// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2023 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file p_saveg.c /// \brief Archiving: SaveGame I/O #include "doomdef.h" #include "byteptr.h" #include "d_main.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "m_random.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "p_saveg.h" #include "r_data.h" #include "r_fps.h" #include "r_textures.h" #include "r_things.h" #include "r_skins.h" #include "r_state.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "y_inter.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "r_sky.h" #include "p_polyobj.h" #include "lua_script.h" #include "p_slopes.h" savedata_t savedata; UINT8 *save_p; // Block UINT32s to attempt to ensure that the correct data is // being sent and received #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_MISC 0x7FEEDEED #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_PLAYERS 0x7F448008 #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_WORLD 0x7F8C08C0 #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_POBJS 0x7F928546 #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_THINKERS 0x7F37037C #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_SPECIALS 0x7F228378 #define ARCHIVEBLOCK_EMBLEMS 0x7F4A5445 // Note: This cannot be bigger // than an UINT16 typedef enum { // RFLAGPOINT = 0x01, // BFLAGPOINT = 0x02, CAPSULE = 0x04, AWAYVIEW = 0x08, FIRSTAXIS = 0x10, SECONDAXIS = 0x20, FOLLOW = 0x40, DRONE = 0x80, } player_saveflags; static inline void P_ArchivePlayer(void) { const player_t *player = &players[consoleplayer]; SINT8 pllives = player->lives; if (pllives < startinglivesbalance[numgameovers]) // Bump up to 3 lives if the player pllives = startinglivesbalance[numgameovers]; // has less than that. #ifdef NEWSKINSAVES // Write a specific value into the old skininfo location. // If we read something other than this, it's an older save file that used skin numbers. WRITEUINT16(save_p, NEWSKINSAVES); #endif // Write skin names, so that loading skins in different orders // doesn't change who the save file is for! WRITESTRINGN(save_p, skins[player->skin].name, SKINNAMESIZE); if (botskin != 0) { WRITESTRINGN(save_p, skins[botskin-1].name, SKINNAMESIZE); } else { WRITESTRINGN(save_p, "\0", SKINNAMESIZE); } WRITEUINT8(save_p, numgameovers); WRITESINT8(save_p, pllives); WRITEUINT32(save_p, player->score); WRITEINT32(save_p, player->continues); } static inline void P_UnArchivePlayer(void) { #ifdef NEWSKINSAVES INT16 backwardsCompat = READUINT16(save_p); if (backwardsCompat != NEWSKINSAVES) { // This is an older save file, which used direct skin numbers. savedata.skin = backwardsCompat & ((1<<5) - 1); savedata.botskin = backwardsCompat >> 5; } else #endif { char ourSkinName[SKINNAMESIZE+1]; char botSkinName[SKINNAMESIZE+1]; READSTRINGN(save_p, ourSkinName, SKINNAMESIZE); savedata.skin = R_SkinAvailable(ourSkinName); READSTRINGN(save_p, botSkinName, SKINNAMESIZE); savedata.botskin = R_SkinAvailable(botSkinName) + 1; } savedata.numgameovers = READUINT8(save_p); savedata.lives = READSINT8(save_p); savedata.score = READUINT32(save_p); savedata.continues = READINT32(save_p); } static void P_NetArchivePlayers(void) { INT32 i, j; UINT16 flags; // size_t q; WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_PLAYERS); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { WRITESINT8(save_p, (SINT8)adminplayers[i]); if (!playeringame[i]) continue; flags = 0; // no longer send ticcmds WRITESTRINGN(save_p, player_names[i], MAXPLAYERNAME); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].angleturn); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].oldrelangleturn); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].aiming); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].drawangle); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].viewrollangle); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].awayviewaiming); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].awayviewtics); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].rings); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].spheres); WRITESINT8(save_p, players[i].pity); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].currentweapon); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].ringweapons); WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].ammoremoval); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].ammoremovaltimer); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].ammoremovaltimer); for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; j++) WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].powers[j]); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].playerstate); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].pflags); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].panim); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].stronganim); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].spectator); WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].flashpal); WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].flashcount); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].skincolor); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].skin); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].availabilities); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].score); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].recordscore); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].dashspeed); WRITESINT8(save_p, players[i].lives); WRITESINT8(save_p, players[i].continues); WRITESINT8(save_p, players[i].xtralife); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].gotcontinue); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].speed); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].secondjump); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].fly1); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].scoreadd); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].glidetime); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].climbing); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].deadtimer); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].exiting); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].homing); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].dashmode); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].skidtime); ////////// // Bots // ////////// WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].bot); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].botmem.lastForward); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].botmem.lastBlocked); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].botmem.catchup_tics); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].botmem.thinkstate); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].removing); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].blocked); WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].lastbuttons); //////////////////////////// // Conveyor Belt Movement // //////////////////////////// WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].cmomx); // Conveyor momx WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].cmomy); // Conveyor momy WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].rmomx); // "Real" momx (momx - cmomx) WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].rmomy); // "Real" momy (momy - cmomy) ///////////////////// // Race Mode Stuff // ///////////////////// WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].numboxes); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].totalring); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].realtime); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].laps); //////////////////// // CTF Mode Stuff // //////////////////// WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].ctfteam); WRITEUINT16(save_p, players[i].gotflag); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].weapondelay); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].tossdelay); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].starposttime); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].starpostx); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].starposty); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].starpostz); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].starpostnum); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].starpostangle); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].starpostscale); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].angle_pos); WRITEANGLE(save_p, players[i].old_angle_pos); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].flyangle); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].drilltimer); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].linkcount); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].linktimer); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].anotherflyangle); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].nightstime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].bumpertime); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].drillmeter); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].drilldelay); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].bonustime); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].oldscale); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].mare); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].marelap); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].marebonuslap); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].marebegunat); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].startedtime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].finishedtime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].lapbegunat); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].lapstartedtime); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].finishedspheres); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].finishedrings); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].marescore); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].lastmarescore); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].totalmarescore); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].lastmare); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].lastmarelap); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].lastmarebonuslap); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].totalmarelap); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].totalmarebonuslap); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].maxlink); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].texttimer); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].textvar); if (players[i].capsule) flags |= CAPSULE; if (players[i].awayviewmobj) flags |= AWAYVIEW; if (players[i].axis1) flags |= FIRSTAXIS; if (players[i].axis2) flags |= SECONDAXIS; if (players[i].followmobj) flags |= FOLLOW; if (players[i].drone) flags |= DRONE; WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].lastsidehit); WRITEINT16(save_p, players[i].lastlinehit); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].losstime); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].timeshit); WRITEINT32(save_p, players[i].onconveyor); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].jointime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].quittime); WRITEUINT16(save_p, flags); if (flags & CAPSULE) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].capsule->mobjnum); if (flags & FIRSTAXIS) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].axis1->mobjnum); if (flags & SECONDAXIS) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].axis2->mobjnum); if (flags & AWAYVIEW) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].awayviewmobj->mobjnum); if (flags & FOLLOW) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].followmobj->mobjnum); if (flags & DRONE) WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].drone->mobjnum); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].camerascale); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].shieldscale); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].charability); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].charability2); WRITEUINT32(save_p, players[i].charflags); WRITEUINT32(save_p, (UINT32)players[i].thokitem); WRITEUINT32(save_p, (UINT32)players[i].spinitem); WRITEUINT32(save_p, (UINT32)players[i].revitem); WRITEUINT32(save_p, (UINT32)players[i].followitem); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].actionspd); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].mindash); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].maxdash); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].normalspeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].runspeed); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].thrustfactor); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].accelstart); WRITEUINT8(save_p, players[i].acceleration); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].jumpfactor); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].height); WRITEFIXED(save_p, players[i].spinheight); } } static void P_NetUnArchivePlayers(void) { INT32 i, j; UINT16 flags; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_PLAYERS) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block Players"); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { adminplayers[i] = (INT32)READSINT8(save_p); // Do NOT memset player struct to 0 // other areas may initialize data elsewhere //memset(&players[i], 0, sizeof (player_t)); if (!playeringame[i]) continue; // NOTE: sending tics should (hopefully) no longer be necessary READSTRINGN(save_p, player_names[i], MAXPLAYERNAME); players[i].angleturn = READINT16(save_p); players[i].oldrelangleturn = READINT16(save_p); players[i].aiming = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].drawangle = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].viewrollangle = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].awayviewaiming = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].awayviewtics = READINT32(save_p); players[i].rings = READINT16(save_p); players[i].spheres = READINT16(save_p); players[i].pity = READSINT8(save_p); players[i].currentweapon = READINT32(save_p); players[i].ringweapons = READINT32(save_p); players[i].ammoremoval = READUINT16(save_p); players[i].ammoremovaltimer = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].ammoremovalweapon = READINT32(save_p); for (j = 0; j < NUMPOWERS; j++) players[i].powers[j] = READUINT16(save_p); players[i].playerstate = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].pflags = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].panim = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].stronganim = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].spectator = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].flashpal = READUINT16(save_p); players[i].flashcount = READUINT16(save_p); players[i].skincolor = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].skin = READINT32(save_p); players[i].availabilities = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].score = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].recordscore = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].dashspeed = READFIXED(save_p); // dashing speed players[i].lives = READSINT8(save_p); players[i].continues = READSINT8(save_p); // continues that player has acquired players[i].xtralife = READSINT8(save_p); // Ring Extra Life counter players[i].gotcontinue = READUINT8(save_p); // got continue from stage players[i].speed = READFIXED(save_p); // Player's speed (distance formula of MOMX and MOMY values) players[i].secondjump = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].fly1 = READUINT8(save_p); // Tails flying players[i].scoreadd = READUINT8(save_p); // Used for multiple enemy attack bonus players[i].glidetime = READUINT32(save_p); // Glide counter for thrust players[i].climbing = READUINT8(save_p); // Climbing on the wall players[i].deadtimer = READINT32(save_p); // End game if game over lasts too long players[i].exiting = READUINT32(save_p); // Exitlevel timer players[i].homing = READUINT8(save_p); // Are you homing? players[i].dashmode = READUINT32(save_p); // counter for dashmode ability players[i].skidtime = READUINT32(save_p); // Skid timer ////////// // Bots // ////////// players[i].bot = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].botmem.lastForward = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].botmem.lastBlocked = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].botmem.catchup_tics = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].botmem.thinkstate = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].removing = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].blocked = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].lastbuttons = READUINT16(save_p); //////////////////////////// // Conveyor Belt Movement // //////////////////////////// players[i].cmomx = READFIXED(save_p); // Conveyor momx players[i].cmomy = READFIXED(save_p); // Conveyor momy players[i].rmomx = READFIXED(save_p); // "Real" momx (momx - cmomx) players[i].rmomy = READFIXED(save_p); // "Real" momy (momy - cmomy) ///////////////////// // Race Mode Stuff // ///////////////////// players[i].numboxes = READINT16(save_p); // Number of item boxes obtained for Race Mode players[i].totalring = READINT16(save_p); // Total number of rings obtained for Race Mode players[i].realtime = READUINT32(save_p); // integer replacement for leveltime players[i].laps = READUINT8(save_p); // Number of laps (optional) //////////////////// // CTF Mode Stuff // //////////////////// players[i].ctfteam = READINT32(save_p); // 1 == Red, 2 == Blue players[i].gotflag = READUINT16(save_p); // 1 == Red, 2 == Blue Do you have the flag? players[i].weapondelay = READINT32(save_p); players[i].tossdelay = READINT32(save_p); players[i].starposttime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].starpostx = READINT16(save_p); players[i].starposty = READINT16(save_p); players[i].starpostz = READINT16(save_p); players[i].starpostnum = READINT32(save_p); players[i].starpostangle = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].starpostscale = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].angle_pos = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].old_angle_pos = READANGLE(save_p); players[i].flyangle = READINT32(save_p); players[i].drilltimer = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].linkcount = READINT32(save_p); players[i].linktimer = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].anotherflyangle = READINT32(save_p); players[i].nightstime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].bumpertime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].drillmeter = READINT32(save_p); players[i].drilldelay = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].bonustime = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); players[i].oldscale = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].mare = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].marelap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].marebonuslap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].marebegunat = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].startedtime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].finishedtime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].lapbegunat = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].lapstartedtime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].finishedspheres = READINT16(save_p); players[i].finishedrings = READINT16(save_p); players[i].marescore = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].lastmarescore = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].totalmarescore = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].lastmare = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].lastmarelap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].lastmarebonuslap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].totalmarelap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].totalmarebonuslap = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].maxlink = READINT32(save_p); players[i].texttimer = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].textvar = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].lastsidehit = READINT16(save_p); players[i].lastlinehit = READINT16(save_p); players[i].losstime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].timeshit = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].onconveyor = READINT32(save_p); players[i].jointime = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].quittime = READUINT32(save_p); flags = READUINT16(save_p); if (flags & CAPSULE) players[i].capsule = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (flags & FIRSTAXIS) players[i].axis1 = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (flags & SECONDAXIS) players[i].axis2 = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (flags & AWAYVIEW) players[i].awayviewmobj = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (flags & FOLLOW) players[i].followmobj = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (flags & DRONE) players[i].drone = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); players[i].camerascale = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].shieldscale = READFIXED(save_p); //SetPlayerSkinByNum(i, players[i].skin); players[i].charability = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].charability2 = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].charflags = READUINT32(save_p); players[i].thokitem = (mobjtype_t)READUINT32(save_p); players[i].spinitem = (mobjtype_t)READUINT32(save_p); players[i].revitem = (mobjtype_t)READUINT32(save_p); players[i].followitem = (mobjtype_t)READUINT32(save_p); players[i].actionspd = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].mindash = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].maxdash = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].normalspeed = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].runspeed = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].thrustfactor = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].accelstart = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].acceleration = READUINT8(save_p); players[i].jumpfactor = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].height = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].spinheight = READFIXED(save_p); players[i].viewheight = 41*players[i].height/48; // scale cannot be factored in at this point } } /// /// Colormaps /// static extracolormap_t *net_colormaps = NULL; static UINT32 num_net_colormaps = 0; static UINT32 num_ffloors = 0; // for loading // Copypasta from r_data.c AddColormapToList // But also check for equality and return the matching index static UINT32 CheckAddNetColormapToList(extracolormap_t *extra_colormap) { extracolormap_t *exc, *exc_prev = NULL; UINT32 i = 0; if (!net_colormaps) { net_colormaps = R_CopyColormap(extra_colormap, false); net_colormaps->next = 0; net_colormaps->prev = 0; num_net_colormaps = i+1; return i; } for (exc = net_colormaps; exc; exc_prev = exc, exc = exc->next) { if (R_CheckEqualColormaps(exc, extra_colormap, true, true, true)) return i; i++; } exc_prev->next = R_CopyColormap(extra_colormap, false); extra_colormap->prev = exc_prev; extra_colormap->next = 0; num_net_colormaps = i+1; return i; } static extracolormap_t *GetNetColormapFromList(UINT32 index) { // For loading, we have to be tricky: // We load the sectors BEFORE knowing the colormap values // So if an index doesn't exist, fill our list with dummy colormaps // until we get the index we want // Then when we load the color data, we set up the dummy colormaps extracolormap_t *exc, *last_exc = NULL; UINT32 i = 0; if (!net_colormaps) // initialize our list net_colormaps = R_CreateDefaultColormap(false); for (exc = net_colormaps; exc; last_exc = exc, exc = exc->next) { if (i++ == index) return exc; } // LET'S HOPE that index is a sane value, because we create up to [index] // entries in net_colormaps. At this point, we don't know // what the total colormap count is if (index >= numsectors*3 + num_ffloors) // if every sector had a unique colormap change AND a fade color thinker which has two colormap entries // AND every ffloor had a fade FOF thinker with one colormap entry I_Error("Colormap %d from server is too high for sectors %d", index, (UINT32)numsectors); // our index doesn't exist, so just make the entry for (; i <= index; i++) { exc = R_CreateDefaultColormap(false); if (last_exc) last_exc->next = exc; exc->prev = last_exc; exc->next = NULL; last_exc = exc; } return exc; } static void ClearNetColormaps(void) { // We're actually Z_Freeing each entry here, // so don't call this in P_NetUnArchiveColormaps (where entries will be used in-game) extracolormap_t *exc, *exc_next; for (exc = net_colormaps; exc; exc = exc_next) { exc_next = exc->next; Z_Free(exc); } num_net_colormaps = 0; num_ffloors = 0; net_colormaps = NULL; } static void P_NetArchiveColormaps(void) { // We save and then we clean up our colormap mess extracolormap_t *exc, *exc_next; UINT32 i = 0; WRITEUINT32(save_p, num_net_colormaps); // save for safety for (exc = net_colormaps; i < num_net_colormaps; i++, exc = exc_next) { // We must save num_net_colormaps worth of data // So fill non-existent entries with default. if (!exc) exc = R_CreateDefaultColormap(false); WRITEUINT8(save_p, exc->fadestart); WRITEUINT8(save_p, exc->fadeend); WRITEUINT8(save_p, exc->flags); WRITEINT32(save_p, exc->rgba); WRITEINT32(save_p, exc->fadergba); #ifdef EXTRACOLORMAPLUMPS WRITESTRINGN(save_p, exc->lumpname, 9); #endif exc_next = exc->next; Z_Free(exc); // don't need anymore } num_net_colormaps = 0; num_ffloors = 0; net_colormaps = NULL; } static void P_NetUnArchiveColormaps(void) { // When we reach this point, we already populated our list with // dummy colormaps. Now that we are loading the color data, // set up the dummies. extracolormap_t *exc, *existing_exc, *exc_next = NULL; UINT32 i = 0; num_net_colormaps = READUINT32(save_p); for (exc = net_colormaps; i < num_net_colormaps; i++, exc = exc_next) { UINT8 fadestart, fadeend, flags; INT32 rgba, fadergba; #ifdef EXTRACOLORMAPLUMPS char lumpname[9]; #endif fadestart = READUINT8(save_p); fadeend = READUINT8(save_p); flags = READUINT8(save_p); rgba = READINT32(save_p); fadergba = READINT32(save_p); #ifdef EXTRACOLORMAPLUMPS READSTRINGN(save_p, lumpname, 9); if (lumpname[0]) { if (!exc) // no point making a new entry since nothing points to it, // but we needed to read the data so now continue continue; exc_next = exc->next; // this gets overwritten during our operations here, so get it now existing_exc = R_ColormapForName(lumpname); *exc = *existing_exc; R_AddColormapToList(exc); // see HACK note below on why we're adding duplicates continue; } #endif if (!exc) // no point making a new entry since nothing points to it, // but we needed to read the data so now continue continue; exc_next = exc->next; // this gets overwritten during our operations here, so get it now exc->fadestart = fadestart; exc->fadeend = fadeend; exc->flags = flags; exc->rgba = rgba; exc->fadergba = fadergba; #ifdef EXTRACOLORMAPLUMPS exc->lump = LUMPERROR; exc->lumpname[0] = 0; #endif existing_exc = R_GetColormapFromListByValues(rgba, fadergba, fadestart, fadeend, flags); if (existing_exc) exc->colormap = existing_exc->colormap; else // CONS_Debug(DBG_RENDER, "Creating Colormap: rgba(%d,%d,%d,%d) fadergba(%d,%d,%d,%d)\n", // R_GetRgbaR(rgba), R_GetRgbaG(rgba), R_GetRgbaB(rgba), R_GetRgbaA(rgba), // R_GetRgbaR(fadergba), R_GetRgbaG(fadergba), R_GetRgbaB(fadergba), R_GetRgbaA(fadergba)); exc->colormap = R_CreateLightTable(exc); // HACK: If this dummy is a duplicate, we're going to add it // to the extra_colormaps list anyway. I think this is faster // than going through every loaded sector and correcting their // colormap address to the pre-existing one, PER net_colormap entry R_AddColormapToList(exc); if (i < num_net_colormaps-1 && !exc_next) exc_next = R_CreateDefaultColormap(false); } // if we still have a valid net_colormap after iterating up to num_net_colormaps, // some sector had a colormap index higher than num_net_colormaps. We done goofed or $$$ was corrupted. // In any case, add them to the colormap list too so that at least the sectors' colormap // addresses are valid and accounted properly if (exc_next) { existing_exc = R_GetDefaultColormap(); for (exc = exc_next; exc; exc = exc->next) { exc->colormap = existing_exc->colormap; // all our dummies are default values R_AddColormapToList(exc); } } // Don't need these anymore num_net_colormaps = 0; num_ffloors = 0; net_colormaps = NULL; } static void P_NetArchiveWaypoints(void) { INT32 i, j; for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYPOINTSEQUENCES; i++) { WRITEUINT16(save_p, numwaypoints[i]); for (j = 0; j < numwaypoints[i]; j++) WRITEUINT32(save_p, waypoints[i][j] ? waypoints[i][j]->mobjnum : 0); } } static void P_NetUnArchiveWaypoints(void) { INT32 i, j; UINT32 mobjnum; for (i = 0; i < NUMWAYPOINTSEQUENCES; i++) { numwaypoints[i] = READUINT16(save_p); for (j = 0; j < numwaypoints[i]; j++) { mobjnum = READUINT32(save_p); waypoints[i][j] = (mobjnum == 0) ? NULL : P_FindNewPosition(mobjnum); } } } /// /// World Archiving /// #define SD_FLOORHT 0x01 #define SD_CEILHT 0x02 #define SD_FLOORPIC 0x04 #define SD_CEILPIC 0x08 #define SD_LIGHT 0x10 #define SD_SPECIAL 0x20 #define SD_DIFF2 0x40 #define SD_FFLOORS 0x80 // diff2 flags #define SD_FXOFFS 0x01 #define SD_FYOFFS 0x02 #define SD_CXOFFS 0x04 #define SD_CYOFFS 0x08 #define SD_FLOORANG 0x10 #define SD_CEILANG 0x20 #define SD_TAG 0x40 #define SD_DIFF3 0x80 // diff3 flags #define SD_TAGLIST 0x01 #define SD_COLORMAP 0x02 #define SD_CRUMBLESTATE 0x04 #define SD_FLOORLIGHT 0x08 #define SD_CEILLIGHT 0x10 #define SD_FLAG 0x20 #define SD_SPECIALFLAG 0x40 #define SD_DIFF4 0x80 //diff4 flags #define SD_DAMAGETYPE 0x01 #define SD_TRIGGERTAG 0x02 #define SD_TRIGGERER 0x04 #define SD_GRAVITY 0x08 #define SD_TEAMBASE 0x10 #define LD_FLAG 0x01 #define LD_SPECIAL 0x02 #define LD_CLLCOUNT 0x04 #define LD_S1TEXOFF 0x08 #define LD_S1TOPTEX 0x10 #define LD_S1BOTTEX 0x20 #define LD_S1MIDTEX 0x40 #define LD_DIFF2 0x80 // diff2 flags #define LD_S2TEXOFF 0x01 #define LD_S2TOPTEX 0x02 #define LD_S2BOTTEX 0x04 #define LD_S2MIDTEX 0x08 #define LD_ARGS 0x10 #define LD_STRINGARGS 0x20 #define LD_EXECUTORDELAY 0x40 static boolean P_AreArgsEqual(const line_t *li, const line_t *spawnli) { UINT8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMLINEARGS; i++) if (li->args[i] != spawnli->args[i]) return false; return true; } static boolean P_AreStringArgsEqual(const line_t *li, const line_t *spawnli) { UINT8 i; for (i = 0; i < NUMLINESTRINGARGS; i++) { if (!li->stringargs[i]) return !spawnli->stringargs[i]; if (strcmp(li->stringargs[i], spawnli->stringargs[i])) return false; } return true; } #define FD_FLAGS 0x01 #define FD_ALPHA 0x02 // Check if any of the sector's FOFs differ from how they spawned static boolean CheckFFloorDiff(const sector_t *ss) { ffloor_t *rover; for (rover = ss->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next) { if (rover->fofflags != rover->spawnflags || rover->alpha != rover->spawnalpha) { return true; // we found an FOF that changed! // don't bother checking for more, we do that later } } return false; } // Special case: save the stats of all modified ffloors along with their ffloor "number"s // we don't bother with ffloors that haven't changed, that would just add to savegame even more than is really needed static void ArchiveFFloors(const sector_t *ss) { size_t j = 0; // ss->ffloors is saved as ffloor #0, ss->ffloors->next is #1, etc ffloor_t *rover; UINT8 fflr_diff; for (rover = ss->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next) { fflr_diff = 0; // reset diff flags if (rover->fofflags != rover->spawnflags) fflr_diff |= FD_FLAGS; if (rover->alpha != rover->spawnalpha) fflr_diff |= FD_ALPHA; if (fflr_diff) { WRITEUINT16(save_p, j); // save ffloor "number" WRITEUINT8(save_p, fflr_diff); if (fflr_diff & FD_FLAGS) WRITEUINT32(save_p, rover->fofflags); if (fflr_diff & FD_ALPHA) WRITEINT16(save_p, rover->alpha); } j++; } WRITEUINT16(save_p, 0xffff); } static void UnArchiveFFloors(const sector_t *ss) { UINT16 j = 0; // number of current ffloor in loop UINT16 fflr_i; // saved ffloor "number" of next modified ffloor UINT16 fflr_diff; // saved ffloor diff ffloor_t *rover; rover = ss->ffloors; if (!rover) // it is assumed sectors[i].ffloors actually exists, but just in case... I_Error("Sector does not have any ffloors!"); fflr_i = READUINT16(save_p); // get first modified ffloor's number ready for (;;) // for some reason the usual for (rover = x; ...) thing doesn't work here? { if (fflr_i == 0xffff) // end of modified ffloors list, let's stop already break; // should NEVER need to be checked //if (rover == NULL) //break; if (j != fflr_i) // this ffloor was not modified { j++; rover = rover->next; continue; } fflr_diff = READUINT8(save_p); if (fflr_diff & FD_FLAGS) rover->fofflags = READUINT32(save_p); if (fflr_diff & FD_ALPHA) rover->alpha = READINT16(save_p); fflr_i = READUINT16(save_p); // get next ffloor "number" ready j++; rover = rover->next; } } static void ArchiveSectors(void) { size_t i, j; const sector_t *ss = sectors; const sector_t *spawnss = spawnsectors; UINT8 diff, diff2, diff3, diff4; for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++, ss++, spawnss++) { diff = diff2 = diff3 = diff4 = 0; if (ss->floorheight != spawnss->floorheight) diff |= SD_FLOORHT; if (ss->ceilingheight != spawnss->ceilingheight) diff |= SD_CEILHT; // // flats // if (ss->floorpic != spawnss->floorpic) diff |= SD_FLOORPIC; if (ss->ceilingpic != spawnss->ceilingpic) diff |= SD_CEILPIC; if (ss->lightlevel != spawnss->lightlevel) diff |= SD_LIGHT; if (ss->special != spawnss->special) diff |= SD_SPECIAL; if (ss->floorxoffset != spawnss->floorxoffset) diff2 |= SD_FXOFFS; if (ss->flooryoffset != spawnss->flooryoffset) diff2 |= SD_FYOFFS; if (ss->ceilingxoffset != spawnss->ceilingxoffset) diff2 |= SD_CXOFFS; if (ss->ceilingyoffset != spawnss->ceilingyoffset) diff2 |= SD_CYOFFS; if (ss->floorangle != spawnss->floorangle) diff2 |= SD_FLOORANG; if (ss->ceilingangle != spawnss->ceilingangle) diff2 |= SD_CEILANG; if (!Tag_Compare(&ss->tags, &spawnss->tags)) diff2 |= SD_TAG; if (ss->extra_colormap != spawnss->extra_colormap) diff3 |= SD_COLORMAP; if (ss->crumblestate) diff3 |= SD_CRUMBLESTATE; if (ss->floorlightlevel != spawnss->floorlightlevel || ss->floorlightabsolute != spawnss->floorlightabsolute) diff3 |= SD_FLOORLIGHT; if (ss->ceilinglightlevel != spawnss->ceilinglightlevel || ss->ceilinglightabsolute != spawnss->ceilinglightabsolute) diff3 |= SD_CEILLIGHT; if (ss->flags != spawnss->flags) diff3 |= SD_FLAG; if (ss->specialflags != spawnss->specialflags) diff3 |= SD_SPECIALFLAG; if (ss->damagetype != spawnss->damagetype) diff4 |= SD_DAMAGETYPE; if (ss->triggertag != spawnss->triggertag) diff4 |= SD_TRIGGERTAG; if (ss->triggerer != spawnss->triggerer) diff4 |= SD_TRIGGERER; if (ss->gravity != spawnss->gravity) diff4 |= SD_GRAVITY; if (ss->teambase != spawnss->teambase) diff4 |= SD_TEAMBASE; if (ss->ffloors && CheckFFloorDiff(ss)) diff |= SD_FFLOORS; if (diff4) diff3 |= SD_DIFF4; if (diff3) diff2 |= SD_DIFF3; if (diff2) diff |= SD_DIFF2; if (diff) { WRITEUINT16(save_p, i); WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff); if (diff & SD_DIFF2) WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff2); if (diff2 & SD_DIFF3) WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff3); if (diff3 & SD_DIFF4) WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff4); if (diff & SD_FLOORHT) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->floorheight); if (diff & SD_CEILHT) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->ceilingheight); if (diff & SD_FLOORPIC) WRITEMEM(save_p, levelflats[ss->floorpic].name, 8); if (diff & SD_CEILPIC) WRITEMEM(save_p, levelflats[ss->ceilingpic].name, 8); if (diff & SD_LIGHT) WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->lightlevel); if (diff & SD_SPECIAL) WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->special); if (diff2 & SD_FXOFFS) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->floorxoffset); if (diff2 & SD_FYOFFS) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->flooryoffset); if (diff2 & SD_CXOFFS) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->ceilingxoffset); if (diff2 & SD_CYOFFS) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->ceilingyoffset); if (diff2 & SD_FLOORANG) WRITEANGLE(save_p, ss->floorangle); if (diff2 & SD_CEILANG) WRITEANGLE(save_p, ss->ceilingangle); if (diff2 & SD_TAG) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, ss->tags.count); for (j = 0; j < ss->tags.count; j++) WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->tags.tags[j]); } if (diff3 & SD_COLORMAP) WRITEUINT32(save_p, CheckAddNetColormapToList(ss->extra_colormap)); // returns existing index if already added, or appends to net_colormaps and returns new index if (diff3 & SD_CRUMBLESTATE) WRITEINT32(save_p, ss->crumblestate); if (diff3 & SD_FLOORLIGHT) { WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->floorlightlevel); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ss->floorlightabsolute); } if (diff3 & SD_CEILLIGHT) { WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->ceilinglightlevel); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ss->ceilinglightabsolute); } if (diff3 & SD_FLAG) WRITEUINT32(save_p, ss->flags); if (diff3 & SD_SPECIALFLAG) WRITEUINT32(save_p, ss->specialflags); if (diff4 & SD_DAMAGETYPE) WRITEUINT8(save_p, ss->damagetype); if (diff4 & SD_TRIGGERTAG) WRITEINT16(save_p, ss->triggertag); if (diff4 & SD_TRIGGERER) WRITEUINT8(save_p, ss->triggerer); if (diff4 & SD_GRAVITY) WRITEFIXED(save_p, ss->gravity); if (diff4 & SD_TEAMBASE) WRITEUINT8(save_p, ss->teambase); if (diff & SD_FFLOORS) ArchiveFFloors(ss); } } WRITEUINT16(save_p, 0xffff); } static void UnArchiveSectors(void) { UINT16 i, j; UINT8 diff, diff2, diff3, diff4; for (;;) { i = READUINT16(save_p); if (i == 0xffff) break; if (i > numsectors) I_Error("Invalid sector number %u from server (expected end at %s)", i, sizeu1(numsectors)); diff = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff & SD_DIFF2) diff2 = READUINT8(save_p); else diff2 = 0; if (diff2 & SD_DIFF3) diff3 = READUINT8(save_p); else diff3 = 0; if (diff3 & SD_DIFF4) diff4 = READUINT8(save_p); else diff4 = 0; if (diff & SD_FLOORHT) sectors[i].floorheight = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff & SD_CEILHT) sectors[i].ceilingheight = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff & SD_FLOORPIC) { sectors[i].floorpic = P_AddLevelFlatRuntime((char *)save_p); save_p += 8; } if (diff & SD_CEILPIC) { sectors[i].ceilingpic = P_AddLevelFlatRuntime((char *)save_p); save_p += 8; } if (diff & SD_LIGHT) sectors[i].lightlevel = READINT16(save_p); if (diff & SD_SPECIAL) sectors[i].special = READINT16(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_FXOFFS) sectors[i].floorxoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_FYOFFS) sectors[i].flooryoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_CXOFFS) sectors[i].ceilingxoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_CYOFFS) sectors[i].ceilingyoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_FLOORANG) sectors[i].floorangle = READANGLE(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_CEILANG) sectors[i].ceilingangle = READANGLE(save_p); if (diff2 & SD_TAG) { size_t ncount = READUINT32(save_p); // Remove entries from global lists. for (j = 0; j < sectors[i].tags.count; j++) Taggroup_Remove(tags_sectors, sectors[i].tags.tags[j], i); // Reallocate if size differs. if (ncount != sectors[i].tags.count) { sectors[i].tags.count = ncount; sectors[i].tags.tags = Z_Realloc(sectors[i].tags.tags, ncount*sizeof(mtag_t), PU_LEVEL, NULL); } for (j = 0; j < ncount; j++) sectors[i].tags.tags[j] = READINT16(save_p); // Add new entries. for (j = 0; j < sectors[i].tags.count; j++) Taggroup_Remove(tags_sectors, sectors[i].tags.tags[j], i); } if (diff3 & SD_COLORMAP) sectors[i].extra_colormap = GetNetColormapFromList(READUINT32(save_p)); if (diff3 & SD_CRUMBLESTATE) sectors[i].crumblestate = READINT32(save_p); if (diff3 & SD_FLOORLIGHT) { sectors[i].floorlightlevel = READINT16(save_p); sectors[i].floorlightabsolute = READUINT8(save_p); } if (diff3 & SD_CEILLIGHT) { sectors[i].ceilinglightlevel = READINT16(save_p); sectors[i].ceilinglightabsolute = READUINT8(save_p); } if (diff3 & SD_FLAG) { sectors[i].flags = READUINT32(save_p); CheckForReverseGravity |= (sectors[i].flags & MSF_GRAVITYFLIP); } if (diff3 & SD_SPECIALFLAG) sectors[i].specialflags = READUINT32(save_p); if (diff4 & SD_DAMAGETYPE) sectors[i].damagetype = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff4 & SD_TRIGGERTAG) sectors[i].triggertag = READINT16(save_p); if (diff4 & SD_TRIGGERER) sectors[i].triggerer = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff4 & SD_GRAVITY) sectors[i].gravity = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff4 & SD_TEAMBASE) sectors[i].teambase = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff & SD_FFLOORS) UnArchiveFFloors(§ors[i]); } } static void ArchiveLines(void) { size_t i; const line_t *li = lines; const line_t *spawnli = spawnlines; const side_t *si; const side_t *spawnsi; UINT8 diff, diff2; // no diff3 for (i = 0; i < numlines; i++, spawnli++, li++) { diff = diff2 = 0; if (li->special != spawnli->special) diff |= LD_SPECIAL; if (spawnli->special == 321 || spawnli->special == 322) // only reason li->callcount would be non-zero is if either of these are involved diff |= LD_CLLCOUNT; if (!P_AreArgsEqual(li, spawnli)) diff2 |= LD_ARGS; if (!P_AreStringArgsEqual(li, spawnli)) diff2 |= LD_STRINGARGS; if (li->executordelay != spawnli->executordelay) diff2 |= LD_EXECUTORDELAY; if (li->sidenum[0] != 0xffff) { si = &sides[li->sidenum[0]]; spawnsi = &spawnsides[li->sidenum[0]]; if (si->textureoffset != spawnsi->textureoffset) diff |= LD_S1TEXOFF; //SoM: 4/1/2000: Some textures are colormaps. Don't worry about invalid textures. if (si->toptexture != spawnsi->toptexture) diff |= LD_S1TOPTEX; if (si->bottomtexture != spawnsi->bottomtexture) diff |= LD_S1BOTTEX; if (si->midtexture != spawnsi->midtexture) diff |= LD_S1MIDTEX; } if (li->sidenum[1] != 0xffff) { si = &sides[li->sidenum[1]]; spawnsi = &spawnsides[li->sidenum[1]]; if (si->textureoffset != spawnsi->textureoffset) diff2 |= LD_S2TEXOFF; if (si->toptexture != spawnsi->toptexture) diff2 |= LD_S2TOPTEX; if (si->bottomtexture != spawnsi->bottomtexture) diff2 |= LD_S2BOTTEX; if (si->midtexture != spawnsi->midtexture) diff2 |= LD_S2MIDTEX; } if (diff2) diff |= LD_DIFF2; if (diff) { WRITEINT16(save_p, i); WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff); if (diff & LD_DIFF2) WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff2); if (diff & LD_FLAG) WRITEINT16(save_p, li->flags); if (diff & LD_SPECIAL) WRITEINT16(save_p, li->special); if (diff & LD_CLLCOUNT) WRITEINT16(save_p, li->callcount); si = &sides[li->sidenum[0]]; if (diff & LD_S1TEXOFF) WRITEFIXED(save_p, si->textureoffset); if (diff & LD_S1TOPTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->toptexture); if (diff & LD_S1BOTTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->bottomtexture); if (diff & LD_S1MIDTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->midtexture); si = &sides[li->sidenum[1]]; if (diff2 & LD_S2TEXOFF) WRITEFIXED(save_p, si->textureoffset); if (diff2 & LD_S2TOPTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->toptexture); if (diff2 & LD_S2BOTTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->bottomtexture); if (diff2 & LD_S2MIDTEX) WRITEINT32(save_p, si->midtexture); if (diff2 & LD_ARGS) { UINT8 j; for (j = 0; j < NUMLINEARGS; j++) WRITEINT32(save_p, li->args[j]); } if (diff2 & LD_STRINGARGS) { UINT8 j; for (j = 0; j < NUMLINESTRINGARGS; j++) { size_t len, k; if (!li->stringargs[j]) { WRITEINT32(save_p, 0); continue; } len = strlen(li->stringargs[j]); WRITEINT32(save_p, len); for (k = 0; k < len; k++) WRITECHAR(save_p, li->stringargs[j][k]); } } if (diff2 & LD_EXECUTORDELAY) WRITEINT32(save_p, li->executordelay); } } WRITEUINT16(save_p, 0xffff); } static void UnArchiveLines(void) { UINT16 i; line_t *li; side_t *si; UINT8 diff, diff2; // no diff3 for (;;) { i = READUINT16(save_p); if (i == 0xffff) break; if (i > numlines) I_Error("Invalid line number %u from server", i); diff = READUINT8(save_p); li = &lines[i]; if (diff & LD_DIFF2) diff2 = READUINT8(save_p); else diff2 = 0; if (diff & LD_FLAG) li->flags = READINT16(save_p); if (diff & LD_SPECIAL) li->special = READINT16(save_p); if (diff & LD_CLLCOUNT) li->callcount = READINT16(save_p); si = &sides[li->sidenum[0]]; if (diff & LD_S1TEXOFF) si->textureoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff & LD_S1TOPTEX) si->toptexture = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & LD_S1BOTTEX) si->bottomtexture = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & LD_S1MIDTEX) si->midtexture = READINT32(save_p); si = &sides[li->sidenum[1]]; if (diff2 & LD_S2TEXOFF) si->textureoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & LD_S2TOPTEX) si->toptexture = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & LD_S2BOTTEX) si->bottomtexture = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & LD_S2MIDTEX) si->midtexture = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & LD_ARGS) { UINT8 j; for (j = 0; j < NUMLINEARGS; j++) li->args[j] = READINT32(save_p); } if (diff2 & LD_STRINGARGS) { UINT8 j; for (j = 0; j < NUMLINESTRINGARGS; j++) { size_t len = READINT32(save_p); size_t k; if (!len) { Z_Free(li->stringargs[j]); li->stringargs[j] = NULL; continue; } li->stringargs[j] = Z_Realloc(li->stringargs[j], len + 1, PU_LEVEL, NULL); for (k = 0; k < len; k++) li->stringargs[j][k] = READCHAR(save_p); li->stringargs[j][len] = '\0'; } } if (diff2 & LD_EXECUTORDELAY) li->executordelay = READINT32(save_p); } } static void P_NetArchiveWorld(void) { // initialize colormap vars because paranoia ClearNetColormaps(); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_WORLD); ArchiveSectors(); ArchiveLines(); R_ClearTextureNumCache(false); } static void P_NetUnArchiveWorld(void) { UINT16 i; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_WORLD) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block World"); // initialize colormap vars because paranoia ClearNetColormaps(); // count the level's ffloors so that colormap loading can have an upper limit for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { ffloor_t *rover; for (rover = sectors[i].ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next) num_ffloors++; } UnArchiveSectors(); UnArchiveLines(); } // // Thinkers // typedef enum { MD_SPAWNPOINT = 1, MD_POS = 1<<1, MD_TYPE = 1<<2, MD_MOM = 1<<3, MD_RADIUS = 1<<4, MD_HEIGHT = 1<<5, MD_FLAGS = 1<<6, MD_HEALTH = 1<<7, MD_RTIME = 1<<8, MD_STATE = 1<<9, MD_TICS = 1<<10, MD_SPRITE = 1<<11, MD_FRAME = 1<<12, MD_EFLAGS = 1<<13, MD_PLAYER = 1<<14, MD_MOVEDIR = 1<<15, MD_MOVECOUNT = 1<<16, MD_THRESHOLD = 1<<17, MD_LASTLOOK = 1<<18, MD_TARGET = 1<<19, MD_TRACER = 1<<20, MD_FRICTION = 1<<21, MD_MOVEFACTOR = 1<<22, MD_FLAGS2 = 1<<23, MD_FUSE = 1<<24, MD_WATERTOP = 1<<25, MD_WATERBOTTOM = 1<<26, MD_SCALE = 1<<27, MD_DSCALE = 1<<28, MD_BLUEFLAG = 1<<29, MD_REDFLAG = 1<<30, MD_MORE = 1<<31 } mobj_diff_t; typedef enum { MD2_CUSVAL = 1, MD2_CVMEM = 1<<1, MD2_SKIN = 1<<2, MD2_COLOR = 1<<3, MD2_SCALESPEED = 1<<4, MD2_EXTVAL1 = 1<<5, MD2_EXTVAL2 = 1<<6, MD2_HNEXT = 1<<7, MD2_HPREV = 1<<8, MD2_FLOORROVER = 1<<9, MD2_CEILINGROVER = 1<<10, MD2_SLOPE = 1<<11, MD2_COLORIZED = 1<<12, MD2_MIRRORED = 1<<13, MD2_SPRITEROLL = 1<<14, MD2_SHADOWSCALE = 1<<15, MD2_RENDERFLAGS = 1<<16, MD2_BLENDMODE = 1<<17, MD2_SPRITEXSCALE = 1<<18, MD2_SPRITEYSCALE = 1<<19, MD2_SPRITEXOFFSET = 1<<20, MD2_SPRITEYOFFSET = 1<<21, MD2_FLOORSPRITESLOPE = 1<<22, MD2_DISPOFFSET = 1<<23, MD2_DRAWONLYFORPLAYER = 1<<24, MD2_DONTDRAWFORVIEWMOBJ = 1<<25 } mobj_diff2_t; typedef enum { tc_mobj, tc_ceiling, tc_floor, tc_flash, tc_strobe, tc_glow, tc_fireflicker, tc_thwomp, tc_camerascanner, tc_elevator, tc_continuousfalling, tc_bouncecheese, tc_startcrumble, tc_marioblock, tc_marioblockchecker, tc_floatsector, tc_crushceiling, tc_scroll, tc_friction, tc_pusher, tc_laserflash, tc_lightfade, tc_executor, tc_raisesector, tc_noenemies, tc_eachtime, tc_disappear, tc_fade, tc_fadecolormap, tc_planedisplace, tc_dynslopeline, tc_dynslopevert, tc_polyrotate, // haleyjd 03/26/06: polyobjects tc_polymove, tc_polywaypoint, tc_polyslidedoor, tc_polyswingdoor, tc_polyflag, tc_polydisplace, tc_polyrotdisplace, tc_polyfade, tc_end } specials_e; static inline UINT32 SaveMobjnum(const mobj_t *mobj) { if (mobj) return mobj->mobjnum; return 0; } static UINT32 SaveSector(const sector_t *sector) { if (sector) return (UINT32)(sector - sectors); return 0xFFFFFFFF; } static UINT32 SaveLine(const line_t *line) { if (line) return (UINT32)(line - lines); return 0xFFFFFFFF; } static inline UINT32 SavePlayer(const player_t *player) { if (player) return (UINT32)(player - players); return 0xFFFFFFFF; } static UINT32 SaveSlope(const pslope_t *slope) { if (slope) return (UINT32)(slope->id); return 0xFFFFFFFF; } static void SaveMobjThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const mobj_t *mobj = (const mobj_t *)th; UINT32 diff; UINT32 diff2; // Ignore stationary hoops - these will be respawned from mapthings. if (mobj->type == MT_HOOP) return; // These are NEVER saved. if (mobj->type == MT_HOOPCOLLIDE) return; // This hoop has already been collected. if (mobj->type == MT_HOOPCENTER && mobj->threshold == 4242) return; if (mobj->spawnpoint && mobj->info->doomednum != -1) { // spawnpoint is not modified but we must save it since it is an identifier diff = MD_SPAWNPOINT; if ((mobj->x != mobj->spawnpoint->x << FRACBITS) || (mobj->y != mobj->spawnpoint->y << FRACBITS) || (mobj->angle != FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->angle*FRACUNIT)) || (mobj->pitch != FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->pitch*FRACUNIT)) || (mobj->roll != FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->roll*FRACUNIT)) ) diff |= MD_POS; if (mobj->info->doomednum != mobj->spawnpoint->type) diff |= MD_TYPE; } else diff = MD_POS | MD_TYPE; // not a map spawned thing so make it from scratch diff2 = 0; // not the default but the most probable if (mobj->momx != 0 || mobj->momy != 0 || mobj->momz != 0 || mobj->pmomz !