// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2014 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file m_cheat.c /// \brief Cheat sequence checking #include "doomdef.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "m_cheat.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "m_cond.h" // secrets unlocked? #include "v_video.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "p_slopes.h" #include "lua_script.h" #include "lua_hook.h" // // CHEAT SEQUENCE PACKAGE // #define SCRAMBLE(a) \ ((((a)&1)<<7) + (((a)&2)<<5) + ((a)&4) + (((a)&8)<<1) \ + (((a)&16)>>1) + ((a)&32) + (((a)&64)>>5) + (((a)&128)>>7)) typedef struct { UINT8 *p; UINT8 (*func)(void); // called when cheat confirmed. UINT8 sequence[]; } cheatseq_t; // ========================================================================== // CHEAT Structures // ========================================================================== // Cheat responders static UINT8 cheatf_ultimate(void) { if (menuactive && (currentMenu != &MainDef && currentMenu != &SP_LoadDef)) return 0; // Only on the main menu, or the save select! S_StartSound(0, sfx_itemup); ultimate_selectable = (!ultimate_selectable); // If on the save select, move to what is now Ultimate Mode! if (currentMenu == &SP_LoadDef) M_ForceSaveSlotSelected(NOSAVESLOT); return 1; } static UINT8 cheatf_warp(void) { if (modifiedgame) return 0; if (menuactive && currentMenu != &MainDef) return 0; // Only on the main menu! S_StartSound(0, sfx_itemup); // Temporarily unlock stuff. G_SetGameModified(false); unlockables[2].unlocked = true; // credits unlockables[3].unlocked = true; // sound test unlockables[16].unlocked = true; // level select // Refresh secrets menu existing. M_ClearMenus(true); M_StartControlPanel(); return 1; } #ifdef DEVELOP static UINT8 cheatf_devmode(void) { UINT8 i; if (modifiedgame) return 0; if (menuactive && currentMenu != &MainDef) return 0; // Only on the main menu! S_StartSound(0, sfx_itemup); // Just unlock all the things and turn on -debug and console devmode. G_SetGameModified(false); for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; i++) unlockables[i].unlocked = true; devparm = true; cv_debug |= 0x8000; // Refresh secrets menu existing. M_ClearMenus(true); M_StartControlPanel(); return 1; } #endif static cheatseq_t cheat_ultimate = { 0, cheatf_ultimate, { SCRAMBLE('u'), SCRAMBLE('l'), SCRAMBLE('t'), SCRAMBLE('i'), SCRAMBLE('m'), SCRAMBLE('a'), SCRAMBLE('t'), SCRAMBLE('e'), 0xff } }; static cheatseq_t cheat_ultimate_joy = { 0, cheatf_ultimate, { SCRAMBLE(KEY_UPARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_UPARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_DOWNARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_DOWNARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_LEFTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_RIGHTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_LEFTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_RIGHTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_ENTER), 0xff } }; static cheatseq_t cheat_warp = { 0, cheatf_warp, { SCRAMBLE('r'), SCRAMBLE('e'), SCRAMBLE('d'), SCRAMBLE('x'), SCRAMBLE('v'), SCRAMBLE('i'), 0xff } }; static cheatseq_t cheat_warp_joy = { 0, cheatf_warp, { SCRAMBLE(KEY_LEFTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_LEFTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_UPARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_RIGHTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_RIGHTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_UPARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_LEFTARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_UPARROW), SCRAMBLE(KEY_ENTER), 0xff } }; #ifdef DEVELOP static cheatseq_t cheat_devmode = { 0, cheatf_devmode, { SCRAMBLE('d'), SCRAMBLE('e'), SCRAMBLE('v'), SCRAMBLE('m'), SCRAMBLE('o'), SCRAMBLE('d'), SCRAMBLE('e'), 0xff } }; #endif // ========================================================================== // CHEAT SEQUENCE PACKAGE // ========================================================================== static UINT8 cheat_xlate_table[256]; void cht_Init(void) { size_t i = 0; INT16 pi = 0; for (; i < 256; i++, pi++) { const INT32 cc = SCRAMBLE(pi); cheat_xlate_table[i] = (UINT8)cc; } } // // Called in st_stuff module, which handles the input. // Returns a 1 if the cheat was successful, 0 if failed. // static UINT8 cht_CheckCheat(cheatseq_t *cht, char key) { UINT8 rc = 0; if (!cht->p) cht->p = cht->sequence; // initialize if first time if (*cht->p == 0) *(cht->p++) = key; else if (cheat_xlate_table[(UINT8)key] == *cht->p) cht->p++; else cht->p = cht->sequence; if (*cht->p == 1) cht->p++; else if (*cht->p == 0xff) // end of sequence character { cht->p = cht->sequence; rc = cht->func(); } return rc; } boolean cht_Responder(event_t *ev) { UINT8 ret = 0, ch = 0; if (ev->type != ev_keydown) return false; if (ev->data1 > 0xFF) { // map some fake (joy) inputs into keys // map joy inputs into keys switch (ev->data1) { case KEY_JOY1: case KEY_JOY1 + 2: ch = KEY_ENTER; break; case KEY_HAT1: ch = KEY_UPARROW; break; case KEY_HAT1 + 1: ch = KEY_DOWNARROW; break; case KEY_HAT1 + 2: ch = KEY_LEFTARROW; break; case KEY_HAT1 + 3: ch = KEY_RIGHTARROW; break; default: // no mapping return false; } } else ch = (UINT8)ev->data1; ret += cht_CheckCheat(&cheat_ultimate, (char)ch); ret += cht_CheckCheat(&cheat_ultimate_joy, (char)ch); ret += cht_CheckCheat(&cheat_warp, (char)ch); ret += cht_CheckCheat(&cheat_warp_joy, (char)ch); #ifdef DEVELOP ret += cht_CheckCheat(&cheat_devmode, (char)ch); #endif return (ret != 0); } // Console cheat commands rely on these a lot... #define REQUIRE_PANDORA if (!M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_PANDORA) && !cv_debug)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You haven't earned this yet.\n")); return; } #define REQUIRE_DEVMODE if (!cv_debug)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("DEVMODE must be enabled.\n")); return; } #define REQUIRE_OBJECTPLACE if (!objectplacing)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("OBJECTPLACE must be enabled.\n")); return; } #define REQUIRE_INLEVEL if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL || demoplayback)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); return; } #define REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER if (netgame || multiplayer)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in single player.\n")); return; } #define REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE if (ultimatemode)\ { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You're too good to be cheating!\n")); return; } // command that can be typed at the console! void Command_CheatNoClip_f(void) { player_t *plyr; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; plyr = &players[consoleplayer]; plyr->pflags ^= PF_NOCLIP; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("No Clipping %s\n"), plyr->pflags & PF_NOCLIP ? M_GetText("On") : M_GetText("Off")); G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } void Command_CheatGod_f(void) { player_t *plyr; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; plyr = &players[consoleplayer]; plyr->pflags ^= PF_GODMODE; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sissy Mode %s\n"), plyr->pflags & PF_GODMODE ? M_GetText("On") : M_GetText("Off")); G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } void Command_CheatNoTarget_f(void) { player_t *plyr; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; plyr = &players[consoleplayer]; plyr->pflags ^= PF_INVIS; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("SEP Field %s\n"), plyr->pflags & PF_INVIS ? M_GetText("On") : M_GetText("Off")); G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } void Command_Scale_f(void) { const double scaled = atof(COM_Argv(1)); fixed_t scale = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(scaled); REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (scale < FRACUNIT/100 || scale > 100*FRACUNIT) //COM_Argv(1) will return a null string if they did not give a paramater, so... { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("scale (0.01-100.0): set player scale size\n")); return; } if (!players[consoleplayer].mo) return; players[consoleplayer].mo->destscale = scale; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Scale set to %s\n"), COM_Argv(1)); } void Command_Gravflip_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (players[consoleplayer].mo) players[consoleplayer].mo->flags2 ^= MF2_OBJECTFLIP; } void Command_Hurtme_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("hurtme : Damage yourself by a specific amount\n")); return; } P_DamageMobj(players[consoleplayer].mo, NULL, NULL, atoi(COM_Argv(1)), 0); } // Moves the NiGHTS player to another axis within the current mare void Command_JumpToAxis_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("jumptoaxis : Jump to axis within current mare.