// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2021 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file r_defs.h /// \brief Refresh/rendering module, shared data struct definitions #ifndef __R_DEFS__ #define __R_DEFS__ // Some more or less basic data types we depend on. #include "m_fixed.h" // We rely on the thinker data struct to handle sound origins in sectors. #include "d_think.h" // SECTORS do store MObjs anyway. #include "p_mobj.h" #include "screen.h" // MAXVIDWIDTH, MAXVIDHEIGHT #ifdef HWRENDER #include "m_aatree.h" #endif #include "taglist.h" // // ClipWallSegment // Clips the given range of columns // and includes it in the new clip list. // typedef struct { INT32 first; INT32 last; } cliprange_t; // Silhouette, needed for clipping segs (mainly) and sprites representing things. #define SIL_NONE 0 #define SIL_BOTTOM 1 #define SIL_TOP 2 #define SIL_BOTH 3 // This could be wider for >8 bit display. // Indeed, true color support is possible precalculating 24bpp lightmap/colormap LUT // from darkening PLAYPAL to all black. // Could even use more than 32 levels. typedef UINT8 lighttable_t; #define CMF_FADEFULLBRIGHTSPRITES 1 #define CMF_FOG 4 // ExtraColormap type. Use for extra_colormaps from now on. typedef struct extracolormap_s { UINT8 fadestart, fadeend; UINT8 flags; // store rgba values in combined bitwise // also used in OpenGL instead lighttables INT32 rgba; // similar to maskcolor in sw mode INT32 fadergba; // The colour the colourmaps fade to lighttable_t *colormap; #ifdef EXTRACOLORMAPLUMPS lumpnum_t lump; // for colormap lump matching, init to LUMPERROR char lumpname[9]; // for netsyncing #endif struct extracolormap_s *next; struct extracolormap_s *prev; } extracolormap_t; // // INTERNAL MAP TYPES used by play and refresh // /** Your plain vanilla vertex. */ typedef struct { fixed_t x, y; boolean floorzset, ceilingzset; fixed_t floorz, ceilingz; } vertex_t; // Forward of linedefs, for sectors. struct line_s; /** Degenerate version of ::mobj_t, storing only a location. * Used for sound origins in sectors, hoop centers, and the like. Does not * handle sound from moving objects (doppler), because position is probably * just buffered, not updated. */ typedef struct { thinker_t thinker; ///< Not used for anything. fixed_t x; ///< X coordinate. fixed_t y; ///< Y coordinate. fixed_t z; ///< Z coordinate. } degenmobj_t; #include "p_polyobj.h" // Store fake planes in a resizable array insted of just by // heightsec. Allows for multiple fake planes. /** Flags describing 3Dfloor behavior and appearance. */ typedef enum { FF_EXISTS = 0x1, ///< Always set, to check for validity. FF_BLOCKPLAYER = 0x2, ///< Solid to player, but nothing else FF_BLOCKOTHERS = 0x4, ///< Solid to everything but player FF_SOLID = 0x6, ///< Clips things. FF_RENDERSIDES = 0x8, ///< Renders the sides. FF_RENDERPLANES = 0x10, ///< Renders the floor/ceiling. FF_RENDERALL = 0x18, ///< Renders everything. FF_SWIMMABLE = 0x20, ///< Is a water block. FF_NOSHADE = 0x40, ///< Messes with the lighting? FF_CUTSOLIDS = 0x80, ///< Cuts out hidden solid pixels. FF_CUTEXTRA = 0x100, ///< Cuts out hidden translucent pixels. FF_CUTLEVEL = 0x180, ///< Cuts out all hidden pixels. FF_CUTSPRITES = 0x200, ///< Final step in making 3D water. FF_BOTHPLANES = 0x400, ///< Render inside and outside planes. FF_EXTRA = 0x800, ///< Gets cut by ::FF_CUTEXTRA. FF_TRANSLUCENT = 0x1000, ///< See through! FF_FOG = 0x2000, ///< Fog "brush." FF_INVERTPLANES = 