// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2007-2014 by John "JTE" Muniz. // Copyright (C) 2011-2014 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file b_bot.c /// \brief Basic bot handling #include "doomdef.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "lua_hook.h" // If you want multiple bots, variables like this will // have to be stuffed in something accessible through player_t. static boolean lastForward = false; static boolean lastBlocked = false; static boolean blocked = false; static inline void B_BuildTailsTiccmd(mobj_t *sonic, mobj_t *tails, ticcmd_t *cmd) { boolean forward=false, backward=false, left=false, right=false, jump=false, spin=false; angle_t angle; INT16 rangle; fixed_t dist; // We can't follow Sonic if he's not around! if (!sonic || sonic->health <= 0) return; #ifdef HAVE_BLUA // Lua can handle it! if (LUAh_BotAI(sonic, tails, cmd)) return; #endif if (tails->player->pflags & (PF_MACESPIN|PF_ITEMHANG)) { dist = P_AproxDistance(tails->x-sonic->x, tails->y-sonic->y); if (sonic->player->cmd.buttons & BT_JUMP && sonic->player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_MACESPIN|PF_ITEMHANG)) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; if (sonic->player->pflags & (PF_MACESPIN|PF_ITEMHANG)) { cmd->forwardmove = sonic->player->cmd.forwardmove; cmd->angleturn = abs((tails->angle - sonic->angle))>>16; if (sonic->angle < tails->angle) cmd->angleturn = -cmd->angleturn; } else if (dist > FixedMul(512*FRACUNIT, tails->scale)) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; return; } // Gather data about the environment dist = P_AproxDistance(tails->x-sonic->x, tails->y-sonic->y); if (tails->player->pflags & PF_STARTDASH) angle = sonic->angle; else angle = R_PointToAngle2(tails->x, tails->y, sonic->x, sonic->y); // Decide which direction to turn angle = (tails->angle - angle); if (angle < ANGLE_180) { right = true; // We need to turn right rangle = AngleFixed(angle)>>FRACBITS; } else { left = true; // We need to turn left rangle = 360-(AngleFixed(angle)>>FRACBITS); } // Decide to move forward if you're finished turning if (abs(rangle) < 10) { // We're facing the right way? left = right = false; // Stop turning forward = true; // and walk forward instead. } if (dist < (sonic->radius+tails->radius)*3) // We're close enough? forward = false; // Stop walking. // Decide when to jump if (!(tails->player->pflags & (PF_JUMPED|PF_JUMPDOWN))) { // We're not jumping yet... if (forward && lastForward && blocked && lastBlocked) // We've been stopped by a wall or something jump = true; // Try to jump up } else if ((tails->player->pflags & (PF_JUMPDOWN|PF_JUMPED)) == (PF_JUMPDOWN|PF_JUMPED)) { // When we're already jumping... if (lastForward && blocked) // We're still stuck on something? jump = true; if (sonic->floorz > tails->floorz) // He's still above us? Jump HIGHER, then! jump = true; } // Decide when to spin if (sonic->player->pflags & PF_STARTDASH && (tails->player->pflags & PF_STARTDASH || (P_AproxDistance(tails->momx, tails->momy) < 2*FRACUNIT && !forward))) spin = true; // Turn the virtual keypresses into ticcmd_t. B_KeysToTiccmd(tails, cmd, forward, backward, left, right, false, false, jump, spin); // Update our status lastForward = forward; lastBlocked = blocked; blocked = false; } void B_BuildTiccmd(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd) { // Can't build a ticcmd if we aren't spawned... if (!player->mo) return; if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD) { if (B_CheckRespawn(player)) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; return; } // Bot AI isn't programmed in analog. CV_SetValue(&cv_analog2, false); #ifdef HAVE_BLUA // Let Lua scripts build ticcmds if (LUAh_BotTiccmd(player, cmd)) return; #endif // We don't have any main character AI, sorry. D: if (player-players == consoleplayer) return; // Basic Tails AI B_BuildTailsTiccmd(players[consoleplayer].mo, player->mo, cmd); } void B_KeysToTiccmd(mobj_t *mo, ticcmd_t *cmd, boolean forward, boolean backward, boolean left, boolean right, boolean strafeleft, boolean straferight, boolean jump, boolean spin) { // Turn the virtual keypresses into