// Emacs style mode select -*- C++ -*- // SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc. // Portions Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 2014-2018 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file /// \brief SRB2 graphics stuff for SDL #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable : 4214 4244) #endif #ifdef HAVE_SDL #define _MATH_DEFINES_DEFINED #include "SDL.h" #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default : 4214 4244) #endif #ifdef HAVE_TTF #include "i_ttf.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGE #include "SDL_image.h" #elif defined (__unix__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined (UNIXCOMMON) // Windows doesn't need this, as SDL will do it for us. #define LOAD_XPM //I want XPM! #include "IMG_xpm.c" //Alam: I don't want to add SDL_Image.dll/so #define HAVE_IMAGE //I have SDL_Image, sortof #endif #ifdef HAVE_IMAGE #include "SDL_icon.xpm" #endif #include "../doomdef.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #include "SDL_syswm.h" #endif #include "../doomstat.h" #include "../i_system.h" #include "../v_video.h" #include "../m_argv.h" #include "../m_menu.h" #include "../d_main.h" #include "../s_sound.h" #include "../i_joy.h" #include "../st_stuff.h" #include "../g_game.h" #include "../i_video.h" #include "../console.h" #include "../command.h" #include "sdlmain.h" #ifdef HWRENDER #include "../hardware/hw_main.h" #include "../hardware/hw_drv.h" // For dynamic referencing of HW rendering functions #include "hwsym_sdl.h" #include "ogl_sdl.h" #endif // maximum number of windowed modes (see windowedModes[][]) #define MAXWINMODES (18) /** \brief */ static INT32 numVidModes = -1; /** \brief */ static char vidModeName[33][32]; // allow 33 different modes rendermode_t rendermode=render_soft; boolean highcolor = false; // synchronize page flipping with screen refresh consvar_t cv_vidwait = {"vid_wait", "On", CV_SAVE, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; static consvar_t cv_stretch = {"stretch", "Off", CV_SAVE|CV_NOSHOWHELP, CV_OnOff, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, NULL}; UINT8 graphics_started = 0; // Is used in console.c and screen.c // To disable fullscreen at startup; is set in VID_PrepareModeList boolean allow_fullscreen = false; static SDL_bool disable_fullscreen = SDL_FALSE; #define USE_FULLSCREEN (disable_fullscreen||!allow_fullscreen)?0:cv_fullscreen.value static SDL_bool disable_mouse = SDL_FALSE; #define USE_MOUSEINPUT (!disable_mouse && cv_usemouse.value && havefocus) #define MOUSE_MENU false //(!disable_mouse && cv_usemouse.value && menuactive && !USE_FULLSCREEN) #define MOUSEBUTTONS_MAX MOUSEBUTTONS // first entry in the modelist which is not bigger than MAXVIDWIDTHxMAXVIDHEIGHT static INT32 firstEntry = 0; // Total mouse motion X/Y offsets static INT32 mousemovex = 0, mousemovey = 0; // SDL vars static SDL_Surface *vidSurface = NULL; static SDL_Surface *bufSurface = NULL; static SDL_Surface *icoSurface = NULL; static SDL_Color localPalette[256]; #if 0 static SDL_Rect **modeList = NULL; static Uint8 BitsPerPixel = 16; #endif Uint16 realwidth = BASEVIDWIDTH; Uint16 realheight = BASEVIDHEIGHT; static SDL_bool mousegrabok = SDL_TRUE; static SDL_bool wrapmouseok = SDL_FALSE; #define HalfWarpMouse(x,y) if (wrapmouseok) SDL_WarpMouseInWindow(window, (Uint16)(x/2),(Uint16)(y/2)) static SDL_bool videoblitok = SDL_FALSE; static SDL_bool exposevideo = SDL_FALSE; static SDL_bool usesdl2soft = SDL_FALSE; static SDL_bool borderlesswindow = SDL_FALSE; // SDL2 vars SDL_Window *window; SDL_Renderer *renderer; static SDL_Texture *texture; static SDL_bool havefocus = SDL_TRUE; static const char *fallback_resolution_name = "Fallback"; // windowed video modes from which to choose from. static INT32 windowedModes[MAXWINMODES][2] = { {1920,1200}, // 1.60,6.00 {1920,1080}, // 1.66 {1680,1050}, // 1.60,5.25 {1600,1200}, // 1.33 {1600, 900}, // 1.66 {1366, 768}, // 1.66 {1440, 900}, // 1.60,4.50 {1280,1024}, // 1.33? {1280, 960}, // 1.33,4.00 {1280, 800}, // 1.60,4.00 {1280, 720}, // 1.66 {1152, 864}, // 1.33,3.60 {1024, 768}, // 1.33,3.20 { 800, 600}, // 1.33,2.50 { 640, 480}, // 1.33,2.00 { 640, 400}, // 1.60,2.00 { 320, 240}, // 1.33,1.00 { 320, 200}, // 1.60,1.00 }; static void Impl_VideoSetupSDLBuffer(void); static void Impl_VideoSetupBuffer(void); static SDL_bool Impl_CreateWindow(SDL_bool fullscreen); //static void Impl_SetWindowName(const char *title); static void Impl_SetWindowIcon(void); static void SDLSetMode(INT32 width, INT32 height, SDL_bool fullscreen) { static SDL_bool wasfullscreen = SDL_FALSE; Uint32 rmask; Uint32 gmask; Uint32 