0x4000, ///< Only render inside planes. FF_ALLSIDES = 0x8000, ///< Render inside and outside sides. FF_INVERTSIDES = 0x10000, ///< Only render inside sides. FF_DOUBLESHADOW = 0x20000, ///< Make two lightlist entries to reset light? FF_FLOATBOB = 0x40000, ///< Floats on water and bobs if you step on it. FF_NORETURN = 0x80000, ///< Used with ::FF_CRUMBLE. Will not return to its original position after falling. FF_CRUMBLE = 0x100000, ///< Falls 2 seconds after being stepped on, and randomly brings all touching crumbling 3dfloors down with it, providing their master sectors share the same tag (allows crumble platforms above or below, to also exist). FF_GOOWATER = 0x200000, ///< Used with ::FF_SWIMMABLE. Makes thick bouncey goop. FF_MARIO = 0x400000, ///< Acts like a question block when hit from underneath. Goodie spawned at top is determined by master sector. FF_BUSTUP = 0x800000, ///< You can spin through/punch this block and it will crumble! FF_QUICKSAND = 0x1000000, ///< Quicksand! FF_PLATFORM = 0x2000000, ///< You can jump up through this to the top. FF_REVERSEPLATFORM = 0x4000000, ///< A fall-through floor in normal gravity, a platform in reverse gravity. FF_INTANGIBLEFLATS = 0x6000000, ///< Both flats are intangible, but the sides are still solid. FF_RIPPLE = 0x8000000, ///< Ripple the flats FF_COLORMAPONLY = 0x10000000, ///< Only copy the colormap, not the lightlevel FF_BOUNCY = 0x20000000, ///< Bounces players FF_SPLAT = 0x40000000, ///< Use splat flat renderer (treat cyan pixels as invisible) } ffloortype_e; typedef enum { FB_PUSHABLES = 0x1, // Bustable by pushables FB_EXECUTOR = 0x2, // Trigger linedef executor FB_ONLYBOTTOM = 0x4, // Only bustable from below } ffloorbustflags_e; typedef enum { BT_TOUCH, BT_SPINBUST, BT_REGULAR, BT_STRONG, } busttype_e; typedef struct ffloor_s { fixed_t *topheight; INT32 *toppic; INT16 *toplightlevel; fixed_t *topxoffs; fixed_t *topyoffs; angle_t *topangle; fixed_t *bottomheight; INT32 *bottompic; fixed_t *bottomxoffs; fixed_t *bottomyoffs; angle_t *bottomangle; // Pointers to pointers. Yup. struct pslope_s **t_slope; struct pslope_s **b_slope; size_t secnum; ffloortype_e flags; struct line_s *master; struct sector_s *target; struct ffloor_s *next; struct ffloor_s *prev; INT32 lastlight; INT32 alpha; tic_t norender; // for culling // Only relevant for FF_BUSTUP ffloorbustflags_e bustflags; UINT8 busttype; INT16 busttag; // Only relevant for FF_QUICKSAND fixed_t sinkspeed; fixed_t friction; // Only relevant for FF_BOUNCY fixed_t bouncestrength; // these are saved for netgames, so do not let Lua touch these! ffloortype_e spawnflags; // flags the 3D floor spawned with INT32 spawnalpha; // alpha the 3D floor spawned with void *fadingdata; // fading FOF thinker } ffloor_t; // This struct holds information for shadows casted by 3D floors. // This information is contained inside the sector_t and is used as the base // information for casted shadows. typedef struct lightlist_s { fixed_t height; INT16 *lightlevel; extracolormap_t **extra_colormap; // pointer-to-a-pointer, so we can react to colormap changes INT32 flags; ffloor_t *caster; struct pslope_s *slope; // FF_DOUBLESHADOW makes me have to store this pointer here. Bluh bluh. } lightlist_t; // This struct is used for rendering walls with shadows casted on them... typedef struct r_lightlist_s { fixed_t height; fixed_t heightstep; fixed_t botheight; fixed_t botheightstep; fixed_t startheight; // for repeating midtextures INT16 