// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file d_clisrv.h /// \brief high level networking stuff #ifndef __D_CLISRV__ #define __D_CLISRV__ #include "d_ticcmd.h" #include "d_netcmd.h" #include "tables.h" #include "d_player.h" // Network play related stuff. // There is a data struct that stores network // communication related stuff, and another // one that defines the actual packets to // be transmitted. // Networking and tick handling related. #define BACKUPTICS 32 #define MAXTEXTCMD 256 // // Packet structure // typedef enum { PT_NOTHING, // To send a nop through the network. ^_~ PT_SERVERCFG, // Server config used in start game // (must stay 1 for backwards compatibility). // This is a positive response to a CLIENTJOIN request. PT_CLIENTCMD, // Ticcmd of the client. PT_CLIENTMIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from. PT_CLIENT2CMD, // 2 cmds in the packet for splitscreen. PT_CLIENT2MIS, // Same as above with but saying resend from PT_NODEKEEPALIVE, // Same but without ticcmd and consistancy PT_NODEKEEPALIVEMIS, PT_SERVERTICS, // All cmds for the tic. PT_SERVERREFUSE, // Server refuses joiner (reason inside). PT_SERVERSHUTDOWN, PT_CLIENTQUIT, // Client closes the connection. PT_ASKINFO, // Anyone can ask info of the server. PT_SERVERINFO, // Send game & server info (gamespy). PT_PLAYERINFO, // Send information for players in game (gamespy). PT_REQUESTFILE, // Client requests a file transfer PT_ASKINFOVIAMS, // Packet from the MS requesting info be sent to new client. // If this ID changes, update masterserver definition. PT_RESYNCHEND, // Player is now resynched and is being requested to remake the gametic PT_RESYNCHGET, // Player got resynch packet // Add non-PT_CANFAIL packet types here to avoid breaking MS compatibility. PT_CANFAIL, // This is kind of a priority. Anything bigger than CANFAIL // allows HSendPacket(*, true, *, *) to return false. // In addition, this packet can't occupy all the available slots. PT_FILEFRAGMENT = PT_CANFAIL, // A part of a file. PT_TEXTCMD, // Extra text commands from the client. PT_TEXTCMD2, // Splitscreen text commands. PT_CLIENTJOIN, // Client wants to join; used in start game. PT_NODETIMEOUT, // Packet sent to self if the connection times out. PT_RESYNCHING, // Packet sent to resync players. // Blocks game advance until synched. #ifdef NEWPING PT_PING, // Packet sent to tell clients the other client's latency to server. #endif NUMPACKETTYPE } packettype_t; #ifdef PACKETDROP void Command_Drop(void); void Command_Droprate(void); #endif #ifdef _DEBUG void Command_Numnodes(void); #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack(1) #endif // Client to server packet typedef struct { UINT8 client_tic; UINT8 resendfrom; INT16 consistancy; ticcmd_t cmd; } ATTRPACK clientcmd_pak; // Splitscreen packet // WARNING: must have the same format of clientcmd_pak, for more easy use typedef struct { UINT8 client_tic; UINT8 resendfrom; INT16 consistancy; ticcmd_t cmd, cmd2; } ATTRPACK client2cmd_pak; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4200) #endif // Server to client packet // this packet is too large typedef struct { UINT8 starttic; UINT8 numtics; UINT8 numslots; // "Slots filled": Highest player number in use plus one. ticcmd_t cmds[45]; // Normally [BACKUPTIC][MAXPLAYERS] but too large } ATTRPACK servertics_pak; // Sent to client when all consistency data // for players has been restored typedef struct { UINT32 randomseed; // CTF flag stuff SINT8 flagplayer[2]; INT32 flagloose[2]; INT32 flagflags[2]; fixed_t flagx[2]; fixed_t flagy[2]; fixed_t flagz[2]; UINT32 ingame; // Spectator bit for each player UINT32 outofcoop; // outofcoop bit for each player INT32 ctfteam[MAXPLAYERS]; // Which team? (can't be 1 bit, since in regular Match there are no teams) // Resynch game scores and the like all at once UINT32 score[MAXPLAYERS]; // Everyone's score INT16 numboxes[MAXPLAYERS]; INT16 totalring[MAXPLAYERS]; tic_t realtime[MAXPLAYERS]; UINT8 laps[MAXPLAYERS]; } ATTRPACK resynchend_pak; typedef struct { // Player stuff UINT8 playernum; // Do not send anything visual related. // Only send data that we need to know for physics. UINT8 playerstate; // playerstate_t UINT32 pflags; // pflags_t UINT8 panim; // panim_t angle_t aiming; INT32 currentweapon; INT32 ringweapons; UINT16 powers[NUMPOWERS]; // Score