bmask; Uint32 amask; int bpp = 16; int sw_texture_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888; realwidth = vid.width; realheight = vid.height; if (window) { if (fullscreen) { wasfullscreen = SDL_TRUE; SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } else // windowed mode { if (wasfullscreen) { wasfullscreen = SDL_FALSE; SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, 0); } // Reposition window only in windowed mode SDL_SetWindowSize(window, width, height); SDL_SetWindowPosition(window, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window)), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(window)) ); } } else { Impl_CreateWindow(fullscreen); Impl_SetWindowIcon(); wasfullscreen = fullscreen; SDL_SetWindowSize(window, width, height); if (fullscreen) { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); } } #ifdef HWRENDER if (rendermode == render_opengl) { OglSdlSurface(vid.width, vid.height); } #endif if (rendermode == render_soft) { SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, width, height); // Set up Texture realwidth = width; realheight = height; if (texture != NULL) { SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); } if (!usesdl2soft) { sw_texture_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565; } else { bpp = 32; sw_texture_format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888; } texture = SDL_CreateTexture(renderer, sw_texture_format, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, width, height); // Set up SW surface if (vidSurface != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(vidSurface); } if (vid.buffer) { free(vid.buffer); vid.buffer = NULL; } SDL_PixelFormatEnumToMasks(sw_texture_format, &bpp, &rmask, &gmask, &bmask, &amask); vidSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, bpp, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); } } static INT32 Impl_SDL_Scancode_To_Keycode(SDL_Scancode code) { if (code >= SDL_SCANCODE_A && code <= SDL_SCANCODE_Z) { // get lowercase ASCII return code - SDL_SCANCODE_A + 'a'; } if (code >= SDL_SCANCODE_1 && code <= SDL_SCANCODE_9) { return code - SDL_SCANCODE_1 + '1'; } else if (code == SDL_SCANCODE_0) { return '0'; } if (code >= SDL_SCANCODE_F1 && code <= SDL_SCANCODE_F10) { return KEY_F1 + (code - SDL_SCANCODE_F1); } switch (code) { // F11 and F12 are separated from the rest of the function keys case SDL_SCANCODE_F11: return KEY_F11; case SDL_SCANCODE_F12: return KEY_F12; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_0: return KEY_KEYPAD0; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_1: return KEY_KEYPAD1; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_2: return KEY_KEYPAD2; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_3: return KEY_KEYPAD3; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_4: return KEY_KEYPAD4; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_5: return KEY_KEYPAD5; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_6: return KEY_KEYPAD6; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_7: return KEY_KEYPAD7; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_8: return KEY_KEYPAD8; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_9: return KEY_KEYPAD9; case SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN: return KEY_ENTER; case SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE: return KEY_ESCAPE; case SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSPACE: return KEY_BACKSPACE; case SDL_SCANCODE_TAB: return KEY_TAB; case SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE: return KEY_SPACE; case SDL_SCANCODE_MINUS: return KEY_MINUS; case SDL_SCANCODE_EQUALS: return KEY_EQUALS; case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFTBRACKET: return '['; case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHTBRACKET: return ']'; case SDL_SCANCODE_BACKSLASH: return '\\'; case SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSHASH: return '#'; case SDL_SCANCODE_SEMICOLON: return ';'; case SDL_SCANCODE_APOSTROPHE: return '\''; case SDL_SCANCODE_GRAVE: return '`'; case SDL_SCANCODE_COMMA: return ','; case SDL_SCANCODE_PERIOD: return '.'; case SDL_SCANCODE_SLASH: return '/'; case SDL_SCANCODE_CAPSLOCK: return KEY_CAPSLOCK; case SDL_SCANCODE_PRINTSCREEN: return 0; // undefined? case SDL_SCANCODE_SCROLLLOCK: return KEY_SCROLLLOCK; case SDL_SCANCODE_PAUSE: return KEY_PAUSE; case SDL_SCANCODE_INSERT: return KEY_INS; case SDL_SCANCODE_HOME: return KEY_HOME; case SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEUP: return KEY_PGUP; case SDL_SCANCODE_DELETE: return KEY_DEL; case SDL_SCANCODE_END: return KEY_END; case