// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file g_game.c /// \brief game loop functions, events handling #include "doomdef.h" #include "console.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "d_player.h" #include "d_clisrv.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "m_cheat.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "i_video.h" #include "byteptr.h" #include "i_joy.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "r_things.h" #include "y_inter.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "dehacked.h" // get_number (for ghost thok) #include "lua_hook.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "m_cond.h" // condition sets #include "md5.h" // demo checksums gameaction_t gameaction; gamestate_t gamestate = GS_NULL; UINT8 ultimatemode = false; boolean botingame; UINT8 botskin; UINT8 botcolor; JoyType_t Joystick; JoyType_t Joystick2; // 1024 bytes is plenty for a savegame #define SAVEGAMESIZE (1024) char gamedatafilename[64] = "gamedata.dat"; char timeattackfolder[64] = "main"; char customversionstring[32] = "\0"; static void G_DoCompleted(void); static void G_DoStartContinue(void); static void G_DoContinued(void); static void G_DoWorldDone(void); char mapmusname[7]; // Music name UINT16 mapmusflags; // Track and reset bit UINT32 mapmusposition; // Position to jump to INT16 gamemap = 1; INT16 maptol; UINT8 globalweather = 0; INT32 curWeather = PRECIP_NONE; INT32 cursaveslot = 0; // Auto-save 1p savegame slot //INT16 lastmapsaved = 0; // Last map we auto-saved at INT16 lastmaploaded = 0; // Last map the game loaded boolean gamecomplete = false; UINT8 numgameovers = 0; // for startinglives balance SINT8 startinglivesbalance[maxgameovers+1] = {3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 75, 99, 0x7F}; UINT16 mainwads = 0; boolean modifiedgame; // Set if homebrew PWAD stuff has been added. boolean savemoddata = false; UINT8 paused; UINT8 modeattacking = ATTACKING_NONE; boolean disableSpeedAdjust = false; boolean imcontinuing = false; boolean runemeraldmanager = false; UINT16 emeraldspawndelay = 60*TICRATE; // menu demo things UINT8 numDemos = 0; UINT32 demoDelayTime = 15*TICRATE; UINT32 demoIdleTime = 3*TICRATE; boolean timingdemo; // if true, exit with report on completion boolean nodrawers; // for comparative timing purposes boolean noblit; // for comparative timing purposes tic_t demostarttime; // for comparative timing purposes boolean netgame; // only true if packets are broadcast boolean multiplayer; boolean playeringame[MAXPLAYERS]; boolean addedtogame; player_t players[MAXPLAYERS]; INT32 consoleplayer; // player taking events and displaying INT32 displayplayer; // view being displayed INT32 secondarydisplayplayer; // for splitscreen tic_t gametic; tic_t levelstarttic; // gametic at level start UINT32 ssspheres; // old special stage INT16 lastmap; // last level you were at (returning from special stages) tic_t timeinmap; // Ticker for time spent in level (used for levelcard display) INT16 spstage_start; INT16 sstage_start, sstage_end, smpstage_start, smpstage_end; INT16 titlemap = 0; boolean hidetitlepics = false; INT16 bootmap; //bootmap for loading a map on startup INT16 tutorialmap = 0; // map to load for tutorial boolean tutorialmode = false; // are we in a tutorial right now? INT32 tutorialgcs = gcs_custom; // which control scheme is loaded? INT32 tutorialusemouse = 0; // store cv_usemouse user value INT32 tutorialfreelook = 0; // store cv_alwaysfreelook user value INT32 tutorialmousemove = 0; // store cv_mousemove user value INT32 tutorialanalog = 0; // store cv_analog user value boolean looptitle = false; UINT8 skincolor_redteam = SKINCOLOR_RED; UINT8 skincolor_blueteam = SKINCOLOR_BLUE; UINT8 skincolor_redring = SKINCOLOR_SALMON; UINT8 skincolor_bluering = SKINCOLOR_CORNFLOWER; tic_t countdowntimer = 0; boolean countdowntimeup = false; boolean exitfadestarted = false; cutscene_t *cutscenes[128]; textprompt_t *textprompts[MAX_PROMPTS]; INT16 nextmapoverride; UINT8 skipstats; // Pointers to each CTF flag mobj_t *redflag; mobj_t *blueflag; // Pointers to CTF spawn location mapthing_t *rflagpoint; mapthing_t *bflagpoint; struct quake quake; // Map Header Information mapheader_t* mapheaderinfo[NUMMAPS] = {NULL}; static boolean exitgame = false; static boolean retrying = false; UINT8 stagefailed; // Used for GEMS BONUS? Also to see if you beat the stage. UINT16 emeralds; INT32 luabanks[NUM_LUABANKS]; // yes, even in non HAVE_BLUA UINT32 token; // Number of tokens collected in a level UINT32 tokenlist; // List of tokens collected boolean gottoken; // Did you get a token? Used for end of act INT32 tokenbits; // Used for setting token bits // Old Special Stage INT32 sstimer; // Time allotted in the special stage tic_t totalplaytime; boolean gamedataloaded = false; // Time attack data for levels // These are dynamically allocated for space reasons now recorddata_t *mainrecords[NUMMAPS] = {NULL}; nightsdata_t *nightsrecords[NUMMAPS] = {NULL}; UINT8 mapvisited[NUMMAPS]; // Temporary holding place for nights data for the current map nightsdata_t ntemprecords; UINT32 bluescore, redscore; // CTF and Team Match team scores // ring count... for PERFECT! INT32 nummaprings = 0; // Elminates unnecessary searching. boolean CheckForBustableBlocks; boolean CheckForBouncySector; boolean CheckForQuicksand; boolean CheckForMarioBlocks; boolean CheckForFloatBob; boolean CheckForReverseGravity; // Powerup durations UINT16 invulntics = 20*TICRATE; UINT16 sneakertics = 20*TICRATE; UINT16 flashingtics = 3*TICRATE; UINT16 tailsflytics = 8*TICRATE; UINT16 underwatertics = 30*TICRATE; UINT16 spacetimetics = 11*TICRATE + (TICRATE/2); UINT16 extralifetics = 4*TICRATE; UINT16 nightslinktics = 2*TICRATE; INT32 gameovertics = 11*TICRATE; UINT8 ammoremovaltics = 2*TICRATE; UINT8 use1upSound = 0; UINT8 maxXtraLife = 2; // Max extra lives from rings UINT8 introtoplay; UINT8 creditscutscene; // Emerald locations mobj_t *hunt1; mobj_t *hunt2; mobj_t *hunt3; UINT32 countdown, countdown2; // for racing fixed_t gravity; INT16 autobalance; //for CTF team balance INT16 teamscramble; //for CTF team scramble INT16 scrambleplayers[MAXPLAYERS]; //for CTF team scramble INT16 scrambleteams[MAXPLAYERS]; //for CTF team scramble INT16 scrambletotal; //for CTF team scramble INT16 scramblecount; //for CTF team scramble INT32 cheats; //for multiplayer cheat commands tic_t hidetime; // Grading UINT32 timesBeaten; UINT32 timesBeatenWithEmeralds; UINT32 timesBeatenUltimate; static char demoname[64]; boolean demorecording; boolean demoplayback; boolean titledemo; // Title Screen demo can be cancelled by any key static UINT8 *demobuffer = NULL; static UINT8 *demo_p, *demotime_p; static UINT8 *demoend; static UINT8 demoflags; static UINT16 demoversion; boolean singledemo; // quit after playing a demo from cmdline boolean demo_start; // don't start playing demo right away boolean demosynced = true; // console warning message boolean metalrecording; // recording as metal sonic mobj_t *metalplayback; static UINT8 *metalbuffer = NULL; static UINT8 *metal_p; static UINT16 metalversion; // extra data stuff (events registered this frame while recording) static struct { UINT8 flags; // EZT flags // EZT_COLOR UINT8 color, lastcolor; // EZT_SCALE fixed_t scale, lastscale; // EZT_HIT UINT16 hits; mobj_t **hitlist; } ghostext; // Your naming conventions are stupid and useless. // There is no conflict here. typedef struct demoghost { UINT8 checksum[16]; UINT8 *buffer, *p, color, fadein; UINT16 version; mobj_t oldmo, *mo; struct demoghost *next; } demoghost; demoghost *ghosts = NULL; boolean precache = true; // if true, load all graphics at start INT16 prevmap, nextmap; static UINT8 *savebuffer; // Analog Control static void UserAnalog_OnChange(void); static void UserAnalog2_OnChange(void); static void Analog_OnChange(void); static void Analog2_OnChange(void); static void DirectionChar_OnChange(void); static void DirectionChar2_OnChange(void); static void AutoBrake_OnChange(void); static void AutoBrake2_OnChange(void); void SendWeaponPref(void); void SendWeaponPref2(void); static CV_PossibleValue_t crosshair_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Cross"}, {2, "Angle"}, {3, "Point"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t joyaxis_cons_t[] = {{0, "None"}, {1, "X-Axis"}, {2, "Y-Axis"}, {-1, "X-Axis-"}, {-2, "Y-Axis-"}, #if JOYAXISSET > 1 {3, "Z-Axis"}, {4, "X-Rudder"}, {-3, "Z-Axis-"}, {-4, "X-Rudder-"}, #endif #if JOYAXISSET > 2 {5, "Y-Rudder"}, {6, "Z-Rudder"}, {-5, "Y-Rudder-"}, {-6, "Z-Rudder-"}, #endif #if JOYAXISSET > 3 {7, "U-Axis"}, {8, "V-Axis"}, {-7, "U-Axis-"}, {-8, "V-Axis-"}, #endif {0, NULL}}; #if JOYAXISSET > 4 "More Axis Sets" #endif // don't mind me putting these here, I was lazy to figure out where else I could put those without blowing up the compiler. // it automatically becomes compact with 20+ players, but if you like it, I guess you can turn that on! consvar_t cv_compactscoreboard= {"compactscoreboard", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // chat timer thingy static CV_PossibleValue_t chattime_cons_t[] = {{5, "MIN"}, {999, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_chattime = {"chattime", "8", CV_SAVE, chattime_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // chatwidth static CV_PossibleValue_t chatwidth_cons_t[] = {{64, "MIN"}, {150, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_chatwidth = {"chatwidth", "128", CV_SAVE, chatwidth_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // chatheight static CV_PossibleValue_t chatheight_cons_t[] = {{6, "MIN"}, {22, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_chatheight= {"chatheight", "8", CV_SAVE, chatheight_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // chat notifications (do you want to hear beeps? I'd understand if you didn't.) consvar_t cv_chatnotifications= {"chatnotifications", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // chat spam protection (why would you want to disable that???) consvar_t cv_chatspamprotection= {"chatspamprotection", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // minichat text background consvar_t cv_chatbacktint = {"chatbacktint", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // old shit console chat. (mostly exists for stuff like terminal, not because I cared if anyone liked the old chat.) static CV_PossibleValue_t consolechat_cons_t[] = {{0, "Window"}, {1, "Console"}, {2, "Window (Hidden)"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_consolechat = {"chatmode", "Window", CV_SAVE, consolechat_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // Pause game upon window losing focus consvar_t cv_pauseifunfocused = {"pauseifunfocused", "Yes", CV_SAVE, CV_YesNo, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_crosshair = {"crosshair", "Cross", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_crosshair2 = {"crosshair2", "Cross", CV_SAVE, crosshair_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_invertmouse = {"invertmouse", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook = {"alwaysmlook", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_invertmouse2 = {"invertmouse2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook2 = {"alwaysmlook2", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_chasefreelook = {"chasemlook", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_chasefreelook2 = {"chasemlook2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_mousemove = {"mousemove", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_mousemove2 = {"mousemove2", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // previously "analog", "analog2", "useranalog", and "useranalog2", invalidating 2.1-era copies of config.cfg // changed because it'd be nice to see people try out our actually good controls with gamepads now autobrake exists consvar_t cv_analog = {"sessionanalog", "Off", CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, Analog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_analog2 = {"sessionanalog2", "Off", CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, Analog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_useranalog = {"configanalog", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_useranalog2 = {"configanalog2", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, UserAnalog2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; // deez New User eXperiences static CV_PossibleValue_t directionchar_cons_t[] = {{0, "Camera"}, {1, "Movement"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_directionchar = {"directionchar", "Movement", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, directionchar_cons_t, DirectionChar_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_directionchar2 = {"directionchar2", "Movement", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, directionchar_cons_t, DirectionChar2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_autobrake = {"autobrake", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, AutoBrake_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_autobrake2 = {"autobrake2", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, CV_OnOff, AutoBrake2_OnChange, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; typedef enum { AXISNONE = 0, AXISTURN, AXISMOVE, AXISLOOK, AXISSTRAFE, AXISDEAD, //Axises that don't want deadzones AXISJUMP, AXISSPIN, AXISFIRE, AXISFIRENORMAL, } axis_input_e; consvar_t cv_turnaxis = {"joyaxis_turn", "X-Rudder", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_moveaxis = {"joyaxis_move", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_sideaxis = {"joyaxis_side", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_lookaxis = {"joyaxis_look", "Y-Rudder-", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_jumpaxis = {"joyaxis_jump", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_spinaxis = {"joyaxis_spin", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_fireaxis = {"joyaxis_fire", "Z-Axis-", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_firenaxis = {"joyaxis_firenormal", "Z-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_turnaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_turn", "X-Rudder", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_moveaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_move", "Y-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_sideaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_side", "X-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_lookaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_look", "Y-Rudder-", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_jumpaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_jump", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_spinaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_spin", "None", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_fireaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_fire", "Z-Axis-", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; consvar_t cv_firenaxis2 = {"joyaxis2_firenormal", "Z-Axis", CV_SAVE, joyaxis_cons_t, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; #ifdef SEENAMES player_t *seenplayer; // player we're aiming at right now #endif // now automatically allocated in D_RegisterClientCommands // so that it doesn't have to be updated depending on the value of MAXPLAYERS char player_names[MAXPLAYERS][MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; INT16 rw_maximums[NUM_WEAPONS] = { 800, // MAX_INFINITY 400, // MAX_AUTOMATIC 100, // MAX_BOUNCE 50, // MAX_SCATTER 100, // MAX_GRENADE 50, // MAX_EXPLOSION 50 // MAX_RAIL }; // Allocation for time and nights data void G_AllocMainRecordData(INT16 i) { if (!mainrecords[i]) mainrecords[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(recorddata_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); memset(mainrecords[i], 0, sizeof(recorddata_t)); } void G_AllocNightsRecordData(INT16 i) { if (!nightsrecords[i]) nightsrecords[i] = Z_Malloc(sizeof(nightsdata_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); memset(nightsrecords[i], 0, sizeof(nightsdata_t)); } // MAKE SURE YOU SAVE DATA BEFORE CALLING THIS void G_ClearRecords(void) { INT16 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if (mainrecords[i]) { Z_Free(mainrecords[i]); mainrecords[i] = NULL; } if (nightsrecords[i]) { Z_Free(nightsrecords[i]); nightsrecords[i] = NULL; } } } // For easy retrieval of records UINT32 G_GetBestScore(INT16 map) { if (!mainrecords[map-1]) return 0; return mainrecords[map-1]->score; } tic_t G_GetBestTime(INT16 map) { if (!mainrecords[map-1] || mainrecords[map-1]->time <= 0) return (tic_t)UINT32_MAX; return mainrecords[map-1]->time; } UINT16 G_GetBestRings(INT16 map) { if (!mainrecords[map-1]) return 0; return mainrecords[map-1]->rings; } UINT32 G_GetBestNightsScore(INT16 map, UINT8 mare) { if (!nightsrecords[map-1]) return 0; return nightsrecords[map-1]->score[mare]; } tic_t G_GetBestNightsTime(INT16 map, UINT8 mare) { if (!nightsrecords[map-1] || nightsrecords[map-1]->time[mare] <= 0) return (tic_t)UINT32_MAX; return nightsrecords[map-1]->time[mare]; } UINT8 G_GetBestNightsGrade(INT16 map, UINT8 mare) { if (!nightsrecords[map-1]) return 0; return nightsrecords[map-1]->grade[mare]; } // For easy adding of NiGHTS records void G_AddTempNightsRecords(UINT32 pscore, tic_t ptime, UINT8 mare) { ntemprecords.score[mare] = pscore; ntemprecords.grade[mare] = P_GetGrade(pscore, gamemap, mare - 1); ntemprecords.time[mare] = ptime; // Update nummares // Note that mare "0" is overall, mare "1" is the first real mare if (ntemprecords.nummares < mare) ntemprecords.nummares = mare; } void G_SetNightsRecords(void) { INT32 i; UINT32 totalscore = 0; tic_t totaltime = 0; const size_t glen = strlen(srb2home)+1+strlen("replay")+1+strlen(timeattackfolder)+1+strlen("MAPXX")+1; char *gpath; char lastdemo[256], bestdemo[256]; if (!ntemprecords.nummares) return; // Set overall { UINT8 totalrank = 0, realrank = 0; for (i = 1; i <= ntemprecords.nummares; ++i) { totalscore += ntemprecords.score[i]; totalrank += ntemprecords.grade[i]; totaltime += ntemprecords.time[i]; } // Determine overall grade realrank = (UINT8)((FixedDiv((fixed_t)totalrank << FRACBITS, ntemprecords.nummares << FRACBITS) + (FRACUNIT/2)) >> FRACBITS); // You need ALL rainbow As to get a rainbow A overall if (realrank == GRADE_S && (totalrank / ntemprecords.nummares) != GRADE_S) realrank = GRADE_A; ntemprecords.score[0] = totalscore; ntemprecords.grade[0] = realrank; ntemprecords.time[0] = totaltime; } // Now take all temp records and put them in the actual records { nightsdata_t *maprecords; if (!nightsrecords[gamemap-1]) G_AllocNightsRecordData(gamemap-1); maprecords = nightsrecords[gamemap-1]; if (maprecords->nummares != ntemprecords.nummares) maprecords->nummares = ntemprecords.nummares; for (i = 0; i < ntemprecords.nummares + 1; ++i) { if (maprecords->score[i] < ntemprecords.score[i]) maprecords->score[i] = ntemprecords.score[i]; if (maprecords->grade[i] < ntemprecords.grade[i]) maprecords->grade[i] = ntemprecords.grade[i]; if (!maprecords->time[i] || maprecords->time[i] > ntemprecords.time[i]) maprecords->time[i] = ntemprecords.time[i]; } } memset(&ntemprecords, 0, sizeof(nightsdata_t)); // Save demo! bestdemo[255] = '\0'; lastdemo[255] = '\0'; G_SetDemoTime(totaltime, totalscore, 0); G_CheckDemoStatus(); I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay", srb2home), 0755); I_mkdir(va("%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder), 0755); if ((gpath = malloc(glen)) == NULL) I_Error("Out of memory for replay filepath\n"); sprintf(gpath,"%s"PATHSEP"replay"PATHSEP"%s"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, timeattackfolder, G_BuildMapName(gamemap)); snprintf(lastdemo, 255, "%s-last.lmp", gpath); if (FIL_FileExists(lastdemo)) { UINT8 *buf; size_t len = FIL_ReadFile(lastdemo, &buf); snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-time-best.lmp", gpath); if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & 1) { // Better time, save this demo. if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo)) remove(bestdemo); FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len); CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW RECORD TIME!