// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2006 by Randy Heit. // Copyright (C) 2023 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file r_translation.c /// \brief Translation table handling #include "r_translation.h" #include "r_data.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "v_video.h" // pMasterPalette #include "z_zone.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "m_tokenizer.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include static remaptable_t **paletteremaps = NULL; static unsigned numpaletteremaps = 0; static int allWhiteRemap = 0; static int dashModeRemap = 0; static void MakeGrayscaleRemap(void); static void MakeInvertRemap(void); static void MakeDashModeRemap(void); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoIndexRange(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int pal1, int pal2); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoColorRange(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r1i, int g1i, int b1i, int r2i, int g2i, int b2i); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoDesaturation(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, double r1, double g1, double b1, double r2, double g2, double b2); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoColourisation(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r, int g, int b); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoTint(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r, int g, int b, int amount); static boolean PaletteRemap_DoInvert(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end); static void PaletteRemap_Apply(UINT8 *remap, paletteremap_t *data); static void InitSource(paletteremap_t *source, paletteremaptype_t type, int start, int end) { source->type = type; source->start = start; source->end = end; } static paletteremap_t *AddSource(remaptable_t *tr, paletteremaptype_t type, int start, int end) { paletteremap_t *remap = NULL; tr->num_sources++; tr->sources = Z_Realloc(tr->sources, tr->num_sources * sizeof(paletteremap_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); remap = &tr->sources[tr->num_sources - 1]; InitSource(remap, type, start, end); return remap; } void PaletteRemap_Init(void) { // First translation must be the identity one. remaptable_t *base = PaletteRemap_New(); PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(base); PaletteRemap_Add(base); // Grayscale translation MakeGrayscaleRemap(); // All white (TC_ALLWHITE) remaptable_t *allWhite = PaletteRemap_New(); memset(allWhite->remap, 0, NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES * sizeof(UINT8)); allWhiteRemap = PaletteRemap_Add(allWhite); R_AddCustomTranslation("AllWhite", allWhiteRemap); // All black remaptable_t *allBlack = PaletteRemap_New(); memset(allBlack->remap, 31, NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES * sizeof(UINT8)); R_AddCustomTranslation("AllBlack", PaletteRemap_Add(allBlack)); // Invert MakeInvertRemap(); // Dash mode (TC_DASHMODE) MakeDashModeRemap(); } remaptable_t *PaletteRemap_New(void) { remaptable_t *tr = Z_Calloc(sizeof(remaptable_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); tr->num_entries = NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES; return tr; } remaptable_t *PaletteRemap_Copy(remaptable_t *tr) { remaptable_t *copy = Z_Malloc(sizeof(remaptable_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); memcpy(copy, tr, sizeof(remaptable_t)); return copy; } boolean PaletteRemap_Equal(remaptable_t *a, remaptable_t *b) { if (a->num_entries != b->num_entries) return false; return memcmp(a->remap, b->remap, a->num_entries) == 0; } void PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(remaptable_t *tr) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < tr->num_entries; i++) { tr->remap[i] = i; } } boolean PaletteRemap_IsIdentity(remaptable_t *tr) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES; i++) { if (tr->remap[i] != i) return false; } return true; } unsigned PaletteRemap_Add(remaptable_t *tr) { numpaletteremaps++; paletteremaps = Z_Realloc(paletteremaps, sizeof(remaptable_t *) * numpaletteremaps, PU_STATIC, NULL); paletteremaps[numpaletteremaps - 1] = tr; return numpaletteremaps - 1; } static void MakeGrayscaleRemap(void) { remaptable_t *grayscale = PaletteRemap_New(); paletteremap_t *source = AddSource(grayscale, REMAP_ADD_DESATURATION, 0, 255); source->desaturation.r1 = 0.0; source->desaturation.g1 = 0.0; source->desaturation.b1 = 0.0; source->desaturation.r2 = 1.0; source->desaturation.g2 = 1.0; source->desaturation.b2 = 1.0; PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(grayscale); PaletteRemap_Apply(grayscale->remap, source); R_AddCustomTranslation("Grayscale", PaletteRemap_Add(grayscale)); } static void MakeInvertRemap(void) { remaptable_t *invertRemap = PaletteRemap_New(); paletteremap_t *source = AddSource(invertRemap, REMAP_ADD_INVERT, 0, 255); PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(invertRemap); PaletteRemap_Apply(invertRemap->remap, source); R_AddCustomTranslation("Invert", PaletteRemap_Add(invertRemap)); } // This is a long one, because MotorRoach basically hand-picked the indices static void MakeDashModeRemap(void) { remaptable_t *dashmode = PaletteRemap_New(); PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(dashmode); UINT8 *dest_colormap = dashmode->remap; // greens -> ketchups dest_colormap[96] = dest_colormap[97] = 48; dest_colormap[98] = 49; dest_colormap[99] = 51; dest_colormap[100] = 52; dest_colormap[101] = dest_colormap[102] = 54; dest_colormap[103] = 34; dest_colormap[104] = 37; dest_colormap[105] = 39; dest_colormap[106] = 41; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 5; i++) dest_colormap[107 + i] = 43 + i; // reds -> steel blues dest_colormap[32] = 146; dest_colormap[33] = 147; dest_colormap[34] = dest_colormap[35] = 170; dest_colormap[36] = 171; dest_colormap[37] = dest_colormap[38] = 172; dest_colormap[39] = dest_colormap[40] = dest_colormap[41] = 173; dest_colormap[42] = dest_colormap[43] = dest_colormap[44] = 174; dest_colormap[45] = dest_colormap[46] = dest_colormap[47] = 175; dest_colormap[71] = 139; // steel blues -> oranges dest_colormap[170] = 52; dest_colormap[171] = 54; dest_colormap[172] = 56; dest_colormap[173] = 42; dest_colormap[174] = 45; dest_colormap[175] = 47; dashModeRemap = PaletteRemap_Add(dashmode); R_AddCustomTranslation("DashMode", dashModeRemap); } static boolean PalIndexOutOfRange(int color) { return color < 0 || color > 255; } static boolean IndicesOutOfRange(int start, int end) { return PalIndexOutOfRange(start) || PalIndexOutOfRange(end); } static boolean IndicesOutOfRange2(int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2) { return IndicesOutOfRange(start1, end1) || IndicesOutOfRange(start2, end2); } #define SWAP(a, b, t) { \ t swap = a; \ a = b; \ b = swap; \ } static boolean PaletteRemap_DoIndexRange(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int pal1, int pal2) { if (IndicesOutOfRange2(start, end, pal1, pal2)) return false; if (start > end) { SWAP(start, end, int); SWAP(pal1, pal2, int); } else if (start == end) { remap[start] = pal1; return true; } double palcol = pal1; double palstep = (pal2 - palcol) / (end - start); for (int i = start; i <= end; palcol += palstep, ++i) { double idx = round(palcol); remap[i] = (int)idx; } return true; } static boolean PaletteRemap_DoColorRange(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r1i, int g1i, int b1i, int r2i, int g2i, int b2i) { if (IndicesOutOfRange(start, end)) return false; double r1 = r1i; double g1 = g1i; double b1 = b1i; double r2 = r2i; double g2 = g2i; double b2 = b2i; double r, g, b; double rs, gs, bs; if (start > end) { SWAP(start, end, int); r = r2; g = g2; b = b2; rs = r1 - r2; gs = g1 - g2; bs = b1 - b2; } else { r = r1; g = g1; b = b1; rs = r2 - r1; gs = g2 - g1; bs = b2 - b1; } if (start == end) { remap[start] = NearestColor(r, g, b); } else { rs /= (end - start); gs /= (end - start); bs /= (end - start); for (int i = start; i <= end; ++i) { remap[i] = NearestColor(r, g, b); r += rs; g += gs; b += bs; } } return true; } #define CLAMP(val, minval, maxval) max(min(val, maxval), minval) static