// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file d_netcmd.c /// \brief host/client network commands /// commands are executed through the command buffer /// like console commands, other miscellaneous commands (at the end) #include "doomdef.h" #include "console.h" #include "command.h" #include "i_time.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "hu_stuff.h" #include "g_input.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "r_local.h" #include "r_skins.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "s_sound.h" #include "i_sound.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "am_map.h" #include "byteptr.h" #include "d_netfil.h" #include "p_spec.h" #include "m_cheat.h" #include "d_clisrv.h" #include "d_net.h" #include "v_video.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "filesrch.h" #include "mserv.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "lua_script.h" #include "lua_hook.h" #include "m_cond.h" #include "m_anigif.h" #include "md5.h" #include "m_perfstats.h" #include "u_list.h" #ifdef NETGAME_DEVMODE #define CV_RESTRICT CV_NETVAR #else #define CV_RESTRICT 0 #endif // ------ // protos // ------ static void Got_NameAndColor(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_WeaponPref(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Mapcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_ExitLevelcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_RequestAddfilecmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_RequestAddfoldercmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Addfilecmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Addfoldercmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Pause(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Suicide(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_RandomSeed(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_RunSOCcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Teamchange(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Clearscores(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void PointLimit_OnChange(void); static void TimeLimit_OnChange(void); static void NumLaps_OnChange(void); static void BaseNumLaps_OnChange(void); static void Mute_OnChange(void); static void Hidetime_OnChange(void); static void AutoBalance_OnChange(void); static void TeamScramble_OnChange(void); static void NetTimeout_OnChange(void); static void JoinTimeout_OnChange(void); static void CoopStarposts_OnChange(void); static void CoopLives_OnChange(void); static void ExitMove_OnChange(void); static void Ringslinger_OnChange(void); static void Gravity_OnChange(void); static void ForceSkin_OnChange(void); static void Name_OnChange(void); static void Name2_OnChange(void); static void Skin_OnChange(void); static void Skin2_OnChange(void); static void Color_OnChange(void); static void Color2_OnChange(void); static void DummyConsvar_OnChange(void); static void SoundTest_OnChange(void); #ifdef NETGAME_DEVMODE static void Fishcake_OnChange(void); #endif static void Command_Playdemo_f(void); static void Command_Timedemo_f(void); static void Command_Stopdemo_f(void); static void Command_StartMovie_f(void); static void Command_StopMovie_f(void); static void Command_Map_f(void); static void Command_ResetCamera_f(void); static void Command_Addfile(void); static void Command_Addfolder(void); static void Command_ListWADS_f(void); static void Command_RunSOC(void); static void Command_Pause(void); static void Command_Suicide(void); static void Command_Version_f(void); #ifdef UPDATE_ALERT static void Command_ModDetails_f(void); #endif static void Command_ShowGametype_f(void); FUNCNORETURN static ATTRNORETURN void Command_Quit_f(void); static void Command_Playintro_f(void); static void Command_Displayplayer_f(void); static void Command_ExitLevel_f(void); static void Command_Showmap_f(void); static void Command_Mapmd5_f(void); static void Command_Teamchange_f(void); static void Command_Teamchange2_f(void); static void Command_ServerTeamChange_f(void); static void Command_Clearscores_f(void); // Remote Administration static void Command_Changepassword_f(void); static void Command_Login_f(void); static void Got_Verification(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Got_Removal(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Command_Verify_f(void); static void Command_RemoveAdmin_f(void); static void Command_MotD_f(void); static void Got_MotD_f(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum); static void Command_ShowScores_f(void); static void Command_ShowTime_f(void); static void Command_Isgamemodified_f(void); static void Command_Cheats_f(void); #ifdef _DEBUG static void Command_Togglemodified_f(void); static void Command_Archivetest_f(void); #endif // ========================================================================= // CLIENT VARIABLES // ========================================================================= void SendWeaponPref(void); void SendWeaponPref2(void); static CV_PossibleValue_t usemouse_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "On"}, {2, "Force"}, {0, NULL}}; #if defined (__unix__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) static CV_PossibleValue_t mouse2port_cons_t[] = {{0, "/dev/gpmdata"}, {1, "/dev/ttyS0"}, {2, "/dev/ttyS1"}, {3, "/dev/ttyS2"}, {4, "/dev/ttyS3"}, {0, NULL}}; #else static CV_PossibleValue_t mouse2port_cons_t[] = {{1, "COM1"}, {2, "COM2"}, {3, "COM3"}, {4, "COM4"}, {0, NULL}}; #endif #ifdef LJOYSTICK static CV_PossibleValue_t joyport_cons_t[] = {{1, "/dev/js0"}, {2, "/dev/js1"}, {3, "/dev/js2"}, {4, "/dev/js3"}, {0, NULL}}; #else // accept whatever value - it is in fact the joystick device number #define usejoystick_cons_t NULL #endif static CV_PossibleValue_t teamscramble_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Random"}, {2, "Points"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t startingliveslimit_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {99, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t sleeping_cons_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {1000/TICRATE, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t competitionboxes_cons_t[] = {{0, "Normal"}, {1, "Mystery"}, //{2, "Teleport"}, {3, "None"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t matchboxes_cons_t[] = {{0, "Normal"}, {1, "Mystery"}, {2, "Unchanging"}, {3, "None"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t chances_cons_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {9, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; static CV_PossibleValue_t pause_cons_t[] = {{0, "Server"}, {1, "All"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_showinputjoy = CVAR_INIT ("showinputjoy", "Off", CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); #ifdef NETGAME_DEVMODE static consvar_t cv_fishcake = CVAR_INIT ("fishcake", "Off", CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP|CV_RESTRICT, CV_OnOff, Fishcake_OnChange); #endif static consvar_t cv_dummyconsvar = CVAR_INIT ("dummyconsvar", "Off", CV_CALL|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, DummyConsvar_OnChange); consvar_t cv_restrictskinchange = CVAR_INIT ("restrictskinchange", "Yes", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_allowteamchange = CVAR_INIT ("allowteamchange", "Yes", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_startinglives = CVAR_INIT ("startinglives", "3", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, startingliveslimit_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t respawntime_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {30, "MAX"}, {0, "Off"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_respawntime = CVAR_INIT ("respawndelay", "3", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, respawntime_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_competitionboxes = CVAR_INIT ("competitionboxes", "Mystery", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, competitionboxes_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t seenames_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Colorless"}, {2, "Team"}, {3, "Ally/Foe"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_seenames = CVAR_INIT ("seenames", "Ally/Foe", CV_SAVE|CV_ALLOWLUA, seenames_cons_t, 0); consvar_t cv_allowseenames = CVAR_INIT ("allowseenames", "Yes", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); // names consvar_t cv_playername = CVAR_INIT ("name", "Sonic", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT, NULL, Name_OnChange); consvar_t cv_playername2 = CVAR_INIT ("name2", "Tails", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT, NULL, Name2_OnChange); // player colors UINT16 lastgoodcolor = SKINCOLOR_BLUE, lastgoodcolor2 = SKINCOLOR_BLUE; consvar_t cv_playercolor = CVAR_INIT ("color", "Blue", CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, Color_cons_t, Color_OnChange); consvar_t cv_playercolor2 = CVAR_INIT ("color2", "Orange", CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, Color_cons_t, Color2_OnChange); // player's skin, saved for commodity, when using a favorite skins wad.. consvar_t cv_skin = CVAR_INIT ("skin", DEFAULTSKIN, CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, NULL, Skin_OnChange); consvar_t cv_skin2 = CVAR_INIT ("skin2", DEFAULTSKIN2, CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, NULL, Skin2_OnChange); // saved versions of the above six consvar_t cv_defaultplayercolor = CVAR_INIT ("defaultcolor", "Blue", CV_SAVE, Color_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_defaultplayercolor2 = CVAR_INIT ("defaultcolor2", "Orange", CV_SAVE, Color_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_defaultskin = CVAR_INIT ("defaultskin", DEFAULTSKIN, CV_SAVE, NULL, NULL); consvar_t cv_defaultskin2 = CVAR_INIT ("defaultskin2", DEFAULTSKIN2, CV_SAVE, NULL, NULL); consvar_t cv_skipmapcheck = CVAR_INIT ("skipmapcheck", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL); INT32 cv_debug; consvar_t cv_usemouse = CVAR_INIT ("use_mouse", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL,usemouse_cons_t, I_StartupMouse); consvar_t cv_usemouse2 = CVAR_INIT ("use_mouse2", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL,usemouse_cons_t, I_StartupMouse2); consvar_t cv_usejoystick = CVAR_INIT ("use_gamepad", "1", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, usejoystick_cons_t, I_InitJoystick); consvar_t cv_usejoystick2 = CVAR_INIT ("use_gamepad2", "2", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, usejoystick_cons_t, I_InitJoystick2); #if (defined (LJOYSTICK) || defined (HAVE_SDL)) #ifdef LJOYSTICK consvar_t cv_joyport = CVAR_INIT ("padport", "/dev/js0", CV_SAVE, joyport_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_joyport2 = CVAR_INIT ("padport2", "/dev/js0", CV_SAVE, joyport_cons_t, NULL); //Alam: for later #endif consvar_t cv_joyscale = CVAR_INIT ("padscale", "1", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, NULL, I_JoyScale); consvar_t cv_joyscale2 = CVAR_INIT ("padscale2", "1", CV_SAVE|CV_CALL, NULL, I_JoyScale2); #else consvar_t cv_joyscale = CVAR_INIT ("padscale", "1", CV_SAVE|CV_HIDEN, NULL, NULL); //Alam: Dummy for save consvar_t cv_joyscale2 = CVAR_INIT ("padscale2", "1", CV_SAVE|CV_HIDEN, NULL, NULL); //Alam: Dummy for save #endif #if defined (__unix__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) consvar_t cv_mouse2port = CVAR_INIT ("mouse2port", "/dev/gpmdata", CV_SAVE, mouse2port_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_mouse2opt = CVAR_INIT ("mouse2opt", "0", CV_SAVE, NULL, NULL); #else consvar_t cv_mouse2port = CVAR_INIT ("mouse2port", "COM2", CV_SAVE, mouse2port_cons_t, NULL); #endif consvar_t cv_matchboxes = CVAR_INIT ("matchboxes", "Normal", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, matchboxes_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_specialrings = CVAR_INIT ("specialrings", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_powerstones = CVAR_INIT ("powerstones", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_recycler = CVAR_INIT ("tv_recycler", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_teleporters = CVAR_INIT ("tv_teleporter", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_superring = CVAR_INIT ("tv_superring", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_supersneakers = CVAR_INIT ("tv_supersneaker", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_invincibility = CVAR_INIT ("tv_invincibility", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_jumpshield = CVAR_INIT ("tv_jumpshield", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_watershield = CVAR_INIT ("tv_watershield", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_ringshield = CVAR_INIT ("tv_ringshield", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_forceshield = CVAR_INIT ("tv_forceshield", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_bombshield = CVAR_INIT ("tv_bombshield", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_1up = CVAR_INIT ("tv_1up", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_eggmanbox = CVAR_INIT ("tv_eggman", "5", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, chances_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_ringslinger = CVAR_INIT ("ringslinger", "No", CV_NETVAR|CV_NOSHOWHELP|CV_CALL|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, Ringslinger_OnChange); consvar_t cv_gravity = CVAR_INIT ("gravity", "0.5", CV_RESTRICT|CV_FLOAT|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, NULL, Gravity_OnChange); consvar_t cv_soundtest = CVAR_INIT ("soundtest", "0", CV_CALL, NULL, SoundTest_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t minitimelimit_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {9999, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_countdowntime = CVAR_INIT ("countdowntime", "60", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, minitimelimit_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_touchtag = CVAR_INIT ("touchtag", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_hidetime = CVAR_INIT ("hidetime", "30", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, minitimelimit_cons_t, Hidetime_OnChange); consvar_t cv_autobalance = CVAR_INIT ("autobalance", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, AutoBalance_OnChange); consvar_t cv_teamscramble = CVAR_INIT ("teamscramble", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, teamscramble_cons_t, TeamScramble_OnChange); consvar_t cv_scrambleonchange = CVAR_INIT ("scrambleonchange", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, teamscramble_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_friendlyfire = CVAR_INIT ("friendlyfire", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_itemfinder = CVAR_INIT ("itemfinder", "Off", CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, ItemFinder_OnChange); // Scoring type options consvar_t cv_overtime = CVAR_INIT ("overtime", "Yes", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_rollingdemos = CVAR_INIT ("rollingdemos", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t timetic_cons_t[] = {{0, "Classic"}, {1, "Centiseconds"}, {2, "Mania"}, {3, "Tics"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_timetic = CVAR_INIT ("timerres", "Classic", CV_SAVE, timetic_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t powerupdisplay_cons_t[] = {{0, "Never"}, {1, "First-person only"}, {2, "Always"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_powerupdisplay = CVAR_INIT ("powerupdisplay", "First-person only", CV_SAVE, powerupdisplay_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t pointlimit_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {MAXSCORE, "MAX"}, {0, "None"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_pointlimit = CVAR_INIT ("pointlimit", "None", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, pointlimit_cons_t, PointLimit_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t timelimit_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {30, "MAX"}, {0, "None"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_timelimit = CVAR_INIT ("timelimit", "None", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, timelimit_cons_t, TimeLimit_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t numlaps_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {50, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_numlaps = CVAR_INIT ("numlaps", "4", CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_NOINIT|CV_ALLOWLUA, numlaps_cons_t, NumLaps_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t basenumlaps_cons_t[] = {{1, "MIN"}, {50, "MAX"}, {0, "Map default"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_basenumlaps = CVAR_INIT ("basenumlaps", "Map default", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, basenumlaps_cons_t, BaseNumLaps_OnChange); // log elemental hazards -- not a netvar, is local to current player consvar_t cv_hazardlog = CVAR_INIT ("hazardlog", "Yes", 0, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_forceskin = CVAR_INIT ("forceskin", "None", CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, NULL, ForceSkin_OnChange); consvar_t cv_downloading = CVAR_INIT ("downloading", "On", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_allowexitlevel = CVAR_INIT ("allowexitlevel", "No", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_killingdead = CVAR_INIT ("killingdead", "Off", CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, NULL); consvar_t cv_netstat = CVAR_INIT ("netstat", "Off", 0, CV_OnOff, NULL); // show bandwidth statistics static CV_PossibleValue_t nettimeout_cons_t[] = {{TICRATE/7, "MIN"}, {60*TICRATE, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_nettimeout = CVAR_INIT ("nettimeout", "350", CV_CALL|CV_SAVE, nettimeout_cons_t, NetTimeout_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t jointimeout_cons_t[] = {{5*TICRATE, "MIN"}, {60*TICRATE, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_jointimeout = CVAR_INIT ("jointimeout", "350", CV_CALL|CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR, jointimeout_cons_t, JoinTimeout_OnChange); consvar_t cv_maxping = CVAR_INIT ("maxping", "0", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR, CV_Unsigned, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t pingtimeout_cons_t[] = {{8, "MIN"}, {120, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_pingtimeout = CVAR_INIT ("pingtimeout", "10", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR, pingtimeout_cons_t, NULL); // show your ping on the HUD next to framerate. Defaults to warning only (shows up if your ping is > maxping) static CV_PossibleValue_t showping_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Always"}, {2, "Warning"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_showping = CVAR_INIT ("showping", "Warning", CV_SAVE, showping_cons_t, NULL); // Intermission time Tails 04-19-2002 static CV_PossibleValue_t inttime_cons_t[] = {{0, "MIN"}, {3600, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_inttime = CVAR_INIT ("inttime", "10", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, inttime_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t coopstarposts_cons_t[] = {{0, "Per-player"}, {1, "Shared"}, {2, "Teamwork"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_coopstarposts = CVAR_INIT ("coopstarposts", "Per-player", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, coopstarposts_cons_t, CoopStarposts_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t cooplives_cons_t[] = {{0, "Infinite"}, {1, "Per-player"}, {2, "Avoid Game Over"}, {3, "Single pool"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_cooplives = CVAR_INIT ("cooplives", "Avoid Game Over", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_CHEAT|CV_ALLOWLUA, cooplives_cons_t, CoopLives_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t advancemap_cons_t[] = {{0, "Off"}, {1, "Next"}, {2, "Random"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_advancemap = CVAR_INIT ("advancemap", "Next", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, advancemap_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t playersforexit_cons_t[] = {{0, "One"}, {1, "1/4"}, {2, "Half"}, {3, "3/4"}, {4, "All"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_playersforexit = CVAR_INIT ("playersforexit", "All", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, playersforexit_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_exitmove = CVAR_INIT ("exitmove", "On", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, ExitMove_OnChange); consvar_t cv_runscripts = CVAR_INIT ("runscripts", "Yes", CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_YesNo, NULL); consvar_t cv_pause = CVAR_INIT ("pausepermission", "Server", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR|CV_ALLOWLUA, pause_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_mute = CVAR_INIT ("mute", "Off", CV_NETVAR|CV_CALL|CV_ALLOWLUA, CV_OnOff, Mute_OnChange); consvar_t cv_sleep = CVAR_INIT ("cpusleep", "1", CV_SAVE, sleeping_cons_t, NULL); static CV_PossibleValue_t perfstats_cons_t[] = { {0, "Off"}, {1, "Rendering"}, {2, "Logic"}, {3, "ThinkFrame"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_perfstats = CVAR_INIT ("perfstats", "Off", CV_CALL, perfstats_cons_t, PS_PerfStats_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t ps_samplesize_cons_t[] = { {1, "MIN"}, {1000, "MAX"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_ps_samplesize = CVAR_INIT ("ps_samplesize", "1", CV_CALL, ps_samplesize_cons_t, PS_SampleSize_OnChange); static CV_PossibleValue_t ps_descriptor_cons_t[] = { {1, "Average"}, {2, "SD"}, {3, "Minimum"}, {4, "Maximum"}, {0, NULL}}; consvar_t cv_ps_descriptor = CVAR_INIT ("ps_descriptor", "Average", 0, ps_descriptor_cons_t, NULL); consvar_t cv_freedemocamera = CVAR_INIT("freedemocamera", "Off", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL); char timedemo_name[256]; boolean timedemo_csv; char timedemo_csv_id[256]; boolean timedemo_quit; INT16 gametype = GT_COOP; UINT32 gametyperules = 0; INT16 gametypecount = (GT_CTF + 1); boolean splitscreen = false; boolean circuitmap = false; INT32 adminplayers[MAXPLAYERS]; /// \warning Keep this up-to-date if you add/remove/rename net text commands const char *netxcmdnames[MAXNETXCMD - 1] = { "NAMEANDCOLOR", "WEAPONPREF", "KICK", "NETVAR", "SAY", "MAP", "EXITLEVEL", "ADDFILE", "ADDFOLDER", "PAUSE", "ADDPLAYER", "TEAMCHANGE", "CLEARSCORES", "VERIFIED", "RANDOMSEED", "RUNSOC", "REQADDFILE", "REQADDFOLDER", "SETMOTD", "SUICIDE", "LUACMD", "LUAVAR", "LUAFILE" }; // ========================================================================= // SERVER STARTUP // ========================================================================= /** Registers server commands and variables. * Anything required by a dedicated server should probably go here. * * \sa D_RegisterClientCommands */ void D_RegisterServerCommands(void) { G_UpdateGametypeSelections(); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_NAMEANDCOLOR, Got_NameAndColor); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_WEAPONPREF, Got_WeaponPref); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_MAP, Got_Mapcmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_EXITLEVEL, Got_ExitLevelcmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_ADDFILE, Got_Addfilecmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_ADDFOLDER, Got_Addfoldercmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_REQADDFILE, Got_RequestAddfilecmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_REQADDFOLDER, Got_RequestAddfoldercmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_PAUSE, Got_Pause); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_SUICIDE, Got_Suicide); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_RUNSOC, Got_RunSOCcmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_LUACMD, Got_Luacmd); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_LUAFILE, Got_LuaFile); // Remote Administration COM_AddCommand("password", Command_Changepassword_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("login", Command_Login_f, COM_LUA); // useful in dedicated to kick off remote admin COM_AddCommand("promote", Command_Verify_f, COM_LUA); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_VERIFIED, Got_Verification); COM_AddCommand("demote", Command_RemoveAdmin_f, COM_LUA); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_DEMOTED, Got_Removal); COM_AddCommand("motd", Command_MotD_f, COM_LUA); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_SETMOTD, Got_MotD_f); // For remote admin RegisterNetXCmd(XD_TEAMCHANGE, Got_Teamchange); COM_AddCommand("serverchangeteam", Command_ServerTeamChange_f, COM_LUA); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_CLEARSCORES, Got_Clearscores); COM_AddCommand("clearscores", Command_Clearscores_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("map", Command_Map_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("exitgame", Command_ExitGame_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("retry", Command_Retry_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("exitlevel", Command_ExitLevel_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("showmap", Command_Showmap_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("mapmd5", Command_Mapmd5_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("addfolder", Command_Addfolder, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("addfile", Command_Addfile, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("listwad", Command_ListWADS_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("runsoc", Command_RunSOC, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("pause", Command_Pause, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("suicide", Command_Suicide, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("gametype", Command_ShowGametype_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("version", Command_Version_f, COM_LUA); #ifdef UPDATE_ALERT COM_AddCommand("mod_details", Command_ModDetails_f, COM_LUA); #endif COM_AddCommand("quit", Command_Quit_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("saveconfig", Command_SaveConfig_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("loadconfig", Command_LoadConfig_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("changeconfig", Command_ChangeConfig_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("isgamemodified", Command_Isgamemodified_f, COM_LUA); // test COM_AddCommand("showscores", Command_ShowScores_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("showtime", Command_ShowTime_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("cheats", Command_Cheats_f, COM_LUA); // test #ifdef _DEBUG COM_AddCommand("togglemodified", Command_Togglemodified_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("archivetest", Command_Archivetest_f, COM_LUA); #endif COM_AddCommand("downloads", Command_Downloads_f, COM_LUA); // for master server connection AddMServCommands(); // p_mobj.c CV_RegisterVar(&cv_itemrespawntime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_itemrespawn); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_flagtime); // misc CV_RegisterVar(&cv_friendlyfire); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_pointlimit); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_numlaps); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_basenumlaps); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_hazardlog); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_autobalance); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_teamscramble); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scrambleonchange); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_touchtag); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_hidetime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_inttime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_advancemap); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playersforexit); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_exitmove); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_timelimit); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playbackspeed); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_forceskin); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_downloading); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_coopstarposts); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cooplives); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_specialrings); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_powerstones); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_competitionboxes); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_matchboxes); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_recycler); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_teleporters); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_superring); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_supersneakers); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_invincibility); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_jumpshield); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_watershield); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ringshield); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_forceshield); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_bombshield); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_1up); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_eggmanbox); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ringslinger); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_startinglives); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_countdowntime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_runscripts); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_overtime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_pause); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mute); RegisterNetXCmd(XD_RANDOMSEED, Got_RandomSeed); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_allowexitlevel); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_restrictskinchange); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_allowteamchange); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_respawntime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_killingdead); // d_clisrv CV_RegisterVar(&cv_maxplayers); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joindelay); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_rejointimeout); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_resynchattempts); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_maxsend); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_noticedownload); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_downloadspeed); #ifndef NONET CV_RegisterVar(&cv_allownewplayer); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joinnextround); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_showjoinaddress); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_blamecfail); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_dedicatedidletime); #endif COM_AddCommand("ping", Command_Ping_f, COM_LUA); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_nettimeout); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_jointimeout); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_skipmapcheck); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_sleep); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_maxping); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_pingtimeout); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_showping); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_allowseenames); // Other filesrch.c consvars are defined in D_RegisterClientCommands CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_option); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_folder); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_dummyconsvar); } // ========================================================================= // CLIENT STARTUP // ========================================================================= /** Registers client commands and variables. * Nothing needed for a dedicated server should be registered here. * * \sa D_RegisterServerCommands */ void D_RegisterClientCommands(void) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXSKINCOLORS; i++) { Color_cons_t[i].value = i; Color_cons_t[i].strvalue = skincolors[i].name; } Color_cons_t[MAXSKINCOLORS].value = 0; Color_cons_t[MAXSKINCOLORS].strvalue = NULL; // Set default player names // Monster Iestyn (12/08/19): not sure where else I could have actually put this, but oh well for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) sprintf(player_names[i], "Player %d", 1 + i); if (dedicated) return; COM_AddCommand("numthinkers", Command_Numthinkers_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("countmobjs", Command_CountMobjs_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("changeteam", Command_Teamchange_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("changeteam2", Command_Teamchange2_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("playdemo", Command_Playdemo_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("timedemo", Command_Timedemo_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("stopdemo", Command_Stopdemo_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("playintro", Command_Playintro_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("resetcamera", Command_ResetCamera_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("setcontrol", Command_Setcontrol_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("setcontrol2", Command_Setcontrol2_f, 0); COM_AddCommand("screenshot", M_ScreenShot, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("startmovie", Command_StartMovie_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("stopmovie", Command_StopMovie_f, COM_LUA); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_screenshot_option); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_screenshot_folder); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_screenshot_colorprofile); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_moviemode); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_movie_option); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_movie_folder); // PNG variables CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_level); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_memory); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_strategy); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_window_bits); // APNG variables CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_levela); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_memorya); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_strategya); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_zlib_window_bitsa); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_apng_delay); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_apng_downscale); // GIF variables CV_RegisterVar(&cv_gif_optimize); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_gif_downscale); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_gif_dynamicdelay); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_gif_localcolortable); // register these so it is saved to config CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playername); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playercolor); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_skin); // r_things.c (skin NAME) // secondary player (splitscreen) CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playername2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_playercolor2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_skin2); // saved versions of the above six CV_RegisterVar(&cv_defaultplayercolor); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_defaultskin); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_defaultplayercolor2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_defaultskin2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_seenames); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_rollingdemos); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_netstat); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_netticbuffer); #ifdef NETGAME_DEVMODE CV_RegisterVar(&cv_fishcake); #endif // HUD CV_RegisterVar(&cv_timetic); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_powerupdisplay); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_itemfinder); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_showinputjoy); // time attack ghost options are also saved to config CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghost_bestscore); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghost_besttime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghost_bestrings); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghost_last); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghost_guest); COM_AddCommand("displayplayer", Command_Displayplayer_f, COM_LUA); // FIXME: not to be here.. but needs be done for config loading