2025-01-21 23:26:47 -05:00

1784 lines
47 KiB

// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file r_textures.c
/// \brief Texture generation.
#include "doomdef.h"
#include "g_game.h"
#include "i_video.h"
#include "r_local.h"
#include "r_sky.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "m_misc.h"
#include "r_data.h"
#include "r_textures.h"
#include "r_patch.h"
#include "r_picformats.h"
#include "w_wad.h"
#include "z_zone.h"
#include "p_setup.h" // levelflats
#include "byteptr.h"
#include "dehacked.h"
#include "hardware/hw_glob.h" // HWR_LoadMapTextures
#include <errno.h>
// When a texture is first needed, it counts the number of composite columns
// required in the texture and allocates space for a column directory and
// any new columns.
// The directory will simply point inside other patches if there is only one
// patch in a given column, but any columns with multiple patches will have
// new column_ts generated.
INT32 numtextures = 0; // total number of textures found,
// size of following tables
texture_t **textures = NULL;
column_t **texturecolumns; // columns for each texture
UINT8 **texturecache; // graphics data for each generated full-size texture
INT32 *texturewidth;
fixed_t *textureheight; // needed for texture pegging
INT32 *texturetranslation;
// Painfully simple texture id cacheing to make maps load faster. :3
static struct {
char name[9];
UINT32 hash;
INT32 id;
UINT8 type;
} *tidcache = NULL;
static INT32 tidcachelen = 0;
// When a texture is first needed, it counts the number of composite columns
// required in the texture and allocates space for a column directory and
// any new columns.
// The directory will simply point inside other patches if there is only one
// patch in a given column, but any columns with multiple patches will have
// new column_ts generated.
// R_DrawColumnInCache
// Clip and draw a column from a patch into a cached post.
static void R_DrawColumnInCache(column_t *column, UINT8 *cache, texpatch_t *originPatch, INT32 cacheheight, INT32 patchheight, UINT8 *opaque_pixels)
INT32 count, position;
UINT8 *source;
INT32 originy = originPatch->originy;
(void)patchheight; // This parameter is unused
for (unsigned i = 0; i < column->num_posts; i++)
post_t *post = &column->posts[i];
source = column->pixels + post->data_offset;
count = post->length;
position = originy + post->topdelta;
if (position < 0)
count += position;
source -= position; // start further down the column
position = 0;
if (position + count > cacheheight)
count = cacheheight - position;
if (count > 0)
M_Memcpy(cache + position, source, count);
memset(opaque_pixels + position, true, count);
// R_DrawFlippedColumnInCache
// Similar to R_DrawColumnInCache; it draws the column inverted, however.
static void R_DrawFlippedColumnInCache(column_t *column, UINT8 *cache, texpatch_t *originPatch, INT32 cacheheight, INT32 patchheight, UINT8 *opaque_pixels)
INT32 count, position;
UINT8 *source, *dest;
INT32 originy = originPatch->originy;
INT32 topdelta;
UINT8 *is_opaque;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < column->num_posts; i++)
post_t *post = &column->posts[i];
topdelta = patchheight - post->length - post->topdelta;
source = column->pixels + post->data_offset + (post->length - 1);
count = post->length;
position = originy + topdelta;
if (position < 0)
count += position;
source += position; // start further UP the column
position = 0;
if (position + count > cacheheight)
count = cacheheight - position;
dest = cache + position;
is_opaque = opaque_pixels + position;
if (count > 0)
for (; dest < cache + position + count; --source, dest++, is_opaque++)
*dest = *source;
*is_opaque = true;
// R_DrawBlendColumnInCache
// Draws a translucent column into the cache.
static void R_DrawBlendColumnInCache(column_t *column, UINT8 *cache, texpatch_t *originPatch, INT32 cacheheight, INT32 patchheight, UINT8 *opaque_pixels)
INT32 count, position;
UINT8 *source, *dest;
INT32 originy = originPatch->originy;
UINT8 *is_opaque;
(void)patchheight; // This parameter is unused
for (unsigned i = 0; i < column->num_posts; i++)
post_t *post = &column->posts[i];
source = column->pixels + post->data_offset;
count = post->length;
position = originy + post->topdelta;
if (position < 0)
count += position;
source -= position; // start further down the column
position = 0;
if (position + count > cacheheight)
count = cacheheight - position;
dest = cache + position;
is_opaque = opaque_pixels + position;
if (count > 0)
for (; dest < cache + position + count; source++, dest++, is_opaque++)
if (originPatch->alpha <= ASTTextureBlendingThreshold[1] && !(*is_opaque))
*dest = ASTBlendPaletteIndexes(*dest, *source, originPatch->style, originPatch->alpha);
*is_opaque = true;
// R_DrawBlendFlippedColumnInCache
// Similar to the one above except that the column is inverted.
static void R_DrawBlendFlippedColumnInCache(column_t *column, UINT8 *cache, texpatch_t *originPatch, INT32 cacheheight, INT32 patchheight, UINT8 *opaque_pixels)
INT32 count, position;
UINT8 *source, *dest;
INT32 originy = originPatch->originy;
INT32 topdelta;
UINT8 *is_opaque;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < column->num_posts; i++)
post_t *post = &column->posts[i];
topdelta = patchheight - post->length - post->topdelta;
source = column->pixels + post->data_offset + (post->length - 1);
count = post->length;
position = originy + topdelta;
if (position < 0)
count += position;
source += position; // start further UP the column
position = 0;
if (position + count > cacheheight)
count = cacheheight - position;
dest = cache + position;
is_opaque = opaque_pixels + position;
if (count > 0)
for (; dest < cache + position + count; --source, dest++, is_opaque++)
if (originPatch->alpha <= ASTTextureBlendingThreshold[1] && !(*is_opaque))
*dest = ASTBlendPaletteIndexes(*dest, *source, originPatch->style, originPatch->alpha);
*is_opaque = true;
// R_GenerateTexture
// Allocate space for full size texture, either single patch or 'composite'
// Build the full textures from patches.