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo); } snprintf(bestdemo, 255, "%s-score-best.lmp", gpath); if (!FIL_FileExists(bestdemo) || (G_CmpDemoTime(bestdemo, lastdemo) & (1<<1))) { // Better score, save this demo. if (FIL_FileExists(bestdemo)) remove(bestdemo); FIL_WriteFile(bestdemo, buf, len); CONS_Printf("\x83%s\x80 %s '%s'\n", M_GetText("NEW HIGH SCORE!"), M_GetText("Saved replay as"), bestdemo); } //CONS_Printf("%s '%s'\n", M_GetText("Saved replay as"), lastdemo); Z_Free(buf); } free(gpath); // If the mare count changed, this will update the score display Nextmap_OnChange(); } // for consistency among messages: this modifies the game and removes savemoddata. void G_SetGameModified(boolean silent) { if (modifiedgame && !savemoddata) return; modifiedgame = true; savemoddata = false; if (!silent) CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Game must be restarted to record statistics.\n")); // If in record attack recording, cancel it. if (modeattacking) M_EndModeAttackRun(); } /** Builds an original game map name from a map number. * The complexity is due to MAPA0-MAPZZ. * * \param map Map number. * \return Pointer to a static buffer containing the desired map name. * \sa M_MapNumber */ const char *G_BuildMapName(INT32 map) { static char mapname[10] = "MAPXX"; // internal map name (wad resource name) I_Assert(map > 0); I_Assert(map <= NUMMAPS); if (map < 100) sprintf(&mapname[3], "%.2d", map); else { mapname[3] = (char)('A' + (char)((map - 100) / 36)); if ((map - 100) % 36 < 10) mapname[4] = (char)('0' + (char)((map - 100) % 36)); else mapname[4] = (char)('A' + (char)((map - 100) % 36) - 10); mapname[5] = '\0'; } return mapname; } /** Clips the console player's mouse aiming to the current view. * Used whenever the player view is changed manually. * * \param aiming Pointer to the vertical angle to clip. * \return Short version of the clipped angle for building a ticcmd. */ INT16 G_ClipAimingPitch(INT32 *aiming) { INT32 limitangle; limitangle = ANGLE_90 - 1; if (*aiming > limitangle) *aiming = limitangle; else if (*aiming < -limitangle) *aiming = -limitangle; return (INT16)((*aiming)>>16); } INT16 G_SoftwareClipAimingPitch(INT32 *aiming) { INT32 limitangle; // note: the current software mode implementation doesn't have true perspective limitangle = ANGLE_90 - ANG10; // Some viewing fun, but not too far down... if (*aiming > limitangle) *aiming = limitangle; else if (*aiming < -limitangle) *aiming = -limitangle; return (INT16)((*aiming)>>16); } static INT32 JoyAxis(axis_input_e axissel) { INT32 retaxis; INT32 axisval; boolean flp = false; //find what axis to get switch (axissel) { case AXISTURN: axisval = cv_turnaxis.value; break; case AXISMOVE: axisval = cv_moveaxis.value; break; case AXISLOOK: axisval = cv_lookaxis.value; break; case AXISSTRAFE: axisval = cv_sideaxis.value; break; case AXISJUMP: axisval = cv_jumpaxis.value; break; case AXISSPIN: axisval = cv_spinaxis.value; break; case AXISFIRE: axisval = cv_fireaxis.value; break; case AXISFIRENORMAL: axisval = cv_firenaxis.value; break; default: return 0; } if (axisval < 0) //odd -axises { axisval = -axisval; flp = true; } if (axisval > JOYAXISSET*2 || axisval == 0) //not there in array or None return 0; if (axisval%2) { axisval /= 2; retaxis = joyxmove[axisval]; } else { axisval--; axisval /= 2; retaxis = joyymove[axisval]; } if (retaxis < (-JOYAXISRANGE)) retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE; if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE)) retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE; if (!Joystick.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD) { const INT32 jdeadzone = JOYAXISRANGE/4; if (-jdeadzone < retaxis && retaxis < jdeadzone) return 0; } if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around return retaxis; } static INT32 Joy2Axis(axis_input_e axissel) { INT32 retaxis; INT32 axisval; boolean flp = false; //find what axis to get switch (axissel) { case AXISTURN: axisval = cv_turnaxis2.value; break; case AXISMOVE: axisval = cv_moveaxis2.value; break; case AXISLOOK: axisval = cv_lookaxis2.value; break; case AXISSTRAFE: axisval = cv_sideaxis2.value; break; case AXISJUMP: axisval = cv_jumpaxis2.value; break; case AXISSPIN: axisval = cv_spinaxis2.value; break; case AXISFIRE: axisval = cv_fireaxis2.value; break; case AXISFIRENORMAL: axisval = cv_firenaxis2.value; break; default: return 0; } if (axisval < 0) //odd -axises { axisval = -axisval; flp = true; } if (axisval > JOYAXISSET*2 || axisval == 0) //not there in array or None return 0; if (axisval%2) { axisval /= 2; retaxis = joy2xmove[axisval]; } else { axisval--; axisval /= 2; retaxis = joy2ymove[axisval]; } if (retaxis < (-JOYAXISRANGE)) retaxis = -JOYAXISRANGE; if (retaxis > (+JOYAXISRANGE)) retaxis = +JOYAXISRANGE; if (!Joystick2.bGamepadStyle && axissel < AXISDEAD) { const INT32 jdeadzone = JOYAXISRANGE/4; if (-jdeadzone < retaxis && retaxis < jdeadzone) return 0; } if (flp) retaxis = -retaxis; //flip it around return retaxis; } // // G_BuildTiccmd // Builds a ticcmd from all of the available inputs // or reads it from the demo buffer. // If recording a demo, write it out // // set secondaryplayer true to build player 2's ticcmd in splitscreen mode // INT32 localaiming, localaiming2; angle_t localangle, localangle2; static fixed_t forwardmove[2] = {25<>16, 50<>16}; static fixed_t sidemove[2] = {25<>16, 50<>16}; // faster! static fixed_t angleturn[3] = {640, 1280, 320}; // + slow turn void G_BuildTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics) { boolean forcestrafe = false; boolean forcefullinput = false; INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, altaxis, i; const INT32 speed = 1; // these ones used for multiple conditions boolean turnleft, turnright, strafelkey, straferkey, movefkey, movebkey, mouseaiming, analogjoystickmove, gamepadjoystickmove, thisjoyaiming; player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer]; camera_t *thiscam = &camera; static INT32 turnheld; // for accelerative turning static boolean keyboard_look; // true if lookup/down using keyboard static boolean resetdown; // don't cam reset every frame static boolean joyaiming; // check the last frame's value if we need to reset the camera G_CopyTiccmd(cmd, I_BaseTiccmd(), 1); // empty, or external driver // why build a ticcmd if we're paused? // Or, for that matter, if we're being reborn. // ...OR if we're blindfolded. No looking into the floor. if (paused || P_AutoPause() || (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && (player->playerstate == PST_REBORN || ((gametype == GT_TAG || gametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK) && (leveltime < hidetime * TICRATE) && (player->pflags & PF_TAGIT))))) { cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(localangle >> 16); cmd->aiming = G_ClipAimingPitch(&localaiming); return; } turnright = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_turnright); turnleft = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_turnleft); straferkey = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_straferight); strafelkey = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_strafeleft); movefkey = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_forward); movebkey = PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_backward); mouseaiming = (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^ (cv_chasecam.value ? cv_chasefreelook.value : cv_alwaysfreelook.value); analogjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick.value && !Joystick.bGamepadStyle; gamepadjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick.value && Joystick.bGamepadStyle; thisjoyaiming = (cv_chasecam.value) ? cv_chasefreelook.value : cv_alwaysfreelook.value; // Reset the vertical look if we're no longer joyaiming if (!thisjoyaiming && joyaiming) localaiming = 0; joyaiming = thisjoyaiming; axis = JoyAxis(AXISTURN); if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0) { turnright = turnright || (axis > 0); turnleft = turnleft || (axis < 0); } forward = side = 0; // use two stage accelerative turning // on the keyboard and joystick if (turnleft || turnright) turnheld += realtics; else turnheld = 0; if (turnheld < SLOWTURNTICS) tspeed = 2; // slow turn else tspeed = speed; // let movement keys cancel each other out if (cv_analog.value) // Analog { if (turnright) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - angleturn[tspeed]); if (turnleft) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]); } if (twodlevel || (player->mo && (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) || (!demoplayback && (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING))) forcefullinput = true; if (twodlevel || (player->mo && (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) || (!demoplayback && ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) || (player->pflags & (PF_SLIDING|PF_FORCESTRAFE))))) // Analog forcestrafe = true; if (forcestrafe) { if (turnright) side += sidemove[speed]; if (turnleft) side -= sidemove[speed]; if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024) side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10); } } else if (cv_analog.value) // Analog { if (turnright) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMRIGHT; if (turnleft) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMLEFT; } else { if (turnright) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - angleturn[tspeed]); else if (turnleft) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]); if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE should be 1023 (divide by 1024) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((axis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG! } } axis = JoyAxis(AXISSTRAFE); if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0) { if (axis < 0) side += sidemove[speed]; else if (axis > 0) side -= sidemove[speed]; } else if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024) side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10); } // forward with key or button axis = JoyAxis(AXISMOVE); altaxis = JoyAxis(AXISLOOK); if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0) || ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) && (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis < 0)))) forward = forwardmove[speed]; if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0) || ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) && (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis > 0)))) forward -= forwardmove[speed]; if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) forward -= ((axis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG! // some people strafe left & right with mouse buttons // those people are weird if (straferkey) side += sidemove[speed]; if (strafelkey) side -= sidemove[speed]; if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_weaponnext)) cmd->buttons |= BT_WEAPONNEXT; // Next Weapon if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_weaponprev)) cmd->buttons |= BT_WEAPONPREV; // Previous Weapon #if NUM_WEAPONS > 10 "Add extra inputs to g_input.h/gamecontrols_e" #endif //use the four avaliable bits to determine the weapon. cmd->buttons &= ~BT_WEAPONMASK; for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; ++i) if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_wepslot1 + i)) { cmd->buttons |= (UINT16)(i + 1); break; } // fire with any button/key axis = JoyAxis(AXISFIRE); if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_fire) || (cv_usejoystick.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_ATTACK; // fire normal with any button/key axis = JoyAxis(AXISFIRENORMAL); if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_firenormal) || (cv_usejoystick.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_FIRENORMAL; if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_tossflag)) cmd->buttons |= BT_TOSSFLAG; // Lua scriptable buttons if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_custom1)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM1; if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_custom2)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM2; if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_custom3)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM3; // use with any button/key axis = JoyAxis(AXISSPIN); if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_use) || (cv_usejoystick.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_USE; if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_camreset)) { if (camera.chase && !resetdown) P_ResetCamera(&players[displayplayer], &camera); resetdown = true; } else resetdown = false; // jump button axis = JoyAxis(AXISJUMP); if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_jump) || (cv_usejoystick.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; // player aiming shit, ahhhh... { INT32 player_invert = cv_invertmouse.value ? -1 : 1; INT32 screen_invert = (player->mo && (player->mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) && (!camera.chase || player->pflags & PF_FLIPCAM)) //because chasecam's not inverted ? -1 : 1; // set to -1 or 1 to multiply // mouse look stuff (mouse look is not the same as mouse aim) if (mouseaiming) { keyboard_look = false; // looking up/down localaiming += (mlooky<<19)*player_invert*screen_invert; } axis = JoyAxis(AXISLOOK); if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && axis != 0 && cv_lookaxis.value != 0) localaiming += (axis<<16) * screen_invert; // spring back if not using keyboard neither mouselookin' if (!keyboard_look && cv_lookaxis.value == 0 && !joyaiming && !mouseaiming) localaiming = 0; if (!(player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)) { if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0)) { localaiming += KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert; keyboard_look = true; } else if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0)) { localaiming -= KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert; keyboard_look = true; } else if (PLAYER1INPUTDOWN(gc_centerview)) localaiming = 0; } // accept no mlook for network games if (!cv_allowmlook.value) localaiming = 0; cmd->aiming = G_ClipAimingPitch(&localaiming); } if (!mouseaiming && cv_mousemove.value) forward += mousey; if ((!demoplayback && (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING))) // Analog for mouse side += mousex*2; else if (cv_analog.value) { if (mousex) { if (mousex > 0) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMRIGHT; else cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMLEFT; } } else cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - (mousex*8)); mousex = mousey = mlooky = 0; if (forward > MAXPLMOVE) forward = MAXPLMOVE; else if (forward < -MAXPLMOVE) forward = -MAXPLMOVE; if (side > MAXPLMOVE) side = MAXPLMOVE; else if (side < -MAXPLMOVE) side = -MAXPLMOVE; // No additional acceleration when moving forward/backward and strafing simultaneously. // do this AFTER we cap to MAXPLMOVE so people can't find ways to cheese around this. if (!forcefullinput && forward && side) { angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, side << FRACBITS, forward << FRACBITS); INT32 maxforward = abs(P_ReturnThrustY(NULL, angle, MAXPLMOVE)); INT32 maxside = abs(P_ReturnThrustX(NULL, angle, MAXPLMOVE)); forward = max(min(forward, maxforward), -maxforward); side = max(min(side, maxside), -maxside); } //Silly hack to make 2d mode *somewhat* playable with no chasecam. if ((twodlevel || (player->mo && player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) && !camera.chase) { INT32 temp = forward; forward = side; side = temp; } cmd->forwardmove = (SINT8)(cmd->forwardmove + forward); cmd->sidemove = (SINT8)(cmd->sidemove + side); if (cv_analog.value) { if (player->awayviewtics) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(player->awayviewmobj->angle >> 16); else cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(thiscam->angle >> 16); } else { localangle += (cmd->angleturn<<16); cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(localangle >> 16); } //Reset away view if a command is given. if ((cmd->forwardmove || cmd->sidemove || cmd->buttons) && displayplayer != consoleplayer) displayplayer = consoleplayer; } // like the g_buildticcmd 1 but using mouse2, gamcontrolbis, ... void G_BuildTiccmd2(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 realtics) { boolean forcestrafe = false; boolean forcefullinput = false; INT32 tspeed, forward, side, axis, altaxis, i; const INT32 speed = 1; // these ones used for multiple conditions boolean turnleft, turnright, strafelkey, straferkey, movefkey, movebkey, mouseaiming, analogjoystickmove, gamepadjoystickmove, thisjoyaiming; player_t *player = &players[secondarydisplayplayer]; camera_t *thiscam = (player->bot == 2 ? &camera : &camera2); static INT32 turnheld; // for accelerative turning static boolean keyboard_look; // true if lookup/down using keyboard static boolean resetdown; // don't cam reset every frame static boolean joyaiming; // check the last frame's value if we need to reset the camera G_CopyTiccmd(cmd, I_BaseTiccmd2(), 1); // empty, or external driver //why build a ticcmd if we're paused? // Or, for that matter, if we're being reborn. if (paused || P_AutoPause() || player->playerstate == PST_REBORN) { cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(localangle2 >> 16); cmd->aiming = G_ClipAimingPitch(&localaiming2); return; } turnright = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_turnright); turnleft = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_turnleft); straferkey = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_straferight); strafelkey = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_strafeleft); movefkey = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_forward); movebkey = PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_backward); mouseaiming = (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_mouseaiming)) ^ (cv_chasecam2.value ? cv_chasefreelook2.value : cv_alwaysfreelook2.value); analogjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick2.value && !Joystick2.bGamepadStyle; gamepadjoystickmove = cv_usejoystick2.value && Joystick2.bGamepadStyle; thisjoyaiming = (cv_chasecam2.value) ? cv_chasefreelook2.value : cv_alwaysfreelook2.value; // Reset the vertical look if we're no longer joyaiming if (!thisjoyaiming && joyaiming) localaiming2 = 0; joyaiming = thisjoyaiming; axis = Joy2Axis(AXISTURN); if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0) { turnright = turnright || (axis > 0); turnleft = turnleft || (axis < 0); } forward = side = 0; // use two stage accelerative turning // on the keyboard and joystick if (turnleft || turnright) turnheld += realtics; else turnheld = 0; if (turnheld < SLOWTURNTICS) tspeed = 2; // slow turn else tspeed = speed; // let movement keys cancel each other out if (cv_analog2.value) // Analog { if (turnright) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - angleturn[tspeed]); if (turnleft) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]); } if (twodlevel || (player->mo && (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) || (!demoplayback && (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING))) forcefullinput = true; if (twodlevel || (player->mo && (player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) || player->climbing || (player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) || (player->pflags & (PF_SLIDING|PF_FORCESTRAFE))) // Analog forcestrafe = true; if (forcestrafe) // Analog { if (turnright) side += sidemove[speed]; if (turnleft) side -= sidemove[speed]; if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024) side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10); } } else if (cv_analog2.value) // Analog { if (turnright) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMRIGHT; if (turnleft) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMLEFT; } else { if (turnright) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - angleturn[tspeed]); else if (turnleft) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn + angleturn[tspeed]); if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE should be 1023 (divide by 1024) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - ((axis * angleturn[1]) >> 10)); // ANALOG! } } axis = Joy2Axis(AXISSTRAFE); if (gamepadjoystickmove && axis != 0) { if (axis < 0) side += sidemove[speed]; else if (axis > 0) side -= sidemove[speed]; } else if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) { // JOYAXISRANGE is supposed to be 1023 (divide by 1024) side += ((axis * sidemove[1]) >> 10); } // forward with key or button axis = Joy2Axis(AXISMOVE); altaxis = Joy2Axis(AXISLOOK); if (movefkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0) || ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) && (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis < 0)))) forward = forwardmove[speed]; if (movebkey || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0) || ((player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE) && (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && altaxis > 0)))) forward -= forwardmove[speed]; if (analogjoystickmove && axis != 0) forward -= ((axis * forwardmove[1]) >> 10); // ANALOG! // some people strafe left & right with mouse buttons // those people are (still) weird if (straferkey) side += sidemove[speed]; if (strafelkey) side -= sidemove[speed]; if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_weaponnext)) cmd->buttons |= BT_WEAPONNEXT; // Next Weapon if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_weaponprev)) cmd->buttons |= BT_WEAPONPREV; // Previous Weapon //use the four avaliable bits to determine the weapon. cmd->buttons &= ~BT_WEAPONMASK; for (i = 0; i < NUM_WEAPONS; ++i) if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_wepslot1 + i)) { cmd->buttons |= (UINT16)(i + 1); break; } // fire with any button/key axis = Joy2Axis(AXISFIRE); if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_fire) || (cv_usejoystick2.