// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by Matthew "Kaito Sinclaire" Walsh. // Copyright (C) 2012-2023 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file m_cond.c /// \brief Unlockable condition system for SRB2 version 2.1 #include "m_cond.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" // CEcho #include "v_video.h" // video flags #include "g_game.h" // record info #include "r_skins.h" // numskins #include "r_draw.h" // R_GetColorByName // Map triggers for linedef executors // 32 triggers, one bit each UINT32 unlocktriggers; // The meat of this system lies in condition sets conditionset_t conditionSets[MAXCONDITIONSETS]; // Emblem locations emblem_t emblemlocations[MAXEMBLEMS]; // Extra emblems extraemblem_t extraemblems[MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS]; // Unlockables unlockable_t unlockables[MAXUNLOCKABLES]; // Number of emblems and extra emblems INT32 numemblems = 0; INT32 numextraemblems = 0; void M_AddRawCondition(UINT8 set, UINT8 id, conditiontype_t c, INT32 r, INT16 x1, INT16 x2) { condition_t *cond; UINT32 num, wnum; I_Assert(set && set <= MAXCONDITIONSETS); wnum = conditionSets[set - 1].numconditions; num = ++conditionSets[set - 1].numconditions; conditionSets[set - 1].condition = Z_Realloc(conditionSets[set - 1].condition, sizeof(condition_t)*num, PU_STATIC, 0); cond = conditionSets[set - 1].condition; cond[wnum].id = id; cond[wnum].type = c; cond[wnum].requirement = r; cond[wnum].extrainfo1 = x1; cond[wnum].extrainfo2 = x2; } void M_ClearConditionSet(UINT8 set) { if (conditionSets[set - 1].numconditions) { Z_Free(conditionSets[set - 1].condition); conditionSets[set - 1].condition = NULL; conditionSets[set - 1].numconditions = 0; } conditionSets[set - 1].achieved = false; } // Clear ALL secrets. void M_ClearSecrets(void) { INT32 i; memset(mapvisited, 0, sizeof(mapvisited)); for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++i) emblemlocations[i].collected = false; for (i = 0; i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS; ++i) extraemblems[i].collected = false; for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) unlockables[i].unlocked = false; for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++i) conditionSets[i].achieved = false; timesBeaten = timesBeatenWithEmeralds = timesBeatenUltimate = 0; // Re-unlock any always unlocked things M_SilentUpdateUnlockablesAndEmblems(); } // ---------------------- // Condition set checking // ---------------------- static UINT8 M_CheckCondition(condition_t *cn) { switch (cn->type) { case UC_PLAYTIME: // Requires total playing time >= x return (totalplaytime >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_GAMECLEAR: // Requires game beaten >= x times return (timesBeaten >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_ALLEMERALDS: // Requires game beaten with all 7 emeralds >= x times return (timesBeatenWithEmeralds >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_ULTIMATECLEAR: // Requires game beaten on ultimate >= x times (in other words, never) return (timesBeatenUltimate >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_OVERALLSCORE: // Requires overall score >= x return (M_GotHighEnoughScore(cn->requirement)); case UC_OVERALLTIME: // Requires overall time <= x return (M_GotLowEnoughTime(cn->requirement)); case UC_OVERALLRINGS: // Requires overall rings >= x return (M_GotHighEnoughRings(cn->requirement)); case UC_MAPVISITED: // Requires map x to be visited return ((mapvisited[cn->requirement - 1] & MV_VISITED) == MV_VISITED); case UC_MAPBEATEN: // Requires map x to be beaten return ((mapvisited[cn->requirement - 1] & MV_BEATEN) == MV_BEATEN); case UC_MAPALLEMERALDS: // Requires map x to be beaten with all emeralds in possession return ((mapvisited[cn->requirement - 1] & MV_ALLEMERALDS) == MV_ALLEMERALDS); case