// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file m_fixed.h /// \brief Fixed point arithmetics implementation /// Fixed point, 32bit as 16.16. #ifndef __M_FIXED__ #define __M_FIXED__ #include "doomtype.h" #ifdef __GNUC__ #include #endif /*! \brief bits of the fraction */ #define FRACBITS 16 /*! \brief units of the fraction */ #define FRACUNIT (1<>FRACBITS)+lo)<>FRACBITS)+b)<> (FRACBITS-2)) >= abs(b)) return (a^b) < 0 ? INT32_MIN : INT32_MAX; return FixedDiv2(a, b); } /** \brief The FixedRem function \param x fixed_t number \param y fixed_t number \return remainder of dividing x by y */ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FixedRem(fixed_t x, fixed_t y) { const boolean n = x < 0; x = abs(x); while (x >= y) x -= y; if (n) return -x; else return x; } /** \brief The FixedSqrt function \param x fixed_t number \return sqrt(x) */ FUNCMATH fixed_t FixedSqrt(fixed_t x); /** \brief The FixedHypot function \param x fixed_t number \param y fixed_t number \return sqrt(x*x+y*y) */ FUNCMATH fixed_t FixedHypot(fixed_t x, fixed_t y); /** \brief The FixedFloor function \param x fixed_t number \return floor(x) */ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FixedFloor(fixed_t x) { const fixed_t a = abs(x); //absolute of x const fixed_t i = (a>>FRACBITS)< 0) return x-f; else return x-(FRACUNIT-f); } return INT32_MIN; } /** \brief The FixedTrunc function \param x fixed_t number \return trunc(x) */ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FixedTrunc(fixed_t x) { const fixed_t a = abs(x); //absolute of x const fixed_t i = (a>>FRACBITS)< 0) return x-f; else return x+f; } return INT32_MIN; } /** \brief The FixedCeil function \param x fixed_t number \return ceil(x) */ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FixedCeil(fixed_t x) { const fixed_t a = abs(x); //absolute of x const fixed_t i = (a>>FRACBITS)< 0) return x+(FRACUNIT-f); else return x+f; } return INT32_MAX; } /** \brief The FixedRound function \param x fixed_t number \return round(x) */ FUNCMATH FUNCINLINE static ATTRINLINE fixed_t FixedRound(fixed_t x) { const fixed_t a = abs(x); //absolute of x const fixed_t i = (a>>FRACBITS)< 0) return x+(FRACUNIT-f); else return x-(FRACUNIT-f); } return INT32_MAX; } typedef struct { fixed_t x; fixed_t y; } vector2_t; vector2_t *FV2_Load(vector2_t *vec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y); vector2_t *FV2_UnLoad(vector2_t *vec, fixed_t *x, fixed_t *y); vector2_t *FV2_Copy(vector2_t *a_o, const vector2_t *a_i); vector2_t *FV2_AddEx(const vector2_t *a_i, const vector2_t *a_c, vector2_t *a_o); vector2_t *FV2_Add(vector2_t *a_i, const vector2_t *a_c); vector2_t *FV2_SubEx(const vector2_t *a_i, const vector2_t *a_c, vector2_t *a_o); vector2_t *FV2_Sub(vector2_t *a_i, const vector2_t *a_c); vector2_t *FV2_MulEx(const vector2_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c, vector2_t *a_o); vector2_t *FV2_Mul(vector2_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c); vector2_t *FV2_DivideEx(const vector2_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c, vector2_t *a_o); vector2_t *FV2_Divide(vector2_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c); vector2_t *FV2_Midpoint(const vector2_t *a_1, const vector2_t *a_2, vector2_t *a_o); fixed_t FV2_Distance(const vector2_t *p1, const vector2_t *p2); fixed_t FV2_Magnitude(const vector2_t *a_normal); fixed_t FV2_NormalizeEx(const vector2_t *a_normal, vector2_t *a_o); fixed_t FV2_Normalize(vector2_t *a_normal); vector2_t *FV2_NegateEx(const vector2_t *a_1, vector2_t *a_o); vector2_t *FV2_Negate(vector2_t *a_1); boolean