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_ATTACK; // fire normal with any button/key axis = Joy2Axis(AXISFIRENORMAL); if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_firenormal) || (cv_usejoystick2.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_FIRENORMAL; if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_tossflag)) cmd->buttons |= BT_TOSSFLAG; // Lua scriptable buttons if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_custom1)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM1; if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_custom2)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM2; if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_custom3)) cmd->buttons |= BT_CUSTOM3; // use with any button/key axis = Joy2Axis(AXISSPIN); if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_use) || (cv_usejoystick2.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_USE; if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_camreset)) { if (camera2.chase && !resetdown) P_ResetCamera(&players[secondarydisplayplayer], &camera2); resetdown = true; } else resetdown = false; // jump button axis = Joy2Axis(AXISJUMP); if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_jump) || (cv_usejoystick2.value && axis > 0)) cmd->buttons |= BT_JUMP; // player aiming shit, ahhhh... { INT32 player_invert = cv_invertmouse2.value ? -1 : 1; INT32 screen_invert = (player->mo && (player->mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) && (!camera2.chase || player->pflags & PF_FLIPCAM)) //because chasecam's not inverted ? -1 : 1; // set to -1 or 1 to multiply // mouse look stuff (mouse look is not the same as mouse aim) if (mouseaiming) { keyboard_look = false; // looking up/down localaiming2 += (mlook2y<<19)*player_invert*screen_invert; } axis = Joy2Axis(AXISLOOK); if (analogjoystickmove && joyaiming && axis != 0 && cv_lookaxis2.value != 0) localaiming2 += (axis<<16) * screen_invert; // spring back if not using keyboard neither mouselookin' if (!keyboard_look && cv_lookaxis2.value == 0 && !joyaiming && !mouseaiming) localaiming2 = 0; if (!(player->powers[pw_carry] == CR_NIGHTSMODE)) { if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookup) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis < 0)) { localaiming2 += KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert; keyboard_look = true; } else if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_lookdown) || (gamepadjoystickmove && axis > 0)) { localaiming2 -= KB_LOOKSPEED * screen_invert; keyboard_look = true; } else if (PLAYER2INPUTDOWN(gc_centerview)) localaiming2 = 0; } // accept no mlook for network games if (!cv_allowmlook.value) localaiming2 = 0; cmd->aiming = G_ClipAimingPitch(&localaiming2); } if (!mouseaiming && cv_mousemove2.value) forward += mouse2y; if (player->climbing || (player->pflags & PF_SLIDING)) // Analog for mouse side += mouse2x*2; else if (cv_analog2.value) { if (mouse2x) { if (mouse2x > 0) cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMRIGHT; else cmd->buttons |= BT_CAMLEFT; } } else cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(cmd->angleturn - (mouse2x*8)); mouse2x = mouse2y = mlook2y = 0; if (forward > MAXPLMOVE) forward = MAXPLMOVE; else if (forward < -MAXPLMOVE) forward = -MAXPLMOVE; if (side > MAXPLMOVE) side = MAXPLMOVE; else if (side < -MAXPLMOVE) side = -MAXPLMOVE; // No additional acceleration when moving forward/backward and strafing simultaneously. // do this AFTER we cap to MAXPLMOVE so people can't find ways to cheese around this. if (!forcefullinput && forward && side) { angle_t angle = R_PointToAngle2(0, 0, side << FRACBITS, forward << FRACBITS); INT32 maxforward = abs(P_ReturnThrustY(NULL, angle, MAXPLMOVE)); INT32 maxside = abs(P_ReturnThrustX(NULL, angle, MAXPLMOVE)); forward = max(min(forward, maxforward), -maxforward); side = max(min(side, maxside), -maxside); } //Silly hack to make 2d mode *somewhat* playable with no chasecam. if ((twodlevel || (player->mo && player->mo->flags2 & MF2_TWOD)) && !camera2.chase) { INT32 temp = forward; forward = side; side = temp; } cmd->forwardmove = (SINT8)(cmd->forwardmove + forward); cmd->sidemove = (SINT8)(cmd->sidemove + side); if (player->bot == 1) { if (!player->powers[pw_tailsfly] && (cmd->forwardmove || cmd->sidemove || cmd->buttons)) { player->bot = 2; // A player-controlled bot. Returns to AI when it respawns. CV_SetValue(&cv_analog2, true); } else { G_CopyTiccmd(cmd, I_BaseTiccmd2(), 1); // empty, or external driver B_BuildTiccmd(player, cmd); } } if (cv_analog2.value) { if (player->awayviewtics) cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(player->awayviewmobj->angle >> 16); else cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(thiscam->angle >> 16); } else { localangle2 += (cmd->angleturn<<16); cmd->angleturn = (INT16)(localangle2 >> 16); } } // User has designated that they want // analog ON, so tell the game to stop // fudging with it. static void UserAnalog_OnChange(void) { if (cv_useranalog.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_analog, 1); else CV_SetValue(&cv_analog, 0); } static void UserAnalog2_OnChange(void) { if (botingame) return; if (cv_useranalog2.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_analog2, 1); else CV_SetValue(&cv_analog2, 0); } static void Analog_OnChange(void) { if (!cv_cam_dist.string) return; // cameras are not initialized at this point if (!cv_chasecam.value && cv_analog.value) { CV_SetValue(&cv_analog, 0); return; } SendWeaponPref(); } static void Analog2_OnChange(void) { if (!(splitscreen || botingame) || !cv_cam2_dist.string) return; // cameras are not initialized at this point if (!cv_chasecam2.value && cv_analog2.value) { CV_SetValue(&cv_analog2, 0); return; } SendWeaponPref2(); } static void DirectionChar_OnChange(void) { SendWeaponPref(); } static void DirectionChar2_OnChange(void) { SendWeaponPref2(); } static void AutoBrake_OnChange(void) { SendWeaponPref(); } static void AutoBrake2_OnChange(void) { SendWeaponPref2(); } // // G_DoLoadLevel // void G_DoLoadLevel(boolean resetplayer) { INT32 i; // Make sure objectplace is OFF when you first start the level! OP_ResetObjectplace(); demosynced = true; levelstarttic = gametic; // for time calculation if (wipegamestate == GS_LEVEL) wipegamestate = -1; // force a wipe if (gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION) Y_EndIntermission(); // cleanup if (titlemapinaction == TITLEMAP_LOADING) { if (W_CheckNumForName(G_BuildMapName(gamemap)) == LUMPERROR) { titlemap = 0; // let's not infinite recursion ok Command_ExitGame_f(); return; } titlemapinaction = TITLEMAP_RUNNING; } else titlemapinaction = TITLEMAP_OFF; G_SetGamestate(GS_LEVEL); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (resetplayer || (playeringame[i] && players[i].playerstate == PST_DEAD)) players[i].playerstate = PST_REBORN; } // Setup the level. if (!P_SetupLevel(false)) // this never returns false? { // fail so reset game stuff Command_ExitGame_f(); return; } if (!resetplayer) P_FindEmerald(); displayplayer = consoleplayer; // view the guy you are playing if (!splitscreen && !botingame) secondarydisplayplayer = consoleplayer; gameaction = ga_nothing; #ifdef PARANOIA Z_CheckHeap(-2); #endif if (camera.chase) P_ResetCamera(&players[displayplayer], &camera); if (camera2.chase && splitscreen) P_ResetCamera(&players[secondarydisplayplayer], &camera2); // clear cmd building stuff memset(gamekeydown, 0, sizeof (gamekeydown)); for (i = 0;i < JOYAXISSET; i++) { joyxmove[i] = joyymove[i] = 0; joy2xmove[i] = joy2ymove[i] = 0; } mousex = mousey = 0; mouse2x = mouse2y = 0; // clear hud messages remains (usually from game startup) CON_ClearHUD(); } INT32 pausedelay = 0; boolean pausebreakkey = false; static INT32 camtoggledelay, camtoggledelay2 = 0; // // G_Responder // Get info needed to make ticcmd_ts for the players. // boolean G_Responder(event_t *ev) { // any other key pops up menu if in demos if (gameaction == ga_nothing && !singledemo && ((demoplayback && !modeattacking && !titledemo) || gamestate == GS_TITLESCREEN)) { if (ev->type == ev_keydown && ev->data1 != 301) { M_StartControlPanel(); return true; } return false; } else if (demoplayback && titledemo) { // Title demo uses intro responder if (F_IntroResponder(ev)) { // stop the title demo G_CheckDemoStatus(); return true; } return false; } if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { if (HU_Responder(ev)) return true; // chat ate the event if (AM_Responder(ev)) return true; // automap ate it // map the event (key/mouse/joy) to a gamecontrol } // Intro else if (gamestate == GS_INTRO) { if (F_IntroResponder(ev)) { D_StartTitle(); return true; } } else if (gamestate == GS_CUTSCENE) { if (HU_Responder(ev)) return true; // chat ate the event if (F_CutsceneResponder(ev)) { D_StartTitle(); return true; } } else if (gamestate == GS_CREDITS || gamestate == GS_ENDING) // todo: keep ending here? { if (HU_Responder(ev)) return true; // chat ate the event if (F_CreditResponder(ev)) { // Skip credits for everyone if (!netgame || server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)) SendNetXCmd(XD_EXITLEVEL, NULL, 0); return true; } } else if (gamestate == GS_CONTINUING) { if (F_ContinueResponder(ev)) return true; } // Demo End else if (gamestate == GS_GAMEEND) return true; else if (gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION || gamestate == GS_EVALUATION) if (HU_Responder(ev)) return true; // chat ate the event // allow spy mode changes even during the demo if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && ev->type == ev_keydown && (ev->data1 == KEY_F12 || ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_viewpoint][0] || ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_viewpoint][1])) { if (splitscreen || !netgame) displayplayer = consoleplayer; else { // spy mode do { displayplayer++; if (displayplayer == MAXPLAYERS) displayplayer = 0; if (!playeringame[displayplayer]) continue; if (players[displayplayer].spectator) continue; if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (players[consoleplayer].ctfteam && players[displayplayer].ctfteam != players[consoleplayer].ctfteam) continue; } else if (gametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK) { if (players[consoleplayer].pflags & PF_TAGIT) continue; } // Other Tag-based gametypes? else if (G_TagGametype()) { if (!players[consoleplayer].spectator && (players[consoleplayer].pflags & PF_TAGIT) != (players[displayplayer].pflags & PF_TAGIT)) continue; } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators() && G_RingSlingerGametype()) { if (!players[consoleplayer].spectator) continue; } break; } while (displayplayer != consoleplayer); // change statusbar also if playing back demo if (singledemo) ST_changeDemoView(); // tell who's the view CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Viewpoint: %s\n"), player_names[displayplayer]); return true; } } // update keys current state G_MapEventsToControls(ev); switch (ev->type) { case ev_keydown: if (ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_pause][0] || ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_pause][1] || ev->data1 == KEY_PAUSE) { if (modeattacking && !demoplayback && (gamestate == GS_LEVEL)) { pausebreakkey = (ev->data1 == KEY_PAUSE); if (menuactive || pausedelay < 0 || leveltime < 2) return true; if (pausedelay < 1+(NEWTICRATE/2)) pausedelay = 1+(NEWTICRATE/2); else if (++pausedelay > 1+(NEWTICRATE/2)+(NEWTICRATE/3)) { G_SetRetryFlag(); return true; } pausedelay++; // counteract subsequent subtraction this frame } else { INT32 oldpausedelay = pausedelay; pausedelay = (NEWTICRATE/7); if (!oldpausedelay) { // command will handle all the checks for us COM_ImmedExecute("pause"); return true; } } } if (ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_camtoggle][0] || ev->data1 == gamecontrol[gc_camtoggle][1]) { if (!camtoggledelay) { camtoggledelay = NEWTICRATE / 7; CV_SetValue(&cv_chasecam, cv_chasecam.value ? 0 : 1); } } if (ev->data1 == gamecontrolbis[gc_camtoggle][0] || ev->data1 == gamecontrolbis[gc_camtoggle][1]) { if (!camtoggledelay2) { camtoggledelay2 = NEWTICRATE / 7; CV_SetValue(&cv_chasecam2, cv_chasecam2.value ? 0 : 1); } } return true; case ev_keyup: return false; // always let key up events filter down case ev_mouse: return true; // eat events case ev_joystick: return true; // eat events case ev_joystick2: return true; // eat events default: break; } return false; } // // G_Ticker // Make ticcmd_ts for the players. // void G_Ticker(boolean run) { UINT32 i; INT32 buf; P_MapStart(); // do player reborns if needed if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { // Or, alternatively, retry. if (!(netgame || multiplayer) && G_GetRetryFlag()) { G_ClearRetryFlag(); if (modeattacking) { pausedelay = INT32_MIN; M_ModeAttackRetry(0); } else { // Costs a life to retry ... unless the player in question is dead already. if (G_GametypeUsesLives() && players[consoleplayer].playerstate == PST_LIVE && players[consoleplayer].lives != INFLIVES) players[consoleplayer].lives -= 1; G_DoReborn(consoleplayer); } } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playeringame[i] && players[i].playerstate == PST_REBORN) G_DoReborn(i); } P_MapEnd(); // do things to change the game state while (gameaction != ga_nothing) switch (gameaction) { case ga_completed: G_DoCompleted(); break; case ga_startcont: G_DoStartContinue(); break; case ga_continued: G_DoContinued(); break; case ga_worlddone: G_DoWorldDone(); break; case ga_nothing: break; default: I_Error("gameaction = %d\n", gameaction); } buf = gametic % BACKUPTICS; // read/write demo and check turbo cheat for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) G_CopyTiccmd(&players[i].cmd, &netcmds[buf][i], 1); } // do main actions switch (gamestate) { case GS_LEVEL: if (titledemo) F_TitleDemoTicker(); P_Ticker(run); // tic the game ST_Ticker(); F_TextPromptTicker(); AM_Ticker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_INTERMISSION: if (run) Y_Ticker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_TIMEATTACK: F_MenuPresTicker(run); break; case GS_INTRO: if (run) F_IntroTicker(); break; case GS_ENDING: if (run) F_EndingTicker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_CUTSCENE: if (run) F_CutsceneTicker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_GAMEEND: if (run) F_GameEndTicker(); break; case GS_EVALUATION: if (run) F_GameEvaluationTicker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_CONTINUING: if (run) F_ContinueTicker(); break; case GS_CREDITS: if (run) F_CreditTicker(); HU_Ticker(); break; case GS_TITLESCREEN: if (titlemapinaction) P_Ticker(run); // then intentionally fall through /* FALLTHRU */ case GS_WAITINGPLAYERS: F_MenuPresTicker(run); F_TitleScreenTicker(run); break; case GS_DEDICATEDSERVER: case GS_NULL: break; // do nothing } if (run) { if (pausedelay && pausedelay != INT32_MIN) { if (pausedelay > 0) pausedelay--; else pausedelay++; } if (camtoggledelay) camtoggledelay--; if (camtoggledelay2) camtoggledelay2--; } } // // PLAYER STRUCTURE FUNCTIONS // also see P_SpawnPlayer in P_Things // // // G_PlayerFinishLevel // Called when a player completes a level. // static inline void G_PlayerFinishLevel(INT32 player) { player_t *p; p = &players[player]; memset(p->powers, 0, sizeof (p->powers)); p->ringweapons = 0; p->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_SHADOW; // cancel invisibility P_FlashPal(p, 0, 0); // Resets p->starpostscale = 0; p->starpostangle = 0; p->starposttime = 0; p->starpostx = 0; p->starposty = 0; p->starpostz = 0; p->starpostnum = 0; if (rendermode == render_soft) V_SetPaletteLump(GetPalette()); // Reset the palette } // // G_PlayerReborn // Called after a player dies. Almost everything is cleared and initialized. // void G_PlayerReborn(INT32 player, boolean betweenmaps) { player_t *p; INT32 score; INT32 lives; INT32 continues; fixed_t camerascale; fixed_t shieldscale; UINT8 charability; UINT8 charability2; fixed_t normalspeed; fixed_t runspeed; UINT8 thrustfactor; UINT8 accelstart; UINT8 acceleration; INT32 charflags; INT32 pflags; UINT32 thokitem; UINT32 spinitem; UINT32 revitem; UINT32 followitem; fixed_t actionspd; fixed_t mindash; fixed_t maxdash; INT32 ctfteam; INT32 starposttime; INT16 starpostx; INT16 starposty; INT16 starpostz; INT32 starpostnum; INT32 starpostangle; fixed_t starpostscale; fixed_t jumpfactor; fixed_t height; fixed_t spinheight; INT32 exiting; INT16 numboxes; INT16 totalring; UINT8 laps; UINT8 mare; UINT8 skincolor; INT32 skin; UINT32 availabilities; tic_t jointime; boolean spectator; boolean outofcoop; INT16 bot; SINT8 pity; INT16 rings; INT16 spheres; score = players[player].score; lives = players[player].lives; continues = players[player].continues; ctfteam = players[player].ctfteam; exiting = players[player].exiting; jointime = players[player].jointime; spectator = players[player].spectator; outofcoop = players[player].outofcoop; pflags = (players[player].pflags & (PF_FLIPCAM|PF_ANALOGMODE|PF_DIRECTIONCHAR|PF_AUTOBRAKE|PF_TAGIT|PF_GAMETYPEOVER)); // As long as we're not in multiplayer, carry over cheatcodes from map to map if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) pflags |= (players[player].pflags & (PF_GODMODE|PF_NOCLIP|PF_INVIS)); numboxes = players[player].numboxes; laps = players[player].laps; totalring = players[player].totalring; skincolor = players[player].skincolor; skin = players[player].skin; availabilities = players[player].availabilities; camerascale = players[player].camerascale; shieldscale = players[player].shieldscale; charability = players[player].charability; charability2 = players[player].charability2; normalspeed = players[player].normalspeed; runspeed = players[player].runspeed; thrustfactor = players[player].thrustfactor; accelstart = players[player].accelstart; acceleration = players[player].acceleration; charflags = players[player].charflags; starposttime = players[player].starposttime; starpostx = players[player].starpostx; starposty = players[player].starposty; starpostz = players[player].starpostz; starpostnum = players[player].starpostnum; starpostangle = players[player].starpostangle; starpostscale = players[player].starpostscale; jumpfactor = players[player].jumpfactor; height = players[player].height; spinheight = players[player].spinheight; thokitem = players[player].thokitem; spinitem = players[player].spinitem; revitem = players[player].revitem; followitem = players[player].followitem; actionspd = players[player].actionspd; mindash = players[player].mindash; maxdash = players[player].maxdash; mare = players[player].mare; bot = players[player].bot; pity = players[player].pity; if (betweenmaps || !G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) { rings = (ultimatemode ? 