linedefflags { 1 = "[0] Impassable"; 2 = "[1] Block Enemies"; 4 = "[2] Double-Sided"; 8 = "[3] Upper Unpegged"; 16 = "[4] Lower Unpegged"; 32 = "[5] Slope Skew (E1)"; 64 = "[6] Not Climbable"; 128 = "[7] No Midtexture Skew (E2)"; 256 = "[8] Peg Midtexture (E3)"; 512 = "[9] Solid Midtexture (E4)"; 1024 = "[10] Repeat Midtexture (E5)"; 2048 = "[11] Netgame Only"; 4096 = "[12] No Netgame"; 8192 = "[13] Effect 6"; 16384 = "[14] Bouncy Wall"; 32768 = "[15] Transfer Line"; } // LINEDEF ACTIVATIONS // Make sure these are in order from lowest value to highest value linedefactivations { } // Linedef flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted linedefflagstranslation { 1 = "blocking"; 2 = "blockmonsters"; 4 = "twosided"; 8 = "dontpegtop"; 16 = "dontpegbottom"; 32 = "skewtd"; 64 = "noclimb"; 128 = "noskew"; 256 = "midpeg"; 512 = "midsolid"; 1024 = "wrapmidtex"; 2048 = "netonly"; 4096 = "nonet"; 8192 = "effect6"; 16384 = "bouncy"; 32768 = "transfer"; } linedefflags_udmf { blocking = "Impassable"; blockmonsters = "Block Enemies"; twosided = "Double-Sided"; dontpegtop = "Upper Unpegged"; dontpegbottom = "Lower Unpegged"; skewtd = "Slope Skew"; noclimb = "Not Climbable"; noskew = "No Midtexture Skew"; midpeg = "Peg Midtexture"; midsolid = "Solid Midtexture"; wrapmidtex = "Repeat Midtexture"; // netonly = "Netgame Only"; // nonet = "No Netgame"; effect6 = "Effect 6"; bouncy = "Bouncy Wall"; transfer = "Transfer Line"; } linedefactivations_udmf { // notriggerorder = "Out of Order"; netonly = "Netgame Only"; nonet = "No Netgame"; } sidedefflags { clipmidtex = "Clip middle texture"; wrapmidtex = "Wrap middle texture"; smoothlighting = "Smooth lighting"; nofakecontrast = "Even lighting"; nodecals = "No decals"; lightfog = "Use sidedef brightness on fogged walls"; } //RENDER STYLES thingrenderstyles { } linedefrenderstyles { translucent = "Translucent"; fog = "Fog"; } sectorrenderstyles { } thingflags { 1 = "[1] Extra"; 2 = "[2] Flip"; 4 = "[4] Special"; 8 = "[8] Ambush"; } // THING FLAGS thingflags_udmf { extra = "Extra"; flip = "Flip"; special = "Special"; ambush = "Ambush"; } // Thing flags UDMF translation table // This is needed for copy/paste and prefabs to work properly // When the UDMF field name is prefixed with ! it is inverted thingflagstranslation { 1 = "extra"; 2 = "flip"; 4 = "special"; 8 = "ambush"; } // DEFAULT SECTOR BRIGHTNESS LEVELS sectorbrightness { 255; 248; 240; 232; 224; 216; 208; 200; 192; 184; 176; 168; 160; 152; 144; 136; 128; 120; 112; 104; 96; 88; 80; 72; 64; 56; 48; 40; 32; 24; 16; 8; 0; } /* TEXTURES AND FLAT SOURCES This tells Doom Builder where to find the information for textures and flats in the IWAD file, Addition WAD file and Map WAD file. Start and end lumps must be given in a structure (of which the key name doesnt matter) and any textures or flats in between them are loaded in either the textures category or flats category. For textures: PNAMES, TEXTURE1 and TEXTURE2 are loaded by default. */ textures { zdoom1 { start = "TX_START"; end = "TX_END"; } } /* ADDITIONAL UNIVERSAL DOOM MAP FORMAT FIELD DEFINITIONS Only add fields here that Doom Builder does not edit with its own user-interface! The "default" field must match the UDMF specifications! Field data types: 0 = integer * 1 = float 2 = string 3 = bool 4 = linedef action (integer) * 5 = sector effect (integer) * 6 = texture (string) 7 = flat (string) 8 = angle in degrees (integer) 9 = angle in radians (float) 10 = XXRRGGBB color (integer) 11 = enum option (integer) * 12 = enum bits (integer) * 13 = sector tag (integer) * 14 = thing tag (integer) * 15 = linedef tag (integer) * 16 = enum option (string) 17 = angle in degrees (float) 22 = byte angle (integer) */ universalfields { sector { friction { name = "Friction"; type = 1; default = 1; } specialeffectplanes { type = 11; enum = "floorceiling"; default = 0; } colormapbegin { type = 0; default = 0; } colormapend { type = 0; default = 33; } foglighting { type = 3; default = false; } teambase { type = 11; enum = "ctfteam"; default = 0; } triggersector { type = 3; default = false; } triggerobject { type = 11; enum = "triggerobjects"; default = 0; } triggersurface { type = 11; enum = "triggersurfaces"; default = 0; } ringdrain { type = 1; default = 0; } } linedef { executordelay { type = 0; default = 0; } midtexrepetitions { type = 0; default = 0; } arg5 { type = 0; default = 0; } arg1str { type = 2; default = ""; } } thing { } } /* MAP LUMP NAMES Map lumps are loaded with the map as long as