\n")); return; } P_TransferToAxis(&players[consoleplayer], atoi(COM_Argv(1))); } void Command_Charability_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() < 3) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("charability <1/2> : change character abilities\n")); return; } if (atoi(COM_Argv(1)) == 1) players[consoleplayer].charability = (UINT8)atoi(COM_Argv(2)); else if (atoi(COM_Argv(1)) == 2) players[consoleplayer].charability2 = (UINT8)atoi(COM_Argv(2)); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("charability <1/2> : change character abilities\n")); } void Command_Charspeed_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() < 3) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("charspeed : set character speed\n")); return; } if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "normalspeed")) players[consoleplayer].normalspeed = atoi(COM_Argv(2))< : set character speed\n")); } void Command_RTeleport_f(void) { fixed_t intx, inty, intz; size_t i; player_t *p = &players[consoleplayer]; subsector_t *ss; REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() < 3 || COM_Argc() > 7) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("rteleport -x -y -z : relative teleport to a location\n")); return; } if (!p->mo) return; i = COM_CheckParm("-x"); if (i) intx = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); else intx = 0; i = COM_CheckParm("-y"); if (i) inty = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); else inty = 0; ss = R_PointInSubsector(p->mo->x + intx*FRACUNIT, p->mo->y + inty*FRACUNIT); if (!ss || ss->sector->ceilingheight - ss->sector->floorheight < p->mo->height) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Not a valid location.\n")); return; } i = COM_CheckParm("-z"); if (i) { intz = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); intz <<= FRACBITS; intz += p->mo->z; if (intz < ss->sector->floorheight) intz = ss->sector->floorheight; if (intz > ss->sector->ceilingheight - p->mo->height) intz = ss->sector->ceilingheight - p->mo->height; } else intz = p->mo->z; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Teleporting by %d, %d, %d...\n"), intx, inty, FixedInt((intz-p->mo->z))); P_MapStart(); if (!P_TeleportMove(p->mo, p->mo->x+intx*FRACUNIT, p->mo->y+inty*FRACUNIT, intz)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Unable to teleport to that spot!\n")); else S_StartSound(p->mo, sfx_mixup); P_MapEnd(); } void Command_Teleport_f(void) { fixed_t intx, inty, intz; size_t i; player_t *p = &players[consoleplayer]; subsector_t *ss; REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() < 3 || COM_Argc() > 7) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("teleport -x -y -z : teleport to a location\n")); return; } if (!p->mo) return; i = COM_CheckParm("-x"); if (i) intx = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("%s value not specified\n"), "X"); return; } i = COM_CheckParm("-y"); if (i) inty = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("%s value not specified\n"), "Y"); return; } ss = R_PointInSubsector(intx*FRACUNIT, inty*FRACUNIT); if (!ss || ss->sector->ceilingheight - ss->sector->floorheight < p->mo->height) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Not a valid location.\n")); return; } i = COM_CheckParm("-z"); if (i) { intz = atoi(COM_Argv(i + 1)); intz <<= FRACBITS; if (intz < ss->sector->floorheight) intz = ss->sector->floorheight; if (intz > ss->sector->ceilingheight - p->mo->height) intz = ss->sector->ceilingheight - p->mo->height; } else intz = ss->sector->floorheight; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Teleporting to %d, %d, %d...\n"), intx, inty, FixedInt(intz)); P_MapStart(); if (!P_TeleportMove(p->mo, intx*FRACUNIT, inty*FRACUNIT, intz)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Unable to teleport to that spot!\n")); else S_StartSound(p->mo, sfx_mixup); P_MapEnd(); } void Command_Skynum_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("skynum : change the sky\n")); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Current sky is %d\n"), levelskynum); return; } CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Previewing sky %s...\n"), COM_Argv(1)); P_SetupLevelSky(atoi(COM_Argv(1)), false); } void Command_Weather_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("weather : change the weather\n")); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Current weather is %d\n"), curWeather); return; } CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Previewing weather %s...