ticcmd_t. if (twodlevel || mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD) { if (players[consoleplayer].climbing || mo->player->pflags & PF_GLIDING) { // Don't mess with bot inputs during these unhandled movement conditions. // The normal AI doesn't use abilities, so custom AI should be sending us exactly what it wants anyway. if (forward) cmd->forwardmove += MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (backward) cmd->forwardmove -= MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (left || strafeleft) cmd->sidemove -= MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (right || straferight) cmd->sidemove += MAXPLMOVE<>16; } else { // In standard 2D mode, interpret "forward" as "the way you're facing" and everything else as "the way you're not facing" if (left || right) backward = true; left = right = false; if (forward) { if (mo->angle < ANGLE_90 || mo->angle > ANGLE_270) right = true; else left = true; } else if (backward) { if (mo->angle < ANGLE_90 || mo->angle > ANGLE_270) left = true; else right = true; } if (left || strafeleft) cmd->sidemove -= MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (right || straferight) cmd->sidemove += MAXPLMOVE<>16; } } else { if (forward) cmd->forwardmove += MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (backward) cmd->forwardmove -= MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (left) cmd->angleturn += 1280; if (right) cmd->angleturn -= 1280; if (strafeleft) cmd->sidemove -= MAXPLMOVE<>16; if (straferight) cmd->sidemove += MAXPLMOVE<>16; } if (jump) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; if (spin) cmd->buttons |= BT_USE; } void B_MoveBlocked(player_t *player) { (void)player; blocked = true; } boolean B_CheckRespawn(player_t *player) { mobj_t *sonic = players[consoleplayer].mo; mobj_t *tails = player->mo; // We can't follow Sonic if he's not around! if (!sonic || sonic->health <= 0) return false; // Check if Sonic is busy first. // If he's doing any of these things, he probably doesn't want to see us. if (sonic->player->pflags & (PF_ROPEHANG|PF_GLIDING|PF_CARRIED|PF_SLIDING|PF_ITEMHANG|PF_MACESPIN|PF_NIGHTSMODE) || (sonic->player->panim != PA_IDLE && sonic->player->panim != PA_WALK)) return false; // Low ceiling, do not want! if (sonic->ceilingz - sonic->z < 2*sonic->height) return false; // If you're dead, wait a few seconds to respawn. if (player->playerstate == PST_DEAD) { if (player->deadtimer > 4*TICRATE) return true; return false; } // If you can't see Sonic, I guess we should? if (!P_CheckSight(sonic, tails) && P_AproxDistance(P_AproxDistance(tails->x-sonic->x, tails->y-sonic->y), tails->z-sonic->z) > FixedMul(1024*FRACUNIT, tails->scale)) return true; return false; } void B_RespawnBot(INT32 playernum) { player_t *player = &players[playernum]; fixed_t x,y,z; mobj_t *sonic = players[consoleplayer].mo; mobj_t *tails; if (!sonic || sonic->health <= 0) return; player->bot = 1; P_SpawnPlayer(playernum); tails = player->mo; x = sonic->x; y = sonic->y; if (sonic->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) { tails->eflags |= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; z = sonic->z - FixedMul(512*FRACUNIT,sonic->scale); if (z < sonic->floorz) z = sonic->floorz; } else { z = sonic->z + sonic->height + FixedMul(512*FRACUNIT,sonic->scale); if (z > sonic->ceilingz - sonic->height) z = sonic->ceilingz - sonic->height; } if (sonic->flags2 & MF2_OBJECTFLIP) tails->flags2 |= MF2_OBJECTFLIP; if (sonic->flags2 & MF2_TWOD) tails->flags2 |= MF2_TWOD; if (sonic->eflags & MFE_UNDERWATER) tails->eflags |= MFE_UNDERWATER; player->powers[pw_underwater] = sonic->player->powers[pw_underwater]; player->powers[pw_spacetime] = sonic->player->powers[pw_spacetime]; player->powers[pw_gravityboots] = sonic->player->powers[pw_gravityboots]; player->powers[pw_nocontrol] = sonic->player->powers[pw_nocontrol]; P_TeleportMove(tails, x, y, z); if (player->charability == CA_FLY) { P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_PLAY_FLY); tails->player->powers[pw_tailsfly] = (UINT16)-1; } else P_SetPlayerMobjState(tails, S_PLAY_FALL); P_SetScale(tails, sonic->scale); tails->destscale = sonic->destscale; }