// Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
// Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2014 by Sonic Team Junior.
// This program is free software distributed under the
// terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
// See the 'LICENSE' file for more details.
/// \file  p_sight.c
/// \brief Line of sight/visibility checks, uses REJECT lookup table

#include "doomdef.h"
#include "doomstat.h"
#include "p_local.h"
#include "r_main.h"
#include "r_state.h"

// P_CheckSight
// killough 4/19/98:
// Convert LOS info to struct for reentrancy and efficiency of data locality

typedef struct {
	fixed_t sightzstart, t2x, t2y;   // eye z of looker
	divline_t strace;                // from t1 to t2
	fixed_t topslope, bottomslope;   // slopes to top and bottom of target
	fixed_t bbox[4];
} los_t;

static INT32 sightcounts[2];

// P_DivlineSide
// Returns side 0 (front), 1 (back), or 2 (on).
static INT32 P_DivlineSide(fixed_t x, fixed_t y, divline_t *node)
	fixed_t dx, dy, left, right;

	if (!node->dx)
		if (x == node->x)
			return 2;

		if (x <= node->x)
			return (node->dy > 0);

		return (node->dy < 0);

	if (!node->dy)
		if (y == node->y)
			return 2;

		if (y <= node->y)
			return (node->dx < 0);

		return (node->dx > 0);

	dx = x - node->x;
	dy = y - node->y;

	left = (node->dy>>FRACBITS) * (dx>>FRACBITS);
	right = (dy>>FRACBITS) * (node->dx>>FRACBITS);

	if (right < left)
		return 0; // front side

	if (left == right)
		return 2;

	return 1; // back side

// P_InterceptVector2
// Returns the fractional intercept point along the first divline.
// This is only called by the addthings and addlines traversers.
static fixed_t P_InterceptVector2(divline_t *v2, divline_t *v1)
	fixed_t frac, num, den;

	den = FixedMul(v1->dy>>8, v2->dx) - FixedMul(v1->dx>>8, v2->dy);

	if (!den)
		return 0;

	num = FixedMul((v1->x - v2->x)>>8, v1->dy) + FixedMul((v2->y - v1->y)>>8, v1->dx);
	frac = FixedDiv(num, den);

	return frac;

static boolean P_CrossSubsecPolyObj(polyobj_t *po, register los_t *los)
	size_t i;

	for (i = 0; i < po->numLines; ++i)
		line_t *line = po->lines[i];
		divline_t divl;
		const vertex_t *v1,*v2;

		// already checked other side?
		if (line->validcount == validcount)

		line->validcount = validcount;

		// OPTIMIZE: killough 4/20/98: Added quick bounding-box rejection test
		if (line->bbox[BOXLEFT  ] > los->bbox[BOXRIGHT ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXRIGHT ] < los->bbox[BOXLEFT  ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] > los->bbox[BOXTOP   ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXTOP]    < los->bbox[BOXBOTTOM])

		v1 = line->v1;
		v2 = line->v2;

		// line isn't crossed?
		if (P_DivlineSide(v1->x, v1->y, &los->strace) ==
			P_DivlineSide(v2->x, v2->y, &los->strace))

		divl.dx = v2->x - (divl.x = v1->x);
		divl.dy = v2->y - (divl.y = v1->y);

		// line isn't crossed?
		if (P_DivlineSide(los->strace.x, los->strace.y, &divl) ==
			P_DivlineSide(los->t2x, los->t2y, &divl))

		// stop because it is not two sided
		return false;

	return true;

// P_CrossSubsector
// Returns true if strace crosses the given subsector successfully.
static boolean P_CrossSubsector(size_t num, register los_t *los)
	seg_t *seg;
	INT32 count;
	polyobj_t *po; // haleyjd 02/23/06

	if (num >= numsubsectors)
		I_Error("P_CrossSubsector: ss %s with numss = %s\n", sizeu1(num), sizeu2(numsubsectors));