\n"), COM_Argv(1)); P_SwitchWeather(atoi(COM_Argv(1))); } #ifdef _DEBUG // You never thought you needed this, did you? >=D // Yes, this has the specific purpose of completely screwing you up // to see if the consistency restoration code can fix you. // Don't enable this for normal builds... void Command_CauseCfail_f(void) { if (consoleplayer == serverplayer) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only remote players can use this command.\n")); return; } P_UnsetThingPosition(players[consoleplayer].mo); P_RandomFixed(); P_RandomByte(); P_RandomFixed(); players[consoleplayer].mo->x = 0; players[consoleplayer].mo->y = 123311; //cfail cansuled kthxbye players[consoleplayer].mo->z = 123311; players[consoleplayer].score = 1337; players[consoleplayer].health = 1337; players[consoleplayer].mo->destscale = 25; P_SetThingPosition(players[consoleplayer].mo); // CTF consistency test if (gametype == GT_CTF) { if (blueflag) { P_RemoveMobj(blueflag); blueflag = NULL; } if (redflag) { redflag->x = 423423; redflag->y = 666; redflag->z = 123311; } } } #endif #if defined(HAVE_BLUA) && defined(LUA_ALLOW_BYTECODE) void Command_Dumplua_f(void) { if (modifiedgame) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This command has been disabled in modified games, to prevent scripted attacks.\n")); return; } if (COM_Argc() < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("dumplua : Compile a plain text lua script (not a wad!) into bytecode.\n")); CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("This command makes irreversible file changes, please use with caution!\n")); return; } LUA_DumpFile(COM_Argv(1)); } #endif void Command_Savecheckpoint_f(void) { REQUIRE_DEVMODE; REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; players[consoleplayer].starposttime = players[consoleplayer].realtime; players[consoleplayer].starpostx = players[consoleplayer].mo->x>>FRACBITS; players[consoleplayer].starposty = players[consoleplayer].mo->y>>FRACBITS; players[consoleplayer].starpostz = players[consoleplayer].mo->floorz>>FRACBITS; players[consoleplayer].starpostangle = players[consoleplayer].mo->angle; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Temporary checkpoint created at %d, %d, %d\n"), players[consoleplayer].starpostx, players[consoleplayer].starposty, players[consoleplayer].starpostz); } // Like M_GetAllEmeralds() but for console devmode junkies. void Command_Getallemeralds_f(void) { REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; REQUIRE_PANDORA; emeralds = ((EMERALD7)*2)-1; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You now have all 7 emeralds.\n")); } void Command_Resetemeralds_f(void) { REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_PANDORA; emeralds = 0; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Emeralds reset to zero.\n")); } void Command_Devmode_f(void) { #ifndef _DEBUG REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; #endif REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; if (COM_Argc() > 1) { const char *arg = COM_Argv(1); if (arg[0] && arg[0] == '0' && arg[1] && arg[1] == 'x') // Use hexadecimal! cv_debug = axtoi(arg+2); else cv_debug = atoi(arg); } else { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("devmode : enable debugging tools and info, prepend with 0x to use hexadecimal\n")); return; } G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } void Command_Setrings_f(void) { REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; REQUIRE_PANDORA; if (COM_Argc() > 1) { // P_GivePlayerRings does value clamping players[consoleplayer].health = players[consoleplayer].mo->health = 1; P_GivePlayerRings(&players[consoleplayer], atoi(COM_Argv(1))); if (!G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap) || !useNightsSS) players[consoleplayer].totalring -= atoi(COM_Argv(1)); //undo totalring addition done in P_GivePlayerRings G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } } void Command_Setlives_f(void) { REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; REQUIRE_PANDORA; if (COM_Argc() > 1) { // P_GivePlayerLives does value clamping players[consoleplayer].lives = 0; P_GivePlayerLives(&players[consoleplayer], atoi(COM_Argv(1))); G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } } void Command_Setcontinues_f(void) { REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; REQUIRE_PANDORA; if (COM_Argc() > 1) { INT32 