// The texture caching system is a little more hungry of memory, but has
// been simplified for the sake of highcolor, dynamic lighting, & speed.
// This is not optimised, but it's supposed to be executed only once
// per level, when enough memory is available.
UINT8 *R_GenerateTexture(size_t texnum)
UINT8 *block;
UINT8 *blocktex;
UINT8 *temp_block;
texture_t *texture;
texpatch_t *patch;
int x, x1, x2, i, width, height;
size_t blocksize;
unsigned *column_posts;
UINT8 *opaque_pixels;
column_t *columns, *temp_columns;
post_t *posts, *temp_posts = NULL;
size_t total_posts = 0;
size_t total_pixels = 0;
I_Assert(texnum <= (size_t)numtextures);
texture = textures[texnum];
I_Assert(texture != NULL);
// Just create a composite one
if (texture->type == TEXTURETYPE_FLAT)
goto multipatch;
// single-patch textures can have holes in them and may be used on
// 2sided lines so they need to be kept in 'packed' format
// BUT this is wrong for skies and walls with over 255 pixels,
// so check if there's holes and if not strip the posts.
if (texture->patchcount == 1)
patch = &texture->patches[0];
UINT16 wadnum = patch->wad;
UINT16 lumpnum = patch->lump;
UINT8 *pdata;
softwarepatch_t *realpatch;
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, header, PNG_HEADER_SIZE, 0);
// Not worth converting
if (Picture_IsLumpPNG(header, W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum, lumpnum)))
goto multipatch;
pdata = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
realpatch = (softwarepatch_t *)pdata;
texture->transparency = false;
// Check the patch for holes.
if (texture->width > SHORT(realpatch->width) || texture->height > SHORT(realpatch->height))
texture->transparency = true;
UINT8 *colofs = (UINT8 *)realpatch->columnofs;
for (x = 0; x < texture->width; x++)
doompost_t *col = (doompost_t *)((UINT8 *)realpatch + LONG(*(UINT32 *)&colofs[x<<2]));
INT32 topdelta, prevdelta = -1, y = 0;
while (col->topdelta != 0xff)
topdelta = col->topdelta;
if (topdelta <= prevdelta)
topdelta += prevdelta;
prevdelta = topdelta;
if (topdelta > y)
y = topdelta + col->length + 1;
col = (doompost_t *)((UINT8 *)col + col->length + 4);
if (y < texture->height)
texture->transparency = true; // this texture is HOLEy! D:
// If the patch uses transparency, we have to save it this way.
if (texture->transparency)
texture->flip = patch->flip;
Patch_CalcDataSizes(realpatch, &total_pixels, &total_posts);
blocksize = (sizeof(column_t) * texture->width) + (sizeof(post_t) * total_posts) + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels);
texturememory += blocksize;
block = Z_Calloc(blocksize, PU_STATIC, &texturecache[texnum]);
blocktex = block;
columns = (column_t *)(block + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels));
posts = (post_t *)(block + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels) + (sizeof(column_t) * texture->width));
texturecolumns[texnum] = columns;
// Handles flipping as well.
// we can't as easily flip the patch vertically sadly though,
// we have wait until the texture itself is drawn to do that
Patch_MakeColumns(realpatch, texture->width, texture->width, blocktex, columns, posts, patch->flip & 1);
goto done;
// Otherwise, do multipatch format.
// multi-patch textures (or 'composite')
texture->flip = 0;
// To make things easier, I just allocate WxH always
total_pixels = texture->width * texture->height;
opaque_pixels = Z_Calloc(total_pixels * sizeof(UINT8), PU_STATIC, NULL);
temp_columns = Z_Calloc(sizeof(column_t) * texture->width, PU_STATIC, NULL);
temp_block = Z_Calloc(total_pixels, PU_STATIC, NULL);
texture->transparency = false;
// Transparency hack
memset(temp_block, TRANSPARENTPIXEL, total_pixels);
texture->transparency = true;
for (x = 0; x < texture->width; x++)
column_t *column = &temp_columns[x];
column->num_posts = 0;
column->posts = NULL;
column->pixels = temp_block + (texture->height * x);
// Composite the columns together.
for (i = 0, patch = texture->patches; i < texture->patchcount; i++, patch++)
static void (*columnDrawer)(column_t *, UINT8 *, texpatch_t *, INT32, INT32, UINT8 *);
if (patch->style != AST_COPY)
columnDrawer = (patch->flip & 2) ? R_DrawBlendFlippedColumnInCache : R_DrawBlendColumnInCache;
columnDrawer = (patch->flip & 2) ? R_DrawFlippedColumnInCache : R_DrawColumnInCache;
UINT16 wadnum = patch->wad;
lumpnum_t lumpnum = patch->lump;
UINT8 *pdata = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
patch_t *realpatch = NULL;
boolean free_patch = true;
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
size_t lumplength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum, lumpnum);
if (Picture_IsLumpPNG(pdata, lumplength))
realpatch = (patch_t *)Picture_PNGConvert(pdata, PICFMT_PATCH, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, lumplength, NULL, 0);
if (texture->type == TEXTURETYPE_FLAT)
realpatch = (patch_t *)Picture_Convert(PICFMT_FLAT, pdata, PICFMT_PATCH, 0, NULL, texture->width, texture->height, 0, 0, PICFLAGS_USE_TRANSPARENTPIXEL);
// If this patch has already been loaded, we just use it from the cache.
