// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Copyright (C) 2018-2020 by Jaime "Lactozilla" Passos. // Copyright (C) 2019-2020 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file r_picformats.h /// \brief Patch generation. #ifndef __R_PICFORMATS__ #define __R_PICFORMATS__ #include "r_defs.h" #include "doomdef.h" typedef enum { PICFMT_NONE = 0, // Doom formats PICFMT_PATCH, PICFMT_FLAT, // PNG PICFMT_PNG, // 16bpp PICFMT_PATCH16, PICFMT_FLAT16, // 32bpp PICFMT_PATCH32, PICFMT_FLAT32 } pictureformat_t; typedef enum { PICFLAGS_XFLIP = 1, PICFLAGS_YFLIP = 1<<1 } pictureflags_t; enum { PICDEPTH_NONE = 0, PICDEPTH_8BPP = 8, PICDEPTH_16BPP = 16, PICDEPTH_32BPP = 32 }; void *Picture_Convert( pictureformat_t informat, void *picture, pictureformat_t outformat, size_t insize, size_t *outsize, INT32 inwidth, INT32 inheight, INT32 inleftoffset, INT32 intopoffset, pictureflags_t flags); void *Picture_PatchConvert( pictureformat_t informat, void *picture, pictureformat_t outformat, size_t insize, size_t *outsize, INT16 inwidth, INT16 inheight, INT16 inleftoffset, INT16 intopoffset, pictureflags_t flags); void *Picture_FlatConvert( pictureformat_t informat, void *picture, pictureformat_t outformat, size_t insize, size_t *outsize, INT16 inwidth, INT16 inheight, INT16 inleftoffset, INT16 intopoffset, pictureflags_t flags); void *Picture_GetPatchPixel( patch_t *patch, pictureformat_t informat, INT32 x, INT32 y, pictureflags_t flags); void *Picture_TextureToFlat(size_t trickytex); INT32 Picture_FormatBPP(pictureformat_t format); boolean Picture_IsPatchFormat(pictureformat_t format); boolean Picture_IsFlatFormat(pictureformat_t format); boolean Picture_CheckIfPatch(patch_t *patch, size_t size); // Structs typedef enum { ROTAXIS_X, // Roll (the default) ROTAXIS_Y, // Pitch ROTAXIS_Z // Yaw } rotaxis_t; typedef struct { INT32 x, y; rotaxis_t rotaxis; } spriteframepivot_t; typedef struct { spriteframepivot_t pivot[64]; boolean available; } spriteinfo_t; // Portable Network Graphics boolean Picture_IsLumpPNG(const UINT8 *d, size_t s); #define Picture_ThrowPNGError(lumpname, wadfilename) I_Error("W_Wad: Lump \"%s\" in file \"%s\" is a .png - please convert to either Doom or Flat (raw) image format.", lumpname, wadfilename); // Fears Of LJ Sonic #ifndef NO_PNG_LUMPS void *Picture_PNGConvert( const UINT8 *png, pictureformat_t outformat, INT32 *w, INT32 *h, INT16 *topoffset, INT16 *leftoffset, size_t insize, size_t *outsize, pictureflags_t flags); boolean Picture_PNGDimensions(UINT8 *png, INT32 *width, INT32 *height, INT16 *topoffset, INT16 *leftoffset, size_t size); #endif #define PICTURE_PNG_USELOOKUP // SpriteInfo extern spriteinfo_t spriteinfo[NUMSPRITES]; void R_LoadSpriteInfoLumps(UINT16 wadnum, UINT16 numlumps); void R_ParseSPRTINFOLump(UINT16 wadNum, UINT16 lumpNum); // Sprite rotation #ifdef ROTSPRITE INT32 R_GetRollAngle(angle_t rollangle); void R_CacheRotSprite(spritenum_t sprnum, UINT8 frame, spriteinfo_t *sprinfo, spriteframe_t *sprframe, INT32 rot, UINT8 flip); void R_FreeSingleRotSprite(spritedef_t *spritedef); void R_FreeSkinRotSprite(size_t skinnum); extern fixed_t rollcosang[ROTANGLES]; extern fixed_t rollsinang[ROTANGLES]; void R_FreeAllRotSprite(void); #endif #endif // __R_PATCH__