numcontinues = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (numcontinues > 99) numcontinues = 99; else if (numcontinues < 0) numcontinues = 0; players[consoleplayer].continues = numcontinues; G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } } // // OBJECTPLACE (and related variables) // static CV_PossibleValue_t op_mapthing_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {4095, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t op_speed_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {128, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t op_flags_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {15, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_mapthingnum = {"op_mapthingnum", "0", CV_NOTINNET, op_mapthing_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_speed = {"op_speed", "16", CV_NOTINNET, op_speed_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_opflags = {"op_flags", "0", CV_NOTINNET, op_flags_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; boolean objectplacing = false; mobjtype_t op_currentthing = 0; // For the object placement mode UINT16 op_currentdoomednum = 0; // For display, etc UINT32 op_displayflags = 0; // for display in ST_stuff static pflags_t op_oldpflags = 0; static mobjflag_t op_oldflags1 = 0; static mobjflag2_t op_oldflags2 = 0; static UINT32 op_oldeflags = 0; static fixed_t op_oldmomx = 0, op_oldmomy = 0, op_oldmomz = 0, op_oldheight = 0; static statenum_t op_oldstate = 0; static UINT8 op_oldcolor = 0; // // Static calculation / common output help // static void OP_CycleThings(INT32 amt) { INT32 add = (amt > 0 ? 1 : -1); while (amt) { do { op_currentthing += add; if (op_currentthing <= 0) op_currentthing = NUMMOBJTYPES-1; if (op_currentthing >= NUMMOBJTYPES) op_currentthing = 0; } while (mobjinfo[op_currentthing].doomednum == -1 || op_currentthing == MT_NIGHTSDRONE || mobjinfo[op_currentthing].flags & (MF_AMBIENT|MF_NOSECTOR) || (states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].spawnstate].sprite == SPR_NULL && states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].seestate].sprite == SPR_NULL) ); amt -= add; } // HACK, minus has SPR_NULL sprite if (states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].spawnstate].sprite == SPR_NULL) { states[S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY].sprite = states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].seestate].sprite; states[S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY].frame = states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].seestate].frame; } else { states[S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY].sprite = states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].spawnstate].sprite; states[S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY].frame = states[mobjinfo[op_currentthing].spawnstate].frame; } if (players[0].mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) // correct z when flipped players[0].mo->z += players[0].mo->height - mobjinfo[op_currentthing].height; players[0].mo->height = mobjinfo[op_currentthing].height; P_SetPlayerMobjState(players[0].mo, S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY); op_currentdoomednum = mobjinfo[op_currentthing].doomednum; } static boolean OP_HeightOkay(player_t *player, UINT8 ceiling) { sector_t *sec = player->mo->subsector->sector; if (ceiling) { #ifdef ESLOPE // Truncate position to match where mapthing would be when spawned // (this applies to every further P_GetZAt call as well) fixed_t cheight = sec->c_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->c_slope, player->mo->x & 0xFFFF0000, player->mo->y & 0xFFFF0000) : sec->ceilingheight; #else fixed_t cheight = sec->ceilingheight; #endif if (((cheight - player->mo->z - player->mo->height)>>FRACBITS) >= (1 << (16-ZSHIFT))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sorry, you're too %s to place this object (max: %d %s).\n"), M_GetText("low"), (1 << (16-ZSHIFT)), M_GetText("below top ceiling")); return false; } } else { #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t fheight = sec->f_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->f_slope, player->mo->x & 0xFFFF0000, player->mo->y & 0xFFFF0000) : sec->floorheight; #else fixed_t fheight = sec->floorheight; #endif if (((player->mo->z - fheight)>>FRACBITS) >= (1 << (16-ZSHIFT))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sorry, you're too %s to place this object (max: %d %s).