realpatch = W_GetCachedPatchNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum);
free_patch = false;
// Otherwise, we load it here.
if (realpatch == NULL)
realpatch = W_CachePatchNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, PU_PATCH);
x1 = patch->originx;
width = realpatch->width;
height = realpatch->height;
x2 = x1 + width;
if (x1 > texture->width || x2 < 0)
if (free_patch)
continue; // patch not located within texture's x bounds, ignore
if (patch->originy > texture->height || (patch->originy + height) < 0)
if (free_patch)
continue; // patch not located within texture's y bounds, ignore
// patch is actually inside the texture!
// now check if texture is partly off-screen and adjust accordingly
// left edge
if (x1 < 0)
x = 0;
x = x1;
// right edge
if (x2 > texture->width)
x2 = texture->width;
for (; x < x2; x++)
INT32 colx;
if (patch->flip & 1)
colx = (x1+width-1)-x;
colx = x-x1;
column_t *patchcol = &realpatch->columns[colx];
if (patchcol->num_posts > 0)
columnDrawer(patchcol, temp_columns[x].pixels, patch, texture->height, height, &opaque_pixels[x * texture->height]);
if (free_patch)
// Now write the columns
column_posts = Z_Calloc(sizeof(unsigned) * texture->width, PU_STATIC, NULL);
total_posts = texture->width;
temp_posts = Z_Realloc(temp_posts, sizeof(post_t) * total_posts, PU_CACHE, NULL);
for (x = 0; x < texture->width; x++)
post_t *post = NULL;
column_t *column = &temp_columns[x];
post = &temp_posts[x];
post->topdelta = 0;
post->length = texture->height;
post->data_offset = 0;
column_posts[x] = x;
column->num_posts = 1;
boolean was_opaque = false;
column_posts[x] = (unsigned)-1;
for (INT32 y = 0; y < texture->height; y++)
// End span if we have a transparent pixel
if (!opaque_pixels[(x * texture->height) + y])
was_opaque = false;
if (!was_opaque)
temp_posts = Z_Realloc(temp_posts, sizeof(post_t) * total_posts, PU_CACHE, NULL);
post = &temp_posts[total_posts - 1];
post->topdelta = (size_t)y;
post->length = 0;
post->data_offset = (size_t)y;
if (column_posts[x] == (unsigned)-1)
column_posts[x] = total_posts - 1;
was_opaque = true;
blocksize = (sizeof(column_t) * texture->width) + (sizeof(post_t) * total_posts) + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels);
texturememory += blocksize;
block = Z_Calloc(blocksize, PU_STATIC, &texturecache[texnum]);
blocktex = block;
memcpy(blocktex, temp_block, total_pixels);
columns = (column_t *)(block + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels));
posts = (post_t *)(block + (sizeof(UINT8) * total_pixels) + (sizeof(column_t) * texture->width));
memcpy(columns, temp_columns, sizeof(column_t) * texture->width);
memcpy(posts, temp_posts, sizeof(post_t) * total_posts);
texturecolumns[texnum] = columns;
for (x = 0; x < texture->width; x++)
column_t *column = &columns[x];
if (column->num_posts > 0)
column->posts = &posts[column_posts[x]];
column->pixels = blocktex + (texture->height * x);
// Now that the texture has been built in column cache, it is purgable from zone memory.
Z_ChangeTag(block, PU_CACHE);
return blocktex;
UINT8 *R_GetFlatForTexture(size_t texnum)
if (texnum >= (unsigned)numtextures)
return NULL;
texture_t *texture = textures[texnum];
if (texture->flat != NULL)
return texture->flat;
// Special case: Textures that are flats don't need to be converted FROM a texture INTO a flat.
if (texture->type == TEXTURETYPE_FLAT)
texpatch_t *patch = &texture->patches[0];
UINT16 wadnum = patch->wad;
lumpnum_t lumpnum = patch->lump;
UINT8 *pdata = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
size_t lumplength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum, lumpnum);
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
if (Picture_IsLumpPNG(pdata, lumplength))
texture->flat = Picture_PNGConvert(pdata, PICFMT_FLAT, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, lumplength, NULL, 0);
texture->flat = Z_Malloc(lumplength, PU_STATIC, NULL);
memcpy(texture->flat, pdata, lumplength);
Z_SetUser(texture->flat, &texture->flat);
texture->flat = (UINT8 *)Picture_TextureToFlat(texnum);
flatmemory += texture->width * texture->height;
return texture->flat;
// R_GetTextureNum
// Returns the actual texture id that we should use.
// This can either be texnum, the current frame for texnum's anim (if animated),
// or 0 if not valid.
