<?php /** * $Id: SmartIRC.php,v 2005/05/27 23:40:09 meebey Exp $ * $Revision: $ * $Author: meebey $ * $Date: 2005/05/27 23:40:09 $ * * Net_SmartIRC * This is a PHP class for communication with IRC networks, * which conforms to the RFC 2812 (IRC protocol). * It's an API that handles all IRC protocol messages. * This class is designed for creating IRC bots, chats and show irc related info on webpages. * * Documenation, a HOWTO and examples are in SmartIRC included. * * Here you will find a service bot which I am also developing * <http://cvs.meebey.net/atbs> and <http://cvs.meebey.net/phpbitch> * Latest versions of Net_SmartIRC you will find on the project homepage * or get it through PEAR since SmartIRC is an official PEAR package. * See <http://pear.php.net/Net_SmartIRC>. * * Official Projet Homepage: <http://sf.net/projects/phpsmartirc> * * Net_SmartIRC conforms to RFC 2812 (Internet Relay Chat: Client Protocol) * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mirco 'meebey' Bauer <meebey@meebey.net> <http://www.meebey.net> * * Full LGPL License: <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.txt> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ // ------- PHP code ---------- include_once('SmartIRC/defines.php'); include_once('SmartIRC/irccommands.php'); include_once('SmartIRC/messagehandler.php'); define('SMARTIRC_VERSION', '1.0.0 ($Revision: $)'); define('SMARTIRC_VERSIONSTRING', 'Net_SmartIRC '.SMARTIRC_VERSION); /** * main SmartIRC class * * @package Net_SmartIRC * @version 0.5.5 * @author Mirco 'meebey' Bauer <mail@meebey.net> * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_base { /** * @var resource * @access private */ var $_socket; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_address; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_port; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_nick; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_username; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_realname; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_usermode; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_password; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_state = false; /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_actionhandler = array(); /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_timehandler = array(); /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_debug = SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE; /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_messagebuffer = array(); /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_messagebuffersize; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_usesockets = false; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_receivedelay = 100; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_senddelay = 250; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_logdestination = SMARTIRC_STDOUT; /** * @var resource * @access private */ var $_logfilefp = 0; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_logfile = 'Net_SmartIRC.log'; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_disconnecttime = 1000; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_loggedin = false; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_benchmark = false; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_benchmark_starttime; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_benchmark_stoptime; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_actionhandlerid = 0; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_timehandlerid = 0; /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_motd = array(); /** * @var array * @access private */ var $_channels = array(); /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_channelsyncing = false; /** * @var string * @access private */ var $_ctcpversion; /** * @var mixed * @access private */ var $_mintimer = false; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_maxtimer = 300000; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_txtimeout = 300; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_rxtimeout = 300; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_selecttimeout; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_lastrx; /** * @var integer * @access private */ var $_lasttx; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_autoreconnect = false; /** * @var boolean * @access private */ var $_autoretry = false; /** * All IRC replycodes, the index is the replycode name. * * @see $SMARTIRC_replycodes * @var array * @access public */ var $replycodes; /** * All numeric IRC replycodes, the index is the numeric replycode. * * @see $SMARTIRC_nreplycodes * @var array * @access public */ var $nreplycodes; /** * Stores all channels in this array where we are joined, works only if channelsyncing is activated. * Eg. for accessing a user, use it like this: (in this example the SmartIRC object is stored in $irc) * $irc->channel['#test']->users['meebey']->nick; * * @see setChannelSyncing() * @see Net_SmartIRC_channel * @see Net_SmartIRC_channeluser * @var array * @access public */ var $channel; /** * Constructor. Initiales the messagebuffer and "links" the replycodes from * global into properties. Also some PHP runtime settings are configured. * * @access public * @return void */ function Net_SmartIRC_base() { // precheck $this->_checkPHPVersion(); ob_implicit_flush(true); @set_time_limit(0); ignore_user_abort(true); $this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_CRITICAL] = array(); $this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_HIGH] = array(); $this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_MEDIUM] = array(); $this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_LOW] = array(); $this->replycodes = &$GLOBALS['SMARTIRC_replycodes']; $this->nreplycodes = &$GLOBALS['SMARTIRC_nreplycodes']; // hack till PHP allows (PHP5) $object->method($param)->$object $this->channel = &$this->_channels; // another hack $this->user = &$this->_users; if (isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])) { // the script is called from a browser, lets set default log destination // to SMARTIRC_BROWSEROUT (makes browser friendly output) $this->setLogdestination(SMARTIRC_BROWSEROUT); } } /** * Enables/disables the usage of real sockets. * * Enables/disables the usage of real sockets instead of fsocks * (works only if your PHP build has loaded the PHP socket extension) * Default: false * * @param bool $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setUseSockets($boolean) { if ($boolean === true) { if (@extension_loaded('sockets')) { $this->_usesockets = true; } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: socket extension not loaded, trying to load it...', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0,3) == 'WIN')) { $load_status = @dl('php_sockets.dll'); } else { $load_status = @dl('sockets.so'); } if ($load_status) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: socket extension succesfully loaded', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_usesockets = true; } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: couldn\'t load the socket extension', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: your PHP build doesn\'t support real sockets, will use fsocks instead', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_usesockets = false; } } } else { $this->_usesockets = false; } } /** * Sets the level of debug messages. * * Sets the debug level (bitwise), useful