CV_RegisterVar(&cv_globalgamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_globalsaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_rhue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_yhue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ghue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_bhue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mhue); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_rgamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ygamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ggamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cgamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_bgamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mgamma); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_rsaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ysaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_gsaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_csaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_bsaturation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_msaturation); // m_menu.c CV_RegisterVar(&cv_compactscoreboard); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chatheight); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chatwidth); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chattime); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chatspamprotection); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chatbacktint); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_consolechat); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chatnotifications); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_crosshair); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_crosshair2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_alwaysfreelook); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_alwaysfreelook2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chasefreelook); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_chasefreelook2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_tutorialprompt); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_showfocuslost); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_pauseifunfocused); // g_input.c CV_RegisterVar(&cv_sideaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_sideaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_turnaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_turnaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_moveaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_moveaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_lookaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_lookaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_jumpaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_jumpaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_spinaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_spinaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_fireaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_fireaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_firenaxis); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_firenaxis2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_deadzone); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_deadzone2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_digitaldeadzone); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_digitaldeadzone2); // filesrch.c //CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_option); // These two are now defined //CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_folder); // in D_RegisterServerCommands CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_md5); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_showall); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_search_type); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_addons_search_case); // WARNING: the order is important when initialising mouse2 // we need the mouse2port CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mouse2port); #if defined (__unix__) || defined (__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mouse2opt); #endif CV_RegisterVar(&cv_controlperkey); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_usemouse); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_usemouse2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_invertmouse); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_invertmouse2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mousesens); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mousesens2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mouseysens); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mouseysens2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mousemove); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mousemove2); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_usejoystick); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_usejoystick2); #ifdef LJOYSTICK CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joyport); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joyport2); #endif CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joyscale); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_joyscale2); // Analog Control CV_RegisterVar(&cv_analog[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_analog[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_useranalog[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_useranalog[1]); // deez New User eXperiences CV_RegisterVar(&cv_directionchar[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_directionchar[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_autobrake); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_autobrake2); // hi here's some new controls CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_shiftfacing[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_shiftfacing[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacing[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacing[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacingability[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacingability[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacingspindash[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacingspindash[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacinginput[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_turnfacinginput[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_centertoggle[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_centertoggle[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_lockedinput[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_lockedinput[1]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_lockonboss[0]); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_cam_lockonboss[1]); // s_sound.c CV_RegisterVar(&cv_soundvolume); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_closedcaptioning); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_digmusicvolume); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_midimusicvolume); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_numChannels); // screen.c CV_RegisterVar(&cv_fullscreen); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_renderview); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_renderhitboxinterpolation); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_renderhitboxgldepth); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_renderhitbox); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_renderer); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scr_depth); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scr_width); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scr_height); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scr_width_w); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_scr_height_w); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_soundtest); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_perfstats); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ps_samplesize); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ps_descriptor); // ingame object placing COM_AddCommand("objectplace", Command_ObjectPlace_f, COM_LUA); //COM_AddCommand("writethings", Command_Writethings_f); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_speed); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_opflags); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_ophoopflags); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_mapthingnum); // CV_RegisterVar(&cv_grid); // CV_RegisterVar(&cv_snapto); CV_RegisterVar(&cv_freedemocamera); // add cheat commands COM_AddCommand("noclip", Command_CheatNoClip_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("god", Command_CheatGod_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("notarget", Command_CheatNoTarget_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("getallemeralds", Command_Getallemeralds_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("resetemeralds", Command_Resetemeralds_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("setrings", Command_Setrings_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("setlives", Command_Setlives_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("setcontinues", Command_Setcontinues_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("devmode", Command_Devmode_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("savecheckpoint", Command_Savecheckpoint_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("scale", Command_Scale_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("gravflip", Command_Gravflip_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("hurtme", Command_Hurtme_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("jumptoaxis", Command_JumpToAxis_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("charability", Command_Charability_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("charspeed", Command_Charspeed_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("teleport", Command_Teleport_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("rteleport", Command_RTeleport_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("skynum", Command_Skynum_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("weather", Command_Weather_f, COM_LUA); COM_AddCommand("toggletwod", Command_Toggletwod_f, COM_LUA); #ifdef _DEBUG COM_AddCommand("causecfail", Command_CauseCfail_f, COM_LUA); #endif #ifdef LUA_ALLOW_BYTECODE COM_AddCommand("dumplua", Command_Dumplua_f, COM_LUA); #endif } /** Checks if a name (as received from another player) is okay. * A name is okay if it is no fewer than 1 and no more than ::MAXPLAYERNAME * chars long (not including NUL), it does not begin or end with a space, * it does not contain non-printing characters (according to isprint(), which * allows space), it does not start with a digit, and no other player is * currently using it. * \param name Name to check. * \param playernum Player who wants the name, so we can check if they already * have it, and let them keep it if so. * \sa CleanupPlayerName, SetPlayerName, Got_NameAndColor * \author Graue */ boolean EnsurePlayerNameIsGood(char *name, INT32 playernum) { INT32 ix; if (strlen(name) == 0 || strlen(name) > MAXPLAYERNAME) return false; // Empty or too long. if (name[0] == ' ' || name[strlen(name)-1] == ' ') return false; // Starts or ends with a space. if (isdigit(name[0])) return false; // Starts with a digit. if (name[0] == '@' || name[0] == '~') return false; // Starts with an admin symbol. // Check if it contains a non-printing character. // Note: ANSI C isprint() considers space a printing character. // Also don't allow semicolons, since they are used as // console command separators. // Also, anything over 0x80 is disallowed too, since compilers love to // differ on whether they're printable characters or not. for (ix = 0; name[ix] != '\0'; ix++) if (!isprint(name[ix]) || name[ix] == ';' || (UINT8)(name[ix]) >= 0x80) return false; // Check if a player is currently using the name, case-insensitively. for (ix = 0; ix < MAXPLAYERS; ix++) { if (ix != playernum && playeringame[ix] && strcasecmp(name, player_names[ix]) == 0) { // We shouldn't kick people out just because // they joined the game with the same name // as someone else -- modify the name instead. size_t len = strlen(name); // Recursion! // Slowly strip characters off the end of the // name until we no longer have a duplicate. if (len > 1) { name[len-1] = '\0'; if (!EnsurePlayerNameIsGood (name, playernum)) return false; } else if (len == 1) // Agh! { // Last ditch effort... sprintf(name, "%d", M_RandomKey(10)); if (!EnsurePlayerNameIsGood (name, playernum)) return false; } else return false; } } return true; } /** Cleans up a local player's name before sending a name change. * Spaces at the beginning or end of the name are removed. Then if the new * name is identical to another player's name, ignoring case, the name change * is canceled, and the name in cv_playername.value or cv_playername2.value * is restored to what it was before. * * We assume that if playernum is ::consoleplayer or ::secondarydisplayplayer * the console variable ::cv_playername or ::cv_playername2 respectively is * already set to newname. However, the player name table is assumed to * contain the old name. * * \param playernum Player number who has requested a name change. * Should be ::consoleplayer or ::secondarydisplayplayer. * \param newname New name for that player; should already be in * ::cv_playername or ::cv_playername2 if player is the * console or secondary display player, respectively. * \sa cv_playername, cv_playername2, SendNameAndColor, SendNameAndColor2, * SetPlayerName * \author Graue */ void CleanupPlayerName(INT32 playernum, const char *newname) { char *buf; char *p; char *tmpname = NULL; INT32 i; boolean namefailed = true; buf = Z_StrDup(newname); do { p = buf; while (*p == ' ') p++; // remove leading spaces if (strlen(p) == 0) break; // empty names not allowed if (isdigit(*p)) break; // names starting with digits not allowed if (*p == '@' || *p == '~') break; // names that start with @ or ~ (admin symbols) not allowed tmpname = p; do { /* from EnsurePlayerNameIsGood */ if (!isprint(*p) || *p == ';' || (UINT8)*p >= 0x80) break; } while (*++p) ; if (*p)/* bad char found */ break; // Remove trailing spaces. p = &tmpname[strlen(tmpname)-1]; // last character while (*p == ' ' && p >= tmpname) { *p = '\0'; p--; } if (strlen(tmpname) == 0) break; // another case of an empty name // Truncate name if it's too long (max MAXPLAYERNAME chars // excluding NUL). if (strlen(tmpname) > MAXPLAYERNAME) tmpname[MAXPLAYERNAME] = '\0'; // Remove trailing spaces again. p = &tmpname[strlen(tmpname)-1]; // last character while (*p == ' ' && p >= tmpname) { *p = '\0'; p--; } // no stealing another player's name for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (i != playernum && playeringame[i] && strcasecmp(tmpname, player_names[i]) == 0) { break; } } if (i < MAXPLAYERS) break; // name is okay then namefailed = false; } while (0); if (namefailed) tmpname = player_names[playernum]; // set consvars whether namefailed or not, because even if it succeeded, // spaces may have been removed if (playernum == consoleplayer) CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername, tmpname); else if (playernum == secondarydisplayplayer || (!netgame && playernum == 1)) { CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername2, tmpname); } else I_Assert(((void)"CleanupPlayerName used on non-local player", 0)); Z_Free(buf); } /** Sets a player's name, if it is good. * If the name is not good (indicating a modified or buggy client), it is not * set, and if we are the server in a netgame, the player responsible is * kicked with a consistency failure. * * This function prints a message indicating the name change, unless the game * is currently showing the intro, e.g. when processing autoexec.cfg. * * \param playernum Player number who has requested a name change. * \param newname New name for that player. Should be good, but won't * necessarily be if the client is maliciously modified or * buggy. * \sa CleanupPlayerName, EnsurePlayerNameIsGood * \author Graue */ static void SetPlayerName(INT32 playernum, char *newname) { if (EnsurePlayerNameIsGood(newname, playernum)) { if (strcasecmp(newname, player_names[playernum]) != 0) { if (netgame) HU_AddChatText(va("\x82*%s renamed to %s", player_names[playernum], newname), false); player_name_changes[playernum]++; strcpy(player_names[playernum], newname); } } else { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Player %d sent a bad name change\n"), playernum+1); if (server && netgame) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); } } UINT8 CanChangeSkin(INT32 playernum) { // Of course we can change if we're not playing if (!Playing() || !addedtogame) return true; // Force skin in effect. if ((cv_forceskin.value != -1) || (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1] && mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->forcecharacter[0] != '\0')) return false; // Can change skin in intermission and whatnot. if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) return true; // Server has skin change restrictions. if (cv_restrictskinchange.value) { if (gametyperules & GTR_FRIENDLY) return true; // Can change skin during initial countdown. if ((gametyperules & GTR_RACE) && leveltime < 4*TICRATE) return true; if (G_TagGametype()) { // Can change skin during hidetime. if (leveltime < hidetime * TICRATE) return true; // IT players can always change skins to persue players hiding in character only locations. if (players[playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT) return true; } if (players[playernum].spectator || players[playernum].playerstate == PST_DEAD || players[playernum].playerstate == PST_REBORN) return true; return false; } return true; } static void ForceAllSkins(INT32 forcedskin) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; SetPlayerSkinByNum(i, forcedskin); // If it's me (or my brother), set appropriate skin value in cv_skin/cv_skin2 if (!dedicated) // But don't do this for dedicated servers, of course. { if (i == consoleplayer) CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[forcedskin].name); else if (i == secondarydisplayplayer) CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[forcedskin].name); } } } static INT32 snacpending = 0, snac2pending = 0, chmappending = 0; // name, color, or skin has changed // static void SendNameAndColor(void) { char buf[MAXPLAYERNAME+6]; char *p; p = buf; // don't allow inaccessible colors if (!skincolors[cv_playercolor.value].accessible) { if (players[consoleplayer].skincolor && skincolors[players[consoleplayer].skincolor].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, players[consoleplayer].skincolor); else if (skincolors[atoi(cv_playercolor.defaultvalue)].accessible) CV_StealthSet(&cv_playercolor, cv_playercolor.defaultvalue); else if (skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].prefcolor && skincolors[skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].prefcolor].