they are right after each other. When the editor meets a lump which is not defined in this list it will ignore the map if not satisfied. The order of items defines the order in which lumps will be written to WAD file on save. To indicate the map header lump, use ~MAP Legenda: required = Lump is required to exist. blindcopy = Lump will be copied along with the map blindly. (useful for lumps Doom Builder doesn't use) nodebuild = The nodebuilder generates this lump. allowempty = The nodebuilder is allowed to leave this lump empty. scriptbuild = This lump is a text-based script, which should be compiled using current script compiler; script = This lump is a text-based script. Specify the filename of the script configuration to use. */ doommaplumpnames { ~MAP { required = true; blindcopy = true; nodebuild = false; } THINGS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } LINEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SIDEDEFS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } VERTEXES { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SEGS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SSECTORS { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } NODES { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } SECTORS { required = true; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } REJECT { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } BLOCKMAP { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } } udmfmaplumpnames { ZNODES { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } REJECT { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = false; } BLOCKMAP { required = false; nodebuild = true; allowempty = true; } } // ENUMERATIONS // These are enumerated lists for linedef types and UDMF fields. // Reserved names are: angledeg, anglerad, color, texture, flat enums { falsetrue { 0 = "False"; 1 = "True"; } yesno { 0 = "Yes"; 1 = "No"; } noyes { 0 = "No"; 1 = "Yes"; } onoff { 0 = "On"; 1 = "Off"; } offon { 0 = "Off"; 1 = "On"; } updown { 0 = "Up"; 1 = "Down"; } downup { 0 = "Down"; 1 = "Up"; } addset { 0 = "Add"; 1 = "Set"; } floorceiling { 0 = "Floor"; 1 = "Ceiling"; 2 = "Floor and ceiling"; } triggertype { 0 = "Continuous"; 1 = "Each Time (Enter)"; 2 = "Each Time (Enter and leave)"; 3 = "Once"; } frontback { 0 = "None"; 1 = "Front"; 2 = "Back"; } ctfteam { 0 = "None"; 1 = "Red"; 2 = "Blue"; } triggerobjects { 0 = "Any player"; 1 = "All players"; 2 = "Pushable object"; 3 = "Any object with thinker"; } triggersurfaces { 0 = "Floor touch"; 1 = "Ceiling touch"; 2 = "Floor or ceiling touch"; 3 = "Anywhere in sector"; } tangibility { 1 = "Intangible from top"; 2 = "Intangible from bottom"; 4 = "Don't block players"; 8 = "Don't block non-players"; } } //Default things filters thingsfilters { filter0 { name = "Player starts"; category = "starts"; type = -1; } filter1 { name = "Enemies"; category = "enemies"; type = -1; } filter2 { name = "NiGHTS Track"; category = "nightstrk"; type = -1; } filter3 { name = "Normal Gravity"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 2 = false; } } filter4 { name = "Reverse Gravity"; category = ""; type = -1; fields { 2 = true; } } } thingsfilters_udmf { } // Special linedefs speciallinedefs { soundlinedefflag = 64; // See linedefflags singlesidedflag = 1; // See linedefflags doublesidedflag = 4; // See linedefflags impassableflag = 1; upperunpeggedflag = 8; lowerunpeggedflag = 16; repeatmidtextureflag = 1024; pegmidtextureflag = 256; } speciallinedefs_udmf { soundlinedefflag = "noclimb"; singlesidedflag = "blocking"; doublesidedflag = "twosided"; impassableflag = "blocking"; upperunpeggedflag = "dontpegtop"; lowerunpeggedflag = "dontpegbottom"; repeatmidtextureflag = "wrapmidtex"; pegmidtextureflag = "midpeg"; } scriptlumpnames { MAINCFG { script = "SOC.cfg"; } OBJCTCFG { script = "SOC.cfg"; } SOC_ { script = "SOC.cfg"; isprefix = true; } LUA_ { script = "Lua.cfg"; isprefix = true; } } // Texture sources textures { zdoom1 { start = "TX_START"; end = "TX_END"; } } // Patch sources patches { standard1 { start = "P_START"; end = "P_END"; } standard2 { start = "PP_START"; end = "PP_END"; } } // Sprite sources sprites { standard1 { start = "S_START"; end = "S_END"; } standard2 { start = "SS_START"; end = "SS_END"; } } // Flat sources flats { standard1 { start = "F_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard2 { start = "FF_START"; end = "FF_END"; } standard3 { start = "FF_START"; end = "F_END"; } standard4 { start = "F_START"; end = "FF_END"; } }