INT32 R_GetTextureNum(INT32 texnum)
if (texnum < 0 || texnum >= numtextures)
return 0;
return texturetranslation[texnum];
// R_CheckTextureCache
// Use this if you need to make sure the texture is cached before R_GetColumn calls
// e.g.: midtextures and FOF walls
void R_CheckTextureCache(INT32 tex)
if (!texturecache[tex])
column_t *R_GetColumn(fixed_t tex, INT32 col)
INT32 width = texturewidth[tex];
if (width & (width - 1))
col = (UINT32)col % width;
col &= (width - 1);
return &texturecolumns[tex][col];
INT32 R_GetTextureNumForFlat(levelflat_t *levelflat)
return texturetranslation[levelflat->texture_id];
void *R_GetFlat(levelflat_t *levelflat)
if (levelflat->type == LEVELFLAT_NONE)
return NULL;
return R_GetFlatForTexture(R_GetTextureNumForFlat(levelflat));
// Checks if the current flat's dimensions are powers of two
boolean R_CheckPowersOfTwo(void)
if (ds_flatwidth > 2048 || ds_flatheight > 2048)
return false;
boolean wpow2 = !(ds_flatwidth & (ds_flatwidth - 1));
boolean hpow2 = !(ds_flatheight & (ds_flatheight - 1));
return ds_flatwidth == ds_flatheight && wpow2 && hpow2;
// Checks if the current flat's dimensions are 1x1
boolean R_CheckSolidColorFlat(void)
return ds_flatwidth == 1 && ds_flatheight == 1;
// Returns the flat size corresponding to the length of a lump
UINT16 R_GetFlatSize(size_t length)
switch (length)
case 4194304: // 2048x2048 lump
return 2048;
case 1048576: // 1024x1024 lump
return 1024;
case 262144:// 512x512 lump
return 512;
case 65536: // 256x256 lump
return 256;
case 16384: // 128x128 lump
return 128;
case 1024: // 32x32 lump
return 32;
case 256: // 16x16 lump
return 16;
case 64: // 8x8 lump
return 8;
case 16: // 4x4 lump
return 4;
case 4: // 2x2 lump
return 2;
case 1: // 1x1 lump
return 1;
default: // 64x64 lump
return 64;
// Determines a flat's width bits from its size
UINT8 R_GetFlatBits(INT32 size)
switch (size)
case 2048: return 11;
case 1024: return 10;
case 512: return 9;
case 256: return 8;
case 128: return 7;
case 32: return 5;
case 16: return 4;
case 8: return 3;
case 4: return 2;
case 2: return 1;
case 1: return 0;
default: return 6; // 64x64
void R_SetFlatVars(size_t length)
UINT16 size = R_GetFlatSize(length);
UINT8 bits = R_GetFlatBits(size);
ds_flatwidth = ds_flatheight = size;
if (bits == 0)
nflatshiftup = 16 - bits;
nflatxshift = 16 + nflatshiftup;
nflatyshift = nflatxshift - bits;
nflatmask = (size - 1) * size;
// Empty the texture cache (used for load wad at runtime)
void R_FlushTextureCache(void)
INT32 i;
if (numtextures)
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; i++)
// Need these prototypes for later; defining them here instead of r_textures.h so they're "private"
int R_CountTexturesInTEXTURESLump(UINT16 wadNum, UINT16 lumpNum);
void R_ParseTEXTURESLump(UINT16 wadNum, UINT16 lumpNum, INT32 *index);
static void R_AddSinglePatchTexture(INT32 i, UINT16 wadnum, UINT16 lumpnum, INT16 width, INT16 height, unsigned type)
texture_t *texture = Z_Calloc(sizeof(texture_t) + sizeof(texpatch_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
// Set texture properties.
M_Memcpy(texture->name, W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum), sizeof(texture->name));
texture->hash = quickncasehash(texture->name, 8);
texture->width = width;
texture->height = height;
texture->type = type;
texture->patchcount = 1;
texture->flip = 0;
// Allocate information for the texture's patches.
texpatch_t *patch = &texture->patches[0];
patch->originx = patch->originy = 0;
patch->wad = wadnum;
patch->lump = lumpnum;
patch->flip = 0;
texturewidth[i] = texture->width;
textureheight[i] = texture->height << FRACBITS;
textures[i] = texture;
static INT32
Rloadflats (INT32 i, INT32 w)
UINT16 j, numlumps = 0;
UINT16 texstart = 0, texend = 0;
UINT32 *list = NULL;
// Get every lump inside the Flats/ folder
if (W_FileHasFolders(wadfiles[w]))
W_GetFolderLumpsPwad("Flats/", (UINT16)w, &list, NULL, &numlumps);
// Else, get the lumps between F_START/F_END markers
texstart = W_CheckNumForMarkerStartPwad("F_START", (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("F_END", (UINT16)w, texstart);
if (texstart == INT16_MAX || texend == INT16_MAX)
return i;
numlumps = texend - texstart;
// Now add every entry as a texture
for (j = 0; j < numlumps; j++)
UINT16 wadnum = list ? WADFILENUM(list[j]) : (UINT16)w;
UINT16 lumpnum = list ? LUMPNUM(list[j]) : (texstart + j);
size_t lumplength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadnum, lumpnum);
size_t flatsize = R_GetFlatSize(lumplength);
INT16 width = flatsize, height = flatsize;
#ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS
W_ReadLumpHeaderPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, header, sizeof header, 0);
if (Picture_IsLumpPNG(header, lumplength))
INT32 texw, texh;
UINT8 *flatlump = W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, PU_CACHE);
if (Picture_PNGDimensions((UINT8 *)flatlump, &texw, &texh, NULL, NULL, lumplength))
width = (INT16)texw;
height = (INT16)texh;
width = 1;
height = 1;
// printf("\"%s\" (wad: %u, lump: %u) is a flat, dimensions %d x %d\n",W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lumpnum),wadnum,lumpnum,width,height);