\n"), M_GetText("high"), (1 << (16-ZSHIFT)), M_GetText("above bottom floor")); return false; } } return true; } static mapthing_t *OP_CreateNewMapThing(player_t *player, UINT16 type, boolean ceiling) { mapthing_t *mt = mapthings; sector_t *sec = player->mo->subsector->sector; #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUA_InvalidateMapthings(); #endif mapthings = Z_Realloc(mapthings, ++nummapthings * sizeof (*mapthings), PU_LEVEL, NULL); // as Z_Realloc can relocate mapthings, quickly go through thinker list and correct // the spawnpoints of any objects that have them to the new location if (mt != mapthings) { thinker_t *th; mobj_t *mo; for (th = thinkercap.next; th != &thinkercap; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker) continue; mo = (mobj_t *)th; // get offset from mt, which points to old mapthings, then add new location if (mo->spawnpoint) mo->spawnpoint = (mo->spawnpoint - mt) + mapthings; } } mt = (mapthings+nummapthings-1); mt->type = type; mt->x = (INT16)(player->mo->x>>FRACBITS); mt->y = (INT16)(player->mo->y>>FRACBITS); if (ceiling) { #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t cheight = sec->c_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->c_slope, mt->x << FRACBITS, mt->y << FRACBITS) : sec->ceilingheight; #else fixed_t cheight = sec->ceilingheight; #endif mt->options = (UINT16)((cheight - player->mo->z - player->mo->height)>>FRACBITS); } else { #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t fheight = sec->f_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->f_slope, mt->x << FRACBITS, mt->y << FRACBITS) : sec->floorheight; #else fixed_t fheight = sec->floorheight; #endif mt->options = (UINT16)((player->mo->z - fheight)>>FRACBITS); } mt->options <<= ZSHIFT; mt->angle = (INT16)(FixedInt(AngleFixed(player->mo->angle))); mt->options |= (UINT16)cv_opflags.value; return mt; } // // Helper functions // boolean OP_FreezeObjectplace(void) { if (!objectplacing) return false; if ((maptol & TOL_NIGHTS) && (players[consoleplayer].pflags & PF_NIGHTSMODE)) return false; return true; } void OP_ResetObjectplace(void) { objectplacing = false; op_currentthing = 0; } // // Main meat of objectplace: handling functions // void OP_NightsObjectplace(player_t *player) { ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd; mapthing_t *mt; player->nightstime = 3*TICRATE; player->drillmeter = TICRATE; if (player->pflags & PF_ATTACKDOWN) { // Are ANY objectplace buttons pressed? If no, remove flag. if (!(cmd->buttons & (BT_ATTACK|BT_TOSSFLAG|BT_USE|BT_CAMRIGHT|BT_CAMLEFT))) player->pflags &= ~PF_ATTACKDOWN; // Do nothing. return; } // This places a hoop! if (cmd->buttons & BT_ATTACK) { UINT16 angle = (UINT16)(player->anotherflyangle % 360); INT16 temp = (INT16)FixedInt(AngleFixed(player->mo->angle)); // Traditional 2D Angle sector_t *sec = player->mo->subsector->sector; #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t fheight = sec->f_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->f_slope, player->mo->x & 0xFFFF0000, player->mo->y & 0xFFFF0000) : sec->floorheight; #else fixed_t fheight = sec->floorheight; #endif player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, 1705, false); // Tilt mt->angle = (INT16)FixedInt(FixedDiv(angle*FRACUNIT, 360*(FRACUNIT/256))); if (player->anotherflyangle < 90 || player->anotherflyangle > 270) temp -= 90; else temp += 90; temp %= 360; mt->options = (UINT16)((player->mo->z - fheight)>>FRACBITS); mt->angle = (INT16)(mt->angle+(INT16)((FixedInt(FixedDiv(temp*FRACUNIT, 360*(FRACUNIT/256))))<<8)); P_SpawnHoopsAndRings(mt); } // This places a bumper! if (cmd->buttons & BT_TOSSFLAG) { player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; if (!OP_HeightOkay(player, false)) return; mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, (UINT16)mobjinfo[MT_NIGHTSBUMPER].doomednum, false); P_SpawnMapThing(mt); } // This places a ring! if (cmd->buttons & BT_CAMRIGHT) { player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; if (!OP_HeightOkay(player, false)) return; mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, (UINT16)mobjinfo[MT_RING].doomednum, false); P_SpawnHoopsAndRings(mt); } // This places a wing item! if (cmd->buttons & BT_CAMLEFT) { player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; if (!OP_HeightOkay(player, false)) return; mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, (UINT16)mobjinfo[MT_NIGHTSWING].doomednum, false); P_SpawnHoopsAndRings(mt); } // This places a custom object as defined in the console cv_mapthingnum. if (cmd->buttons & BT_USE) { UINT16 angle; player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; if (!cv_mapthingnum.value) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "Set op_mapthingnum first!