UC_MAPULTIMATE: // Requires map x to be beaten on ultimate return ((mapvisited[cn->requirement - 1] & MV_ULTIMATE) == MV_ULTIMATE); case UC_MAPPERFECT: // Requires map x to be beaten with a perfect bonus return ((mapvisited[cn->requirement - 1] & MV_PERFECT) == MV_PERFECT); case UC_MAPSCORE: // Requires score on map >= x return (G_GetBestScore(cn->extrainfo1) >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_MAPTIME: // Requires time on map <= x return (G_GetBestTime(cn->extrainfo1) <= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_MAPRINGS: // Requires rings on map >= x return (G_GetBestRings(cn->extrainfo1) >= cn->requirement); case UC_NIGHTSSCORE: return (G_GetBestNightsScore(cn->extrainfo1, (UINT8)cn->extrainfo2) >= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_NIGHTSTIME: return (G_GetBestNightsTime(cn->extrainfo1, (UINT8)cn->extrainfo2) <= (unsigned)cn->requirement); case UC_NIGHTSGRADE: return (G_GetBestNightsGrade(cn->extrainfo1, (UINT8)cn->extrainfo2) >= cn->requirement); case UC_TRIGGER: // requires map trigger set return !!(unlocktriggers & (1 << cn->requirement)); case UC_TOTALEMBLEMS: // Requires number of emblems >= x return (M_GotEnoughEmblems(cn->requirement)); case UC_EMBLEM: // Requires emblem x to be obtained return emblemlocations[cn->requirement-1].collected; case UC_EXTRAEMBLEM: // Requires extra emblem x to be obtained return extraemblems[cn->requirement-1].collected; case UC_CONDITIONSET: // requires condition set x to already be achieved return M_Achieved(cn->requirement-1); } return false; } static UINT8 M_CheckConditionSet(conditionset_t *c) { UINT32 i; UINT32 lastID = 0; condition_t *cn; UINT8 achievedSoFar = true; for (i = 0; i < c->numconditions; ++i) { cn = &c->condition[i]; // If the ID is changed and all previous statements of the same ID were true // then this condition has been successfully achieved if (lastID && lastID != cn->id && achievedSoFar) return true; // Skip future conditions with the same ID if one fails, for obvious reasons else if (lastID && lastID == cn->id && !achievedSoFar) continue; lastID = cn->id; achievedSoFar = M_CheckCondition(cn); } return achievedSoFar; } void M_CheckUnlockConditions(void) { INT32 i; conditionset_t *c; for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++i) { c = &conditionSets[i]; if (!c->numconditions || c->achieved) continue; c->achieved = (M_CheckConditionSet(c)); } } UINT8 M_UpdateUnlockablesAndExtraEmblems(void) { INT32 i; char cechoText[992] = ""; UINT8 cechoLines = 0; M_CheckUnlockConditions(); // Go through extra emblems for (i = 0; i < numextraemblems; ++i) { if (extraemblems[i].collected || !extraemblems[i].conditionset) continue; if ((extraemblems[i].collected = M_Achieved(extraemblems[i].conditionset - 1)) != false) { strcat(cechoText, va(M_GetText("Got \"%s\" emblem!\\"), extraemblems[i].name)); ++cechoLines; } } // Fun part: if any of those unlocked we need to go through the // unlock conditions AGAIN just in case an emblem reward was reached if (cechoLines) M_CheckUnlockConditions(); // Go through unlockables for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) { if (unlockables[i].unlocked || !unlockables[i].conditionset) continue; if ((unlockables[i].unlocked = M_Achieved(unlockables[i].conditionset - 1)) != false) { if (unlockables[i].nocecho) continue; strcat(cechoText, va(M_GetText("\"%s\" unlocked!