// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 2011-2016 by Matthew "Inuyasha" Walsh. // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file m_menu.h /// \brief Menu widget stuff, selection and such #ifndef __X_MENU__ #define __X_MENU__ #include "d_event.h" #include "command.h" #include "r_things.h" // for SKINNAMESIZE // // MENUS // // If menu hierarchies go deeper, change this up to 5. // Zero-based, inclusive. #define NUMMENULEVELS 3 #define MENUBITS 6 // Menu IDs sectioned by numeric places to signify hierarchy typedef enum { MN_NONE, MN_MAIN, // Single Player MN_SP_MAIN, MN_SP_LOAD, MN_SP_PLAYER, MN_SP_LEVELSELECT, MN_SP_LEVELSTATS, MN_SP_TIMEATTACK, MN_SP_TIMEATTACK_LEVELSELECT, MN_SP_GUESTREPLAY, MN_SP_REPLAY, MN_SP_GHOST, MN_SP_NIGHTSATTACK, MN_SP_NIGHTS_LEVELSELECT, MN_SP_NIGHTS_GUESTREPLAY, MN_SP_NIGHTS_REPLAY, MN_SP_NIGHTS_GHOST, // Multiplayer MN_MP_MAIN, MN_MP_SPLITSCREEN, // SplitServer MN_MP_SERVER, MN_MP_CONNECT, MN_MP_ROOM, MN_MP_PLAYERSETUP, // MP_PlayerSetupDef shared with SPLITSCREEN if #defined NONET MN_MP_SERVER_OPTIONS, // Options MN_OP_MAIN, MN_OP_P1CONTROLS, MN_OP_CHANGECONTROLS, // OP_ChangeControlsDef shared with P2 MN_OP_P1MOUSE, MN_OP_P1JOYSTICK, MN_OP_JOYSTICKSET, // OP_JoystickSetDef shared with P2 MN_OP_P1CAMERA, MN_OP_P2CONTROLS, MN_OP_P2MOUSE, MN_OP_P2JOYSTICK, MN_OP_P2CAMERA, MN_OP_VIDEO, MN_OP_VIDEOMODE, MN_OP_COLOR, MN_OP_OPENGL, MN_OP_OPENGL_LIGHTING, MN_OP_OPENGL_FOG, MN_OP_OPENGL_COLOR, MN_OP_SOUND, MN_OP_SERVER, MN_OP_MONITORTOGGLE, MN_OP_DATA, MN_OP_ADDONS, MN_OP_SCREENSHOTS, MN_OP_ERASEDATA, // Secrets MN_SR_MAIN, MN_SR_PANDORA, MN_SR_LEVELSELECT, MN_SR_UNLOCKCHECKLIST, MN_SR_EMBLEMHINT, MN_SR_PLAYER, // Addons (Part of MISC, but let's make it our own) MN_AD_MAIN, // MISC // MN_MESSAGE, // MN_SPAUSE, // MN_MPAUSE, // MN_SCRAMBLETEAM, // MN_CHANGETEAM, // MN_CHANGELEVEL, // MN_MAPAUSE, // MN_HELP, MN_SPECIAL, NUMMENUTYPES, } menutype_t; // up to 63; MN_SPECIAL = 53 typedef struct { char bgname[8]; // name for background gfx lump; lays over titlemap if this is set SINT8 hidetitlepics; // hide title gfx per menu; -1 means undefined, inherits global setting INT32 titlescrollxspeed; // background gfx scroll per menu; inherits global setting INT32 titlescrollyspeed; // y scroll INT32 bgcolor; // fill color, overrides bg name. -1 means follow bg name rules. boolean bghide; // for titlemaps, hide the background. char musname[7]; ///< Music track to play. "" for no music. UINT16 mustrack; ///< Subsong to play. Only really relevant for music modules and specific formats supported by GME. 0 to ignore. boolean muslooping; ///< Loop the music boolean musstop; ///< Don't play any music boolean musignore; ///< Let the current music keep playing SINT8 fadestrength; // darken background when displaying this menu, strength 0-31 or -1 for undefined boolean enterbubble; // run all entrance line execs after common ancestor and up to child. If false, only run the child's exec boolean exitbubble; // run all exit line execs from child and up to before common ancestor. If false, only run the child's exec INT32 entertag; // line exec to run on menu enter, if titlemap INT32 exittag; // line exec to run on menu exit, if titlemap INT16 enterwipe; // wipe type to run on menu enter, -1 means default INT16 exitwipe; // wipe type to run on menu exit, -1 means default } menupres_t; extern menupres_t menupres[NUMMENUTYPES]; extern UINT32 prevMenuId; extern UINT32 activeMenuId; void M_InitMenuPresTables(void); UINT8 M_GetYoungestChildMenu(void); void M_ChangeMenuMusic(const char *defaultmusname, boolean defaultmuslooping); void M_SetMenuCurBackground(const char *defaultname); void M_SetMenuCurFadeValue(UINT8 defaultvalue); void M_SetMenuCurHideTitlePics(void); // Called by main loop, // saves config file and calls I_Quit when user exits. // Even when the menu is not displayed, // this can resize the view and change game parameters. // Does all the real work of the menu interaction. boolean M_Responder(event_t *ev); // Called by main loop, only used for menu (skull cursor) animation. void M_Ticker(void); // Called by main loop, draws the menus directly into the screen buffer. void M_Drawer(void); // Called by D_SRB2Main, loads the config file. void