	// haleyjd 02/23/06: this assignment should be after the above check
	seg = segs + subsectors[num].firstline;

	// haleyjd 02/23/06: check polyobject lines
	if ((po = subsectors[num].polyList))
		while (po)
			if (po->validcount != validcount)
				po->validcount = validcount;
				if (!P_CrossSubsecPolyObj(po, los))
					return false;
			po = (polyobj_t *)(po->link.next);

	for (count = subsectors[num].numlines; --count >= 0; seg++)  // check lines
		line_t *line = seg->linedef;
		divline_t divl;
		fixed_t popentop, popenbottom;
		const sector_t *front, *back;
		const vertex_t *v1,*v2;
		fixed_t frac;

		// already checked other side?
		if (line->validcount == validcount)

		line->validcount = validcount;

		// OPTIMIZE: killough 4/20/98: Added quick bounding-box rejection test
		if (line->bbox[BOXLEFT  ] > los->bbox[BOXRIGHT ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXRIGHT ] < los->bbox[BOXLEFT  ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXBOTTOM] > los->bbox[BOXTOP   ] ||
			line->bbox[BOXTOP]    < los->bbox[BOXBOTTOM])

		v1 = line->v1;
		v2 = line->v2;

		// line isn't crossed?
		if (P_DivlineSide(v1->x, v1->y, &los->strace) ==
			P_DivlineSide(v2->x, v2->y, &los->strace))

		divl.dx = v2->x - (divl.x = v1->x);
		divl.dy = v2->y - (divl.y = v1->y);

		// line isn't crossed?
		if (P_DivlineSide(los->strace.x, los->strace.y, &divl) ==
			P_DivlineSide(los->t2x, los->t2y, &divl))

		// stop because it is not two sided anyway
		if (!(line->flags & ML_TWOSIDED))
			return false;

		// crosses a two sided line
		// no wall to block sight with?
		if ((front = seg->frontsector)->floorheight ==
			(back = seg->backsector)->floorheight   &&
			front->ceilingheight == back->ceilingheight)

		// possible occluder
		// because of ceiling height differences
		popentop = front->ceilingheight < back->ceilingheight ?
			front->ceilingheight : back->ceilingheight ;

		// because of floor height differences
		popenbottom = front->floorheight > back->floorheight ?
			front->floorheight : back->floorheight ;

		// quick test for totally closed doors
		if (popenbottom >= popentop)
			return false;

		frac = P_InterceptVector2(&los->strace, &divl);

		if (front->floorheight != back->floorheight)
			fixed_t slope = FixedDiv(popenbottom - los->sightzstart , frac);
			if (slope > los->bottomslope)
				los->bottomslope = slope;

		if (front->ceilingheight != back->ceilingheight)
			fixed_t slope = FixedDiv(popentop - los->sightzstart , frac);
			if (slope < los->topslope)
				los->topslope = slope;

		if (los->topslope <= los->bottomslope)
			return false;

	// passed the subsector ok
	return true;

// P_CrossBSPNode
// Returns true
//  if strace crosses the given node successfully.
// killough 4/20/98: rewritten to remove tail recursion, clean up, and optimize

static boolean P_CrossBSPNode(INT32 bspnum, register los_t *los)
	while (!(bspnum & NF_SUBSECTOR))
		register node_t *bsp = nodes + bspnum;
		INT32 side = P_DivlineSide(los->strace.x,los->strace.y,(divline_t *)bsp)&1;
		if (side == P_DivlineSide(los->t2x, los->t2y, (divline_t *) bsp))
			bspnum = bsp->children[side]; // doesn't touch the other side
		else         // the partition plane is crossed here
			if (!P_CrossBSPNode(bsp->children[side], los))
				return 0;  // cross the starting side
				bspnum = bsp->children[side^1];  // cross the ending side
		P_CrossSubsector((bspnum == -1 ? 0 : bspnum & ~NF_SUBSECTOR), los);