FV2_Equal(const vector2_t *a_1, const vector2_t *a_2); fixed_t FV2_Dot(const vector2_t *a_1, const vector2_t *a_2); vector2_t *FV2_Point2Vec (const vector2_t *point1, const vector2_t *point2, vector2_t *a_o); typedef struct { fixed_t x, y, z; } vector3_t; vector3_t *FV3_Load(vector3_t *vec, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z); vector3_t *FV3_UnLoad(vector3_t *vec, fixed_t *x, fixed_t *y, fixed_t *z); vector3_t *FV3_Copy(vector3_t *a_o, const vector3_t *a_i); vector3_t *FV3_AddEx(const vector3_t *a_i, const vector3_t *a_c, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_Add(vector3_t *a_i, const vector3_t *a_c); vector3_t *FV3_SubEx(const vector3_t *a_i, const vector3_t *a_c, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_Sub(vector3_t *a_i, const vector3_t *a_c); vector3_t *FV3_MulEx(const vector3_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_Mul(vector3_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c); vector3_t *FV3_DivideEx(const vector3_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_Divide(vector3_t *a_i, fixed_t a_c); vector3_t *FV3_Midpoint(const vector3_t *a_1, const vector3_t *a_2, vector3_t *a_o); fixed_t FV3_Distance(const vector3_t *p1, const vector3_t *p2); fixed_t FV3_Magnitude(const vector3_t *a_normal); fixed_t FV3_NormalizeEx(const vector3_t *a_normal, vector3_t *a_o); fixed_t FV3_Normalize(vector3_t *a_normal); vector3_t *FV3_NegateEx(const vector3_t *a_1, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_Negate(vector3_t *a_1); boolean FV3_Equal(const vector3_t *a_1, const vector3_t *a_2); fixed_t FV3_Dot(const vector3_t *a_1, const vector3_t *a_2); vector3_t *FV3_Cross(const vector3_t *a_1, const vector3_t *a_2, vector3_t *a_o); vector3_t *FV3_ClosestPointOnLine(const vector3_t *Line, const vector3_t *p, vector3_t *out); void FV3_ClosestPointOnVector(const vector3_t *dir, const vector3_t *p, vector3_t *out); void FV3_ClosestPointOnTriangle(const vector3_t *tri, const vector3_t *point, vector3_t *result); vector3_t *FV3_Point2Vec(const vector3_t *point1, const vector3_t *point2, vector3_t *a_o); fixed_t FV3_Normal(const vector3_t *a_triangle, vector3_t *a_normal); fixed_t FV3_Strength(const vector3_t *a_1, const vector3_t *dir); fixed_t FV3_PlaneDistance(const vector3_t *a_normal, const vector3_t *a_point); boolean FV3_IntersectedPlane(const vector3_t *a_triangle, const vector3_t *a_line, vector3_t *a_normal, fixed_t *originDistance); fixed_t FV3_PlaneIntersection(const vector3_t *pOrigin, const vector3_t *pNormal, const vector3_t *rOrigin, const vector3_t *rVector); fixed_t FV3_IntersectRaySphere(const vector3_t *rO, const vector3_t *rV, const vector3_t *sO, fixed_t sR); vector3_t *FV3_IntersectionPoint(const vector3_t *vNormal, const vector3_t *vLine, fixed_t distance, vector3_t *ReturnVec); UINT8 FV3_PointOnLineSide(const vector3_t *point, const vector3_t *line); boolean FV3_PointInsideBox(const vector3_t *point, const vector3_t *box); typedef struct { fixed_t m[16]; } matrix_t; void FM_LoadIdentity(matrix_t* matrix); void FM_CreateObjectMatrix(matrix_t *matrix, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z, fixed_t anglex, fixed_t angley, fixed_t anglez, fixed_t upx, fixed_t upy, fixed_t upz, fixed_t radius); void FM_MultMatrixVec3(const matrix_t *matrix, const vector3_t *vec, vector3_t *out); void FM_MultMatrix(matrix_t *dest, const matrix_t *multme); void FM_Translate(matrix_t *dest, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z); void FM_Scale(matrix_t *dest, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t z); #endif //m_fixed.h