=0) diff |= MD_MOM; if (mobj->radius != mobj->info->radius) diff |= MD_RADIUS; if (mobj->height != mobj->info->height) diff |= MD_HEIGHT; if (mobj->flags != mobj->info->flags) diff |= MD_FLAGS; if (mobj->flags2) diff |= MD_FLAGS2; if (mobj->health != mobj->info->spawnhealth) diff |= MD_HEALTH; if (mobj->reactiontime != mobj->info->reactiontime) diff |= MD_RTIME; if ((statenum_t)(mobj->state-states) != mobj->info->spawnstate) diff |= MD_STATE; if (mobj->tics != mobj->state->tics) diff |= MD_TICS; if (mobj->sprite != mobj->state->sprite) diff |= MD_SPRITE; if (mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY && mobj->sprite2 != (mobj->state->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK)) diff |= MD_SPRITE; if (mobj->frame != mobj->state->frame) diff |= MD_FRAME; if (mobj->anim_duration != (UINT16)mobj->state->var2) diff |= MD_FRAME; if (mobj->eflags) diff |= MD_EFLAGS; if (mobj->player) diff |= MD_PLAYER; if (mobj->movedir) diff |= MD_MOVEDIR; if (mobj->movecount) diff |= MD_MOVECOUNT; if (mobj->threshold) diff |= MD_THRESHOLD; if (mobj->lastlook != -1) diff |= MD_LASTLOOK; if (mobj->target) diff |= MD_TARGET; if (mobj->tracer) diff |= MD_TRACER; if (mobj->friction != ORIG_FRICTION) diff |= MD_FRICTION; if (mobj->movefactor != FRACUNIT) diff |= MD_MOVEFACTOR; if (mobj->fuse) diff |= MD_FUSE; if (mobj->watertop) diff |= MD_WATERTOP; if (mobj->waterbottom) diff |= MD_WATERBOTTOM; if (mobj->scale != FRACUNIT) diff |= MD_SCALE; if (mobj->destscale != mobj->scale) diff |= MD_DSCALE; if (mobj->scalespeed != FRACUNIT/12) diff2 |= MD2_SCALESPEED; if (mobj == flagmobjs[TEAM_RED]) diff |= MD_REDFLAG; if (mobj == flagmobjs[TEAM_BLUE]) diff |= MD_BLUEFLAG; if (mobj->cusval) diff2 |= MD2_CUSVAL; if (mobj->cvmem) diff2 |= MD2_CVMEM; if (mobj->color) diff2 |= MD2_COLOR; if (mobj->skin) diff2 |= MD2_SKIN; if (mobj->extravalue1) diff2 |= MD2_EXTVAL1; if (mobj->extravalue2) diff2 |= MD2_EXTVAL2; if (mobj->hnext) diff2 |= MD2_HNEXT; if (mobj->hprev) diff2 |= MD2_HPREV; if (mobj->floorrover) diff2 |= MD2_FLOORROVER; if (mobj->ceilingrover) diff2 |= MD2_CEILINGROVER; if (mobj->standingslope) diff2 |= MD2_SLOPE; if (mobj->colorized) diff2 |= MD2_COLORIZED; if (mobj->mirrored) diff2 |= MD2_MIRRORED; if (mobj->spriteroll) diff2 |= MD2_SPRITEROLL; if (mobj->shadowscale) diff2 |= MD2_SHADOWSCALE; if (mobj->renderflags) diff2 |= MD2_RENDERFLAGS; if (mobj->blendmode != AST_TRANSLUCENT) diff2 |= MD2_BLENDMODE; if (mobj->spritexscale != FRACUNIT) diff2 |= MD2_SPRITEXSCALE; if (mobj->spriteyscale != FRACUNIT) diff2 |= MD2_SPRITEYSCALE; if (mobj->spritexoffset) diff2 |= MD2_SPRITEXOFFSET; if (mobj->spriteyoffset) diff2 |= MD2_SPRITEYOFFSET; if (mobj->floorspriteslope) { pslope_t *slope = mobj->floorspriteslope; if (slope->zangle || slope->zdelta || slope->xydirection || slope->o.x || slope->o.y || slope->o.z || slope->d.x || slope->d.y || slope->normal.x || slope->normal.y || (slope->normal.z != FRACUNIT)) diff2 |= MD2_FLOORSPRITESLOPE; } if (mobj->drawonlyforplayer) diff2 |= MD2_DRAWONLYFORPLAYER; if (mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj) diff2 |= MD2_DONTDRAWFORVIEWMOBJ; if (mobj->dispoffset != mobj->info->dispoffset) diff2 |= MD2_DISPOFFSET; if (diff2 != 0) diff |= MD_MORE; // Scrap all of that. If we're a hoop center, this is ALL we're saving. if (mobj->type == MT_HOOPCENTER) diff = MD_SPAWNPOINT; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, diff); if (diff & MD_MORE) WRITEUINT32(save_p, diff2); // save pointer, at load time we will search this pointer to reinitilize pointers WRITEUINT32(save_p, (size_t)mobj); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->z); // Force this so 3dfloor problems don't arise. WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->floorz); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->ceilingz); if (diff2 & MD2_FLOORROVER) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(mobj->floorrover->target)); WRITEUINT16(save_p, P_GetFFloorID(mobj->floorrover)); } if (diff2 & MD2_CEILINGROVER) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(mobj->ceilingrover->target)); WRITEUINT16(save_p, P_GetFFloorID(mobj->ceilingrover)); } if (diff & MD_SPAWNPOINT) { size_t z; for (z = 0; z < nummapthings; z++) if (&mapthings[z] == mobj->spawnpoint) WRITEUINT16(save_p, z); if (mobj->type == MT_HOOPCENTER) return; } if (diff & MD_TYPE) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->type); if (diff & MD_POS) { WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->x); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->y); WRITEANGLE(save_p, mobj->angle); WRITEANGLE(save_p, mobj->pitch); WRITEANGLE(save_p, mobj->roll); } if (diff & MD_MOM) { WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->momx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->momy); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->momz); WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->pmomz); } if (diff & MD_RADIUS) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->radius); if (diff & MD_HEIGHT) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->height); if (diff & MD_FLAGS) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->flags); if (diff & MD_FLAGS2) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->flags2); if (diff & MD_HEALTH) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->health); if (diff & MD_RTIME) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->reactiontime); if (diff & MD_STATE) WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->state-states); if (diff & MD_TICS) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->tics); if (diff & MD_SPRITE) { WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->sprite); if (mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) WRITEUINT8(save_p, mobj->sprite2); } if (diff & MD_FRAME) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->frame); WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->anim_duration); } if (diff & MD_EFLAGS) WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->eflags); if (diff & MD_PLAYER) WRITEUINT8(save_p, mobj->player-players); if (diff & MD_MOVEDIR) WRITEANGLE(save_p, mobj->movedir); if (diff & MD_MOVECOUNT) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->movecount); if (diff & MD_THRESHOLD) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->threshold); if (diff & MD_LASTLOOK) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->lastlook); if (diff & MD_TARGET) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->target->mobjnum); if (diff & MD_TRACER) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->tracer->mobjnum); if (diff & MD_FRICTION) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->friction); if (diff & MD_MOVEFACTOR) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->movefactor); if (diff & MD_FUSE) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->fuse); if (diff & MD_WATERTOP) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->watertop); if (diff & MD_WATERBOTTOM) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->waterbottom); if (diff & MD_SCALE) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->scale); if (diff & MD_DSCALE) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->destscale); if (diff2 & MD2_SCALESPEED) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->scalespeed); if (diff2 & MD2_CUSVAL) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->cusval); if (diff2 & MD2_CVMEM) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->cvmem); if (diff2 & MD2_SKIN) WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)((skin_t *)mobj->skin - skins)); if (diff2 & MD2_COLOR) WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->color); if (diff2 & MD2_EXTVAL1) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->extravalue1); if (diff2 & MD2_EXTVAL2) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->extravalue2); if (diff2 & MD2_HNEXT) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->hnext->mobjnum); if (diff2 & MD2_HPREV) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->hprev->mobjnum); if (diff2 & MD2_SLOPE) WRITEUINT16(save_p, mobj->standingslope->id); if (diff2 & MD2_COLORIZED) WRITEUINT8(save_p, mobj->colorized); if (diff2 & MD2_MIRRORED) WRITEUINT8(save_p, mobj->mirrored); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEROLL) WRITEANGLE(save_p, mobj->spriteroll); if (diff2 & MD2_SHADOWSCALE) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->shadowscale); if (diff2 & MD2_RENDERFLAGS) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->renderflags); if (diff2 & MD2_BLENDMODE) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->blendmode); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXSCALE) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->spritexscale); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYSCALE) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->spriteyscale); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXOFFSET) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->spritexoffset); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYOFFSET) WRITEFIXED(save_p, mobj->spriteyoffset); if (diff2 & MD2_FLOORSPRITESLOPE) { pslope_t *slope = mobj->floorspriteslope; WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->zdelta); WRITEANGLE(save_p, slope->zangle); WRITEANGLE(save_p, slope->xydirection); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->o.x); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->o.y); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->o.z); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->d.x); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->d.y); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->normal.x); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->normal.y); WRITEFIXED(save_p, slope->normal.z); } if (diff2 & MD2_DRAWONLYFORPLAYER) WRITEUINT8(save_p, mobj->drawonlyforplayer-players); if (diff2 & MD2_DONTDRAWFORVIEWMOBJ) WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj->mobjnum); if (diff2 & MD2_DISPOFFSET) WRITEINT32(save_p, mobj->dispoffset); WRITEUINT32(save_p, mobj->mobjnum); } static void SaveNoEnemiesThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const noenemies_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); } static void SaveBounceCheeseThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const bouncecheese_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorwasheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingwasheight); WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->low); } static void SaveContinuousFallThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const continuousfall_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorstartheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingstartheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->destheight); } static void SaveMarioBlockThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const mariothink_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorstartheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingstartheight); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); } static void SaveMarioCheckThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const mariocheck_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); } static void SaveThwompThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const thwomp_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->crushspeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->retractspeed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorstartheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingstartheight); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); WRITEUINT16(save_p, ht->sound); } static void SaveFloatThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const floatthink_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); } static void SaveEachTimeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const eachtime_t *ht = (const void *)th; size_t i; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->playersInArea[i]); } WRITECHAR(save_p, ht->triggerOnExit); } static void SaveRaiseThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const raise_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingbottom); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingtop); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->basespeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->extraspeed); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->shaketimer); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->flags); } static void SaveCeilingThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const ceiling_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->bottomheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->topheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delaytimer); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->crush); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->texture); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->origspeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->sourceline); } static void SaveFloormoveThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const floormove_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->crush); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->texture); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floordestheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->origspeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delaytimer); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->sourceline); } static void SaveLightflashThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const lightflash_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->maxlight); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->minlight); } static void SaveStrobeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const strobe_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->count); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->minlight); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->maxlight); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->darktime); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->brighttime); } static void SaveGlowThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const glow_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->minlight); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->maxlight); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->speed); } static inline void SaveFireflickerThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const fireflicker_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->count); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->resetcount); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->maxlight); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->minlight); } static void SaveElevatorThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const elevator_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->actionsector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floordestheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingdestheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->origspeed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->low); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->high); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->delaytimer); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorwasheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingwasheight); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); } static void SaveCrumbleThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const