<?php /** * $Id: messagehandler.php,v 2004/09/23 23:24:22 meebey Exp $ * $Revision: $ * $Author: meebey $ * $Date: 2004/09/23 23:24:22 $ * * Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mirco "MEEBEY" Bauer <mail@meebey.net> <http://www.meebey.net> * * Full LGPL License: <http://www.meebey.net/lgpl.txt> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ class Net_SmartIRC_messagehandler extends Net_SmartIRC_irccommands { /* misc */ function _event_ping(&$ircdata) { $this->_pong(substr($ircdata->rawmessage, 5)); } function _event_error(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_autoretry == true) { $this->reconnect(); } else { $this->disconnect(true); } } function _event_join(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { if ($this->_nick == $ircdata->nick) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: joining channel: '.$ircdata->channel, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel = &new Net_SmartIRC_channel(); $channel->name = $ircdata->channel; $this->_channels[strtolower($channel->name)] = &$channel; $this->who($channel->name); $this->mode($channel->name); $this->ban($channel->name); } $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: '.$ircdata->nick.' joins channel: '.$ircdata->channel, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $user = &new Net_SmartIRC_channeluser(); $user->nick = $ircdata->nick; $user->ident = $ircdata->ident; $user->host = $ircdata->host; $this->_adduser($channel, $user); $this->who($user->nick); } } function _event_part(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $this->_removeuser($ircdata); } } function _event_kick(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $this->_removeuser($ircdata); } } function _event_quit(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $this->_removeuser($ircdata); } } function _event_nick(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $newnick = substr($ircdata->rawmessageex[2], 1); $lowerednewnick = strtolower($newnick); $lowerednick = strtolower($ircdata->nick); foreach ($this->_channels as $channelkey => $channelvalue) { // loop through all channels $channel = &$this->_channels[$channelkey]; foreach ($channel->users as $userkey => $uservalue) { // loop through all user in this channel if ($ircdata->nick == $uservalue->nick) { // found him // time for updating the object and his nickname $channel->users[$lowerednewnick] = $channel->users[$lowerednick]; $channel->users[$lowerednewnick]->nick = $newnick; if ($lowerednewnick != $lowerednick) { unset($channel->users[$lowerednick]); } // he was maybe op or voice, update comming if (isset($channel->ops[$ircdata->nick])) { $channel->ops[$newnick] = $channel->ops[$ircdata->nick]; unset($channel->ops[$ircdata->nick]); } if (isset($channel->voices[$ircdata->nick])) { $channel->voices[$newnick] = $channel->voices[$ircdata->nick]; unset($channel->voices[$ircdata->nick]); } break; } } } } } function _event_mode(&$ircdata) { // check if its own usermode if ($ircdata->rawmessageex[2] == $this->_nick) { $this->_usermode = substr($ircdata->rawmessageex[3], 1); } else if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { // it's not, and we do channel syching $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: updating channel mode for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $mode = $ircdata->rawmessageex[3]; $parameters = array_slice($ircdata->rawmessageex, 4); $add = false; $remove = false; $channelmode = ''; $modelength = strlen($mode); for ($i = 0; $i < $modelength; $i++) { switch($mode[$i]) { case '-': $remove = true; $add = false; break; case '+': $add = true; $remove = false; break; // user modes case 'o': $nick = array_shift($parameters); $lowerednick = strtolower($nick); if ($add) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding op: '.$nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->ops[$nick] = true; $channel->users[$lowerednick]->op = true; } if ($remove) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing op: '.$nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->ops[$nick]); $channel->users[$lowerednick]->op = false; } break; case 'v': $nick = array_shift($parameters); $lowerednick = strtolower($nick); if ($add) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding voice: '.$nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->voices[$nick] = true; $channel->users[$lowerednick]->voice = true; } if ($remove) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing voice: '.$nick.' to channel: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->voices[$nick]); $channel->users[$lowerednick]->voice = false; } break; case 'k': $key = array_shift($parameters); if ($add) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: stored channel key for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->key = $key; } if ($remove) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removed channel key for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->key = ''; } break; default: // channel modes if ($mode[$i] == 'b') { $hostmask = array_shift($parameters); if ($add) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: adding ban: '.