for testing/developing your code. * Here the list of all possible debug levels: * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NONE * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_SOCKET * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGETYPES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MODULES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_USERSYNCING * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ALL * * Default: SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE * * @see DOCUMENTATION * @see SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE * @param integer $level * @return void * @access public */ function setDebug($level) { $this->_debug = $level; } /** * Enables/disables the benchmark engine. * * @param boolean $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setBenchmark($boolean) { if (is_bool($boolean)) { $this->_benchmark = $boolean; } else { $this->_benchmark = false; } } /** * Deprecated, use setChannelSyncing() instead! * * @deprecated * @param boolean $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setChannelSynching($boolean) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: you are using setChannelSynching() which is a deprecated method, use setChannelSyncing() instead!', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->setChannelSyncing($boolean); } /** * Enables/disables channel syncing. * * Channel syncing means, all users on all channel we are joined are tracked in the * channel array. This makes it very handy for botcoding. * * @param boolean $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setChannelSyncing($boolean) { if (is_bool($boolean)) { $this->_channelsyncing = $boolean; } else { $this->_channelsyncing = false; } if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: Channel syncing enabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: Channel syncing disabled', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /** * Sets the CTCP version reply string. * * @param string $versionstring * @return void * @access public */ function setCtcpVersion($versionstring) { $this->_ctcpversion = $versionstring; } /** * Sets the destination of all log messages. * * Sets the destination of log messages. * $type can be: * SMARTIRC_FILE for saving the log into a file * SMARTIRC_STDOUT for echoing the log to stdout * SMARTIRC_SYSLOG for sending the log to the syslog * Default: SMARTIRC_STDOUT * * @see SMARTIRC_STDOUT * @param integer $type must be on of the constants * @return void * @access public */ function setLogdestination($type) { switch ($type) { case (SMARTIRC_FILE || SMARTIRC_STDOUT || SMARTIRC_SYSLOG || SMARTIRC_BROWSEROUT || SMARTIRC_NONE): $this->_logdestination = $type; break; default: $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: unknown logdestination type ('.$type.'), will use STDOUT instead', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_logdestination = SMARTIRC_STDOUT; } } /** * Sets the file for the log if the destination is set to file. * * Sets the logfile, if {@link setLogdestination logdestination} is set to SMARTIRC_FILE. * This should be only used with full path! * * @param string $file * @return void * @access public */ function setLogfile($file) { $this->_logfile = $file; } /** * Sets the delaytime before closing the socket when disconnect. * * @param integer $milliseconds * @return void * @access public */ function setDisconnecttime($milliseconds) { if (is_integer($milliseconds) && $milliseconds >= 100) { $this->_disconnecttime = $milliseconds; } else { $this->_disconnecttime = 100; } } /** * Sets the delay for receiving data from the IRC server. * * Sets the delaytime between messages that are received, this reduces your CPU load. * Don't set this too low (min 100ms). * Default: 100 * * @param integer $milliseconds * @return void * @access public */ function setReceivedelay($milliseconds) { if (is_integer($milliseconds) && $milliseconds >= 100) { $this->_receivedelay = $milliseconds; } else { $this->_receivedelay = 100; } } /** * Sets the delay for sending data to the IRC server. * * Sets the delaytime between messages that are sent, because IRC servers doesn't like floods. * This will avoid sending your messages too fast to the IRC server. * Default: 250 * * @param integer $milliseconds * @return void * @access public */ function setSenddelay($milliseconds) { if (is_integer($milliseconds)) { $this->_senddelay = $milliseconds; } else { $this->_senddelay = 250; } } /** * Enables/disables autoreconnecting. * * @param boolean $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setAutoReconnect($boolean) { if (is_bool($boolean)) { $this->_autoreconnect = $boolean; } else { $this->_autoreconnect = false; } } /** * Enables/disables autoretry for connecting to a server. * * @param boolean $boolean * @return void * @access public */ function setAutoRetry($boolean) { if (is_bool($boolean)) { $this->_autoretry = $boolean; } else { $this->_autoretry = false; } } /** * Sets the receive timeout. * * If the timeout occurs, the connection will be reinitialized * Default: 300 seconds * * @param integer $seconds * @return void * @access public */ function setReceiveTimeout($seconds) { if (is_integer($seconds)) { $this->_rxtimeout = $seconds; } else { $this->_rxtimeout = 300; } } /** * Sets the transmit timeout. * * If the timeout occurs, the connection will be reinitialized * Default: 300 seconds * * @param integer $seconds * @return void * @access public */ function setTransmitTimeout($seconds) { if (is_integer($seconds)) { $this->_txtimeout = $seconds; } else { $this->_txtimeout = 300; } } /** * Starts the benchmark (sets the counters). * * @return void * @access public */ function startBenchmark() { $this->_benchmark_starttime = $this->_microint(); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'benchmark started', __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** * Stops the benchmark and displays the result. * * @return void * @access public */ function stopBenchmark() { $this->_benchmark_stoptime = $this->_microint(); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'benchmark stopped', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->_benchmark) { $this->showBenchmark(); } } /** * Shows the benchmark result. * * @return void * @access public */ function showBenchmark() { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'benchmark time: '.((float)$this->_benchmark_stoptime-(float)$this->_benchmark_starttime), __FILE__, __LINE__); } /** * Adds an entry to the log. * * Adds an entry to the log with Linux style log format. * Possible $level constants (can also be combined with "|"s) * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NONE * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_SOCKET * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGETYPES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MODULES * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_USERSYNCING * SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ALL * * @see SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE * @param integer $level bit constants (SMARTIRC_DEBUG_*) * @param string $entry the new log entry * @return void * @access public */ function log($level, $entry, $file = null, $line = null) { // prechecks if (!(is_integer($level)) || !($level & SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ALL)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: invalid log level passed to log() ('.$level.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!