0 : mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->startrings); spheres = 0; } else { rings = players[player].rings; spheres = players[player].spheres; } p = &players[player]; memset(p, 0, sizeof (*p)); p->score = score; p->lives = lives; p->continues = continues; p->pflags = pflags; p->ctfteam = ctfteam; p->jointime = jointime; p->spectator = spectator; p->outofcoop = outofcoop; // save player config truth reborn p->skincolor = skincolor; p->skin = skin; p->availabilities = availabilities; p->camerascale = camerascale; p->shieldscale = shieldscale; p->charability = charability; p->charability2 = charability2; p->normalspeed = normalspeed; p->runspeed = runspeed; p->thrustfactor = thrustfactor; p->accelstart = accelstart; p->acceleration = acceleration; p->charflags = charflags; p->thokitem = thokitem; p->spinitem = spinitem; p->revitem = revitem; p->followitem = followitem; p->actionspd = actionspd; p->mindash = mindash; p->maxdash = maxdash; p->starposttime = starposttime; p->starpostx = starpostx; p->starposty = starposty; p->starpostz = starpostz; p->starpostnum = starpostnum; p->starpostangle = starpostangle; p->starpostscale = starpostscale; p->jumpfactor = jumpfactor; p->height = height; p->spinheight = spinheight; p->exiting = exiting; p->numboxes = numboxes; p->laps = laps; p->totalring = totalring; p->mare = mare; if (bot) p->bot = 1; // reset to AI-controlled p->pity = pity; p->rings = rings; p->spheres = spheres; // Don't do anything immediately p->pflags |= PF_USEDOWN; p->pflags |= PF_ATTACKDOWN; p->pflags |= PF_JUMPDOWN; p->playerstate = PST_LIVE; p->panim = PA_IDLE; // standing animation //if ((netgame || multiplayer) && !p->spectator) -- moved into P_SpawnPlayer to account for forced changes there //p->powers[pw_flashing] = flashingtics-1; // Babysitting deterrent // Check to make sure their color didn't change somehow... if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (p->ctfteam == 1 && p->skincolor != skincolor_redteam) { if (p == &players[consoleplayer]) CV_SetValue(&cv_playercolor, skincolor_redteam); else if (p == &players[secondarydisplayplayer]) CV_SetValue(&cv_playercolor2, skincolor_redteam); } else if (p->ctfteam == 2 && p->skincolor != skincolor_blueteam) { if (p == &players[consoleplayer]) CV_SetValue(&cv_playercolor, skincolor_blueteam); else if (p == &players[secondarydisplayplayer]) CV_SetValue(&cv_playercolor2, skincolor_blueteam); } } if (betweenmaps) return; if (p-players == consoleplayer) { if (mapmusflags & MUSIC_RELOADRESET) { strncpy(mapmusname, mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->musname, 7); mapmusname[6] = 0; mapmusflags = (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->mustrack & MUSIC_TRACKMASK); mapmusposition = mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->muspos; } // This is in S_Start, but this was not here previously. // if (RESETMUSIC) // S_StopMusic(); S_ChangeMusicEx(mapmusname, mapmusflags, true, mapmusposition, 0, 0); } if (gametype == GT_COOP) P_FindEmerald(); // scan for emeralds to hunt for // If NiGHTS, find lowest mare to start with. p->mare = P_FindLowestMare(); CONS_Debug(DBG_NIGHTS, M_GetText("Current mare is %d\n"), p->mare); if (p->mare == 255) p->mare = 0; } // // G_CheckSpot // Returns false if the player cannot be respawned // at the given mapthing_t spot // because something is occupying it // static boolean G_CheckSpot(INT32 playernum, mapthing_t *mthing) { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; INT32 i; // maybe there is no player start if (!mthing) return false; if (!players[playernum].mo) { // first spawn of level for (i = 0; i < playernum; i++) if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo && players[i].mo->x == mthing->x << FRACBITS && players[i].mo->y == mthing->y << FRACBITS) { return false; } return true; } x = mthing->x << FRACBITS; y = mthing->y << FRACBITS; if (!P_CheckPosition(players[playernum].mo, x, y)) return false; return true; } // // G_SpawnPlayer // Spawn a player in a spot appropriate for the gametype -- // or a not-so-appropriate spot, if it initially fails // due to a lack of starts open or something. // void G_SpawnPlayer(INT32 playernum, boolean starpost) { mapthing_t *spawnpoint; if (!playeringame[playernum]) return; P_SpawnPlayer(playernum); if (starpost) //Don't even bother with looking for a place to spawn. { P_MovePlayerToStarpost(playernum); #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUAh_PlayerSpawn(&players[playernum]); // Lua hook for player spawning :) #endif return; } // -- CTF -- // Order: CTF->DM->Coop if (gametype == GT_CTF && players[playernum].ctfteam) { if (!(spawnpoint = G_FindCTFStart(playernum)) // find a CTF start && !(spawnpoint = G_FindMatchStart(playernum))) // find a DM start spawnpoint = G_FindCoopStart(playernum); // fallback } // -- DM/Tag/CTF-spectator/etc -- // Order: DM->CTF->Coop else if (gametype == GT_MATCH || gametype == GT_TEAMMATCH || gametype == GT_CTF || ((gametype == GT_TAG || gametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK) && !(players[playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT))) { if (!(spawnpoint = G_FindMatchStart(playernum)) // find a DM start && !(spawnpoint = G_FindCTFStart(playernum))) // find a CTF start spawnpoint = G_FindCoopStart(playernum); // fallback } // -- Other game modes -- // Order: Coop->DM->CTF else { if (!(spawnpoint = G_FindCoopStart(playernum)) // find a Co-op start && !(spawnpoint = G_FindMatchStart(playernum))) // find a DM start spawnpoint = G_FindCTFStart(playernum); // fallback } //No spawns found. ANYWHERE. if (!spawnpoint) { if (nummapthings) { if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No player spawns found, spawning at the first mapthing!\n")); spawnpoint = &mapthings[0]; } else { if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No player spawns found, spawning at the origin!\n")); //P_MovePlayerToSpawn handles this fine if the spawnpoint is NULL. } } P_MovePlayerToSpawn(playernum, spawnpoint); #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUAh_PlayerSpawn(&players[playernum]); // Lua hook for player spawning :) #endif } mapthing_t *G_FindCTFStart(INT32 playernum) { INT32 i,j; if (!numredctfstarts && !numbluectfstarts) //why even bother, eh? { if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No CTF starts in this map!\n")); return NULL; } if ((!players[playernum].ctfteam && numredctfstarts && (!numbluectfstarts || P_RandomChance(FRACUNIT/2))) || players[playernum].ctfteam == 1) //red { if (!numredctfstarts) { if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No Red Team starts in this map!\n")); return NULL; } for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { i = P_RandomKey(numredctfstarts); if (G_CheckSpot(playernum, redctfstarts[i])) return redctfstarts[i]; } if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Could not spawn at any Red Team starts!\n")); return NULL; } else if (!players[playernum].ctfteam || players[playernum].ctfteam == 2) //blue { if (!numbluectfstarts) { if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No Blue Team starts in this map!\n")); return NULL; } for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) { i = P_RandomKey(numbluectfstarts); if (G_CheckSpot(playernum, bluectfstarts[i])) return bluectfstarts[i]; } if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Could not spawn at any Blue Team starts!\n")); return NULL; } //should never be reached but it gets stuff to shut up return NULL; } mapthing_t *G_FindMatchStart(INT32 playernum) { INT32 i, j; if (numdmstarts) { for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) { i = P_RandomKey(numdmstarts); if (G_CheckSpot(playernum, deathmatchstarts[i])) return deathmatchstarts[i]; } if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Could not spawn at any Deathmatch starts!\n")); return NULL; } if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No Deathmatch starts in this map!\n")); return NULL; } mapthing_t *G_FindCoopStart(INT32 playernum) { if (numcoopstarts) { //if there's 6 players in a map with 3 player starts, this spawns them 1/2/3/1/2/3. if (G_CheckSpot(playernum, playerstarts[playernum % numcoopstarts])) return playerstarts[playernum % numcoopstarts]; //Don't bother checking to see if the player 1 start is open. //Just spawn there. return playerstarts[0]; } if (playernum == consoleplayer || (splitscreen && playernum == secondarydisplayplayer)) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No Co-op starts in this map!\n")); return NULL; } // Go back through all the projectiles and remove all references to the old // player mobj, replacing them with the new one. void G_ChangePlayerReferences(mobj_t *oldmo, mobj_t *newmo) { thinker_t *th; mobj_t *mo2; I_Assert((oldmo != NULL) && (newmo != NULL)); // scan all thinkers for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mo2 = (mobj_t *)th; if (!(mo2->flags & MF_MISSILE)) continue; if (mo2->target == oldmo) { P_SetTarget(&mo2->target, newmo); mo2->flags2 |= MF2_BEYONDTHEGRAVE; // this mobj belongs to a player who has reborn } } } // // G_DoReborn // void G_DoReborn(INT32 playernum) { player_t *player = &players[playernum]; boolean resetlevel = false; INT32 i; if (modeattacking) { M_EndModeAttackRun(); return; } // Make sure objectplace is OFF when you first start the level! OP_ResetObjectplace(); if (player->bot && playernum != consoleplayer) { // Bots respawn next to their master. mobj_t *oldmo = NULL; // first dissasociate the corpse if (player->mo) { oldmo = player->mo; // Don't leave your carcass stuck 10-billion feet in the ground! P_RemoveMobj(player->mo); } B_RespawnBot(playernum); if (oldmo) G_ChangePlayerReferences(oldmo, players[playernum].mo); return; } if (countdowntimeup || (!(netgame || multiplayer) && gametype == GT_COOP)) resetlevel = true; else if (gametype == GT_COOP && (netgame || multiplayer) && !G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) { boolean notgameover = true; if (cv_cooplives.value != 0 && player->lives <= 0) // consider game over first { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (players[i].exiting || players[i].lives > 0) break; } if (i == MAXPLAYERS) { notgameover = false; if (!countdown2) { // They're dead, Jim. //nextmapoverride = spstage_start; nextmapoverride = gamemap; countdown2 = TICRATE; skipstats = 2; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) players[i].score = 0; } //emeralds = 0; tokenbits = 0; tokenlist = 0; token = 0; } } } if (notgameover && cv_coopstarposts.value == 2) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (players[i].playerstate != PST_DEAD && !players[i].spectator && players[i].mo && players[i].mo->health) break; } if (i == MAXPLAYERS) resetlevel = true; } } if (resetlevel) { // reload the level from scratch if (countdowntimeup) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; players[i].starpostscale = 0; players[i].starpostangle = 0; players[i].starposttime = 0; players[i].starpostx = 0; players[i].starposty = 0; players[i].starpostz = 0; players[i].starpostnum = 0; } } if (!countdowntimeup && (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->levelflags & LF_NORELOAD)) { P_LoadThingsOnly(); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; players[i].playerstate = PST_REBORN; P_ClearStarPost(players[i].starpostnum); } // Do a wipe wipegamestate = -1; if (camera.chase) P_ResetCamera(&players[displayplayer], &camera); if (camera2.chase && splitscreen) P_ResetCamera(&players[secondarydisplayplayer], &camera2); // clear cmd building stuff memset(gamekeydown, 0, sizeof (gamekeydown)); for (i = 0; i < JOYAXISSET; i++) { joyxmove[i] = joyymove[i] = 0; joy2xmove[i] = joy2ymove[i] = 0; } mousex = mousey = 0; mouse2x = mouse2y = 0; // clear hud messages remains (usually from game startup) CON_ClearHUD(); // Starpost support for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; G_SpawnPlayer(i, (players[i].starposttime)); } // restore time in netgame (see also p_setup.c) if ((netgame || multiplayer) && gametype == GT_COOP && cv_coopstarposts.value == 2) { // is this a hack? maybe tic_t maxstarposttime = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && players[i].starposttime > maxstarposttime) maxstarposttime = players[i].starposttime; } leveltime = maxstarposttime; } } else { #ifdef HAVE_BLUA LUAh_MapChange(gamemap); #endif G_DoLoadLevel(true); if (metalrecording) G_BeginMetal(); return; } } else { // respawn at the start mobj_t *oldmo = NULL; // Not resetting map, so return to level music if (!countdown2 && player->lives <= 0 && cv_cooplives.value == 1) // not allowed for life steal because no way to come back from zero group lives without addons, which should call this anyways P_RestoreMultiMusic(player); // first dissasociate the corpse if (player->mo) { oldmo = player->mo; // Don't leave your carcass stuck 10-billion feet in the ground! P_RemoveMobj(player->mo); } G_SpawnPlayer(playernum, (player->starposttime)); if (oldmo) G_ChangePlayerReferences(oldmo, players[playernum].mo); } } void G_AddPlayer(INT32 playernum) { INT32 countplayers = 0, notexiting = 0; player_t *p = &players[playernum]; // Go through the current players and make sure you have the latest starpost set if (G_PlatformGametype() && (netgame || multiplayer)) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (players[i].bot) // ignore dumb, stupid tails continue; countplayers++; if (!players[i].exiting) notexiting++; if (!(cv_coopstarposts.value && (gametype == GT_COOP) && (p->starpostnum < players[i].starpostnum))) continue; p->starpostscale = players[i].starpostscale; p->starposttime = players[i].starposttime; p->starpostx = players[i].starpostx; p->starposty = players[i].starposty; p->starpostz = players[i].starpostz; p->starpostangle = players[i].starpostangle; p->starpostnum = players[i].starpostnum; } } p->jointime = 0; p->playerstate = PST_REBORN; p->height = mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].height; if (G_GametypeUsesLives() || ((netgame || multiplayer) && gametype == GT_COOP)) p->lives = cv_startinglives.value; if (countplayers && !notexiting) P_DoPlayerExit(p); } void G_ExitLevel(void) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { gameaction = ga_completed; lastdraw = true; // If you want your teams scrambled on map change, start the process now. // The teams will scramble at the start of the next round. if (cv_scrambleonchange.value && G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (server) CV_SetValue(&cv_teamscramble, cv_scrambleonchange.value); } if (gametype != GT_COOP) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The round has ended.\n")); // Remove CEcho text on round end. HU_ClearCEcho(); } else if (gamestate == GS_ENDING) { F_StartCredits(); } else if (gamestate == GS_CREDITS) { F_StartGameEvaluation(); } } // See also the enum GameType in doomstat.h const char *Gametype_Names[NUMGAMETYPES] = { "Co-op", // GT_COOP "Competition", // GT_COMPETITION "Race", // GT_RACE "Match", // GT_MATCH "Team Match", // GT_TEAMMATCH "Tag", // GT_TAG "Hide & Seek", // GT_HIDEANDSEEK "CTF" // GT_CTF }; // // G_GetGametypeByName // // Returns the number for the given gametype name string, or -1 if not valid. // INT32 G_GetGametypeByName(const char *gametypestr) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMGAMETYPES; i++) if (!stricmp(gametypestr, Gametype_Names[i])) return i; return -1; // unknown gametype } // // G_IsSpecialStage // // Returns TRUE if // the given map is a special stage. // boolean G_IsSpecialStage(INT32 mapnum) { if (gametype != GT_COOP || modeattacking == ATTACKING_RECORD) return false; if (mapnum >= sstage_start && mapnum <= sstage_end) return true; if (mapnum >= smpstage_start && mapnum <= smpstage_end) return true; return false; } // // G_GametypeUsesLives // // Returns true if the current gametype uses // the lives system. False otherwise. // boolean G_GametypeUsesLives(void) { // Coop, Competitive if ((gametype == GT_COOP || gametype == GT_COMPETITION) && !(modeattacking || metalrecording) // No lives in Time Attack //&& !G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap) && !(maptol & TOL_NIGHTS)) // No lives in NiGHTS return true; return false; } // // G_GametypeHasTeams // // Returns true if the current gametype uses // Red/Blue teams. False otherwise. // boolean G_GametypeHasTeams(void) { return (gametype == GT_TEAMMATCH || gametype == GT_CTF); } // // G_GametypeHasSpectators // // Returns true if the current gametype supports // spectators. False otherwise. // boolean G_GametypeHasSpectators(void) { return (gametype != GT_COOP && gametype != GT_COMPETITION && gametype != GT_RACE); } // // G_RingSlingerGametype // // Returns true if the current gametype supports firing rings. // ANY gametype can be a ringslinger gametype, just flick a switch. // boolean G_RingSlingerGametype(void) { return ((gametype != GT_COOP && gametype != GT_COMPETITION && gametype != GT_RACE) || (cv_ringslinger.value)); } // // G_PlatformGametype // // Returns true if a gametype is a more traditional platforming-type. // boolean G_PlatformGametype(void) { return (gametype == GT_COOP || gametype == GT_RACE || gametype == GT_COMPETITION); } // // G_TagGametype // // For Jazz's Tag/HnS modes that have a lot of special cases.. // boolean G_TagGametype(void) { return (gametype == GT_TAG || gametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK); } /** Get the typeoflevel flag needed to indicate support of a gametype. * In single-player, this always returns TOL_SP. * \param gametype The gametype for which support is desired. * \return The typeoflevel flag to check for that gametype. * \author Graue */ INT16 G_TOLFlag(INT32 pgametype) { if (!multiplayer) return TOL_SP; if (pgametype == GT_COOP) return TOL_COOP; if (pgametype == GT_COMPETITION) return TOL_COMPETITION; if (pgametype == GT_RACE) return TOL_RACE; if (pgametype == GT_MATCH) return TOL_MATCH; if (pgametype == GT_TEAMMATCH) return TOL_MATCH; if (pgametype == GT_TAG) return TOL_TAG; if (pgametype == GT_HIDEANDSEEK) return TOL_TAG; if (pgametype == GT_CTF) return TOL_CTF; CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Unknown gametype! %d\n"), pgametype); return INT16_MAX; } /** Select a random map with the given typeoflevel flags. * If no map has those flags, this arbitrarily gives you map 1. * \param tolflags The typeoflevel flags to insist on. Other bits may * be on too, but all of these must be on. * \return A random map with those flags, 1-based, or 1 if no map * has those flags. * \author Graue */ static INT16 RandMap(INT16 tolflags, INT16 pprevmap) { INT16 *okmaps = Z_Malloc(NUMMAPS * sizeof(INT16), PU_STATIC, NULL); INT32 numokmaps = 0; INT16 ix; // Find all the maps that are ok and and put them in an array. for (ix = 0; ix < NUMMAPS; ix++) if (mapheaderinfo[ix] && (mapheaderinfo[ix]->typeoflevel & tolflags) == tolflags && ix != pprevmap // Don't pick the same map. && (dedicated || !M_MapLocked(ix+1)) // Don't pick locked maps. ) okmaps[numokmaps++] = ix; if (numokmaps == 0) ix = 0; // Sorry, none match. You get MAP01. else ix = okmaps[M_RandomKey(numokmaps)]; Z_Free(okmaps); return ix; } // // G_DoCompleted // static void G_DoCompleted(void) { INT32 i; tokenlist = 0; // Reset the list if (modeattacking && pausedelay) pausedelay = 0; gameaction = ga_nothing; if (metalplayback) G_StopMetalDemo(); if (metalrecording) G_StopMetalRecording(false); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playeringame[i]) G_PlayerFinishLevel(i); // take away cards and stuff if (automapactive) AM_Stop(); S_StopSounds(); prevmap = (INT16)(gamemap-1); // go to next level // nextmap is 0-based, unlike gamemap if (nextmapoverride != 0) nextmap = (INT16)(nextmapoverride-1); else nextmap = (INT16)(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->nextlevel-1); // Remember last map for when you come out of the special stage. if (!G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) lastmap = nextmap; // If nextmap is actually going to get used, make sure it points to // a map of the proper gametype -- skip levels that don't support // the current gametype. (Helps avoid playing boss levels in Race, // for instance). if (!token && !G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap) && (nextmap >= 0 && nextmap < NUMMAPS)) { register INT16 cm = nextmap; INT16 tolflag = G_TOLFlag(gametype); UINT8 visitedmap[(NUMMAPS+7)/8]; memset(visitedmap, 0, sizeof (visitedmap)); while (!mapheaderinfo[cm] || !