lightlevel; extracolormap_t *extra_colormap; lighttable_t *rcolormap; ffloortype_e flags; INT32 lightnum; } r_lightlist_t; // Slopes typedef enum { SL_NOPHYSICS = 1, /// This plane will have no physics applied besides the positioning. SL_DYNAMIC = 1<<1, /// This plane slope will be assigned a thinker to make it dynamic. } slopeflags_t; typedef struct pslope_s { UINT16 id; // The number of the slope, mostly used for netgame syncing purposes struct pslope_s *next; // Make a linked list of dynamic slopes, for easy reference later // The plane's definition. vector3_t o; /// Plane origin. vector3_t normal; /// Plane normal. vector2_t d; /// Precomputed normalized projection of the normal over XY. fixed_t zdelta; /// Precomputed Z unit increase per XY unit. // This values only check and must be updated if the slope itself is modified angle_t zangle; /// Precomputed angle of the plane going up from the ground (not measured in degrees). angle_t xydirection;/// Precomputed angle of the normal's projection on the XY plane. UINT8 flags; // Slope options } pslope_t; typedef enum { // flipspecial - planes with effect MSF_FLIPSPECIAL_FLOOR = 1, MSF_FLIPSPECIAL_CEILING = 1<<1, MSF_FLIPSPECIAL_BOTH = (MSF_FLIPSPECIAL_FLOOR|MSF_FLIPSPECIAL_CEILING), // triggerspecial - conditions under which plane touch causes effect MSF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH = 1<<2, MSF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_HEADBUMP = 1<<3, // triggerline - conditions for linedef executor triggering MSF_TRIGGERLINE_PLANE = 1<<4, // require plane touch MSF_TRIGGERLINE_MOBJ = 1<<5, // allow non-pushable mobjs to trigger // invertprecip - inverts presence of precipitation MSF_INVERTPRECIP = 1<<6, MSF_GRAVITYFLIP = 1<<7, MSF_HEATWAVE = 1<<8, MSF_NOCLIPCAMERA = 1<<9, } sectorflags_t; typedef enum { SSF_OUTERSPACE = 1, SSF_DOUBLESTEPUP = 1<<1, SSF_NOSTEPDOWN = 1<<2, SSF_WINDCURRENT = 1<<3, SSF_CONVEYOR = 1<<4, SSF_SPEEDPAD = 1<<5, SSF_STARPOSTACTIVATOR = 1<<6, SSF_EXIT = 1<<7, SSF_SPECIALSTAGEPIT = 1<<8, SSF_RETURNFLAG = 1<<9, SSF_REDTEAMBASE = 1<<10, SSF_BLUETEAMBASE = 1<<11, SSF_FAN = 1<<12, SSF_SUPERTRANSFORM = 1<<13, SSF_FORCESPIN = 1<<14, SSF_ZOOMTUBESTART = 1<<15, SSF_ZOOMTUBEEND = 1<<16, SSF_FINISHLINE = 1<<17, SSF_ROPEHANG = 1<<18, } sectorspecialflags_t; typedef enum { SD_NONE = 0, SD_GENERIC = 1, SD_WATER = 2, SD_FIRE = 3, SD_ELECTRIC = 4, SD_SPIKE = 5, SD_DEATHPITTILT = 6, SD_DEATHPITNOTILT = 7, SD_INSTAKILL = 8, SD_SPECIALSTAGE = 9, } sectordamage_t; typedef enum { TO_PLAYER = 0, TO_ALLPLAYERS = 1, TO_MOBJ = 2, TO_PLAYEREMERALDS = 3, // only for binary backwards compatibility: check player emeralds TO_PLAYERNIGHTS = 4, // only for binary backwards compatibility: check NiGHTS mare } triggerobject_t; typedef enum { CRUMBLE_NONE, // No crumble thinker CRUMBLE_WAIT, // Don't float on water because this is supposed to wait for a crumble CRUMBLE_ACTIVATED, // Crumble thinker activated, but hasn't fallen yet CRUMBLE_FALL, // Crumble thinker is falling CRUMBLE_RESTORE, // Crumble thinker is about to restore to original position } crumblestate_t; // // The SECTORS record, at runtime. // Stores things/mobjs. // typedef struct sector_s { fixed_t floorheight; fixed_t ceilingheight; INT32 floorpic; INT32 ceilingpic; INT16 lightlevel; INT16 special; taglist_t tags; // origin for any sounds played by the sector // also considered the center for e.g. Mario blocks degenmobj_t soundorg; // if == validcount, already checked size_t