R_AddSinglePatchTexture(i, wadnum, lumpnum, width, height, TEXTURETYPE_FLAT);
if (list)
return i;
#define TX_END "TX_END"
static INT32
Rloadtextures (INT32 i, INT32 w)
UINT16 j, numlumps = 0;
UINT16 texstart = 0, texend = 0;
UINT16 texturesLumpPos;
UINT32 *list = NULL;
// Get every lump inside the Textures/ folder
if (W_FileHasFolders(wadfiles[w]))
W_GetFolderLumpsPwad("Textures/", (UINT16)w, &list, NULL, &numlumps);
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, 0);
while (texturesLumpPos != INT16_MAX)
R_ParseTEXTURESLump(w, texturesLumpPos, &i);
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, texturesLumpPos + 1);
// Else, get the lumps between TX_START/TX_END markers
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", (UINT16)w, 0);
if (texturesLumpPos != INT16_MAX)
R_ParseTEXTURESLump(w, texturesLumpPos, &i);
texstart = W_CheckNumForMarkerStartPwad(TX_START, (UINT16)w, 0);
texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(TX_END, (UINT16)w, texstart);
if (texstart == INT16_MAX || texend == INT16_MAX)
return i;
numlumps = texend - texstart;
// Now add every entry as a texture
for (j = 0; j < numlumps; j++)
UINT16 wadnum = list ? WADFILENUM(list[j]) : (UINT16)w;
UINT16 lumpnum = list ? LUMPNUM(list[j]) : (texstart + j);
INT16 width = 0, height = 0;
if (!W_ReadPatchHeaderPwad(wadnum, lumpnum, &width, &height, NULL, NULL))
width = 1;
height = 1;
// printf("\"%s\" (wad: %u, lump: %u) is a single patch, dimensions %d x %d\n",W_CheckNameForNumPwad(wadnum,lumpnum),wadnum,lumpnum,width,height);
R_AddSinglePatchTexture(i, wadnum, lumpnum, width, height, TEXTURETYPE_SINGLEPATCH);
if (list)
return i;
static INT32
( const char * marker_start,
const char * marker_end,
const char * folder,
UINT16 wadnum)
INT32 count = 0;
if (W_FileHasFolders(wadfiles[wadnum]))
count += W_CountFolderLumpsPwad(folder, wadnum);
UINT16 texstart = W_CheckNumForMarkerStartPwad(marker_start, wadnum, 0);
UINT16 texend = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(marker_end, wadnum, texstart);
if (texstart != INT16_MAX && texend != INT16_MAX)
count += (texend - texstart);
return count;
static INT32 R_CountTextures(UINT16 wadnum)
UINT16 texturesLumpPos;
INT32 count = 0;
// Load patches and textures.
// Get the number of textures to check.
// NOTE: Make SURE the system does not process
// the markers.
// This system will allocate memory for all duplicate/patched textures even if it never uses them,
// but the alternative is to spend a ton of time checking and re-checking all previous entries just to skip any potentially patched textures.
count += count_range("F_START", "F_END", "flats/", wadnum);
// Count the textures from TEXTURES lumps
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", wadnum, 0);
while (texturesLumpPos != INT16_MAX)
count += R_CountTexturesInTEXTURESLump(wadnum, texturesLumpPos);
texturesLumpPos = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TEXTURES", wadnum, texturesLumpPos + 1);
// Count single-patch textures
count += count_range(TX_START, TX_END, "textures/", wadnum);
return count;
static void
( void * user,
size_t old,
size_t new)
char *p = Z_Realloc(*(void**)user,
new, PU_STATIC, user);
if (new > old)
memset(&p[old], 0, (new - old));
static void R_AllocateTextures(INT32 add)
const INT32 newtextures = (numtextures + add);
const size_t newsize = newtextures * sizeof (void*);
const size_t oldsize = numtextures * sizeof (void*);
INT32 i;
// Allocate memory and initialize to 0 for all the textures we are initialising.
recallocuser(&textures, oldsize, newsize);
// Allocate texture column offset table.
recallocuser(&texturecolumns, oldsize, newsize);
// Allocate texture referencing cache.
recallocuser(&texturecache, oldsize, newsize);
// Allocate texture width table.
recallocuser(&texturewidth, oldsize, newsize);
// Allocate texture height table.
recallocuser(&textureheight, oldsize, newsize);
// Create translation table for global animation.
Z_Realloc(texturetranslation, (newtextures + 1) * sizeof(*texturetranslation), PU_STATIC, &texturetranslation);
for (i = 0; i < numtextures; ++i)
// R_FlushTextureCache relies on the user for
// Z_Free, texturecache has been reallocated so the
// user is now garbage memory.
while (i < newtextures)
texturetranslation[i] = i;
static INT32 R_DefineTextures(INT32 i, UINT16 w)
i = Rloadflats(i, w);
return Rloadtextures(i, w);
static void R_FinishLoadingTextures(INT32 add)
numtextures += add;
if (rendermode == render_opengl)
// R_LoadTextures
// Initializes the texture list with the textures from the world map.
void R_LoadTextures(void)
INT32 i, w;
INT32 newtextures = 0;
for (w = 0; w < numwadfiles; w++)
newtextures += R_CountTextures((UINT16)w);
// If no textures found by this point, bomb out
if (!newtextures)
I_Error("No textures detected in any WADs!\n");
for (i = 0, w = 0; w < numwadfiles; w++)
i = R_DefineTextures(i, w);
void R_LoadTexturesPwad(UINT16 wadnum)
INT32 newtextures = R_CountTextures(wadnum);
R_DefineTextures(numtextures, wadnum);
static lumpnum_t W_GetTexPatchLumpNum(const char *name)
// Flats as a texture patch crashes horribly, and flats
// can share the same name as textures.