crumble_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->actionsector)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SavePlayer(ht->player)); // was dummy WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->origalpha); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->floorwasheight); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->ceilingwasheight); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->flags); } static inline void SaveScrollThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const scroll_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->dx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->dy); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->affectee); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->control); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->last_height); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->vdx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->vdy); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->accel); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->exclusive); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); } static inline void SaveFrictionThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const friction_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->friction); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->movefactor); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->affectee); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->referrer); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->roverfriction); } static inline void SavePusherThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const pusher_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->x_mag); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->y_mag); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->z_mag); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->affectee); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->roverpusher); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->referrer); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->exclusive); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->slider); } static void SaveLaserThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const laserthink_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->tag); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->nobosses); } static void SaveLightlevelThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const lightlevel_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->sourcelevel); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->destlevel); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->fixedcurlevel); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->fixedpertic); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); } static void SaveExecutorThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const executor_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->line)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveMobjnum(ht->caller)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); } static void SaveDisappearThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const disappear_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->appeartime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->disappeartime); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->offset); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->timer); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->affectee); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->sourceline); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->exists); } static void SaveFadeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const fade_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, CheckAddNetColormapToList(ht->dest_exc)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->sectornum); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->ffloornum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->alpha); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->sourcevalue); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->destvalue); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->destlightlevel); WRITEINT16(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)ht->ticbased); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->doexists); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->dotranslucent); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->dolighting); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->docolormap); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->docollision); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->doghostfade); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->exactalpha); } static void SaveFadeColormapThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const fadecolormap_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->sector)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, CheckAddNetColormapToList(ht->source_exc)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, CheckAddNetColormapToList(ht->dest_exc)); WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)ht->ticbased); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->duration); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); } static void SavePlaneDisplaceThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const planedisplace_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->affectee); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->control); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->last_height); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); } static inline void SaveDynamicLineSlopeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const dynlineplanethink_t* ht = (const void*)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSlope(ht->slope)); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveLine(ht->sourceline)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->extent); } static inline void SaveDynamicVertexSlopeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { size_t i; const dynvertexplanethink_t* ht = (const void*)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSlope(ht->slope)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->secs[i])); WRITEMEM(save_p, ht->vex, sizeof(ht->vex)); WRITEMEM(save_p, ht->origsecheights, sizeof(ht->origsecheights)); WRITEMEM(save_p, ht->origvecheights, sizeof(ht->origvecheights)); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->relative); } static inline void SavePolyrotatetThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polyrotate_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->turnobjs); } static void SavePolymoveThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polymove_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->momx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->momy); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEANGLE(save_p, ht->angle); } static void SavePolywaypointThinker(const thinker_t *th, UINT8 type) { const polywaypoint_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->sequence); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->pointnum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->direction); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->returnbehavior); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->continuous); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->stophere); } static void SavePolyslidedoorThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polyslidedoor_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->delayCount); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->initSpeed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->initDistance); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->initAngle); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->angle); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ht->revAngle); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->momx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->momy); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->closing); } static void SavePolyswingdoorThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polyswingdoor_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->delay); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->delayCount); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->initSpeed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->speed); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->initDistance); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->distance); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->closing); } static void SavePolydisplaceThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polydisplace_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->controlSector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->dx); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->dy); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->oldHeights); } static void SavePolyrotdisplaceThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polyrotdisplace_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEUINT32(save_p, SaveSector(ht->controlSector)); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->rotscale); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ht->turnobjs); WRITEFIXED(save_p, ht->oldHeights); } static void SavePolyfadeThinker(const thinker_t *th, const UINT8 type) { const polyfade_t *ht = (const void *)th; WRITEUINT8(save_p, type); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->polyObjNum); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->sourcevalue); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->destvalue); WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)ht->docollision); WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)ht->doghostfade); WRITEUINT8(save_p, (UINT8)ht->ticbased); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->duration); WRITEINT32(save_p, ht->timer); } static void P_NetArchiveThinkers(void) { const thinker_t *th; UINT32 i; WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_THINKERS); for (i = 0; i < NUM_THINKERLISTS; i++) { UINT32 numsaved = 0; // save off the current thinkers for (th = thlist[i].next; th != &thlist[i]; th = th->next) { if (!(th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed || th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_NullPrecipThinker)) numsaved++; if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker) { SaveMobjThinker(th, tc_mobj); continue; } #ifdef PARANOIA else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_NullPrecipThinker); #endif else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_MoveCeiling) { SaveCeilingThinker(th, tc_ceiling); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_CrushCeiling) { SaveCeilingThinker(th, tc_crushceiling); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_MoveFloor) { SaveFloormoveThinker(th, tc_floor); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_LightningFlash) { SaveLightflashThinker(th, tc_flash); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_StrobeFlash) { SaveStrobeThinker(th, tc_strobe); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Glow) { SaveGlowThinker(th, tc_glow); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_FireFlicker) { SaveFireflickerThinker(th, tc_fireflicker); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_MoveElevator) { SaveElevatorThinker(th, tc_elevator); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_ContinuousFalling) { SaveContinuousFallThinker(th, tc_continuousfalling); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_ThwompSector) { SaveThwompThinker(th, tc_thwomp); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_NoEnemiesSector) { SaveNoEnemiesThinker(th, tc_noenemies); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_EachTimeThinker) { SaveEachTimeThinker(th, tc_eachtime); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_RaiseSector) { SaveRaiseThinker(th, tc_raisesector); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_CameraScanner) { SaveElevatorThinker(th, tc_camerascanner); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Scroll) { SaveScrollThinker(th, tc_scroll); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Friction) { SaveFrictionThinker(th, tc_friction); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Pusher) { SavePusherThinker(th, tc_pusher); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_BounceCheese) { SaveBounceCheeseThinker(th, tc_bouncecheese); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_StartCrumble) { SaveCrumbleThinker(th, tc_startcrumble); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_MarioBlock) { SaveMarioBlockThinker(th, tc_marioblock); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_MarioBlockChecker) { SaveMarioCheckThinker(th, tc_marioblockchecker); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_FloatSector) { SaveFloatThinker(th, tc_floatsector); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_LaserFlash) { SaveLaserThinker(th, tc_laserflash); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_LightFade) { SaveLightlevelThinker(th, tc_lightfade); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_ExecutorDelay) { SaveExecutorThinker(th, tc_executor); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Disappear) { SaveDisappearThinker(th, tc_disappear); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_Fade) { SaveFadeThinker(th, tc_fade); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_FadeColormap) { SaveFadeColormapThinker(th, tc_fadecolormap); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PlaneDisplace) { SavePlaneDisplaceThinker(th, tc_planedisplace); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjRotate) { SavePolyrotatetThinker(th, tc_polyrotate); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjMove) { SavePolymoveThinker(th, tc_polymove); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjWaypoint) { SavePolywaypointThinker(th, tc_polywaypoint); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyDoorSlide) { SavePolyslidedoorThinker(th, tc_polyslidedoor); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyDoorSwing) { SavePolyswingdoorThinker(th, tc_polyswingdoor); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjFlag) { SavePolymoveThinker(th, tc_polyflag); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjDisplace) { SavePolydisplaceThinker(th, tc_polydisplace); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjRotDisplace) { SavePolyrotdisplaceThinker(th, tc_polyrotdisplace); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_PolyObjFade) { SavePolyfadeThinker(th, tc_polyfade); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_DynamicSlopeLine) { SaveDynamicLineSlopeThinker(th, tc_dynslopeline); continue; } else if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)T_DynamicSlopeVert) { SaveDynamicVertexSlopeThinker(th, tc_dynslopevert); continue; } #ifdef PARANOIA else I_Assert(th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed); // wait garbage collection #endif } CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "%u thinkers saved in list %d\n", numsaved, i); WRITEUINT8(save_p, tc_end); } } // Now save the pointers, tracer and target, but at load time we must // relink to this; the savegame contains the old position in the pointer // field copyed in the info field temporarily, but finally we just search // for the old position and relink to it. mobj_t *P_FindNewPosition(UINT32 oldposition) { thinker_t *th; mobj_t *mobj; for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mobj = (mobj_t *)th; if (mobj->mobjnum != oldposition) continue; return mobj; } CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "mobj not found\n"); return NULL; } static inline mobj_t *LoadMobj(UINT32 mobjnum) { if (mobjnum == 0) return NULL; return (mobj_t *)(size_t)mobjnum; } static sector_t *LoadSector(UINT32 sector) { if (sector >= numsectors) return NULL; return §ors[sector]; } static line_t *LoadLine(UINT32 line) { if (line >= numlines) return NULL; return &lines[line]; } static inline player_t *LoadPlayer(UINT32 player) { if (player >= MAXPLAYERS) return NULL; return &players[player]; } static inline pslope_t *LoadSlope(UINT32 slopeid) { pslope_t *p = slopelist; if (slopeid > slopecount) return NULL; do { if (p->id == slopeid) return p; } while ((p = p->next)); return NULL; } static thinker_t* LoadMobjThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { thinker_t *next; mobj_t *mobj; UINT32 diff; UINT32 diff2; INT32 