(mapheaderinfo[cm]->typeoflevel & tolflag)) { visitedmap[cm/8] |= (1<<(cm&7)); if (!mapheaderinfo[cm]) cm = -1; // guarantee error execution else cm = (INT16)(mapheaderinfo[cm]->nextlevel-1); if (cm >= NUMMAPS || cm < 0) // out of range (either 1100-1102 or error) { cm = nextmap; //Start the loop again so that the error checking below is executed. //Make sure the map actually exists before you try to go to it! if ((W_CheckNumForName(G_BuildMapName(cm + 1)) == LUMPERROR)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Next map given (MAP %d) doesn't exist! Reverting to MAP01.\n"), cm+1); cm = 0; break; } } if (visitedmap[cm/8] & (1<<(cm&7))) // smells familiar { // We got stuck in a loop, came back to the map we started on // without finding one supporting the current gametype. // Thus, print a warning, and just use this map anyways. CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Can't find a compatible map after map %d; using map %d anyway\n"), prevmap+1, cm+1); break; } } nextmap = cm; } if (nextmap < 0 || (nextmap >= NUMMAPS && nextmap < 1100-1) || nextmap > 1103-1) I_Error("Followed map %d to invalid map %d\n", prevmap + 1, nextmap + 1); // wrap around in race if (nextmap >= 1100-1 && nextmap <= 1102-1 && (gametype == GT_RACE || gametype == GT_COMPETITION)) nextmap = (INT16)(spstage_start-1); if ((gottoken = (gametype == GT_COOP && token))) { token--; for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) if (!(emeralds & (1<cutscenenum && !modeattacking && skipstats <= 1) // Start a custom cutscene. F_StartCustomCutscene(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->cutscenenum-1, false, false); else { if (nextmap < 1100-1) G_NextLevel(); else G_EndGame(); } } // // G_NextLevel (WorldDone) // // init next level or go to the final scene // called by end of intermission screen (y_inter) // void G_NextLevel(void) { gameaction = ga_worlddone; } static void G_DoWorldDone(void) { if (server) { if (gametype == GT_COOP) // don't reset player between maps D_MapChange(nextmap+1, gametype, ultimatemode, false, 0, false, false); else // resetplayer in match/chaos/tag/CTF/race for more equality D_MapChange(nextmap+1, gametype, ultimatemode, true, 0, false, false); } gameaction = ga_nothing; } // // G_UseContinue // void G_UseContinue(void) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL && !netgame && !multiplayer) { gameaction = ga_startcont; lastdraw = true; } } static void G_DoStartContinue(void) { I_Assert(!netgame && !multiplayer); G_PlayerFinishLevel(consoleplayer); // take away cards and stuff F_StartContinue(); gameaction = ga_nothing; } // // G_Continue // // re-init level, used by continue and possibly countdowntimeup // void G_Continue(void) { if (!netgame && !multiplayer) gameaction = ga_continued; } static void G_DoContinued(void) { player_t *pl = &players[consoleplayer]; I_Assert(!netgame && !multiplayer); I_Assert(pl->continues > 0); pl->continues--; // Reset score pl->score = 0; // Allow tokens to come back tokenlist = 0; token = 0; if (!(netgame || multiplayer || demoplayback || demorecording || metalrecording || modeattacking) && (!modifiedgame || savemoddata) && cursaveslot > 0) G_SaveGameOver((UINT32)cursaveslot, true); // Reset # of lives pl->lives = (ultimatemode) ? 1 : startinglivesbalance[numgameovers]; D_MapChange(gamemap, gametype, ultimatemode, false, 0, false, false); gameaction = ga_nothing; } // // G_EndGame (formerly Y_EndGame) // Frankly this function fits better in g_game.c than it does in y_inter.c // // ...Gee, (why) end the game? // Because G_AfterIntermission and F_EndCutscene would // both do this exact same thing *in different ways* otherwise, // which made it so that you could only unlock Ultimate mode // if you had a cutscene after the final level and crap like that. // This function simplifies it so only one place has to be updated // when something new is added. void G_EndGame(void) { // Only do evaluation and credits in coop games. if (gametype == GT_COOP) { if (nextmap == 1103-1) // end game with ending { F_StartEnding(); return; } if (nextmap == 1102-1) // end game with credits { F_StartCredits(); return; } if (nextmap == 1101-1) // end game with evaluation { F_StartGameEvaluation(); return; } } // 1100 or competitive multiplayer, so go back to title screen. D_StartTitle(); } // // G_LoadGameSettings // // Sets a tad of default info we need. void G_LoadGameSettings(void) { // defaults spstage_start = 1; sstage_start = 50; sstage_end = 56; // 7 special stages in vanilla SRB2 sstage_end++; // plus one weirdo smpstage_start = 60; smpstage_end = 66; // 7 multiplayer special stages too // initialize free sfx slots for skin sounds S_InitRuntimeSounds(); } // G_LoadGameData // Loads the main data file, which stores information such as emblems found, etc. void G_LoadGameData(void) { size_t length; INT32 i, j; UINT8 modded = false; UINT8 rtemp; //For records UINT32 recscore; tic_t rectime; UINT16 recrings; boolean gotperf; UINT8 recmares; INT32 curmare; // Clear things so previously read gamedata doesn't transfer // to new gamedata G_ClearRecords(); // main and nights records M_ClearSecrets(); // emblems, unlocks, maps visited, etc totalplaytime = 0; // total play time (separate from all) if (M_CheckParm("-nodata")) return; // Don't load. // Allow saving of gamedata beyond this point gamedataloaded = true; if (M_CheckParm("-gamedata") && M_IsNextParm()) { strlcpy(gamedatafilename, M_GetNextParm(), sizeof gamedatafilename); } if (M_CheckParm("-resetdata")) return; // Don't load (essentially, reset). length = FIL_ReadFile(va(pandf, srb2home, gamedatafilename), &savebuffer); if (!length) // Aw, no game data. Their loss! return; save_p = savebuffer; // Version check if (READUINT32(save_p) != 0xFCAFE211) { const char *gdfolder = "the SRB2 folder"; if (strcmp(srb2home,".")) gdfolder = srb2home; Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; I_Error("Game data is from another version of SRB2.\nDelete %s(maybe in %s) and try again.", gamedatafilename, gdfolder); } totalplaytime = READUINT32(save_p); modded = READUINT8(save_p); // Aha! Someone's been screwing with the save file! if ((modded && !savemoddata)) goto datacorrupt; else if (modded != true && modded != false) goto datacorrupt; // TODO put another cipher on these things? meh, I don't care... for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) if ((mapvisited[i] = READUINT8(save_p)) > MV_MAX) goto datacorrupt; // To save space, use one bit per collected/achieved/unlocked flag for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++j) emblemlocations[j+i].collected = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS; ++j) extraemblems[j+i].collected = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++j) unlockables[j+i].unlocked = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++j) conditionSets[j+i].achieved = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } timesBeaten = READUINT32(save_p); timesBeatenWithEmeralds = READUINT32(save_p); timesBeatenUltimate = READUINT32(save_p); // Main records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { recscore = READUINT32(save_p); rectime = (tic_t)READUINT32(save_p); recrings = READUINT16(save_p); gotperf = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); if (recrings > 10000 || recscore > MAXSCORE) goto datacorrupt; if (recscore || rectime || recrings) { G_AllocMainRecordData((INT16)i); mainrecords[i]->score = recscore; mainrecords[i]->time = rectime; mainrecords[i]->rings = recrings; } if (gotperf) mainrecords[i]->gotperfect = gotperf; } // Nights records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if ((recmares = READUINT8(save_p)) == 0) continue; G_AllocNightsRecordData((INT16)i); for (curmare = 0; curmare < (recmares+1); ++curmare) { nightsrecords[i]->score[curmare] = READUINT32(save_p); nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare] = READUINT8(save_p); nightsrecords[i]->time[curmare] = (tic_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare] > GRADE_S) goto datacorrupt; } nightsrecords[i]->nummares = recmares; } // done Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; // Silent update unlockables in case they're out of sync with conditions M_SilentUpdateUnlockablesAndEmblems(); return; // Landing point for corrupt gamedata datacorrupt: { const char *gdfolder = "the SRB2 folder"; if (strcmp(srb2home,".")) gdfolder = srb2home; Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; I_Error("Corrupt game data file.\nDelete %s(maybe in %s) and try again.", gamedatafilename, gdfolder); } } // G_SaveGameData // Saves the main data file, which stores information such as emblems found, etc. void G_SaveGameData(void) { size_t length; INT32 i, j; UINT8 btemp; INT32 curmare; if (!gamedataloaded) return; // If never loaded (-nodata), don't save save_p = savebuffer = (UINT8 *)malloc(GAMEDATASIZE); if (!save_p) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No more free memory for saving game data\n")); return; } if (modifiedgame && !savemoddata) { free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; return; } // Version test WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0xFCAFE211); WRITEUINT32(save_p, totalplaytime); btemp = (UINT8)(savemoddata || modifiedgame); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); // TODO put another cipher on these things? meh, I don't care... for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) WRITEUINT8(save_p, (mapvisited[i] & MV_MAX)); // To save space, use one bit per collected/achieved/unlocked flag for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++j) btemp |= (emblemlocations[j+i].collected << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS; ++j) btemp |= (extraemblems[j+i].collected << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++j) btemp |= (unlockables[j+i].unlocked << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++j) btemp |= (conditionSets[j+i].achieved << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } WRITEUINT32(save_p, timesBeaten); WRITEUINT32(save_p, timesBeatenWithEmeralds); WRITEUINT32(save_p, timesBeatenUltimate); // Main records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) { if (mainrecords[i]) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, mainrecords[i]->score); WRITEUINT32(save_p, mainrecords[i]->time); WRITEUINT16(save_p, mainrecords[i]->rings); WRITEUINT8(save_p, mainrecords[i]->gotperfect); } else { WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0); WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0); WRITEUINT16(save_p, 0); WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0); } } // NiGHTS records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) { if (!nightsrecords[i] || !nightsrecords[i]->nummares) { WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0); continue; } WRITEUINT8(save_p, nightsrecords[i]->nummares); for (curmare = 0; curmare < (nightsrecords[i]->nummares + 1); ++curmare) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, nightsrecords[i]->score[curmare]); WRITEUINT8(save_p, nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare]); WRITEUINT32(save_p, nightsrecords[i]->time[curmare]); } } length = save_p - savebuffer; FIL_WriteFile(va(pandf, srb2home, gamedatafilename), savebuffer, length); free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; } #define VERSIONSIZE 16 // // G_InitFromSavegame // Can be called by the startup code or the menu task. // void G_LoadGame(UINT32 slot, INT16 mapoverride) { size_t length; char vcheck[VERSIONSIZE]; char savename[255]; // memset savedata to all 0, fixes calling perfectly valid saves corrupt because of bots memset(&savedata, 0, sizeof(savedata)); #ifdef SAVEGAME_OTHERVERSIONS //Oh christ. The force load response needs access to mapoverride too... startonmapnum = mapoverride; #endif sprintf(savename, savegamename, slot); length = FIL_ReadFile(savename, &savebuffer); if (!length) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Couldn't read file %s\n"), savename); return; } save_p = savebuffer; memset(vcheck, 0, sizeof (vcheck)); sprintf(vcheck, "version %d", VERSION); if (strcmp((const char *)save_p, (const char *)vcheck)) { #ifdef SAVEGAME_OTHERVERSIONS M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Save game from different version.\nYou can load this savegame, but\nsaving afterwards will be disabled.\n\nDo you want to continue anyway?\n\n(Press 'Y' to confirm)\n"), M_ForceLoadGameResponse, MM_YESNO); //Freeing done by the callback function of the above message #else M_ClearMenus(true); // so ESC backs out to title M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Save game from different version\n\nPress ESC\n"), NULL, MM_NOTHING); Command_ExitGame_f(); Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; // no cheating! memset(&savedata, 0, sizeof(savedata)); #endif return; // bad version } save_p += VERSIONSIZE; // if (demoplayback) // reset game engine // G_StopDemo(); // paused = false; // automapactive = false; // dearchive all the modifications if (!P_LoadGame(mapoverride)) { M_ClearMenus(true); // so ESC backs out to title M_StartMessage(M_GetText("Savegame file corrupted\n\nPress ESC\n"), NULL, MM_NOTHING); Command_ExitGame_f(); Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; // no cheating! memset(&savedata, 0, sizeof(savedata)); return; } // done Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; // gameaction = ga_nothing; // G_SetGamestate(GS_LEVEL); displayplayer = consoleplayer; multiplayer = splitscreen = false; // G_DeferedInitNew(sk_medium, G_BuildMapName(1), 0, 0, 1); if (setsizeneeded) R_ExecuteSetViewSize(); M_ClearMenus(true); CON_ToggleOff(); } // // G_SaveGame // Saves your game. // void G_SaveGame(UINT32 slot) { boolean saved; char savename[256] = ""; const char *backup; sprintf(savename, savegamename, slot); backup = va("%s",savename); // save during evaluation or credits? game's over, folks! if (gamestate == GS_ENDING || gamestate == GS_CREDITS || gamestate == GS_EVALUATION) gamecomplete = true; gameaction = ga_nothing; { char name[VERSIONSIZE]; size_t length; save_p = savebuffer = (UINT8 *)malloc(SAVEGAMESIZE); if (!save_p) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No more free memory for saving game data\n")); return; } memset(name, 0, sizeof (name)); sprintf(name, "version %d", VERSION); WRITEMEM(save_p, name, VERSIONSIZE); P_SaveGame(); length = save_p - savebuffer; saved = FIL_WriteFile(backup, savebuffer, length); free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; } gameaction = ga_nothing; if (cv_debug && saved) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Game saved.\n")); else if (!saved) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Error while writing to %s for save slot %u, base: %s\n"), backup, slot, savegamename); } #define BADSAVE goto cleanup; #define CHECKPOS if (save_p >= end_p) BADSAVE void G_SaveGameOver(UINT32 slot, boolean modifylives) { boolean saved = false; size_t length; char vcheck[VERSIONSIZE]; char savename[255]; const char *backup; sprintf(savename, savegamename, slot); backup = va("%s",savename); length = FIL_ReadFile(savename, &savebuffer); if (!length) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Couldn't read file %s\n"), savename); return; } { char temp[sizeof(timeattackfolder)]; UINT8 *end_p = savebuffer + length; UINT8 *lives_p; SINT8 pllives; save_p = savebuffer; // Version check memset(vcheck, 0, sizeof (vcheck)); sprintf(vcheck, "version %d", VERSION); if (strcmp((const char *)save_p, (const char *)vcheck)) BADSAVE save_p += VERSIONSIZE; // P_UnArchiveMisc() (void)READINT16(save_p); CHECKPOS (void)READUINT16(save_p); // emeralds CHECKPOS READSTRINGN(save_p, temp, sizeof(temp)); // mod it belongs to if (strcmp(temp, timeattackfolder)) BADSAVE // P_UnArchivePlayer() CHECKPOS (void)READUINT16(save_p); CHECKPOS WRITEUINT8(save_p, numgameovers); CHECKPOS lives_p = save_p; pllives = READSINT8(save_p); // lives CHECKPOS if (modifylives && pllives < startinglivesbalance[numgameovers]) { pllives = startinglivesbalance[numgameovers]; WRITESINT8(lives_p, pllives); } (void)READINT32(save_p); // Score CHECKPOS (void)READINT32(save_p); // continues // File end marker check CHECKPOS switch (READUINT8(save_p)) { case 0xb7: { UINT8 i, banksinuse; CHECKPOS banksinuse = READUINT8(save_p); CHECKPOS if (banksinuse > NUM_LUABANKS) BADSAVE for (i = 0; i < banksinuse; i++) { (void)READINT32(save_p); CHECKPOS } if (READUINT8(save_p) != 0x1d) BADSAVE } case 0x1d: break; default: BADSAVE } // done saved = FIL_WriteFile(backup, savebuffer, length); } cleanup: if (cv_debug && saved) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Game saved.\n")); else if (!saved) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Error while writing to %s for save slot %u, base: %s\n"), backup, slot, savegamename); Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = NULL; } #undef CHECKPOS #undef BADSAVE // // G_DeferedInitNew // Can be called by the startup code or the menu task, // consoleplayer, displayplayer, playeringame[] should be set. // void G_DeferedInitNew(boolean pultmode, const char *mapname, INT32 pickedchar, boolean SSSG, boolean FLS) { UINT8 color = skins[pickedchar].prefcolor; paused = false; if (demoplayback) COM_BufAddText("stopdemo\n"); ghosts = NULL; // this leave the actual game if needed SV_StartSinglePlayerServer(); if (savedata.lives > 0) { if ((botingame = ((botskin = savedata.botskin) != 0))) botcolor = skins[botskin-1].prefcolor; } else if (splitscreen != SSSG) { splitscreen = SSSG; SplitScreen_OnChange(); } color = skins[pickedchar].prefcolor; SetPlayerSkinByNum(consoleplayer, pickedchar); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[pickedchar].name); CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, color); if (mapname) D_MapChange(M_MapNumber(mapname[3], mapname[4]), gametype, pultmode, true, 1, false, FLS); } // // This is the map command interpretation something like Command_Map_f // // called at: map cmd execution, doloadgame, doplaydemo void G_InitNew(UINT8 pultmode, const char *mapname, boolean resetplayer, boolean skipprecutscene, boolean FLS) { INT32 i; if (paused) { paused = false; S_ResumeAudio(); } if (netgame || multiplayer) // Nice try, haxor. ultimatemode = false; if (!demoplayback && !netgame) // Netgame sets random seed elsewhere, demo playback sets seed just before us! P_SetRandSeed(M_RandomizedSeed()); // Use a more "Random" random seed if (resetplayer) { // Clear a bunch of variables numgameovers = tokenlist = token = sstimer = redscore = bluescore = lastmap = 0; countdown = countdown2 = exitfadestarted = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { players[i].playerstate = PST_REBORN; players[i].starpostscale = players[i].starpostangle = players[i].starpostnum = players[i].starposttime = 0; players[i].starpostx = players[i].starposty = players[i].starpostz = 0; if (netgame || multiplayer) { if (!FLS || (players[i].lives < 1)) players[i].lives = cv_startinglives.value; players[i].continues = 0; } else { players[i].lives = (pultmode) ? 1 : startinglivesbalance[0]; players[i].continues = (pultmode) ? 0 : 1; } if (!