($level & $this->_debug) || ($this->_logdestination == SMARTIRC_NONE)) { return; } if (substr($entry, -1) != "\n") { $entry .= "\n"; } if ($file !== null && $line !== null) { $file = basename($file); $entry = $file.'('.$line.') '.$entry; } else { $entry = 'unknown(0) '.$entry; } $formatedentry = date('M d H:i:s ').$entry; switch ($this->_logdestination) { case SMARTIRC_STDOUT: echo $formatedentry; flush(); break; case SMARTIRC_BROWSEROUT: echo '<pre>'.htmlentities($formatedentry).'</pre>'; break; case SMARTIRC_FILE: if (!is_resource($this->_logfilefp)) { if ($this->_logfilefp === null) { // we reconncted and don't want to destroy the old log entries $this->_logfilefp = @fopen($this->_logfile,'a'); } else { $this->_logfilefp = @fopen($this->_logfile,'w'); } } @fwrite($this->_logfilefp, $formatedentry); fflush($this->_logfilefp); break; case SMARTIRC_SYSLOG: define_syslog_variables(); if (!is_int($this->_logfilefp)) { $this->_logfilefp = openlog('Net_SmartIRC', LOG_NDELAY, LOG_DAEMON); } syslog(LOG_INFO, $entry); break; } } /** * Returns the full motd. * * @return array * @access public */ function getMotd() { return $this->_motd; } /** * Returns the usermode. * * @return string * @access public */ function getUsermode() { return $this->_usermode; } /** * Creates the sockets and connects to the IRC server on the given port. * * @param string $address * @param integer $port * @return void * @access public */ function connect($address, $port) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: connecting', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_address = $address; $this->_port = $port; if ($this->_usesockets == true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_SOCKET, 'DEBUG_SOCKET: using real sockets', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP); $result = @socket_connect($this->_socket, $this->_address, $this->_port); } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_SOCKET, 'DEBUG_SOCKET: using fsockets', __FILE__, __LINE__); $result = @fsockopen($this->_address, $this->_port, $errno, $errstr); } if ($result === false) { if ($this->_usesockets == true) { $error = socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->_socket)); } else { $error = $errstr.' ('.$errno.')'; } $error_msg = 'couldn\'t connect to "'.$address.'" reason: "'.$error.'"'; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'DEBUG_NOTICE: '.$error_msg, __FILE__, __LINE__); // TODO! muss return wert sein $this->throwError($error_msg); // doesn't work somehow.... I only want to retry 4 times! no endless loop (causes segfault) static $tries = 0; if ($this->_autoretry == true && $tries < 5) { $this->reconnect(); $tries++; } else { die(); } } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: connected', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->_usesockets != true) { $this->_socket = $result; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_SOCKET, 'DEBUG_SOCKET: activating nonblocking fsocket mode', __FILE__, __LINE__); socket_set_blocking($this->_socket, false); } } $this->_lastrx = time(); $this->_lasttx = $this->_lastrx; $this->_updatestate(); if ($result !== false) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Disconnects from the IRC server nicely with a QUIT or just destroys the socket. * * Disconnects from the IRC server in the given quickness mode. * $quickdisconnect: * true, just close the socket * false, send QUIT and wait {@link $_disconnectime $_disconnectime} before closing the socket * * @param boolean $quickdisconnect default: false * @return boolean * @access public */ function disconnect($quickdisconnect = false) { if ($this->_state() == SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED) { if ($quickdisconnect == false) { $this->_send('QUIT', SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); usleep($this->_disconnecttime*1000); } if ($this->_usesockets == true) { @socket_shutdown($this->_socket); @socket_close($this->_socket); } else { fclose($this->_socket); } $this->_updatestate(); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: disconnected', __FILE__, __LINE__); } else { return false; } if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { // let's clean our channel array $this->_channels = array(); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: cleaned channel array', __FILE__, __LINE__); } if ($this->_logdestination == SMARTIRC_FILE) { fclose($this->_logfilefp); $this->_logfilefp = null; } else if ($this->_logdestination == SMARTIRC_SYSLOG) { closelog(); } return true; } /** * Reconnects to the IRC server with the same login info, * it also rejoins the channels * * @return void * @access public */ function reconnect() { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: reconnecting...', __FILE__, __LINE__); // remember in which channels we are joined $channels = array(); foreach ($this->_channels as $value) { if (empty($value->key)) { $channels[] = array('name' => $value->name); } else { $channels[] = array('name' => $value->name, 'key' => $value->key); } } $this->disconnect(true); $this->connect($this->_address, $this->_port); $this->login($this->_nick, $this->_realname, $this->_usermode, $this->_username, $this->_password); // rejoin the channels foreach ($channels as $value) { if (isset($value['key'])) { $this->join($value['name'], $value['key']); } else { $this->join($value['name']); } } } /** * login and register nickname on the IRC network * * Registers the nickname and user information on the IRC network. * * @param string $nick * @param string $realname * @param integer $usermode * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return void * @access public */ function login($nick, $realname, $usermode = 0, $username = null, $password = null) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: logging in', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_nick = str_replace(' ', '', $nick); $this->_realname = $realname; if ($username !== null) { $this->_username = str_replace(' ', '', $username); } else { $this->_username = str_replace(' ', '', exec('whoami')); } if ($password !== null) { $this->_password = $password; $this->_send('PASS '.$this->_password, SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); } if (!is_numeric($usermode)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'DEBUG_NOTICE: login() usermode ('.$usermode.') is not valid, will use 0 instead', __FILE__, __LINE__); $usermode = 0; } $this->_send('NICK '.$this->_nick, SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); $this->_send('USER '.$this->_username.' '.$usermode.' '.SMARTIRC_UNUSED.' :'.$this->_realname, SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); } // </IRC methods> /** * checks if we or the given user is joined to the specified channel and returns the result * ChannelSyncing is required for this. * * @see setChannelSyncing * @param string $channel * @param string $nickname * @return boolean * @access public */ function isJoined($channel, $nickname = null) { if ($this->_channelsyncing != true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: isJoined() is called and the required Channel Syncing is not activated!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($nickname === null) { $nickname = $this->_nick; } if (isset($this->_channels[strtolower($channel)]->users[strtolower($nickname)])) { return true; } return false; } /** * Checks if we or the given user is opped on the specified channel and returns the result. * ChannelSyncing is required for this. * * @see setChannelSyncing * @param string $channel * @param string $nickname * @return boolean * @access public */ function isOpped($channel, $nickname = null) { if ($this->_channelsyncing != true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: isOpped() is called and the required Channel Syncing is not activated!