boolean PaletteRemap_DoDesaturation(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, double r1, double g1, double b1, double r2, double g2, double b2) { if (IndicesOutOfRange(start, end)) return false; r1 = CLAMP(r1, 0.0, 2.0); g1 = CLAMP(g1, 0.0, 2.0); b1 = CLAMP(b1, 0.0, 2.0); r2 = CLAMP(r2, 0.0, 2.0); g2 = CLAMP(g2, 0.0, 2.0); b2 = CLAMP(b2, 0.0, 2.0); if (start > end) { SWAP(start, end, int); SWAP(r1, r2, double); SWAP(g1, g2, double); SWAP(b1, b2, double); } r2 -= r1; g2 -= g1; b2 -= b1; r1 *= 255; g1 *= 255; b1 *= 255; for (int c = start; c <= end; c++) { double intensity = (pMasterPalette[remap[c]].s.red * 77 + pMasterPalette[remap[c]].s.green * 143 + pMasterPalette[remap[c]].s.blue * 37) / 255.0; remap[c] = NearestColor( min(255, max(0, (int)(r1 + intensity*r2))), min(255, max(0, (int)(g1 + intensity*g2))), min(255, max(0, (int)(b1 + intensity*b2))) ); } return true; } #undef CLAMP #undef SWAP static boolean PaletteRemap_DoColourisation(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r, int g, int b) { if (IndicesOutOfRange(start, end)) return false; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { double br = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.red; double bg = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.green; double bb = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.blue; double grey = (br * 0.299 + bg * 0.587 + bb * 0.114) / 255.0f; if (grey > 1.0) grey = 1.0; br = r * grey; bg = g * grey; bb = b * grey; remap[i] = NearestColor( (int)br, (int)bg, (int)bb ); } return true; } static boolean PaletteRemap_DoTint(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end, int r, int g, int b, int amount) { if (IndicesOutOfRange(start, end)) return false; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { float br = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.red; float bg = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.green; float bb = pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.blue; float a = amount * 0.01f; float ia = 1.0f - a; br = br * ia + r * a; bg = bg * ia + g * a; bb = bb * ia + b * a; remap[i] = NearestColor( (int)br, (int)bg, (int)bb ); } return true; } static boolean PaletteRemap_DoInvert(UINT8 *remap, int start, int end) { if (IndicesOutOfRange(start, end)) return false; for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) { remap[i] = NearestColor( 255 - pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.red, 255 - pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.green, 255 - pMasterPalette[remap[i]].s.blue ); } return true; } struct PaletteRemapParseResult { paletteremap_t remap; char *error; }; struct ParsedTranslation { struct ParsedTranslation *next; remaptable_t *remap; remaptable_t *baseTranslation; }; static struct ParsedTranslation *parsedTranslationListHead = NULL; static struct ParsedTranslation *parsedTranslationListTail = NULL; static void AddParsedTranslation(remaptable_t *remap, remaptable_t *base_translation) { struct ParsedTranslation *node = Z_Calloc(sizeof(struct ParsedTranslation), PU_STATIC, NULL); node->remap = remap; node->baseTranslation = base_translation; if (parsedTranslationListHead == NULL) parsedTranslationListHead = parsedTranslationListTail = node; else { parsedTranslationListTail->next = node; parsedTranslationListTail = node; } } static void PaletteRemap_Apply(UINT8 *remap, paletteremap_t *data) { int start = data->start; int end = data->end; switch (data->type) { case REMAP_ADD_INDEXRANGE: PaletteRemap_DoIndexRange(remap, start, end, data->indexRange.pal1, data->indexRange.pal2); break; case REMAP_ADD_COLORRANGE: PaletteRemap_DoColorRange(remap, start, end, data->colorRange.r1, data->colorRange.g1, data->colorRange.b1, data->colorRange.r2, data->colorRange.g2, data->colorRange.b2); break; case REMAP_ADD_COLOURISATION: PaletteRemap_DoColourisation(remap, start, end, data->colourisation.r, data->colourisation.g, data->colourisation.b); break; case REMAP_ADD_DESATURATION: PaletteRemap_DoDesaturation(remap, start, end, data->desaturation.r1, data->desaturation.g1, data->desaturation.b1, data->desaturation.r2, data->desaturation.g2, data->desaturation.b2); break; case REMAP_ADD_TINT: PaletteRemap_DoTint(remap, start, end, data->tint.r, data->tint.g, data->tint.b, data->tint.amount); break; case REMAP_ADD_INVERT: PaletteRemap_DoInvert(remap, start, end); break; } } void R_LoadParsedTranslations(void) { struct ParsedTranslation *node = parsedTranslationListHead; while (node) { struct ParsedTranslation *next = node->next; remaptable_t *tr = node->remap; PaletteRemap_SetIdentity(tr); if (node->baseTranslation) memcpy(tr, node->baseTranslation, sizeof(remaptable_t)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < tr->num_sources; i++) PaletteRemap_Apply(tr->remap, &tr->sources[i]); Z_Free(node); node = next; } parsedTranslationListHead = parsedTranslationListTail = NULL; } static boolean ExpectToken(tokenizer_t *sc, const char *expect) { const char *tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn) return false; return strcmp(tkn, expect) == 0; } static boolean ParseNumber(tokenizer_t *sc, int *out) { const char *tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn) return false; return M_StringToNumber(tkn, out); } static boolean ParseDecimal(tokenizer_t *sc, double *out) { const char *tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn) return false; return M_StringToDecimal(tkn, out); } static struct PaletteRemapParseResult *ThrowError(const char *format, ...) { const size_t err_size = 512 * sizeof(char); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *err = Z_Calloc(sizeof(struct PaletteRemapParseResult), PU_STATIC, NULL); err->error = Z_Calloc(err_size, PU_STATIC, NULL); va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsnprintf(err->error, err_size, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); return err; } static struct PaletteRemapParseResult *MakeResult(paletteremaptype_t type, int start, int end) { struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = Z_Calloc(sizeof(struct PaletteRemapParseResult), PU_STATIC, NULL); InitSource(&tr->remap, type, start, end); return tr; } static struct PaletteRemapParseResult *PaletteRemap_ParseString(tokenizer_t *sc) { int start, end; if (!ParseNumber(sc, &start)) return ThrowError("expected a number for start range"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ":")) return ThrowError("expected ':'"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &end)) return ThrowError("expected a number for end range"); if (start < 0 || start > 255 || end < 0 || end > 255) return ThrowError("palette indices out of range"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "=")) return ThrowError("expected '='"); const char *tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (tkn == NULL) return ThrowError("unexpected EOF"); if (strcmp(tkn, "[") == 0) { // translation using RGB values int r1, g1, b1; int r2, g2, b2; // start if (!ParseNumber(sc, &r1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &g1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &b1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ":")) return ThrowError("expected ':'"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "[")) return ThrowError("expected '["); // end if (!ParseNumber(sc, &r2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &g2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &b2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = MakeResult(REMAP_ADD_COLORRANGE, start, end); tr->remap.colorRange.r1 = r1; tr->remap.colorRange.g1 = g1; tr->remap.colorRange.b1 = b1; tr->remap.colorRange.r2 = r2; tr->remap.colorRange.g2 = g2; tr->remap.colorRange.b2 = b2; return tr; } else if (strcmp(tkn, "%") == 0) { // translation using RGB values (desaturation) double r1, g1, b1; double r2, g2, b2; if (!ExpectToken(sc, "[")) return ThrowError("expected '["); // start if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &r1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &g1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &b1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ":")) return ThrowError("expected ':'"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "[")) return ThrowError("expected '["); // end if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &r2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &g2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseDecimal(sc, &b2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = MakeResult(REMAP_ADD_DESATURATION, start, end); tr->remap.desaturation.r1 = r1; tr->remap.desaturation.g1 = g1; tr->remap.desaturation.b1 = b1; tr->remap.desaturation.r2 = r2; tr->remap.desaturation.g2 = g2; tr->remap.desaturation.b2 = b2; return tr; } else if (strcmp(tkn, "#") == 0) { // Colourise translation int r, g, b; if (!ExpectToken(sc, "[")) return ThrowError("expected '["); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &r)) return ThrowError("expected a number for red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &g)) return ThrowError("expected a number for green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &b)) return ThrowError("expected a number for blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = MakeResult(REMAP_ADD_COLOURISATION, start, end); tr->remap.colourisation.r = r; tr->remap.colourisation.g = g; tr->remap.colourisation.b = b; return tr; } else if (strcmp(tkn, "@") == 0) { // Tint translation int a, r, g, b; if (!ParseNumber(sc, &a)) return ThrowError("expected a number for amount"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "[")) return ThrowError("expected '["); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &r)) return ThrowError("expected a number for red"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &g)) return ThrowError("expected a number for green"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ",")) return ThrowError("expected ','"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &b)) return ThrowError("expected a number for blue"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, "]")) return ThrowError("expected ']'"); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = MakeResult(REMAP_ADD_TINT, start, end); tr->remap.tint.r = r; tr->remap.tint.g = g; tr->remap.tint.b = b; tr->remap.tint.amount = a; return tr; } else { int pal1, pal2; if (!M_StringToNumber(tkn, &pal1)) return ThrowError("expected a number for starting index"); if (!ExpectToken(sc, ":")) return ThrowError("expected ':'"); if (!ParseNumber(sc, &pal2)) return ThrowError("expected a number for ending index"); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *tr = MakeResult(REMAP_ADD_INDEXRANGE, start, end); tr->remap.indexRange.pal1 = pal1; tr->remap.indexRange.pal2 = pal2; return tr; } return NULL; } static struct PaletteRemapParseResult *PaletteRemap_ParseTranslation(const char *translation) { tokenizer_t *sc = Tokenizer_Open(translation, 1); struct PaletteRemapParseResult *result = PaletteRemap_ParseString(sc); Tokenizer_Close(sc); return result; } static void PrintError(const char *name, const char *format, ...) { char error[256]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsnprintf(error, sizeof error, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Error parsing translation '%s': %s\n", name, error); } #define CHECK_EOF() \ if (!tkn) \ { \ PrintError(name, "Unexpected EOF"); \ goto fail; \ } struct NewTranslation { int id; char *name; char *base_translation_name; struct PaletteRemapParseResult **results; size_t num_results; }; static void AddNewTranslation(struct NewTranslation **list_p, size_t *num, char *name, int id, char *base_translation_name, struct PaletteRemapParseResult *parse_result) { struct NewTranslation *list = *list_p; size_t count = *num; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct NewTranslation *entry = &list[i]; if (entry->id == id && strcmp(entry->name, name) == 0) { if (entry->base_translation_name && base_translation_name && strcmp(entry->base_translation_name, base_translation_name) != 0) continue; entry->num_results++; entry->results = Z_Realloc(entry->results, entry->num_results * sizeof(struct PaletteRemapParseResult **), PU_STATIC, NULL); entry->results[entry->num_results - 1] = parse_result; return; } } size_t i = count; count++; list = Z_Realloc(list, count * sizeof(struct NewTranslation), PU_STATIC, NULL); struct NewTranslation *entry = &list[i]; entry->name = name; entry->id = id; entry->base_translation_name = base_translation_name; entry->num_results = 1; entry->results = Z_Realloc(entry->results, 1 * sizeof(struct PaletteRemapParseResult **), PU_STATIC, NULL); entry->results[0] = parse_result; *list_p = list; *num = count; } static void PrepareNewTranslations(struct NewTranslation *list, size_t count) { if (!list) return; for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { struct NewTranslation *entry = &list[i]; remaptable_t *tr = R_GetTranslationByID(entry->id); if (tr == NULL) { tr = PaletteRemap_New(); R_AddCustomTranslation(entry->name, PaletteRemap_Add(tr)); } remaptable_t *base_translation = NULL; char *base_translation_name = entry->base_translation_name; if (base_translation_name) { int base_translation_id = R_FindCustomTranslation(base_translation_name); if (base_translation_id == -1) PrintError(entry->name, "No translation named '%s'", base_translation_name); else base_translation = R_GetTranslationByID(base_translation_id); } // The translation is not generated until later, because the palette may not have been loaded. // We store the result for when it's needed. tr->sources = Z_Malloc(entry->num_results * sizeof(paletteremap_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); tr->num_sources = entry->num_results; for (size_t j = 0; j < entry->num_results; j++) { memcpy(&tr->sources[j], &entry->results[j]->remap, sizeof(paletteremap_t)); Z_Free(entry->results[j]); } AddParsedTranslation(tr, base_translation); Z_Free(base_translation_name); Z_Free(entry->results); Z_Free(entry->name); } Z_Free(list); } void R_ParseTrnslate(INT32 wadNum, UINT16 lumpnum) { tokenizer_t *sc = NULL; const char *tkn = NULL; char *lumpData = (char *)W_CacheLumpNumPwad(wadNum, lumpnum, PU_STATIC); size_t lumpLength = W_LumpLengthPwad(wadNum, lumpnum); char *text = (char *)Z_Malloc((lumpLength + 1), PU_STATIC, NULL); memmove(text, lumpData, lumpLength); text[lumpLength] = '\0'; Z_Free(lumpData); sc = Tokenizer_Open(text, 1); tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); struct NewTranslation *list = NULL; size_t list_count = 0; while (tkn != NULL) { char *name = Z_StrDup(tkn); char *base_translation_name = NULL; tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); if (strcmp(tkn, ":") == 0) { tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); base_translation_name = Z_StrDup(tkn); tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); } if (strcmp(tkn, "=") != 0) { PrintError(name, "Expected '=', got '%s'", tkn); goto fail; } tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); if (strcmp(tkn, "\"") != 0) { PrintError(name, "Expected '\"', got '%s'", tkn); goto fail; } tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); int existing_id = R_FindCustomTranslation(name); // Parse all of the translations do { struct PaletteRemapParseResult *parse_result = PaletteRemap_ParseTranslation(tkn); if (parse_result->error) { PrintError(name, "%s", parse_result->error); Z_Free(parse_result->error); goto fail; } else { AddNewTranslation(&list, &list_count, name, existing_id, base_translation_name, parse_result); } tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn || strcmp(tkn, "\"") != 0) { if (tkn) PrintError(name, "Expected '\"', got '%s'", tkn); else PrintError(name, "Expected '\"', got EOF"); goto fail; } // Get ',' or parse the next line tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn || strcmp(tkn, ",") != 0) break; // Get '"' tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); if (!tkn || strcmp(tkn, "\"") != 0) { if (!tkn) PrintError(name, "Expected '\"', got EOF"); else PrintError(name, "Expected '\"', got '%s'", tkn); goto fail; } tkn = sc->get(sc, 0); CHECK_EOF(); } while (true); } fail: // Now add all of the new translations if (list) PrepareNewTranslations(list, list_count); Tokenizer_Close(sc); Z_Free(text); } #undef CHECK_EOF typedef