# GNU Makefile for SRB2 # the poly3 Makefile adapted over and over... # # Copyright 1998-2000 DooM Legacy Team. # Copyright 2020-2023 James R. # Copyright 2003-2023 Sonic Team Junior. # # This program is free software distributed under the # terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. # See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. # # Special targets: # # clean - remove executables and objects for this build # cleandep - remove dependency files for this build # distclean - remove entire executable, object and # dependency file directory structure. # dump - disassemble executable # info - print settings # # This Makefile can automatically detect the host system # as well as the compiler version. If system or compiler # version cannot be detected, you may need to set a flag # manually. # # On Windows machines, 32-bit Windows is always targetted. # # Platform/system flags: # # LINUX=1, LINUX64=1 # MINGW=1, MINGW64=1 - Windows (MinGW toolchain) # UNIX=1 - Generic Unix like system # FREEBSD=1 # SDL=1 - Use SDL backend. SDL is the only implemented backend though. # If disabled, a dummy backend will be used. # # A list of supported GCC versions can be found in # Makefile.d/detect.mk -- search 'gcc_versions'. # # Feature flags: # # Safe to use online # ------------------ # NO_IPV6=1 - Disable IPv6 address support. # NOHW=1 - Disable OpenGL renderer. # ZDEBUG=1 - Enable more detailed memory debugging # HAVE_MINIUPNPC=1 - Enable automated port forwarding. # Already enabled by default for 32-bit # Windows. # NOPNG=1 - Disable PNG graphics support. (TODO: double # check netplay compatible.) # NOCURL=1 - Disable libcurl--HTTP capability. # NOGME=1 - Disable game music emu, retro VGM support. # NOOPENMPT=1 - Disable module (tracker) music support. # NOMIXER=1 - Disable SDL Mixer (audio playback). # NOMIXERX=1 - Forgo SDL Mixer X--revert to standard SDL # Mixer. Mixer X is the default for Windows # builds. # HAVE_MIXERX=1 - Enable SDL Mixer X. Outside of Windows # builds, SDL Mixer X is not the default. # NOTHREADS=1 - Disable multithreading. # # Netplay incompatible # -------------------- # NONET=1 - Disable online capability. # NOMD5=1 - Disable MD5 checksum (validation tool). # NOPOSTPROCESSING=1 - ? # MOBJCONSISTANCY=1 - ?? # PACKETDROP=1 - ?? # DEBUGMODE=1 - Enable various debugging capabilities. # Also disables optimizations. # NOZLIB=1 - Disable some compression capability. Implies # NOPNG=1. # # Development flags: # # VALGRIND=1 - Enable Valgrind memory debugging support. # PROFILEMODE=1 - Enable performance profiling (gprof). # # General flags for building: # # STATIC=1 - Use static linking. # DISTCC=1 # CCACHE=1 # UPX= - UPX command to use for compressing final # executable. # WINDOWSHELL=1 - Use Windows commands. # PREFIX= - Prefix to many commands, for cross compiling. # STABS=1 - ? # ECHO=1 - Print out each command in the build process. # NOECHOFILENAMES=1 - Don't print out each that is being # worked on. # SILENT=1 - Print absolutely nothing except errors. # RELAXWARNINGS=1 - Use less compiler warnings/errors. # ERRORMODE=1 - Treat most compiler warnings as errors. # NOCASTALIGNWARN=1 - ? # NOLDWARNING=1 - ? # NOSDLMAIN=1 - ? # SDLMAIN=1 - ? # # Library configuration flags: # Everything here is an override. # # PNG_PKGCONFIG= - libpng-config command. # PNG_CFLAGS=, PNG_LDFLAGS= # # CURLCONFIG= - curl-config command. # CURL_CFLAGS=, CURL_LDFLAGS= # # VALGRIND_PKGCONFIG= - pkg-config package