// But even if they worked, we want to prioritize:
// Patches -> Textures -> anything else
lumpnum_t lump = LUMPERROR;
INT32 lump_type_it;
for (lump_type_it = 0; lump_type_it < USE__MAX; lump_type_it++)
INT32 i;
for (i = numwadfiles - 1; i >= 0; i--) // Scan wad files backwards so patched lumps take precedent
lumpnum_t start = LUMPERROR;
lumpnum_t end = LUMPERROR;
switch (wadfiles[i]->type)
case RET_WAD:
if (lump_type_it == USE_PATCHES)
if ((start = W_CheckNumForMarkerStartPwad("P_START", (UINT16)i, 0)) == INT16_MAX)
else if ((end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("P_END", (UINT16)i, start)) == INT16_MAX)
else if (lump_type_it == USE_TEXTURES)
if ((start = W_CheckNumForMarkerStartPwad("TX_START", (UINT16)i, 0)) == INT16_MAX)
else if ((end = W_CheckNumForNamePwad("TX_END", (UINT16)i, start)) == INT16_MAX)
case RET_PK3:
if (lump_type_it == USE_PATCHES)
if ((start = W_CheckNumForFolderStartPK3("Patches/", i, 0)) == INT16_MAX)
if ((end = W_CheckNumForFolderEndPK3("Patches/", i, start)) == INT16_MAX)
else if (lump_type_it == USE_TEXTURES)
if ((start = W_CheckNumForFolderStartPK3("Textures/", i, 0)) == INT16_MAX)
if ((end = W_CheckNumForFolderEndPK3("Textures/", i, start)) == INT16_MAX)
// Now find lump with specified name in that range.
lump = W_CheckNumForNamePwad(name, (UINT16)i, start);
if (lump < end)
lump += (i<<16); // found it, in our constraints
if (lump != LUMPERROR)
if (lump == LUMPERROR)
// Use whatever else you can find.
return W_CheckNumForPatchName(name);
return lump;
static texpatch_t *R_ParsePatch(boolean actuallyLoadPatch)
char *texturesToken;
size_t texturesTokenLength;
char *endPos;
char *patchName = NULL;
INT16 patchXPos;
INT16 patchYPos;
UINT8 flip = 0;
UINT8 alpha = 255;
enum patchalphastyle style = AST_COPY;
texpatch_t *resultPatch = NULL;
lumpnum_t patchLumpNum;
// Patch identifier
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch name should be");
texturesTokenLength = strlen(texturesToken);
if (texturesTokenLength>8)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Patch name \"%s\" exceeds 8 characters",texturesToken);
if (patchName != NULL)
patchName = (char *)Z_Malloc((texturesTokenLength+1)*sizeof(char),PU_STATIC,NULL);
patchName[texturesTokenLength] = '\0';
// Comma 1
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where comma after \"%s\"'s patch name should be",patchName);
if (strcmp(texturesToken,",")!=0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \",\" after %s's patch name, got \"%s\"",patchName,texturesToken);
// XPos
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch \"%s\"'s x coordinate should be",patchName);
endPos = NULL;
errno = 0;
patchXPos = strtol(texturesToken,&endPos,10);
(void)patchXPos; //unused for now
if (endPos == texturesToken // Empty string
|| *endPos != '\0' // Not end of string
|| errno == ERANGE // Number out-of-range
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected an integer for patch \"%s\"'s x coordinate, got \"%s\"",patchName,texturesToken);
// Comma 2
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where comma after patch \"%s\"'s x coordinate should be",patchName);
if (strcmp(texturesToken,",")!=0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \",\" after patch \"%s\"'s x coordinate, got \"%s\"",patchName,texturesToken);
// YPos
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch \"%s\"'s y coordinate should be",patchName);
endPos = NULL;
errno = 0;
patchYPos = strtol(texturesToken,&endPos,10);
(void)patchYPos; //unused for now
if (endPos == texturesToken // Empty string
|| *endPos != '\0' // Not end of string
|| errno == ERANGE // Number out-of-range
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected an integer for patch \"%s\"'s y coordinate, got \"%s\"",patchName,texturesToken);
// Patch parameters block (OPTIONAL)
// added by Monster Iestyn (22/10/16)
// Left Curly Brace
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
; // move on and ignore, R_ParseTextures will deal with this
if (strcmp(texturesToken,"{")==0)
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch \"%s\"'s parameters should be",patchName);
while (strcmp(texturesToken,"}")!=0)
if (stricmp(texturesToken, "ALPHA")==0)
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
alpha = 255*strtof(texturesToken, NULL);
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "STYLE")==0)
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (stricmp(texturesToken, "TRANSLUCENT")==0)
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "ADD")==0)
style = AST_ADD;
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "SUBTRACT")==0)
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "REVERSESUBTRACT")==0)
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "MODULATE")==0)
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "FLIPX")==0)
flip |= 1;
else if (stricmp(texturesToken, "FLIPY")==0)
flip |= 2;
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch \"%s\"'s parameters or right curly brace should be",patchName);
// this is not what we wanted...