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].prefcolor); else { UINT16 i = 0; while (icolor = players[consoleplayer].skincolor; if (metalrecording) { // Starring Metal Sonic as themselves, obviously. SetPlayerSkinByNum(consoleplayer, 5); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[5].name); } else if ((foundskin = R_SkinAvailable(cv_skin.string)) != -1 && R_SkinUsable(consoleplayer, foundskin)) { //boolean notsame; cv_skin.value = foundskin; //notsame = (cv_skin.value != players[consoleplayer].skin); SetPlayerSkin(consoleplayer, cv_skin.string); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[cv_skin.value].name); /*if (notsame) { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, skins[cv_skin.value].prefcolor); players[consoleplayer].skincolor = cv_playercolor.value % numskincolors; if (players[consoleplayer].mo) players[consoleplayer].mo->color = (UINT16)players[consoleplayer].skincolor; }*/ } else { cv_skin.value = players[consoleplayer].skin; CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].name); // will always be same as current SetPlayerSkin(consoleplayer, cv_skin.string); } return; } snacpending++; // Don't change name if muted if (player_name_changes[consoleplayer] >= MAXNAMECHANGES) { CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername, player_names[consoleplayer]); HU_AddChatText("\x85*You must wait to change your name again", false); } else if (cv_mute.value && !(server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername, player_names[consoleplayer]); else // Cleanup name if changing it CleanupPlayerName(consoleplayer, cv_playername.zstring); // Don't change skin if the server doesn't want you to. if (!CanChangeSkin(consoleplayer)) CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].name); // check if player has the skin loaded (cv_skin may have // the name of a skin that was available in the previous game) cv_skin.value = R_SkinAvailable(cv_skin.string); if ((cv_skin.value < 0) || !R_SkinUsable(consoleplayer, cv_skin.value)) { INT32 defaultSkinNum = GetPlayerDefaultSkin(consoleplayer); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[defaultSkinNum].name); cv_skin.value = defaultSkinNum; } // Finally write out the complete packet and send it off. WRITESTRINGN(p, cv_playername.zstring, MAXPLAYERNAME); WRITEUINT32(p, (UINT32)players[consoleplayer].availabilities); WRITEUINT16(p, (UINT16)cv_playercolor.value); WRITEUINT8(p, (UINT8)cv_skin.value); SendNetXCmd(XD_NAMEANDCOLOR, buf, p - buf); } // splitscreen static void SendNameAndColor2(void) { INT32 secondplaya; if (!splitscreen && !botingame) return; // can happen if skin2/color2/name2 changed if (secondarydisplayplayer != consoleplayer) secondplaya = secondarydisplayplayer; else // HACK secondplaya = 1; // don't allow inaccessible colors if (!skincolors[cv_playercolor2.value].accessible) { if (players[secondplaya].skincolor && skincolors[players[secondplaya].skincolor].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, players[secondplaya].skincolor); else if (skincolors[atoi(cv_playercolor2.defaultvalue)].accessible) CV_StealthSet(&cv_playercolor, cv_playercolor2.defaultvalue); else if (skins[players[secondplaya].skin].prefcolor && skincolors[skins[players[secondplaya].skin].prefcolor].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, skins[players[secondplaya].skin].prefcolor); else { UINT16 i = 0; while (icolor = players[secondplaya].skincolor; SetPlayerSkinByNum(secondplaya, botskin-1); return; } else if (!netgame) { INT32 foundskin; CleanupPlayerName(secondplaya, cv_playername2.zstring); strcpy(player_names[secondplaya], cv_playername2.zstring); // don't use secondarydisplayplayer: the second player must be 1 players[secondplaya].skincolor = cv_playercolor2.value; if (players[secondplaya].mo && !players[secondplaya].powers[pw_dye]) players[secondplaya].mo->color = players[secondplaya].skincolor; if (cv_forceskin.value >= 0 && (netgame || multiplayer)) // Server wants everyone to use the same player { const INT32 forcedskin = cv_forceskin.value; SetPlayerSkinByNum(secondplaya, forcedskin); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[forcedskin].name); } else if ((foundskin = R_SkinAvailable(cv_skin2.string)) != -1 && R_SkinUsable(secondplaya, foundskin)) { //boolean notsame; cv_skin2.value = foundskin; //notsame = (cv_skin2.value != players[secondplaya].skin); SetPlayerSkin(secondplaya, cv_skin2.string); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[cv_skin2.value].name); /*if (notsame) { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, skins[players[secondplaya].skin].prefcolor); players[secondplaya].skincolor = cv_playercolor2.value % numskincolors; if (players[secondplaya].mo) players[secondplaya].mo->color = players[secondplaya].skincolor; }*/ } else { cv_skin2.value = players[secondplaya].skin; CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[players[secondplaya].skin].name); // will always be same as current SetPlayerSkin(secondplaya, cv_skin2.string); } return; } // Don't actually send anything because splitscreen isn't actually allowed in netgames anyway! } static void Got_NameAndColor(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { player_t *p = &players[playernum]; char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; UINT16 color; UINT8 skin; #ifdef PARANOIA if (playernum < 0 || playernum > MAXPLAYERS) I_Error("There is no player %d!", playernum); #endif if (playernum == consoleplayer) snacpending--; else if (playernum == secondarydisplayplayer) snac2pending--; #ifdef PARANOIA if (snacpending < 0 || snac2pending < 0) I_Error("snacpending negative!"); #endif READSTRINGN(*cp, name, MAXPLAYERNAME); p->availabilities = READUINT32(*cp); color = READUINT16(*cp); skin = READUINT8(*cp); // set name if (player_name_changes[playernum] < MAXNAMECHANGES) { if (strcasecmp(player_names[playernum], name) != 0) SetPlayerName(playernum, name); } // set color p->skincolor = color % numskincolors; if (p->mo) p->mo->color = P_GetPlayerColor(p); // normal player colors if (server && (p != &players[consoleplayer] && p != &players[secondarydisplayplayer])) { boolean kick = false; UINT32 unlockShift = 0; UINT32 i; // don't allow inaccessible colors if (skincolors[p->skincolor].accessible == false) kick = true; // availabilities for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; i++) { if (unlockables[i].type != SECRET_SKIN) { continue; } unlockShift++; } // If they set an invalid bit to true, then likely a modified client if (unlockShift < 32) // 32 is the max the data type allows { UINT32 illegalMask = UINT32_MAX; for (i = 0; i < unlockShift; i++) { illegalMask &= ~(1 << i); } if ((p->availabilities & illegalMask) != 0) { kick = true; } } if (kick) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal color change received from %s (team: %d), color: %d)\n"), player_names[playernum], p->ctfteam, p->skincolor); SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } } // set skin if (cv_forceskin.value >= 0 && (netgame || multiplayer)) // Server wants everyone to use the same player { const INT32 forcedskin = cv_forceskin.value; SetPlayerSkinByNum(playernum, forcedskin); if (playernum == consoleplayer) CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[forcedskin].name); else if (playernum == secondarydisplayplayer) CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[forcedskin].name); } else SetPlayerSkinByNum(playernum, skin); } void SendWeaponPref(void) { UINT8 buf[1]; buf[0] = 0; if (cv_flipcam.value) buf[0] |= 1; if (cv_analog[0].value && cv_directionchar[0].value != 2) buf[0] |= 2; if (cv_directionchar[0].value == 1) buf[0] |= 4; if (cv_autobrake.value) buf[0] |= 8; SendNetXCmd(XD_WEAPONPREF, buf, 1); } void SendWeaponPref2(void) { UINT8 buf[1]; buf[0] = 0; if (cv_flipcam2.value) buf[0] |= 1; if (cv_analog[1].value && cv_directionchar[1].value != 2) buf[0] |= 2; if (cv_directionchar[1].value == 1) buf[0] |= 4; if (cv_autobrake2.value) buf[0] |= 8; SendNetXCmd2(XD_WEAPONPREF, buf, 1); } static void Got_WeaponPref(UINT8 **cp,INT32 playernum) { UINT8 prefs = READUINT8(*cp); players[playernum].pflags &= ~(PF_FLIPCAM|PF_ANALOGMODE|PF_DIRECTIONCHAR|PF_AUTOBRAKE); if (prefs & 1) players[playernum].pflags |= PF_FLIPCAM; if (prefs & 2) players[playernum].pflags |= PF_ANALOGMODE; if (prefs & 4) players[playernum].pflags |= PF_DIRECTIONCHAR; if (prefs & 8) players[playernum].pflags |= PF_AUTOBRAKE; } void D_SendPlayerConfig(void) { SendNameAndColor(); if (splitscreen || botingame) SendNameAndColor2(); SendWeaponPref(); if (splitscreen) SendWeaponPref2(); } // Only works for displayplayer, sorry! static void Command_ResetCamera_f(void) { P_ResetCamera(&players[displayplayer], &camera); } // ======================================================================== // play a demo, add .lmp for external demos // eg: playdemo demo1 plays the internal game demo // // UINT8 *demofile; // demo file buffer static void Command_Playdemo_f(void) { char name[256]; if (COM_Argc() < 2) { CONS_Printf("playdemo [-addfiles / -force]:\n"); CONS_Printf(M_GetText( "Play back a demo file. The full path from your SRB2 directory must be given.\n\n" "* With \"-addfiles\", any required files are added from a list contained within the demo file.\n" "* With \"-force\", the demo is played even if the necessary files have not been added.\n")); return; } if (netgame) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't play a demo while in a netgame.\n")); return; } // disconnect from server here? if (demoplayback) G_StopDemo(); if (metalplayback) G_StopMetalDemo(); // open the demo file strcpy(name, COM_Argv(1)); // dont add .lmp so internal game demos can be played CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Playing back demo '%s'.\n"), name); demofileoverride = DFILE_OVERRIDE_NONE; if (strcmp(COM_Argv(2), "-addfiles") == 0) { demofileoverride = DFILE_OVERRIDE_LOAD; } else if (strcmp(COM_Argv(2), "-force") == 0) { demofileoverride = DFILE_OVERRIDE_SKIP; } // Internal if no extension, external if one exists // If external, convert the file name to a path in SRB2's home directory if (FIL_CheckExtension(name)) G_DoPlayDemo(va("%s"PATHSEP"%s", srb2home, name)); else G_DoPlayDemo(name); } static void Command_Timedemo_f(void) { size_t i = 0; if (COM_Argc() < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("timedemo [-csv []] [-quit]: time a demo\n")); return; } if (netgame) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't play a demo while in a netgame.\n")); return; } // disconnect from server here? if (demoplayback) G_StopDemo(); if (metalplayback) G_StopMetalDemo(); // open the demo file strcpy (timedemo_name, COM_Argv(1)); // dont add .lmp so internal game demos can be played // print timedemo results as CSV? i = COM_CheckParm("-csv"); timedemo_csv = (i > 0); if (COM_CheckParm("-quit") != i + 1) strcpy(timedemo_csv_id, COM_Argv(i + 1)); // user-defined string to identify row else timedemo_csv_id[0] = 0; // exit after the timedemo? timedemo_quit = (COM_CheckParm("-quit") > 0); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Timing demo '%s'.\n"), timedemo_name); G_TimeDemo(timedemo_name); } // stop current demo static void Command_Stopdemo_f(void) { G_CheckDemoStatus(); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Stopped demo.\n")); } static void Command_StartMovie_f(void) { M_StartMovie(); } static void Command_StopMovie_f(void) { M_StopMovie(); } INT32 mapchangepending = 0; /** Runs a map change. * The supplied data are assumed to be good. If provided by a user, they will * have already been checked in Command_Map_f(). * * Do \b NOT call this function directly from a menu! M_Responder() is called * from within the event processing loop, and this function calls * SV_SpawnServer(), which calls CL_ConnectToServer(), which gives you "Press * ESC to abort", which calls I_GetKey(), which adds an event. In other words, * 63 old events will get reexecuted, with ridiculous results. Just don't do * it (without setting delay to 1, which is the current solution). * * \param mapnum Map number to change to. * \param gametype Gametype to switch to. * \param pultmode Is this 'Ultimate Mode'? * \param resetplayers 1 to reset player scores and lives and such, 0 not to. * \param delay Determines how the function will be executed: 0 to do * it all right now (must not be done from a menu), 1 to * do step one and prepare step two, 2 to do step two. * \param skipprecutscene To skip the precutscence or not? * \sa D_GameTypeChanged, Command_Map_f * \author Graue */ void D_MapChange(INT32 mapnum, INT32 newgametype, boolean pultmode, boolean resetplayers, INT32 delay, boolean skipprecutscene, boolean FLS) { static char buf[2+MAX_WADPATH+1+4]; static char *buf_p = buf; // The supplied data are assumed to be good. I_Assert(delay >= 0 && delay <= 2); if (mapnum != -1) { CV_SetValue(&cv_nextmap, mapnum); // Kick bot from special stages if (botskin) { if (G_IsSpecialStage(mapnum) || (mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1] && (mapheaderinfo[mapnum-1]->typeoflevel & TOL_NIGHTS))) { if (botingame) { //CL_RemoveSplitscreenPlayer(); botingame = false; playeringame[1] = false; } } else if (!botingame) { //CL_AddSplitscreenPlayer(); botingame = true; secondarydisplayplayer = 1; playeringame[1] = true; players[1].bot = 1; SendNameAndColor2(); } } } CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Map change: mapnum=%d gametype=%d ultmode=%d resetplayers=%d delay=%d skipprecutscene=%d\n", mapnum, newgametype, pultmode, resetplayers, delay, skipprecutscene); if ((netgame || multiplayer) && !((gametype == newgametype) && (gametypes[newgametype].rules & GTR_CAMPAIGN))) FLS = false; if (delay != 2) { UINT8 flags = 0; const char *mapname = G_BuildMapName(mapnum); I_Assert(W_CheckNumForName(mapname) != LUMPERROR); buf_p = buf; if (pultmode) flags |= 1; if (!resetplayers) flags |= 1<<1; if (skipprecutscene) flags |= 1<<2; if (FLS) flags |= 1<<3; WRITEUINT8(buf_p, flags); // new gametype value WRITEUINT8(buf_p, newgametype); WRITESTRINGN(buf_p, mapname, MAX_WADPATH); } if (delay == 1) mapchangepending = 1; else { mapchangepending = 0; // spawn the server if needed // reset players if there is a new one if (!IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)) { if (SV_SpawnServer()) buf[0] &= ~(1<<1); if (!Playing()) // you failed to start a server somehow, so cancel the map change return; } chmappending++; if (netgame) WRITEUINT32(buf_p, M_RandomizedSeed()); // random seed SendNetXCmd(XD_MAP, buf, buf_p - buf); } } static char * ConcatCommandArgv (int start, int end) { char *final; size_t size; int i; char *p; size = 0; for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { /* one space after each argument, but terminating character on final argument */ size += strlen(COM_Argv(i)) + 1; } final = ZZ_Alloc(size); p = final; --end;/* handle the final argument separately */ for (i = start; i < end; ++i) { p += sprintf(p, "%s ", COM_Argv(i)); } /* at this point "end" is actually the last argument's position */ strcpy(p, COM_Argv(end)); return final; } // // Warp to map code. // Called either from map console command, or idclev cheat. // // Largely rewritten by James. // static void Command_Map_f(void) { size_t first_option; size_t option_force; size_t option_gametype; const char *gametypename; boolean newresetplayers; boolean wouldSetCheats; INT32 newmapnum; char * mapname; char *realmapname = NULL; INT32 newgametype = gametype; INT32 d; if (client && !IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); return; } option_force = COM_CheckPartialParm("-f"); option_gametype = COM_CheckPartialParm("-g"); newresetplayers = ! COM_CheckParm("-noresetplayers"); wouldSetCheats = !( netgame || multiplayer ) && !( usedCheats ); if (wouldSetCheats && !option_force) { /* May want to be more descriptive? */ CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sorry, level change disabled in single player.\n")); return; } if (!newresetplayers && !cv_debug) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("DEVMODE must be enabled.\n")); return; } if (option_gametype) { if (!multiplayer) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText( "You can't switch gametypes in single player!\n")); return; } else if (COM_Argc() < option_gametype + 2)/* no argument after? */ { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "No gametype name follows parameter '%s'.\n", COM_Argv(option_gametype)); return; } } if (!( first_option = COM_FirstOption() )) first_option = COM_Argc(); if (first_option < 2) { /* I'm going over the fucking lines and I DON'T CAREEEEE */ CONS_Printf("map [-gametype ] [-force]:\n"); CONS_Printf(M_GetText( "Warp to a map, by its name, two character code, with optional \"MAP\" prefix, or by its number (though why would you).\n" "All parameters are case-insensitive and may be abbreviated.\n")); return; } mapname = ConcatCommandArgv(1, first_option); newmapnum = G_FindMapByNameOrCode(mapname, &realmapname); if (newmapnum == 0) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Could not find any map described as '%s'.\n"), mapname); Z_Free(mapname); return; } if (wouldSetCheats && option_force) { G_SetUsedCheats(false); } // new gametype value // use current one by default if (option_gametype) { gametypename = COM_Argv(option_gametype + 1); newgametype = G_GetGametypeByName(gametypename); if (newgametype == -1) // reached end of the list with no match { /* Did they give us a gametype number? That's okay too! */ if (isdigit(gametypename[0])) { d = atoi(gametypename); if (d >= 0 && d < gametypecount) newgametype = d; else { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Gametype number %d is out of range. Use a number between" " 0 and %d inclusive. ...Or just use the name. :v\n", d, gametypecount-1); Z_Free(realmapname); Z_Free(mapname); return; } } else { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "'%s' is not a gametype.\n", gametypename); Z_Free(realmapname); Z_Free(mapname); return; } } } // don't use a gametype the map doesn't support if (cv_debug || option_force || cv_skipmapcheck.value) fromlevelselect = false; // The player wants us to trek on anyway. Do so. // G_TOLFlag handles both multiplayer gametype and ignores it for !multiplayer else { if (!( mapheaderinfo[newmapnum-1] && mapheaderinfo[newmapnum-1]->typeoflevel & G_TOLFlag(newgametype) )) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("%s (%s) doesn't support %s mode!\n(Use -force to override)\n"), realmapname, G_BuildMapName(newmapnum), (multiplayer ? gametype_cons_t[newgametype].strvalue : "Single Player")); Z_Free(realmapname); Z_Free(mapname); return; } else { fromlevelselect = ( netgame || multiplayer ) && newgametype == gametype && gametypes[newgametype].rules & GTR_CAMPAIGN; } } // Prevent warping to locked levels // ... unless you're in a dedicated server. Yes, technically this means you can view any level by // running a dedicated server and joining it yourself, but that's better than making dedicated server's // lives hell. if (!dedicated && M_MapLocked(newmapnum, serverGamedata)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You need to unlock this level before you can warp to it!