\\"), unlockables[i].name)); ++cechoLines; } } // Announce if (cechoLines) { char slashed[1024] = ""; for (i = 0; (i < 19) && (i < 24 - cechoLines); ++i) slashed[i] = '\\'; slashed[i] = 0; strcat(slashed, cechoText); HU_SetCEchoFlags(V_YELLOWMAP|V_RETURN8); HU_SetCEchoDuration(6); HU_DoCEcho(slashed); return true; } return false; } // Used when loading gamedata to make sure all unlocks are synched with conditions void M_SilentUpdateUnlockablesAndEmblems(void) { INT32 i; boolean checkAgain = false; // Just in case they aren't to sync M_CheckUnlockConditions(); M_CheckLevelEmblems(); // Go through extra emblems for (i = 0; i < numextraemblems; ++i) { if (extraemblems[i].collected || !extraemblems[i].conditionset) continue; if ((extraemblems[i].collected = M_Achieved(extraemblems[i].conditionset - 1)) != false) checkAgain = true; } // check again if extra emblems unlocked, blah blah, etc if (checkAgain) M_CheckUnlockConditions(); // Go through unlockables for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) { if (unlockables[i].unlocked || !unlockables[i].conditionset) continue; unlockables[i].unlocked = M_Achieved(unlockables[i].conditionset - 1); } players[consoleplayer].availabilities = players[1].availabilities = R_GetSkinAvailabilities(); // players[1] is supposed to be for 2p } // Emblem unlocking shit UINT8 M_CheckLevelEmblems(void) { INT32 i; INT32 valToReach; INT16 levelnum; UINT8 res; UINT8 somethingUnlocked = 0; // Update Score, Time, Rings emblems for (i = 0; i < numemblems; ++i) { if (emblemlocations[i].type <= ET_SKIN || emblemlocations[i].type == ET_MAP || emblemlocations[i].collected) continue; levelnum = emblemlocations[i].level; valToReach = emblemlocations[i].var; switch (emblemlocations[i].type) { case ET_SCORE: // Requires score on map >= x res = (G_GetBestScore(levelnum) >= (unsigned)valToReach); break; case ET_TIME: // Requires time on map <= x res = (G_GetBestTime(levelnum) <= (unsigned)valToReach); break; case ET_RINGS: // Requires rings on map >= x res = (G_GetBestRings(levelnum) >= valToReach); break; case ET_NGRADE: // Requires NiGHTS grade on map >= x res = (G_GetBestNightsGrade(levelnum, 0) >= valToReach); break; case ET_NTIME: // Requires NiGHTS time on map <= x res = (G_GetBestNightsTime(levelnum, 0) <= (unsigned)valToReach); break; default: // unreachable but shuts the compiler up. continue; } emblemlocations[i].collected = res; if (res) ++somethingUnlocked; } return somethingUnlocked; } UINT8 M_CompletionEmblems(void) // Bah! Duplication sucks, but it's for a separate print when awarding emblems and it's sorta different enough. { INT32 i; INT32 embtype; INT16 levelnum; UINT8 res; UINT8 somethingUnlocked = 0; UINT8 flags; for (i = 0; i < numemblems; ++i) { if (emblemlocations[i].type != ET_MAP || emblemlocations[i].collected) continue; levelnum = emblemlocations[i].level; embtype = emblemlocations[i].var; flags = MV_BEATEN; if (embtype & ME_ALLEMERALDS) flags |= MV_ALLEMERALDS; if (embtype & ME_ULTIMATE) flags |= MV_ULTIMATE; if (embtype & ME_PERFECT) flags |= MV_PERFECT; res = ((mapvisited[levelnum - 1] & flags) == flags); emblemlocations[i].collected = res; if (res) ++somethingUnlocked; } return somethingUnlocked; } // ------------------- // Quick unlock checks // ------------------- UINT8 M_AnySecretUnlocked(void) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) { if (!unlockables[i].nocecho && unlockables[i].unlocked) return true; } return false; } UINT8 M_SecretUnlocked(INT32 type) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) { if (unlockables[i].type == type && unlockables[i].unlocked) return true; } return false; } UINT8 M_MapLocked(INT32 mapnum) { if (!mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1] || mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->unlockrequired < 0) return false; if (!unlockables[mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->unlockrequired].unlocked) return true; return false; } INT32 M_CountEmblems(void) { INT32 found = 0, i; for (i = 0; i < numemblems; ++i) { if (emblemlocations[i].collected) found++; } for (i = 0; i < numextraemblems; ++i) { if (extraemblems[i].collected) found++; } return found; } // -------------------------------------- // Quick