validcount; // list of mobjs in sector mobj_t *thinglist; // thinker_ts for reversable actions void *floordata; // floor move thinker void *ceilingdata; // ceiling move thinker void *lightingdata; // lighting change thinker void *fadecolormapdata; // fade colormap thinker // floor and ceiling texture offsets fixed_t floor_xoffs, floor_yoffs; fixed_t ceiling_xoffs, ceiling_yoffs; // flat angle angle_t floorpic_angle; angle_t ceilingpic_angle; INT32 heightsec; // other sector, or -1 if no other sector INT32 camsec; // used for camera clipping // floor and ceiling lighting INT16 floorlightlevel, ceilinglightlevel; boolean floorlightabsolute, ceilinglightabsolute; // absolute or relative to sector's light level? INT32 floorlightsec, ceilinglightsec; // take floor/ceiling light level from another sector INT32 crumblestate; // used for crumbling and bobbing // list of mobjs that are at least partially in the sector // thinglist is a subset of touching_thinglist struct msecnode_s *touching_thinglist; size_t linecount; struct line_s **lines; // [linecount] size // Improved fake floor hack ffloor_t *ffloors; size_t *attached; boolean *attachedsolid; size_t numattached; size_t maxattached; lightlist_t *lightlist; INT32 numlights; boolean moved; // per-sector colormaps! extracolormap_t *extra_colormap; boolean colormap_protected; fixed_t gravity; // per-sector gravity factor fixed_t *gravityptr; // For binary format: Read gravity from floor height of master sector sectorflags_t flags; sectorspecialflags_t specialflags; UINT8 damagetype; // Linedef executor triggering mtag_t triggertag; // tag to call upon triggering UINT8 triggerer; // who can trigger? INT32 friction; // Sprite culling feature struct line_s *cullheight; // Current speed of ceiling/floor. For Knuckles to hold onto stuff. fixed_t floorspeed, ceilspeed; // list of precipitation mobjs in sector precipmobj_t *preciplist; struct mprecipsecnode_s *touching_preciplist; // Eternity engine slope pslope_t *f_slope; // floor slope pslope_t *c_slope; // ceiling slope boolean hasslope; // The sector, or one of its visible FOFs, contains a slope // for fade thinker INT16 spawn_lightlevel; // colormap structure extracolormap_t *spawn_extra_colormap; } sector_t; // // Move clipping aid for linedefs. // typedef enum { ST_HORIZONTAL, ST_VERTICAL, ST_POSITIVE, ST_NEGATIVE } slopetype_t; #define HORIZONSPECIAL 41 #define NUMLINEARGS 10 #define NUMLINESTRINGARGS 2 typedef struct line_s { // Vertices, from v1 to v2. vertex_t *v1; vertex_t *v2; fixed_t dx, dy; // Precalculated v2 - v1 for side checking. // Animation related. INT16 flags; INT16 special; taglist_t tags; INT32 args[NUMLINEARGS]; char *stringargs[NUMLINESTRINGARGS]; // Visual appearance: sidedefs. UINT16 sidenum[2]; // sidenum[1] will be 0xffff if one-sided fixed_t alpha; // translucency INT32 executordelay; fixed_t bbox[4]; // bounding box for the extent of the linedef // To aid move clipping. slopetype_t slopetype; // Front and back sector. // Note: redundant? Can be retrieved from SideDefs. sector_t *frontsector; sector_t *backsector; size_t validcount; // if == validcount, already checked polyobj_t *polyobj; // Belongs to a polyobject? char *text; // a concatenation of all front and back texture names, for linedef specials that require a string. INT16 callcount; // no. of calls left before triggering, for the "X calls" linedef specials, defaults to 0 } line_t; typedef struct { // add this to the calculated texture column