;; SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. ;; Copyright (C) 1999-2014 by Sonic Team Junior. ;; ;; This program is free software distributed under the ;; terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. ;; See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. ;;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; FILE: ;; tmap.nas ;; DESCRIPTION: ;; Assembler optimised rendering code for software mode. ;; Draw wall columns. [BITS 32] %define FRACBITS 16 %define TRANSPARENTPIXEL 255 %ifdef LINUX %macro cextern 1 [extern %1] %endmacro %macro cglobal 1 [global %1] %endmacro %else %macro cextern 1 %define %1 _%1 [extern %1] %endmacro %macro cglobal 1 %define %1 _%1 [global %1] %endmacro %endif ; The viddef_s structure. We only need the width field. struc viddef_s resb 12 .width: resb 4 resb 44 endstruc ;; externs ;; columns cextern dc_x cextern dc_yl cextern dc_yh cextern ylookup cextern columnofs cextern dc_source cextern dc_texturemid cextern dc_texheight cextern dc_iscale cextern dc_hires cextern centery cextern centeryfrac cextern dc_colormap cextern dc_transmap cextern colormaps cextern vid cextern topleft ; DELME cextern R_DrawColumn_8 ; polygon edge rasterizer cextern prastertab [SECTION .data] ;;.align 4 loopcount dd 0 pixelcount dd 0 tystep dd 0 [SECTION .text] ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; R_DrawColumn : 8bpp column drawer ;; ;; New optimised version 10-01-1998 by D.Fabrice and P.Boris ;; Revised by G. Dick July 2010 to support the intervening twelve years' ;; worth of changes to the renderer. Since I only vaguely know what I'm ;; doing, this is probably rather suboptimal. Help appreciated! ;; ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; fracstep, vid.width in memory ;; eax = accumulator ;; ebx = colormap ;; ecx = count ;; edx = heightmask ;; esi = source ;; edi = dest ;; ebp = frac ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- cglobal R_DrawColumn_8_ASM ; align 16 R_DrawColumn_8_ASM: push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer push esi ;; preserve register variables push edi push ebx ;; ;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x]; ;; mov ebp,[dc_yl] mov edi,[ylookup+ebp*4] mov ebx,[dc_x] add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest ;; ;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1 ;; mov ecx,[dc_yh] add ecx,1 sub ecx,ebp ;; pixel count jle near .done ;; nothing to scale ;; ;; fracstep = dc_iscale; // But we just use [dc_iscale] ;; frac = (dc_texturemid + FixedMul((dc_yl << FRACBITS) - centeryfrac, fracstep)); ;; mov eax,ebp ;; dc_yl shl eax,FRACBITS sub eax,[centeryfrac] imul dword [dc_iscale] shrd eax,edx,FRACBITS add eax,[dc_texturemid] mov ebp,eax ;; ebp = frac mov ebx,[dc_colormap] mov esi,[dc_source] ;; ;; if (dc_hires) frac = 0; ;; test byte [dc_hires],0x01 jz .texheightcheck xor ebp,ebp ;; ;; Check for power of two ;; .texheightcheck: mov edx,[dc_texheight] sub edx,1 ;; edx = heightmask test edx,[dc_texheight] jnz .notpowertwo test ecx,0x01 ;; Test for odd no. pixels jnz .odd ;; ;; Texture height is a power of two, so we get modular arithmetic by ;; masking ;; .powertwo: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part and eax,edx ;; eax &= heightmask movzx eax,byte [esi + eax] ;; eax = texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep movzx eax,byte [ebx+eax] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] .odd: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part and eax,edx ;; eax &= heightmask movzx eax,byte [esi + eax] ;; eax = texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep movzx eax,byte [ebx+eax] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] sub ecx,2 ;; count -= 2 jg .powertwo jmp .done .notpowertwo: add edx,1 shl edx,FRACBITS test ebp,ebp jns .notpowtwoloop .makefracpos: add ebp,edx ;; frac is negative; make it positive js .makefracpos .notpowtwoloop: cmp ebp,edx ;; Reduce mod height jl .writenonpowtwo sub ebp,edx jmp .notpowtwoloop .writenonpowtwo: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part. mov bl,[esi + eax] ;; ebx = colormap + texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep movzx eax,byte [ebx] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] sub ecx,1 jnz .notpowtwoloop ;; .done: pop ebx ;; restore register variables pop edi pop esi pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; ;; R_Draw2sMultiPatchColumn : Like R_DrawColumn, but omits transparent ;; pixels. ;; ;; New optimised version 10-01-1998 by D.Fabrice and P.Boris ;; Revised by G. Dick July 2010 to support the intervening twelve years' ;; worth of changes to the renderer. Since I only vaguely know what I'm ;; doing, this is probably rather suboptimal. Help appreciated! ;; ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; fracstep, vid.width in memory ;; eax = accumulator ;; ebx = colormap ;; ecx = count ;; edx = heightmask ;; esi = source ;; edi = dest ;; ebp = frac ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- cglobal R_Draw2sMultiPatchColumn_8_ASM ; align 16 R_Draw2sMultiPatchColumn_8_ASM: push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer push esi ;; preserve register variables push edi push ebx ;; ;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x]; ;; mov ebp,[dc_yl] mov edi,[ylookup+ebp*4] mov ebx,[dc_x] add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest ;; ;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1 ;; mov ecx,[dc_yh] add ecx,1 sub ecx,ebp ;; pixel count jle near .done ;; nothing to scale ;; ;; fracstep = dc_iscale; // But we just use [dc_iscale] ;; frac = (dc_texturemid + FixedMul((dc_yl << FRACBITS) - centeryfrac, fracstep)); ;; mov eax,ebp ;; dc_yl shl eax,FRACBITS sub eax,[centeryfrac] imul dword [dc_iscale] shrd eax,edx,FRACBITS add eax,[dc_texturemid] mov ebp,eax ;; ebp = frac mov ebx,[dc_colormap] mov esi,[dc_source] ;; ;; if (dc_hires) frac = 0; ;; test byte [dc_hires],0x01 jz .texheightcheck xor ebp,ebp ;; ;; Check for power of two ;; .texheightcheck: mov edx,[dc_texheight] sub edx,1 ;; edx = heightmask test edx,[dc_texheight] jnz .notpowertwo test ecx,0x01 ;; Test for odd no. pixels jnz .odd ;; ;; Texture height is a power of two, so we get modular arithmetic by ;; masking ;; .powertwo: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part and eax,edx ;; eax &= heightmask movzx eax,byte [esi + eax] ;; eax = texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep cmp al,TRANSPARENTPIXEL ;; Is pixel transparent? je .nextpowtwoeven ;; If so, advance. movzx eax,byte [ebx+eax] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel .nextpowtwoeven: ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] .odd: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part and eax,edx ;; eax &= heightmask movzx eax,byte [esi + eax] ;; eax = texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep cmp al,TRANSPARENTPIXEL ;; Is pixel transparent? je .nextpowtwoodd ;; If so, advance. movzx eax,byte [ebx+eax] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel .nextpowtwoodd: ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] sub ecx,2 ;; count -= 2 jg .powertwo jmp .done .notpowertwo: add edx,1 shl edx,FRACBITS test ebp,ebp jns .notpowtwoloop .makefracpos: add ebp,edx ;; frac is negative; make it positive js .makefracpos .notpowtwoloop: cmp ebp,edx ;; Reduce mod height jl .writenonpowtwo sub ebp,edx jmp .notpowtwoloop .writenonpowtwo: mov eax,ebp ;; eax = frac sar eax,FRACBITS ;; Integer part. mov bl,[esi + eax] ;; ebx = colormap + texel add ebp,[dc_iscale] ;; frac += fracstep cmp bl,TRANSPARENTPIXEL ;; Is pixel transparent? je .nextnonpowtwo ;; If so, advance. movzx eax,byte [ebx] ;; Map through colormap mov [edi],al ;; Write pixel .nextnonpowtwo: ;; dest += vid.width add edi,[vid + viddef_s.width] sub ecx,1 jnz .notpowtwoloop ;; .done: pop ebx ;; restore register variables pop edi pop esi pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; R_DrawTranslucentColumnA_8 ;; ;; Vertical column texture drawer, with transparency. Replaces Doom2's ;; 'fuzz' effect, which was not so beautiful. ;; Transparency is always impressive in some way, don't know why... ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- cglobal R_DrawTranslucentColumn_8_ASM R_DrawTranslucentColumn_8_ASM: push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer push esi ;; preserve register variables push edi push ebx ;; ;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x]; ;; mov ebp,[dc_yl] mov ebx,ebp mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4] mov ebx,[dc_x] add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest ;; ;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1 ;; mov eax,[dc_yh] inc eax sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel jle near vtdone ;; nothing to scale ;; ;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep; ;; mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep mov eax,[centery] sub eax,ebp imul eax,ecx mov edx,[dc_texturemid] sub edx,eax mov ebx,edx shr ebx,16 ;; frac int. and ebx,0x7f shl edx,16 ;; y frac up mov ebp,ecx shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl and cl,0x7f push cx mov ecx,edx pop cx mov edx,[dc_colormap] mov esi,[dc_source] ;; ;; lets rock :) ! ;; mov eax,[pixelcount] shr eax,0x2 test byte [pixelcount],0x3 mov ch,al ;; quad count mov eax,[dc_transmap] je vt4quadloop ;; ;; do un-even pixel ;; test byte [pixelcount],0x1 je trf2 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add ecx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov dl,[edx] mov [edi],dl pf: add edi,0x12345678 ;; ;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels ;; trf2: test byte [pixelcount],0x2 je trf3 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add ecx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov dl,[edx] mov [edi],dl pg: add edi,0x12345678 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add ecx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov dl,[edx] mov [edi],dl ph: add edi,0x12345678 ;; ;; test if there was at least 4 pixels ;; trf3: test ch,0xff ;; test quad count je near vtdone ;; ;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 24 bits ;; edx : y frac. upper 24 bits ;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index ;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i. ;; eax : colormap aligned 256 ;; esi : source texture column ;; edi : dest screen ;; vt4quadloop: mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [tystep],ebp pi: add edi,0x12345678 mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap pj: sub edi,0x12345678 mov ebp,edi pk: sub edi,0x12345678 jmp short inloop align 4 vtquadloop: add ecx,[tystep] adc bl,cl q1: add ebp,0x23456789 and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov dl,[edx] mov [edi],dl mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap inloop: add ecx,[tystep] adc bl,cl q2: add edi,0x23456789 and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov dl,[edx] mov [ebp+0x0],dl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap add ecx,[tystep] adc bl,cl q3: add ebp,0x23456789 and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov dl,[edx] mov [edi],dl mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap add ecx,[tystep] adc bl,cl q4: add edi,0x23456789 and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov dl,[edx] mov [ebp],dl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap dec ch jne vtquadloop vtdone: pop ebx pop edi pop esi pop ebp ret ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;; R_DrawShadeColumn ;; ;; for smoke..etc.. test. ;;---------------------------------------------------------------------- cglobal R_DrawShadeColumn_8_ASM R_DrawShadeColumn_8_ASM: push ebp ;; preserve caller's stack frame pointer push esi ;; preserve register variables push edi push ebx ;; ;; dest = ylookup[dc_yl] + columnofs[dc_x]; ;; mov ebp,[dc_yl] mov ebx,ebp mov edi,[ylookup+ebx*4] mov ebx,[dc_x] add edi,[columnofs+ebx*4] ;; edi = dest ;; ;; pixelcount = yh - yl + 1 ;; mov eax,[dc_yh] inc eax sub eax,ebp ;; pixel count mov [pixelcount],eax ;; save for final pixel jle near shdone ;; nothing to scale ;; ;; frac = dc_texturemid - (centery-dc_yl)*fracstep; ;; mov ecx,[dc_iscale] ;; fracstep mov eax,[centery] sub eax,ebp imul eax,ecx mov edx,[dc_texturemid] sub