functions for calculating things // -------------------------------------- // Theoretically faster than using M_CountEmblems() // Stops when it reaches the target number of emblems. UINT8 M_GotEnoughEmblems(INT32 number) { INT32 i, gottenemblems = 0; for (i = 0; i < numemblems; ++i) { if (emblemlocations[i].collected) if (++gottenemblems >= number) return true; } for (i = 0; i < numextraemblems; ++i) { if (extraemblems[i].collected) if (++gottenemblems >= number) return true; } return false; } UINT8 M_GotHighEnoughScore(INT32 tscore) { INT32 mscore = 0; INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if (!mapheaderinfo[i] || !(mapheaderinfo[i]->menuflags & LF2_RECORDATTACK)) continue; if (!mainrecords[i]) continue; if ((mscore += mainrecords[i]->score) > tscore) return true; } return false; } UINT8 M_GotLowEnoughTime(INT32 tictime) { INT32 curtics = 0; INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if (!mapheaderinfo[i] || !(mapheaderinfo[i]->menuflags & LF2_RECORDATTACK)) continue; if (!mainrecords[i] || !mainrecords[i]->time) return false; else if ((curtics += mainrecords[i]->time) > tictime) return false; } return true; } UINT8 M_GotHighEnoughRings(INT32 trings) { INT32 mrings = 0; INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if (!mapheaderinfo[i] || !(mapheaderinfo[i]->menuflags & LF2_RECORDATTACK)) continue; if (!mainrecords[i]) continue; if ((mrings += mainrecords[i]->rings) > trings) return true; } return false; } // Gets the skin number for a SECRET_SKIN unlockable. INT32 M_UnlockableSkinNum(unlockable_t *unlock) { if (unlock->type != SECRET_SKIN) { // This isn't a skin unlockable... return -1; } if (unlock->stringVar && strcmp(unlock->stringVar, "")) { // Get the skin from the string. INT32 skinnum = R_SkinAvailable(unlock->stringVar); if (skinnum != -1) { return skinnum; } } if (unlock->variable >= 0 && unlock->variable < numskins) { // Use the number directly. return unlock->variable; } // Invalid skin unlockable. return -1; } // Gets the skin number for a ET_SKIN emblem. INT32 M_EmblemSkinNum(emblem_t *emblem) { if (emblem->type != ET_SKIN) { // This isn't a skin emblem... return -1; } if (emblem->stringVar && strcmp(emblem->stringVar, "")) { // Get the skin from the string. INT32 skinnum = R_SkinAvailable(emblem->stringVar); if (skinnum != -1) { return skinnum; } } if (emblem->var >= 0 && emblem->var < numskins) { // Use the number directly. return emblem->var; } // Invalid skin emblem. return -1; } // ---------------- // Misc Emblem shit // ---------------- // Returns pointer to an emblem if an emblem exists for that level. // Pass -1 mapnum to continue from last emblem. // NULL if not found. // note that this goes in reverse!! emblem_t *M_GetLevelEmblems(INT32 mapnum) { static INT32 map = -1; static INT32 i = -1; if (mapnum > 0) { map = mapnum; i = numemblems; } while (--i >= 0) { if (emblemlocations[i].level == map) return &emblemlocations[i]; } return NULL; } skincolornum_t M_GetEmblemColor(emblem_t *em) { if (!em || em->color >= numskincolors) return SKINCOLOR_NONE; return em->color; } const char *M_GetEmblemPatch(emblem_t *em, boolean big) { static char pnamebuf[7]; if (!big) strcpy(pnamebuf, "GOTITn"); else strcpy(pnamebuf, "EMBMn0"); I_Assert(em->sprite >= 'A' && em->sprite <= 'Z'); if (!big) pnamebuf[5] = em->sprite; else pnamebuf[4] = em->sprite; return pnamebuf; } skincolornum_t M_GetExtraEmblemColor(extraemblem_t *em) { if (!em || em->color >= numskincolors) return SKINCOLOR_NONE; return em->color; } const char *M_GetExtraEmblemPatch(extraemblem_t *em, boolean big) { static char pnamebuf[7]; if (!big) strcpy(pnamebuf, "GOTITn"); else strcpy(pnamebuf, "EMBMn0"); I_Assert(em->sprite >= 'A' && em->sprite <= 'Z'); if (!big) pnamebuf[5] = em->sprite; else pnamebuf[4] = em->sprite; return pnamebuf; }