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// Copyright (C) 2006 by James Haley
// Copyright (C) 2006-2014 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file p_polyobj.h
/// \brief Movable segs like in Hexen, but more flexible
/// due to application of dynamic binary space partitioning theory.
#ifndef POLYOBJ_H__
#define POLYOBJ_H__
#include "m_dllist.h"
#include "p_mobj.h"
#include "r_defs.h"
// haleyjd: temporary define
// Defines
// haleyjd: use zdoom-compatible doomednums
typedef enum
POF_CLIPLINES = 0x1, ///< Test against lines for collision
POF_CLIPPLANES = 0x2, ///< Test against tops and bottoms for collision
POF_SOLID = 0x3, ///< Clips things.
POF_TESTHEIGHT = 0x4, ///< Test line collision with heights
POF_RENDERSIDES = 0x8, ///< Renders the sides.
POF_RENDERTOP = 0x10, ///< Renders the top..
POF_RENDERBOTTOM = 0x20, ///< Renders the bottom.
POF_RENDERPLANES = 0x30, ///< Renders top and bottom.
POF_RENDERALL = 0x38, ///< Renders everything.
POF_INVERT = 0x40, ///< Inverts collision (like a cage).
POF_INVERTPLANES = 0x80, ///< Render inside planes.
POF_INVERTPLANESONLY = 0x100, ///< Only render inside planes.
POF_PUSHABLESTOP = 0x200, ///< Pushables will stop movement.
POF_LDEXEC = 0x400, ///< This PO triggers a linedef executor.
POF_ONESIDE = 0x800, ///< Only use the first side of the linedef.
POF_NOSPECIALS = 0x1000, ///< Don't apply sector specials.
} polyobjflags_e;
// Polyobject Structure
typedef struct polyobj_s
mdllistitem_t link; // for subsector links; must be first
INT32 id; // numeric id
INT32 first; // for hashing: index of first polyobject in this hash chain
INT32 next; // for hashing: next polyobject in this hash chain
INT32 parent; // numeric id of parent polyobject
size_t segCount; // number of segs in polyobject
size_t numSegsAlloc; // number of segs allocated
struct seg_s **segs; // the segs, a reallocating array.
size_t numVertices; // number of vertices (generally == segCount)
size_t numVerticesAlloc; // number of vertices allocated
vertex_t *origVerts; // original positions relative to spawn spot
vertex_t *tmpVerts; // temporary vertex backups for rotation
vertex_t **vertices; // vertices this polyobject must move
size_t numLines; // number of linedefs (generally <= segCount)
size_t numLinesAlloc; // number of linedefs allocated
struct line_s **lines; // linedefs this polyobject must move
degenmobj_t spawnSpot; // location of spawn spot
vertex_t centerPt; // center point
fixed_t zdist; // viewz distance for sorting
angle_t angle; // for rotation
UINT8 attached; // if true, is attached to a subsector
fixed_t blockbox[4]; // bounding box for clipping
UINT8 linked; // is linked to blockmap
size_t validcount; // for clipping: prevents multiple checks
INT32 damage; // damage to inflict on stuck things
fixed_t thrust; // amount of thrust to put on blocking objects
INT32 flags; // Flags for this polyobject
thinker_t *thinker; // pointer to a thinker affecting this polyobj
UINT8 isBad; // a bad polyobject: should not be rendered/manipulated
INT32 translucency; // index to translucency tables
} polyobj_t;
// Polyobject Blockmap Link Structure
typedef struct polymaplink_s
mdllistitem_t link; // for blockmap links
polyobj_t *po; // pointer to polyobject
} polymaplink_t;
// Polyobject Special Thinkers
typedef struct polyrotate_s
thinker_t thinker; // must be first
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject (avoid C pointers here)
INT32 speed; // speed of movement per frame
INT32 distance; // distance to move
} polyrotate_t;
typedef struct polymove_s
thinker_t thinker; // must be first
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject
INT32 speed; // resultant velocity
fixed_t momx; // x component of speed along angle
fixed_t momy; // y component of speed along angle
INT32 distance; // total distance to move
UINT32 angle; // angle along which to move
} polymove_t;
typedef struct polywaypoint_s
thinker_t thinker; // must be first
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject
INT32 speed; // resultant velocity
INT32 sequence; // waypoint sequence #
INT32 pointnum; // waypoint #