SDL_SCANCODE_PAGEDOWN: return KEY_PGDN; case SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT: return KEY_RIGHTARROW; case SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT: return KEY_LEFTARROW; case SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN: return KEY_DOWNARROW; case SDL_SCANCODE_UP: return KEY_UPARROW; case SDL_SCANCODE_NUMLOCKCLEAR: return KEY_NUMLOCK; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_DIVIDE: return KEY_KPADSLASH; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MULTIPLY: return '*'; // undefined? case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_MINUS: return KEY_MINUSPAD; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PLUS: return KEY_PLUSPAD; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_ENTER: return KEY_ENTER; case SDL_SCANCODE_KP_PERIOD: return KEY_KPADDEL; case SDL_SCANCODE_NONUSBACKSLASH: return '\\'; case SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT: return KEY_LSHIFT; case SDL_SCANCODE_RSHIFT: return KEY_RSHIFT; case SDL_SCANCODE_LCTRL: return KEY_LCTRL; case SDL_SCANCODE_RCTRL: return KEY_RCTRL; case SDL_SCANCODE_LALT: return KEY_LALT; case SDL_SCANCODE_RALT: return KEY_RALT; case SDL_SCANCODE_LGUI: return KEY_LEFTWIN; case SDL_SCANCODE_RGUI: return KEY_RIGHTWIN; default: break; } #ifdef HWRENDER DBG_Printf("Unknown incoming scancode: %d, represented %c\n", code, SDL_GetKeyName(SDL_GetKeyFromScancode(code))); #endif return 0; } static void SDLdoGrabMouse(void) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_TRUE); if (SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE) == 0) // already warps mouse if successful wrapmouseok = SDL_TRUE; // TODO: is wrapmouseok or HalfWarpMouse needed anymore? } static void SDLdoUngrabMouse(void) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_FALSE); wrapmouseok = SDL_FALSE; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); } void SDLforceUngrabMouse(void) { if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_VIDEO)==SDL_INIT_VIDEO && window != NULL) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_ENABLE); SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_FALSE); wrapmouseok = SDL_FALSE; SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_FALSE); } } static void VID_Command_NumModes_f (void) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("%d video mode(s) available(s)\n"), VID_NumModes()); } // SDL2 doesn't have SDL_GetVideoSurface or a lot of the SDL_Surface flags that SDL 1.2 had static void SurfaceInfo(const SDL_Surface *infoSurface, const char *SurfaceText) { INT32 vfBPP; if (!infoSurface) return; if (!SurfaceText) SurfaceText = M_GetText("Unknown Surface"); vfBPP = infoSurface->format?infoSurface->format->BitsPerPixel:0; CONS_Printf("\x82" "%s\n", SurfaceText); CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" %ix%i at %i bit color\n"), infoSurface->w, infoSurface->h, vfBPP); if (infoSurface->flags&SDL_PREALLOC) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Uses preallocated memory\n")); else CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Stored in system memory\n")); if (infoSurface->flags&SDL_RLEACCEL) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Colorkey RLE acceleration blit\n")); } static void VID_Command_Info_f (void) { #if 0 SDL2STUB(); #else #if 0 const SDL_VideoInfo *videoInfo; videoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo(); //Alam: Double-Check if (videoInfo) { CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText("Video Interface Capabilities:\n")); if (videoInfo->hw_available) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Hardware surfaces\n")); if (videoInfo->wm_available) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Window manager\n")); //UnusedBits1 :6 //UnusedBits2 :1 if (videoInfo->blit_hw) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits HW-2-HW\n")); if (videoInfo->blit_hw_CC) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits HW-2-HW with Colorkey\n")); if (videoInfo->wm_available) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits HW-2-HW with Alpha\n")); if (videoInfo->blit_sw) { CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits SW-2-HW\n")); if (!M_CheckParm("-noblit")) videoblitok = SDL_TRUE; } if (videoInfo->blit_sw_CC) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits SW-2-HW with Colorkey\n")); if (videoInfo->blit_sw_A) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated blits SW-2-HW with Alpha\n")); if (videoInfo->blit_fill) CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" Accelerated Color filling\n")); //UnusedBits3 :16 if (videoInfo->video_mem) CONS_Printf(M_GetText(" There is %i KB of video memory\n"), videoInfo->video_mem); else CONS_Printf("%s", M_GetText(" There no video memory for SDL\n")); //*vfmt } #else if (!M_CheckParm("-noblit")) videoblitok = SDL_TRUE; #endif SurfaceInfo(bufSurface, M_GetText("Current Engine Mode")); SurfaceInfo(vidSurface, M_GetText("Current Video Mode")); #endif } static void VID_Command_ModeList_f(void) { // List windowed modes INT32 i = 0; CONS_Printf("NOTE: Under SDL2, all modes are supported on all platforms.