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GDB Stub for DJGPP 0.2 Readme File
GDB Stub for DJGPP is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library
General Public License (GNU LGPL) - please see the document LICENSE,
which should be found in the same directory as this file.
Copyright (c) 2000 by Jonathan Brogdon, 2002 by Gordon Schumacher
What It Does
The GDB stub is used to debug a DJGPP target remotely over a one of
the PC COM ports. GDB, running on a host machine, communicates with
the target using the GDB serial protocol over the serial link. For
more information on the GDB stub, see "Debugging with GDB, The GNU
Source-Level Debugger", by Richard M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch
How It Works
The GDB stub needs to handle all processor exceptions. Since these
exceptions already handled by DJGPP, we cannot handle them directly.
DJGPP maps all processor exceptions to signals. Therefore, we can
install the GDB stub handler as the signal handler for those signals
that represent processor exceptions. The following table shows the
processor exception to signal mapping:
Exception/Interrupt: Exception #: Signal:
------------------- ----------- ------
Divide Error 0 SIGFPE
Debug Exception 1 SIGTRAP
NMI Interrupt 2 No signal defined
Breakpoint 3 SIGTRAP
INTO-detected overflow 4 SIGFPE
BOUND Range Exceeded 5 SIGSEGV
Invalid Opcode 6 No signal defined
Coprocessor not available 7 SIGNOFP
Double Fault 8 SIGSEGV
Coprocessor Seg overrun 9 SIGSEGV
Invalid Task State Seg 10 No signal defined
Segment not present 11 SIGSEGV
Stack Fault 12 SIGSEGV
General Protection Fault 13 SIGSEGV
Page Fault 14 SIGSEGV
Intel Reserved 15 No signal defined
Coprocessor Error 16 SIGFPE
The GDB stub handler services requests from the GDB host. These
requests are seen by the GDB stub handler as command messages from
the GDB host. These commands and command formats are defined in
"Debugging with GDB, The GNU Source-Level Debugger", by Richard M.
Stallman and Roland H. Pesch (http://sources.redhat.com/gdb/
download/onlinedocs/gdb.html -- one of many sources).
Serial Interface:
Interface functions for sending and receiving characters from the
serial interface must be provided by the engineer porting the GDB
stub. The following funtions must be provided to support the
int getDebugChar(void);
void putDebugChar(int c);
There are a variety of serial libraries for DJGPP. The user may
already be using one of these libraries in their application, and
installing more than one serial library often causes conflicts.
To this end, a modular function layer was written that allows any
serial library to be used with the GDB stub. Layers have been
written to support SVAsync, DZComm, and the _bios_serialcom()
function. At the time of this writing, DZComm appears to work the
best for serial debugging.
Hard Coded Breakpoint:
A breakpoint() function is provided to manually invoke the stub.
This function, inserts a breakpoint instruction directly in the code
to invoke the GDB stub handler.
How You Use It
First, you need to select a serial library. In the i386-supp.c file,
there are lines of the form
// #include "some_layer.h"
Uncomment the line for the serial library you intend to use - or add
a new include line for a file written for some other library.
In the main() function of your target program, you should initilize
the GDB serial handlers and the GDB stub. The following functions
are provided in the GDB stub library for this purpose.
gdb_serial_init(unsigned int port, unsigned int speed);
Where, port is the COM port number, and speed is the baud rate for
the serial link.
After initialing the GDB serial interface and target, you should
invoke the breakpoint() function somewhere. You may choose to do
this immediately after initialization, or at a specific location in
your code where you wish to set a breakpoint. By putting the
breakpoint() function in the beginning of main(), you can use the
GDB host to set a breakpoint at any place in your code.
Make sure that you use the '-g' option when compiling your files with
After the target executable is running, start up gdb on the host,
passing the target executable as an argument.
Example: gdb demo.exe
Now, tell gdb which serial interface to use for communicating to
the target.
Example: (gdb) target remote COM1
This example uses COM1 on the host to communicate with the target.
GDB is now 'listening' on COM for a valid GDB serial packet.
Once your GDB host finds your target, you may need to tell GDB where
to find any source files which were used to generate your program.
Use the directory command to do this.
Example: (gdb) directory ../src/demo
That's it. You should now be able to single step through code, set
breakpoints, set variables, examine variables, any anthing else that
you would normally use GDB to accomplish.
What You Build
Read the INSTALL file for more information on installing the GDB stub
library. After installing the library, your code should include
i386-stub.h for function prototypes. In addition, your code should
link against the libgdb.a library. The source for a demonstration
program has been included with this distributias an example.
As an alternative, you can simply include the i386-stub and i386-supp
files and the layer header for the serial library you plan to use into
your project and link them in directly.
For More Info
See "Debugging with GDB, The GNU Source-Level Debugger", by Richard
M. Stallman and Roland H. Pesch (http://sources.redhat.com/gdb/
download/onlinedocs/gdb.html -- one of many sources).
Port for network operation.
Contact Info
My contact info is below. If you have any comments, suggestions, bug
reports or problems, please mail me, and I'll see what I can do.
Jonathan Brogdon
6th June 2000
Modular update:
Gordon Schumacher
12th February 2002 |