANGLES);
sprite->rotated[type][spriteangle] = rotsprite;
if (flip)
idx += rotsprite->angles;
if (rotsprite->patches[idx] == NULL)
patch_t *patch;
INT32 xpivot = 0, ypivot = 0;
lumpnum_t lump = sprite->lumppat[spriteangle];
if (lump == LUMPERROR)
return NULL;
patch = W_CachePatchNum(lump, PU_SPRITE);
if (sprinfo->available)
xpivot = sprinfo->pivot[frame].x;
ypivot = sprinfo->pivot[frame].y;
xpivot = patch->leftoffset;
ypivot = patch->height / 2;
RotatedPatch_DoRotation(rotsprite, patch, rotationangle, xpivot, ypivot, flip);
//BP: we cannot use special tric in hardware mode because feet in ground caused by z-buffer
if (adjustfeet)
((patch_t *)rotsprite->patches[idx])->topoffset += FEETADJUST>>FRACBITS;
return rotsprite->patches[idx];
void Patch_Rotate(patch_t *patch, INT32 angle, INT32 xpivot, INT32 ypivot, boolean flip)
if (patch->rotated == NULL)
patch->rotated = RotatedPatch_Create(ROTANGLES);
RotatedPatch_DoRotation(patch->rotated, patch, angle, xpivot, ypivot, flip);
rotsprite_t *RotatedPatch_Create(INT32 numangles)
rotsprite_t *rotsprite = Z_Calloc(sizeof(rotsprite_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
rotsprite->angles = numangles;
rotsprite->patches = Z_Calloc(rotsprite->angles * 2 * sizeof(void *), PU_STATIC, NULL);
return rotsprite;
static void RotatedPatch_CalculateDimensions(
INT32 width, INT32 height,
fixed_t ca, fixed_t sa,
INT32 *newwidth, INT32 *newheight)
fixed_t fixedwidth = (width * FRACUNIT);
fixed_t fixedheight = (height * FRACUNIT);
fixed_t w1 = abs(FixedMul(fixedwidth, ca) - FixedMul(fixedheight, sa));
fixed_t w2 = abs(FixedMul(-fixedwidth, ca) - FixedMul(fixedheight, sa));
fixed_t h1 = abs(FixedMul(fixedwidth, sa) + FixedMul(fixedheight, ca));
fixed_t h2 = abs(FixedMul(-fixedwidth, sa) + FixedMul(fixedheight, ca));
w1 = FixedInt(FixedCeil(w1 + (FRACUNIT/2)));
w2 = FixedInt(FixedCeil(w2 + (FRACUNIT/2)));
h1 = FixedInt(FixedCeil(h1 + (FRACUNIT/2)));
h2 = FixedInt(FixedCeil(h2 + (FRACUNIT/2)));
*newwidth = max(width, max(w1, w2));
*newheight = max(height, max(h1, h2));
void RotatedPatch_DoRotation(rotsprite_t *rotsprite, patch_t *patch, INT32 angle, INT32 xpivot, INT32 ypivot, boolean flip)
patch_t *rotated;
UINT16 *rawdst, *rawconv;
size_t size;
pictureflags_t bflip = (flip) ? PICFLAGS_XFLIP : 0;
INT32 width = patch->width;
INT32 height = patch->height;
INT32 leftoffset = patch->leftoffset;
INT32 newwidth, newheight;
fixed_t ca = rollcosang[angle];
fixed_t sa = rollsinang[angle];
fixed_t xcenter, ycenter;
INT32 idx = angle;
INT32 x, y;
INT32 sx, sy;
INT32 dx, dy;
INT32 ox, oy;
INT32 minx, miny, maxx, maxy;
// Don't cache angle = 0
if (angle < 1 || angle >= ROTANGLES)
if (flip)
idx += rotsprite->angles;
xpivot = width - xpivot;
leftoffset = width - leftoffset;
if (rotsprite->patches[idx])
// Find the dimensions of the rotated patch.
RotatedPatch_CalculateDimensions(width, height, ca, sa, &newwidth, &newheight);
xcenter = (xpivot * FRACUNIT);
ycenter = (ypivot * FRACUNIT);
if (xpivot != width / 2 || ypivot != height / 2)
newwidth *= 2;
newheight *= 2;
minx = newwidth;
miny = newheight;
maxx = 0;
maxy = 0;
// Draw the rotated sprite to a temporary buffer.
size = (newwidth * newheight);
if (!size)
size = (width * height);
rawdst = Z_Calloc(size * sizeof(UINT16), PU_STATIC, NULL);
for (dy = 0; dy < newheight; dy++)
for (dx = 0; dx < newwidth; dx++)
x = (dx - (newwidth / 2)) * FRACUNIT;
y = (dy - (newheight / 2)) * FRACUNIT;
sx = FixedMul(x, ca) + FixedMul(y, sa) + xcenter;
sy = -FixedMul(x, sa) + FixedMul(y, ca) + ycenter;
sx >>= FRACBITS;
sy >>= FRACBITS;
if (sx >= 0 && sy >= 0 && sx < width && sy < height)
void *input = Picture_GetPatchPixel(patch, PICFMT_PATCH, sx, sy, bflip);
if (input != NULL)
rawdst[(dy * newwidth) + dx] = (0xFF00 | (*(UINT8 *)input));
if (dx < minx)
minx = dx;
if (dy < miny)
miny = dy;
if (dx > maxx)
maxx = dx;
if (dy > maxy)
maxy = dy;
ox = (newwidth / 2) + (leftoffset - xpivot);
oy = (newheight / 2) + (patch->topoffset - ypivot);
width = (maxx - minx);
height = (maxy - miny);
if ((unsigned)(width * height) > size)
UINT16 *src, *dest;
size = (width * height);
rawconv = Z_Calloc(size * sizeof(UINT16), PU_STATIC, NULL);
src = &rawdst[(miny * newwidth) + minx];
dest = rawconv;
dy = height;
while (dy--)
M_Memcpy(dest, src, width * sizeof(UINT16));
dest += width;
src += newwidth;
ox -= minx;
oy -= miny;
rawconv = rawdst;
width = newwidth;
height = newheight;
// make patch
rotated = (patch_t *)Picture_Convert(PICFMT_FLAT16, rawconv, PICFMT_PATCH, 0, NULL, width, height, 0, 0, 0);
Z_ChangeTag(rotated, PU_PATCH_ROTATED);
Z_SetUser(rotated, (void **)(&rotsprite->patches[idx]));
rotated->leftoffset = ox;
rotated->topoffset = oy;