fixed_t textureoffset; // add this to the calculated texture top fixed_t rowoffset; // Texture indices. // We do not maintain names here. INT32 toptexture, bottomtexture, midtexture; // Linedef the sidedef belongs to line_t *line; // Sector the sidedef is facing. sector_t *sector; INT16 special; // the special of the linedef this side belongs to INT16 repeatcnt; // # of times to repeat midtexture char *text; // a concatenation of all top, bottom, and mid texture names, for linedef specials that require a string. extracolormap_t *colormap_data; // storage for colormaps; not applied to sectors. } side_t; // // A subsector. // References a sector. // Basically, this is a list of linesegs, indicating the visible walls that define // (all or some) sides of a convex BSP leaf. // typedef struct subsector_s { sector_t *sector; INT16 numlines; UINT16 firstline; struct polyobj_s *polyList; // haleyjd 02/19/06: list of polyobjects size_t validcount; } subsector_t; // Sector list node showing all sectors an object appears in. // // There are two threads that flow through these nodes. The first thread // starts at touching_thinglist in a sector_t and flows through the m_thinglist_next // links to find all mobjs that are entirely or partially in the sector. // The second thread starts at touching_sectorlist in an mobj_t and flows // through the m_sectorlist_next links to find all sectors a thing touches. This is // useful when applying friction or push effects to sectors. These effects // can be done as thinkers that act upon all objects touching their sectors. // As an mobj moves through the world, these nodes are created and // destroyed, with the links changed appropriately. // // For the links, NULL means top or end of list. typedef struct msecnode_s { sector_t *m_sector; // a sector containing this object struct mobj_s *m_thing; // this object struct msecnode_s *m_sectorlist_prev; // prev msecnode_t for this thing struct msecnode_s *m_sectorlist_next; // next msecnode_t for this thing struct msecnode_s *m_thinglist_prev; // prev msecnode_t for this sector struct msecnode_s *m_thinglist_next; // next msecnode_t for this sector boolean visited; // used in search algorithms } msecnode_t; typedef struct mprecipsecnode_s { sector_t *m_sector; // a sector containing this object struct precipmobj_s *m_thing; // this object struct mprecipsecnode_s *m_sectorlist_prev; // prev msecnode_t for this thing struct mprecipsecnode_s *m_sectorlist_next; // next msecnode_t for this thing struct mprecipsecnode_s *m_thinglist_prev; // prev msecnode_t for this sector struct mprecipsecnode_s *m_thinglist_next; // next msecnode_t for this sector boolean visited; // used in search algorithms } mprecipsecnode_t; // for now, only used in hardware mode // maybe later for software as well? // that's why it's moved here typedef struct light_s { UINT16 type; // light,... (cfr #define in hwr_light.c) float light_xoffset; float light_yoffset; // y offset to adjust corona's height UINT32 corona_color; // color of the light for static lighting float corona_radius; // radius of the coronas UINT32 dynamic_color; // color of the light for dynamic lighting float dynamic_radius; // radius of the light ball float dynamic_sqrradius; // radius^2 of the light ball } light_t; typedef struct lightmap_s { float s[2], t[2]; light_t *light; struct lightmap_s *next; } lightmap_t; // // The lineseg. // typedef struct seg_s { vertex_t *v1; vertex_t *v2; INT32 side; fixed_t