\n")); Z_Free(realmapname); Z_Free(mapname); return; } // Ultimate Mode only in SP via menu if (netgame || multiplayer) ultimatemode = false; if (tutorialmode && tutorialgcs) { G_CopyControls(gamecontrol, gamecontroldefault[gcs_custom], gcl_tutorial_full, num_gcl_tutorial_full); // using gcs_custom as temp storage CV_SetValue(&cv_usemouse, tutorialusemouse); CV_SetValue(&cv_alwaysfreelook, tutorialfreelook); CV_SetValue(&cv_mousemove, tutorialmousemove); CV_SetValue(&cv_analog[0], tutorialanalog); } tutorialmode = false; // warping takes us out of tutorial mode D_MapChange(newmapnum, newgametype, false, newresetplayers, 0, false, fromlevelselect); Z_Free(realmapname); } /** Receives a map command and changes the map. * * \param cp Data buffer. * \param playernum Player number responsible for the message. Should be * ::serverplayer or ::adminplayer. * \sa D_MapChange */ static void Got_Mapcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char mapname[MAX_WADPATH+1]; UINT8 flags; INT32 resetplayer = 1, lastgametype; UINT8 skipprecutscene, FLS; INT16 mapnumber; if (playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal map change received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } if (chmappending) chmappending--; flags = READUINT8(*cp); ultimatemode = ((flags & 1) != 0); if (netgame || multiplayer) ultimatemode = false; resetplayer = ((flags & (1<<1)) == 0); lastgametype = gametype; gametype = READUINT8(*cp); if (gametype < 0 || gametype >= gametypecount) gametype = lastgametype; else G_SetGametype(gametype); if (gametype != lastgametype) D_GameTypeChanged(lastgametype); // emulate consvar_t behavior for gametype skipprecutscene = ((flags & (1<<2)) != 0); FLS = ((flags & (1<<3)) != 0); READSTRINGN(*cp, mapname, MAX_WADPATH); if (netgame) P_SetRandSeed(READUINT32(*cp)); if (!skipprecutscene) { DEBFILE(va("Warping to %s [resetplayer=%d lastgametype=%d gametype=%d cpnd=%d]\n", mapname, resetplayer, lastgametype, gametype, chmappending)); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Speeding off to level...\n")); } if (demoplayback && !timingdemo) precache = false; if (modeattacking) { SetPlayerSkinByNum(0, cv_chooseskin.value-1); players[0].skincolor = skins[players[0].skin].prefcolor; CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, players[0].skincolor); } mapnumber = M_MapNumber(mapname[3], mapname[4]); LUA_HookInt(mapnumber, HOOK(MapChange)); G_InitNew(ultimatemode, mapname, resetplayer, skipprecutscene, FLS); if (demoplayback && !timingdemo) precache = true; if (timingdemo) G_DoneLevelLoad(); if (metalrecording) G_BeginMetal(); if (demorecording) // Okay, level loaded, character spawned and skinned, G_BeginRecording(); // I AM NOW READY TO RECORD. demo_start = true; } static void Command_Pause(void) { UINT8 buf[2]; UINT8 *cp = buf; if (COM_Argc() > 1) WRITEUINT8(cp, (char)(atoi(COM_Argv(1)) != 0)); else WRITEUINT8(cp, (char)(!paused)); if (dedicated) WRITEUINT8(cp, 1); else WRITEUINT8(cp, 0); if (cv_pause.value || server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { if (modeattacking || !(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION || gamestate == GS_WAITINGPLAYERS) || (marathonmode && gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't pause here.\n")); return; } SendNetXCmd(XD_PAUSE, &buf, 2); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); } static void Got_Pause(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { UINT8 dedicatedpause = false; const char *playername; if (netgame && !cv_pause.value && playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal pause command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } if (modeattacking) return; paused = READUINT8(*cp); dedicatedpause = READUINT8(*cp); if (!demoplayback) { if (netgame) { if (dedicatedpause) playername = "SERVER"; else playername = player_names[playernum]; if (paused) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Game paused by %s\n"), playername); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Game unpaused by %s\n"), playername); } if (paused) { if (!menuactive || netgame) S_PauseAudio(); } else S_ResumeAudio(); } I_UpdateMouseGrab(); } // Command for stuck characters in netgames, griefing, etc. static void Command_Suicide(void) { UINT8 buf[4]; UINT8 *cp = buf; if (!(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); return; } if (!G_PlatformGametype()) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You may only use this in co-op, race, and competition!\n")); return; } // Retry is quicker. Probably should force people to use it. if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't use this in Single Player! Use \"retry\" instead.\n")); return; } WRITEINT32(cp, consoleplayer); SendNetXCmd(XD_SUICIDE, &buf, 4); } static void Got_Suicide(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { INT32 suicideplayer = READINT32(*cp); // You can't suicide someone else. Nice try, there. if (suicideplayer != playernum || (!G_PlatformGametype())) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal suicide command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } if (players[suicideplayer].mo) P_DamageMobj(players[suicideplayer].mo, NULL, NULL, 1, DMG_INSTAKILL); } /** Deals with an ::XD_RANDOMSEED message in a netgame. * These messages set the position of the random number LUT and are crucial to * correct synchronization. * * Such a message should only ever come from the ::serverplayer. If it comes * from any other player, it is ignored. * * \param cp Data buffer. * \param playernum Player responsible for the message. Must be ::serverplayer. * \author Graue */ static void Got_RandomSeed(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { UINT32 seed; seed = READUINT32(*cp); if (playernum != serverplayer) // it's not from the server, wtf? return; P_SetRandSeed(seed); } /** Clears all players' scores in a netgame. * Only the server or a remote admin can use this command, for obvious reasons. * * \sa XD_CLEARSCORES, Got_Clearscores * \author SSNTails */ static void Command_Clearscores_f(void) { if (!(server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)))) return; SendNetXCmd(XD_CLEARSCORES, NULL, 1); } /** Handles an ::XD_CLEARSCORES message, which resets all players' scores in a * netgame to zero. * * \param cp Data buffer. * \param playernum Player responsible for the message. Must be ::serverplayer * or ::adminplayer. * \sa XD_CLEARSCORES, Command_Clearscores_f * \author SSNTails */ static void Got_Clearscores(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { INT32 i; (void)cp; if (playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal clear scores command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) players[i].score = players[i].recordscore = 0; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Scores have been reset by the server.\n")); } static UINT8 GetTeamByName(const char *name) { for (UINT8 i = 1; i < teamsingame; i++) { const char *team_name = teams[G_GetTeam(i)].name; if (team_name && !stricmp(name, team_name)) return i; } return MAXTEAMS; } // Team changing functions static void Command_Teamchange_f(void) { changeteam_union NetPacket; boolean error = false; UINT16 usvalue; NetPacket.value.l = NetPacket.value.b = 0; // 0 1 // changeteam if (COM_Argc() <= 1) { if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); else CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators() && (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "0"))) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else { UINT8 newteam = MAXTEAMS; if (M_StringOnlyHasDigits(COM_Argv(1))) { newteam = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam == TEAM_NONE || newteam >= teamsingame) newteam = MAXTEAMS; } else newteam = GetTeamByName(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam != MAXTEAMS) NetPacket.packet.newteam = newteam; else error = true; } } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "0")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "playing") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "1")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 3; else error = true; } else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (error) { if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); return; } if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == (unsigned)players[consoleplayer].ctfteam || (players[consoleplayer].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam)) error = true; } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if ((players[consoleplayer].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam) || (!players[consoleplayer].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) error = true; } #ifdef PARANOIA else I_Error("Invalid gametype after initial checks!"); #endif if (error) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You're already on that team!\n")); return; } if (!cv_allowteamchange.value && NetPacket.packet.newteam) // allow swapping to spectator even in locked teams. { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("The server is not allowing team changes at the moment.\n")); return; } //additional check for hide and seek. Don't allow change of status after hidetime ends. if ((gametyperules & GTR_HIDEFROZEN) && leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Hiding time expired; no Hide and Seek status changes allowed!\n")); return; } usvalue = SHORT(NetPacket.value.l|NetPacket.value.b); SendNetXCmd(XD_TEAMCHANGE, &usvalue, sizeof(usvalue)); } static void Command_Teamchange2_f(void) { changeteam_union NetPacket; boolean error = false; UINT16 usvalue; NetPacket.value.l = NetPacket.value.b = 0; // 0 1 // changeteam2 if (COM_Argc() <= 1) { if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); else CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators() && (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "0"))) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else { UINT8 newteam = MAXTEAMS; if (M_StringOnlyHasDigits(COM_Argv(1))) { newteam = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam == TEAM_NONE || newteam >= teamsingame) newteam = MAXTEAMS; } else newteam = GetTeamByName(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam != MAXTEAMS) NetPacket.packet.newteam = newteam; else error = true; } } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "0")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "playing") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "1")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 3; else error = true; } else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (error) { if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("changeteam2 : switch to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); return; } if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == (unsigned)players[secondarydisplayplayer].ctfteam || (players[secondarydisplayplayer].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam)) error = true; } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if ((players[secondarydisplayplayer].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam) || (!players[secondarydisplayplayer].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) error = true; } #ifdef PARANOIA else I_Error("Invalid gametype after initial checks!"); #endif if (error) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You're already on that team!\n")); return; } if (!cv_allowteamchange.value && NetPacket.packet.newteam) // allow swapping to spectator even in locked teams. { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("The server is not allowing team changes at the moment.\n")); return; } //additional check for hide and seek. Don't allow change of status after hidetime ends. if ((gametyperules & GTR_HIDEFROZEN) && leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Hiding time expired; no Hide and Seek status changes allowed!\n")); return; } usvalue = SHORT(NetPacket.value.l|NetPacket.value.b); SendNetXCmd2(XD_TEAMCHANGE, &usvalue, sizeof(usvalue)); } static void Command_ServerTeamChange_f(void) { changeteam_union NetPacket; boolean error = false; UINT16 usvalue; NetPacket.value.l = NetPacket.value.b = 0; if (!(server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); return; } // 0 1 2 // serverchangeteam if (COM_Argc() < 3) { if (G_TagGametype()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "it, notit, playing, or spectator"); else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); else CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (G_TagGametype()) { if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "it") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "1")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 1; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "notit") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "2")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 2; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "playing") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "3")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 3; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "0")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else error = true; } else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators() && (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(1), "0"))) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else { UINT8 newteam = MAXTEAMS; if (M_StringOnlyHasDigits(COM_Argv(1))) { newteam = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam == TEAM_NONE || newteam >= teamsingame) newteam = MAXTEAMS; } else newteam = GetTeamByName(COM_Argv(1)); if (newteam != MAXTEAMS) NetPacket.packet.newteam = newteam; else error = true; } } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "spectator") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "0")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 0; else if (!strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "playing") || !strcasecmp(COM_Argv(2), "1")) NetPacket.packet.newteam = 3; else error = true; } else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); return; } if (error) { if (G_TagGametype()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "it, notit, playing, or spectator"); else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name or spectator"); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "team name"); } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("serverchangeteam : switch player to a new team (%s)\n"), "spectator or playing"); return; } NetPacket.packet.playernum = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (!playeringame[NetPacket.packet.playernum]) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("There is no player %d!\n"), NetPacket.packet.playernum); return; } if (G_TagGametype()) { if (( (players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT) && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 1) || (!(players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT) && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 2) || ( players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam) || (!players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) error = true; } else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == (unsigned)players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].ctfteam || (players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam)) error = true; } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if ((players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam) || (!players[NetPacket.packet.playernum].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) error = true; } #ifdef PARANOIA else I_Error("Invalid gametype after initial checks!"); #endif if (error) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("That player is already on that team!\n")); return; } //additional check for hide and seek. Don't allow change of status after hidetime ends. if ((gametyperules & GTR_HIDEFROZEN) && leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("Hiding time expired; no Hide and Seek status changes allowed!\n")); return; } NetPacket.packet.verification = true; // This signals that it's a server change usvalue = SHORT(NetPacket.value.l|NetPacket.value.b); SendNetXCmd(XD_TEAMCHANGE, &usvalue, sizeof(usvalue)); } //todo: This and the other teamchange functions are getting too long and messy. Needs cleaning. static void Got_Teamchange(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { changeteam_union NetPacket; boolean error = false; NetPacket.value.l = NetPacket.value.b = READINT16(*cp); if (!G_GametypeHasTeams() && !G_GametypeHasSpectators()) //Make sure you're in the right gametype. { // this should never happen unless the client is hacked/buggy CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal team change received from player %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); } if (NetPacket.packet.verification) // Special marker that the server sent the request { if (playernum != serverplayer && (!IsPlayerAdmin(playernum))) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal team change received from player %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } playernum = NetPacket.packet.playernum; } // Prevent multiple changes in one go. if (G_TagGametype()) { if (((players[playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT) && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 1) || (!(players[playernum].pflags & PF_TAGIT) && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 2) || (players[playernum].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 0) || (!players[playernum].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) return; } else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if ((NetPacket.packet.newteam && (NetPacket.packet.newteam == (unsigned)players[playernum].ctfteam)) || (players[playernum].