struct CustomTranslation { char *name; unsigned id; UINT32 hash; } customtranslation_t; static customtranslation_t *customtranslations = NULL; static unsigned numcustomtranslations = 0; int R_FindCustomTranslation(const char *name) { UINT32 hash = quickncasehash(name, strlen(name)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numcustomtranslations; i++) { if (hash == customtranslations[i].hash && strcmp(name, customtranslations[i].name) == 0) return (int)customtranslations[i].id; } return -1; } // This is needed for SOC (which is case insensitive) int R_FindCustomTranslation_CaseInsensitive(const char *name) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numcustomtranslations; i++) { if (stricmp(name, customtranslations[i].name) == 0) return (int)customtranslations[i].id; } return -1; } void R_AddCustomTranslation(const char *name, int trnum) { customtranslation_t *tr = NULL; UINT32 hash = quickncasehash(name, strlen(name)); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numcustomtranslations; i++) { customtranslation_t *lookup = &customtranslations[i]; if (hash == lookup->hash && strcmp(name, lookup->name) == 0) { tr = lookup; break; } } if (tr == NULL) { numcustomtranslations++; customtranslations = Z_Realloc(customtranslations, sizeof(customtranslation_t) * numcustomtranslations, PU_STATIC, NULL); tr = &customtranslations[numcustomtranslations - 1]; } tr->id = trnum; tr->name = Z_StrDup(name); tr->hash = quickncasehash(name, strlen(name)); } const char *R_GetCustomTranslationName(unsigned id) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numcustomtranslations; i++) { if (id == customtranslations[i].id) return customtranslations[i].name; } return NULL; } unsigned R_NumCustomTranslations(void) { return numcustomtranslations; } remaptable_t *R_GetTranslationByID(int id) { if (!R_TranslationIsValid(id)) return NULL; return paletteremaps[id]; } static void R_ApplyTranslationRemap(remaptable_t *tr, UINT8 *remap, skincolornum_t skincolor, INT32 skinnum) { UINT8 *base_skincolor = R_GetTranslationColormap(skinnum, skincolor, GTC_CACHE); for (unsigned i = 0; i < NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES; i++) remap[i] = base_skincolor[i]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tr->num_sources; i++) PaletteRemap_Apply(remap, &tr->sources[i]); } UINT8 *R_GetTranslationRemap(int id, skincolornum_t skincolor, INT32 skinnum) { remaptable_t *tr = R_GetTranslationByID(id); if (!tr) return NULL; if (!tr->num_sources || skincolor == SKINCOLOR_NONE) return tr->remap; if (!tr->skincolor_remaps) Z_Calloc(sizeof(*tr->skincolor_remaps) * TT_CACHE_SIZE, PU_LEVEL, &tr->skincolor_remaps); if (!tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum]) tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum] = Z_Calloc(NUM_PALETTE_ENTRIES * MAXSKINCOLORS, PU_LEVEL, NULL); colorcache_t *cache = tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum][skincolor]; if (!cache) { cache = Z_Calloc(sizeof(colorcache_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); R_ApplyTranslationRemap(tr, cache->colors, skincolor, skinnum); tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum][skincolor] = cache; } return cache->colors; } static void R_UpdateTranslation(remaptable_t *tr, skincolornum_t skincolor, INT32 skinnum) { if (!tr->num_sources || !tr->skincolor_remaps || !tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum]) return; colorcache_t *cache = tr->skincolor_remaps[skinnum][skincolor]; if (cache) R_ApplyTranslationRemap(tr, cache->colors, skincolor, skinnum); } void R_UpdateTranslationRemaps(skincolornum_t skincolor, INT32 skinnum) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < numpaletteremaps; i++) R_UpdateTranslation(paletteremaps[i], skincolor, skinnum); } boolean R_TranslationIsValid(int id) { if (id < 0 || id >= (signed)numpaletteremaps) return false; return true; } remaptable_t *R_GetBuiltInTranslation(SINT8 tc) { switch (tc) { case TC_ALLWHITE: return R_GetTranslationByID(allWhiteRemap); case TC_DASHMODE: return R_GetTranslationByID(dashModeRemap); } return NULL; }