is resynched in the confirm resync packet INT16 rings; INT16 spheres; SINT8 lives; SINT8 continues; UINT8 scoreadd; SINT8 xtralife; SINT8 pity; UINT8 skincolor; INT32 skin; UINT32 availabilities; // Just in case Lua does something like // modify these at runtime fixed_t camerascale; fixed_t shieldscale; fixed_t normalspeed; fixed_t runspeed; UINT8 thrustfactor; UINT8 accelstart; UINT8 acceleration; UINT8 charability; UINT8 charability2; UINT32 charflags; UINT32 thokitem; // mobjtype_t UINT32 spinitem; // mobjtype_t UINT32 revitem; // mobjtype_t UINT32 followitem; // mobjtype_t fixed_t actionspd; fixed_t mindash; fixed_t maxdash; fixed_t jumpfactor; fixed_t playerheight; fixed_t playerspinheight; fixed_t speed; UINT8 secondjump; UINT8 fly1; tic_t glidetime; UINT8 climbing; INT32 deadtimer; tic_t exiting; UINT8 homing; tic_t dashmode; tic_t skidtime; fixed_t cmomx; fixed_t cmomy; fixed_t rmomx; fixed_t rmomy; INT32 weapondelay; INT32 tossdelay; INT16 starpostx; INT16 starposty; INT16 starpostz; INT32 starpostnum; tic_t starposttime; angle_t starpostangle; INT32 maxlink; fixed_t dashspeed; angle_t angle_pos; angle_t old_angle_pos; tic_t bumpertime; INT32 flyangle; tic_t drilltimer; INT32 linkcount; tic_t linktimer; INT32 anotherflyangle; tic_t nightstime; INT32 drillmeter; UINT8 drilldelay; UINT8 bonustime; UINT8 mare; INT16 lastsidehit, lastlinehit; tic_t losstime; UINT8 timeshit; INT32 onconveyor; //player->mo stuff UINT8 hasmo; // Boolean INT32 health; angle_t angle; fixed_t x; fixed_t y; fixed_t z; fixed_t momx; fixed_t momy; fixed_t momz; fixed_t friction; fixed_t movefactor; INT32 tics; statenum_t statenum; UINT32 flags; UINT32 flags2; UINT16 eflags; fixed_t radius; fixed_t height; fixed_t scale; fixed_t destscale; fixed_t scalespeed; } ATTRPACK resynch_pak; typedef struct { UINT8 version; // Different versions don't work UINT8 subversion; // Contains build version // Server launch stuffs UINT8 serverplayer; UINT8 totalslotnum; // "Slots": highest player number in use plus one. tic_t gametic; UINT8 clientnode; UINT8 gamestate; // 0xFF == not in game; else player skin num UINT8 playerskins[MAXPLAYERS]; UINT8 playercolor[MAXPLAYERS]; UINT32 playeravailabilities[MAXPLAYERS]; UINT8 gametype; UINT8 modifiedgame; SINT8 adminplayer; // Needs to be signed char server_context[8]; // Unique context id, generated at server startup. UINT8 varlengthinputs[0]; // Playernames and netvars } ATTRPACK serverconfig_pak; typedef struct { UINT8 fileid; UINT32 position; UINT16 size; UINT8 data[0]; // Size is variable using hardware_MAXPACKETLENGTH } ATTRPACK filetx_pak; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default : 4200) #endif typedef struct { UINT8 version; // Different versions don't work UINT8 subversion; // Contains build version UINT8 localplayers; UINT8 mode; } ATTRPACK clientconfig_pak; #define MAXSERVERNAME 32 #define MAXFILENEEDED 915 // This packet is too large typedef struct { UINT8 version; UINT8 subversion; UINT8 numberofplayer; UINT8 maxplayer; UINT8 gametype; UINT8 modifiedgame; UINT8 cheatsenabled; UINT8 isdedicated; UINT8 fileneedednum; SINT8 adminplayer; tic_t time; tic_t leveltime; char servername[MAXSERVERNAME]; char mapname[8]; char maptitle[33]; unsigned char mapmd5[16]; UINT8 actnum; UINT8 iszone; UINT8 fileneeded[MAXFILENEEDED]; // is filled with writexxx (byteptr.h) } ATTRPACK serverinfo_pak; typedef struct { char reason[255]; } ATTRPACK serverrefuse_pak; typedef struct { UINT8 version; tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation } ATTRPACK askinfo_pak; typedef struct { char clientaddr[22]; tic_t time; // used for ping evaluation } ATTRPACK msaskinfo_pak; // Shorter player information for external use. typedef struct { UINT8 node; char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; UINT8 address[4]; // sending another string would run us up against MAXPACKETLENGTH UINT8 team; UINT8 skin; UINT8 data; // Color is first four bits, hasflag, isit and issuper have one bit each, the last is unused. UINT32 score; UINT16 timeinserver; // In seconds. } ATTRPACK plrinfo; // Shortest player information for join during intermission. typedef struct { char name[MAXPLAYERNAME+1]; UINT8 skin; UINT8 color; UINT32 pflags; UINT32 score; UINT8 ctfteam; } ATTRPACK plrconfig; // // Network packet data // typedef struct { UINT32 