// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2016 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file  d_netcmd.h
/// \brief host/client network commands
///        commands are executed through the command buffer
///        like console commands

#ifndef __D_NETCMD__
#define __D_NETCMD__

#include "command.h"

// console vars
extern consvar_t cv_playername;
extern consvar_t cv_playercolor;
extern consvar_t cv_seenames, cv_allowseenames;
extern consvar_t cv_usemouse;
extern consvar_t cv_usejoystick;
extern consvar_t cv_usejoystick2;
extern consvar_t cv_joyport;
extern consvar_t cv_joyport2;
extern consvar_t cv_joyscale;
extern consvar_t cv_joyscale2;
extern consvar_t cv_controlperkey;

// splitscreen with second mouse
extern consvar_t cv_mouse2port;
extern consvar_t cv_usemouse2;
#if (defined (__unix__) && !defined (MSDOS)) || defined (UNIXCOMMON)
extern consvar_t cv_mouse2opt;
extern consvar_t cv_invertmouse2;
extern consvar_t cv_alwaysfreelook2;
extern consvar_t cv_mousemove2;
extern consvar_t cv_mousesens2;
extern consvar_t cv_mouseysens2;

// normally in p_mobj but the .h is not read
extern consvar_t cv_itemrespawntime;
extern consvar_t cv_itemrespawn;

extern consvar_t cv_flagtime;
extern consvar_t cv_suddendeath;

extern consvar_t cv_skin;

// secondary splitscreen player
extern consvar_t cv_playername2;
extern consvar_t cv_playercolor2;
extern consvar_t cv_skin2;

extern consvar_t cv_touchtag;
extern consvar_t cv_hidetime;

extern consvar_t cv_friendlyfire;
extern consvar_t cv_pointlimit;
extern consvar_t cv_timelimit;
extern consvar_t cv_numlaps;
extern consvar_t cv_usemapnumlaps;
extern UINT32 timelimitintics;
extern consvar_t cv_allowexitlevel;

extern consvar_t cv_hazardlog;

extern consvar_t cv_autobalance;
extern consvar_t cv_teamscramble;
extern consvar_t cv_scrambleonchange;

extern consvar_t cv_useranalog, cv_useranalog2;
extern consvar_t cv_analog, cv_analog2;

extern consvar_t cv_netstat;
extern consvar_t cv_splats;

extern consvar_t cv_countdowntime;
extern consvar_t cv_runscripts;
extern consvar_t cv_mute;
extern consvar_t cv_killingdead;
extern consvar_t cv_pause;

extern consvar_t cv_restrictskinchange, cv_allowteamchange, cv_respawntime;

extern consvar_t cv_teleporters, cv_superring, cv_supersneakers, cv_invincibility;
extern consvar_t cv_jumpshield, cv_watershield, cv_ringshield, cv_forceshield, cv_bombshield;
extern consvar_t cv_1up, cv_eggmanbox;
extern consvar_t cv_recycler;

extern consvar_t cv_itemfinder;

extern consvar_t cv_inttime, cv_advancemap, cv_playersforexit;
extern consvar_t cv_soniccd;
extern consvar_t cv_match_scoring;
extern consvar_t cv_overtime;
extern consvar_t cv_startinglives;

// for F_finale.c
extern consvar_t cv_rollingdemos;

extern consvar_t cv_resetmusic;

extern consvar_t cv_ringslinger, cv_soundtest;

extern consvar_t cv_specialrings, cv_powerstones, cv_matchboxes, cv_competitionboxes;

#ifdef NEWPING
extern consvar_t cv_maxping;

extern consvar_t cv_skipmapcheck;

extern consvar_t cv_sleep, cv_screenshot_option, cv_screenshot_folder;

extern consvar_t cv_moviemode;

extern consvar_t cv_zlib_level, cv_zlib_memory, cv_zlib_strategy;

extern consvar_t cv_zlib_window_bits, cv_zlib_levela, cv_zlib_memorya;

extern consvar_t cv_zlib_strategya, cv_zlib_window_bitsa;

extern consvar_t cv_apng_delay;

typedef enum
	XD_KICK,        // 3
	XD_NETVAR,      // 4
	XD_SAY,         // 5
	XD_MAP,         // 6
	XD_ADDFILE,     // 8
	XD_PAUSE,       // 9
	XD_ADDPLAYER,   // 10
	XD_LOGIN,       // 13
	XD_VERIFIED,    // 14
	XD_RUNSOC,      // 16
	XD_DELFILE,     // 18
	XD_SETMOTD,     // 19
	XD_SUICIDE,     // 20
#ifdef HAVE_BLUA
	XD_LUACMD,      // 21
	XD_LUAVAR,      // 22
} netxcmd_t;

extern const char *netxcmdnames[MAXNETXCMD - 1];

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack(1)

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable :  4214)

//Packet composition for Command_TeamChange_f() ServerTeamChange, etc.
//bitwise structs make packing bits a little easier, but byte alignment harder?
//todo: decide whether to make the other netcommands conform, or just get rid of this experiment.
typedef struct {
	UINT32 playernum    : 5;  // value 0 to 31
	UINT32 newteam      : 5;  // value 0 to 31
	UINT32 verification : 1;  // value 0 to 1
	UINT32 autobalance  : 1;  // value 0 to 1
	UINT32 scrambled    : 1;  // value 0 to 1
} ATTRPACK changeteam_packet_t;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(default : 4214)

typedef struct {
	UINT16 l; // liitle endian
	UINT16 b; // big enian
} ATTRPACK changeteam_value_t;

//Since we do not want other files/modules to know about this data buffer we union it here with a Short Int.
//Other files/modules will hand the INT16 back to us and we will decode it here.
//We don't have to use a union, but we would then send four bytes instead of two.
typedef union {
	changeteam_packet_t packet;
	changeteam_value_t value;
} ATTRPACK changeteam_union;

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#pragma pack()

// add game commands, needs cleanup
void D_RegisterServerCommands(void);
void D_RegisterClientCommands(void);
void D_SendPlayerConfig(void);
void Command_ExitGame_f(void);
void Command_Retry_f(void);
void D_GameTypeChanged(INT32 lastgametype); // not a real _OnChange function anymore
void D_MapChange(INT32 pmapnum, INT32 pgametype, boolean pultmode, boolean presetplayers, INT32 pdelay, boolean pskipprecutscene, boolean pfromlevelselect);
void ItemFinder_OnChange(void);
void D_SetPassword(const char *pw);

// used for the player setup menu
UINT8 CanChangeSkin(INT32 playernum);
