/* From the 'Wizard2' engine by Spaddlewit Inc. ( http://www.spaddlewit.com ) An experimental work-in-progress. Donated to Sonic Team Junior and adapted to work with Sonic Robo Blast 2. The license of this code matches whatever the licensing is for Sonic Robo Blast 2. */ #include #include #include #include "../doomdef.h" #include "hw_md2load.h" #include "hw_model.h" #include "../z_zone.h" #define NUMVERTEXNORMALS 162 // Quake 2 normals are indexed. Use avertexnormals[normalindex][x/y/z] and // you'll have your normals. float avertexnormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3] = { {-0.525731f, 0.000000f, 0.850651f}, {-0.442863f, 0.238856f, 0.864188f}, {-0.295242f, 0.000000f, 0.955423f}, {-0.309017f, 0.500000f, 0.809017f}, {-0.162460f, 0.262866f, 0.951056f}, {0.000000f, 0.000000f, 1.000000f}, {0.000000f, 0.850651f, 0.525731f}, {-0.147621f, 0.716567f, 0.681718f}, {0.147621f, 0.716567f, 0.681718f}, {0.000000f, 0.525731f, 0.850651f}, {0.309017f, 0.500000f, 0.809017f}, {0.525731f, 0.000000f, 0.850651f}, {0.295242f, 0.000000f, 0.955423f}, {0.442863f, 0.238856f, 0.864188f}, {0.162460f, 0.262866f, 0.951056f}, {-0.681718f, 0.147621f, 0.716567f}, {-0.809017f, 0.309017f, 0.500000f}, {-0.587785f, 0.425325f, 0.688191f}, {-0.850651f, 0.525731f, 0.000000f}, {-0.864188f, 0.442863f, 0.238856f}, {-0.716567f, 0.681718f, 0.147621f}, {-0.688191f, 0.587785f, 0.425325f}, {-0.500000f, 0.809017f, 0.309017f}, {-0.238856f, 0.864188f, 0.442863f}, {-0.425325f, 0.688191f, 0.587785f}, {-0.716567f, 0.681718f, -0.147621f}, {-0.500000f, 0.809017f, -0.309017f}, {-0.525731f, 0.850651f, 0.000000f}, {0.000000f, 0.850651f, -0.525731f}, {-0.238856f, 0.864188f, -0.442863f}, {0.000000f, 0.955423f, -0.295242f}, {-0.262866f, 0.951056f, -0.162460f}, {0.000000f, 1.000000f, 0.000000f}, {0.000000f, 0.955423f, 0.295242f}, {-0.262866f, 0.951056f, 0.162460f}, {0.238856f, 0.864188f, 0.442863f}, {0.262866f, 0.951056f, 0.162460f}, {0.500000f, 0.809017f, 0.309017f}, {0.238856f, 0.864188f, -0.442863f}, {0.262866f, 0.951056f, -0.162460f}, {0.500000f, 0.809017f, -0.309017f}, {0.850651f, 0.525731f, 0.000000f}, {0.716567f, 0.681718f, 0.147621f}, {0.716567f, 0.681718f, -0.147621f}, {0.525731f, 0.850651f, 0.000000f}, {0.425325f, 0.688191f, 0.587785f}, {0.864188f, 0.442863f, 0.238856f}, {0.688191f, 0.587785f, 0.425325f}, {0.809017f, 0.309017f, 0.500000f}, {0.681718f, 0.147621f, 0.716567f}, {0.587785f, 0.425325f, 0.688191f}, {0.955423f, 0.295242f, 0.000000f}, {1.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f}, {0.951056f, 0.162460f, 0.262866f}, {0.850651f, -0.525731f, 0.000000f}, {0.955423f, -0.295242f, 0.000000f}, {0.864188f, -0.442863f, 0.238856f}, {0.951056f, -0.162460f, 0.262866f}, {0.809017f, -0.309017f, 0.500000f}, {0.681718f, -0.147621f, 0.716567f}, {0.850651f, 0.000000f, 0.525731f}, {0.864188f, 0.442863f, -0.238856f}, {0.809017f, 0.309017f, -0.500000f}, {0.951056f, 0.162460f, -0.262866f}, {0.525731f, 0.000000f, -0.850651f}, {0.681718f, 0.147621f, -0.716567f}, {0.681718f, -0.147621f, -0.716567f}, {0.850651f, 0.000000f, -0.525731f}, {0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f}, {0.864188f, -0.442863f, -0.238856f}, {0.951056f, -0.162460f, -0.262866f}, {0.147621f, 0.716567f, -0.681718f}, {0.309017f, 0.500000f, -0.809017f}, {0.425325f, 0.688191f, -0.587785f}, {0.442863f, 0.238856f, -0.864188f}, {0.587785f, 0.425325f, -0.688191f}, {0.688191f, 0.587785f, -0.425325f}, {-0.147621f, 0.716567f, -0.681718f}, {-0.309017f, 0.500000f, -0.809017f}, {0.000000f, 0.525731f, -0.850651f}, {-0.525731f, 0.000000f, -0.850651f}, {-0.442863f, 0.238856f, -0.864188f}, {-0.295242f, 0.000000f, -0.955423f}, {-0.162460f, 0.262866f, -0.951056f}, {0.000000f, 0.000000f, -1.000000f}, {0.295242f, 0.000000f, -0.955423f}, {0.162460f, 0.262866f, -0.951056f}, {-0.442863f, -0.238856f, -0.864188f}, {-0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f}, {-0.162460f, -0.262866f, -0.951056f}, {0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f}, {-0.147621f, -0.716567f, -0.681718f}, {0.147621f, -0.716567f, -0.681718f}, {0.000000f, -0.525731f, -0.850651f}, {0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f}, {0.442863f, -0.238856f, -0.864188f}, {0.162460f, -0.262866f, -0.951056f}, {0.238856f, -0.864188f, -0.442863f}, {0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f}, {0.425325f, -0.688191f, -0.587785f}, {0.716567f, -0.681718f, -0.147621f}, {0.688191f, -0.587785f, -0.425325f}, {0.587785f, -0.425325f, -0.688191f}, {0.000000f, -0.955423f, -0.295242f}, {0.000000f, -1.000000f, 0.000000f}, {0.262866f, -0.951056f, -0.162460f}, {0.000000f, -0.850651f, 0.525731f}, {0.000000f, -0.955423f, 0.295242f}, {0.238856f, -0.864188f, 0.442863f}, {0.262866f, -0.951056f, 0.162460f}, {0.500000f, -0.809017f, 0.309017f}, {0.716567f, -0.681718f, 0.147621f}, {0.525731f, -0.850651f, 0.000000f}, {-0.238856f, -0.864188f, -0.442863f}, {-0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f}, {-0.262866f, -0.951056f, -0.162460f}, {-0.850651f, -0.525731f, 0.000000f}, {-0.716567f, -0.681718f, -0.147621f}, {-0.716567f, -0.681718f, 0.147621f}, {-0.525731f, -0.850651f, 0.000000f}, {-0.500000f, -0.809017f, 0.309017f}, {-0.238856f, -0.864188f, 0.442863f}, {-0.262866f, -0.951056f, 0.162460f}, {-0.864188f, -0.442863f, 0.238856f}, {-0.809017f, -0.309017f, 0.500000f}, {-0.688191f, -0.587785f, 0.425325f}, {-0.681718f, -0.147621f, 0.716567f}, {-0.442863f, -0.238856f, 0.864188f}, {-0.587785f, -0.425325f, 0.688191f}, {-0.309017f, -0.500000f, 0.809017f}, {-0.147621f, -0.716567f, 0.681718f}, {-0.425325f, -0.688191f, 0.587785f}, {-0.162460f, -0.262866f, 0.951056f}, {0.442863f, -0.238856f, 0.864188f}, {0.162460f, -0.262866f, 0.951056f}, {0.309017f, -0.500000f, 0.809017f}, {0.147621f, -0.716567f, 0.681718f}, {0.000000f, -0.525731f, 0.850651f}, {0.425325f, -0.688191f, 0.587785f}, {0.587785f, -0.425325f, 0.688191f}, {0.688191f, -0.587785f, 0.425325f}, {-0.955423f, 0.295242f, 0.000000f}, {-0.951056f, 0.162460f, 0.262866f}, {-1.000000f, 0.000000f, 0.000000f}, {-0.850651f, 0.000000f, 0.525731f}, {-0.955423f, -0.295242f, 0.000000f}, {-0.951056f, -0.162460f, 0.262866f}, {-0.864188f, 0.442863f, -0.238856f}, {-0.951056f, 0.162460f, -0.262866f}, {-0.809017f, 0.309017f, -0.500000f}, {-0.864188f, -0.442863f, -0.238856f}, {-0.951056f, -0.162460f, -0.262866f}, {-0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f}, {-0.681718f, 0.147621f, -0.716567f}, {-0.681718f, -0.147621f, -0.716567f}, {-0.850651f, 0.000000f, -0.525731f}, {-0.688191f, 0.587785f, -0.425325f}, {-0.587785f, 0.425325f, -0.688191f}, {-0.425325f, 0.688191f, -0.587785f}, {-0.425325f, -0.688191f, -0.587785f}, {-0.587785f, -0.425325f, -0.688191f}, {-0.688191f, -0.587785f, -0.425325f}, }; typedef struct { int ident; // A "magic number" that's used to identify the .md2 file int version; // The version of the file, always 8 int skinwidth; // Width of the skin(s) in pixels int skinheight; // Height of the skin(s) in pixels int framesize; // Size of each frame in bytes int numSkins; // Number of skins with the model int numXYZ; // Number of vertices in each frame int numST; // Number of texture coordinates in each frame. int numTris; // Number of triangles in each frame int numGLcmds; // Number of dwords (4 bytes) in the gl command list. int numFrames; // Number of frames int offsetSkins; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the list of skin names. int offsetST; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the list of texture coordinates int offsetTris; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the list of triangles int offsetFrames; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the list of frames int offsetGLcmds; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the list of gl commands int offsetEnd; // Offset, in bytes from the start of the file, to the end of the file (filesize) } md2header_t; typedef struct { unsigned short meshIndex[3]; // indices into the array of vertices in each frames unsigned short stIndex[3]; // indices into the array of texture coordinates } md2triangle_t; typedef struct { short s; short t; } md2texcoord_t; typedef struct { unsigned char v[3]; // Scaled vertices. You'll need to multiply them with scale[x] to make them normal. unsigned char lightNormalIndex; // Index to the array of normals } md2vertex_t; typedef struct { float scale[3]; // Used by the v member in the md2framePoint structure float translate[3]; // Used by the v member in the md2framePoint structure char name[16]; // Name of the frame } md2frame_t; // Load the model model_t *MD2_LoadModel(const char *fileName, int ztag, boolean useFloat) { FILE *f; model_t *retModel = NULL; md2header_t *header; size_t fileLen; int i, j; size_t namelen; char *texturefilename; const char *texPos; char *buffer; const float WUNITS = 1.0f; float dataScale = WUNITS; md2triangle_t *tris; md2texcoord_t *texcoords; md2frame_t *frames; char *fname = NULL; int t; // MD2 currently does not work with tinyframes, so force useFloat = true // // // the UV coordinates in MD2 are not compatible with glDrawElements like MD3 is. So they need to be loaded as full float. // // MD2 is intended to be draw in triangle strips and fans // not very compatible with a modern GL implementation, either // so the idea would be to full float expand it, and put it in a vertex buffer object // I'm sure there's a way to convert the UVs to 'tinyframes', but maybe that's a job for someone else. // You'd have to decompress the model, then recompress, reindexing the triangles and weeding out duplicate coordinates // I already have the decompression work done useFloat = true; f = fopen(fileName, "rb"); if (!f) return NULL; retModel = (model_t*)Z_Calloc(sizeof(model_t), ztag, 0); //size_t fileLen; //int i, j; //size_t namelen; //char *texturefilename; texPos = strchr(fileName, '/'); if (texPos) { texPos++; namelen = strlen(texPos) + 1; texturefilename = (char*)Z_Malloc(namelen, PU_CACHE, 0); strcpy(texturefilename, texPos); } else { namelen = strlen(fileName) + 1; texturefilename = (char*)Z_Malloc(namelen, PU_CACHE, 0); strcpy(texturefilename, fileName); } texturefilename[namelen - 2] = 'z'; texturefilename[namelen - 3] = 'u'; texturefilename[namelen - 4] = 'b'; // find length of file fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fileLen = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); // read in file buffer = malloc(fileLen); if (fread(buffer, fileLen, 1, f)) { } // squash ignored fread error fclose(f); // get pointer to file header header = (md2header_t*)buffer; retModel->numMeshes = 1; // MD2 only has one mesh retModel->meshes = (mesh_t*)Z_Calloc(sizeof(mesh_t) * retModel->numMeshes, ztag, 0); retModel->meshes[0].numFrames = header->numFrames; // const float WUNITS = 1.0f; // float dataScale = WUNITS; // Tris and ST are simple structures that can be straight-copied tris = (md2triangle_t*)&buffer[header->offsetTris]; texcoords = (md2texcoord_t*)&buffer[header->offsetST]; frames = (md2frame_t*)&buffer[header->offsetFrames]; retModel->framenames = (char*)Z_Calloc(header->numFrames*16, ztag, 0); fname = retModel->framenames; for (i = 0; i < header->numFrames; i++) { memcpy(fname, frames->name, 16); fname += 16; frames++; } // Read in textures retModel->numMaterials = header->numSkins; if (retModel->numMaterials <= 0) // Always at least one skin, duh retModel->numMaterials = 1; retModel->materials = (material_t*)Z_Calloc(sizeof(material_t)*retModel->numMaterials, ztag, 0); // int t; for (t = 0; t < retModel->numMaterials; t++) { retModel->materials[t].ambient[0] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].ambient[1] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].ambient[2] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].ambient[3] = 1.0f; retModel->materials[t].diffuse[0] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].diffuse[1] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].diffuse[2] = 0.8f; retModel->materials[t].diffuse[3] = 1.0f; retModel->materials[t].emissive[0] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].emissive[1] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].emissive[2] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].emissive[3] = 1.0f; retModel->materials[t].specular[0] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].specular[1] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].specular[2] = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].specular[3] = 1.0f; retModel->materials[t].shininess = 0.0f; retModel->materials[t].spheremap = false; /* retModel->materials[t].texture = Texture::ReadTexture((char*)texturefilename, ZT_TEXTURE); if (!systemSucks) { // Check for a normal map...?? char openfilename[1024]; char normalMapName[1024]; strcpy(normalMapName, texturefilename); size_t