// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2022 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file gamestate.c /// \brief Gamestate (re)sending #include "d_clisrv.h" #include "d_netfil.h" #include "gamestate.h" #include "i_net.h" #include "protocol.h" #include "server_connection.h" #include "../am_map.h" #include "../byteptr.h" #include "../console.h" #include "../d_main.h" #include "../doomstat.h" #include "../doomtype.h" #include "../f_finale.h" #include "../g_demo.h" #include "../g_game.h" #include "../i_time.h" #include "../lua_script.h" #include "../lzf.h" #include "../m_misc.h" #include "../p_haptic.h" #include "../p_local.h" #include "../p_saveg.h" #include "../r_main.h" #include "../tables.h" #include "../z_zone.h" #define SAVEGAMESIZE (768*1024) UINT8 hu_redownloadinggamestate = 0; boolean cl_redownloadinggamestate = false; boolean SV_ResendingSavegameToAnyone(void) { for (INT32 i = 0; i < MAXNETNODES; i++) if (netnodes[i].resendingsavegame) return true; return false; } void SV_SendSaveGame(INT32 node, boolean resending) { size_t length, compressedlen; UINT8 *savebuffer; UINT8 *compressedsave; UINT8 *buffertosend; // first save it in a malloced buffer savebuffer = (UINT8 *)malloc(SAVEGAMESIZE); if (!savebuffer) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No more free memory for savegame\n")); return; } // Leave room for the uncompressed length. save_p = savebuffer + sizeof(UINT32); P_SaveNetGame(resending); length = save_p - savebuffer; if (length > SAVEGAMESIZE) { free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; I_Error("Savegame buffer overrun"); } // Allocate space for compressed save: one byte fewer than for the // uncompressed data to ensure that the compression is worthwhile. compressedsave = malloc(length - 1); if (!compressedsave) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No more free memory for savegame\n")); return; } // Attempt to compress it. if((compressedlen = lzf_compress(savebuffer + sizeof(UINT32), length - sizeof(UINT32), compressedsave + sizeof(UINT32), length - sizeof(UINT32) - 1))) { // Compressing succeeded; send compressed data free(savebuffer); // State that we're compressed. buffertosend = compressedsave; WRITEUINT32(compressedsave, length - sizeof(UINT32)); length = compressedlen + sizeof(UINT32); } else { // Compression failed to make it smaller; send original free(compressedsave); // State that we're not compressed buffertosend = savebuffer; WRITEUINT32(savebuffer, 0); } AddRamToSendQueue(node, buffertosend, length, SF_RAM, 0); save_p = NULL; // Remember when we started sending the savegame so we can handle timeouts netnodes[node].sendingsavegame = true; netnodes[node].freezetimeout = I_GetTime() + jointimeout + length / 1024; // 1 extra tic for each kilobyte } #ifdef DUMPCONSISTENCY #define TMPSAVENAME "badmath.sav" static consvar_t cv_dumpconsistency = CVAR_INIT ("dumpconsistency", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NETVAR, CV_OnOff, NULL); void SV_SavedGame(void) { size_t length; UINT8 *savebuffer; char tmpsave[256]; if (!cv_dumpconsistency.value) return; sprintf(tmpsave, "%s" PATHSEP TMPSAVENAME, srb2home); // first save it in a malloced buffer save_p = savebuffer = (UINT8 *)malloc(SAVEGAMESIZE); if (!save_p) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("No more free memory for savegame\n")); return; } P_SaveNetGame(false); length = save_p - savebuffer; if (length > SAVEGAMESIZE) { free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; I_Error("Savegame buffer overrun"); } // then save it! if (!FIL_WriteFile(tmpsave, savebuffer, length)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Didn't save %s for netgame"), tmpsave); free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; } #undef TMPSAVENAME #endif #define TMPSAVENAME "$$$.sav" void CL_LoadReceivedSavegame(boolean reloading) { UINT8 *savebuffer = NULL; size_t length, decompressedlen; char tmpsave[256]; FreeFileNeeded(); sprintf(tmpsave, "%s" PATHSEP TMPSAVENAME, srb2home); length = FIL_ReadFile(tmpsave, &savebuffer); CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Loading savegame length %s\n"), sizeu1(length)); if (!length) { I_Error("Can't read savegame sent"); return; } save_p = savebuffer; // Decompress saved game if necessary. decompressedlen = READUINT32(save_p); if(decompressedlen > 0) { UINT8 *decompressedbuffer = Z_Malloc(decompressedlen, PU_STATIC, NULL); lzf_decompress(save_p, length - sizeof(UINT32), decompressedbuffer, decompressedlen); Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = savebuffer = decompressedbuffer; } paused = false; demoplayback = false; titlemapinaction = TITLEMAP_OFF; titledemo = false; automapactive = false; P_StopRumble(NULL); // load a base level if (P_LoadNetGame(reloading)) { const UINT8 actnum = mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->actnum; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Map is now \"%s"), G_BuildMapName(gamemap)); if (strcmp(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->lvlttl, "")) { CONS_Printf(": %s", mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->lvlttl); if (!(mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]->levelflags & LF_NOZONE)) CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" Zone")); if (actnum > 0) CONS_Printf(" %2d", actnum); } CONS_Printf("\"\n"); } // done Z_Free(savebuffer); save_p = NULL; if (unlink(tmpsave) == -1) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Can't delete %s\n"), tmpsave); consistancy[gametic%BACKUPTICS] = Consistancy(); CON_ToggleOff(); // Tell the server we have received and reloaded the gamestate // so they know they can resume the game netbuffer->packettype = PT_RECEIVEDGAMESTATE; HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, 0); } void CL_ReloadReceivedSavegame(void) { for (INT32 i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { LUA_InvalidatePlayer(&players[i]); sprintf(player_names[i], "Player %d", i + 1); } CL_LoadReceivedSavegame(true); neededtic = max(neededtic, gametic); maketic = neededtic; ticcmd_oldangleturn[0] = players[consoleplayer].oldrelangleturn; P_ForceLocalAngle(&players[consoleplayer], (angle_t)(players[consoleplayer].angleturn << 16)); if (splitscreen) { ticcmd_oldangleturn[1] = players[secondarydisplayplayer].oldrelangleturn; P_ForceLocalAngle(&players[secondarydisplayplayer], (angle_t)(players[secondarydisplayplayer].angleturn << 16)); } camera.subsector = R_PointInSubsector(camera.x, camera.y); camera2.subsector = R_PointInSubsector(camera2.x, camera2.y); cl_redownloadinggamestate = false; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Game state reloaded\n")); } void Command_ResendGamestate(void) { SINT8 playernum; if (COM_Argc() == 1) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("resendgamestate : resend the game state to a player\n")); return; } else if (client) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Only the server can use this.\n")); return; } playernum = nametonum(COM_Argv(1)); if (playernum == -1 || playernum == 0) return; // Send a PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE packet to the client so they know what's going on netbuffer->packettype = PT_WILLRESENDGAMESTATE; if (!HSendPacket(playernode[playernum], true, 0, 0)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("A problem occured, please try again.\n")); return; } } void PT_CanReceiveGamestate(SINT8 node) { if (client || netnodes[node].sendingsavegame) return; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Resending game state to %s...\n"), player_names[netnodes[node].player]); SV_SendSaveGame(node, true); // Resend a complete game state netnodes[node].resendingsavegame = true; } void PT_ReceivedGamestate(SINT8 node) { netnodes[node].sendingsavegame = false; netnodes[node].resendingsavegame = false; netnodes[node].savegameresendcooldown = I_GetTime() + 5 * TICRATE; } void PT_WillResendGamestate(SINT8 node) { (void)node; char tmpsave[256]; if (server || cl_redownloadinggamestate) return; // Send back a PT_CANRECEIVEGAMESTATE packet to the server // so they know they can start sending the game state netbuffer->packettype = PT_CANRECEIVEGAMESTATE; if (!HSendPacket(servernode, true, 0, 0)) return; CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Reloading game state...\n")); sprintf(tmpsave, "%s" PATHSEP TMPSAVENAME, srb2home); // Don't get a corrupt savegame error because tmpsave already exists if (FIL_FileExists(tmpsave) && unlink(tmpsave) == -1) I_Error("Can't delete %s\n", tmpsave); CL_PrepareDownloadSaveGame(tmpsave); cl_redownloadinggamestate = true; }