((netgame || multiplayer) && (FLS))) players[i].score = 0; // The latter two should clear by themselves, but just in case players[i].pflags &= ~(PF_TAGIT|PF_GAMETYPEOVER|PF_FULLSTASIS); // Clear cheatcodes too, just in case. players[i].pflags &= ~(PF_GODMODE|PF_NOCLIP|PF_INVIS); players[i].xtralife = 0; } // Reset unlockable triggers unlocktriggers = 0; // clear itemfinder, just in case if (!dedicated) // except in dedicated servers, where it is not registered and can actually I_Error debug builds CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_itemfinder, 0); } // internal game map // well this check is useless because it is done before (d_netcmd.c::command_map_f) // but in case of for demos.... if (W_CheckNumForName(mapname) == LUMPERROR) { I_Error("Internal game map '%s' not found\n", mapname); Command_ExitGame_f(); return; } gamemap = (INT16)M_MapNumber(mapname[3], mapname[4]); // get xx out of MAPxx // gamemap changed; we assume that its map header is always valid, // so make it so if(!mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]) P_AllocMapHeader(gamemap-1); maptol = mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->typeoflevel; globalweather = mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->weather; // Don't carry over custom music change to another map. mapmusflags |= MUSIC_RELOADRESET; ultimatemode = pultmode; automapactive = false; imcontinuing = false; if (!skipprecutscene && mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->precutscenenum && !modeattacking) // Start a custom cutscene. F_StartCustomCutscene(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->precutscenenum-1, true, resetplayer); else G_DoLoadLevel(resetplayer); if (netgame) { char *title = G_BuildMapTitle(gamemap); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Map is now \"%s"), G_BuildMapName(gamemap)); if (title) { CONS_Printf(": %s", title); Z_Free(title); } CONS_Printf("\"\n"); } } char *G_BuildMapTitle(INT32 mapnum) { char *title = NULL; if (!mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]) P_AllocMapHeader(mapnum-1); if (strcmp(mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->lvlttl, "")) { size_t len = 1; const char *zonetext = NULL; const INT32 actnum = mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->actnum; len += strlen(mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->lvlttl); if (!(mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->levelflags & LF_NOZONE)) { zonetext = M_GetText("ZONE"); len += strlen(zonetext) + 1; // ' ' + zonetext } if (actnum > 0) len += 1 + 11; // ' ' + INT32 title = Z_Malloc(len, PU_STATIC, NULL); sprintf(title, "%s", mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->lvlttl); if (zonetext) sprintf(title + strlen(title), " %s", zonetext); if (actnum > 0) sprintf(title + strlen(title), " %d", actnum); } return title; } // // DEMO RECORDING // #define DEMOVERSION 0x000c #define DEMOHEADER "\xF0" "SRB2Replay" "\x0F" #define DF_GHOST 0x01 // This demo contains ghost data too! #define DF_RECORDATTACK 0x02 // This demo is from record attack and contains its final completion time, score, and rings! #define DF_NIGHTSATTACK 0x04 // This demo is from NiGHTS attack and contains its time left, score, and mares! #define DF_ATTACKMASK 0x06 // This demo is from ??? attack and contains ??? #define DF_ATTACKSHIFT 1 // For demos #define ZT_FWD 0x01 #define ZT_SIDE 0x02 #define ZT_ANGLE 0x04 #define ZT_BUTTONS 0x08 #define ZT_AIMING 0x10 #define DEMOMARKER 0x80 // demoend #define METALDEATH 0x44 #define METALSNICE 0x69 static ticcmd_t oldcmd; // For Metal Sonic and time attack ghosts #define GZT_XYZ 0x01 #define GZT_MOMXY 0x02 #define GZT_MOMZ 0x04 #define GZT_ANGLE 0x08 #define GZT_FRAME 0x10 // Animation frame #define GZT_SPR2 0x20 // Player animations #define GZT_EXTRA 0x40 #define GZT_FOLLOW 0x80 // Followmobj // GZT_EXTRA flags #define EZT_THOK 0x01 // Spawned a thok object #define EZT_SPIN 0x02 // Because one type of thok object apparently wasn't enough #define EZT_REV 0x03 // And two types wasn't enough either yet #define EZT_THOKMASK 0x03 #define EZT_COLOR 0x04 // Changed color (Super transformation, Mario fireflowers/invulnerability, etc.) #define EZT_FLIP 0x08 // Reversed gravity #define EZT_SCALE 0x10 // Changed size #define EZT_HIT 0x20 // Damaged a mobj #define EZT_SPRITE 0x40 // Changed sprite set completely out of PLAY (NiGHTS, SOCs, whatever) #define EZT_HEIGHT 0x80 // Changed height // GZT_FOLLOW flags #define FZT_SPAWNED 0x01 // just been spawned #define FZT_SKIN 0x02 // has skin #define FZT_LINKDRAW 0x04 // has linkdraw (combine with spawned only) #define FZT_COLORIZED 0x08 // colorized (ditto) #define FZT_SCALE 0x10 // different scale to object // spare FZT slots 0x20 to 0x80 static mobj_t oldmetal, oldghost; void G_SaveMetal(UINT8 **buffer) { I_Assert(buffer != NULL && *buffer != NULL); WRITEUINT32(*buffer, metal_p - metalbuffer); } void G_LoadMetal(UINT8 **buffer) { I_Assert(buffer != NULL && *buffer != NULL); G_DoPlayMetal(); metal_p = metalbuffer + READUINT32(*buffer); } ticcmd_t *G_CopyTiccmd(ticcmd_t* dest, const ticcmd_t* src, const size_t n) { return M_Memcpy(dest, src, n*sizeof(*src)); } ticcmd_t *G_MoveTiccmd(ticcmd_t* dest, const ticcmd_t* src, const size_t n) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { dest[i].forwardmove = src[i].forwardmove; dest[i].sidemove = src[i].sidemove; dest[i].angleturn = SHORT(src[i].angleturn); dest[i].aiming = (INT16)SHORT(src[i].aiming); dest[i].buttons = (UINT16)SHORT(src[i].buttons); } return dest; } void G_ReadDemoTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 playernum) { UINT8 ziptic; (void)playernum; if (!demo_p || !demo_start) return; ziptic = READUINT8(demo_p); if (ziptic & ZT_FWD) oldcmd.forwardmove = READSINT8(demo_p); if (ziptic & ZT_SIDE) oldcmd.sidemove = READSINT8(demo_p); if (ziptic & ZT_ANGLE) oldcmd.angleturn = READINT16(demo_p); if (ziptic & ZT_BUTTONS) oldcmd.buttons = (oldcmd.buttons & (BT_CAMLEFT|BT_CAMRIGHT)) | (READUINT16(demo_p) & ~(BT_CAMLEFT|BT_CAMRIGHT)); if (ziptic & ZT_AIMING) oldcmd.aiming = READINT16(demo_p); G_CopyTiccmd(cmd, &oldcmd, 1); if (!(demoflags & DF_GHOST) && *demo_p == DEMOMARKER) { // end of demo data stream G_CheckDemoStatus(); return; } } void G_WriteDemoTiccmd(ticcmd_t *cmd, INT32 playernum) { char ziptic = 0; UINT8 *ziptic_p; (void)playernum; if (!demo_p) return; ziptic_p = demo_p++; // the ziptic, written at the end of this function if (cmd->forwardmove != oldcmd.forwardmove) { WRITEUINT8(demo_p,cmd->forwardmove); oldcmd.forwardmove = cmd->forwardmove; ziptic |= ZT_FWD; } if (cmd->sidemove != oldcmd.sidemove) { WRITEUINT8(demo_p,cmd->sidemove); oldcmd.sidemove = cmd->sidemove; ziptic |= ZT_SIDE; } if (cmd->angleturn != oldcmd.angleturn) { WRITEINT16(demo_p,cmd->angleturn); oldcmd.angleturn = cmd->angleturn; ziptic |= ZT_ANGLE; } if (cmd->buttons != oldcmd.buttons) { WRITEUINT16(demo_p,cmd->buttons); oldcmd.buttons = cmd->buttons; ziptic |= ZT_BUTTONS; } if (cmd->aiming != oldcmd.aiming) { WRITEINT16(demo_p,cmd->aiming); oldcmd.aiming = cmd->aiming; ziptic |= ZT_AIMING; } *ziptic_p = ziptic; // attention here for the ticcmd size! // latest demos with mouse aiming byte in ticcmd if (!(demoflags & DF_GHOST) && ziptic_p > demoend - 9) { G_CheckDemoStatus(); // no more space return; } } void G_GhostAddThok(void) { if (!metalrecording && (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST))) return; ghostext.flags = (ghostext.flags & ~EZT_THOKMASK) | EZT_THOK; } void G_GhostAddSpin(void) { if (!metalrecording && (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST))) return; ghostext.flags = (ghostext.flags & ~EZT_THOKMASK) | EZT_SPIN; } void G_GhostAddRev(void) { if (!metalrecording && (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST))) return; ghostext.flags = (ghostext.flags & ~EZT_THOKMASK) | EZT_REV; } void G_GhostAddFlip(void) { if (!metalrecording && (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST))) return; ghostext.flags |= EZT_FLIP; } void G_GhostAddColor(ghostcolor_t color) { if (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST)) return; if (ghostext.lastcolor == (UINT8)color) { ghostext.flags &= ~EZT_COLOR; return; } ghostext.flags |= EZT_COLOR; ghostext.color = (UINT8)color; } void G_GhostAddScale(fixed_t scale) { if (!metalrecording && (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST))) return; if (ghostext.lastscale == scale) { ghostext.flags &= ~EZT_SCALE; return; } ghostext.flags |= EZT_SCALE; ghostext.scale = scale; } void G_GhostAddHit(mobj_t *victim) { if (!demorecording || !(demoflags & DF_GHOST)) return; ghostext.flags |= EZT_HIT; ghostext.hits++; ghostext.hitlist = Z_Realloc(ghostext.hitlist, ghostext.hits * sizeof(mobj_t *), PU_LEVEL, NULL); ghostext.hitlist[ghostext.hits-1] = victim; } void G_WriteGhostTic(mobj_t *ghost) { char ziptic = 0; UINT8 *ziptic_p; UINT32 i; fixed_t height; if (!demo_p) return; if (!(demoflags & DF_GHOST)) return; // No ghost data to write. ziptic_p = demo_p++; // the ziptic, written at the end of this function #define MAXMOM (0xFFFF<<8) // GZT_XYZ is only useful if you've moved 256 FRACUNITS or more in a single tic. if (abs(ghost->x-oldghost.x) > MAXMOM || abs(ghost->y-oldghost.y) > MAXMOM || abs(ghost->z-oldghost.z) > MAXMOM) { oldghost.x = ghost->x; oldghost.y = ghost->y; oldghost.z = ghost->z; ziptic |= GZT_XYZ; WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldghost.x); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldghost.y); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldghost.z); } else { // For moving normally: // Store one full byte of movement, plus one byte of fractional movement. INT16 momx = (INT16)((ghost->x-oldghost.x)>>8); INT16 momy = (INT16)((ghost->y-oldghost.y)>>8); if (momx != oldghost.momx || momy != oldghost.momy) { oldghost.momx = momx; oldghost.momy = momy; ziptic |= GZT_MOMXY; WRITEINT16(demo_p,momx); WRITEINT16(demo_p,momy); } momx = (INT16)((ghost->z-oldghost.z)>>8); if (momx != oldghost.momz) { oldghost.momz = momx; ziptic |= GZT_MOMZ; WRITEINT16(demo_p,momx); } // This SHOULD set oldghost.x/y/z to match ghost->x/y/z // but it keeps the fractional loss of one byte, // so it will hopefully be made up for in future tics. oldghost.x += oldghost.momx<<8; oldghost.y += oldghost.momy<<8; oldghost.z += oldghost.momz<<8; } #undef MAXMOM // Only store the 8 most relevant bits of angle // because exact values aren't too easy to discern to begin with when only 8 angles have different sprites // and it does not affect this mode of movement at all anyway. if (ghost->player && ghost->player->drawangle>>24 != oldghost.angle) { oldghost.angle = ghost->player->drawangle>>24; ziptic |= GZT_ANGLE; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,oldghost.angle); } // Store the sprite frame. if ((ghost->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) != oldghost.frame) { oldghost.frame = (ghost->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK); ziptic |= GZT_FRAME; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,oldghost.frame); } if (ghost->sprite == SPR_PLAY && ghost->sprite2 != oldghost.sprite2) { oldghost.sprite2 = ghost->sprite2; ziptic |= GZT_SPR2; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,oldghost.sprite2); } // Check for sprite set changes if (ghost->sprite != oldghost.sprite) { oldghost.sprite = ghost->sprite; ghostext.flags |= EZT_SPRITE; } if ((height = FixedDiv(ghost->height, ghost->scale)) != oldghost.height) { oldghost.height = height; ghostext.flags |= EZT_HEIGHT; } if (ghostext.flags) { ziptic |= GZT_EXTRA; if (ghostext.color == ghostext.lastcolor) ghostext.flags &= ~EZT_COLOR; if (ghostext.scale == ghostext.lastscale) ghostext.flags &= ~EZT_SCALE; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,ghostext.flags); if (ghostext.flags & EZT_COLOR) { WRITEUINT8(demo_p,ghostext.color); ghostext.lastcolor = ghostext.color; } if (ghostext.flags & EZT_SCALE) { WRITEFIXED(demo_p,ghostext.scale); ghostext.lastscale = ghostext.scale; } if (ghostext.flags & EZT_HIT) { WRITEUINT16(demo_p,ghostext.hits); for (i = 0; i < ghostext.hits; i++) { mobj_t *mo = ghostext.hitlist[i]; //WRITEUINT32(demo_p,UINT32_MAX); // reserved for some method of determining exactly which mobj this is. (mobjnum doesn't work here.) WRITEUINT32(demo_p,mo->type); WRITEUINT16(demo_p,(UINT16)mo->health); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,mo->x); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,mo->y); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,mo->z); WRITEANGLE(demo_p,mo->angle); } Z_Free(ghostext.hitlist); ghostext.hits = 0; ghostext.hitlist = NULL; } if (ghostext.flags & EZT_SPRITE) WRITEUINT16(demo_p,oldghost.sprite); if (ghostext.flags & EZT_HEIGHT) { height >>= FRACBITS; WRITEINT16(demo_p, height); } ghostext.flags = 0; } if (ghost->player && ghost->player->followmobj && !(ghost->player->followmobj->sprite == SPR_NULL || (ghost->player->followmobj->flags2 & MF2_DONTDRAW))) // bloats tails runs but what can ya do { INT16 temp; UINT8 *followtic_p = demo_p++; UINT8 followtic = 0; ziptic |= GZT_FOLLOW; if (ghost->player->followmobj->skin) followtic |= FZT_SKIN; if (!(oldghost.flags2 & MF2_AMBUSH)) { followtic |= FZT_SPAWNED; WRITEINT16(demo_p,ghost->player->followmobj->info->height>>FRACBITS); if (ghost->player->followmobj->flags2 & MF2_LINKDRAW) followtic |= FZT_LINKDRAW; if (ghost->player->followmobj->colorized) followtic |= FZT_COLORIZED; if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) WRITEUINT8(demo_p,(UINT8)(((skin_t *)(ghost->player->followmobj->skin))-skins)); oldghost.flags2 |= MF2_AMBUSH; } temp = (INT16)((ghost->player->followmobj->x-ghost->x)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); temp = (INT16)((ghost->player->followmobj->y-ghost->y)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); temp = (INT16)((ghost->player->followmobj->z-ghost->z)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) WRITEUINT8(demo_p,ghost->player->followmobj->sprite2); WRITEUINT16(demo_p,ghost->player->followmobj->sprite); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,(ghost->player->followmobj->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK)); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,ghost->player->followmobj->color); if (ghost->player->followmobj->scale != ghost->scale) { followtic |= FZT_SCALE; WRITEFIXED(demo_p,ghost->player->followmobj->scale); } *followtic_p = followtic; } else oldghost.flags2 &= ~MF2_AMBUSH; *ziptic_p = ziptic; // attention here for the ticcmd size! // latest demos with mouse aiming byte in ticcmd if (demo_p >= demoend - (13 + 9 + 9)) { G_CheckDemoStatus(); // no more space return; } } // Uses ghost data to do consistency checks on your position. // This fixes desynchronising demos when fighting eggman. void G_ConsGhostTic(void) { UINT8 ziptic; UINT16 px,py,pz,gx,gy,gz; mobj_t *testmo; if (!demo_p || !demo_start) return; if (!(demoflags & DF_GHOST)) return; // No ghost data to use. testmo = players[0].mo; // Grab ghost data. ziptic = READUINT8(demo_p); if (ziptic & GZT_XYZ) { oldghost.x = READFIXED(demo_p); oldghost.y = READFIXED(demo_p); oldghost.z = READFIXED(demo_p); } else { if (ziptic & GZT_MOMXY) { oldghost.momx = READINT16(demo_p)<<8; oldghost.momy = READINT16(demo_p)<<8; } if (ziptic & GZT_MOMZ) oldghost.momz = READINT16(demo_p)<<8; oldghost.x += oldghost.momx; oldghost.y += oldghost.momy; oldghost.z += oldghost.momz; } if (ziptic & GZT_ANGLE) demo_p++; if (ziptic & GZT_FRAME) demo_p++; if (ziptic & GZT_SPR2) demo_p++; if (ziptic & GZT_EXTRA) { // But wait, there's more! UINT8 xziptic = READUINT8(demo_p); if (xziptic & EZT_COLOR) demo_p++; if (xziptic & EZT_SCALE) demo_p += sizeof(fixed_t); if (xziptic & EZT_HIT) { // Resync mob damage. UINT16 i, count = READUINT16(demo_p); thinker_t *th; mobj_t *mobj; UINT32 type; UINT16 health; fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t z; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { //demo_p += 4; // reserved. type = READUINT32(demo_p); health = READUINT16(demo_p); x = READFIXED(demo_p); y = READFIXED(demo_p); z = READFIXED(demo_p); demo_p += sizeof(angle_t); // angle, unnecessary for cons. mobj = NULL; for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mobj = (mobj_t *)th; if (mobj->type == (mobjtype_t)type && mobj->x == x && mobj->y == y && mobj->z == z) break; } if (th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ] && mobj->health != health) // Wasn't damaged?! This is desync! Fix it! { if (demosynced) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Demo playback has desynced!\n")); demosynced = false; P_DamageMobj(mobj, players[0].mo, players[0].mo, 1, 0); } } } if (xziptic & EZT_SPRITE) demo_p += sizeof(UINT16); if (xziptic & EZT_HEIGHT) demo_p += sizeof(INT16); } if (ziptic & GZT_FOLLOW) { // Even more... UINT8 followtic = READUINT8(demo_p); if (followtic & FZT_SPAWNED) { demo_p += sizeof(INT16); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) demo_p++; } if (followtic & FZT_SCALE) demo_p += sizeof(fixed_t); demo_p += sizeof(INT16); demo_p += sizeof(INT16); demo_p += sizeof(INT16); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) demo_p++; demo_p += sizeof(UINT16); demo_p++; demo_p++; } // Re-synchronise px = testmo->x>>FRACBITS; py = testmo->y>>FRACBITS; pz = testmo->z>>FRACBITS; gx = oldghost.x>>FRACBITS; gy = oldghost.y>>FRACBITS; gz = oldghost.z>>FRACBITS; if (px != gx || py != gy || pz != gz) { if (demosynced) CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Demo playback has desynced!\n")); demosynced = false; P_UnsetThingPosition(testmo); testmo->x = oldghost.x; testmo->y = oldghost.y; P_SetThingPosition(testmo); testmo->z = oldghost.z; } if (*demo_p == DEMOMARKER) { // end of demo data stream G_CheckDemoStatus(); return; } } void G_GhostTicker(void) { demoghost *g,*p; for(g = ghosts, p = NULL; g; g = g->next) { // Skip normal demo data. UINT8 ziptic = READUINT8(g->p); UINT8 xziptic = 0; if (ziptic & ZT_FWD) g->p++; if (ziptic & ZT_SIDE) g->p++; if (ziptic & ZT_ANGLE) g->p += 2; if (ziptic & ZT_BUTTONS) g->p += 2; if (ziptic & ZT_AIMING) g->p += 2; // Grab ghost data. ziptic = READUINT8(g->p); if (ziptic & GZT_XYZ) { g->oldmo.x = READFIXED(g->p); g->oldmo.y = READFIXED(g->p); g->oldmo.z = READFIXED(g->p); } else { if (ziptic & GZT_MOMXY) { g->oldmo.momx = READINT16(g->p)<<8; g->oldmo.momy = READINT16(g->p)<<8; } if (ziptic & GZT_MOMZ) g->oldmo.momz = READINT16(g->p)<<8; g->oldmo.x += g->oldmo.momx; g->oldmo.y += g->oldmo.momy; g->oldmo.z += g->oldmo.momz; } if (ziptic & GZT_ANGLE) g->mo->angle = READUINT8(g->p)<<24; if (ziptic & GZT_FRAME) g->oldmo.frame = READUINT8(g->p); if (ziptic & GZT_SPR2) g->oldmo.sprite2 = READUINT8(g->p); // Update ghost P_UnsetThingPosition(g->mo); g->mo->x = g->oldmo.x; g->mo->y = g->oldmo.y; g->mo->z = g->oldmo.z; P_SetThingPosition(g->mo); g->mo->frame = g->oldmo.frame | tr_trans30<fadein) { g->mo->frame += (((--g->fadein)/6)<fadein is bad, and it's only set once, so... g->mo->flags2 &= ~MF2_DONTDRAW; } g->mo->sprite2 = g->oldmo.sprite2; if (ziptic & GZT_EXTRA) { // But wait, there's more! xziptic = READUINT8(g->p); if (xziptic & EZT_COLOR) { g->color = READUINT8(g->p); switch(g->color) { default: case GHC_RETURNSKIN: g->mo->skin = g->oldmo.skin; /* FALLTHRU */ case GHC_NORMAL: // Go back to skin color g->mo->color = g->oldmo.color; break; // Handled below case GHC_SUPER: case GHC_INVINCIBLE: break; case GHC_FIREFLOWER: // Fireflower g->mo->color = SKINCOLOR_WHITE; break; case GHC_NIGHTSSKIN: // not actually a colour g->mo->skin = &skins[DEFAULTNIGHTSSKIN]; break; } } if (xziptic & EZT_FLIP) g->mo->eflags ^= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; if (xziptic & EZT_SCALE) { g->mo->destscale = READFIXED(g->p); if (g->mo->destscale != g->mo->scale) P_SetScale(g->mo, g->mo->destscale); } if (xziptic & EZT_THOKMASK) { // Let's only spawn ONE of these per frame, thanks. mobj_t *mobj; INT32 type = -1; if (g->mo->skin) { skin_t *skin = (skin_t *)g->mo->skin; switch (xziptic & EZT_THOKMASK) { case EZT_THOK: type = skin->thokitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].painchance : (UINT32)skin->thokitem; break; case EZT_SPIN: type = skin->spinitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].damage : (UINT32)skin->spinitem; break; case EZT_REV: type = skin->revitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].raisestate : (UINT32)skin->revitem; break; } } if (type != MT_NULL) { if (type == MT_GHOST) { mobj = P_SpawnGhostMobj(g->mo); // does a large portion of the work for us mobj->frame = (mobj->frame & ~FF_FRAMEMASK)|tr_trans60<mo, 0, 0, -FixedDiv(FixedMul(g->mo->info->height, g->mo->scale) - g->mo->height,3*FRACUNIT), MT_THOK); mobj->sprite = states[mobjinfo[type].spawnstate].sprite; mobj->frame = (states[mobjinfo[type].spawnstate].frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) | tr_trans60<color = g->mo->color; mobj->skin = g->mo->skin; P_SetScale(mobj, (mobj->destscale = g->mo->scale)); if (type == MT_THOK) // spintrail-specific modification for MT_THOK { mobj->frame = FF_TRANS80; mobj->fuse = mobj->tics; } mobj->tics = -1; // nope. } mobj->floorz = mobj->z; mobj->ceilingz = mobj->z+mobj->height; P_UnsetThingPosition(mobj); mobj->flags = MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT|MF_NOGRAVITY; // make an ATTEMPT to curb crazy SOCs fucking stuff up... P_SetThingPosition(mobj); if (!mobj->fuse) mobj->fuse = 8; P_SetTarget(&mobj->target, g->mo); } } if (xziptic & EZT_HIT) { // Spawn hit poofs for killing things! UINT16 i, count = READUINT16(g->p), health; UINT32 type; fixed_t x,y,z; angle_t angle; mobj_t *poof; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { //g->p += 4; // reserved type = READUINT32(g->p); health = READUINT16(g->p); x = READFIXED(g->p); y = READFIXED(g->p); z = READFIXED(g->p); angle = READANGLE(g->p); if (!