INT32 direction; // 1 for normal, -1 for backwards
UINT8 comeback; // reverses and comes back when the end is reached
UINT8 wrap; // Wrap around waypoints
UINT8 continuous; // continuously move - used with COMEBACK or WRAP
UINT8 stophere; // Will stop after it reaches the next waypoint
// Difference between location of PO and location of waypoint (offset)
fixed_t diffx;
fixed_t diffy;
fixed_t diffz;
} polywaypoint_t;
typedef struct polyslidedoor_s
thinker_t thinker; // must be first
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of affected polyobject
INT32 delay; // delay time
INT32 delayCount; // delay counter
INT32 initSpeed; // initial speed
INT32 speed; // speed of motion
INT32 initDistance; // initial distance to travel
INT32 distance; // current distance to travel
UINT32 initAngle; // intial angle
UINT32 angle; // angle of motion
UINT32 revAngle; // reversed angle to avoid roundoff error
fixed_t momx; // x component of speed along angle
fixed_t momy; // y component of speed along angle
UINT8 closing; // if true, is closing
} polyslidedoor_t;
typedef struct polyswingdoor_s
thinker_t thinker; // must be first
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of affected polyobject
INT32 delay; // delay time
INT32 delayCount; // delay counter
INT32 initSpeed; // initial speed
INT32 speed; // speed of rotation
INT32 initDistance; // initial distance to travel
INT32 distance; // current distance to travel
UINT8 closing; // if true, is closing
} polyswingdoor_t;
// Line Activation Data Structures
typedef struct polyrotdata_s
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject to affect
INT32 direction; // direction of rotation
INT32 speed; // angular speed
INT32 distance; // distance to move
UINT8 overRide; // if true, will override any action on the object
} polyrotdata_t;
typedef struct polymovedata_s
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject to affect
fixed_t distance; // distance to move
fixed_t speed; // linear speed
angle_t angle; // angle of movement
UINT8 overRide; // if true, will override any action on the object
} polymovedata_t;
typedef struct polywaypointdata_s
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject to affect
INT32 sequence; // waypoint sequence #
fixed_t speed; // linear speed
UINT8 reverse; // if true, will go in reverse waypoint order
UINT8 comeback; // reverses and comes back when the end is reached
UINT8 wrap; // Wrap around waypoints
UINT8 continuous; // continuously move - used with COMEBACK or WRAP
} polywaypointdata_t;
// polyobject door types
typedef enum
} polydoor_e;
typedef struct polydoordata_s
INT32 polyObjNum; // numeric id of polyobject to affect
INT32 doorType; // polyobj door type
INT32 speed; // linear or angular speed
angle_t angle; // for slide door only, angle of motion
INT32 distance; // distance to move
INT32 delay; // delay time after opening
} polydoordata_t;
// Functions
polyobj_t *Polyobj_GetForNum(INT32 id);
void Polyobj_InitLevel(void);
void Polyobj_MoveOnLoad(polyobj_t *po, angle_t angle, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
boolean P_PointInsidePolyobj(polyobj_t *po, fixed_t x, fixed_t y);
boolean P_MobjTouchingPolyobj(polyobj_t *po, mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_MobjInsidePolyobj(polyobj_t *po, mobj_t *mo);
boolean P_BBoxInsidePolyobj(polyobj_t *po, fixed_t *bbox);
void Polyobj_GetInfo(INT16 tag, INT32 *polyID, INT32 *parentID, UINT16 *exparg);
// thinkers (needed in p_saveg.c)
void T_PolyObjRotate(polyrotate_t *);
void T_PolyObjMove (polymove_t *);
void T_PolyObjWaypoint (polywaypoint_t *);
void T_PolyDoorSlide(polyslidedoor_t *);
void T_PolyDoorSwing(polyswingdoor_t *);
void T_PolyObjFlag (polymove_t *);
INT32 EV_DoPolyDoor(polydoordata_t *);
INT32 EV_DoPolyObjMove(polymovedata_t *);
INT32 EV_DoPolyObjWaypoint(polywaypointdata_t *);
INT32 EV_DoPolyObjRotate(polyrotdata_t *);
INT32 EV_DoPolyObjFlag(struct line_s *);
// External Variables
extern polyobj_t *PolyObjects;
extern INT32 numPolyObjects;
extern polymaplink_t **polyblocklinks; // polyobject blockmap
#endif // ifdef POLYOBJECTS
// EOF