M_Init(void); // Called by D_SRB2Main also, sets up the playermenu and description tables. void M_InitCharacterTables(void); // Called by intro code to force menu up upon a keypress, // does nothing if menu is already up. void M_StartControlPanel(void); // Called upon end of a mode attack run void M_EndModeAttackRun(void); // Called on new server add, or other reasons void M_SortServerList(void); // Draws a box with a texture inside as background for messages void M_DrawTextBox(INT32 x, INT32 y, INT32 width, INT32 boxlines); // the function to show a message box typing with the string inside // string must be static (not in the stack) // routine is a function taking a INT32 in parameter typedef enum { MM_NOTHING = 0, // is just displayed until the user do someting MM_YESNO, // routine is called with only 'y' or 'n' in param MM_EVENTHANDLER // the same of above but without 'y' or 'n' restriction // and routine is void routine(event_t *) (ex: set control) } menumessagetype_t; void M_StartMessage(const char *string, void *routine, menumessagetype_t itemtype); // Called by linux_x/i_video_xshm.c void M_QuitResponse(INT32 ch); // Determines whether to show a level in the list (platter version does not need to be exposed) boolean M_CanShowLevelInList(INT32 mapnum, INT32 gt); // flags for items in the menu // menu handle (what we do when key is pressed #define IT_TYPE 14 // (2+4+8) #define IT_CALL 0 // call the function #define IT_ARROWS 2 // call function with 0 for left arrow and 1 for right arrow in param #define IT_KEYHANDLER 4 // call with the key in param #define IT_SUBMENU 6 // go to sub menu #define IT_CVAR 8 // handle as a cvar #define IT_SPACE 10 // no handling #define IT_MSGHANDLER 12 // same as key but with event and sometime can handle y/n key (special for message) #define IT_DISPLAY (48+64+128) // 16+32+64+128 #define IT_NOTHING 0 // space #define IT_PATCH 16 // a patch or a string with big font #define IT_STRING 32 // little string (spaced with 10) #define IT_WHITESTRING 48 // little string in white #define IT_DYBIGSPACE 64 // same as noting #define IT_DYLITLSPACE (16+64) // little space #define IT_STRING2 (32+64) // a simple string #define IT_GRAYPATCH (16+32+64) // grayed patch or big font string #define IT_BIGSLIDER 128 // volume sound use this #define IT_TRANSTEXT (16+128) // Transparent text #define IT_TRANSTEXT2 (32+128) // used for control names #define IT_HEADERTEXT (48+128) // Non-selectable header option, displays in yellow offset to the left a little #define IT_QUESTIONMARKS (64+128) // Displays as question marks, used for secrets #define IT_CENTER 256 // if IT_PATCH, center it on screen //consvar specific #define IT_CVARTYPE (512+1024+2048) #define IT_CV_NORMAL 0 #define IT_CV_SLIDER 512 #define IT_CV_STRING 1024 #define IT_CV_NOPRINT 1536 #define IT_CV_NOMOD 2048 #define IT_CV_INVISSLIDER 2560 #define IT_CV_INTEGERSTEP 4096 // if IT_CV_NORMAL and cvar is CV_FLOAT, modify it by 1 instead of 0.0625 #define IT_CV_FLOATSLIDER 4608 // IT_CV_SLIDER, value modified by 0.0625 instead of 1 (for CV_FLOAT cvars) //call/submenu specific // There used to be a lot more here but ... // A lot of them became redundant with the advent of the Pause menu, so they were removed #define IT_CALLTYPE (512+1024) #define IT_CALL_NORMAL 0 #define IT_CALL_NOTMODIFIED 512 // in INT16 for some common use #define IT_BIGSPACE (IT_SPACE +IT_DYBIGSPACE) #define IT_LITLSPACE (IT_SPACE +IT_DYLITLSPACE) #define IT_CONTROL (IT_STRING2+IT_CALL) #define IT_CVARMAX (IT_CVAR +IT_CV_NOMOD) #define IT_DISABLED (IT_SPACE +IT_GRAYPATCH) #define IT_GRAYEDOUT (IT_SPACE +IT_TRANSTEXT) #define IT_GRAYEDOUT2 (IT_SPACE +IT_TRANSTEXT2) #define IT_HEADER (IT_SPACE +IT_HEADERTEXT) #define IT_SECRET (IT_SPACE +IT_QUESTIONMARKS) #define MAXSTRINGLENGTH 32 typedef union { struct menu_s *submenu; // IT_SUBMENU consvar_t *cvar; // IT_CVAR void (*routine)(INT32 choice); // IT_CALL, IT_KEYHANDLER, IT_ARROWS } itemaction_t; // // MENU TYPEDEFS // typedef struct menuitem_s { // show IT_xxx UINT16 status; const char *patch; const char *text; // used when FONTBxx lump is found // FIXME: should be itemaction_t void *itemaction; // hotkey in menu or y of the item UINT8 alphaKey; } menuitem_t; typedef struct menu_s { UINT32 menuid; // ID to encode menu type and hierarchy const char *menutitlepic; INT16 numitems; // # of menu items struct menu_s *prevMenu; // previous menu menuitem_t *menuitems; // menu items void (*drawroutine)(void); // draw routine INT16 x, y; // x, y of menu INT16 lastOn; // last item user was on in menu boolean (*quitroutine)(void); // called before quit a menu return true if we can } menu_t; void M_SetupNextMenu(menu_t *menudef); void M_ClearMenus(boolean callexitmenufunc); extern menu_t *currentMenu; extern menu_t MainDef; extern menu_t SP_LoadDef; // Call upon joystick hotplug void M_SetupJoystickMenu(INT32 choice); extern menu_t OP_JoystickSetDef; // Stuff for customizing the player select screen typedef struct { boolean used; char notes[441]; char picname[8]; char skinname[SKINNAMESIZE*2+2]; // skin&skin\0 patch_t *charpic; UINT8 prev; UINT8 next; // new character select char displayname[SKINNAMESIZE+1]; SINT8 skinnum[2]; UINT8 oppositecolor; char nametag[8]; patch_t *namepic; UINT8 tagtextcolor; UINT8 tagoutlinecolor; } description_t; // level select platter typedef struct { char header[22+5]; // mapheader_t lvltttl max length + " ZONE" INT32 maplist[3]; char mapnames[3][17+1]; boolean mapavailable[4]; // mapavailable[3] == wide or not } levelselectrow_t; typedef struct { UINT8 numrows; levelselectrow_t *rows; } levelselect_t; // experimental level select end // descriptions for gametype select screen typedef struct { UINT8 col[2]; char notes[441]; } gtdesc_t; // mode descriptions for video mode menu typedef struct { INT32 modenum; // video mode number in the vidmodes list const char *desc; // XXXxYYY UINT8 goodratio; // aspect correct if 1 } modedesc_t; // savegame struct for save game menu typedef struct { char levelname[32]; UINT8 skinnum; UINT8 botskin; UINT8 numemeralds; UINT8 numgameovers; INT32 lives; INT32 continues; INT32 gamemap; } saveinfo_t; extern description_t description[MAXSKINS]; extern consvar_t cv_showfocuslost; extern consvar_t cv_newgametype, cv_nextmap, cv_chooseskin, cv_serversort; extern CV_PossibleValue_t gametype_cons_t[]; extern INT16 startmap; extern INT32 ultimate_selectable; extern INT16 char_on, startchar; #define MAXSAVEGAMES 31 #define NOSAVESLOT 0 //slot where Play Without Saving appears #define BwehHehHe() S_StartSound(NULL, sfx_bewar1+M_RandomKey(4)) // Bweh heh he void M_TutorialSaveControlResponse(INT32 ch); void M_ForceSaveSlotSelected(INT32 sslot); void M_CheatActivationResponder(INT32 ch); void M_ModeAttackRetry(INT32 choice); // Level select updating void Nextmap_OnChange(void); // Screenshot menu updating void Moviemode_mode_Onchange(void); void Screenshot_option_Onchange(void); // Addons menu updating void Addons_option_Onchange(void); // Moviemode menu updating void Moviemode_option_Onchange(void); // These defines make it a little easier to make menus #define DEFAULTMENUSTYLE(id, header, source, prev, x, y)\ {\ id,\ header,\ sizeof(source)/sizeof(menuitem_t),\ prev,\ source,\ M_DrawGenericMenu,\ x, y,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define DEFAULTSCROLLMENUSTYLE(id, header, source, prev, x, y)\ {\ id,\ header,\ sizeof(source)/sizeof(menuitem_t),\ prev,\ source,\ M_DrawGenericScrollMenu,\ x, y,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define PAUSEMENUSTYLE(source, x, y)\ {\ MN_SPECIAL,\ NULL,\ sizeof(source)/sizeof(menuitem_t),\ NULL,\ source,\ M_DrawPauseMenu,\ x, y,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define CENTERMENUSTYLE(id, header, source, prev, y)\ {\ id,\ header,\ sizeof(source)/sizeof(menuitem_t),\ prev,\ source,\ M_DrawCenteredMenu,\ BASEVIDWIDTH/2, y,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define MAPPLATTERMENUSTYLE(id, header, source)\ {\ id,\ header,\ sizeof (source)/sizeof (menuitem_t),\ &MainDef,\ source,\ M_DrawLevelPlatterMenu,\ 0,0,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define CONTROLMENUSTYLE(id, source, prev)\ {\ id,\ "M_CONTRO",\ sizeof (source)/sizeof (menuitem_t),\ prev,\ source,\ M_DrawControl,\ 24, 40,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #define IMAGEDEF(source)\ {\ MN_SPECIAL,\ NULL,\ sizeof (source)/sizeof (menuitem_t),\ NULL,\ source,\ M_DrawImageDef,\ 0, 0,\ 0,\ NULL\ } #endif //__X_MENU__