edx,eax mov ebx,edx shr ebx,16 ;; frac int. and ebx,byte +0x7f shl edx,16 ;; y frac up mov ebp,ecx shl ebp,16 ;; fracstep f. up shr ecx,16 ;; fracstep i. ->cl and cl,0x7f mov esi,[dc_source] ;; ;; lets rock :) ! ;; mov eax,[pixelcount] mov dh,al shr eax,2 mov ch,al ;; quad count mov eax,[colormaps] test dh,3 je sh4quadloop ;; ;; do un-even pixel ;; test dh,0x1 je shf2 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add edx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov [edi],dl pl: add edi,0x12345678 ;; ;; do two non-quad-aligned pixels ;; shf2: test dh,0x2 je shf3 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add edx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov [edi],dl pm: add edi,0x12345678 mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number add edx,ebp adc bl,cl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap and bl,0x7f mov dl,[eax] mov [edi],dl pn: add edi,0x12345678 ;; ;; test if there was at least 4 pixels ;; shf3: test ch,0xff ;; test quad count je near shdone ;; ;; ebp : ystep frac. upper 24 bits ;; edx : y frac. upper 24 bits ;; ebx : y i. lower 7 bits, masked for index ;; ecx : ch = counter, cl = y step i. ;; eax : colormap aligned 256 ;; esi : source texture column ;; edi : dest screen ;; sh4quadloop: mov dh,0x7f ;; prep mask mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [tystep],ebp po: add edi,0x12345678 mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap pp: sub edi,0x12345678 mov ebp,edi pq: sub edi,0x12345678 jmp short shinloop align 4 shquadloop: add edx,[tystep] adc bl,cl and bl,dh q5: add ebp,0x12345678 mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [edi],dl mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap shinloop: add edx,[tystep] adc bl,cl and bl,dh q6: add edi,0x12345678 mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [ebp],dl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap add edx,[tystep] adc bl,cl and bl,dh q7: add ebp,0x12345678 mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [edi],dl mov al,[ebp] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap add edx,[tystep] adc bl,cl and bl,dh q8: add edi,0x12345678 mov dl,[eax] mov ah,[esi+ebx] ;; fetch texel : colormap number mov [ebp],dl mov al,[edi] ;; fetch dest : index into colormap dec ch jne shquadloop shdone: pop ebx ;; restore register variables pop edi pop esi pop ebp ;; restore caller's stack frame pointer ret ;; ======================================================================== ;; Rasterization of the segments of a LINEAR polygne textur of manire. ;; It is thus a question of interpolating coordinate them at the edges of texture in ;; the time that the X-coordinates minx/maxx for each line. ;; the argument ' dir' indicates which edges of texture are Interpol?: ;; 0: segments associs at edge TOP? and BOTTOM? (constant TY) ;; 1: segments associs at the LEFT and RIGHT edge (constant TX) ;; ======================================================================== ;; ;; void rasterize_segment_tex( LONG x1, LONG y1, LONG x2, LONG y2, LONG tv1, LONG tv2, LONG tc, LONG dir ); ;; ARG1 ARG2 ARG3 ARG4 ARG5 ARG6 ARG7 ARG8 ;; ;; Pour dir = 0, (tv1,tv2) = (tX1,tX2), tc = tY, en effet TY est constant. ;; ;; Pour dir = 1, (tv1,tv2) = (tY1,tY2), tc = tX, en effet TX est constant. ;; ;; ;; Uses: extern struct rastery *_rastertab; ;; MINX EQU 0 MAXX EQU 4 TX1 EQU 8 TY1 EQU 12 TX2 EQU 16 TY2 EQU 20 RASTERY_SIZEOF EQU 24 cglobal rasterize_segment_tex rasterize_segment_tex: push ebp mov ebp,esp sub esp,byte +0x8 ;; allocate the local variables push ebx push esi push edi o16 mov ax,es push eax ;; #define DX [ebp-4] ;; #define TD [ebp-8] mov eax,[ebp+0xc] ;; y1 mov ebx,[ebp+0x14] ;; y2 cmp ebx,eax je near .L_finished ;; special (y1==y2) segment horizontal, exit! jg near .L_rasterize_right ;;rasterize_left: ;; one rasterize a segment LEFT of the polygne mov ecx,eax sub ecx,ebx inc ecx ;; y1-y2+1 mov eax,RASTERY_SIZEOF mul ebx ;; * y2 mov esi,[prastertab] add esi,eax ;; point into rastertab[y2] mov eax,[ebp+0x8] ;; ARG1 sub eax,[ebp+0x10] ;; ARG3 shl eax,0x10 ;; ((x1-x2)<