name. # VALGRIND_CFLAGS=, VALGRIND_LDFLAGS= # # LIBGME_PKGCONFIG=, LIBGME_CFLAGS=, LIBGME_LDFLAGS= # LIBOPENMPT_PKGCONFIG= # LIBOPENMPT_CFLAGS=, LIBOPENMPT_LDFLAGS= # # ZLIB_PKGCONFIG=, ZLIB_CFLAGS=, ZLIB_LDFLAGS= # # SDL_PKGCONFIG= # SDL_CONFIG= - sdl-config command. # SDL_CFLAGS=, SDL_LDFLAGS= clean_targets=cleandep clean distclean info .PHONY : $(clean_targets) all goals:=$(or $(MAKECMDGOALS),all) cleanonly:=$(filter $(clean_targets),$(goals)) destructive:=$(filter-out info,$(cleanonly)) ifndef cleanonly include Makefile.d/old.mk endif include Makefile.d/util.mk ifdef PREFIX CC:=$(PREFIX)-gcc endif OBJDUMP_OPTS?=--wide --source --line-numbers OBJCOPY:=$(call Prefix,objcopy) OBJDUMP:=$(call Prefix,objdump) WINDRES:=$(call Prefix,windres) GZIP?=gzip GZIP_OPTS?=-9 -f -n ifdef WINDOWSHELL GZIP_OPTS+=--rsyncable endif UPX_OPTS?=--best --preserve-build-id ifndef ECHO UPX_OPTS+=-qq endif include Makefile.d/detect.mk # make would try to remove the implicitly made directories .PRECIOUS : %/ comptime.c sources:= makedir:=../make # -DCOMPVERSION: flag to use comptime.h opts:=-DCOMPVERSION -g libs:= # This is a list of variables names, of which if defined, # also defines the name as a macro to the compiler. passthru_opts:= include Makefile.d/platform.mk include Makefile.d/features.mk include Makefile.d/versions.mk ifdef DEBUGMODE makedir:=$(makedir)/debug endif depdir:=$(makedir)/deps objdir:=$(makedir)/objs # very sophisticated dependency sources+=\ $(call List,Sourcefile)\ $(call List,blua/Sourcefile)\ depends:=$(basename $(filter %.c %.s,$(sources))) objects:=$(basename $(filter %.c %.s %.nas,$(sources))) depends:=$(depends:%=$(depdir)/%.d) # comptime.o added directly to objects instead of thru # sources because comptime.c includes comptime.h, but # comptime.h may not exist yet. It's a headache so this is # easier. objects:=$(objects:=.o) comptime.o # windows resource file rc_file:=$(basename $(filter %.rc,$(sources))) ifdef rc_file objects+=$(rc_file:=.res) endif objects:=$(addprefix $(objdir)/,$(objects)) ifdef DEBUGMODE bin:=../bin/debug else bin:=../bin endif # default EXENAME (usually set by platform) EXENAME?=srb2 DBGNAME?=$(EXENAME).debug exe:=$(bin)/$(EXENAME) dbg:=$(bin)/$(DBGNAME) build_done==== Build is done, look for \ $( $@ $(.)$(GZIP) $(GZIP_OPTS) $@ # '::' means run unconditionally # this really updates comptime.h comptime.c :: ifdef WINDOWSHELL -$(.)..\comptime.bat . else -$(.)../comptime.sh . endif # I wish I could make dependencies out of rc files :( $(objdir)/win32/Srb2win.res : \ win32/afxres.h win32/resource.h # dependency recipe template # 1: source file suffix # 2: extra flags to gcc define _recipe = $(depdir)/%.d : %.$(1) | $$$$(@D)/ ifndef WINDOWSHELL ifdef Echo_name @printf '%-20.20s\r' $$< endif endif $(.)$(cc) -MM -MF $$@ -MT $(objdir)/$$*.o $(2) $$< endef $(eval $(call _recipe,c)) $(eval $(call _recipe,s,$(asflags))) # compiling recipe template # 1: target file suffix # 2: source file suffix # 3: compile command define _recipe = $(objdir)/%.$(1) : %.$(2) | $$$$(@D)/ $(call Echo_name,$$<) $(.)$(3) endef $(eval $(call _recipe,o,c,$(cc) -c -o $$@ $$<)) $(eval $(call _recipe,o,s,$(cc) $(asflags) -c -o $$@ $$<)) $(eval $(call _recipe,res,rc,$(windres) -i $$< -o $$@)) _rm=$(.)$(rmrf) $(call Windows_path,$(1)) cleandep : $(call _rm,$(depends) comptime.h) clean : $(call _rm,$(exe) $(dbg) $(dbg).txt $(objects)) distclean : $(call _rm,../bin ../objs ../dep ../make comptime.h) info: ifdef WINDOWSHELL @REM else @: endif #$(warning The handwritten GNU Makefile for SRB2 is deprecated, and may be removed in the future. Please consider switching to CMake.)