offset; angle_t angle; side_t *sidedef; line_t *linedef; // Sector references. // Could be retrieved from linedef, too. backsector is NULL for one sided lines sector_t *frontsector; sector_t *backsector; fixed_t length; // precalculated seg length #ifdef HWRENDER // new pointers so that AdjustSegs doesn't mess with v1/v2 void *pv1; // polyvertex_t void *pv2; // polyvertex_t float flength; // length of the seg, used by hardware renderer lightmap_t *lightmaps; // for static lightmap #endif // Why slow things down by calculating lightlists for every thick side? size_t numlights; r_lightlist_t *rlights; polyobj_t *polyseg; boolean dontrenderme; boolean glseg; } seg_t; // // BSP node. // typedef struct { // Partition line. fixed_t x, y; fixed_t dx, dy; // Bounding box for each child. fixed_t bbox[2][4]; // If NF_SUBSECTOR its a subsector. UINT16 children[2]; } node_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(1) #endif // posts are runs of non masked source pixels typedef struct { UINT8 topdelta; // -1 is the last post in a column UINT8 length; // length data bytes follows } ATTRPACK post_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack() #endif // column_t is a list of 0 or more post_t, (UINT8)-1 terminated typedef post_t column_t; // // OTHER TYPES // #ifndef MAXFFLOORS #define MAXFFLOORS 40 #endif // // ? // typedef struct drawseg_s { seg_t *curline; INT32 x1; INT32 x2; fixed_t scale1; fixed_t scale2; fixed_t scalestep; INT32 silhouette; // 0 = none, 1 = bottom, 2 = top, 3 = both fixed_t bsilheight; // do not clip sprites above this fixed_t tsilheight; // do not clip sprites below this // Pointers to lists for sprite clipping, all three adjusted so [x1] is first value. INT16 *sprtopclip; INT16 *sprbottomclip; INT16 *maskedtexturecol; struct visplane_s *ffloorplanes[MAXFFLOORS]; INT32 numffloorplanes; struct ffloor_s *thicksides[MAXFFLOORS]; INT16 *thicksidecol; INT32 numthicksides; fixed_t frontscale[MAXVIDWIDTH]; UINT8 portalpass; // if > 0 and <= portalrender, do not affect sprite clipping fixed_t maskedtextureheight[MAXVIDWIDTH]; // For handling sloped midtextures vertex_t leftpos, rightpos; // Used for rendering FOF walls with slopes } drawseg_t; typedef enum { PALETTE = 0, // 1 byte is the index in the doom palette (as usual) INTENSITY = 1, // 1 byte intensity INTENSITY_ALPHA = 2, // 2 byte: alpha then intensity RGB24 = 3, // 24 bit rgb RGBA32 = 4, // 32 bit rgba } pic_mode_t; #ifdef ROTSPRITE typedef struct { INT32 angles; void **patches; } rotsprite_t; #endif // Patches. // A patch holds one or more columns. // Patches are used for sprites and all masked pictures, and we compose // textures from the TEXTURES list of patches. // typedef struct { INT16 width, height; INT16 leftoffset, topoffset; INT32 *columnofs; // Column offsets. This is relative to patch->columns UINT8 *columns; // Software column data void *hardware; // OpenGL patch, allocated whenever necessary void *flats[4]; // The patch as flats #ifdef ROTSPRITE rotsprite_t *rotated; // Rotated patches #endif } patch_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(1) #endif typedef struct { INT16 width; // bounding box size INT16 height; INT16 leftoffset; // pixels to the left of origin INT16 topoffset; // pixels below the origin INT32 columnofs[8]; // only [width] used // the [0] is &columnofs[width] } ATTRPACK softwarepatch_t; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4200) #endif // a pic is an unmasked block of pixels, stored