checksum; UINT8 ack; // If not zero the node asks for acknowledgement, the receiver must resend the ack UINT8 ackreturn; // The return of the ack number UINT8 packettype; UINT8 reserved; // Padding union { clientcmd_pak clientpak; // 144 bytes client2cmd_pak client2pak; // 200 bytes servertics_pak serverpak; // 132495 bytes (more around 360, no?) serverconfig_pak servercfg; // 773 bytes resynchend_pak resynchend; // resynch_pak resynchpak; // UINT8 resynchgot; // UINT8 textcmd[MAXTEXTCMD+1]; // 66049 bytes (wut??? 64k??? More like 257 bytes...) filetx_pak filetxpak; // 139 bytes clientconfig_pak clientcfg; // 136 bytes serverinfo_pak serverinfo; // 1024 bytes serverrefuse_pak serverrefuse; // 65025 bytes (somehow I feel like those values are garbage...) askinfo_pak askinfo; // 61 bytes msaskinfo_pak msaskinfo; // 22 bytes plrinfo playerinfo[MAXPLAYERS]; // 1152 bytes (I'd say 36~38) plrconfig playerconfig[MAXPLAYERS]; // (up to) 896 bytes (welp they ARE) #ifdef NEWPING UINT32 pingtable[MAXPLAYERS]; // 128 bytes #endif } u; // This is needed to pack diff packet types data together } ATTRPACK doomdata_t; #if defined(_MSC_VER) #pragma pack() #endif #define MAXSERVERLIST 64 // Depends only on the display typedef struct { SINT8 node; serverinfo_pak info; } serverelem_t; extern serverelem_t serverlist[MAXSERVERLIST]; extern UINT32 serverlistcount; extern INT32 mapchangepending; // Points inside doomcom extern doomdata_t *netbuffer; extern consvar_t cv_playbackspeed; #define BASEPACKETSIZE ((size_t)&(((doomdata_t *)0)->u)) #define FILETXHEADER ((size_t)((filetx_pak *)0)->data) #define BASESERVERTICSSIZE ((size_t)&(((doomdata_t *)0)->u.serverpak.cmds[0])) #define KICK_MSG_GO_AWAY 1 #define KICK_MSG_CON_FAIL 2 #define KICK_MSG_PLAYER_QUIT 3 #define KICK_MSG_TIMEOUT 4 #define KICK_MSG_BANNED 5 #ifdef NEWPING #define KICK_MSG_PING_HIGH 6 #endif #define KICK_MSG_CUSTOM_KICK 7 #define KICK_MSG_CUSTOM_BAN 8 typedef enum { KR_KICK = 1, //Kicked by server KR_PINGLIMIT = 2, //Broke Ping Limit KR_SYNCH = 3, //Synch Failure KR_TIMEOUT = 4, //Connection Timeout KR_BAN = 5, //Banned by server KR_LEAVE = 6, //Quit the game } kickreason_t; extern boolean server; #define client (!server) extern boolean dedicated; // For dedicated server extern UINT16 software_MAXPACKETLENGTH; extern boolean acceptnewnode; extern SINT8 servernode; void Command_Ping_f(void); extern tic_t connectiontimeout; extern tic_t jointimeout; #ifdef NEWPING extern UINT16 pingmeasurecount; extern UINT32 realpingtable[MAXPLAYERS]; extern UINT32 playerpingtable[MAXPLAYERS]; #endif extern consvar_t cv_joinnextround, cv_allownewplayer, cv_maxplayers, cv_resynchattempts, cv_blamecfail, cv_maxsend, cv_noticedownload, cv_downloadspeed; // Used in d_net, the only dependence tic_t ExpandTics(INT32 low); void D_ClientServerInit(void); // Initialise the other field void RegisterNetXCmd(netxcmd_t id, void (*cmd_f)(UINT8 **p, INT32 playernum)); void SendNetXCmd(netxcmd_t id, const void *param, size_t nparam); void SendNetXCmd2(netxcmd_t id, const void *param, size_t nparam); // splitsreen player // Create any new ticcmds and broadcast to other players. void NetUpdate(void); void SV_StartSinglePlayerServer(void); boolean SV_SpawnServer(void); void SV_SpawnPlayer(INT32 playernum, INT32 x, INT32 y, angle_t angle); void SV_StopServer(void); void SV_ResetServer(void); void CL_AddSplitscreenPlayer(void); void CL_RemoveSplitscreenPlayer(void); void CL_Reset(void); void CL_ClearPlayer(INT32 playernum); void CL_UpdateServerList(boolean internetsearch, INT32 room); // Is there a game running boolean Playing(void); // Broadcasts special packets to other players // to notify of game exit void D_QuitNetGame(void); //? How many ticks to run? void TryRunTics(tic_t realtic); // extra data for lmps // these functions scare me. they contain magic. /*boolean AddLmpExtradata(UINT8 **demo_p, INT32 playernum); void ReadLmpExtraData(UINT8 **demo_pointer, INT32 playernum);*/ #ifndef NONET // translate a playername in a player number return -1 if not found and // print a error message in the console SINT8 nametonum(const char *name); #endif extern char motd[254], server_context[8]; extern UINT8 playernode[MAXPLAYERS]; INT32 D_NumPlayers(void); void D_ResetTiccmds(void); tic_t GetLag(INT32 node); UINT8 GetFreeXCmdSize(void); extern UINT8 hu_resynching; #endif