// P_CheckSight
// Returns true if a straight line between t1 and t2 is unobstructed.
// Uses REJECT.
boolean P_CheckSight(mobj_t *t1, mobj_t *t2)
	const sector_t *s1, *s2;
	size_t pnum;
	los_t los;

	// First check for trivial rejection.
	if (!t1 || !t2)
		return false;


	if (!t1->subsector || !t2->subsector
	|| !t1->subsector->sector || !t2->subsector->sector)
		return false;

	s1 = t1->subsector->sector;
	s2 = t2->subsector->sector;
	pnum = (s1-sectors)*numsectors + (s2-sectors);

	// Check in REJECT table.
	if (rejectmatrix[pnum>>3] & (1 << (pnum&7))) // can't possibly be connected
		return false;

	// killough 11/98: shortcut for melee situations
	// same subsector? obviously visible
	if (t1->subsector == t2->subsector)
		return true;
	// haleyjd 02/23/06: can't do this if there are polyobjects in the subsec
	if (!t1->subsector->polyList &&
		t1->subsector == t2->subsector)
		return true;

	// An unobstructed LOS is possible.
	// Now look from eyes of t1 to any part of t2.


	los.topslope =
		(los.bottomslope = t2->z - (los.sightzstart =
			t1->z + t1->height -
			(t1->height>>2))) + t2->height;
	los.strace.dx = (los.t2x = t2->x) - (los.strace.x = t1->x);
	los.strace.dy = (los.t2y = t2->y) - (los.strace.y = t1->y);

	if (t1->x > t2->x)
		los.bbox[BOXRIGHT] = t1->x, los.bbox[BOXLEFT] = t2->x;
		los.bbox[BOXRIGHT] = t2->x, los.bbox[BOXLEFT] = t1->x;

	if (t1->y > t2->y)
		los.bbox[BOXTOP] = t1->y, los.bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = t2->y;
		los.bbox[BOXTOP] = t2->y, los.bbox[BOXBOTTOM] = t1->y;

	// Prevent SOME cases of looking through 3dfloors
	// This WILL NOT work for things like 3d stairs with monsters behind
	// them - they will still see you! TODO: Fix.
	if (s1 == s2) // Both sectors are the same.
		ffloor_t *rover;

		for (rover = s1->ffloors; rover; rover = rover->next)
			// Allow sight through water, fog, etc.
			/// \todo Improve by checking fog density/translucency
			/// and setting a sight limit.
			if (!(rover->flags & FF_EXISTS)
				|| !(rover->flags & FF_RENDERPLANES) || rover->flags & FF_TRANSLUCENT)

			// Check for blocking floors here.
			if ((los.sightzstart < *rover->bottomheight && t2->z >= *rover->topheight)
				|| (los.sightzstart >= *rover->topheight && t2->z + t2->height < *rover->bottomheight))
				// no way to see through that
				return false;

			if (rover->flags & FF_SOLID)
				continue; // shortcut since neither mobj can be inside the 3dfloor

			if (!(rover->flags & FF_INVERTPLANES))
				if (los.sightzstart >= *rover->topheight && t2->z + t2->height < *rover->topheight)
					return false; // blocked by upper outside plane

				if (los.sightzstart < *rover->bottomheight && t2->z >= *rover->bottomheight)
					return false; // blocked by lower outside plane

			if (rover->flags & FF_INVERTPLANES || rover->flags & FF_BOTHPLANES)
				if (los.sightzstart < *rover->topheight && t2->z >= *rover->topheight)
					return false; // blocked by upper inside plane

				if (los.sightzstart >= *rover->bottomheight && t2->z + t2->height < *rover->bottomheight)
					return false; // blocked by lower inside plane

	// the head node is the last node output
	return P_CrossBSPNode((INT32)numnodes - 1, &los);