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam)) return; } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if ((players[playernum].spectator && !NetPacket.packet.newteam) || (!players[playernum].spectator && NetPacket.packet.newteam == 3)) return; } else { if (playernum != serverplayer && (!IsPlayerAdmin(playernum))) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal team change received from player %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); } return; } UINT8 ctfteam = NetPacket.packet.newteam; if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { ctfteam = G_GetTeam(ctfteam); } else if (G_TagGametype() || G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if (ctfteam == 3) ctfteam = TEAM_PLAYING; else ctfteam = 0; } else ctfteam = 0; if (!LUA_HookTeamSwitch(&players[playernum], ctfteam, players[playernum].spectator, NetPacket.packet.autobalance, NetPacket.packet.scrambled)) return; //no status changes after hidetime if ((gametyperules & GTR_HIDEFROZEN) && (leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE))) error = true; //Make sure that the right team number is sent. Keep in mind that normal clients cannot change to certain teams in certain gametypes. switch (gametype) { case GT_HIDEANDSEEK: //no status changes after hidetime if (leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE)) { error = true; break; } /* FALLTHRU */ case GT_TAG: switch (NetPacket.packet.newteam) { case 0: break; case 1: case 2: if (!NetPacket.packet.verification) error = true; //Only admin can change player's IT status' in tag. break; case 3: //Join game via console. if (!NetPacket.packet.verification && !cv_allowteamchange.value) error = true; break; } break; default: #ifdef PARANOIA if (!G_GametypeHasTeams() && !G_GametypeHasSpectators()) I_Error("Invalid gametype after initial checks!"); #endif if (!cv_allowteamchange.value) { if (!NetPacket.packet.verification && NetPacket.packet.newteam) error = true; //Only admin can change status, unless changing to spectator. } break; //Otherwise, you don't need special permissions. } if (server && ((NetPacket.packet.newteam < 0 || NetPacket.packet.newteam > MAXTEAMS) || error)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal team change received from player %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); } //Safety first! if (players[playernum].mo) { if (!players[playernum].spectator) P_DamageMobj(players[playernum].mo, NULL, NULL, 1, DMG_INSTAKILL); else { P_RemoveMobj(players[playernum].mo); players[playernum].mo = NULL; players[playernum].playerstate = PST_REBORN; } } else players[playernum].playerstate = PST_REBORN; //Now that we've done our error checking and killed the player //if necessary, put the player on the correct team/status. if (G_TagGametype()) { if (!NetPacket.packet.newteam) { players[playernum].spectator = true; players[playernum].pflags &= ~PF_TAGIT; players[playernum].pflags &= ~PF_GAMETYPEOVER; } else if (NetPacket.packet.newteam != 3) // .newteam == 1 or 2. { players[playernum].spectator = false; players[playernum].pflags &= ~PF_GAMETYPEOVER; //Just in case. if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == 1) //Make the player IT. players[playernum].pflags |= PF_TAGIT; else players[playernum].pflags &= ~PF_TAGIT; } else // Just join the game. { players[playernum].spectator = false; //If joining after hidetime in normal tag, default to being IT. if (((gametyperules & (GTR_TAG|GTR_HIDEFROZEN)) == GTR_TAG) && (leveltime > (hidetime * TICRATE))) { NetPacket.packet.newteam = 1; //minor hack, causes the "is it" message to be printed later. players[playernum].pflags |= PF_TAGIT; //make the player IT. } } } else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { if (!ctfteam) { players[playernum].ctfteam = 0; players[playernum].spectator = true; } else { players[playernum].ctfteam = ctfteam; players[playernum].spectator = false; } } else if (G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { if (!NetPacket.packet.newteam) players[playernum].spectator = true; else players[playernum].spectator = false; } if (NetPacket.packet.autobalance) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s was autobalanced to %s%s%c.\n"), player_names[playernum], GetChatColorForSkincolor(G_GetTeamColor(ctfteam)), G_GetTeamName(ctfteam), '\x80'); else if (NetPacket.packet.scrambled) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s was scrambled to %s%s%c.\n"), player_names[playernum], GetChatColorForSkincolor(G_GetTeamColor(ctfteam)), G_GetTeamName(ctfteam), '\x80'); else if (NetPacket.packet.newteam != 0) { if (G_TagGametype()) { if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == 1) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s is now IT!\n"), player_names[playernum]); else if (NetPacket.packet.newteam == 2) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s is no longer IT!\n"), player_names[playernum]); } else if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s switched to %s%s%c.\n"), player_names[playernum], GetChatColorForSkincolor(G_GetTeamColor(ctfteam)), G_GetTeamName(ctfteam), '\x80'); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s entered the game.\n"), player_names[playernum]); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s became a spectator.\n"), player_names[playernum]); //reset view if you are changed, or viewing someone who was changed. if (playernum == consoleplayer || displayplayer == playernum) { // Call ViewpointSwitch hooks here. // The viewpoint was forcibly changed. if (displayplayer != consoleplayer) // You're already viewing yourself. No big deal. LUA_HookViewpointSwitch(&players[consoleplayer], &players[consoleplayer], true); displayplayer = consoleplayer; } // In tag, check to see if you still have a game. if (G_TagGametype()) P_CheckSurvivors(); } // // Attempts to make password system a little sane without // rewriting the entire goddamn XD_file system // #define BASESALT "basepasswordstorage" void D_SetPassword(const char *pw) { D_MD5PasswordPass((const UINT8 *)pw, strlen(pw), BASESALT, &adminpassmd5); adminpasswordset = true; } // Remote Administration static void Command_Changepassword_f(void) { #ifdef NOMD5 // If we have no MD5 support then completely disable XD_LOGIN responses for security. CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, "Remote administration commands are not supported in this build.\n"); #else if (client) // cannot change remotely { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server can use this.\n")); return; } if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("password : change remote admin password\n")); return; } D_SetPassword(COM_Argv(1)); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Password set.\n")); #endif } static void Command_Login_f(void) { #ifdef NOMD5 // If we have no MD5 support then completely disable XD_LOGIN responses for security. CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, "Remote administration commands are not supported in this build.\n"); #else const char *pw; if (!netgame) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in a netgame.\n")); return; } // If the server uses login, it will effectively just remove admin privileges // from whoever has them. This is good. if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("login : Administrator login\n")); return; } pw = COM_Argv(1); // Do the base pass to get what the server has (or should?) D_MD5PasswordPass((const UINT8 *)pw, strlen(pw), BASESALT, &netbuffer->u.md5sum); // Do the final pass to get the comparison the server will come up with D_MD5PasswordPass(netbuffer->u.md5sum, 16, va("PNUM%02d", consoleplayer), &netbuffer->u.md5sum); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Sending login... (Notice only given if password is correct.)\n")); netbuffer->packettype = PT_LOGIN; HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, 16); #endif } boolean IsPlayerAdmin(INT32 playernum) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playernum == adminplayers[i]) return true; return false; } void SetAdminPlayer(INT32 playernum) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playernum == adminplayers[i]) return; // Player is already admin if (adminplayers[i] == -1) { adminplayers[i] = playernum; // Set the player to a free spot break; // End the loop now. If it keeps going, the same player might get assigned to two slots. } } } void ClearAdminPlayers(void) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) adminplayers[i] = -1; } void RemoveAdminPlayer(INT32 playernum) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playernum == adminplayers[i]) adminplayers[i] = -1; } static void Command_Verify_f(void) { char buf[8]; // Should be plenty char *temp; INT32 playernum; if (client) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server can use this.\n")); return; } if (!netgame) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in a netgame.\n")); return; } if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("promote : give admin privileges to a player\n")); return; } strlcpy(buf, COM_Argv(1), sizeof (buf)); playernum = atoi(buf); temp = buf; WRITEUINT8(temp, playernum); if (playeringame[playernum]) SendNetXCmd(XD_VERIFIED, buf, 1); } static void Got_Verification(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { INT16 num = READUINT8(*cp); if (playernum != serverplayer) // it's not from the server (hacker or bug) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal verification received from %s (serverplayer is %s)\n"), player_names[playernum], player_names[serverplayer]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } SetAdminPlayer(num); if (num != consoleplayer) return; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You are now a server administrator.\n")); } static void Command_RemoveAdmin_f(void) { char buf[8]; // Should be plenty char *temp; INT32 playernum; if (client) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server can use this.\n")); return; } if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("demote : remove admin privileges from a player\n")); return; } strlcpy(buf, COM_Argv(1), sizeof(buf)); playernum = atoi(buf); temp = buf; WRITEUINT8(temp, playernum); if (playeringame[playernum]) SendNetXCmd(XD_DEMOTED, buf, 1); } static void Got_Removal(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { INT16 num = READUINT8(*cp); if (playernum != serverplayer) // it's not from the server (hacker or bug) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal demotion received from %s (serverplayer is %s)\n"), player_names[playernum], player_names[serverplayer]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } RemoveAdminPlayer(num); if (num != consoleplayer) return; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You are no longer a server administrator.\n")); } static void Command_MotD_f(void) { size_t i, j; char *mymotd; if ((j = COM_Argc()) < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("motd : Set a message that clients see upon join.\n")); return; } if (!(server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); return; } mymotd = Z_Malloc(sizeof(motd), PU_STATIC, NULL); strlcpy(mymotd, COM_Argv(1), sizeof motd); for (i = 2; i < j; i++) { strlcat(mymotd, " ", sizeof motd); strlcat(mymotd, COM_Argv(i), sizeof motd); } // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; mymotd[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(mymotd[i]) || mymotd[i] == ';') { Z_Free(mymotd); return; } if ((netgame || multiplayer) && client) SendNetXCmd(XD_SETMOTD, mymotd, i); // send the actual size of the motd string, not the full buffer's size else { strcpy(motd, mymotd); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Message of the day set.\n")); } Z_Free(mymotd); } static void Got_MotD_f(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char *mymotd = Z_Malloc(sizeof(motd), PU_STATIC, NULL); INT32 i; boolean kick = false; READSTRINGN(*cp, mymotd, sizeof(motd)); // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; mymotd[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(mymotd[i]) || mymotd[i] == ';') kick = true; if ((playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) || kick) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal motd change received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); Z_Free(mymotd); return; } strcpy(motd, mymotd); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Message of the day set.\n")); Z_Free(mymotd); } static void Command_RunSOC(void) { const char *fn; char buf[255]; size_t length = 0; if (COM_Argc() != 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("runsoc or : run a soc\n")); return; } else fn = COM_Argv(1); if (netgame && !(server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); return; } if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) { if (!P_RunSOC(fn)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Could not find SOC.\n")); else G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); return; } nameonly(strcpy(buf, fn)); length = strlen(buf)+1; SendNetXCmd(XD_RUNSOC, buf, length); } static void Got_RunSOCcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char filename[256]; filestatus_t ncs = FS_NOTCHECKED; if (playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal runsoc command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } READSTRINGN(*cp, filename, 255); // Maybe add md5 support? if (strstr(filename, ".soc") != NULL) { ncs = findfile(filename,NULL,true); if (ncs != FS_FOUND) { Command_ExitGame_f(); if (ncs == FS_NOTFOUND) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server tried to add %s,\nbut you don't have this file.\nYou need to find it in order\nto play on this server.\n"), filename); M_StartMessage(va("The server added a file\n(%s)\nthat you do not have.\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Unknown error finding soc file (%s) the server added.\n"), filename); M_StartMessage(va("Unknown error trying to load a file\nthat the server added\n(%s).\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } return; } } P_RunSOC(filename); G_SetGameModified(true); } // C++ would make this SO much simpler! typedef struct addedfile_s { struct addedfile_s *next; struct addedfile_s *prev; char *value; } addedfile_t; static boolean AddedFileContains(addedfile_t *list, const char *value) { addedfile_t *node; for (node = list; node; node = node->next) { if (!strcmp(value, node->value)) return true; } return false; } static void AddedFilesAdd(addedfile_t **list, const char *value) { addedfile_t *item = Z_Calloc(sizeof(addedfile_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); item->value = Z_StrDup(value); ListAdd(item, (listitem_t**)list); } static void AddedFilesRemove(void *pItem, addedfile_t **itemHead) { addedfile_t *item = (addedfile_t *)pItem; if (item == *itemHead) // Start of list { *itemHead = item->next; if (*itemHead) (*itemHead)->prev = NULL; } else if (item->next == NULL) // end of list { item->prev->next = NULL; } else // Somewhere in between { item->prev->next = item->next; item->next->prev = item->prev; } Z_Free(item->value); Z_Free(item); } static void AddedFilesClearList(addedfile_t **itemHead) { addedfile_t *item; addedfile_t *next; for (item = *itemHead; item; item = next) { next = item->next; AddedFilesRemove(item, itemHead); } } /** Adds a pwad at runtime. * Searches for sounds, maps, music, new images. */ static void Command_Addfile(void) { size_t argc = COM_Argc(); // amount of arguments total size_t curarg; // current argument index addedfile_t *addedfiles = NULL; // list of filenames already processed if (argc < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("addfile [filename2...] [...]: Load add-ons\n")); return; } // start at one to skip command name for (curarg = 1; curarg < argc; curarg++) { const char *fn, *p; char buf[256]; char *buf_p = buf; INT32 i; int musiconly; // W_VerifyNMUSlumps isn't boolean boolean fileadded = false; fn = COM_Argv(curarg); // For the amount of filenames previously processed... fileadded = AddedFileContains(addedfiles, fn); if (fileadded) // If this is one of them, don't try to add it. { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Already processed %s, skipping\n"), fn); continue; } // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; fn[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(fn[i]) || fn[i] == ';') { AddedFilesClearList(&addedfiles); return; } musiconly = W_VerifyNMUSlumps(fn, false); if (musiconly == -1) { AddedFilesAdd(&addedfiles, fn); continue; } if (!musiconly) { // ... But only so long as they contain nothing more then music and sprites. if (netgame && !(server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); continue; } G_SetGameModified(multiplayer); } // Add file on your client directly if it is trivial, or you aren't in a netgame. if (!