i; fixed_t z, floorz, ceilingz; ffloor_t *floorrover = NULL, *ceilingrover = NULL; diff = READUINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_MORE) diff2 = READUINT32(save_p); else diff2 = 0; next = (void *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); z = READFIXED(save_p); // Force this so 3dfloor problems don't arise. floorz = READFIXED(save_p); ceilingz = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_FLOORROVER) { sector_t *sec = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); UINT16 id = READUINT16(save_p); floorrover = P_GetFFloorByID(sec, id); } if (diff2 & MD2_CEILINGROVER) { sector_t *sec = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); UINT16 id = READUINT16(save_p); ceilingrover = P_GetFFloorByID(sec, id); } if (diff & MD_SPAWNPOINT) { UINT16 spawnpointnum = READUINT16(save_p); if (mapthings[spawnpointnum].type == 1713) // NiGHTS Hoop special case { P_SpawnHoop(&mapthings[spawnpointnum]); return NULL; } mobj = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*mobj), PU_LEVEL, NULL); mobj->spawnpoint = &mapthings[spawnpointnum]; mapthings[spawnpointnum].mobj = mobj; } else mobj = Z_Calloc(sizeof (*mobj), PU_LEVEL, NULL); // declare this as a valid mobj as soon as possible. mobj->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; mobj->z = z; mobj->floorz = floorz; mobj->ceilingz = ceilingz; mobj->floorrover = floorrover; mobj->ceilingrover = ceilingrover; if (diff & MD_TYPE) mobj->type = READUINT32(save_p); else { for (i = 0; i < NUMMOBJTYPES; i++) if (mobj->spawnpoint && mobj->spawnpoint->type == mobjinfo[i].doomednum) break; if (i == NUMMOBJTYPES) { if (mobj->spawnpoint) CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Found mobj with unknown map thing type %d\n", mobj->spawnpoint->type); else CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, "Found mobj with unknown map thing type NULL\n"); I_Error("Savegame corrupted"); } mobj->type = i; } mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type]; if (diff & MD_POS) { mobj->x = READFIXED(save_p); mobj->y = READFIXED(save_p); mobj->angle = READANGLE(save_p); mobj->pitch = READANGLE(save_p); mobj->roll = READANGLE(save_p); } else { mobj->x = mobj->spawnpoint->x << FRACBITS; mobj->y = mobj->spawnpoint->y << FRACBITS; mobj->angle = FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->angle*FRACUNIT); mobj->pitch = FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->pitch*FRACUNIT); mobj->roll = FixedAngle(mobj->spawnpoint->roll*FRACUNIT); } if (diff & MD_MOM) { mobj->momx = READFIXED(save_p); mobj->momy = READFIXED(save_p); mobj->momz = READFIXED(save_p); mobj->pmomz = READFIXED(save_p); } // otherwise they're zero, and the memset took care of it if (diff & MD_RADIUS) mobj->radius = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->radius = mobj->info->radius; if (diff & MD_HEIGHT) mobj->height = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->height = mobj->info->height; if (diff & MD_FLAGS) mobj->flags = READUINT32(save_p); else mobj->flags = mobj->info->flags; if (diff & MD_FLAGS2) mobj->flags2 = READUINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_HEALTH) mobj->health = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->health = mobj->info->spawnhealth; if (diff & MD_RTIME) mobj->reactiontime = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->reactiontime = mobj->info->reactiontime; if (diff & MD_STATE) mobj->state = &states[READUINT16(save_p)]; else mobj->state = &states[mobj->info->spawnstate]; if (diff & MD_TICS) mobj->tics = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->tics = mobj->state->tics; if (diff & MD_SPRITE) { mobj->sprite = READUINT16(save_p); if (mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) mobj->sprite2 = READUINT8(save_p); } else { mobj->sprite = mobj->state->sprite; if (mobj->sprite == SPR_PLAY) mobj->sprite2 = mobj->state->frame&FF_FRAMEMASK; } if (diff & MD_FRAME) { mobj->frame = READUINT32(save_p); mobj->anim_duration = READUINT16(save_p); } else { mobj->frame = mobj->state->frame; mobj->anim_duration = (UINT16)mobj->state->var2; } if (diff & MD_EFLAGS) mobj->eflags = READUINT16(save_p); if (diff & MD_PLAYER) { i = READUINT8(save_p); mobj->player = &players[i]; mobj->player->mo = mobj; } if (diff & MD_MOVEDIR) mobj->movedir = READANGLE(save_p); if (diff & MD_MOVECOUNT) mobj->movecount = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_THRESHOLD) mobj->threshold = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_LASTLOOK) mobj->lastlook = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->lastlook = -1; if (diff & MD_TARGET) mobj->target = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_TRACER) mobj->tracer = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_FRICTION) mobj->friction = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->friction = ORIG_FRICTION; if (diff & MD_MOVEFACTOR) mobj->movefactor = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->movefactor = FRACUNIT; if (diff & MD_FUSE) mobj->fuse = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & MD_WATERTOP) mobj->watertop = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff & MD_WATERBOTTOM) mobj->waterbottom = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff & MD_SCALE) mobj->scale = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->scale = FRACUNIT; if (diff & MD_DSCALE) mobj->destscale = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->destscale = mobj->scale; if (diff2 & MD2_SCALESPEED) mobj->scalespeed = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->scalespeed = FRACUNIT/12; if (diff2 & MD2_CUSVAL) mobj->cusval = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_CVMEM) mobj->cvmem = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_SKIN) mobj->skin = &skins[READUINT8(save_p)]; if (diff2 & MD2_COLOR) mobj->color = READUINT16(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_EXTVAL1) mobj->extravalue1 = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_EXTVAL2) mobj->extravalue2 = READINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_HNEXT) mobj->hnext = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_HPREV) mobj->hprev = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_SLOPE) mobj->standingslope = P_SlopeById(READUINT16(save_p)); if (diff2 & MD2_COLORIZED) mobj->colorized = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_MIRRORED) mobj->mirrored = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEROLL) mobj->spriteroll = READANGLE(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_SHADOWSCALE) mobj->shadowscale = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_RENDERFLAGS) mobj->renderflags = READUINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_BLENDMODE) mobj->blendmode = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->blendmode = AST_TRANSLUCENT; if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXSCALE) mobj->spritexscale = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->spritexscale = FRACUNIT; if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYSCALE) mobj->spriteyscale = READFIXED(save_p); else mobj->spriteyscale = FRACUNIT; if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEXOFFSET) mobj->spritexoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_SPRITEYOFFSET) mobj->spriteyoffset = READFIXED(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_FLOORSPRITESLOPE) { pslope_t *slope = (pslope_t *)P_CreateFloorSpriteSlope(mobj); slope->zdelta = READFIXED(save_p); slope->zangle = READANGLE(save_p); slope->xydirection = READANGLE(save_p); slope->o.x = READFIXED(save_p); slope->o.y = READFIXED(save_p); slope->o.z = READFIXED(save_p); slope->d.x = READFIXED(save_p); slope->d.y = READFIXED(save_p); slope->normal.x = READFIXED(save_p); slope->normal.y = READFIXED(save_p); slope->normal.z = READFIXED(save_p); } if (diff2 & MD2_DRAWONLYFORPLAYER) mobj->drawonlyforplayer = &players[READUINT8(save_p)]; if (diff2 & MD2_DONTDRAWFORVIEWMOBJ) mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj = (mobj_t *)(size_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (diff2 & MD2_DISPOFFSET) mobj->dispoffset = READINT32(save_p); else mobj->dispoffset = mobj->info->dispoffset; if (diff & MD_REDFLAG) { P_SetTarget(&flagmobjs[TEAM_RED], mobj); flagpoints[TEAM_RED] = mobj->spawnpoint; } if (diff & MD_BLUEFLAG) { P_SetTarget(&flagmobjs[TEAM_BLUE], mobj); flagpoints[TEAM_BLUE] = mobj->spawnpoint; } // set sprev, snext, bprev, bnext, subsector P_SetThingPosition(mobj); mobj->mobjnum = READUINT32(save_p); if (mobj->player) { if (mobj->eflags & MFE_VERTICALFLIP) mobj->player->viewz = mobj->z + mobj->height - mobj->player->viewheight; else mobj->player->viewz = mobj->player->mo->z + mobj->player->viewheight; } if (mobj->type == MT_SKYBOX && mobj->spawnpoint) { mtag_t tag = Tag_FGet(&mobj->spawnpoint->tags); if (tag >= 0 && tag <= 15) { if (mobj->spawnpoint->args[0]) skyboxcenterpnts[tag] = mobj; else skyboxviewpnts[tag] = mobj; } } mobj->info = (mobjinfo_t *)next; // temporarily, set when leave this function R_AddMobjInterpolator(mobj); return &mobj->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadNoEnemiesThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { noenemies_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadBounceCheeseThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { bouncecheese_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->distance = READFIXED(save_p); ht->floorwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->low = READCHAR(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadContinuousFallThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { continuousfall_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->floorstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->destheight = READFIXED(save_p); if (ht->sector) { ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; ht->sector->floordata = ht; } return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadMarioBlockThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { mariothink_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->floorstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); if (ht->sector) { ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; ht->sector->floordata = ht; } return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadMarioCheckThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { mariocheck_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadThwompThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { thwomp_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->crushspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->retractspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->floorstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingstartheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delay = READINT32(save_p); ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); ht->sound = READUINT16(save_p); if (ht->sector) { ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; ht->sector->floordata = ht; } return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadFloatThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { floatthink_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadEachTimeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { size_t i; eachtime_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { ht->playersInArea[i] = READCHAR(save_p); } ht->triggerOnExit = READCHAR(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadRaiseThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { raise_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->ceilingbottom = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingtop = READFIXED(save_p); ht->basespeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->extraspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->shaketimer = READUINT8(save_p); ht->flags = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadCeilingThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { ceiling_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->bottomheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->topheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delay = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delaytimer = READFIXED(save_p); ht->crush = READUINT8(save_p); ht->texture = READINT32(save_p); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); ht->origspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->sourceline = READFIXED(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadFloormoveThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { floormove_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); ht->crush = READUINT8(save_p); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->texture = READINT32(save_p); ht->floordestheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->origspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delay = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delaytimer = READFIXED(save_p); ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); ht->sourceline = READFIXED(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->floordata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadLightflashThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { lightflash_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->maxlight = READINT32(save_p); ht->minlight = READINT32(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->lightingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadStrobeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { strobe_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->count = READINT32(save_p); ht->minlight = READINT16(save_p); ht->maxlight = READINT16(save_p); ht->darktime = READINT32(save_p); ht->brighttime = READINT32(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->lightingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadGlowThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { glow_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->minlight = READINT16(save_p); ht->maxlight = READINT16(save_p); ht->direction = READINT16(save_p); ht->speed = READINT16(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->lightingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadFireflickerThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { fireflicker_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->count = READINT32(save_p); ht->resetcount = READINT32(save_p); ht->maxlight = READINT16(save_p); ht->minlight = READINT16(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->lightingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadElevatorThinker(actionf_p1 thinker, boolean setplanedata) { elevator_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->actionsector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->floordestheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingdestheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->origspeed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->low = READFIXED(save_p); ht->high = READFIXED(save_p); ht->distance = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delay = READFIXED(save_p); ht->delaytimer = READFIXED(save_p); ht->floorwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); if (ht->sector && setplanedata) { ht->sector->ceilingdata = ht; ht->sector->floordata = ht; } return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadCrumbleThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { crumble_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->actionsector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->player = LoadPlayer(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->origalpha = READINT32(save_p); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->floorwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->ceilingwasheight = READFIXED(save_p); ht->flags = READUINT8(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->floordata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadScrollThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { scroll_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->dx = READFIXED(save_p); ht->dy = READFIXED(save_p); ht->affectee = READINT32(save_p); ht->control = READINT32(save_p); ht->last_height = READFIXED(save_p); ht->vdx = READFIXED(save_p); ht->vdy = READFIXED(save_p); ht->accel = READINT32(save_p); ht->exclusive = READINT32(save_p); ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadFrictionThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { friction_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->friction = READINT32(save_p); ht->movefactor = READINT32(save_p); ht->affectee = READINT32(save_p); ht->referrer = READINT32(save_p); ht->roverfriction = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadPusherThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { pusher_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); ht->x_mag = READFIXED(save_p); ht->y_mag = READFIXED(save_p); ht->z_mag = READFIXED(save_p); ht->affectee = READINT32(save_p); ht->roverpusher = READUINT8(save_p); ht->referrer = READINT32(save_p); ht->exclusive = READINT32(save_p); ht->slider = READINT32(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadLaserThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { laserthink_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->tag = READINT16(save_p); ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->nobosses = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadLightlevelThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { lightlevel_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sourcelevel = READINT16(save_p); ht->destlevel = READINT16(save_p); ht->fixedcurlevel = READFIXED(save_p); ht->fixedpertic = READFIXED(save_p); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->lightingdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadExecutorThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { executor_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->line = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->caller = LoadMobj(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadDisappearThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { disappear_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->appeartime = READUINT32(save_p); ht->disappeartime = READUINT32(save_p); ht->offset = READUINT32(save_p); ht->timer = READUINT32(save_p); ht->affectee = READINT32(save_p); ht->sourceline = READINT32(save_p); ht->exists = READINT32(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadFadeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { sector_t *ss; fade_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->dest_exc = GetNetColormapFromList(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sectornum = READUINT32(save_p); ht->ffloornum = READUINT32(save_p); ht->alpha = READINT32(save_p); ht->sourcevalue = READINT16(save_p); ht->destvalue = READINT16(save_p); ht->destlightlevel = READINT16(save_p); ht->speed = READINT16(save_p); ht->ticbased = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); ht->doexists = READUINT8(save_p); ht->dotranslucent = READUINT8(save_p); ht->dolighting = READUINT8(save_p); ht->docolormap = READUINT8(save_p); ht->docollision = READUINT8(save_p); ht->doghostfade = READUINT8(save_p); ht->exactalpha = READUINT8(save_p); ss = LoadSector(ht->sectornum); if (ss) { size_t j = 0; // ss->ffloors is saved as ffloor #0, ss->ffloors->next is #1, etc ffloor_t *rover; for (rover = ss->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next) { if (j == ht->ffloornum) { ht->rover = rover; rover->fadingdata = ht; break; } j++; } } return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadFadeColormapThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { fadecolormap_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->sector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->source_exc = GetNetColormapFromList(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->dest_exc = GetNetColormapFromList(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->ticbased = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); ht->duration = READINT32(save_p); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); if (ht->sector) ht->sector->fadecolormapdata = ht; return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPlaneDisplaceThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { planedisplace_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->affectee = READINT32(save_p); ht->control = READINT32(save_p); ht->last_height = READFIXED(save_p); ht->speed = READFIXED(save_p); ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadDynamicLineSlopeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { dynlineplanethink_t* ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->type = READUINT8(save_p); ht->slope = LoadSlope(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->sourceline = LoadLine(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->extent = READFIXED(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadDynamicVertexSlopeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { size_t i; dynvertexplanethink_t* ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof(*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->slope = LoadSlope(READUINT32(save_p)); for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) ht->secs[i] = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); READMEM(save_p, ht->vex, sizeof(ht->vex)); READMEM(save_p, ht->origsecheights, sizeof(ht->origsecheights)); READMEM(save_p, ht->origvecheights, sizeof(ht->origvecheights)); ht->relative = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolyrotatetThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polyrotate_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READINT32(save_p); ht->distance = READINT32(save_p); ht->turnobjs = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadPolymoveThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polymove_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READINT32(save_p); ht->momx = READFIXED(save_p); ht->momy = READFIXED(save_p); ht->distance = READINT32(save_p); ht->angle = READANGLE(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolywaypointThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polywaypoint_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READINT32(save_p); ht->sequence = READINT32(save_p); ht->pointnum = READINT32(save_p); ht->direction = READINT32(save_p); ht->returnbehavior = READUINT8(save_p); ht->continuous = READUINT8(save_p); ht->stophere = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolyslidedoorThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polyslidedoor_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->delay = READINT32(save_p); ht->delayCount = READINT32(save_p); ht->initSpeed = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READINT32(save_p); ht->initDistance = READINT32(save_p); ht->distance = READINT32(save_p); ht->initAngle = READUINT32(save_p); ht->angle = READUINT32(save_p); ht->revAngle = READUINT32(save_p); ht->momx = READFIXED(save_p); ht->momy = READFIXED(save_p); ht->closing = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolyswingdoorThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polyswingdoor_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->delay = READINT32(save_p); ht->delayCount = READINT32(save_p); ht->initSpeed = READINT32(save_p); ht->speed = READINT32(save_p); ht->initDistance = READINT32(save_p); ht->distance = READINT32(save_p); ht->closing = READUINT8(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolydisplaceThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polydisplace_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->controlSector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->dx = READFIXED(save_p); ht->dy = READFIXED(save_p); ht->oldHeights = READFIXED(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static inline thinker_t* LoadPolyrotdisplaceThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polyrotdisplace_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->controlSector = LoadSector(READUINT32(save_p)); ht->rotscale = READFIXED(save_p); ht->turnobjs = READUINT8(save_p); ht->oldHeights = READFIXED(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static thinker_t* LoadPolyfadeThinker(actionf_p1 thinker) { polyfade_t *ht = Z_Malloc(sizeof (*ht), PU_LEVSPEC, NULL); ht->thinker.function.acp1 = thinker; ht->polyObjNum = READINT32(save_p); ht->sourcevalue = READINT32(save_p); ht->destvalue = READINT32(save_p); ht->docollision = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); ht->doghostfade = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); ht->ticbased = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); ht->duration = READINT32(save_p); ht->timer = READINT32(save_p); return &ht->thinker; } static void P_NetUnArchiveThinkers(void) { thinker_t *currentthinker; thinker_t *next; UINT8 tclass; UINT8 restoreNum = false; UINT32 i; UINT32 numloaded = 0; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_THINKERS) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block Thinkers"); // remove all the current thinkers for (i = 0; i < NUM_THINKERLISTS; i++) { currentthinker = thlist[i].next; for (currentthinker = thlist[i].next; currentthinker != &thlist[i]; currentthinker = next) { next = currentthinker->next; if (currentthinker->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker || currentthinker->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_NullPrecipThinker) P_RemoveSavegameMobj((mobj_t *)currentthinker); // item isn't saved, don't remove it else { (next->prev = currentthinker->prev)->next = next; R_DestroyLevelInterpolators(currentthinker); Z_Free(currentthinker); } } } // we don't want the removed mobjs to come back iquetail = iquehead = 0; P_InitThinkers(); // clear sector thinker pointers so they don't point to non-existant thinkers for all of eternity for (i = 0; i < numsectors; i++) { sectors[i].floordata = sectors[i].ceilingdata = sectors[i].lightingdata = sectors[i].fadecolormapdata = NULL; } // read in saved thinkers for (i = 0; i < NUM_THINKERLISTS; i++) { for (;;) { thinker_t* th = NULL; tclass = READUINT8(save_p); if (tclass == tc_end) break; // leave the saved thinker reading loop numloaded++; switch (tclass) { case tc_mobj: th = LoadMobjThinker((actionf_p1)P_MobjThinker); break; case tc_ceiling: th = LoadCeilingThinker((actionf_p1)T_MoveCeiling); break; case tc_crushceiling: th = LoadCeilingThinker((actionf_p1)T_CrushCeiling); break; case tc_floor: th = LoadFloormoveThinker((actionf_p1)T_MoveFloor); break; case tc_flash: th = LoadLightflashThinker((actionf_p1)T_LightningFlash); break; case tc_strobe: th = LoadStrobeThinker((actionf_p1)T_StrobeFlash); break; case tc_glow: th = LoadGlowThinker((actionf_p1)T_Glow); break; case tc_fireflicker: th = LoadFireflickerThinker((actionf_p1)T_FireFlicker); break; case tc_elevator: th = LoadElevatorThinker((actionf_p1)T_MoveElevator, true); break; case tc_continuousfalling: th = LoadContinuousFallThinker((actionf_p1)T_ContinuousFalling); break; case tc_thwomp: th = LoadThwompThinker((actionf_p1)T_ThwompSector); break; case tc_noenemies: th = LoadNoEnemiesThinker((actionf_p1)T_NoEnemiesSector); break; case tc_eachtime: th = LoadEachTimeThinker((actionf_p1)T_EachTimeThinker); break; case tc_raisesector: th = LoadRaiseThinker((actionf_p1)T_RaiseSector); break; case tc_camerascanner: th = LoadElevatorThinker((actionf_p1)T_CameraScanner, false); break; case tc_bouncecheese: th = LoadBounceCheeseThinker((actionf_p1)T_BounceCheese); break; case tc_startcrumble: th = LoadCrumbleThinker((actionf_p1)T_StartCrumble); break; case tc_marioblock: th = LoadMarioBlockThinker((actionf_p1)T_MarioBlock); break; case tc_marioblockchecker: th = LoadMarioCheckThinker((actionf_p1)T_MarioBlockChecker); break; case tc_floatsector: th = LoadFloatThinker((actionf_p1)T_FloatSector); break; case tc_laserflash: th = LoadLaserThinker((actionf_p1)T_LaserFlash); break; case tc_lightfade: th = LoadLightlevelThinker((actionf_p1)T_LightFade); break; case tc_executor: th = LoadExecutorThinker((actionf_p1)T_ExecutorDelay); restoreNum = true; break; case tc_disappear: th = LoadDisappearThinker((actionf_p1)T_Disappear); break; case tc_fade: th = LoadFadeThinker((actionf_p1)T_Fade); break; case tc_fadecolormap: th = LoadFadeColormapThinker((actionf_p1)T_FadeColormap); break; case tc_planedisplace: th = LoadPlaneDisplaceThinker((actionf_p1)T_PlaneDisplace); break; case tc_polyrotate: th = LoadPolyrotatetThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjRotate); break; case tc_polymove: th = LoadPolymoveThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjMove); break; case tc_polywaypoint: th = LoadPolywaypointThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjWaypoint); break; case tc_polyslidedoor: th = LoadPolyslidedoorThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyDoorSlide); break; case tc_polyswingdoor: th = LoadPolyswingdoorThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyDoorSwing); break; case tc_polyflag: th = LoadPolymoveThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjFlag); break; case tc_polydisplace: th = LoadPolydisplaceThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjDisplace); break; case tc_polyrotdisplace: th = LoadPolyrotdisplaceThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjRotDisplace); break; case tc_polyfade: th = LoadPolyfadeThinker((actionf_p1)T_PolyObjFade); break; case tc_dynslopeline: th = LoadDynamicLineSlopeThinker((actionf_p1)T_DynamicSlopeLine); break; case tc_dynslopevert: th = LoadDynamicVertexSlopeThinker((actionf_p1)T_DynamicSlopeVert); break; case tc_scroll: th = LoadScrollThinker((actionf_p1)T_Scroll); break; case tc_friction: th = LoadFrictionThinker((actionf_p1)T_Friction); break; case tc_pusher: th = LoadPusherThinker((actionf_p1)T_Pusher); break; default: I_Error("P_UnarchiveSpecials: Unknown tclass %d in savegame", tclass); } if (th) P_AddThinker(i, th); } CONS_Debug(DBG_NETPLAY, "%u thinkers loaded in list %d\n", numloaded, i); } // Set each skyboxmo to the first skybox (or NULL) skyboxmo[0] = skyboxviewpnts[0]; skyboxmo[1] = skyboxcenterpnts[0]; if (restoreNum) { executor_t *delay = NULL; UINT32 mobjnum; for (currentthinker = thlist[THINK_MAIN].next; currentthinker != &thlist[THINK_MAIN]; currentthinker = currentthinker->next) { if (currentthinker->function.acp1 != (actionf_p1)T_ExecutorDelay) continue; delay = (void *)currentthinker; if (!(mobjnum = (UINT32)(size_t)delay->caller)) continue; delay->caller = P_FindNewPosition(mobjnum); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // haleyjd 03/26/06: PolyObject saving code // #define PD_FLAGS 0x01 #define PD_TRANS 0x02 static inline void P_ArchivePolyObj(polyobj_t *po) { UINT8 diff = 0; WRITEINT32(save_p, po->id); WRITEANGLE(save_p, po->angle); WRITEFIXED(save_p, po->spawnSpot.x); WRITEFIXED(save_p, po->spawnSpot.y); if (po->flags != po->spawnflags) diff |= PD_FLAGS; if (po->translucency != po->spawntrans) diff |= PD_TRANS; WRITEUINT8(save_p, diff); if (diff & PD_FLAGS) WRITEINT32(save_p, po->flags); if (diff & PD_TRANS) WRITEINT32(save_p, po->translucency); } static inline void P_UnArchivePolyObj(polyobj_t *po) { INT32 id; UINT32 angle; fixed_t x, y; UINT8 diff; // nullify all polyobject thinker pointers; // the thinkers themselves will fight over who gets the field // when they first start to run. po->thinker = NULL; id = READINT32(save_p); angle = READANGLE(save_p); x = READFIXED(save_p); y = READFIXED(save_p); diff = READUINT8(save_p); if (diff & PD_FLAGS) po->flags = READINT32(save_p); if (diff & PD_TRANS) po->translucency = READINT32(save_p); // if the object is bad or isn't in the id hash, we can do nothing more // with it, so return now if (po->isBad || po != Polyobj_GetForNum(id)) return; // rotate and translate polyobject Polyobj_MoveOnLoad(po, angle, x, y); } static inline void P_ArchivePolyObjects(void) { INT32 i; WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_POBJS); // save number of polyobjects WRITEINT32(save_p, numPolyObjects); for (i = 0; i < numPolyObjects; ++i) P_ArchivePolyObj(&PolyObjects[i]); } static inline void P_UnArchivePolyObjects(void) { INT32 i, numSavedPolys; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_POBJS) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block Pobjs"); numSavedPolys = READINT32(save_p); if (numSavedPolys != numPolyObjects) I_Error("P_UnArchivePolyObjects: polyobj count inconsistency\n"); for (i = 0; i < numSavedPolys; ++i) P_UnArchivePolyObj(&PolyObjects[i]); } static inline void P_FinishMobjs(void) { thinker_t *currentthinker; mobj_t *mobj; // put info field there real value for (currentthinker = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; currentthinker != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; currentthinker = currentthinker->next) { if (currentthinker->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mobj = (mobj_t *)currentthinker; mobj->info = &mobjinfo[mobj->type]; } } static void P_RelinkPointers(void) { thinker_t *currentthinker; mobj_t *mobj; UINT32 temp; // use info field (value = oldposition) to relink mobjs for (currentthinker = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; currentthinker != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; currentthinker = currentthinker->next) { if (currentthinker->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mobj = (mobj_t *)currentthinker; if (mobj->type == MT_HOOP || mobj->type == MT_HOOPCOLLIDE || mobj->type == MT_HOOPCENTER) continue; if (mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj; mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->dontdrawforviewmobj, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "dontdrawforviewmobj not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->tracer) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->tracer; mobj->tracer = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->tracer, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "tracer not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->target) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->target; mobj->target = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->target, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "target not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->hnext) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->hnext; mobj->hnext = NULL; if (!(mobj->hnext = P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "hnext not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->hprev) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->hprev; mobj->hprev = NULL; if (!(mobj->hprev = P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "hprev not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->capsule) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->capsule; mobj->player->capsule = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->capsule, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "capsule not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->axis1) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->axis1; mobj->player->axis1 = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->axis1, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "axis1 not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->axis2) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->axis2; mobj->player->axis2 = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->axis2, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "axis2 not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->awayviewmobj) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->awayviewmobj; mobj->player->awayviewmobj = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->awayviewmobj, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "awayviewmobj not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->followmobj) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->followmobj; mobj->player->followmobj = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->followmobj, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "followmobj not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } if (mobj->player && mobj->player->drone) { temp = (UINT32)(size_t)mobj->player->drone; mobj->player->drone = NULL; if (!P_SetTarget(&mobj->player->drone, P_FindNewPosition(temp))) CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "drone not found on %d\n", mobj->type); } } } static inline void P_NetArchiveSpecials(void) { size_t i, z; WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_SPECIALS); // itemrespawn queue for deathmatch i = iquetail; while (iquehead != i) { for (z = 0; z < nummapthings; z++) { if (&mapthings[z] == itemrespawnque[i]) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, z); break; } } WRITEUINT32(save_p, itemrespawntime[i]); i = (i + 1) & (ITEMQUESIZE-1); } // end delimiter WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0xffffffff); // Sky number WRITEINT32(save_p, globallevelskynum); // Current global weather type WRITEUINT8(save_p, globalweather); if (metalplayback) // Is metal sonic running? { WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0x01); G_SaveMetal(&save_p); } else WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0x00); } static void P_NetUnArchiveSpecials(void) { size_t i; INT32 j; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_SPECIALS) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block Specials"); // BP: added save itemrespawn queue for deathmatch iquetail = iquehead = 0; while ((i = READUINT32(save_p)) != 0xffffffff) { itemrespawnque[iquehead] = &mapthings[i]; itemrespawntime[iquehead++] = READINT32(save_p); } j = READINT32(save_p); if (j != globallevelskynum) P_SetupLevelSky(j, true); globalweather = READUINT8(save_p); if (globalweather) { if (curWeather == globalweather) curWeather = PRECIP_NONE; P_SwitchWeather(globalweather); } else // PRECIP_NONE { if (curWeather != PRECIP_NONE) P_SwitchWeather(globalweather); } if (READUINT8(save_p) == 0x01) // metal sonic G_LoadMetal(&save_p); } // ======================================================================= // Misc // ======================================================================= static inline void P_ArchiveMisc(INT16 mapnum) { //lastmapsaved = mapnum; lastmaploaded = mapnum; if (gamecomplete) mapnum |= 8192; WRITEINT16(save_p, mapnum); WRITEUINT16(save_p, emeralds+357); WRITESTRINGN(save_p, timeattackfolder, sizeof(timeattackfolder)); } static inline void P_UnArchiveSPGame(INT16 mapoverride) { char testname[sizeof(timeattackfolder)]; gamemap = READINT16(save_p); if (mapoverride != 0) { gamemap = mapoverride; gamecomplete = 1; } else gamecomplete = 0; // gamemap changed; we assume that its map header is always valid, // so make it so if(!mapheaderinfo[gamemap-1]) P_AllocMapHeader(gamemap-1); //lastmapsaved = gamemap; lastmaploaded = gamemap; tokenlist = 0; token = 0; savedata.emeralds = READUINT16(save_p)-357; READSTRINGN(save_p, testname, sizeof(testname)); if (strcmp(testname, timeattackfolder)) { if (modifiedgame) I_Error("Save game not for this modification."); else I_Error("This save file is for a particular mod, it cannot be used with the regular game."); } memset(playeringame, 0, sizeof(*playeringame)); playeringame[consoleplayer] = true; } static void P_NetArchiveMisc(boolean resending) { INT32 i; WRITEUINT32(save_p, ARCHIVEBLOCK_MISC); if (resending) WRITEUINT32(save_p, gametic); WRITEINT16(save_p, gamemap); if (gamestate != GS_LEVEL) WRITEINT16(save_p, GS_WAITINGPLAYERS); // nice hack to put people back into waitingplayers else WRITEINT16(save_p, gamestate); WRITEINT16(save_p, gametype); { UINT32 pig = 0; for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) pig |= (playeringame[i] != 0)<totalplaytime); // TODO put another cipher on these things? meh, I don't care... for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) WRITEUINT8(save_p, (data->mapvisited[i] & MV_MAX)); // To save space, use one bit per collected/achieved/unlocked flag for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++j) btemp |= (data->collected[j+i] << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS; ++j) btemp |= (data->extraCollected[j+i] << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++j) btemp |= (data->unlocked[j+i] << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS;) { btemp = 0; for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++j) btemp |= (data->achieved[j+i] << j); WRITEUINT8(save_p, btemp); i += j; } WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->timesBeaten); WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->timesBeatenWithEmeralds); WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->timesBeatenUltimate); // Main records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) { if (data->mainrecords[i]) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->mainrecords[i]->score); WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->mainrecords[i]->time); WRITEUINT16(save_p, data->mainrecords[i]->rings); } else { WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0); WRITEUINT32(save_p, 0); WRITEUINT16(save_p, 0); } } // NiGHTS records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) { if (!data->nightsrecords[i] || !data->nightsrecords[i]->nummares) { WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0); continue; } WRITEUINT8(save_p, data->nightsrecords[i]->nummares); for (curmare = 0; curmare < (data->nightsrecords[i]->nummares + 1); ++curmare) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->nightsrecords[i]->score[curmare]); WRITEUINT8(save_p, data->nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare]); WRITEUINT32(save_p, data->nightsrecords[i]->time[curmare]); } } // Mid-map stuff WRITEUINT32(save_p, unlocktriggers); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; i++) { if (!ntemprecords[i].nummares) { WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0); continue; } WRITEUINT8(save_p, ntemprecords[i].nummares); for (curmare = 0; curmare < (ntemprecords[i].nummares + 1); ++curmare) { WRITEUINT32(save_p, ntemprecords[i].score[curmare]); WRITEUINT8(save_p, ntemprecords[i].grade[curmare]); WRITEUINT32(save_p, ntemprecords[i].time[curmare]); } } } static inline void P_NetUnArchiveEmblems(void) { gamedata_t *data = serverGamedata; INT32 i, j; UINT8 rtemp; UINT32 recscore; tic_t rectime; UINT16 recrings; UINT8 recmares; INT32 curmare; if (READUINT32(save_p) != ARCHIVEBLOCK_EMBLEMS) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav at archive block Emblems"); savemoddata = (boolean)READUINT8(save_p); // this one is actually necessary because savemoddata stays false otherwise for some reason. if (numemblems != READINT32(save_p)) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (numemblems mismatch)"); if (numextraemblems != READINT32(save_p)) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (numextraemblems mismatch)"); // This shouldn't happen, but if something really fucked up happens and you transfer // the SERVER player's gamedata over your own CLIENT gamedata, // then this prevents it from being saved over yours. data->loaded = false; M_ClearSecrets(data); G_ClearRecords(data); // The rest of this is lifted straight from G_LoadGameData in g_game.c // TODO: Optimize this to only read information about emblems, unlocks, etc. which actually exist // There is no need to go all the way up to MAXEMBLEMS when wads are guaranteed to be the same. data->totalplaytime = READUINT32(save_p); // TODO put another cipher on these things? meh, I don't care... for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; i++) if ((data->mapvisited[i] = READUINT8(save_p)) > MV_MAX) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (invalid visit flags)"); // To save space, use one bit per collected/achieved/unlocked flag for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++j) data->collected[j+i] = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS; ++j) data->extraCollected[j+i] = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++j) data->unlocked[j+i] = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS;) { rtemp = READUINT8(save_p); for (j = 0; j < 8 && j+i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++j) data->achieved[j+i] = ((rtemp >> j) & 1); i += j; } data->timesBeaten = READUINT32(save_p); data->timesBeatenWithEmeralds = READUINT32(save_p); data->timesBeatenUltimate = READUINT32(save_p); // Main records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { recscore = READUINT32(save_p); rectime = (tic_t)READUINT32(save_p); recrings = READUINT16(save_p); if (recrings > 10000 || recscore > MAXSCORE) I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (invalid score)"); if (recscore || rectime || recrings) { G_AllocMainRecordData((INT16)i, data); data->mainrecords[i]->score = recscore; data->mainrecords[i]->time = rectime; data->mainrecords[i]->rings = recrings; } } // Nights records for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if ((recmares = READUINT8(save_p)) == 0) continue; G_AllocNightsRecordData((INT16)i, data); for (curmare = 0; curmare < (recmares+1); ++curmare) { data->nightsrecords[i]->score[curmare] = READUINT32(save_p); data->nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare] = READUINT8(save_p); data->nightsrecords[i]->time[curmare] = (tic_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (data->nightsrecords[i]->grade[curmare] > GRADE_S) { I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (invalid grade)"); } } data->nightsrecords[i]->nummares = recmares; } // Mid-map stuff unlocktriggers = READUINT32(save_p); for (i = 0; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { if ((recmares = READUINT8(save_p)) == 0) continue; for (curmare = 0; curmare < (recmares+1); ++curmare) { ntemprecords[i].score[curmare] = READUINT32(save_p); ntemprecords[i].grade[curmare] = READUINT8(save_p); ntemprecords[i].time[curmare] = (tic_t)READUINT32(save_p); if (ntemprecords[i].grade[curmare] > GRADE_S) { I_Error("Bad $$$.sav dearchiving Emblems (invalid temp grade)"); } } ntemprecords[i].nummares = recmares; } } static inline void P_ArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency(void) { UINT8 i, banksinuse = NUM_LUABANKS; while (banksinuse && !luabanks[banksinuse-1]) banksinuse--; // get the last used bank if (banksinuse) { WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0xb7); // luabanks marker WRITEUINT8(save_p, banksinuse); for (i = 0; i < banksinuse; i++) WRITEINT32(save_p, luabanks[i]); } WRITEUINT8(save_p, 0x1d); // consistency marker } static inline boolean P_UnArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency(void) { switch (READUINT8(save_p)) { case 0xb7: // luabanks marker { UINT8 i, banksinuse = READUINT8(save_p); if (banksinuse > NUM_LUABANKS) { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Corrupt Luabanks! (Too many banks in use)\n")); return false; } for (i = 0; i < banksinuse; i++) luabanks[i] = READINT32(save_p); if (READUINT8(save_p) != 0x1d) // consistency marker { CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Corrupt Luabanks! (Failed consistency check)\n")); return false; } } case 0x1d: // consistency marker break; default: // anything else is nonsense CONS_Alert(CONS_ERROR, M_GetText("Failed consistency check (???)\n")); return false; } return true; } void P_SaveGame(INT16 mapnum) { P_ArchiveMisc(mapnum); P_ArchivePlayer(); P_ArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency(); } void P_SaveNetGame(boolean resending) { thinker_t *th; mobj_t *mobj; INT32 i = 1; // don't start from 0, it'd be confused with a blank pointer otherwise CV_SaveNetVars(&save_p); P_NetArchiveMisc(resending); P_NetArchiveEmblems(); // Assign the mobjnumber for pointer tracking for (th = thlist[THINK_MOBJ].next; th != &thlist[THINK_MOBJ]; th = th->next) { if (th->function.acp1 == (actionf_p1)P_RemoveThinkerDelayed) continue; mobj = (mobj_t *)th; if (mobj->type == MT_HOOP || mobj->type == MT_HOOPCOLLIDE || mobj->type == MT_HOOPCENTER) continue; mobj->mobjnum = i++; } P_NetArchivePlayers(); if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { P_NetArchiveWorld(); P_ArchivePolyObjects(); P_NetArchiveThinkers(); P_NetArchiveSpecials(); P_NetArchiveColormaps(); P_NetArchiveWaypoints(); } LUA_Archive(); P_ArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency(); } boolean P_LoadGame(INT16 mapoverride) { if (gamestate == GS_INTERMISSION) Y_EndIntermission(); G_SetGamestate(GS_NULL); // should be changed in P_UnArchiveMisc P_UnArchiveSPGame(mapoverride); P_UnArchivePlayer(); if (!P_UnArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency()) return false; // Only do this after confirming savegame is ok G_DeferedInitNew(false, G_BuildMapName(gamemap), savedata.skin, false, true); COM_BufAddText("dummyconsvar 1\n"); // G_DeferedInitNew doesn't do this return true; } boolean P_LoadNetGame(boolean reloading) { CV_LoadNetVars(&save_p); if (!P_NetUnArchiveMisc(reloading)) return false; P_NetUnArchiveEmblems(); P_NetUnArchivePlayers(); if (gamestate == GS_LEVEL) { P_NetUnArchiveWorld(); P_UnArchivePolyObjects(); P_NetUnArchiveThinkers(); P_NetUnArchiveSpecials(); P_NetUnArchiveColormaps(); P_NetUnArchiveWaypoints(); P_RelinkPointers(); P_FinishMobjs(); } LUA_UnArchive(); // This is stupid and hacky, but maybe it'll work! P_SetRandSeed(P_GetInitSeed()); // The precipitation would normally be spawned in P_SetupLevel, which is called by // P_NetUnArchiveMisc above. However, that would place it up before P_NetUnArchiveThinkers, // so the thinkers would be deleted later. Therefore, P_SetupLevel will *not* spawn // precipitation when loading a netgame save. Instead, precip has to be spawned here. // This is done in P_NetUnArchiveSpecials now. return P_UnArchiveLuabanksAndConsistency(); }