\n"); CONS_Printf("Under opengl, fullscreen only supports native desktop resolution.\n"); CONS_Printf("Under software, the mode is stretched up to desktop resolution.\n"); for (i = 0; i < MAXWINMODES; i++) { CONS_Printf("%2d: %dx%d\n", i, windowedModes[i][0], windowedModes[i][1]); } } static void VID_Command_Mode_f (void) { INT32 modenum; if (COM_Argc()!= 2) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("vid_mode : set video mode, current video mode %i\n"), vid.modenum); return; } modenum = atoi(COM_Argv(1)); if (modenum >= VID_NumModes()) CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Video mode not present\n")); else setmodeneeded = modenum+1; // request vid mode change } static inline void SDLJoyRemap(event_t *event) { (void)event; } static INT32 SDLJoyAxis(const Sint16 axis, evtype_t which) { // -32768 to 32767 INT32 raxis = axis/32; if (which == ev_joystick) { if (Joystick.bGamepadStyle) { // gamepad control type, on or off, live or die if (raxis < -(JOYAXISRANGE/2)) raxis = -1; else if (raxis > (JOYAXISRANGE/2)) raxis = 1; else raxis = 0; } else { raxis = JoyInfo.scale!=1?((raxis/JoyInfo.scale)*JoyInfo.scale):raxis; #ifdef SDL_JDEADZONE if (-SDL_JDEADZONE <= raxis && raxis <= SDL_JDEADZONE) raxis = 0; #endif } } else if (which == ev_joystick2) { if (Joystick2.bGamepadStyle) { // gamepad control type, on or off, live or die if (raxis < -(JOYAXISRANGE/2)) raxis = -1; else if (raxis > (JOYAXISRANGE/2)) raxis = 1; else raxis = 0; } else { raxis = JoyInfo2.scale!=1?((raxis/JoyInfo2.scale)*JoyInfo2.scale):raxis; #ifdef SDL_JDEADZONE if (-SDL_JDEADZONE <= raxis && raxis <= SDL_JDEADZONE) raxis = 0; #endif } } return raxis; } static void Impl_HandleWindowEvent(SDL_WindowEvent evt) { static SDL_bool firsttimeonmouse = SDL_TRUE; static SDL_bool mousefocus = SDL_TRUE; static SDL_bool kbfocus = SDL_TRUE; switch (evt.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_ENTER: mousefocus = SDL_TRUE; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_LEAVE: mousefocus = SDL_FALSE; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_GAINED: kbfocus = SDL_TRUE; mousefocus = SDL_TRUE; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: kbfocus = SDL_FALSE; mousefocus = SDL_FALSE; break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_MAXIMIZED: break; } if (mousefocus && kbfocus) { // Tell game we got focus back, resume music if necessary window_notinfocus = false; if (!paused) S_ResumeAudio(); //resume it if (!firsttimeonmouse) { if (cv_usemouse.value) I_StartupMouse(); } //else firsttimeonmouse = SDL_FALSE; if (USE_MOUSEINPUT) SDLdoGrabMouse(); } else if (!mousefocus && !kbfocus) { // Tell game we lost focus, pause music window_notinfocus = true; if (! cv_playmusicifunfocused.value) S_PauseAudio(); if (! cv_playsoundsifunfocused.value) S_StopSounds(); if (!disable_mouse) { SDLforceUngrabMouse(); } memset(gamekeydown, 0, NUMKEYS); // TODO this is a scary memset if (MOUSE_MENU) { SDLdoUngrabMouse(); } } } static void Impl_HandleKeyboardEvent(SDL_KeyboardEvent evt, Uint32 type) { event_t event; if (type == SDL_KEYUP) { event.type = ev_keyup; } else if (type == SDL_KEYDOWN) { event.type = ev_keydown; } else { return; } event.data1 = Impl_SDL_Scancode_To_Keycode(evt.keysym.scancode); if (event.data1) D_PostEvent(&event); } static void Impl_HandleMouseMotionEvent(SDL_MouseMotionEvent evt) { if (USE_MOUSEINPUT) { if ((SDL_GetMouseFocus() != window && SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() != window)) { SDLdoUngrabMouse(); return; } // If using relative mouse mode, don't post an event_t just now, // add on the offsets so we can make an overall event later. if (SDL_GetRelativeMouseMode()) { if (SDL_GetMouseFocus() == window && SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == window) { mousemovex += evt.xrel; mousemovey += -evt.yrel; SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_TRUE); } return; } // If the event is from warping the pointer to middle // of the screen then ignore it. if ((evt.x == realwidth/2) && (evt.y == realheight/2)) { return; } // Don't send an event_t if not in relative mouse mode anymore, // just grab and set relative