in horizontal way typedef struct { INT16 width; UINT8 zero; // set to 0 allow autodetection of pic_t // mode instead of patch or raw UINT8 mode; // see pic_mode_t above INT16 height; INT16 reserved1; // set to 0 UINT8 data[0]; } ATTRPACK pic_t; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default : 4200) #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack() #endif typedef enum { RF_HORIZONTALFLIP = 0x0001, // Flip sprite horizontally RF_VERTICALFLIP = 0x0002, // Flip sprite vertically RF_ABSOLUTEOFFSETS = 0x0004, // Sprite uses the object's offsets absolutely, instead of relatively RF_FLIPOFFSETS = 0x0008, // Relative object offsets are flipped with the sprite RF_SPLATMASK = 0x00F0, // --Floor sprite flags RF_SLOPESPLAT = 0x0010, // Rotate floor sprites by a slope RF_OBJECTSLOPESPLAT = 0x0020, // Rotate floor sprites by the object's standing slope RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD = 0x0040, // Don't billboard floor sprites (faces forward from the view angle) RF_NOSPLATROLLANGLE = 0x0080, // Don't rotate floor sprites by the object's rollangle (uses rotated patches instead) RF_BLENDMASK = 0x0F00, // --Blending modes RF_FULLBRIGHT = 0x0100, // Sprite is drawn at full brightness RF_FULLDARK = 0x0200, // Sprite is drawn completely dark RF_NOCOLORMAPS = 0x0400, // Sprite is not drawn with colormaps RF_SPRITETYPEMASK = 0x7000, // ---Different sprite types RF_PAPERSPRITE = 0x1000, // Paper sprite RF_FLOORSPRITE = 0x2000, // Floor sprite RF_SHADOWDRAW = 0x10000, // Stretches and skews the sprite like a shadow. RF_SHADOWEFFECTS = 0x20000, // Scales and becomes transparent like a shadow. RF_DROPSHADOW = (RF_SHADOWDRAW | RF_SHADOWEFFECTS | RF_FULLDARK), } renderflags_t; typedef enum { SRF_SINGLE = 0, // 0-angle for all rotations SRF_3D = 1, // Angles 1-8 SRF_3DGE = 2, // 3DGE, ZDoom and Doom Legacy all have 16-angle support. Why not us? SRF_3DMASK = SRF_3D|SRF_3DGE, // 3 SRF_LEFT = 4, // Left side uses single patch SRF_RIGHT = 8, // Right side uses single patch SRF_2D = SRF_LEFT|SRF_RIGHT, // 12 SRF_NONE = 0xff // Initial value } spriterotateflags_t; // SRF's up! // // Sprites are patches with a special naming convention so they can be // recognized by R_InitSprites. // The base name is NNNNFx or NNNNFxFx, with x indicating the rotation, // x = 0, 1-8, 9+A-G, L/R // The sprite and frame specified by a thing_t is range checked at run time. // A sprite is a patch_t that is assumed to represent a three dimensional // object and may have multiple rotations predrawn. // Horizontal flipping is used to save space, thus NNNNF2F5 defines a mirrored patch. // Some sprites will only have one picture used for all views: NNNNF0 // Some sprites will take the entirety of the left side: NNNNFL // Or the right side: NNNNFR // Or both, mirrored: NNNNFLFR // typedef struct { // If false use 0 for any position. // Note: as eight entries are available, we might as well insert the same // name eight times. UINT8 rotate; // see spriterotateflags_t above // Lump to use for view angles 0-7/15. lumpnum_t lumppat[16]; // lump number 16 : 16 wad : lump size_t lumpid[16]; // id in the spriteoffset, spritewidth, etc. tables // Flip bits (1 = flip) to use for view angles 0-7/15. UINT16 flip; #ifdef ROTSPRITE rotsprite_t *rotated[2][16]; // Rotated patches #endif } spriteframe_t; // // A sprite definition: a number of animation frames. // typedef struct { size_t numframes; spriteframe_t *spriteframes; } spritedef_t; #endif