(netgame || multiplayer) || musiconly) { P_AddWadFile(fn); AddedFilesAdd(&addedfiles, fn); continue; } p = fn+strlen(fn); while(--p >= fn) if (*p == '\\' || *p == '/' || *p == ':') break; ++p; // check no of files currently loaded // See W_LoadWadFile in w_wad.c if (numwadfiles >= MAX_WADFILES) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Too many files loaded to add %s\n"), fn); AddedFilesClearList(&addedfiles); return; } WRITESTRINGN(buf_p,p,240); // calculate and check md5 { UINT8 md5sum[16]; #ifdef NOMD5 memset(md5sum,0,16); #else FILE *fhandle; if ((fhandle = W_OpenWadFile(&fn, true)) != NULL) { tic_t t = I_GetTime(); CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "Making MD5 for %s\n",fn); md5_stream(fhandle, md5sum); CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "MD5 calc for %s took %f second\n", fn, (float)(I_GetTime() - t)/TICRATE); fclose(fhandle); } else // file not found continue; for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++) { if (wadfiles[i]->type == RET_FOLDER) continue; if (!memcmp(wadfiles[i]->md5sum, md5sum, 16)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("%s is already loaded\n"), fn); continue; } } #endif WRITEMEM(buf_p, md5sum, 16); } AddedFilesAdd(&addedfiles, fn); if (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer) && (!server)) // Request to add file SendNetXCmd(XD_REQADDFILE, buf, buf_p - buf); else SendNetXCmd(XD_ADDFILE, buf, buf_p - buf); } AddedFilesClearList(&addedfiles); } static void Command_Addfolder(void) { size_t argc = COM_Argc(); // amount of arguments total size_t curarg; // current argument index addedfile_t *addedfolders = NULL; // list of filenames already processed if (argc < 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("addfolder [path2...] [...]: Load add-ons\n")); return; } // start at one to skip command name for (curarg = 1; curarg < argc; curarg++) { const char *fn, *p; char *fullpath; char buf[256]; char *buf_p = buf; INT32 i, stat; boolean folderadded = false; fn = COM_Argv(curarg); // For the amount of filenames previously processed... folderadded = AddedFileContains(addedfolders, fn); if (folderadded) // If we've added this one, skip to the next one. { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Already processed %s, skipping\n"), fn); continue; } // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; fn[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(fn[i]) || fn[i] == ';') { AddedFilesClearList(&addedfolders); return; } // Add file on your client directly if you aren't in a netgame. if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) { P_AddFolder(fn); AddedFilesAdd(&addedfolders, fn); continue; } p = fn+strlen(fn); while(--p >= fn) if (*p == '\\' || *p == '/' || *p == ':') break; ++p; // Don't add an empty path. if (M_IsStringEmpty(fn)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Folder name is empty, skipping\n")); continue; } // check no of files currently loaded // See W_LoadWadFile in w_wad.c if (numwadfiles >= MAX_WADFILES) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Too many files loaded to add %s\n"), fn); AddedFilesClearList(&addedfolders); return; } // Check if the path is valid. stat = W_IsPathToFolderValid(fn); if (stat == 0) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Path %s is invalid, skipping\n"), fn); continue; } else if (stat < 0) { #ifndef AVOID_ERRNO CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Error accessing %s (%s), skipping\n"), fn, strerror(direrror)); #else CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Error accessing %s, skipping\n"), fn); #endif continue; } // Get the full path for this folder. fullpath = W_GetFullFolderPath(fn); if (fullpath == NULL) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Path %s is invalid, skipping\n"), fn); continue; } // Check if the folder is already added. for (i = 0; i < numwadfiles; i++) { if (wadfiles[i]->type != RET_FOLDER) continue; if (samepaths(wadfiles[i]->path, fullpath) > 0) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("%s is already loaded\n"), fn); continue; } } Z_Free(fullpath); AddedFilesAdd(&addedfolders, fn); WRITESTRINGN(buf_p,p,240); if (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer) && (!server)) // Request to add file SendNetXCmd(XD_REQADDFOLDER, buf, buf_p - buf); else SendNetXCmd(XD_ADDFOLDER, buf, buf_p - buf); } } static void Got_RequestAddfilecmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char filename[241]; filestatus_t ncs = FS_NOTCHECKED; UINT8 md5sum[16]; boolean kick = false; boolean toomany = false; INT32 i,j; READSTRINGN(*cp, filename, 240); READMEM(*cp, md5sum, 16); // Only the server processes this message. if (client) return; // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; filename[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(filename[i]) || filename[i] == ';') kick = true; if ((playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) || kick) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal addfile command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } if (numwadfiles >= MAX_WADFILES) toomany = true; else ncs = findfile(filename,md5sum,true); if (ncs != FS_FOUND || toomany) { char message[256]; if (toomany) sprintf(message, M_GetText("Too many files loaded to add %s\n"), filename); else if (ncs == FS_NOTFOUND) sprintf(message, M_GetText("The server doesn't have %s\n"), filename); else if (ncs == FS_MD5SUMBAD) sprintf(message, M_GetText("Checksum mismatch on %s\n"), filename); else sprintf(message, M_GetText("Unknown error finding wad file (%s)\n"), filename); CONS_Printf("%s",message); for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++) if (adminplayers[j]) COM_BufAddText(va("sayto %d %s", adminplayers[j], message)); return; } COM_BufAddText(va("addfile %s\n", filename)); } static void Got_RequestAddfoldercmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char path[241]; filestatus_t ncs = FS_NOTCHECKED; boolean kick = false; boolean toomany = false; INT32 i,j; READSTRINGN(*cp, path, 240); /// \todo Integrity checks. // Only the server processes this message. if (client) return; // Disallow non-printing characters and semicolons. for (i = 0; path[i] != '\0'; i++) if (!isprint(path[i]) || path[i] == ';') kick = true; if ((playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) || kick) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal addfolder command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } if (numwadfiles >= MAX_WADFILES) toomany = true; else ncs = findfolder(path); if (ncs != FS_FOUND || toomany) { char message[256]; if (toomany) sprintf(message, M_GetText("Too many files loaded to add %s\n"), path); else if (ncs == FS_NOTFOUND) sprintf(message, M_GetText("The server doesn't have %s\n"), path); else sprintf(message, M_GetText("Unknown error finding folder (%s)\n"), path); CONS_Printf("%s",message); for (j = 0; j < MAXPLAYERS; j++) if (adminplayers[j]) COM_BufAddText(va("sayto %d %s", adminplayers[j], message)); return; } COM_BufAddText(va("addfolder \"%s\"\n", path)); } static void Got_Addfilecmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char filename[241]; filestatus_t ncs = FS_NOTCHECKED; UINT8 md5sum[16]; READSTRINGN(*cp, filename, 240); READMEM(*cp, md5sum, 16); if (playernum != serverplayer) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal addfile command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } ncs = findfile(filename,md5sum,true); if (ncs != FS_FOUND || !P_AddWadFile(filename)) { Command_ExitGame_f(); if (ncs == FS_FOUND) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server tried to add %s,\nbut you have too many files added.\nRestart the game to clear loaded files\nand play on this server."), filename); M_StartMessage(va("The server added a file \n(%s)\nbut you have too many files added.\nRestart the game to clear loaded files.\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else if (ncs == FS_NOTFOUND) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server tried to add %s,\nbut you don't have this file.\nYou need to find it in order\nto play on this server."), filename); M_StartMessage(va("The server added a file \n(%s)\nthat you do not have.\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else if (ncs == FS_MD5SUMBAD) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Checksum mismatch while loading %s.\nMake sure you have the copy of\nthis file that the server has.\n"), filename); M_StartMessage(va("Checksum mismatch while loading \n%s.\nThe server seems to have a\ndifferent version of this file.\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Unknown error finding wad file (%s) the server added.\n"), filename); M_StartMessage(va("Unknown error trying to load a file\nthat the server added \n(%s).\n\nPress ESC\n",filename), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } return; } G_SetGameModified(true); } static void Got_Addfoldercmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { char path[241]; filestatus_t ncs = FS_NOTCHECKED; READSTRINGN(*cp, path, 240); /// \todo Integrity checks. if (playernum != serverplayer) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal addfolder command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } ncs = findfolder(path); if (ncs != FS_FOUND || !P_AddFolder(path)) { Command_ExitGame_f(); if (ncs == FS_FOUND) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server tried to add %s,\nbut you have too many files added.\nRestart the game to clear loaded files\nand play on this server."), path); M_StartMessage(va("The server added a folder \n(%s)\nbut you have too many files added.\nRestart the game to clear loaded files.\n\nPress ESC\n",path), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else if (ncs == FS_NOTFOUND) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The server tried to add %s,\nbut you don't have this file.\nYou need to find it in order\nto play on this server."), path); M_StartMessage(va("The server added a folder \n(%s)\nthat you do not have.\n\nPress ESC\n",path), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } else { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Unknown error finding folder (%s) the server added.\n"), path); M_StartMessage(va("Unknown error trying to load a folder\nthat the server added \n(%s).\n\nPress ESC\n",path), NULL, MM_NOTHING); } return; } G_SetGameModified(true); } static void Command_ListWADS_f(void) { INT32 i = numwadfiles; char *tempname; #ifdef ENFORCE_WAD_LIMIT CONS_Printf(M_GetText("There are %d/%d files loaded:\n"),numwadfiles,MAX_WADFILES); #else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("There are %d files loaded:\n"),numwadfiles); #endif for (i--; i >= 0; i--) { nameonly(tempname = va("%s", wadfiles[i]->filename)); if (!i) CONS_Printf("\x82 IWAD\x80: %s\n", tempname); else if (i < mainwads) CONS_Printf("\x82 * %.2d\x80: %s\n", i, tempname); else if (!wadfiles[i]->important) CONS_Printf("\x86 %.2d: %s\n", i, tempname); else if (wadfiles[i]->type == RET_FOLDER) CONS_Printf("\x82 * %.2d\x84: %s\n", i, tempname); else CONS_Printf(" %.2d: %s\n", i, tempname); } } // ========================================================================= // MISC. COMMANDS // ========================================================================= /** Prints program version. */ static void Command_Version_f(void) { #ifdef DEVELOP CONS_Printf("Sonic Robo Blast 2 %s %s %s (%s %s) ", compbranch, comprevision, compnote, compdate, comptime); #else CONS_Printf("Sonic Robo Blast 2 %s (%s %s %s %s) ", VERSIONSTRING, compdate, comptime, comprevision, compbranch); #endif // Base library #if defined( HAVE_SDL) CONS_Printf("SDL "); #elif defined(_WINDOWS) CONS_Printf("DD "); #endif // OS // Would be nice to use SDL_GetPlatform for this #if defined (_WIN32) || defined (_WIN64) CONS_Printf("Windows "); #elif defined(__linux__) CONS_Printf("Linux "); #elif defined(MACOSX) CONS_Printf("macOS "); #elif defined(UNIXCOMMON) CONS_Printf("Unix (Common) "); #else CONS_Printf("Other OS "); #endif // Bitness if (sizeof(void*) == 4) CONS_Printf("32-bit "); else if (sizeof(void*) == 8) CONS_Printf("64-bit "); else // 16-bit? 128-bit? CONS_Printf("Bits Unknown "); // Debug build #ifdef _DEBUG CONS_Printf("\x85" "DEBUG " "\x80"); #endif // DEVELOP build #ifdef DEVELOP CONS_Printf("\x87" "DEVELOP " "\x80"); #endif CONS_Printf("\n"); } #ifdef UPDATE_ALERT static void Command_ModDetails_f(void) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Mod ID: %d\nMod Version: %d\nCode Base:%d\n"), MODID, MODVERSION, CODEBASE); } #endif // Returns current gametype being used. // static void Command_ShowGametype_f(void) { const char *gametypestr = NULL; if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) // print "Single player" instead of "Co-op" { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Current gametype is %s\n"), M_GetText("Single player")); return; } // get name string for current gametype if (gametype >= 0 && gametype < gametypecount) gametypestr = gametypes[gametype].name; if (gametypestr) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Current gametype is %s\n"), gametypestr); else // string for current gametype was not found above (should never happen) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Unknown gametype set (%d)\n"), gametype); } /** Plays the intro. */ static void Command_Playintro_f(void) { if (netgame) return; if (dirmenu) closefilemenu(true); F_StartIntro(); } /** Quits the game immediately. */ FUNCNORETURN static ATTRNORETURN void Command_Quit_f(void) { LUA_HookBool(true, HOOK(GameQuit)); I_Quit(); } void ItemFinder_OnChange(void) { if (!cv_itemfinder.value) return; // it's fine. if (!M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_ITEMFINDER, clientGamedata)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You haven't earned this yet.\n")); CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_itemfinder, 0); return; } } /** Deals with a pointlimit change by printing the change to the console. * If the gametype is single player, cooperative, or race, the pointlimit is * silently disabled again. * * Timelimit and pointlimit can be used at the same time. * * We don't check immediately for the pointlimit having been reached, * because you would get "caught" when turning it up in the menu. * \sa cv_pointlimit, TimeLimit_OnChange * \author Graue */ static void PointLimit_OnChange(void) { // Don't allow pointlimit in Single Player/Co-Op/Race! if (server && Playing() && !(gametyperules & GTR_POINTLIMIT)) { if (cv_pointlimit.value) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_pointlimit, 0); return; } if (cv_pointlimit.value) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Levels will end after %s scores %d point%s.\n"), G_GametypeHasTeams() ? M_GetText("a team") : M_GetText("someone"), cv_pointlimit.value, cv_pointlimit.value > 1 ? "s" : ""); } else if (netgame || multiplayer) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Point limit disabled\n")); } static void NumLaps_OnChange(void) { // Just don't be verbose if ((gametyperules & (GTR_RACE|GTR_LIVES)) == GTR_RACE) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Number of laps set to %d\n"), cv_numlaps.value); } static void NetTimeout_OnChange(void) { connectiontimeout = (tic_t)cv_nettimeout.value; } static void JoinTimeout_OnChange(void) { jointimeout = (tic_t)cv_jointimeout.value; } static void CoopStarposts_OnChange(void) { INT32 i; if (!(netgame || multiplayer) || !G_GametypeUsesCoopStarposts()) return; switch (cv_coopstarposts.value) { case 0: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Starposts are now per-player.\n")); break; case 1: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Starposts are now shared between players.\n")); break; case 2: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Players now only spawn when starposts are hit.\n")); return; } if (G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (!players[i].spectator) continue; if (players[i].lives <= 0) continue; break; } if (i == MAXPLAYERS) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (!players[i].spectator) continue; if (players[i].lives <= 0 && (cv_cooplives.value == 1)) continue; P_SpectatorJoinGame(&players[i]); } } static void CoopLives_OnChange(void) { INT32 i; if (!(netgame || multiplayer) || !G_GametypeUsesCoopLives()) return; switch (cv_cooplives.value) { case 0: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Players can now respawn indefinitely.\n")); break; case 1: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Lives are now per-player.\n")); return; case 2: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Players can now steal lives to avoid game over.\n")); break; case 3: CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Lives are now shared between players.\n")); break; } if (cv_coopstarposts.value == 2) return; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!playeringame[i]) continue; if (!players[i].spectator) continue; if (players[i].lives > 0) continue; P_SpectatorJoinGame(&players[i]); } } static void ExitMove_OnChange(void) { UINT8 i; if (!(netgame || multiplayer) || !(gametyperules & GTR_FRIENDLY)) return; if (cv_exitmove.value) { for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) if (playeringame[i] && players[i].mo) { if (players[i].mo->target && players[i].mo->target->type == MT_SIGN) P_SetTarget(&players[i].mo->target, NULL); if (players[i].pflags & PF_FINISHED) P_GiveFinishFlags(&players[i]); } CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Players can now move after completing the level.\n")); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Players can no longer move after completing the level.\n")); } UINT32 timelimitintics = 0; /** Deals with a timelimit change by printing the change to the console. * If the gametype is single player, cooperative, or race, the timelimit is * silently disabled again. * * Timelimit and pointlimit can be used at the same time. * * \sa cv_timelimit, PointLimit_OnChange */ static void TimeLimit_OnChange(void) { // Don't allow timelimit in Single Player/Co-Op/Race! if (server && Playing() && cv_timelimit.value != 0 && !(gametyperules & GTR_TIMELIMIT)) { CV_SetValue(&cv_timelimit, 0); return; } if (cv_timelimit.value != 0) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Levels will end after %d minute%s.\n"),cv_timelimit.value,cv_timelimit.value == 1 ? "" : "s"); // Graue 11-17-2003 timelimitintics = cv_timelimit.value * 60 * TICRATE; //add hidetime for tag too! if (G_TagGametype()) timelimitintics += hidetime * TICRATE; // Note the deliberate absence of any code preventing // pointlimit and timelimit from being set simultaneously. // Some people might like to use them together. It works. } else if (netgame || multiplayer) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Time limit disabled\n")); } /** Adjusts certain settings to match a changed gametype. * * \param lastgametype The gametype we were playing before now. * \sa D_MapChange * \author Graue * \todo Get rid of the hardcoded stuff, ugly stuff, etc. */ void D_GameTypeChanged(INT32 lastgametype) { if (netgame) { const char *oldgt = NULL, *newgt = NULL; if (lastgametype >= 0 && lastgametype < gametypecount) oldgt = gametypes[lastgametype].name; if (gametype >= 0 && lastgametype < gametypecount) newgt = gametypes[gametype].name; if (oldgt && newgt) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Gametype was changed from %s to %s\n"), oldgt, newgt); } // Only do the following as the server, not as remote admin. // There will always be a server, and this only needs to be done once. if (server && (multiplayer || netgame)) { if (gametype == GT_COMPETITION) CV_SetValue(&cv_itemrespawn, 0); else if (!cv_itemrespawn.changed || lastgametype == GT_COMPETITION) CV_SetValue(&cv_itemrespawn, 1); if (!cv_timelimit.changed && !cv_pointlimit.changed) // user hasn't changed limits { CV_SetValue(&cv_timelimit, gametypes[gametype].timelimit); CV_SetValue(&cv_pointlimit, gametypes[gametype].pointlimit); } if (!cv_itemrespawntime.changed) CV_Set(&cv_itemrespawntime, cv_itemrespawntime.defaultvalue); // respawn normally } else if (!multiplayer && !netgame) { // Allow setting gametypes other than Co-Op in singleplayer // G_SetGametype(GT_COOP); } // reset timelimit and pointlimit in race/coop, prevent stupid cheats if (server) { if (!(gametyperules & GTR_POINTLIMIT)) { if (cv_timelimit.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_timelimit, 0); if (cv_pointlimit.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_pointlimit, 0); } else if ((cv_pointlimit.changed || cv_timelimit.changed) && cv_pointlimit.value) { if (lastgametype != GT_CTF && gametype == GT_CTF) CV_SetValue(&cv_pointlimit, cv_pointlimit.value / 500); else if (lastgametype == GT_CTF && gametype != GT_CTF) CV_SetValue(&cv_pointlimit, cv_pointlimit.value * 500); } } // When swapping to a gametype that supports spectators, // make everyone a spectator initially. // Averted with GTR_NOSPECTATORSPAWN. if (!splitscreen && G_GametypeHasSpectators()) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playeringame[i]) { players[i].ctfteam = 0; players[i].spectator = (gametyperules & GTR_NOSPECTATORSPAWN) ? false : true; } } // don't retain teams in other modes or between changes from ctf to team match. // also, stop any and all forms of team scrambling that might otherwise take place. if (G_GametypeHasTeams()) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) if (playeringame[i]) players[i].ctfteam = 0; if (server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_teamscramble, 0); teamscramble = 0; } } } static void Ringslinger_OnChange(void) { if (!M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_PANDORA, serverGamedata) && !netgame && cv_ringslinger.value && !cv_debug) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You haven't earned this yet.