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($nickname === null) { $nickname = $this->_nick; } if ($this->isJoined($channel, $nickname)) { if ($this->_channels[strtolower($channel)]->users[strtolower($nickname)]->op) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if we or the given user is voiced on the specified channel and returns the result. * ChannelSyncing is required for this. * * @see setChannelSyncing * @param string $channel * @param string $nickname * @return boolean * @access public */ function isVoiced($channel, $nickname = null) { if ($this->_channelsyncing != true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: isVoiced() is called and the required Channel Syncing is not activated!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($nickname === null) { $nickname = $this->_nick; } if ($this->isJoined($channel, $nickname)) { if ($this->_channels[strtolower($channel)]->users[strtolower($nickname)]->voice) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks if the hostmask is on the specified channel banned and returns the result. * ChannelSyncing is required for this. * * @see setChannelSyncing * @param string $channel * @param string $hostmask * @return boolean * @access public */ function isBanned($channel, $hostmask) { if ($this->_channelsyncing != true) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: isBanned() is called and the required Channel Syncing is not activated!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } if ($this->isJoined($channel)) { $result = array_search($hostmask, $this->_channels[strtolower($channel)]->bans); if ($result !== false) { return true; } } return false; } /** * goes into receive mode * * Goes into receive and idle mode. Only call this if you want to "spawn" the bot. * No further lines of PHP code will be processed after this call, only the bot methods! * * @return boolean * @access public */ function listen() { if ($this->_state() == SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED) { $this->_rawreceive(); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * waits for a special message type and puts the answer in $result * * Creates a special actionhandler for that given TYPE and returns the answer. * This will only receive the requested type, immediately quit and disconnect from the IRC server. * Made for showing IRC statistics on your homepage, or other IRC related information. * * @param integer $messagetype see in the documentation 'Message Types' * @return array answer from the IRC server for this $messagetype * @access public */ function listenFor($messagetype) { $listenfor = &new Net_SmartIRC_listenfor(); $this->registerActionhandler($messagetype, '.*', $listenfor, 'handler'); $this->listen(); $result = $listenfor->result; if (isset($listenfor)) { unset($listenfor); } return $result; } /** * waits for a special message type and puts the answer in $result * * Creates a special actionhandler for that given TYPE and returns the answer. * This will only receive the requested type, immediately quit and disconnect from the IRC server. * Made for showing IRC statistics on your homepage, or other IRC related information. * This special version of listenFor() stores the whole ircdata object, not just the message! * * @param integer $messagetype see in the documentation 'Message Types' * @return array answer from the IRC server for this $messagetype * @access public */ function objListenFor($messagetype) { $objlistenfor = &new Net_SmartIRC_objListenFor(); $this->registerActionhandler($messagetype, '.*', $objlistenfor, 'handler'); $this->listen(); $result = $objlistenfor->result; if (isset($objlistenfor)) { unset($objlistenfor); } return $result; } /** * registers a new actionhandler and returns the assigned id * * Registers an actionhandler in Net_SmartIRC for calling it later. * The actionhandler id is needed for unregistering the actionhandler. * * @see example.php * @param integer $handlertype bits constants, see in this documentation Message Types * @param string $regexhandler the message that has to be in the IRC message in regex syntax * @param object $object a reference to the objects of the method * @param string $methodname the methodname that will be called when the handler happens * @return integer assigned actionhandler id * @access public */ function registerActionhandler($handlertype, $regexhandler, &$object, $methodname) { // precheck if (!$this->_isValidType($handlertype)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: passed invalid handlertype to registerActionhandler()', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $id = $this->_actionhandlerid++; $newactionhandler = &new Net_SmartIRC_actionhandler(); $newactionhandler->id = $id; $newactionhandler->type = $handlertype; $newactionhandler->message = $regexhandler; $newactionhandler->object = &$object; $newactionhandler->method = $methodname; $this->_actionhandler[] = &$newactionhandler; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: actionhandler('.$id.') registered', __FILE__, __LINE__); return $id; } /** * unregisters an existing actionhandler * * @param integer $handlertype * @param string $regexhandler * @param object $object * @param string $methodname * @return boolean * @access public */ function unregisterActionhandler($handlertype, $regexhandler, &$object, $methodname) { // precheck if (!$this->_isValidType($handlertype)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: passed invalid handlertype to unregisterActionhandler()', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $handler = &$this->_actionhandler; $handlercount = count($handler); for ($i = 0; $i < $handlercount; $i++) { $handlerobject = &$handler[$i]; if ($handlerobject->type == $handlertype && $handlerobject->message == $regexhandler && $handlerobject->method == $methodname) { $id = $handlerobject->id; if (isset($this->_actionhandler[$i])) { unset($this->_actionhandler[$i]); } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: actionhandler('.$id.') unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_reorderactionhandler(); return true; } } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: could not find actionhandler type: "'.$handlertype.'" message: "'.$regexhandler.'" method: "'.$methodname.'" from object "'.get_class($object).'" _not_ unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } /** * unregisters an existing actionhandler via the id * * @param integer $id * @return boolean * @access public */ function unregisterActionid($id) { $handler = &$this->_actionhandler; $handlercount = count($handler); for ($i = 0; $i < $handlercount; $i++) { $handlerobject = &$handler[$i]; if ($handlerobject->id == $id) { if (isset($this->_actionhandler[$i])) { unset($this->_actionhandler[$i]); } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: actionhandler('.$id.') unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_reorderactionhandler(); return true; } } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: could not find actionhandler id: '.