// undo last read so R_ParseTextures can re-get the token for its own purposes
if (actuallyLoadPatch == true)
// Check lump exists
patchLumpNum = W_GetTexPatchLumpNum(patchName);
// If so, allocate memory for texpatch_t and fill 'er up
resultPatch = (texpatch_t *)Z_Malloc(sizeof(texpatch_t),PU_STATIC,NULL);
resultPatch->originx = patchXPos;
resultPatch->originy = patchYPos;
resultPatch->lump = LUMPNUM(patchLumpNum);
resultPatch->wad = WADFILENUM(patchLumpNum);
resultPatch->flip = flip;
resultPatch->alpha = alpha;
resultPatch->style = style;
// Clean up a little after ourselves
// Then return it
return resultPatch;
return NULL;
static texture_t *R_ParseTexture(boolean actuallyLoadTexture)
char *texturesToken;
size_t texturesTokenLength;
char *endPos;
INT32 newTextureWidth;
INT32 newTextureHeight;
texture_t *resultTexture = NULL;
texpatch_t *newPatch;
char newTextureName[9]; // no longer dynamically allocated
// Texture name
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where texture name should be");
texturesTokenLength = strlen(texturesToken);
if (texturesTokenLength>8)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Texture name \"%s\" exceeds 8 characters",texturesToken);
memset(&newTextureName, 0, 9);
M_Memcpy(newTextureName, texturesToken, texturesTokenLength);
// ^^ we've confirmed that the token is <= 8 characters so it will never overflow a 9 byte char buffer
strupr(newTextureName); // Just do this now so we don't have to worry about it
// Comma 1
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where comma after texture \"%s\"'s name should be",newTextureName);
else if (strcmp(texturesToken,",")!=0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \",\" after texture \"%s\"'s name, got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
// Width
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where texture \"%s\"'s width should be",newTextureName);
endPos = NULL;
errno = 0;
newTextureWidth = strtol(texturesToken,&endPos,10);
if (endPos == texturesToken // Empty string
|| *endPos != '\0' // Not end of string
|| errno == ERANGE // Number out-of-range
|| newTextureWidth < 0) // Number is not positive
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected a positive integer for texture \"%s\"'s width, got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
// Comma 2
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where comma after texture \"%s\"'s width should be",newTextureName);
if (strcmp(texturesToken,",")!=0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \",\" after texture \"%s\"'s width, got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
// Height
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where texture \"%s\"'s height should be",newTextureName);
endPos = NULL;
errno = 0;
newTextureHeight = strtol(texturesToken,&endPos,10);
if (endPos == texturesToken // Empty string
|| *endPos != '\0' // Not end of string
|| errno == ERANGE // Number out-of-range
|| newTextureHeight < 0) // Number is not positive
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected a positive integer for texture \"%s\"'s height, got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
// Left Curly Brace
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where open curly brace for texture \"%s\" should be",newTextureName);
if (strcmp(texturesToken,"{")==0)
if (actuallyLoadTexture)
// Allocate memory for a zero-patch texture. Obviously, we'll be adding patches momentarily.
resultTexture = (texture_t *)Z_Calloc(sizeof(texture_t),PU_STATIC,NULL);
M_Memcpy(resultTexture->name, newTextureName, 8);
resultTexture->hash = quickncasehash(newTextureName, 8);
resultTexture->width = newTextureWidth;
resultTexture->height = newTextureHeight;
resultTexture->type = TEXTURETYPE_COMPOSITE;
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch definition for texture \"%s\" should be",newTextureName);
while (strcmp(texturesToken,"}")!=0)
if (stricmp(texturesToken, "PATCH")==0)
if (resultTexture)
// Get that new patch
newPatch = R_ParsePatch(true);
// Make room for the new patch
resultTexture = Z_Realloc(resultTexture, sizeof(texture_t) + (resultTexture->patchcount+1)*sizeof(texpatch_t), PU_STATIC, NULL);
// Populate the uninitialized values in the new patch entry of our array
M_Memcpy(&resultTexture->patches[resultTexture->patchcount], newPatch, sizeof(texpatch_t));
// Account for the new number of patches in the texture
// Then free up the memory assigned to R_ParsePatch, as it's unneeded now
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \"PATCH\" in texture \"%s\", got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
if (texturesToken == NULL)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Unexpected end of file where patch declaration or right curly brace for texture \"%s\" should be",newTextureName);
if (resultTexture && resultTexture->patchcount == 0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Texture \"%s\" must have at least one patch",newTextureName);
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \"{\" for texture \"%s\", got \"%s\"",newTextureName,texturesToken);
if (actuallyLoadTexture) return resultTexture;
else return NULL;
// Parses the TEXTURES lump... but just to count the number of textures.
int R_CountTexturesInTEXTURESLump(UINT16 wadNum, UINT16 lumpNum)
char *texturesLump;
size_t texturesLumpLength;
char *texturesText;
UINT32 numTexturesInLump = 0;
char *texturesToken;
// Since lumps AREN'T \0-terminated like I'd assumed they should be, I'll
// need to make a space of memory where I can ensure that it will terminate
// correctly. Start by loading the relevant data from the WAD.
texturesLump = (char *)W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadNum, lumpNum, PU_STATIC);
// If that didn't exist, we have nothing to do here.
if (texturesLump == NULL) return 0;
// If we're still here, then it DOES exist; figure out how long it is, and allot memory accordingly.
texturesLumpLength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadNum, lumpNum);
texturesText = (char *)Z_Malloc((texturesLumpLength+1)*sizeof(char),PU_STATIC,NULL);
// Now move the contents of the lump into this new location.