\n"); return; } if (!OP_HeightOkay(player, false)) return; if (player->mo->target->flags & MF_AMBUSH) angle = (UINT16)player->anotherflyangle; else { angle = (UINT16)((360-player->anotherflyangle) % 360); if (angle > 90 && angle < 270) { angle += 180; angle %= 360; } } mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, (UINT16)cv_mapthingnum.value, false); mt->angle = angle; if (mt->type == 300 // Ring || mt->type == 308 || mt->type == 309 // Team Rings || mt->type == 1706 // Nights Wing || (mt->type >= 600 && mt->type <= 609) // Placement patterns || mt->type == 1705 || mt->type == 1713 // NiGHTS Hoops || mt->type == 1800) // Mario Coin { P_SpawnHoopsAndRings(mt); } else P_SpawnMapThing(mt); } } // // OP_ObjectplaceMovement // // Control code for Objectplace mode // void OP_ObjectplaceMovement(player_t *player) { ticcmd_t *cmd = &player->cmd; if (!player->climbing && (netgame || !cv_analog.value || (player->pflags & PF_SPINNING))) player->mo->angle = (cmd->angleturn<<16 /* not FRACBITS */); ticruned++; if (!(cmd->angleturn & TICCMD_RECEIVED)) ticmiss++; if (cmd->buttons & BT_JUMP) player->mo->z += FRACUNIT*cv_speed.value; else if (cmd->buttons & BT_USE) player->mo->z -= FRACUNIT*cv_speed.value; if (cmd->forwardmove != 0) { P_Thrust(player->mo, player->mo->angle, (cmd->forwardmove*FRACUNIT/MAXPLMOVE)*cv_speed.value); P_TeleportMove(player->mo, player->mo->x+player->mo->momx, player->mo->y+player->mo->momy, player->mo->z); player->mo->momx = player->mo->momy = 0; } if (cmd->sidemove != 0) { P_Thrust(player->mo, player->mo->angle-ANGLE_90, (cmd->sidemove*FRACUNIT/MAXPLMOVE)*cv_speed.value); P_TeleportMove(player->mo, player->mo->x+player->mo->momx, player->mo->y+player->mo->momy, player->mo->z); player->mo->momx = player->mo->momy = 0; } if (player->mo->z > player->mo->ceilingz - player->mo->height) player->mo->z = player->mo->ceilingz - player->mo->height; if (player->mo->z < player->mo->floorz) player->mo->z = player->mo->floorz; if (cv_opflags.value & MTF_OBJECTFLIP) player->mo->eflags |= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; else player->mo->eflags &= ~MFE_VERTICALFLIP; // make sure viewz follows player if in 1st person mode player->deltaviewheight = 0; player->viewheight = FixedMul(cv_viewheight.value << FRACBITS, player->mo->scale); if (player->mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) player->viewz = player->mo->z + player->mo->height - player->viewheight; else player->viewz = player->mo->z + player->viewheight; // Display flag information // Moved up so it always updates. { sector_t *sec = player->mo->subsector->sector; if (!!(mobjinfo[op_currentthing].flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) ^ !!(cv_opflags.value & MTF_OBJECTFLIP)) { #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t cheight = sec->c_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->c_slope, player->mo->x & 0xFFFF0000, player->mo->y & 0xFFFF0000) : sec->ceilingheight; #else fixed_t cheight = sec->ceilingheight; #endif op_displayflags = (UINT16)((cheight - player->mo->z - mobjinfo[op_currentthing].height)>>FRACBITS); } else { #ifdef ESLOPE fixed_t fheight = sec->f_slope ? P_GetZAt(sec->f_slope, player->mo->x & 0xFFFF0000, player->mo->y & 0xFFFF0000) : sec->floorheight; #else fixed_t fheight = sec->floorheight; #endif op_displayflags = (UINT16)((player->mo->z - fheight)>>FRACBITS); } op_displayflags <<= ZSHIFT; op_displayflags |= (UINT16)cv_opflags.value; } if (player->pflags & PF_ATTACKDOWN) { // Are ANY objectplace buttons pressed? If no, remove flag. if (!(cmd->buttons & (BT_ATTACK|BT_TOSSFLAG|BT_CAMRIGHT|BT_CAMLEFT))) player->pflags &= ~PF_ATTACKDOWN; // Do nothing. return; } if (cmd->buttons & BT_CAMLEFT) { OP_CycleThings(-1); player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; } else if (cmd->buttons & BT_CAMRIGHT) { OP_CycleThings(1); player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; } // Place an object and add it to the maplist if (cmd->buttons & BT_ATTACK) { mapthing_t *mt; mobjtype_t spawnmid = op_currentthing; mobjtype_t spawnthing = op_currentdoomednum; boolean ceiling; player->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; if (cv_mapthingnum.value > 0 && cv_mapthingnum.value < 4096) { // find which type to spawn for (spawnmid = 0; spawnmid < NUMMOBJTYPES; ++spawnmid) if (cv_mapthingnum.value == mobjinfo[spawnmid].doomednum) break; if (spawnmid == NUMMOBJTYPES) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Can't place an object with mapthingnum %d.