$id.' _not_ unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } /** * registers a timehandler and returns the assigned id * * Registers a timehandler in Net_SmartIRC, which will be called in the specified interval. * The timehandler id is needed for unregistering the timehandler. * * @see example7.php * @param integer $interval interval time in milliseconds * @param object $object a reference to the objects of the method * @param string $methodname the methodname that will be called when the handler happens * @return integer assigned timehandler id * @access public */ function registerTimehandler($interval, &$object, $methodname) { $id = $this->_timehandlerid++; $newtimehandler = &new Net_SmartIRC_timehandler(); $newtimehandler->id = $id; $newtimehandler->interval = $interval; $newtimehandler->object = &$object; $newtimehandler->method = $methodname; $newtimehandler->lastmicrotimestamp = $this->_microint(); $this->_timehandler[] = &$newtimehandler; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER: timehandler('.$id.') registered', __FILE__, __LINE__); if (($interval < $this->_mintimer) || ($this->_mintimer == false)) { $this->_mintimer = $interval; } return $id; } /** * unregisters an existing timehandler via the id * * @see example7.php * @param integer $id * @return boolean * @access public */ function unregisterTimeid($id) { $handler = &$this->_timehandler; $handlercount = count($handler); for ($i = 0; $i < $handlercount; $i++) { $handlerobject = &$handler[$i]; if ($handlerobject->id == $id) { if (isset($this->_timehandler[$i])) { unset($this->_timehandler[$i]); } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER: timehandler('.$id.') unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_reordertimehandler(); $this->_updatemintimer(); return true; } } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER: could not find timehandler id: '.$id.' _not_ unregistered', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } // <private methods> /** * changes a already used nickname to a new nickname plus 3 random digits * * @return void * @access private */ function _nicknameinuse() { $newnickname = substr($this->_nick, 0, 5).rand(0, 999); $this->changeNick($newnickname, SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); } /** * sends an IRC message * * Adds a message to the messagequeue, with the optional priority. * $priority: * SMARTIRC_CRITICAL * SMARTIRC_HIGH * SMARTIRC_MEDIUM * SMARTIRC_LOW * * @param string $data * @param integer $priority must be one of the priority constants * @return boolean * @access private */ function _send($data, $priority = SMARTIRC_MEDIUM) { switch ($priority) { case SMARTIRC_CRITICAL: $this->_rawsend($data); return true; break; case (SMARTIRC_HIGH|| SMARTIRC_MEDIUM|| SMARTIRC_LOW): $this->_messagebuffer[$priority][] = $data; return true; break; default: $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: message ('.$data.') with an invalid priority passed ('.$priority.'), message is ignored!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } } /** * checks the buffer if there are messages to send * * @return void * @access private */ function _checkbuffer() { if (!$this->_loggedin) { return; } static $highsent = 0; static $lastmicrotimestamp = 0; if ($lastmicrotimestamp == 0) { $lastmicrotimestamp = $this->_microint(); } $highcount = count($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_HIGH]); $mediumcount = count($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_MEDIUM]); $lowcount = count($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_LOW]); $this->_messagebuffersize = $highcount+$mediumcount+$lowcount; // don't send them too fast if ($this->_microint() >= ($lastmicrotimestamp+($this->_senddelay/1000))) { if ($highcount > 0 && $highsent <= 2) { $this->_rawsend(array_shift($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_HIGH])); $lastmicrotimestamp = $this->_microint(); $highsent++; } else if ($mediumcount > 0) { $this->_rawsend(array_shift($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_MEDIUM])); $lastmicrotimestamp = $this->_microint(); $highsent = 0; } else if ($lowcount > 0) { $this->_rawsend(array_shift($this->_messagebuffer[SMARTIRC_LOW])); $lastmicrotimestamp = $this->_microint(); } } } /** * Checks the running timers and calls the registered timehandler, * when the interval is reached. * * @return void * @access private */ function _checktimer() { if (!$this->_loggedin) { return; } // has to be count() because the array may change during the loop! for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->_timehandler); $i++) { $handlerobject = &$this->_timehandler[$i]; $microtimestamp = $this->_microint(); if ($microtimestamp >= ($handlerobject->lastmicrotimestamp+($handlerobject->interval/1000))) { $methodobject = &$handlerobject->object; $method = $handlerobject->method; $handlerobject->lastmicrotimestamp = $microtimestamp; if (@method_exists($methodobject, $method)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_TIMEHANDLER: calling method "'.get_class($methodobject).'->'.$method.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); $methodobject->$method($this); } } } } /** * Checks if a receive or transmit timeout occured and reconnects if configured * * @return void * @access private */ function _checktimeout() { if ($this->_autoreconnect == true) { $timestamp = time(); if ($this->_lastrx < ($timestamp - $this->_rxtimeout)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: receive timeout detected, doing reconnect...', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->reconnect(); } else if ($this->_lasttx < ($timestamp - $this->_txtimeout)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: transmit timeout detected, doing reconnect...', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->reconnect(); } } } /** * sends a raw message to the IRC server (don't use this!!) * * Use message() or _send() instead. * * @param string $data * @return boolean * @access private */ function _rawsend($data) { if ($this->_state() == SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES, 'DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES: sent: "'.$data.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($this->_usesockets == true) { $result = @socket_write($this->_socket, $data.SMARTIRC_CRLF); } else { $result = @fwrite($this->_socket, $data.SMARTIRC_CRLF); } if ($result === false) { return false; } else { $this->_lasttx = time(); return true; } } else { return false; } } /** * goes into main idle loop for waiting messages from the IRC server * * @return void * @access private */ function _rawreceive() { $lastpart = ''; $rawdataar = array(); while ($this->_state() == SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED) { $this->_checkbuffer(); $timeout = $this->_selecttimeout(); if ($this->_usesockets == true) { $sread = array($this->_socket); $result = @socket_select($sread, $w = null, $e = null, 0, $timeout*1000); if ($result == 1) { // the socket got data to read $rawdata = @socket_read($this->_socket, 10240); } else if ($result === false) { // panic! panic! something went wrong! $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_NOTICE, 'WARNING: socket_select() returned false, something went wrong! Reason: '.socket_strerror(socket_last_error()), __FILE__, __LINE__); exit; } else { // no data $rawdata = null; } } else { usleep($this->_receivedelay*1000); $rawdata = @fread($this->_socket, 10240); } $this->_checktimer(); $this->_checktimeout(); if ($rawdata !== null && !empty($rawdata)) { $this->_lastrx = time(); $rawdata = str_replace("\r", '', $rawdata); $rawdata = $lastpart.