mode // this fixes the stupid camera jerk on mouse entering bug // -- Monster Iestyn if (SDL_GetMouseFocus() == window && SDL_GetKeyboardFocus() == window) { SDLdoGrabMouse(); } } } static void Impl_HandleMouseButtonEvent(SDL_MouseButtonEvent evt, Uint32 type) { event_t event; SDL_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event_t)); // Ignore the event if the mouse is not actually focused on the window. // This can happen if you used the mouse to restore keyboard focus; // this apparently makes a mouse button down event but not a mouse button up event, // resulting in whatever key was pressed down getting "stuck" if we don't ignore it. // -- Monster Iestyn (28/05/18) if (SDL_GetMouseFocus() != window) return; /// \todo inputEvent.button.which if (USE_MOUSEINPUT) { if (type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) { event.type = ev_keyup; } else if (type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) { event.type = ev_keydown; } else return; if (evt.button == SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE) event.data1 = KEY_MOUSE1+2; else if (evt.button == SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT) event.data1 = KEY_MOUSE1+1; else if (evt.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT) event.data1 = KEY_MOUSE1; else if (evt.button == SDL_BUTTON_X1) event.data1 = KEY_MOUSE1+3; else if (evt.button == SDL_BUTTON_X2) event.data1 = KEY_MOUSE1+4; if (event.type == ev_keyup || event.type == ev_keydown) { D_PostEvent(&event); } } } static void Impl_HandleMouseWheelEvent(SDL_MouseWheelEvent evt) { event_t event; SDL_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event_t)); if (evt.y > 0) { event.data1 = KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP; event.type = ev_keydown; } if (evt.y < 0) { event.data1 = KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN; event.type = ev_keydown; } if (evt.y == 0) { event.data1 = 0; event.type = ev_keyup; } if (event.type == ev_keyup || event.type == ev_keydown) { D_PostEvent(&event); } } static void Impl_HandleJoystickAxisEvent(SDL_JoyAxisEvent evt) { event_t event; SDL_JoystickID joyid[2]; // Determine the Joystick IDs for each current open joystick joyid[0] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo.dev); joyid[1] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo2.dev); evt.axis++; event.data1 = event.data2 = event.data3 = INT32_MAX; if (evt.which == joyid[0]) { event.type = ev_joystick; } else if (evt.which == joyid[1]) { event.type = ev_joystick2; } else return; //axis if (evt.axis > JOYAXISSET*2) return; //vaule if (evt.axis%2) { event.data1 = evt.axis / 2; event.data2 = SDLJoyAxis(evt.value, event.type); } else { evt.axis--; event.data1 = evt.axis / 2; event.data3 = SDLJoyAxis(evt.value, event.type); } D_PostEvent(&event); } #if 0 static void Impl_HandleJoystickHatEvent(SDL_JoyHatEvent evt) { event_t event; SDL_JoystickID joyid[2]; // Determine the Joystick IDs for each current open joystick joyid[0] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo.dev); joyid[1] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo2.dev); if (evt.hat >= JOYHATS) return; // ignore hats with too high an index if (evt.which == joyid[0]) { event.data1 = KEY_HAT1 + (evt.hat*4); } else if (evt.which == joyid[1]) { event.data1 = KEY_2HAT1 + (evt.hat*4); } else return; // NOTE: UNFINISHED } #endif static void Impl_HandleJoystickButtonEvent(SDL_JoyButtonEvent evt, Uint32 type) { event_t event; SDL_JoystickID joyid[2]; // Determine the Joystick IDs for each current open joystick joyid[0] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo.dev); joyid[1] = SDL_JoystickInstanceID(JoyInfo2.dev); if (evt.which == joyid[0]) { event.data1 = KEY_JOY1; } else if (evt.which == joyid[1]) { event.data1 = KEY_2JOY1; } else return; if (type == SDL_JOYBUTTONUP) { event.type = ev_keyup; } else if (type == SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN) { event.type = ev_keydown; } else return; if (evt.button < JOYBUTTONS) { event.data1 += evt.button; } else return; SDLJoyRemap(&event); if (event.type != ev_console) D_PostEvent(&event); } void I_GetEvent(void) { SDL_Event evt; // We only want the first motion event, // otherwise we'll end up catching the warp back to center. //int mouseMotionOnce = 0; if (!graphics_started) { return; } mousemovex = mousemovey = 0; while (SDL_PollEvent(&evt)) { switch (evt.type) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: Impl_HandleWindowEvent(evt.window); break; case SDL_KEYUP: case SDL_KEYDOWN: Impl_HandleKeyboardEvent(evt.key, evt.type); break; case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: //if (!mouseMotionOnce) Impl_HandleMouseMotionEvent(evt.motion); //mouseMotionOnce = 1; break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP: case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: Impl_HandleMouseButtonEvent(evt.button, evt.type); break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: Impl_HandleMouseWheelEvent(evt.wheel); break; case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: Impl_HandleJoystickAxisEvent(evt.jaxis); break; #if 0 case SDL_JOYHATMOTION: Impl_HandleJoystickHatEvent(evt.jhat) break; #endif case SDL_JOYBUTTONUP: case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: Impl_HandleJoystickButtonEvent(evt.jbutton, evt.type); break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEADDED: { SDL_Joystick *newjoy = SDL_JoystickOpen(evt.jdevice.which); CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick device index %d added\n", evt.jdevice.which + 1); // Because SDL's device index is unstable, we're going to cheat here a bit: // For the first joystick setting that is NOT active: // 1. Set cv_usejoystickX.value to the new device index (this does not change what is written to config.cfg) // 2. Set OTHERS' cv_usejoystickX.value to THEIR new device index, because it likely changed // * If device doesn't exist, switch cv_usejoystick back to default value (.string) // * BUT: If that default index is being occupied, use ANOTHER cv_usejoystick's default value! if (newjoy && (!JoyInfo.dev || !SDL_JoystickGetAttached(JoyInfo.dev)) && JoyInfo2.dev != newjoy) // don't override a currently active device { cv_usejoystick.value = evt.jdevice.which + 1; if (JoyInfo2.dev) cv_usejoystick2.value = I_GetJoystickDeviceIndex(JoyInfo2.dev) + 1; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != JoyInfo.oldjoy && atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != cv_usejoystick.value) cv_usejoystick2.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string); else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != JoyInfo.oldjoy && atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != cv_usejoystick.value) cv_usejoystick2.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick.string); else // we tried... cv_usejoystick2.value = 0; } else if (newjoy && (!JoyInfo2.dev || !SDL_JoystickGetAttached(JoyInfo2.dev)) && JoyInfo.dev != newjoy) // don't override a currently active device { cv_usejoystick2.value = evt.jdevice.which + 1; if (JoyInfo.dev) cv_usejoystick.value = I_GetJoystickDeviceIndex(JoyInfo.dev) + 1; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != JoyInfo2.oldjoy && atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != cv_usejoystick2.value) cv_usejoystick.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick.string); else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != JoyInfo2.oldjoy && atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != cv_usejoystick2.value) cv_usejoystick.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string); else // we tried... cv_usejoystick.value = 0; } // Was cv_usejoystick disabled in settings? if (!strcmp(cv_usejoystick.string, "0") || !cv_usejoystick.value) cv_usejoystick.value = 0; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) <= I_NumJoys() // don't mess if we intentionally set higher than NumJoys && cv_usejoystick.value) // update the cvar ONLY if a device exists CV_SetValue(&cv_usejoystick, cv_usejoystick.value); if (!strcmp(cv_usejoystick2.string, "0") || !cv_usejoystick2.value) cv_usejoystick2.value = 0; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) <= I_NumJoys() // don't mess if we intentionally set higher than NumJoys && cv_usejoystick2.value) // update the cvar ONLY if a device exists CV_SetValue(&cv_usejoystick2, cv_usejoystick2.value); // Update all joysticks' init states // This is a little wasteful since cv_usejoystick already calls this, but // we need to do this in case CV_SetValue did nothing because the string was already same. // if the device is already active, this should do nothing, effectively. I_InitJoystick(); I_InitJoystick2(); CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick1 device index: %d\n", JoyInfo.oldjoy); CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick2 device index: %d\n", JoyInfo2.oldjoy); // update the menu if (currentMenu == &OP_JoystickSetDef) M_SetupJoystickMenu(0); if (JoyInfo.dev != newjoy && JoyInfo2.dev != newjoy) SDL_JoystickClose(newjoy); } break; case SDL_JOYDEVICEREMOVED: if (JoyInfo.dev && !SDL_JoystickGetAttached(JoyInfo.dev)) { CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick1 removed, device index: %d\n", JoyInfo.oldjoy); I_ShutdownJoystick(); } if (JoyInfo2.dev && !SDL_JoystickGetAttached(JoyInfo2.dev)) { CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick2 removed, device index: %d\n", JoyInfo2.oldjoy); I_ShutdownJoystick2(); } // Update the device indexes, because they likely changed // * If device doesn't exist, switch cv_usejoystick back to default value (.string) // * BUT: If that default index is being occupied, use ANOTHER cv_usejoystick's default value! if (JoyInfo.dev) cv_usejoystick.value = JoyInfo.oldjoy = I_GetJoystickDeviceIndex(JoyInfo.dev) + 1; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != JoyInfo2.oldjoy) cv_usejoystick.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick.string); else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != JoyInfo2.oldjoy) cv_usejoystick.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string); else // we tried... cv_usejoystick.value = 0; if (JoyInfo2.dev) cv_usejoystick2.value = JoyInfo2.oldjoy = I_GetJoystickDeviceIndex(JoyInfo2.dev) + 1; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) != JoyInfo.oldjoy) cv_usejoystick2.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string); else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) != JoyInfo.oldjoy) cv_usejoystick2.value = atoi(cv_usejoystick.string); else // we tried... cv_usejoystick2.value = 0; // Was cv_usejoystick disabled in settings? if (!strcmp(cv_usejoystick.string, "0")) cv_usejoystick.value = 0; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick.string) <= I_NumJoys() // don't mess if we intentionally set higher than NumJoys && cv_usejoystick.value) // update the cvar ONLY if a device exists CV_SetValue(&cv_usejoystick, cv_usejoystick.value); if (!strcmp(cv_usejoystick2.string, "0")) cv_usejoystick2.value = 0; else if (atoi(cv_usejoystick2.string) <= I_NumJoys() // don't mess if we intentionally set higher than NumJoys && cv_usejoystick2.value) // update the cvar ONLY if a device exists CV_SetValue(&cv_usejoystick2, cv_usejoystick2.value); CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick1 device index: %d\n", JoyInfo.oldjoy); CONS_Debug(DBG_GAMELOGIC, "Joystick2 device index: %d\n", JoyInfo2.oldjoy); // update the menu if (currentMenu == &OP_JoystickSetDef) M_SetupJoystickMenu(0); break; case SDL_QUIT: I_Quit(); M_QuitResponse('y'); break; } } // Send all relative mouse movement as one single mouse event. if (mousemovex || mousemovey) { event_t event; int wwidth, wheight; SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &wwidth, &wheight); //SDL_memset(&event, 0, sizeof(event_t)); event.type = ev_mouse; event.data1 = 0; event.data2 = (INT32)lround(mousemovex * ((float)wwidth / (float)realwidth)); event.data3 = (INT32)lround(mousemovey * ((float)wheight / (float)realheight)); D_PostEvent(&event); } // In order to make wheels act like buttons, we have to set their state to Up. // This is because wheel messages don't have an up/down state. gamekeydown[KEY_MOUSEWHEELDOWN] = gamekeydown[KEY_MOUSEWHEELUP] = 0; } void I_StartupMouse(void) { static SDL_bool firsttimeonmouse = SDL_TRUE; if (disable_mouse) return; if (!firsttimeonmouse) { HalfWarpMouse(realwidth, realheight); // warp to center } else firsttimeonmouse = SDL_FALSE; if (cv_usemouse.value) SDLdoGrabMouse(); else SDLdoUngrabMouse(); } // // I_OsPolling // void I_OsPolling(void) { SDL_Keymod mod; if (consolevent) I_GetConsoleEvents(); if (SDL_WasInit(SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) == SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) { SDL_JoystickUpdate(); I_GetJoystickEvents(); I_GetJoystick2Events(); } I_GetMouseEvents(); I_GetEvent(); mod = SDL_GetModState(); /* Handle here so that our state is always synched with the system. */ shiftdown = ctrldown = altdown = 0; capslock = false; if (mod & KMOD_LSHIFT) shiftdown |= 1; if (mod & KMOD_RSHIFT) shiftdown |= 2; if (mod & KMOD_LCTRL) ctrldown |= 1; if (mod & KMOD_RCTRL) ctrldown |= 2; if (mod & KMOD_LALT) altdown |= 1; if (mod & KMOD_RALT) altdown |= 2; if (mod & KMOD_CAPS) capslock = true; } // // I_UpdateNoBlit // void I_UpdateNoBlit(void) { if (rendermode == render_none) return; if (exposevideo) { #ifdef HWRENDER if (rendermode == render_opengl) { OglSdlFinishUpdate(cv_vidwait.value); } else #endif if (rendermode == render_soft) { SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } } exposevideo = SDL_FALSE; } // I_SkipFrame // // Returns true if it thinks we can afford to skip this frame // from PrBoom's src/SDL/i_video.c static inline boolean I_SkipFrame(void) { #if 0 static boolean skip = false; if (rendermode != render_soft) return false; skip = !skip; switch (gamestate) { case GS_LEVEL: if (!paused) return false; /* FALLTHRU */ //case GS_TIMEATTACK: -- sorry optimisation but now we have a cool level platter and that being laggardly looks terrible case GS_WAITINGPLAYERS: return skip; // Skip odd frames default: return false; } #endif return false; } // // I_FinishUpdate // void I_FinishUpdate(void) { if (rendermode == render_none) return; //Alam: No software or OpenGl surface if (I_SkipFrame()) return; // draw captions if enabled if (cv_closedcaptioning.value) SCR_ClosedCaptions(); if (st_overlay) { if (cv_ticrate.value) SCR_DisplayTicRate(); if (cv_showping.value && netgame && consoleplayer != serverplayer) SCR_DisplayLocalPing(); } if (rendermode == render_soft && screens[0]) { SDL_Rect rect; rect.x = 0; rect.y = 0; rect.w = vid.width; rect.h = vid.height; if (!bufSurface) //Double-Check { Impl_VideoSetupSDLBuffer(); } if (bufSurface) { SDL_BlitSurface(bufSurface, NULL, vidSurface, &rect); // Fury -- there's no way around UpdateTexture, the GL backend uses it anyway SDL_LockSurface(vidSurface); SDL_UpdateTexture(texture, &rect, vidSurface->pixels, vidSurface->pitch); SDL_UnlockSurface(vidSurface); } SDL_RenderClear(renderer); SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL); SDL_RenderPresent(renderer); } #ifdef HWRENDER else if (rendermode == render_opengl) { OglSdlFinishUpdate(cv_vidwait.value); } #endif exposevideo = SDL_FALSE; } // // I_UpdateNoVsync // void I_UpdateNoVsync(void) { INT32 real_vidwait = cv_vidwait.value; cv_vidwait.value = 0; I_FinishUpdate(); cv_vidwait.value = real_vidwait; } // // I_ReadScreen // void I_ReadScreen(UINT8 *scr) { if (rendermode != render_soft) I_Error ("I_ReadScreen: called while in non-software mode"); else VID_BlitLinearScreen(screens[0], scr, vid.width*vid.bpp, vid.height, vid.rowbytes, vid.rowbytes); } // // I_SetPalette // void I_SetPalette(RGBA_t *palette) { size_t i; for (i=0; i<256; i++) { localPalette[i].r = palette[i].s.red; localPalette[i].g = palette[i].s.green; localPalette[i].b = palette[i].s.blue; } //if (vidSurface) SDL_SetPaletteColors(vidSurface->format->palette, localPalette, 0, 256); // Fury -- SDL2 vidSurface is a 32-bit surface buffer copied to the texture. It's not palletized, like bufSurface. if (bufSurface) SDL_SetPaletteColors(bufSurface->format->palette, localPalette, 0, 256); } // return number of fullscreen + X11 modes INT32 VID_NumModes(void) { if (USE_FULLSCREEN && numVidModes != -1) return numVidModes - firstEntry; else return MAXWINMODES; } const char *VID_GetModeName(INT32 modeNum) { #if 0 if (USE_FULLSCREEN && numVidModes != -1) // fullscreen modes { modeNum += firstEntry; if (modeNum >= numVidModes) return NULL; sprintf(&vidModeName[modeNum][0], "%dx%d", modeList[modeNum]->w, modeList[modeNum]->h); } else // windowed modes { #endif if (modeNum == -1) { return fallback_resolution_name; } if (modeNum > MAXWINMODES) return NULL; sprintf(&vidModeName[modeNum][0], "%dx%d", windowedModes[modeNum][0], windowedModes[modeNum][1]); //} return &vidModeName[modeNum][0]; } INT32 VID_GetModeForSize(INT32 w, INT32 h) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAXWINMODES; i++) { if (windowedModes[i][0] == w && windowedModes[i][1] == h) { return i; } } return -1; #if 0 INT32 matchMode = -1, i; VID_PrepareModeList(); if (USE_FULLSCREEN && numVidModes != -1) { for (i=firstEntry; iw == w && modeList[i]->h == h) { matchMode = i; break; } } if (-1 == matchMode) // use smaller mode { w -= w%BASEVIDWIDTH; h -= h%BASEVIDHEIGHT; for (i=firstEntry; iw == w && modeList[i]->h == h) { matchMode = i; break; } } if (-1 == matchMode) // use smallest mode matchMode = numVidModes-1; } matchMode -= firstEntry; } else { for (i=0; iw <= MAXVIDWIDTH && modeList[i]->h <= MAXVIDHEIGHT) { firstEntry = i; break; } } } } allow_fullscreen = true; #endif } INT32 VID_SetMode(INT32 modeNum) { SDLdoUngrabMouse(); vid.recalc = 1; vid.bpp = 1; if (modeNum >= 0 && modeNum < MAXWINMODES) { vid.width = windowedModes[modeNum][0]; vid.height = windowedModes[modeNum][1]; vid.modenum = modeNum; } else { // just set the desktop resolution as a fallback SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode(window, &mode); if (mode.w >= 2048) { vid.width = 1920; vid.height = 1200; } else { vid.width = mode.w; vid.height = mode.h; } vid.modenum = -1; } //Impl_SetWindowName("SRB2 "VERSIONSTRING); SDLSetMode(vid.width, vid.height, USE_FULLSCREEN); if (rendermode == render_soft) { if (bufSurface) { SDL_FreeSurface(bufSurface); bufSurface = NULL; } Impl_VideoSetupBuffer(); } return SDL_TRUE; } static SDL_bool Impl_CreateWindow(SDL_bool fullscreen) { int flags = 0; if (rendermode == render_none) // dedicated return SDL_TRUE; // