// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 2012-2016 by John "JTE" Muniz. // Copyright (C) 2012-2024 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file lua_hooklib.c /// \brief hooks for Lua scripting #include "doomdef.h" #include "doomstat.h" #include "p_mobj.h" #include "g_game.h" #include "r_skins.h" #include "b_bot.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "lua_script.h" #include "lua_libs.h" #include "lua_hook.h" #include "lua_hud.h" // hud_running errors #include "m_perfstats.h" #include "netcode/d_netcmd.h" // for cv_perfstats #include "i_system.h" // I_GetPreciseTime /* ========================================================================= ABSTRACTION ========================================================================= */ #define LIST(id, M) \ static const char * const id [] = { M (TOSTR) NULL } LIST (mobjHookNames, MOBJ_HOOK_LIST); LIST (hookNames, HOOK_LIST); LIST (hudHookNames, HUD_HOOK_LIST); LIST (stringHookNames, STRING_HOOK_LIST); #undef LIST typedef struct { int numHooks; int *ids; } hook_t; typedef struct { int numGeneric; int ref; } stringhook_t; static hook_t hookIds[HOOK(MAX)]; static hook_t hudHookIds[HUD_HOOK(MAX)]; static hook_t mobjHookIds[NUMMOBJTYPES][MOBJ_HOOK(MAX)]; // Lua tables are used to lookup string hook ids. static stringhook_t stringHooks[STRING_HOOK(MAX)]; // This will be indexed by hook id, the value of which fetches the registry. static int * hookRefs; static int nextid; // After a hook errors once, don't print the error again. static UINT8 * hooksErrored; static int errorRef; static boolean mobj_hook_available(int hook_type, mobjtype_t mobj_type) { return ( mobjHookIds [MT_NULL] [hook_type].numHooks > 0 || (mobj_type < NUMMOBJTYPES && mobjHookIds[mobj_type][hook_type].numHooks > 0) ); } static unsigned hook_in_list ( const char * const name, const char * const * const list ){ unsigned type; for (type = 0; list[type] != NULL; ++type) { if (strcmp(name, list[type]) == 0) break; } return type; } static void get_table(lua_State *L) { lua_pushvalue(L, -1); lua_rawget(L, -3); if (lua_isnil(L, -1)) { lua_pop(L, 1); lua_createtable(L, 1, 0); lua_pushvalue(L, -2); lua_pushvalue(L, -2); lua_rawset(L, -5); } lua_remove(L, -2); } static void add_hook_to_table(lua_State *L, int n) { lua_pushnumber(L, nextid); lua_rawseti(L, -2, n); } static void add_string_hook(lua_State *L, int type) { stringhook_t * hook = &stringHooks[type]; char * string = NULL; switch (type) { case STRING_HOOK(BotAI): case STRING_HOOK(ShouldJingleContinue): if (lua_isstring(L, 3)) { // lowercase copy string = Z_StrDup(lua_tostring(L, 3)); strlwr(string); } break; case STRING_HOOK(LinedefExecute): string = Z_StrDup(luaL_checkstring(L, 3)); strupr(string); break; } if (hook->ref > 0) lua_getref(L, hook->ref); else { lua_newtable(L); lua_pushvalue(L, -1); hook->ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } if (string) { lua_pushstring(L, string); get_table(L); add_hook_to_table(L, 1 + lua_objlen(L, -1)); } else add_hook_to_table(L, ++hook->numGeneric); } static void add_hook(hook_t *map) { Z_Realloc(map->ids, (map->numHooks + 1) * sizeof *map->ids, PU_STATIC, &map->ids); map->ids[map->numHooks++] = nextid; } static void add_mobj_hook(lua_State *L, int hook_type) { mobjtype_t mobj_type = luaL_optnumber(L, 3, MT_NULL); luaL_argcheck(L, mobj_type < NUMMOBJTYPES, 3, "invalid mobjtype_t"); add_hook(&mobjHookIds[mobj_type][hook_type]); } static void add_hud_hook(lua_State *L, int idx) { add_hook(&hudHookIds[luaL_checkoption(L, idx, "game", hudHookNames)]); } static void add_hook_ref(lua_State *L, int idx) { if (!(nextid & 7)) { Z_Realloc(hooksErrored, BIT_ARRAY_SIZE (nextid + 1) * sizeof *hooksErrored, PU_STATIC, &hooksErrored); hooksErrored[nextid >> 3] = 0; } Z_Realloc(hookRefs, (nextid + 1) * sizeof *hookRefs, PU_STATIC, &hookRefs); // set the hook function in the registry. lua_pushvalue(L, idx); hookRefs[nextid++] = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); } // Takes hook, function, and additional arguments (mobj type to act on, etc.) static int lib_addHook(lua_State *L) { const char * name; unsigned type; if (!lua_lumploading) return luaL_error(L, "This function cannot be called from within a hook or coroutine!"); name = luaL_checkstring(L, 1); luaL_checktype(L, 2, LUA_TFUNCTION); /* this is a very special case */ if (( type = hook_in_list(name, stringHookNames) ) < STRING_HOOK(MAX)) { add_string_hook(L, type); } else if (( type = hook_in_list(name, mobjHookNames) ) < MOBJ_HOOK(MAX)) { add_mobj_hook(L, type); } else if (( type = hook_in_list(name, hookNames) ) < HOOK(MAX)) { add_hook(&hookIds[type]); } else if (strcmp(name, "HUD") == 0) { add_hud_hook(L, 3); } else { return luaL_argerror(L, 1, lua_pushfstring(L, "invalid hook " LUA_QS, name)); } add_hook_ref(L, 2);/* the function */ return 0; } int LUA_HookLib(lua_State *L) { lua_pushcfunction(L, LUA_GetErrorMessage); errorRef = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); lua_register(L, "addHook", lib_addHook); return 0; } /* TODO: remove in next backwards incompatible release */ int lib_hudadd(lua_State *L);/* yeah compiler */ int lib_hudadd(lua_State *L) { if (!lua_lumploading) return luaL_error(L, "This function cannot be called from within a hook or coroutine!"); luaL_checktype(L, 1, LUA_TFUNCTION); add_hud_hook(L, 2); add_hook_ref(L, 1); return 0; } typedef struct Hook_State Hook_State; typedef void (*Hook_Callback)(Hook_State *); struct Hook_State { INT32 status;/* return status to calling function */ void * userdata; int hook_type; mobjtype_t mobj_type;/* >0 if mobj hook */ const char * string;/* used to fetch table, ran first if set */ int top;/* index of last argument passed to hook */ int id;/* id to fetch ref */ int values;/* num arguments passed to hook */ int results;/* num values returned by hook */ Hook_Callback results_handler;/* callback when hook successfully returns */ }; enum { EINDEX = 1,/* error handler */ SINDEX = 2,/* string itself is pushed in case of string hook */ }; static void push_error_handler(void) { lua_getref(gL, errorRef); } /* repush hook string */ static void push_string(void) { lua_pushvalue(gL, SINDEX); } static boolean begin_hook_values(Hook_State *hook) { hook->top = lua_gettop(gL); return true; } static void start_hook_stack(void) { lua_settop(gL, 0); push_error_handler(); } static boolean init_hook_type ( Hook_State * hook, int status, int hook_type, mobjtype_t mobj_type, const char * string, int nonzero ){ hook->status = status; if (nonzero) { start_hook_stack(); hook->hook_type = hook_type; hook->mobj_type = mobj_type; hook->string = string; return begin_hook_values(hook); } else return false; } static boolean prepare_hook ( Hook_State * hook, int default_status, int hook_type ){ return init_hook_type(hook, default_status, hook_type, 0, NULL, hookIds[hook_type].numHooks); } static boolean prepare_mobj_hook ( Hook_State * hook, int default_status, int hook_type, mobj_t * primary_mobj ){ const mobjtype_t mobj_type = primary_mobj ? primary_mobj->type : NUMMOBJTYPES; #ifdef PARANOIA if (mobj_type == MT_NULL) I_Error("MT_NULL has been passed to a mobj hook\n"); #endif return init_hook_type(hook, default_status, hook_type, mobj_type, NULL, mobj_hook_available(hook_type, mobj_type)); } static boolean prepare_string_hook ( Hook_State * hook, int default_status, int hook_type, const char * string ){ if (init_hook_type(hook, default_status, hook_type, 0, string, stringHooks[hook_type].ref)) { lua_pushstring(gL, string); return begin_hook_values(hook); } else return false; } static boolean prepare_hud_hook ( Hook_State * hook, int default_status, int hook_type ){ return init_hook_type(hook, default_status, hook_type, 0, NULL, hudHookIds[hook_type].numHooks); } static void init_hook_call ( Hook_State * hook, int results, Hook_Callback results_handler ){ const int top = lua_gettop(gL); hook->values = (top - hook->top); hook->top = top; hook->results = results; hook->results_handler = results_handler; } static void get_hook(Hook_State *hook, const int *ids, int n) { hook->id = ids[n]; lua_getref(gL, hookRefs[hook->id]); } static void get_hook_from_table(Hook_State *hook, int n) { lua_rawgeti(gL, -1, n); hook->id = lua_tonumber(gL, -1); lua_pop(gL, 1); lua_getref(gL, hookRefs[hook->id]); } static int call_single_hook_no_copy(Hook_State *hook) { if (lua_pcall(gL, hook->values, hook->results, EINDEX) == 0) { if (hook->results > 0) { (*hook->results_handler)(hook); lua_pop(gL, hook->results); } } else { /* print the error message once */ if (cv_debug & DBG_LUA || !in_bit_array(hooksErrored, hook->id)) { CONS_Alert(CONS_WARNING, "%s\n", lua_tostring(gL, -1)); set_bit_array(hooksErrored, hook->id); } lua_pop(gL, 1); } return 1; } static int call_single_hook(Hook_State *hook) { int i; for (i = -(hook->values) + 1; i <= 0; ++i) lua_pushvalue(gL, hook->top + i); return call_single_hook_no_copy(hook); } static int call_hook_table_for(Hook_State *hook, int n) { int k; for (k = 1; k <= n; ++k) { get_hook_from_table(hook, k); call_single_hook(hook); } return n; } static int call_hook_table(Hook_State *hook) { return call_hook_table_for(hook, lua_objlen(gL, -1)); } static int call_mapped(Hook_State *hook, const hook_t *map) { int k; for (k = 0; k < map->numHooks; ++k) { get_hook(hook, map->ids, k); call_single_hook(hook); } return map->numHooks; } static int call_string_hooks(Hook_State *hook) { const stringhook_t *map = &stringHooks[hook->hook_type]; int calls = 0; lua_getref(gL, map->ref); /* call generic string hooks first */ calls += call_hook_table_for(hook, map->numGeneric); push_string(); lua_rawget(gL, -2); calls += call_hook_table(hook); return calls; } static int call_mobj_type_hooks(Hook_State *hook, mobjtype_t mobj_type) { int numCalls = call_mapped(hook, &mobjHookIds[mobj_type][hook->hook_type]); if (numCalls > 0 && mobj_type == MT_NULL && ( hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjThinker ) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjCollide ) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjLineCollide) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjMoveCollide) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjFuse ) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjThinker ) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(BossThinker ) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(MobjMoveBlocked) || hook->hook_type == MOBJ_HOOK(FollowMobj ) )) LUA_UsageWarning(L, va( "%s hooks not attached to a specific mobj type are deprecated and will be removed.", mobjHookNames[hook->hook_type]) ); return numCalls; } static void call_hud_hooks ( Hook_State * hook, int results, Hook_Callback results_handler ){ hud_running = true; // local hook init_hook_call(hook, results, results_handler); call_mapped(hook, &hudHookIds[hook->hook_type]); hud_running = false; lua_pushnil(gL); lua_setfield(gL, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "HUD_DRAW_LIST"); } static int call_hooks ( Hook_State * hook, int results, Hook_Callback results_handler ){ int calls = 0; init_hook_call(hook, results, results_handler); if (hook->string) { calls += call_string_hooks(hook); } else if (hook->mobj_type > 0) { /* call generic mobj hooks first */ calls += call_mobj_type_hooks(hook, MT_NULL); if (hook->mobj_type < NUMMOBJTYPES) calls += call_mobj_type_hooks(hook, hook->mobj_type); ps_lua_mobjhooks.value.i += calls; } else calls += call_mapped(hook, &hookIds[hook->hook_type]); lua_settop(gL, 0); return calls; } /* ========================================================================= COMMON RESULT HANDLERS ========================================================================= */ #define res_none NULL static void res_true(Hook_State *hook) { if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1)) hook->status = true; } static void res_false(Hook_State *hook) { if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1) && !lua_toboolean(gL, -1)) hook->status = false; } static void res_force(Hook_State *hook) { if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1)) { if (lua_toboolean(gL, -1)) hook->status = 1; // Force yes else hook->status = 2; // Force no } } /* ========================================================================= GENERALISED HOOKS ========================================================================= */ int LUA_HookMobj(mobj_t *mobj, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, false, hook_type, mobj)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mobj, META_MOBJ); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } int LUA_Hook2Mobj(mobj_t *t1, mobj_t *t2, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, 0, hook_type, t1)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, t1, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, t2, META_MOBJ); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_force); } return hook.status; } void LUA_HookVoid(int type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, type)) call_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } void LUA_HookInt(INT32 number, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, hook_type)) { lua_pushinteger(gL, number); call_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } } void LUA_HookBool(boolean value, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, hook_type)) { lua_pushboolean(gL, value); call_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } } int LUA_HookPlayer(player_t *player, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, false, hook_type)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookTiccmd(player_t *player, ticcmd_t *cmd, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, false, hook_type)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, cmd, META_TICCMD); if (hook_type == HOOK(PlayerCmd)) hook_cmd_running = true; call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); if (hook_type == HOOK(PlayerCmd)) hook_cmd_running = false; } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookKey(event_t *event, int hook_type) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, false, hook_type)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, event, META_KEYEVENT); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } void LUA_HookHUD(int hook_type, huddrawlist_h list) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hud_hook(&hook, 0, hook_type)) { LUA_SetHudHook(hook_type, list); call_hud_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } } int LUA_HookCharacterHUD ( int hook_type, huddrawlist_h list, player_t *player, fixed_t x, fixed_t y, fixed_t scale, INT32 skinIndex, UINT8 sprite2, UINT8 frame, UINT8 rotation, skincolornum_t color, INT32 ticker, boolean mode ){ Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hud_hook(&hook, false, hook_type)) { LUA_SetHudHook(hook_type, list); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); lua_pushfixed(gL, x); lua_pushfixed(gL, y); lua_pushfixed(gL, scale); lua_pushstring(gL, skins[skinIndex]->name); lua_pushinteger(gL, sprite2); lua_pushinteger(gL, frame); lua_pushinteger(gL, rotation); lua_pushinteger(gL, color); lua_pushinteger(gL, ticker); lua_pushboolean(gL, mode); call_hud_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } /* ========================================================================= SPECIALIZED HOOKS ========================================================================= */ static void hook_think_frame(int type) { // variables used by perf stats int hook_index = 0; precise_t time_taken = 0; Hook_State hook; const hook_t * map = &hookIds[type]; int k; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, type)) { init_hook_call(&hook, 0, res_none); for (k = 0; k < map->numHooks; ++k) { get_hook(&hook, map->ids, k); if (cv_perfstats.value >= 3) { lua_pushvalue(gL, -1);/* need the function again */ time_taken = I_GetPreciseTime(); } call_single_hook(&hook); if (cv_perfstats.value >= 3) { lua_Debug ar; time_taken = I_GetPreciseTime() - time_taken; lua_getinfo(gL, ">S", &ar); if (type == 4) // sorry for magic numbers PS_SetPreThinkFrameHookInfo(hook_index, time_taken, ar.short_src); else if (type == 5) PS_SetThinkFrameHookInfo(hook_index, time_taken, ar.short_src); else if (type == 6) PS_SetPostThinkFrameHookInfo(hook_index, time_taken, ar.short_src); hook_index++; } } lua_settop(gL, 0); } } void LUA_HookPreThinkFrame(void) { hook_think_frame(HOOK(PreThinkFrame)); } void LUA_HookThinkFrame(void) { hook_think_frame(HOOK(ThinkFrame)); } void LUA_HookPostThinkFrame(void) { hook_think_frame(HOOK(PostThinkFrame)); } int LUA_HookMobjLineCollide(mobj_t *mobj, line_t *line) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, 0, MOBJ_HOOK(MobjLineCollide), mobj)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mobj, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, line, META_LINE); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_force); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookTouchSpecial(mobj_t *special, mobj_t *toucher) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, false, MOBJ_HOOK(TouchSpecial), special)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, special, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, toucher, META_MOBJ); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } static int damage_hook ( mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage, UINT8 damagetype, int hook_type, Hook_Callback results_handler ){ Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, 0, hook_type, target)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, target, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ); if (hook_type != MOBJ_HOOK(MobjDeath)) lua_pushinteger(gL, damage); lua_pushinteger(gL, damagetype); call_hooks(&hook, 1, results_handler); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookShouldDamage(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage, UINT8 damagetype) { return damage_hook(target, inflictor, source, damage, damagetype, MOBJ_HOOK(ShouldDamage), res_force); } int LUA_HookMobjDamage(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, INT32 damage, UINT8 damagetype) { return damage_hook(target, inflictor, source, damage, damagetype, MOBJ_HOOK(MobjDamage), res_true); } int LUA_HookMobjDeath(mobj_t *target, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, UINT8 damagetype) { return damage_hook(target, inflictor, source, 0, damagetype, MOBJ_HOOK(MobjDeath), res_true); } int LUA_HookMobjMoveBlocked(mobj_t *t1, mobj_t *t2, line_t *line) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, 0, MOBJ_HOOK(MobjMoveBlocked), t1)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, t1, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, t2, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, line, META_LINE); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } typedef struct { mobj_t * tails; ticcmd_t * cmd; } BotAI_State; static boolean checkbotkey(const char *field) { return lua_toboolean(gL, -1) && strcmp(lua_tostring(gL, -2), field) == 0; } static void res_botai(Hook_State *hook) { BotAI_State *botai = hook->userdata; int k[8]; int fields = 0; // This turns forward, backward, left, right, jump, and spin into a proper ticcmd for tails. if (lua_istable(gL, -8)) { lua_pushnil(gL); // key while (lua_next(gL, -9)) { #define CHECK(n, f) (checkbotkey(f) ? (k[(n)-1] = 1) : 0) if ( CHECK(1, "forward") || CHECK(2, "backward") || CHECK(3, "left") || CHECK(4, "right") || CHECK(5, "strafeleft") || CHECK(6, "straferight") || CHECK(7, "jump") || CHECK(8, "spin") ){ if (8 <= ++fields) { lua_pop(gL, 2); // pop key and value break; } } lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop value #undef CHECK } } else { while (fields < 8) { k[fields] = lua_toboolean(gL, -8 + fields); fields++; } } B_KeysToTiccmd(botai->tails, botai->cmd, k[0],k[1],k[2],k[3],k[4],k[5],k[6],k[7]); hook->status = true; } int LUA_HookBotAI(mobj_t *sonic, mobj_t *tails, ticcmd_t *cmd) { const char *skin = ((skin_t *)tails->skin)->name; Hook_State hook; BotAI_State botai; if (prepare_string_hook(&hook, false, STRING_HOOK(BotAI), skin)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, sonic, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, tails, META_MOBJ); botai.tails = tails; botai.cmd = cmd; hook.userdata = &botai; call_hooks(&hook, 8, res_botai); } return hook.status; } void LUA_HookLinedefExecute(line_t *line, mobj_t *mo, sector_t *sector) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_string_hook (&hook, 0, STRING_HOOK(LinedefExecute), line->stringargs[0])) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, line, META_LINE); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mo, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, sector, META_SECTOR); ps_lua_mobjhooks.value.i += call_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } } int LUA_HookPlayerMsg(int source, int target, int flags, char *msg) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, false, HOOK(PlayerMsg))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, &players[source], META_PLAYER); // Source player if (flags & 2 /*HU_CSAY*/) { // csay TODO: make HU_CSAY accessible outside hu_stuff.c lua_pushinteger(gL, 3); // type lua_pushnil(gL); // target } else if (target == -1) { // sayteam lua_pushinteger(gL, 1); // type lua_pushnil(gL); // target } else if (target == 0) { // say lua_pushinteger(gL, 0); // type lua_pushnil(gL); // target } else { // sayto lua_pushinteger(gL, 2); // type LUA_PushUserdata(gL, &players[target-1], META_PLAYER); // target } lua_pushstring(gL, msg); // msg call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookHurtMsg(player_t *player, mobj_t *inflictor, mobj_t *source, UINT8 damagetype) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, false, MOBJ_HOOK(HurtMsg), inflictor)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, inflictor, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, source, META_MOBJ); lua_pushinteger(gL, damagetype); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } void LUA_HookNetArchive(lua_CFunction archFunc) { const hook_t * map = &hookIds[HOOK(NetVars)]; Hook_State hook; /* this is a remarkable case where the stack isn't reset */ if (map->numHooks > 0) { // stack: tables I_Assert(lua_gettop(gL) > 0); I_Assert(lua_istable(gL, -1)); push_error_handler(); lua_insert(gL, EINDEX); begin_hook_values(&hook); // tables becomes an upvalue of archFunc lua_pushvalue(gL, -1); lua_pushcclosure(gL, archFunc, 1); // stack: tables, archFunc init_hook_call(&hook, 0, res_none); call_mapped(&hook, map); lua_pop(gL, 1); // pop archFunc lua_remove(gL, EINDEX); // pop error handler // stack: tables } } int LUA_HookMapThingSpawn(mobj_t *mobj, mapthing_t *mthing) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, false, MOBJ_HOOK(MapThingSpawn), mobj)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mobj, META_MOBJ); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mthing, META_MAPTHING); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookFollowMobj(player_t *player, mobj_t *mobj) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_mobj_hook(&hook, false, MOBJ_HOOK(FollowMobj), mobj)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mobj, META_MOBJ); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookPlayerCanDamage(player_t *player, mobj_t *mobj) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, HOOK(PlayerCanDamage))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, mobj, META_MOBJ); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_force); } return hook.status; } void LUA_HookPlayerQuit(player_t *plr, kickreason_t reason) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, HOOK(PlayerQuit))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, plr, META_PLAYER); // Player that quit lua_pushinteger(gL, reason); // Reason for quitting call_hooks(&hook, 0, res_none); } } int LUA_HookTeamSwitch(player_t *player, int newteam, boolean fromspectators, boolean tryingautobalance, boolean tryingscramble) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, true, HOOK(TeamSwitch))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); lua_pushinteger(gL, newteam); lua_pushboolean(gL, fromspectators); lua_pushboolean(gL, tryingautobalance); lua_pushboolean(gL, tryingscramble); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_false); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookViewpointSwitch(player_t *player, player_t *newdisplayplayer, boolean forced) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, HOOK(ViewpointSwitch))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, newdisplayplayer, META_PLAYER); lua_pushboolean(gL, forced); hud_running = true; // local hook call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_force); hud_running = false; } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookSeenPlayer(player_t *player, player_t *seenfriend) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, true, HOOK(SeenPlayer))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); LUA_PushUserdata(gL, seenfriend, META_PLAYER); hud_running = true; // local hook call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_false); hud_running = false; } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookShouldJingleContinue(player_t *player, const char *musname) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_string_hook (&hook, false, STRING_HOOK(ShouldJingleContinue), musname)) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); push_string(); hud_running = true; // local hook call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_true); hud_running = false; } return hook.status; } boolean hook_cmd_running = false; static void update_music_name(struct MusicChange *musicchange) { size_t length; const char * new = lua_tolstring(gL, -6, &length); if (length < 7) { strcpy(musicchange->newname, new); lua_pushvalue(gL, -6);/* may as well keep it for next call */ } else { memcpy(musicchange->newname, new, 6); musicchange->newname[6] = '\0'; lua_pushlstring(gL, new, 6); } lua_replace(gL, -7); } static void res_musicchange(Hook_State *hook) { struct MusicChange *musicchange = hook->userdata; // output 1: true, false, or string musicname override if (lua_isstring(gL, -6)) update_music_name(musicchange); else if (lua_isboolean(gL, -6) && lua_toboolean(gL, -6)) hook->status = true; // output 2: mflags override if (lua_isnumber(gL, -5)) *musicchange->mflags = lua_tonumber(gL, -5); // output 3: looping override if (lua_isboolean(gL, -4)) *musicchange->looping = lua_toboolean(gL, -4); // output 4: position override if (lua_isnumber(gL, -3)) *musicchange->position = lua_tonumber(gL, -3); // output 5: prefadems override if (lua_isnumber(gL, -2)) *musicchange->prefadems = lua_tonumber(gL, -2); // output 6: fadeinms override if (lua_isnumber(gL, -1)) *musicchange->fadeinms = lua_tonumber(gL, -1); } int LUA_HookMusicChange(const char *oldname, struct MusicChange *param) { const int type = HOOK(MusicChange); const hook_t * map = &hookIds[type]; Hook_State hook; int k; if (prepare_hook(&hook, false, type)) { init_hook_call(&hook, 6, res_musicchange); hook.values = 7;/* values pushed later */ hook.userdata = param; lua_pushstring(gL, oldname);/* the only constant value */ lua_pushstring(gL, param->newname);/* semi constant */ for (k = 0; k < map->numHooks; ++k) { get_hook(&hook, map->ids, k); lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); lua_pushvalue(gL, -3); lua_pushinteger(gL, *param->mflags); lua_pushboolean(gL, *param->looping); lua_pushinteger(gL, *param->position); lua_pushinteger(gL, *param->prefadems); lua_pushinteger(gL, *param->fadeinms); call_single_hook_no_copy(&hook); } lua_settop(gL, 0); } return hook.status; } static void res_playerheight(Hook_State *hook) { if (!lua_isnil(gL, -1)) { fixed_t returnedheight = lua_tonumber(gL, -1); // 0 height has... strange results, but it's not problematic like negative heights are. // when an object's height is set to a negative number directly with lua, it's forced to 0 instead. // here, I think it's better to ignore negatives so that they don't replace any results of previous hooks! if (returnedheight >= 0) hook->status = returnedheight; } } fixed_t LUA_HookPlayerHeight(player_t *player) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, -1, HOOK(PlayerHeight))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_playerheight); } return hook.status; } int LUA_HookPlayerCanEnterSpinGaps(player_t *player) { Hook_State hook; if (prepare_hook(&hook, 0, HOOK(PlayerCanEnterSpinGaps))) { LUA_PushUserdata(gL, player, META_PLAYER); call_hooks(&hook, 1, res_force); } return hook.status; }