$rawdata; $lastpart = substr($rawdata, strrpos($rawdata ,"\n")+1); $rawdata = substr($rawdata, 0, strrpos($rawdata ,"\n")); $rawdataar = explode("\n", $rawdata); } // loop through our received messages while (count($rawdataar) > 0) { $rawline = array_shift($rawdataar); $validmessage = false; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES, 'DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES: received: "'.$rawline.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); // building our data packet $ircdata = &new Net_SmartIRC_data(); $ircdata->rawmessage = $rawline; $lineex = explode(' ', $rawline); $ircdata->rawmessageex = $lineex; $messagecode = $lineex[0]; if (substr($rawline, 0, 1) == ':') { $validmessage = true; $line = substr($rawline, 1); $lineex = explode(' ', $line); // conform to RFC 2812 $from = $lineex[0]; $messagecode = $lineex[1]; $exclamationpos = strpos($from, '!'); $atpos = strpos($from, '@'); $colonpos = strpos($line, ' :'); if ($colonpos !== false) { // we want the exact position of ":" not beginning from the space $colonpos += 1; } $ircdata->nick = substr($from, 0, $exclamationpos); $ircdata->ident = substr($from, $exclamationpos+1, ($atpos-$exclamationpos)-1); $ircdata->host = substr($from, $atpos+1); $ircdata->type = $this->_gettype($rawline); $ircdata->from = $from; if ($colonpos !== false) { $ircdata->message = substr($line, $colonpos+1); $ircdata->messageex = explode(' ', $ircdata->message); } if ($ircdata->type & (SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL| SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION| SMARTIRC_TYPE_MODECHANGE| SMARTIRC_TYPE_KICK| SMARTIRC_TYPE_PART| SMARTIRC_TYPE_JOIN)) { $ircdata->channel = $lineex[2]; } else if ($ircdata->type & (SMARTIRC_TYPE_WHO| SMARTIRC_TYPE_BANLIST| SMARTIRC_TYPE_TOPIC| SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNELMODE)) { $ircdata->channel = $lineex[3]; } else if ($ircdata->type & SMARTIRC_TYPE_NAME) { $ircdata->channel = $lineex[4]; } if ($ircdata->channel !== null) { if (substr($ircdata->channel, 0, 1) == ':') { $ircdata->channel = substr($ircdata->channel, 1); } } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEPARSER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEPARSER: ircdata nick: "'.$ircdata->nick. '" ident: "'.$ircdata->ident. '" host: "'.$ircdata->host. '" type: "'.$ircdata->type. '" from: "'.$ircdata->from. '" channel: "'.$ircdata->channel. '" message: "'.$ircdata->message. '"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } // lets see if we have a messagehandler for it $this->_handlemessage($messagecode, $ircdata); if ($validmessage == true) { // now the actionhandlers are comming $this->_handleactionhandler($ircdata); } if (isset($ircdata)) { unset($ircdata); } } } } /** * sends the pong for keeping alive * * Sends the PONG signal as reply of the PING from the IRC server. * * @param string $data * @return void * @access private */ function _pong($data) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: Ping? Pong!', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->_send('PONG '.$data, SMARTIRC_CRITICAL); } /** * returns the calculated selecttimeout value * * @return integer selecttimeout in microseconds * @access private */ function _selecttimeout() { if ($this->_messagebuffersize == 0) { $this->_selecttimeout = null; if ($this->_mintimer != false) { $this->_calculateselecttimeout($this->_mintimer); } if ($this->_autoreconnect == true) { $this->_calculateselecttimeout($this->_rxtimeout*1000); } $this->_calculateselecttimeout($this->_maxtimer); return $this->_selecttimeout; } else { return $this->_senddelay; } } /** * calculates the selecttimeout value * * @return void * @access private */ function _calculateselecttimeout($microseconds) { if (($this->_selecttimeout > $microseconds) || $this->_selecttimeout === null) { $this->_selecttimeout = $microseconds; } } /** * updates _mintimer to the smallest timer interval * * @return void * @access private */ function _updatemintimer() { $timerarray = array(); foreach ($this->_timehandler as $values) { $timerarray[] = $values->interval; } $result = array_multisort($timerarray, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_ASC); if ($result == true && isset($timerarray[0])) { $this->_mintimer = $timerarray[0]; } else { $this->_mintimer = false; } } /** * reorders the actionhandler array, needed after removing one * * @return void * @access private */ function _reorderactionhandler() { $orderedactionhandler = array(); foreach ($this->_actionhandler as $value) { $orderedactionhandler[] = $value; } $this->_actionhandler = &$orderedactionhandler; } /** * reorders the timehandler array, needed after removing one * * @return void * @access private */ function _reordertimehandler() { $orderedtimehandler = array(); foreach ($this->_timehandler as $value) { $orderedtimehandler[] = $value; } $this->_timehandler = &$orderedtimehandler; } /** * reorders the modules array, needed after removing one * * @return void * @access private */ function _reordermodules() { $orderedmodules = array(); foreach ($this->_modules as $value) { $orderedmodules[] = $value; } $this->_modules = &$orderedmodules; } /** * determines the messagetype of $line * * Analyses the type of an IRC message and returns the type. * * @param string $line * @return integer SMARTIRC_TYPE_* constant * @access private */ function _gettype($line) { if (preg_match('/^:[^ ]+? [0-9]{3} .+$/', $line) == 1) { $lineex = explode(' ', $line); $code = $lineex[1]; switch ($code) { case SMARTIRC_RPL_WELCOME: case SMARTIRC_RPL_YOURHOST: case SMARTIRC_RPL_CREATED: case SMARTIRC_RPL_MYINFO: case SMARTIRC_RPL_BOUNCE: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_LOGIN; case SMARTIRC_RPL_LUSERCLIENT: case SMARTIRC_RPL_LUSEROP: case SMARTIRC_RPL_LUSERUNKNOWN: case SMARTIRC_RPL_LUSERME: case SMARTIRC_RPL_LUSERCHANNELS: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_INFO; case SMARTIRC_RPL_MOTDSTART: case SMARTIRC_RPL_MOTD: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFMOTD: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_MOTD; case SMARTIRC_RPL_NAMREPLY: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFNAMES: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_NAME; case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOREPLY: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFWHO: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_WHO; case SMARTIRC_RPL_LISTSTART: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_NONRELEVANT; case SMARTIRC_RPL_LIST: case SMARTIRC_RPL_LISTEND: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_LIST; case SMARTIRC_RPL_BANLIST: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFBANLIST: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_BANLIST; case SMARTIRC_RPL_TOPIC: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_TOPIC; case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOISUSER: case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOISSERVER: case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOISOPERATOR: case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOISIDLE: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFWHOIS: case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOISCHANNELS: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_WHOIS; case SMARTIRC_RPL_WHOWASUSER: case SMARTIRC_RPL_ENDOFWHOWAS: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_WHOWAS; case SMARTIRC_RPL_UMODEIS: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_USERMODE; case SMARTIRC_RPL_CHANNELMODEIS: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNELMODE; case SMARTIRC_ERR_NICKNAMEINUSE: case SMARTIRC_ERR_NOTREGISTERED: return SMARTIRC_TYPE_ERROR; default: $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES, 'DEBUG_IRCMESSAGES: replycode UNKNOWN ('.