\n")); CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_ringslinger, 0); return; } if (cv_ringslinger.value) // Only if it's been turned on G_SetUsedCheats(false); } static void Gravity_OnChange(void) { if (!M_SecretUnlocked(SECRET_PANDORA, serverGamedata) && !netgame && !cv_debug && strcmp(cv_gravity.string, cv_gravity.defaultvalue)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You haven't earned this yet.\n")); CV_StealthSet(&cv_gravity, cv_gravity.defaultvalue); return; } #ifndef NETGAME_GRAVITY if(netgame) { CV_StealthSet(&cv_gravity, cv_gravity.defaultvalue); return; } #endif if (!CV_IsSetToDefault(&cv_gravity)) G_SetUsedCheats(false); gravity = cv_gravity.value; } static void SoundTest_OnChange(void) { INT32 sfxfreeint = (INT32)sfxfree; if (cv_soundtest.value < 0) { CV_SetValue(&cv_soundtest, sfxfreeint-1); return; } if (cv_soundtest.value >= sfxfreeint) { CV_SetValue(&cv_soundtest, 0); return; } S_StopSounds(); S_StartSound(NULL, cv_soundtest.value); } static void AutoBalance_OnChange(void) { autobalance = (INT16)cv_autobalance.value; } static void TeamScramble_OnChange(void) { INT16 i = 0, j = 0, playercount = 0; boolean repick = true; INT32 blue = 0, red = 0; INT32 maxcomposition = 0; INT16 newteam = 0; INT32 retries = 0; boolean success = false; // Don't trigger outside level or intermission! if (!(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION)) return; if (!cv_teamscramble.value) teamscramble = 0; if (!G_GametypeHasTeams() && (server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("This command cannot be used in this gametype.\n")); CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_teamscramble, 0); return; } // If a team scramble is already in progress, do not allow another one to be started! if (teamscramble) return; retryscramble: // Clear related global variables. These will get used again in p_tick.c/y_inter.c as the teams are scrambled. memset(&scrambleplayers, 0, sizeof(scrambleplayers)); memset(&scrambleteams, 0, sizeof(scrambleplayers)); scrambletotal = scramblecount = 0; blue = red = maxcomposition = newteam = playercount = 0; repick = true; // Put each player's node in the array. for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i] && !players[i].spectator) { scrambleplayers[playercount] = i; playercount++; } } if (playercount < 2) { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_teamscramble, 0); return; // Don't scramble one or zero players. } // Randomly place players on teams. if (cv_teamscramble.value == 1) { // TODO maxcomposition = playercount / 2; // Now randomly assign players to teams. // If the teams get out of hand, assign the rest to the other team. for (i = 0; i < playercount; i++) { if (repick) newteam = (INT16)((M_RandomByte() % 2) + 1); // One team has the most players they can get, assign the rest to the other team. if (red == maxcomposition || blue == maxcomposition) { if (red == maxcomposition) newteam = 2; else //if (blue == maxcomposition) newteam = 1; repick = false; } scrambleteams[i] = newteam; if (newteam == 1) red++; else blue++; } } else if (cv_teamscramble.value == 2) // Same as before, except split teams based on current score. { // Now, sort the array based on points scored. for (i = 1; i < playercount; i++) { for (j = i; j < playercount; j++) { INT16 tempplayer = 0; if ((players[scrambleplayers[i-1]].score > players[scrambleplayers[j]].score)) { tempplayer = scrambleplayers[i-1]; scrambleplayers[i-1] = scrambleplayers[j]; scrambleplayers[j] = tempplayer; } } } // Now assign players to teams based on score. Scramble in pairs. // If there is an odd number, one team will end up with the unlucky slob who has no points. =( for (i = 0; i < playercount; i++) { if (repick) { newteam = (INT16)((M_RandomByte() % 2) + 1); repick = false; } else if (i != 2) // Mystic's secret sauce - ABBA is better than ABAB, so team B doesn't get worse players all around { // We will only randomly pick the team for the first guy. // Otherwise, just alternate back and forth, distributing players. newteam = 3 - newteam; } scrambleteams[i] = newteam; } } // Check to see if our random selection actually // changed anybody. If not, we run through and try again. for (i = 0; i < playercount; i++) { if (players[scrambleplayers[i]].ctfteam != scrambleteams[i]) success = true; } if (!success && retries < 5) { retries++; goto retryscramble; //try again } // Display a witty message, but only during scrambles specifically triggered by an admin. if (cv_teamscramble.value) { scrambletotal = playercount; teamscramble = (INT16)cv_teamscramble.value; if (!(gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION && cv_scrambleonchange.value)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Teams will be scrambled next round.\n")); } } static void Hidetime_OnChange(void) { if (Playing() && G_TagGametype() && leveltime >= (hidetime * TICRATE)) { // Don't allow hidetime changes after it expires. CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_hidetime, hidetime); return; } hidetime = cv_hidetime.value; //uh oh, gotta change timelimitintics now too if (G_TagGametype()) timelimitintics = (cv_timelimit.value * 60 * TICRATE) + (hidetime * TICRATE); } static void Command_Showmap_f(void) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { if (mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum) CONS_Printf("%s (%d): %s %d\n", G_BuildMapName(gamemap), gamemap, mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->lvlttl, mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum); else CONS_Printf("%s (%d): %s\n", G_BuildMapName(gamemap), gamemap, mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->lvlttl); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); } static void Command_Mapmd5_f(void) { if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { INT32 i; char md5tmp[33]; for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i) sprintf(&md5tmp[i*2], "%02x", mapmd5[i]); CONS_Printf("%s: %s\n", G_BuildMapName(gamemap), md5tmp); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); } static void Command_ExitLevel_f(void) { if (!(netgame || (multiplayer && gametype != GT_COOP)) && !cv_debug) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in a netgame.\n")); else if (!(server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)))) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); else if (( gamestate != GS_LEVEL && gamestate != GS_CREDITS ) || demoplayback) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); else SendNetXCmd(XD_EXITLEVEL, NULL, 0); } static void Got_ExitLevelcmd(UINT8 **cp, INT32 playernum) { (void)cp; // Ignore duplicate XD_EXITLEVEL commands. if (gameaction == ga_completed) return; if (playernum != serverplayer && !IsPlayerAdmin(playernum)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, M_GetText("Illegal exitlevel command received from %s\n"), player_names[playernum]); if (server) SendKick(playernum, KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL | KICK_MSG_KEEP_BODY); return; } G_ExitLevel(); } /** Prints the number of the displayplayer. * * \todo Possibly remove this; it was useful for debugging at one point. */ static void Command_Displayplayer_f(void) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Displayplayer is %d\n"), displayplayer); } /** Quits a game and returns to the title screen. * */ void Command_ExitGame_f(void) { INT32 i; LUA_HookBool(false, HOOK(GameQuit)); D_QuitNetGame(); CL_Reset(); CV_ClearChangedFlags(); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) CL_ClearPlayer(i); players[consoleplayer].availabilities = players[1].availabilities = R_GetSkinAvailabilities(); // players[1] is supposed to be for 2p splitscreen = false; SplitScreen_OnChange(); botingame = false; botskin = 0; cv_debug = 0; emeralds = 0; automapactive = false; memset(&luabanks, 0, sizeof(luabanks)); if (dirmenu) closefilemenu(true); if (!modeattacking) D_StartTitle(); } void Command_Retry_f(void) { if (!(gamestate == GS_LEVEL || gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You must be in a level to use this.\n")); else if (netgame || multiplayer) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in single player.\n")); else if (players[consoleplayer].lives <= 1) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't retry without any lives remaining!\n")); else if (G_IsSpecialStage(gamemap)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("You can't retry special stages!\n")); else { M_ClearMenus(true); G_SetRetryFlag(); } } #ifdef NETGAME_DEVMODE // Allow the use of devmode in netgames. static void Fishcake_OnChange(void) { cv_debug = cv_fishcake.value; // consvar_t's get changed to default when registered // so don't make modifiedgame always on! if (cv_debug) { G_SetUsedCheats(false); } else if (cv_debug != cv_fishcake.value) CV_SetValue(&cv_fishcake, cv_debug); } #endif /** Reports to the console whether or not the game has been modified. * * \todo Make it obvious, so a console command won't be necessary. * \sa modifiedgame * \author Graue */ static void Command_Isgamemodified_f(void) { if (savemoddata) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("modifiedgame is true, but you can save time data in this mod.\n")); else if (modifiedgame) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("modifiedgame is true, time data can't be saved\n")); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("modifiedgame is false, you can save time data\n")); } static void Command_Cheats_f(void) { if (COM_CheckParm("off")) { if (!(server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)))) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server or a remote admin can use this.\n")); else CV_ResetCheatNetVars(); return; } if (CV_CheatsEnabled()) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("At least one CHEAT-marked variable has been changed -- Cheats are enabled.\n")); if (server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Type CHEATS OFF to reset all cheat variables to default.\n")); } else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("No CHEAT-marked variables are changed -- Cheats are disabled.\n")); } #ifdef _DEBUG static void Command_Togglemodified_f(void) { modifiedgame = !modifiedgame; } extern UINT8 *save_p; static void Command_Archivetest_f(void) { UINT8 *buf; UINT32 i, wrote; thinker_t *th; if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) { CONS_Printf("This command only works in-game, you dummy.\n"); return; } // assign mobjnum i = 1; for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) if (th->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) ((mobj_t *)th)->mobjnum = i++; // allocate buffer buf = save_p = ZZ_Alloc(1024); // test archive CONS_Printf("LUA_Archive...\n"); LUA_Archive(); WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0x7F); wrote = (UINT32)(save_p-buf); // clear Lua state, so we can really see what happens! CONS_Printf("Clearing state!\n"); LUA_ClearExtVars(); // test unarchive save_p = buf; CONS_Printf("LUA_UnArchive...\n"); LUA_UnArchive(); i = READUINT8(save_p); if (i != 0x7F || wrote != (UINT32)(save_p-buf)) CONS_Printf("Savegame corrupted. (write %u, read %u)\n", wrote, (UINT32)(save_p-buf)); // free buffer Z_Free(buf); CONS_Printf("Done. No crash.\n"); } #endif /** Makes a change to ::cv_forceskin take effect immediately. * * \todo Move the enforcement code out of SendNameAndColor() so this hack * isn't needed. * \sa Command_SetForcedSkin_f, cv_forceskin, forcedskin * \author Graue */ static void ForceSkin_OnChange(void) { if ((server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer)) && (cv_forceskin.value < -1 || cv_forceskin.value >= numskins)) { if (cv_forceskin.value == -2) CV_SetValue(&cv_forceskin, numskins-1); else { // hack because I can't restrict this and still allow added skins to be used with forceskin. if (!menuactive) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Valid skin numbers are 0 to %d (-1 disables)\n"), numskins - 1); CV_SetValue(&cv_forceskin, -1); } return; } // NOT in SP, silly! if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) return; if (cv_forceskin.value < 0) CONS_Printf("The server has lifted the forced skin restrictions.\n"); else { CONS_Printf("The server is restricting all players to skin \"%s\".\n",skins[cv_forceskin.value].name); ForceAllSkins(cv_forceskin.value); } } //Allows the player's name to be changed if cv_mute is off. static void Name_OnChange(void) { if (cv_mute.value && !(server || IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You may not change your name when chat is muted.\n")); CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername, player_names[consoleplayer]); } else SendNameAndColor(); } static void Name2_OnChange(void) { if (cv_mute.value) //Secondary player can't be admin. { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You may not change your name when chat is muted.\n")); CV_StealthSet(&cv_playername2, player_names[secondarydisplayplayer]); } else SendNameAndColor2(); } /** Sends a skin change for the console player, unless that player is moving. * \sa cv_skin, Skin2_OnChange, Color_OnChange * \author Graue */ static void Skin_OnChange(void) { if (!Playing()) return; // do whatever you want if (!(cv_debug || devparm) && !(multiplayer || netgame) // In single player. && (gamestate != GS_WAITINGPLAYERS)) // allows command line -warp x +skin y { CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].name); return; } if (CanChangeSkin(consoleplayer) && !P_PlayerMoving(consoleplayer)) SendNameAndColor(); else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You can't change your skin at the moment.\n")); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].name); } } /** Sends a skin change for the secondary splitscreen player, unless that * player is moving. * \sa cv_skin2, Skin_OnChange, Color2_OnChange * \author Graue */ static void Skin2_OnChange(void) { if (!Playing() || !splitscreen) return; // do whatever you want if (CanChangeSkin(secondarydisplayplayer) && !P_PlayerMoving(secondarydisplayplayer)) SendNameAndColor2(); else { CONS_Alert(CONS_NOTICE, M_GetText("You can't change your skin at the moment.\n")); CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin2, skins[players[secondarydisplayplayer].skin].name); } } /** Sends a color change for the console player, unless that player is moving. * \sa cv_playercolor, Color2_OnChange, Skin_OnChange * \author Graue */ static void Color_OnChange(void) { if (!Playing()) { if (!cv_playercolor.value || !skincolors[cv_playercolor.value].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, lastgoodcolor); } else { if (!(cv_debug || devparm) && !(multiplayer || netgame)) // In single player. { CV_StealthSet(&cv_skin, skins[players[consoleplayer].skin].name); return; } if (!P_PlayerMoving(consoleplayer) && skincolors[players[consoleplayer].skincolor].accessible == true) { // Color change menu scrolling fix is no longer necessary SendNameAndColor(); } else { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor, players[consoleplayer].skincolor); } } lastgoodcolor = cv_playercolor.value; } /** Sends a color change for the secondary splitscreen player, unless that * player is moving. * \sa cv_playercolor2, Color_OnChange, Skin2_OnChange * \author Graue */ static void Color2_OnChange(void) { if (!Playing() || !splitscreen) { if (!cv_playercolor2.value || !skincolors[cv_playercolor2.value].accessible) CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, lastgoodcolor2); } else { if (!P_PlayerMoving(secondarydisplayplayer) && skincolors[players[secondarydisplayplayer].skincolor].accessible == true) { // Color change menu scrolling fix is no longer necessary SendNameAndColor2(); } else { CV_StealthSetValue(&cv_playercolor2, players[secondarydisplayplayer].skincolor); } } lastgoodcolor2 = cv_playercolor2.value; } /** Displays the result of the chat being muted or unmuted. * The server or remote admin should already know and be able to talk * regardless, so this is only displayed to clients. * * \sa cv_mute * \author Graue */ static void Mute_OnChange(void) { if (server || (IsPlayerAdmin(consoleplayer))) return; if (cv_mute.value) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Chat has been muted.\n")); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Chat is no longer muted.\n")); } /** Hack to clear all changed flags after game start. * A lot of code (written by dummies, obviously) uses COM_BufAddText() to run * commands and change consvars, especially on game start. This is problematic * because CV_ClearChangedFlags() needs to get called on game start \b after * all those commands are run. * * Here's how it's done: the last thing in COM_BufAddText() is "dummyconsvar * 1", so we end up here, where dummyconsvar is reset to 0 and all the changed * flags are set to 0. * * \todo Fix the aforementioned code and make this hack unnecessary. * \sa cv_dummyconsvar * \author Graue */ static void DummyConsvar_OnChange(void) { if (cv_dummyconsvar.value == 1) { CV_SetValue(&cv_dummyconsvar, 0); CV_ClearChangedFlags(); } } static void Command_ShowScores_f(void) { UINT8 i; if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in a netgame.\n")); return; } for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (playeringame[i]) // FIXME: %lu? what's wrong with %u? ~Callum (produces warnings...) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%s's score is %u\n"), player_names[i], players[i].score); } CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The pointlimit is %d\n"), cv_pointlimit.value); } static void Command_ShowTime_f(void) { if (!(netgame || multiplayer)) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("This only works in a netgame.\n")); return; } CONS_Printf(M_GetText("The current time is %f.\nThe timelimit is %f\n"), (double)leveltime/TICRATE, (double)timelimitintics/TICRATE); } static void BaseNumLaps_OnChange(void) { if ((gametyperules & (GTR_RACE|GTR_LIVES)) == GTR_RACE) { if (cv_basenumlaps.value) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Number of laps will be changed to map defaults next round.\n")); else CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Number of laps will be changed to %d next round.\n"), cv_basenumlaps.value); } }