(mobjinfo[type].flags & MF_SHOOTABLE) || !(mobjinfo[type].flags & (MF_ENEMY|MF_MONITOR)) || health != 0 || i >= 4) // only spawn for the first 4 hits per frame, to prevent ghosts from splode-spamming too bad. continue; poof = P_SpawnMobj(x, y, z, MT_GHOST); poof->angle = angle; poof->flags = MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT|MF_NOGRAVITY; // make an ATTEMPT to curb crazy SOCs fucking stuff up... poof->health = 0; P_SetMobjStateNF(poof, S_XPLD1); } } if (xziptic & EZT_SPRITE) g->mo->sprite = READUINT16(g->p); if (xziptic & EZT_HEIGHT) { fixed_t temp = READINT16(g->p)<mo->height = FixedMul(temp, g->mo->scale); } } // Tick ghost colors (Super and Mario Invincibility flashing) switch(g->color) { case GHC_SUPER: // Super (P_DoSuperStuff) if (g->mo->skin) { skin_t *skin = (skin_t *)g->mo->skin; g->mo->color = skin->supercolor; } else g->mo->color = SKINCOLOR_SUPERGOLD1; g->mo->color += abs( ( (signed)( (unsigned)leveltime >> 1 ) % 9) - 4); break; case GHC_INVINCIBLE: // Mario invincibility (P_CheckInvincibilityTimer) g->mo->color = (UINT8)(SKINCOLOR_RUBY + (leveltime % (MAXSKINCOLORS - SKINCOLOR_RUBY))); // Passes through all saturated colours break; default: break; } #define follow g->mo->tracer if (ziptic & GZT_FOLLOW) { // Even more... UINT8 followtic = READUINT8(g->p); fixed_t temp; if (followtic & FZT_SPAWNED) { if (follow) P_RemoveMobj(follow); P_SetTarget(&follow, P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(g->mo, 0, 0, 0, MT_GHOST)); P_SetTarget(&follow->tracer, g->mo); follow->tics = -1; temp = READINT16(g->p)<height = FixedMul(follow->scale, temp); if (followtic & FZT_LINKDRAW) follow->flags2 |= MF2_LINKDRAW; if (followtic & FZT_COLORIZED) follow->colorized = true; if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) follow->skin = &skins[READUINT8(g->p)]; } if (follow) { if (followtic & FZT_SCALE) follow->destscale = READFIXED(g->p); else follow->destscale = g->mo->destscale; if (follow->destscale != follow->scale) P_SetScale(follow, follow->destscale); P_UnsetThingPosition(follow); temp = READINT16(g->p)<<8; follow->x = g->mo->x + temp; temp = READINT16(g->p)<<8; follow->y = g->mo->y + temp; temp = READINT16(g->p)<<8; follow->z = g->mo->z + temp; P_SetThingPosition(follow); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) follow->sprite2 = READUINT8(g->p); else follow->sprite2 = 0; follow->sprite = READUINT16(g->p); follow->frame = (READUINT8(g->p)) | (g->mo->frame & FF_TRANSMASK); follow->angle = g->mo->angle; follow->color = READUINT8(g->p); if (!(followtic & FZT_SPAWNED)) { if (xziptic & EZT_FLIP) { follow->flags2 ^= MF2_OBJECTFLIP; follow->eflags ^= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; } } } } else if (follow) { P_RemoveMobj(follow); P_SetTarget(&follow, NULL); } // Demo ends after ghost data. if (*g->p == DEMOMARKER) { g->mo->momx = g->mo->momy = g->mo->momz = 0; #if 1 // freeze frame (maybe more useful for time attackers) g->mo->colorized = true; if (follow) follow->colorized = true; #else // dissapearing act g->mo->fuse = TICRATE; if (follow) follow->fuse = TICRATE; #endif if (p) p->next = g->next; else ghosts = g->next; Z_Free(g); continue; } p = g; #undef follow } } void G_ReadMetalTic(mobj_t *metal) { UINT8 ziptic; UINT8 xziptic = 0; if (!metal_p) return; if (!metal->health) { G_StopMetalDemo(); return; } switch (*metal_p) { case METALSNICE: break; case METALDEATH: if (metal->tracer) P_RemoveMobj(metal->tracer); P_KillMobj(metal, NULL, NULL, 0); /* FALLTHRU */ case DEMOMARKER: default: // end of demo data stream G_StopMetalDemo(); return; } metal_p++; ziptic = READUINT8(metal_p); // Read changes from the tic if (ziptic & GZT_XYZ) { P_TeleportMove(metal, READFIXED(metal_p), READFIXED(metal_p), READFIXED(metal_p)); oldmetal.x = metal->x; oldmetal.y = metal->y; oldmetal.z = metal->z; } else { if (ziptic & GZT_MOMXY) { oldmetal.momx = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; oldmetal.momy = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; } if (ziptic & GZT_MOMZ) oldmetal.momz = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; oldmetal.x += oldmetal.momx; oldmetal.y += oldmetal.momy; oldmetal.z += oldmetal.momz; } if (ziptic & GZT_ANGLE) metal->angle = READUINT8(metal_p)<<24; if (ziptic & GZT_FRAME) oldmetal.frame = READUINT32(metal_p); if (ziptic & GZT_SPR2) oldmetal.sprite2 = READUINT8(metal_p); // Set movement, position, and angle // oldmetal contains where you're supposed to be. metal->momx = oldmetal.momx; metal->momy = oldmetal.momy; metal->momz = oldmetal.momz; P_UnsetThingPosition(metal); metal->x = oldmetal.x; metal->y = oldmetal.y; metal->z = oldmetal.z; P_SetThingPosition(metal); metal->frame = oldmetal.frame; metal->sprite2 = oldmetal.sprite2; if (ziptic & GZT_EXTRA) { // But wait, there's more! xziptic = READUINT8(metal_p); if (xziptic & EZT_FLIP) metal->eflags ^= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; if (xziptic & EZT_SCALE) { metal->destscale = READFIXED(metal_p); if (metal->destscale != metal->scale) P_SetScale(metal, metal->destscale); } if (xziptic & EZT_THOKMASK) { // Let's only spawn ONE of these per frame, thanks. mobj_t *mobj; INT32 type = -1; if (metal->skin) { skin_t *skin = (skin_t *)metal->skin; switch (xziptic & EZT_THOKMASK) { case EZT_THOK: type = skin->thokitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].painchance : (UINT32)skin->thokitem; break; case EZT_SPIN: type = skin->spinitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].damage : (UINT32)skin->spinitem; break; case EZT_REV: type = skin->revitem < 0 ? (UINT32)mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].raisestate : (UINT32)skin->revitem; break; } } if (type != MT_NULL) { if (type == MT_GHOST) { mobj = P_SpawnGhostMobj(metal); // does a large portion of the work for us } else { mobj = P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(metal, 0, 0, -FixedDiv(FixedMul(metal->info->height, metal->scale) - metal->height,3*FRACUNIT), MT_THOK); mobj->sprite = states[mobjinfo[type].spawnstate].sprite; mobj->frame = states[mobjinfo[type].spawnstate].frame; mobj->angle = metal->angle; mobj->color = metal->color; mobj->skin = metal->skin; P_SetScale(mobj, (mobj->destscale = metal->scale)); if (type == MT_THOK) // spintrail-specific modification for MT_THOK { mobj->frame = FF_TRANS70; mobj->fuse = mobj->tics; } mobj->tics = -1; // nope. } mobj->floorz = mobj->z; mobj->ceilingz = mobj->z+mobj->height; P_UnsetThingPosition(mobj); mobj->flags = MF_NOBLOCKMAP|MF_NOCLIP|MF_NOCLIPHEIGHT|MF_NOGRAVITY; // make an ATTEMPT to curb crazy SOCs fucking stuff up... P_SetThingPosition(mobj); if (!mobj->fuse) mobj->fuse = 8; P_SetTarget(&mobj->target, metal); } } if (xziptic & EZT_SPRITE) metal->sprite = READUINT16(metal_p); if (xziptic & EZT_HEIGHT) { fixed_t temp = READINT16(metal_p)<height = FixedMul(temp, metal->scale); } } #define follow metal->tracer if (ziptic & GZT_FOLLOW) { // Even more... UINT8 followtic = READUINT8(metal_p); fixed_t temp; if (followtic & FZT_SPAWNED) { if (follow) P_RemoveMobj(follow); P_SetTarget(&follow, P_SpawnMobjFromMobj(metal, 0, 0, 0, MT_GHOST)); P_SetTarget(&follow->tracer, metal); follow->tics = -1; temp = READINT16(metal_p)<height = FixedMul(follow->scale, temp); if (followtic & FZT_LINKDRAW) follow->flags2 |= MF2_LINKDRAW; if (followtic & FZT_COLORIZED) follow->colorized = true; if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) follow->skin = &skins[READUINT8(metal_p)]; } if (follow) { if (followtic & FZT_SCALE) follow->destscale = READFIXED(metal_p); else follow->destscale = metal->destscale; if (follow->destscale != follow->scale) P_SetScale(follow, follow->destscale); P_UnsetThingPosition(follow); temp = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; follow->x = metal->x + temp; temp = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; follow->y = metal->y + temp; temp = READINT16(metal_p)<<8; follow->z = metal->z + temp; P_SetThingPosition(follow); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) follow->sprite2 = READUINT8(metal_p); else follow->sprite2 = 0; follow->sprite = READUINT16(metal_p); follow->frame = READUINT32(metal_p); // NOT & FF_FRAMEMASK here, so 32 bits follow->angle = metal->angle; follow->color = READUINT8(metal_p); if (!(followtic & FZT_SPAWNED)) { if (xziptic & EZT_FLIP) { follow->flags2 ^= MF2_OBJECTFLIP; follow->eflags ^= MFE_VERTICALFLIP; } } } } else if (follow) { P_RemoveMobj(follow); P_SetTarget(&follow, NULL); } #undef follow } void G_WriteMetalTic(mobj_t *metal) { UINT8 ziptic = 0; UINT8 *ziptic_p; fixed_t height; if (!demo_p) // demo_p will be NULL until the race start linedef executor is activated! return; WRITEUINT8(demo_p, METALSNICE); ziptic_p = demo_p++; // the ziptic, written at the end of this function #define MAXMOM (0xFFFF<<8) // GZT_XYZ is only useful if you've moved 256 FRACUNITS or more in a single tic. if (abs(metal->x-oldmetal.x) > MAXMOM || abs(metal->y-oldmetal.y) > MAXMOM || abs(metal->z-oldmetal.z) > MAXMOM) { oldmetal.x = metal->x; oldmetal.y = metal->y; oldmetal.z = metal->z; ziptic |= GZT_XYZ; WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldmetal.x); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldmetal.y); WRITEFIXED(demo_p,oldmetal.z); } else { // For moving normally: // Store one full byte of movement, plus one byte of fractional movement. INT16 momx = (INT16)((metal->x-oldmetal.x)>>8); INT16 momy = (INT16)((metal->y-oldmetal.y)>>8); if (momx != oldmetal.momx || momy != oldmetal.momy) { oldmetal.momx = momx; oldmetal.momy = momy; ziptic |= GZT_MOMXY; WRITEINT16(demo_p,momx); WRITEINT16(demo_p,momy); } momx = (INT16)((metal->z-oldmetal.z)>>8); if (momx != oldmetal.momz) { oldmetal.momz = momx; ziptic |= GZT_MOMZ; WRITEINT16(demo_p,momx); } // This SHOULD set oldmetal.x/y/z to match metal->x/y/z // but it keeps the fractional loss of one byte, // so it will hopefully be made up for in future tics. oldmetal.x += oldmetal.momx<<8; oldmetal.y += oldmetal.momy<<8; oldmetal.z += oldmetal.momz<<8; } #undef MAXMOM // Only store the 8 most relevant bits of angle // because exact values aren't too easy to discern to begin with when only 8 angles have different sprites // and it does not affect movement at all anyway. if (metal->player && metal->player->drawangle>>24 != oldmetal.angle) { oldmetal.angle = metal->player->drawangle>>24; ziptic |= GZT_ANGLE; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,oldmetal.angle); } // Store the sprite frame. if ((metal->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK) != oldmetal.frame) { oldmetal.frame = metal->frame; // NOT & FF_FRAMEMASK here, so 32 bits ziptic |= GZT_FRAME; WRITEUINT32(demo_p,oldmetal.frame); } if (metal->sprite == SPR_PLAY && metal->sprite2 != oldmetal.sprite2) { oldmetal.sprite2 = metal->sprite2; ziptic |= GZT_SPR2; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,oldmetal.sprite2); } // Check for sprite set changes if (metal->sprite != oldmetal.sprite) { oldmetal.sprite = metal->sprite; ghostext.flags |= EZT_SPRITE; } if ((height = FixedDiv(metal->height, metal->scale)) != oldmetal.height) { oldmetal.height = height; ghostext.flags |= EZT_HEIGHT; } if (ghostext.flags & ~(EZT_COLOR|EZT_HIT)) // these two aren't handled by metal ever { ziptic |= GZT_EXTRA; if (ghostext.scale == ghostext.lastscale) ghostext.flags &= ~EZT_SCALE; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,ghostext.flags); if (ghostext.flags & EZT_SCALE) { WRITEFIXED(demo_p,ghostext.scale); ghostext.lastscale = ghostext.scale; } if (ghostext.flags & EZT_SPRITE) WRITEUINT16(demo_p,oldmetal.sprite); if (ghostext.flags & EZT_HEIGHT) { height >>= FRACBITS; WRITEINT16(demo_p, height); } ghostext.flags = 0; } if (metal->player && metal->player->followmobj && !(metal->player->followmobj->sprite == SPR_NULL || (metal->player->followmobj->flags2 & MF2_DONTDRAW))) { INT16 temp; UINT8 *followtic_p = demo_p++; UINT8 followtic = 0; ziptic |= GZT_FOLLOW; if (metal->player->followmobj->skin) followtic |= FZT_SKIN; if (!(oldmetal.flags2 & MF2_AMBUSH)) { followtic |= FZT_SPAWNED; WRITEINT16(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->info->height>>FRACBITS); if (metal->player->followmobj->flags2 & MF2_LINKDRAW) followtic |= FZT_LINKDRAW; if (metal->player->followmobj->colorized) followtic |= FZT_COLORIZED; if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) WRITEUINT8(demo_p,(UINT8)(((skin_t *)(metal->player->followmobj->skin))-skins)); oldmetal.flags2 |= MF2_AMBUSH; } if (metal->player->followmobj->scale != metal->scale) { followtic |= FZT_SCALE; WRITEFIXED(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->scale); } temp = (INT16)((metal->player->followmobj->x-metal->x)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); temp = (INT16)((metal->player->followmobj->y-metal->y)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); temp = (INT16)((metal->player->followmobj->z-metal->z)>>8); WRITEINT16(demo_p,temp); if (followtic & FZT_SKIN) WRITEUINT8(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->sprite2); WRITEUINT16(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->sprite); WRITEUINT32(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->frame); // NOT & FF_FRAMEMASK here, so 32 bits WRITEUINT8(demo_p,metal->player->followmobj->color); *followtic_p = followtic; } else oldmetal.flags2 &= ~MF2_AMBUSH; *ziptic_p = ziptic; // attention here for the ticcmd size! // latest demos with mouse aiming byte in ticcmd if (demo_p >= demoend - 32) { G_StopMetalRecording(false); // no more space return; } } // // G_RecordDemo // void G_RecordDemo(const char *name) { INT32 maxsize; strcpy(demoname, name); strcat(demoname, ".lmp"); maxsize = 1024*1024; if (M_CheckParm("-maxdemo") && M_IsNextParm()) maxsize = atoi(M_GetNextParm()) * 1024; // if (demobuffer) // free(demobuffer); demo_p = NULL; demobuffer = malloc(maxsize); demoend = demobuffer + maxsize; demorecording = true; } void G_RecordMetal(void) { INT32 maxsize; maxsize = 1024*1024; if (M_CheckParm("-maxdemo") && M_IsNextParm()) maxsize = atoi(M_GetNextParm()) * 1024; demo_p = NULL; demobuffer = malloc(maxsize); demoend = demobuffer + maxsize; metalrecording = true; } void G_BeginRecording(void) { UINT8 i; char name[16]; player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer]; if (demo_p) return; memset(name,0,sizeof(name)); demo_p = demobuffer; demoflags = DF_GHOST|(modeattacking<>DF_ATTACKSHIFT) { case ATTACKING_NONE: // 0 break; case ATTACKING_RECORD: // 1 demotime_p = demo_p; WRITEUINT32(demo_p,UINT32_MAX); // time WRITEUINT32(demo_p,0); // score WRITEUINT16(demo_p,0); // rings break; case ATTACKING_NIGHTS: // 2 demotime_p = demo_p; WRITEUINT32(demo_p,UINT32_MAX); // time WRITEUINT32(demo_p,0); // score break; default: // 3 break; } WRITEUINT32(demo_p,P_GetInitSeed()); // Name for (i = 0; i < 16 && cv_playername.string[i]; i++) name[i] = cv_playername.string[i]; for (; i < 16; i++) name[i] = '\0'; M_Memcpy(demo_p,name,16); demo_p += 16; // Skin for (i = 0; i < 16 && cv_skin.string[i]; i++) name[i] = cv_skin.string[i]; for (; i < 16; i++) name[i] = '\0'; M_Memcpy(demo_p,name,16); demo_p += 16; // Color for (i = 0; i < 16 && cv_playercolor.string[i]; i++) name[i] = cv_playercolor.string[i]; for (; i < 16; i++) name[i] = '\0'; M_Memcpy(demo_p,name,16); demo_p += 16; // Stats WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->charability); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->charability2); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->actionspd>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->mindash>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->maxdash>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->normalspeed>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->runspeed>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->thrustfactor); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->accelstart); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->acceleration); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->height>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->spinheight>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->camerascale>>FRACBITS); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,player->shieldscale>>FRACBITS); // Trying to convert it back to % causes demo desync due to precision loss. // Don't do it. WRITEFIXED(demo_p, player->jumpfactor); // And mobjtype_t is best with UINT32 too... WRITEUINT32(demo_p, player->followitem); // Save pflag data - see SendWeaponPref() { UINT8 buf = 0; pflags_t pflags = 0; if (cv_flipcam.value) { buf |= 0x01; pflags |= PF_FLIPCAM; } if (cv_analog.value) { buf |= 0x02; pflags |= PF_ANALOGMODE; } if (cv_directionchar.value) { buf |= 0x04; pflags |= PF_DIRECTIONCHAR; } if (cv_autobrake.value) { buf |= 0x08; pflags |= PF_AUTOBRAKE; } if (cv_usejoystick.value) buf |= 0x10; CV_SetValue(&cv_showinputjoy, !!(cv_usejoystick.value)); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,buf); player->pflags = pflags; } // Save netvar data CV_SaveNetVars(&demo_p); memset(&oldcmd,0,sizeof(oldcmd)); memset(&oldghost,0,sizeof(oldghost)); memset(&ghostext,0,sizeof(ghostext)); ghostext.lastcolor = ghostext.color = GHC_NORMAL; ghostext.lastscale = ghostext.scale = FRACUNIT; if (player->mo) { oldghost.x = player->mo->x; oldghost.y = player->mo->y; oldghost.z = player->mo->z; oldghost.angle = player->mo->angle>>24; // preticker started us gravity flipped if (player->mo->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) ghostext.flags |= EZT_FLIP; } } void G_BeginMetal(void) { mobj_t *mo = players[consoleplayer].mo; #if 0 if (demo_p) return; #endif demo_p = demobuffer; // Write header. M_Memcpy(demo_p, DEMOHEADER, 12); demo_p += 12; WRITEUINT8(demo_p,VERSION); WRITEUINT8(demo_p,SUBVERSION); WRITEUINT16(demo_p,DEMOVERSION); // demo checksum demo_p += 16; M_Memcpy(demo_p, "METL", 4); demo_p += 4; memset(&ghostext,0,sizeof(ghostext)); ghostext.lastscale = ghostext.scale = FRACUNIT; // Set up our memory. memset(&oldmetal,0,sizeof(oldmetal)); oldmetal.x = mo->x; oldmetal.y = mo->y; oldmetal.z = mo->z; oldmetal.angle = mo->angle>>24; } void G_SetDemoTime(UINT32 ptime, UINT32 pscore, UINT16 prings) { if (!demorecording || !demotime_p) return; if (demoflags & DF_RECORDATTACK) { WRITEUINT32(demotime_p, ptime); WRITEUINT32(demotime_p, pscore); WRITEUINT16(demotime_p, prings); demotime_p = NULL; } else if (demoflags & DF_NIGHTSATTACK) { WRITEUINT32(demotime_p, ptime); WRITEUINT32(demotime_p, pscore); demotime_p = NULL; } } // Returns bitfield: // 1 == new demo has lower time // 2 == new demo has higher score // 4 == new demo has higher rings UINT8 G_CmpDemoTime(char *oldname, char *newname) { UINT8 *buffer,*p; UINT8 flags; UINT32 oldtime, newtime, oldscore, newscore; UINT16 oldrings, newrings, oldversion; size_t bufsize ATTRUNUSED; UINT8 c; UINT16 s ATTRUNUSED; UINT8 aflags = 0; // load the new file FIL_DefaultExtension(newname, ".lmp"); bufsize = FIL_ReadFile(newname, &buffer); I_Assert(bufsize != 0); p = buffer; // read demo header I_Assert(!memcmp(p, DEMOHEADER, 12)); p += 12; // DEMOHEADER c = READUINT8(p); // VERSION I_Assert(c == VERSION); c = READUINT8(p); // SUBVERSION I_Assert(c == SUBVERSION); s = READUINT16(p); I_Assert(s == DEMOVERSION); p += 16; // demo checksum I_Assert(!memcmp(p, "PLAY", 4)); p += 4; // PLAY p += 2; // gamemap p += 16; // map md5 flags = READUINT8(p); // demoflags aflags = flags & (DF_RECORDATTACK|DF_NIGHTSATTACK); I_Assert(aflags); if (flags & DF_RECORDATTACK) { newtime = READUINT32(p); newscore = READUINT32(p); newrings = READUINT16(p); } else if (flags & DF_NIGHTSATTACK) { newtime = READUINT32(p); newscore = READUINT32(p); newrings = 0; } else // appease compiler return 0; Z_Free(buffer); // load old file FIL_DefaultExtension(oldname, ".lmp"); if (!FIL_ReadFile(oldname, &buffer)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Failed to read file '%s'.