$code.'): "'.$line.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } if (preg_match('/^:.*? PRIVMSG .* :'.chr(1).'ACTION .*'.chr(1).'$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_ACTION; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? PRIVMSG .* :'.chr(1).'.*'.chr(1).'$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_CTCP; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? PRIVMSG (\&|\#|\+|\!).* :.*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_CHANNEL; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? PRIVMSG .*:.*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUERY; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? NOTICE .* :.*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_NOTICE; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? INVITE .* .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_INVITE; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? JOIN .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_JOIN; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? TOPIC .* :.*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_TOPICCHANGE; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? NICK .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_NICKCHANGE; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? KICK .* .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_KICK; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? PART .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_PART; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? MODE .* .*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_MODECHANGE; } else if (preg_match('/^:.*? QUIT :.*$/', $line) == 1) { return SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUIT; } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGETYPES, 'DEBUG_MESSAGETYPES: SMARTIRC_TYPE_UNKNOWN!: "'.$line.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); return SMARTIRC_TYPE_UNKNOWN; } } /** * updates the current connection state * * @return boolean * @access private */ function _updatestate() { $rtype = get_resource_type($this->_socket); if ((is_resource($this->_socket)) && ($this->_socket !== false) && ($rtype == 'socket' || $rtype == 'Socket' || $rtype == 'stream')) { $this->_state = true; return true; } else { $this->_state = false; $this->_loggedin = false; return false; } } /** * returns the current connection state * * @return integer SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED or SMARTIRC_STATE_DISCONNECTED * @access private */ function _state() { $result = $this->_updatestate(); if ($result == true) { return SMARTIRC_STATE_CONNECTED; } else { return SMARTIRC_STATE_DISCONNECTED; } } /** * tries to find a messagehandler for the received message ($ircdata) and calls it * * @param string $messagecode * @param object $ircdata * @return void * @access private */ function _handlemessage($messagecode, &$ircdata) { $found = false; if (is_numeric($messagecode)) { if (!array_key_exists($messagecode, $this->nreplycodes)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: ignoring unreconzied messagecode! "'.$messagecode.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: this IRC server ('.$this->_address.') doesn\'t conform to the RFC 2812!', __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $methodname = 'event_'.strtolower($this->nreplycodes[$messagecode]); $_methodname = '_'.$methodname; $_codetype = 'by numeric'; } else if (is_string($messagecode)) { // its not numericcode so already a name/string $methodname = 'event_'.strtolower($messagecode); $_methodname = '_'.$methodname; $_codetype = 'by string'; } // if exists call internal method for the handling if (@method_exists($this, $_methodname)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling internal method "'.get_class($this).'->'.$_methodname.'" ('.$_codetype.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->$_methodname($ircdata); $found = true; } // if exist, call user defined method for the handling if (@method_exists($this, $methodname)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: calling user defined method "'.get_class($this).'->'.$methodname.'" ('.$_codetype.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->$methodname($ircdata); $found = true; } if ($found == false) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER, 'DEBUG_MESSAGEHANDLER: no method found for "'.$messagecode.'" ('.$methodname.')', __FILE__, __LINE__); } } /** * tries to find a actionhandler for the received message ($ircdata) and calls it * * @param object $ircdata * @return void * @access private */ function _handleactionhandler(&$ircdata) { $handler = &$this->_actionhandler; $handlercount = count($handler); for ($i = 0; $i < $handlercount; $i++) { $handlerobject = &$handler[$i]; if (substr($handlerobject->message, 0, 1) == '/') { $regex = $handlerobject->message; } else { $regex = '/'.$handlerobject->message.'/'; } if (($handlerobject->type & $ircdata->type) && (preg_match($regex, $ircdata->message) == 1)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: actionhandler match found for id: '.$i.' type: '.$ircdata->type.' message: "'.$ircdata->message.'" regex: "'.$regex.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); $methodobject = &$handlerobject->object; $method = $handlerobject->method; if (@method_exists($methodobject, $method)) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: calling method "'.get_class($methodobject).'->'.$method.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); $methodobject->$method($this, $ircdata); } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: method doesn\'t exist! "'.get_class($methodobject).'->'.$method.'"', __FILE__, __LINE__); } break; } } } /** * getting current microtime, needed for benchmarks * * @return float * @access private */ function _microint() { $tmp = microtime(); $parts = explode(' ', $tmp); $floattime = (float)$parts[0] + (float)$parts[1]; return $floattime; } /** * adds an user to the channelobject or updates his info * * @param object $channel * @param object $newuser * @return void * @access private */ function _adduser(&$channel, &$newuser) { $lowerednick = strtolower($newuser->nick); if (isset($channel->users[$lowerednick])) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: updating user: '.$newuser->nick.' on channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); // lets update the existing user $currentuser = &$channel->users[$lowerednick]; if ($newuser->ident !== null) { $currentuser->ident = $newuser->ident; } if ($newuser->host !== null) { $currentuser->host = $newuser->host; } if ($newuser->realname !== null) { $currentuser->realname = $newuser->realname; } if ($newuser->op !== null) { $currentuser->op = $newuser->op; } if ($newuser->voice !== null) { $currentuser->voice = $newuser->voice; } if ($newuser->ircop !== null) { $currentuser->ircop = $newuser->ircop; } if ($newuser->away !== null) { $currentuser->away = $newuser->away; } if ($newuser->server !== null) { $currentuser->server = $newuser->server; } if ($newuser->hopcount !== null) { $currentuser->hopcount = $newuser->hopcount; } } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding user: '.