$hostmask.' for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); $channel->bans[$hostmask] = true; } if ($remove) { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: removing ban: '.$hostmask.' for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); unset($channel->bans[$hostmask]); } } else { $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING, 'DEBUG_CHANNELSYNCING: storing unknown channelmode ('.$mode.') in channel->mode for: '.$channel->name, __FILE__, __LINE__); if ($add) { $channel->mode .= $mode[$i]; } if ($remove) { $channel->mode = str_replace($mode[$i], '', $channel->mode); } } } } } } function _event_topic(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->rawmessageex[2])]; $channel->topic = $ircdata->message; } } function _event_privmsg(&$ircdata) { if ($ircdata->type == SMARTIRC_TYPE_CTCP) { // substr must be 1,4 because of \001 in CTCP messages if (substr($ircdata->message, 1, 4) == 'PING') { $this->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CTCP, $ircdata->nick, 'PING '.substr($ircdata->message, 5, -1)); } elseif (substr($ircdata->message, 1, 7) == 'VERSION') { if (!empty($this->_ctcpversion)) { $versionstring = $this->_ctcpversion.' | using '.SMARTIRC_VERSIONSTRING; } else { $versionstring = SMARTIRC_VERSIONSTRING; } $this->message(SMARTIRC_TYPE_CTCP, $ircdata->nick, 'VERSION '.$versionstring); } } } /* rpl_ */ function _event_rpl_welcome(&$ircdata) { $this->_loggedin = true; $this->log(SMARTIRC_DEBUG_CONNECTION, 'DEBUG_CONNECTION: logged in', __FILE__, __LINE__); // updating our nickname, that we got (maybe cutted...) $this->_nick = $ircdata->rawmessageex[2]; } function _event_rpl_motdstart(&$ircdata) { $this->_motd[] = $ircdata->message; } function _event_rpl_motd(&$ircdata) { $this->_motd[] = $ircdata->message; } function _event_rpl_endofmotd(&$ircdata) { $this->_motd[] = $ircdata->message; } function _event_rpl_umodeis(&$ircdata) { $this->_usermode = $ircdata->message; } function _event_rpl_channelmodeis(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true && $this->isJoined($ircdata->channel)) { $mode = $ircdata->rawmessageex[4]; $parameters = array_slice($ircdata->rawmessageex, 5); $ircdata->rawmessageex = array( 0 => '', 1 => '', 2 => '', 3 => $mode); foreach ($parameters as $value) { $ircdata->rawmessageex[] = $value; } // let _mode() handle the received mode $this->_event_mode($ircdata); } } function _event_rpl_whoreply(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $nick = $ircdata->rawmessageex[7]; if ($ircdata->channel == '*') { // we got who info without channel info, so we need to search the user // on all channels and update him foreach ($this->_channels as $channel) { if ($this->isJoined($channel->name, $nick)) { $ircdata->channel = $channel->name; $this->_event_rpl_whoreply($ircdata); } } } else { if (!$this->isJoined($ircdata->channel, $nick)) { return; } $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $user = &new Net_SmartIRC_channeluser(); $user->ident = $ircdata->rawmessageex[4]; $user->host = $ircdata->rawmessageex[5]; $user->server = $ircdata->rawmessageex[6]; $user->nick = $ircdata->rawmessageex[7]; $user->op = false; $user->voice = false; $user->ircop = false; $usermode = $ircdata->rawmessageex[8]; $usermodelength = strlen($usermode); for ($i = 0; $i < $usermodelength; $i++) { switch ($usermode[$i]) { case 'H': $user->away = false; break; case 'G': $user->away = true; break; case '@': $user->op = true; break; case '+': $user->voice = true; break; case '*': $user->ircop = true; break; } } $user->hopcount = substr($ircdata->rawmessageex[9], 1); $user->realname = implode(array_slice($ircdata->rawmessageex, 10), ' '); $this->_adduser($channel, $user); } } } function _event_rpl_namreply(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $userarray = explode(' ', rtrim($ircdata->message)); $userarraycount = count($userarray); for ($i = 0; $i < $userarraycount; $i++) { $user = &new Net_SmartIRC_channeluser(); $usermode = substr($userarray[$i], 0, 1); switch ($usermode) { case '@': $user->op = true; $user->nick = substr($userarray[$i], 1); break; case '+': $user->voice = true; $user->nick = substr($userarray[$i], 1); break; default: $user->nick = $userarray[$i]; } $this->_adduser($channel, $user); } } } function _event_rpl_banlist(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true && $this->isJoined($ircdata->channel)) { $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $hostmask = $ircdata->rawmessageex[4]; $channel->bans[$hostmask] = true; } } function _event_rpl_topic(&$ircdata) { if ($this->_channelsyncing == true) { $channel = &$this->_channels[strtolower($ircdata->channel)]; $topic = substr(implode(array_slice($ircdata->rawmessageex, 4), ' '), 1); $channel->topic = $topic; } } /* err_ */ function _event_err_nicknameinuse(&$ircdata) { $this->_nicknameinuse(); } } ?>