\n"), cv_mapthingnum.value); return; } spawnthing = mobjinfo[spawnmid].doomednum; } ceiling = !!(mobjinfo[spawnmid].flags & MF_SPAWNCEILING) ^ !!(cv_opflags.value & MTF_OBJECTFLIP); if (!OP_HeightOkay(player, ceiling)) return; mt = OP_CreateNewMapThing(player, (UINT16)spawnthing, ceiling); if (mt->type == 300 // Ring || mt->type == 308 || mt->type == 309 // Team Rings || mt->type == 1706 // Nights Wing || (mt->type >= 600 && mt->type <= 609) // Placement patterns || mt->type == 1705 || mt->type == 1713 // NiGHTS Hoops || mt->type == 1800) // Mario Coin { P_SpawnHoopsAndRings(mt); } else P_SpawnMapThing(mt); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Placed object type %d at %d, %d, %d, %d\n"), mt->type, mt->x, mt->y, mt->options>>ZSHIFT, mt->angle); } } // // Objectplace related commands. // void Command_Writethings_f(void) { REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_OBJECTPLACE; P_WriteThings(W_GetNumForName(G_BuildMapName(gamemap)) + ML_THINGS); } void Command_ObjectPlace_f(void) { REQUIRE_INLEVEL; REQUIRE_SINGLEPLAYER; REQUIRE_NOULTIMATE; G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); // Entering objectplace? if (!objectplacing) { objectplacing = true; if ((players[0].pflags & PF_NIGHTSMODE)) return; if (!COM_CheckParm("-silent")) { HU_SetCEchoFlags(V_RETURN8|V_MONOSPACE); HU_SetCEchoDuration(10); HU_DoCEcho(va(M_GetText( "\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\x82" " Objectplace Controls: \x80\\\\" "Camera L/R: Cycle mapthings\\" " Jump: Float up \\" " Spin: Float down \\" " Fire Ring: Place object \\"))); } // Save all the player's data. op_oldflags1 = players[0].mo->flags; op_oldflags2 = players[0].mo->flags2; op_oldeflags = players[0].mo->eflags; op_oldpflags = players[0].pflags; op_oldmomx = players[0].mo->momx; op_oldmomy = players[0].mo->momy; op_oldmomz = players[0].mo->momz; op_oldheight = players[0].mo->height; op_oldstate = S_PLAY_STND; op_oldcolor = players[0].mo->color; // save color too in case of super/fireflower // Remove ALL flags and motion. P_UnsetThingPosition(players[0].mo); players[0].pflags = 0; players[0].mo->flags2 = 0; players[0].mo->eflags = 0; players[0].mo->flags = (MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOGRAVITY|MF_NOBLOCKMAP); players[0].mo->momx = players[0].mo->momy = players[0].mo->momz = 0; P_SetThingPosition(players[0].mo); // Take away color so things display properly players[0].mo->color = 0; // Like the classics, recover from death by entering objectplace if (players[0].mo->health <= 0) { players[0].mo->health = players[0].health = 1; players[0].deadtimer = 0; op_oldflags1 = mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].flags; ++players[0].lives; players[0].playerstate = PST_LIVE; P_RestoreMusic(&players[0]); } else op_oldstate = (statenum_t)(players[0].mo->state-states); // If no thing set, then cycle a little if (!op_currentthing) { op_currentthing = 1; OP_CycleThings(1); } else // Cycle things sets this for the former. players[0].mo->height = mobjinfo[op_currentthing].height; P_SetPlayerMobjState(players[0].mo, S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY); } // Or are we leaving it instead? else { objectplacing = false; // Don't touch the NiGHTS Objectplace stuff. // ... or if the mo mysteriously vanished. if (!players[0].mo || (players[0].pflags & PF_NIGHTSMODE)) return; // If still in dummy state, get out of it. if (players[0].mo->state == &states[S_OBJPLACE_DUMMY]) P_SetPlayerMobjState(players[0].mo, op_oldstate); // Reset everything back to how it was before we entered objectplace. P_UnsetThingPosition(players[0].mo); players[0].mo->flags = op_oldflags1; players[0].mo->flags2 = op_oldflags2; players[0].mo->eflags = op_oldeflags; players[0].pflags = op_oldpflags; players[0].mo->momx = op_oldmomx; players[0].mo->momy = op_oldmomy; players[0].mo->momz = op_oldmomz; players[0].mo->height = op_oldheight; P_SetThingPosition(players[0].mo); // Return their color to normal. players[0].mo->color = op_oldcolor; // This is necessary for recovery of dying players. if (players[0].powers[pw_flashing] >= flashingtics) players[0].powers[pw_flashing] = flashingtics - 1; } }