\n"), oldname); return UINT8_MAX; } p = buffer; // read demo header if (memcmp(p, DEMOHEADER, 12)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' invalid format. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname); Z_Free(buffer); return UINT8_MAX; } p += 12; // DEMOHEADER p++; // VERSION p++; // SUBVERSION oldversion = READUINT16(p); switch(oldversion) // demoversion { case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported break; // too old, cannot support. default: CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' invalid format. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname); Z_Free(buffer); return UINT8_MAX; } p += 16; // demo checksum if (memcmp(p, "PLAY", 4)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' invalid format. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname); Z_Free(buffer); return UINT8_MAX; } p += 4; // "PLAY" if (oldversion <= 0x0008) p++; // gamemap else p += 2; // gamemap p += 16; // mapmd5 flags = READUINT8(p); if (!(flags & aflags)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("File '%s' not from same game mode. It will be overwritten.\n"), oldname); Z_Free(buffer); return UINT8_MAX; } if (flags & DF_RECORDATTACK) { oldtime = READUINT32(p); oldscore = READUINT32(p); oldrings = READUINT16(p); } else if (flags & DF_NIGHTSATTACK) { oldtime = READUINT32(p); oldscore = READUINT32(p); oldrings = 0; } else // appease compiler return UINT8_MAX; Z_Free(buffer); c = 0; if (newtime < oldtime || (newtime == oldtime && (newscore > oldscore || newrings > oldrings))) c |= 1; // Better time if (newscore > oldscore || (newscore == oldscore && newtime < oldtime)) c |= 1<<1; // Better score if (newrings > oldrings || (newrings == oldrings && newtime < oldtime)) c |= 1<<2; // Better rings return c; } // // G_PlayDemo // void G_DeferedPlayDemo(const char *name) { COM_BufAddText("playdemo \""); COM_BufAddText(name); COM_BufAddText("\"\n"); } // // Start a demo from a .LMP file or from a wad resource // void G_DoPlayDemo(char *defdemoname) { UINT8 i; lumpnum_t l; char skin[17],color[17],*n,*pdemoname; UINT8 version,subversion,charability,charability2,thrustfactor,accelstart,acceleration; pflags_t pflags; UINT32 randseed, followitem; fixed_t camerascale,shieldscale,actionspd,mindash,maxdash,normalspeed,runspeed,jumpfactor,height,spinheight; char msg[1024]; skin[16] = '\0'; color[16] = '\0'; n = defdemoname+strlen(defdemoname); while (*n != '/' && *n != '\\' && n != defdemoname) n--; if (n != defdemoname) n++; pdemoname = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(n)+1); strcpy(pdemoname,n); // Internal if no extension, external if one exists if (FIL_CheckExtension(defdemoname)) { //FIL_DefaultExtension(defdemoname, ".lmp"); if (!FIL_ReadFile(defdemoname, &demobuffer)) { snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("Failed to read file '%s'.\n"), defdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); gameaction = ga_nothing; M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); return; } demo_p = demobuffer; } // load demo resource from WAD else if ((l = W_CheckNumForName(defdemoname)) == LUMPERROR) { snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("Failed to read lump '%s'.\n"), defdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); gameaction = ga_nothing; M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); return; } else // it's an internal demo demobuffer = demo_p = W_CacheLumpNum(l, PU_STATIC); // read demo header gameaction = ga_nothing; demoplayback = true; if (memcmp(demo_p, DEMOHEADER, 12)) { snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("%s is not a SRB2 replay file.\n"), pdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(demobuffer); demoplayback = false; titledemo = false; return; } demo_p += 12; // DEMOHEADER version = READUINT8(demo_p); subversion = READUINT8(demo_p); demoversion = READUINT16(demo_p); switch(demoversion) { case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported break; // too old, cannot support. default: snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("%s is an incompatible replay format and cannot be played.\n"), pdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(demobuffer); demoplayback = false; titledemo = false; return; } demo_p += 16; // demo checksum if (memcmp(demo_p, "PLAY", 4)) { snprintf(msg, 1024, M_GetText("%s is the wrong type of recording and cannot be played.\n"), pdemoname); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "%s", msg); M_StartMessage(msg, NULL, MM_NOTHING); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(demobuffer); demoplayback = false; titledemo = false; return; } demo_p += 4; // "PLAY" gamemap = READINT16(demo_p); demo_p += 16; // mapmd5 demoflags = READUINT8(demo_p); modeattacking = (demoflags & DF_ATTACKMASK)>>DF_ATTACKSHIFT; CON_ToggleOff(); hu_demoscore = 0; hu_demotime = UINT32_MAX; hu_demorings = 0; switch (modeattacking) { case ATTACKING_NONE: // 0 break; case ATTACKING_RECORD: // 1 hu_demotime = READUINT32(demo_p); hu_demoscore = READUINT32(demo_p); hu_demorings = READUINT16(demo_p); break; case ATTACKING_NIGHTS: // 2 hu_demotime = READUINT32(demo_p); hu_demoscore = READUINT32(demo_p); break; default: // 3 modeattacking = ATTACKING_NONE; break; } // Random seed randseed = READUINT32(demo_p); // Player name M_Memcpy(player_names[0],demo_p,16); demo_p += 16; // Skin M_Memcpy(skin,demo_p,16); demo_p += 16; // Color M_Memcpy(color,demo_p,16); demo_p += 16; charability = READUINT8(demo_p); charability2 = READUINT8(demo_p); actionspd = (fixed_t)READUINT8(demo_p)<color = players[0].skincolor; oldghost.x = players[0].mo->x; oldghost.y = players[0].mo->y; oldghost.z = players[0].mo->z; } // Set saved attribute values // No cheat checking here, because even if they ARE wrong... // it would only break the replay if we clipped them. players[0].camerascale = camerascale; players[0].shieldscale = shieldscale; players[0].charability = charability; players[0].charability2 = charability2; players[0].actionspd = actionspd; players[0].mindash = mindash; players[0].maxdash = maxdash; players[0].normalspeed = normalspeed; players[0].runspeed = runspeed; players[0].thrustfactor = thrustfactor; players[0].accelstart = accelstart; players[0].acceleration = acceleration; players[0].height = height; players[0].spinheight = spinheight; players[0].jumpfactor = jumpfactor; players[0].followitem = followitem; players[0].pflags = pflags; demo_start = true; } void G_AddGhost(char *defdemoname) { INT32 i; lumpnum_t l; char name[17],skin[17],color[17],*n,*pdemoname,md5[16]; demoghost *gh; UINT8 flags; UINT8 *buffer,*p; mapthing_t *mthing; UINT16 count, ghostversion; name[16] = '\0'; skin[16] = '\0'; color[16] = '\0'; n = defdemoname+strlen(defdemoname); while (*n != '/' && *n != '\\' && n != defdemoname) n--; if (n != defdemoname) n++; pdemoname = ZZ_Alloc(strlen(n)+1); strcpy(pdemoname,n); // Internal if no extension, external if one exists if (FIL_CheckExtension(defdemoname)) { //FIL_DefaultExtension(defdemoname, ".lmp"); if (!FIL_ReadFileTag(defdemoname, &buffer, PU_LEVEL)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Failed to read file '%s'.\n"), defdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); return; } p = buffer; } // load demo resource from WAD else if ((l = W_CheckNumForName(defdemoname)) == LUMPERROR) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Failed to read lump '%s'.\n"), defdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); return; } else // it's an internal demo buffer = p = W_CacheLumpNum(l, PU_LEVEL); // read demo header if (memcmp(p, DEMOHEADER, 12)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: Not a SRB2 replay.\n"), pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } p += 12; // DEMOHEADER p++; // VERSION p++; // SUBVERSION ghostversion = READUINT16(p); switch(ghostversion) { case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported break; // too old, cannot support. default: CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: Demo version incompatible.\n"), pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } M_Memcpy(md5, p, 16); p += 16; // demo checksum for (gh = ghosts; gh; gh = gh->next) if (!memcmp(md5, gh->checksum, 16)) // another ghost in the game already has this checksum? { // Don't add another one, then! CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Rejecting duplicate ghost %s (MD5 was matched)\n", pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } if (memcmp(p, "PLAY", 4)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: Demo format unacceptable.\n"), pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } p += 4; // "PLAY" if (ghostversion <= 0x0008) p++; // gamemap else p += 2; // gamemap p += 16; // mapmd5 (possibly check for consistency?) flags = READUINT8(p); if (!(flags & DF_GHOST)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Ghost %s: No ghost data in this demo.\n"), pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } switch ((flags & DF_ATTACKMASK)>>DF_ATTACKSHIFT) { case ATTACKING_NONE: // 0 break; case ATTACKING_RECORD: // 1 p += 10; // demo time, score, and rings break; case ATTACKING_NIGHTS: // 2 p += 8; // demo time left, score break; default: // 3 break; } p += 4; // random seed // Player name (TODO: Display this somehow if it doesn't match cv_playername!) M_Memcpy(name, p,16); p += 16; // Skin M_Memcpy(skin, p,16); p += 16; // Color M_Memcpy(color, p,16); p += 16; // Ghosts do not have a player structure to put this in. p++; // charability p++; // charability2 p++; // actionspd p++; // mindash p++; // maxdash p++; // normalspeed p++; // runspeed p++; // thrustfactor p++; // accelstart p++; // acceleration p++; // height p++; // spinheight p++; // camerascale p++; // shieldscale p += 4; // jumpfactor p += 4; // followitem p++; // pflag data // net var data count = READUINT16(p); while (count--) { p += 2; SKIPSTRING(p); p++; } if (*p == DEMOMARKER) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Failed to add ghost %s: Replay is empty.\n"), pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); Z_Free(buffer); return; } gh = Z_Calloc(sizeof(demoghost), PU_LEVEL, NULL); gh->next = ghosts; gh->buffer = buffer; M_Memcpy(gh->checksum, md5, 16); gh->p = p; ghosts = gh; gh->version = ghostversion; mthing = playerstarts[0]; I_Assert(mthing); { // A bit more complex than P_SpawnPlayer because ghosts aren't solid and won't just push themselves out of the ceiling. fixed_t z,f,c; gh->mo = P_SpawnMobj(mthing->x << FRACBITS, mthing->y << FRACBITS, 0, MT_GHOST); gh->mo->angle = FixedAngle(mthing->angle*FRACUNIT); f = gh->mo->floorz; c = gh->mo->ceilingz - mobjinfo[MT_PLAYER].height; if (!!(mthing->options & MTF_AMBUSH) ^ !!(mthing->options & MTF_OBJECTFLIP)) { z = c; if (mthing->options >> ZSHIFT) z -= ((mthing->options >> ZSHIFT) << FRACBITS); if (z < f) z = f; } else { z = f; if (mthing->options >> ZSHIFT) z += ((mthing->options >> ZSHIFT) << FRACBITS); if (z > c) z = c; } gh->mo->z = z; } gh->oldmo.x = gh->mo->x; gh->oldmo.y = gh->mo->y; gh->oldmo.z = gh->mo->z; // Set skin gh->mo->skin = &skins[0]; for (i = 0; i < numskins; i++) if (!stricmp(skins[i].name,skin)) { gh->mo->skin = &skins[i]; break; } gh->oldmo.skin = gh->mo->skin; // Set color gh->mo->color = ((skin_t*)gh->mo->skin)->prefcolor; for (i = 0; i < MAXSKINCOLORS; i++) if (!stricmp(Color_Names[i],color)) { gh->mo->color = (UINT8)i; break; } gh->oldmo.color = gh->mo->color; gh->mo->state = states+S_PLAY_STND; gh->mo->sprite = gh->mo->state->sprite; gh->mo->sprite2 = (gh->mo->state->frame & FF_FRAMEMASK); //gh->mo->frame = tr_trans30<mo->flags2 |= MF2_DONTDRAW; gh->fadein = (9-3)*6; // fade from invisible to trans30 over as close to 35 tics as possible gh->mo->tics = -1; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Added ghost %s from %s\n"), name, pdemoname); Z_Free(pdemoname); } // // G_TimeDemo // NOTE: name is a full filename for external demos // static INT32 restorecv_vidwait; void G_TimeDemo(const char *name) { nodrawers = M_CheckParm("-nodraw"); noblit = M_CheckParm("-noblit"); restorecv_vidwait = cv_vidwait.value; if (cv_vidwait.value) CV_Set(&cv_vidwait, "0"); timingdemo = true; singletics = true; framecount = 0; demostarttime = I_GetTime(); G_DeferedPlayDemo(name); } void G_DoPlayMetal(void) { lumpnum_t l; mobj_t *mo = NULL; thinker_t *th; // it's an internal demo if ((l = W_CheckNumForName(va("%sMS",G_BuildMapName(gamemap)))) == LUMPERROR) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("No bot recording for this map.\n")); return; } else metalbuffer = metal_p = W_CacheLumpNum(l, PU_STATIC); // find metal sonic for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mo = (mobj_t *)th; if (mo->type != MT_METALSONIC_RACE) continue; break; } if (th == &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Failed to find bot entity.\n")); Z_Free(metalbuffer); return; } // read demo header metal_p += 12; // DEMOHEADER metal_p++; // VERSION metal_p++; // SUBVERSION metalversion = READUINT16(metal_p); switch(metalversion) { case DEMOVERSION: // latest always supported break; // too old, cannot support. default: CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Failed to load bot recording for this map, format version incompatible.\n")); Z_Free(metalbuffer); return; } metal_p += 16; // demo checksum if (memcmp(metal_p, "METL", 4)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Failed to load bot recording for this map, wasn't recorded in Metal format.\n")); Z_Free(metalbuffer); return; } metal_p += 4; // "METL" // read initial tic memset(&oldmetal,0,sizeof(oldmetal)); oldmetal.x = mo->x; oldmetal.y = mo->y; oldmetal.z = mo->z; metalplayback = mo; } void G_DoneLevelLoad(void) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Loaded level in %f sec\n"), (double)(I_GetTime() - demostarttime) / TICRATE); framecount = 0; demostarttime = I_GetTime(); } /* =================== = = G_CheckDemoStatus = = Called after a death or level completion to allow demos to be cleaned up = Returns true if a new demo loop action will take place =================== */ // Stops metal sonic's demo. Separate from other functions because metal + replays can coexist void G_StopMetalDemo(void) { // Metal Sonic finishing doesn't end the game, dammit. Z_Free(metalbuffer); metalbuffer = NULL; metalplayback = NULL; metal_p = NULL; } // Stops metal sonic recording. ATTRNORETURN void FUNCNORETURN G_StopMetalRecording(boolean kill) { boolean saved = false; if (demo_p) { UINT8 *p = demobuffer+16; // checksum position if (kill) WRITEUINT8(demo_p, METALDEATH); // add the metal death marker else WRITEUINT8(demo_p, DEMOMARKER); // add the demo end marker #ifdef NOMD5 { UINT8 i; for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, p++) *p = P_RandomByte(); // This MD5 was chosen by fair dice roll and most likely < 50% correct. } #else md5_buffer((char *)p+16, demo_p - (p+16), (void *)p); // make a checksum of everything after the checksum in the file. #endif saved = FIL_WriteFile(va("%sMS.LMP", G_BuildMapName(gamemap)), demobuffer, demo_p - demobuffer); // finally output the file. } free(demobuffer); metalrecording = false; if (saved) I_Error("Saved to %sMS.LMP", G_BuildMapName(gamemap)); I_Error("Failed to save demo!"); } // reset engine variable set for the demos // called from stopdemo command, map command, and g_checkdemoStatus. void G_StopDemo(void) { Z_Free(demobuffer); demobuffer = NULL; demoplayback = false; titledemo = false; timingdemo = false; singletics = false; if (gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION) Y_EndIntermission(); // cleanup G_SetGamestate(GS_NULL); wipegamestate = GS_NULL; SV_StopServer(); SV_ResetServer(); } boolean G_CheckDemoStatus(void) { boolean saved; while (ghosts) { demoghost *next = ghosts->next; Z_Free(ghosts); ghosts = next; } ghosts = NULL; // DO NOT end metal sonic demos here if (timingdemo) { INT32 demotime; double f1, f2; demotime = I_GetTime() - demostarttime; if (!demotime) return true; G_StopDemo(); timingdemo = false; f1 = (double)demotime; f2 = (double)framecount*TICRATE; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("timed %u gametics in %d realtics - %u frames\n%f seconds, %f avg fps\n"), leveltime,demotime,(UINT32)framecount,f1/TICRATE,f2/f1); // CSV-readable timedemo results, for external parsing if (timedemo_csv) { FILE *f; const char *csvpath = va("%s"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, "timedemo.csv"); const char *header = "id,demoname,seconds,avgfps,leveltime,demotime,framecount,ticrate,rendermode,vidmode,vidwidth,vidheight,procbits\n"; const char *rowformat = "\"%s\",\"%s\",%f,%f,%u,%d,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u,%u\n"; boolean headerrow = !FIL_FileExists(csvpath); UINT8 procbits = 0; // Bitness if (sizeof(void*) == 4) procbits = 32; else if (sizeof(void*) == 8) procbits = 64; f = fopen(csvpath, "a+"); if (f) { if (headerrow) fputs(header, f); fprintf(f, rowformat, timedemo_csv_id,timedemo_name,f1/TICRATE,f2/f1,leveltime,demotime,(UINT32)framecount,TICRATE,rendermode,vid.modenum,vid.width,vid.height,procbits); fclose(f); CONS_Printf("Timedemo results saved to '%s'\n", csvpath); } else { // Just print the CSV output to console CON_LogMessage(header); CONS_Printf(rowformat, timedemo_csv_id,timedemo_name,f1/TICRATE,f2/f1,leveltime,demotime,(UINT32)framecount,TICRATE,rendermode,vid.modenum,vid.width,vid.height,procbits); } } if (restorecv_vidwait != cv_vidwait.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_vidwait, restorecv_vidwait); D_AdvanceDemo(); return true; } if (demoplayback) { if (singledemo) I_Quit(); G_StopDemo(); if (modeattacking) M_EndModeAttackRun(); else D_AdvanceDemo(); return true; } if (demorecording) { UINT8 *p = demobuffer+16; // checksum position #ifdef NOMD5 UINT8 i; WRITEUINT8(demo_p, DEMOMARKER); // add the demo end marker for (i = 0; i < 16; i++, p++) *p = P_RandomByte(); // This MD5 was chosen by fair dice roll and most likely < 50% correct. #else WRITEUINT8(demo_p, DEMOMARKER); // add the demo end marker md5_buffer((char *)p+16, demo_p - (p+16), p); // make a checksum of everything after the checksum in the file. #endif saved = FIL_WriteFile(va(pandf, srb2home, demoname), demobuffer, demo_p - demobuffer); // finally output the file. free(demobuffer); demorecording = false; if (modeattacking != ATTACKING_RECORD) { if (saved) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Demo %s recorded\n"), demoname); else CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Demo %s not saved\n"), demoname); } return true; } return false; } // // G_SetGamestate // // Use this to set the gamestate, please. // void G_SetGamestate(gamestate_t newstate) { gamestate = newstate; } /* These functions handle the exitgame flag. Before, when the user chose to end a game, it happened immediately, which could cause crashes if the game was in the middle of something. Now, a flag is set, and the game can then be stopped when it's safe to do so. */ // Used as a callback function. void G_SetExitGameFlag(void) { exitgame = true; } void G_ClearExitGameFlag(void) { exitgame = false; } boolean G_GetExitGameFlag(void) { return exitgame; } // Same deal with retrying. void G_SetRetryFlag(void) { retrying = true; } void G_ClearRetryFlag(void) { retrying = false; } boolean G_GetRetryFlag(void) { return retrying; } // Time utility functions INT32 G_TicsToHours(tic_t tics) { return tics/(3600*TICRATE); } INT32 G_TicsToMinutes(tic_t tics, boolean full) { if (full) return tics/(60*TICRATE); else return tics/(60*TICRATE)%60; } INT32 G_TicsToSeconds(tic_t tics) { return (tics/TICRATE)%60; } INT32 G_TicsToCentiseconds(tic_t tics) { return (INT32)((tics%TICRATE) * (100.00f/TICRATE)); } INT32 G_TicsToMilliseconds(tic_t tics) { return (INT32)((tics%TICRATE) * (1000.00f/TICRATE)); }