// Make damn well sure the last character in our new memory location is \0.
texturesText[texturesLumpLength] = '\0';
// Finally, free up the memory from the first data load, because we really
// don't need it.
texturesToken = M_GetToken(texturesText);
while (texturesToken != NULL)
if (stricmp(texturesToken, "WALLTEXTURE") == 0 || stricmp(texturesToken, "TEXTURE") == 0)
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \"WALLTEXTURE\" or \"TEXTURE\", got \"%s\"",texturesToken);
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
Z_Free((void *)texturesText);
return numTexturesInLump;
// Parses the TEXTURES lump... for real, this time.
void R_ParseTEXTURESLump(UINT16 wadNum, UINT16 lumpNum, INT32 *texindex)
char *texturesLump;
size_t texturesLumpLength;
char *texturesText;
char *texturesToken;
texture_t *newTexture;
I_Assert(texindex != NULL);
// Since lumps AREN'T \0-terminated like I'd assumed they should be, I'll
// need to make a space of memory where I can ensure that it will terminate
// correctly. Start by loading the relevant data from the WAD.
texturesLump = (char *)W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadNum, lumpNum, PU_STATIC);
// If that didn't exist, we have nothing to do here.
if (texturesLump == NULL) return;
// If we're still here, then it DOES exist; figure out how long it is, and allot memory accordingly.
texturesLumpLength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadNum, lumpNum);
texturesText = (char *)Z_Malloc((texturesLumpLength+1)*sizeof(char),PU_STATIC,NULL);
// Now move the contents of the lump into this new location.
// Make damn well sure the last character in our new memory location is \0.
texturesText[texturesLumpLength] = '\0';
// Finally, free up the memory from the first data load, because we really
// don't need it.
texturesToken = M_GetToken(texturesText);
while (texturesToken != NULL)
if (stricmp(texturesToken, "WALLTEXTURE") == 0 || stricmp(texturesToken, "TEXTURE") == 0)
// Get the new texture
newTexture = R_ParseTexture(true);
// Store the new texture
textures[*texindex] = newTexture;
texturewidth[*texindex] = newTexture->width;
textureheight[*texindex] = newTexture->height << FRACBITS;
// Increment i back in R_LoadTextures()
I_Error("Error parsing TEXTURES lump: Expected \"WALLTEXTURE\" or \"TEXTURE\", got \"%s\"",texturesToken);
texturesToken = M_GetToken(NULL);
Z_Free((void *)texturesText);
void R_ClearTextureNumCache(boolean btell)
if (tidcache)
tidcache = NULL;
if (btell)
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Fun Fact: There are %d textures used in this map.\n", tidcachelen);
tidcachelen = 0;
static void AddTextureToCache(const char *name, UINT32 hash, INT32 id, UINT8 type)
Z_Realloc(tidcache, tidcachelen * sizeof(*tidcache), PU_STATIC, &tidcache);
strncpy(tidcache[tidcachelen-1].name, name, 8);
tidcache[tidcachelen-1].name[8] = '\0';
#ifndef ZDEBUG
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "texture #%s: %s\n", sizeu1(tidcachelen), tidcache[tidcachelen-1].name);
tidcache[tidcachelen-1].hash = hash;
tidcache[tidcachelen-1].id = id;
tidcache[tidcachelen-1].type = type;
// R_CheckTextureNumForName
// Check whether texture is available. Filter out NoTexture indicator.
INT32 R_CheckTextureNumForName(const char *name)
INT32 i;
UINT32 hash;
// "NoTexture" marker.
if (name[0] == '-')
return 0;
hash = quickncasehash(name, 8);
for (i = 0; i < tidcachelen; i++)
if (tidcache[i].hash == hash && !strncasecmp(tidcache[i].name, name, 8))
return tidcache[i].id;
// Need to parse the list backwards, so textures loaded more recently are used in lieu of ones loaded earlier
for (i = numtextures - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (textures[i]->hash == hash && !strncasecmp(textures[i]->name, name, 8))
AddTextureToCache(name, hash, i, textures[i]->type);
return i;
return -1;
// R_CheckTextureNameForNum
// because sidedefs use numbers and sometimes you want names
// returns no texture marker if no texture was found
const char *R_CheckTextureNameForNum(INT32 num)
if (num > 0 && num < numtextures)
return textures[num]->name;
return "-";
// R_TextureNameForNum
// calls R_CheckTextureNameForNum and returns REDWALL if result is a no texture marker
const char *R_TextureNameForNum(INT32 num)
const char *result = R_CheckTextureNameForNum(num);
if (strcmp(result, "-") == 0)
return "REDWALL";
return result;
// R_TextureNumForName
// Calls R_CheckTextureNumForName, aborts with error message.
INT32 R_TextureNumForName(const char *name)
const INT32 i = R_CheckTextureNumForName(name);
if (i == -1)
static INT32 redwall = -2;
CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "WARNING: R_TextureNumForName: %.8s not found\n", name);
if (redwall == -2)
redwall = R_CheckTextureNumForName("REDWALL");
if (redwall != -1)
return redwall;
return 1;
return i;
// Like R_CheckTextureNumForName, but only looks in the flat namespace specifically.
INT32 R_CheckFlatNumForName(const char *name)
INT32 i;
UINT32 hash;
// "NoTexture" marker.
if (name[0] == '-')
return 0;
hash = quickncasehash(name, 8);
for (i = 0; i < tidcachelen; i++)
if (tidcache[i].type == TEXTURETYPE_FLAT && tidcache[i].hash == hash && !strncasecmp(tidcache[i].name, name, 8))
return tidcache[i].id;
for (i = numtextures - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (textures[i]->hash == hash && !strncasecmp(textures[i]->name, name, 8) && textures[i]->type == TEXTURETYPE_FLAT)
AddTextureToCache(name, hash, i, TEXTURETYPE_FLAT);
return i;
return -1;