len = strlen(normalMapName); char *ptr = &normalMapName[len]; ptr--; // z ptr--; // u ptr--; // b ptr--; // . *ptr++ = '_'; *ptr++ = 'n'; *ptr++ = '.'; *ptr++ = 'b'; *ptr++ = 'u'; *ptr++ = 'z'; *ptr++ = '\0'; sprintf(openfilename, "%s/%s", "textures", normalMapName); // Convert backslashes to forward slashes for (int k = 0; k < 1024; k++) { if (openfilename[k] == '\0') break; if (openfilename[k] == '\\') openfilename[k] = '/'; } Resource::resource_t *res = Resource::Open(openfilename); if (res) { Resource::Close(res); retModel->materials[t].lightmap = Texture::ReadTexture(normalMapName, ZT_TEXTURE); } }*/ } retModel->meshes[0].numTriangles = header->numTris; if (!useFloat) // Decompress to MD3 'tinyframe' space { char *ptr; md2triangle_t *trisPtr; unsigned short *indexptr; float *uvptr; dataScale = 0.015624f; // 1 / 64.0f retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes = (tinyframe_t*)Z_Calloc(sizeof(tinyframe_t)*header->numFrames, ztag, 0); retModel->meshes[0].numVertices = header->numXYZ; retModel->meshes[0].uvs = (float*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(float) * 2 * retModel->meshes[0].numVertices, ztag, 0); ptr = (char*)frames; for (i = 0; i < header->numFrames; i++, ptr += header->framesize) { short *vertptr; char *normptr; // char *tanptr; md2vertex_t *vertex; md2frame_t *framePtr = (md2frame_t*)ptr; retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].vertices = (short*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(short) * 3 * header->numXYZ, ztag, 0); retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].normals = (char*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(char) * 3 * header->numXYZ, ztag, 0); // if (retModel->materials[0].lightmap) // retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].tangents = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char));//(char*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(char)*3*header->numVerts, ztag); retModel->meshes[0].indices = (unsigned short*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(unsigned short) * 3 * header->numTris, ztag, 0); vertptr = retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].vertices; normptr = retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].normals; // tanptr = retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].tangents; retModel->meshes[0].tinyframes[i].material = &retModel->materials[0]; framePtr++; // Advance to vertex list vertex = (md2vertex_t*)framePtr; framePtr--; for (j = 0; j < header->numXYZ; j++, vertex++) { *vertptr = (short)(((vertex->v[0] * framePtr->scale[0]) + framePtr->translate[0]) / dataScale); vertptr++; *vertptr = (short)(((vertex->v[2] * framePtr->scale[2]) + framePtr->translate[2]) / dataScale); vertptr++; *vertptr = -1.0f * (short)(((vertex->v[1] * framePtr->scale[1]) + framePtr->translate[1]) / dataScale); vertptr++; // Normal *normptr++ = (char)(avertexnormals[vertex->lightNormalIndex][0] * 127); *normptr++ = (char)(avertexnormals[vertex->lightNormalIndex][2] * 127); *normptr++ = (char)(avertexnormals[vertex->lightNormalIndex][1] * 127); } } // This doesn't need to be done every frame! trisPtr = tris; indexptr = retModel->meshes[0].indices; uvptr = (float*)retModel->meshes[0].uvs; for (j = 0; j < header->numTris; j++, trisPtr++) { *indexptr = trisPtr->meshIndex[0]; indexptr++; *indexptr = trisPtr->meshIndex[1]; indexptr++; *indexptr = trisPtr->meshIndex[2]; indexptr++; uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[0] * 2] = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[0]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[0] * 2 + 1] = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[0]].t / (float)header->skinheight); uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[1] * 2] = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[1]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[1] * 2 + 1] = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[1]].t / (float)header->skinheight); uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[2] * 2] = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[2]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; uvptr[trisPtr->meshIndex[2] * 2 + 1] = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[2]].t / (float)header->skinheight); } } else // Full float loading method { md2triangle_t *trisPtr; float *uvptr; char *ptr; retModel->meshes[0].numVertices = header->numTris * 3; retModel->meshes[0].frames = (mdlframe_t*)Z_Calloc(sizeof(mdlframe_t)*header->numFrames, ztag, 0); retModel->meshes[0].uvs = (float*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(float) * 2 * retModel->meshes[0].numVertices, ztag, 0); trisPtr = tris; uvptr = retModel->meshes[0].uvs; for (i = 0; i < retModel->meshes[0].numTriangles; i++, trisPtr++) { *uvptr++ = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[0]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; *uvptr++ = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[0]].t / (float)header->skinheight); *uvptr++ = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[1]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; *uvptr++ = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[1]].t / (float)header->skinheight); *uvptr++ = texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[2]].s / (float)header->skinwidth; *uvptr++ = (texcoords[trisPtr->stIndex[2]].t / (float)header->skinheight); } ptr = (char*)frames; for (i = 0; i < header->numFrames; i++, ptr += header->framesize) { float *vertptr, *normptr; md2vertex_t *vertex; md2frame_t *framePtr = (md2frame_t*)ptr; retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].normals = (float*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(float) * 3 * header->numTris * 3, ztag, 0); retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].vertices = (float*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(float) * 3 * header->numTris * 3, ztag, 0); // if (retModel->materials[0].lightmap) // retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].tangents = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float));//(float*)Z_Malloc(sizeof(float)*3*header->numTris*3, ztag); //float *vertptr, *normptr; normptr = (float*)retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].normals; vertptr = (float*)retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].vertices; trisPtr = tris; retModel->meshes[0].frames[i].material = &retModel->materials[0]; framePtr++; // Advance to vertex list vertex = (md2vertex_t*)framePtr; framePtr--; for (j = 0; j < header->numTris; j++, trisPtr++) { *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].v[0] * framePtr->scale[0]) + framePtr->translate[0]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].v[2] * framePtr->scale[2]) + framePtr->translate[2]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = -1.0f * ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].v[1] * framePtr->scale[1]) + framePtr->translate[1]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].v[0] * framePtr->scale[0]) + framePtr->translate[0]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].v[2] * framePtr->scale[2]) + framePtr->translate[2]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = -1.0f * ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].v[1] * framePtr->scale[1]) + framePtr->translate[1]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].v[0] * framePtr->scale[0]) + framePtr->translate[0]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].v[2] * framePtr->scale[2]) + framePtr->translate[2]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *vertptr = -1.0f * ((vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].v[1] * framePtr->scale[1]) + framePtr->translate[1]) * WUNITS; vertptr++; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].lightNormalIndex][0]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].lightNormalIndex][2]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[0]].lightNormalIndex][1]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].lightNormalIndex][0]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].lightNormalIndex][2]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[1]].lightNormalIndex][1]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].lightNormalIndex][0]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].lightNormalIndex][2]; *normptr++ = avertexnormals[vertex[trisPtr->meshIndex[2]].lightNormalIndex][1]; } } } free(buffer); return retModel; }