$newuser->nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); // he is new just add the reference to him $channel->users[$lowerednick] = &$newuser; } $user = &$channel->users[$lowerednick]; if ($user->op) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding op: '.$user->nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->ops[$user->nick] = true; } if ($user->voice) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding voice: '.$user->nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->voices[$user->nick] = true; } } /** * removes an user from one channel or all if he quits * * @param object $ircdata * @return void * @access private */ function _removeuser(&$ircdata) { if ($ircdata->type & (SMARTIRC_TYPE_PART|SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUIT)) { $nick = $ircdata->nick; } else if ($ircdata->type & SMARTIRC_TYPE_KICK) { $nick = $ircdata->rawmessageex[3]; } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: unknown TYPE ('.$ircdata->type.') in _removeuser(), trying default', __FILE__, __LINE__); $nick = $ircdata->nick; } $lowerednick = strtolower($nick); if ($this->_nick == $nick) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: we left channel: '.$ircdata->channel.' destroying...', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]); } else { if ($ircdata->type & SMARTIRC_TYPE_QUIT) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: user '.$nick.' quit, removing him from all channels', __FILE__, __LINE__); // remove the user from all channels foreach ($this->_channels as $channelkey => $channelvalue) { // loop through all channels $channel = &$this->_channels[$channelkey]; foreach ($channel->users as $userkey => $uservalue) { // loop through all user in this channel if ($nick == $uservalue->nick) { // found him // kill him $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: found him on channel: '.$channel->name.' destroying...', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->users[$lowerednick]); if (isset($channel->ops[$nick])) { // die! $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing him from op list', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->ops[$nick]); } if (isset($channel->voices[$nick])) { // die!! $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing him from voice list', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->voices[$nick]); } // ups this was not DukeNukem 3D } } } } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing user: '.$nick.' from channel: '.$ircdata->channel, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; unset($channel->users[$lowerednick]); if (isset($channel->ops[$nick])) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing him from op list', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->ops[$nick]); } if (isset($channel->voices[$nick])) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing him from voice list', __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->voices[$nick]); } } } } /** * @return void * @access private */ function _checkPHPVersion() { // doing nothing at the moment } /** * checks if the passed handlertype is valid * * @param integer $handlertype * @return boolean * @access private */ function _isValidType($handlertype) { if ($handlertype & SMARTIRC_TYPE_ALL ) { return true; } else { return false; } } // </private methods> function isError($object) { return (bool)(is_object($object) && (strtolower(get_class($object)) == 'net_smartirc_error')); } function &throwError($message) { return new Net_SmartIRC_Error($message); } } class Net_SmartIRC extends Net_SmartIRC_messagehandler { // empty } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_data { /** * @var string * @access public */ var $from; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $nick; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $ident; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $host; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $channel; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $message; /** * @var array * @access public */ var $messageex = array(); /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $type; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $rawmessage; /** * @var array * @access public */ var $rawmessageex = array(); } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_actionhandler { /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $id; /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $type; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $message; /** * @var object * @access public */ var $object; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $method; } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_timehandler { /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $id; /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $interval; /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $lastmicrotimestamp; /** * @var object * @access public */ var $object; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $method; } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_channel { /** * @var string * @access public */ var $name; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $key; /** * @var array * @access public */ var $users = array(); /** * @var array * @access public */ var $ops = array(); /** * @var array * @access public */ var $voices = array(); /** * @var array * @access public */ var $bans = array(); /** * @var string * @access public */ var $topic; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $mode; } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_user { /** * @var string * @access public */ var $nick; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $ident; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $host; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $realname; /** * @var boolean * @access public */ var $ircop; /** * @var boolean * @access public */ var $away; /** * @var string * @access public */ var $server; /** * @var integer * @access public */ var $hopcount; } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_channeluser extends Net_SmartIRC_user { /** * @var boolean * @access public */ var $op; /** * @var boolean * @access public */ var $voice; } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_ircuser extends Net_SmartIRC_user { /** * @var array * @access public */ var $joinedchannels = array(); } /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_listenfor { /** * @var array * @access public */ var $result = array(); /** * stores the received answer into the result array * * @param object $irc * @param object $ircdata * @return void */ function handler(&$irc, &$ircdata) { $irc->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: listenfor handler called', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->result[] = $ircdata->message; $irc->disconnect(true); } } // so we don't break BC! /** * @access public */ class Net_SmartIRC_objListenFor { /** * @var array * @access public */ var $result = array(); /** * stores the received answer into the result array * * @param object $irc * @param object $ircdata * @return void */ function handler(&$irc, &$ircdata) { $irc->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER, 'DEBUG_ACTIONHANDLER: objListenFor handler called', __FILE__, __LINE__); $this->result[] = $ircdata; $irc->disconnect(true); } } class Net_SmartIRC_Error { var $error_msg; function Net_SmartIRC_Error($message) { $this->error_msg = $message; } function getMessage() { return $this->error_msg; } } ?>