/// \file /// \brief Support to find files #ifndef __FILESRCH_H__ #define __FILESRCH_H__ #include "doomdef.h" #include "d_netfil.h" #include "m_menu.h" // MAXSTRINGLENGTH extern consvar_t cv_addons_option, cv_addons_folder, cv_addons_md5, cv_addons_showall, cv_addons_search_case, cv_addons_search_type; /** \brief The filesearch function This function search files, manly WADs and return back the status of the file \param filename the file to look for \param startpath where to start look from \param wantedmd5sum want to check with MD5 \param completepath want to return the complete path of the file? \param maxsearchdepth the max depth to search for the file \return filestatus_t */ filestatus_t filesearch(char *filename, const char *startpath, const UINT8 *wantedmd5sum, boolean completepath, int maxsearchdepth); #define menudepth 20 extern char menupath[1024]; extern size_t menupathindex[menudepth]; extern size_t menudepthleft; extern char menusearch[MAXSTRINGLENGTH+1]; extern char **dirmenu; extern size_t sizedirmenu; extern size_t dir_on[menudepth]; extern UINT8 refreshdirmenu; extern size_t packetsizetally; extern size_t mainwadstally; typedef enum { EXT_FOLDER = 0, EXT_UP, EXT_NORESULTS, EXT_START, EXT_TXT = EXT_START, EXT_CFG, EXT_LOADSTART, EXT_WAD = EXT_LOADSTART, EXT_SOC, EXT_LUA, // allowed even if not HAVE_BLUA so that we can yell on load attempt NUM_EXT, NUM_EXT_TABLE = NUM_EXT-EXT_START, EXT_LOADED = 0x80 /* obviously there can only be 0x7F supported extensions in addons menu because we're cramming this into a char out of laziness/easy memory allocation (what's the difference?) and have stolen a bit to show whether it's loaded or not in practice the size of the data type is probably overkill toast 02/05/17 */ } ext_enum; typedef enum { DIR_TYPE = 0, DIR_LEN, DIR_STRING } dirname_enum; typedef enum { REFRESHDIR_NORMAL = 1, REFRESHDIR_ADDFILE = 2, REFRESHDIR_WARNING = 4, REFRESHDIR_ERROR = 8, REFRESHDIR_NOTLOADED = 16, REFRESHDIR_MAX = 32 } refreshdir_enum; boolean preparefilemenu(boolean samedepth); #endif // __FILESRCH_H__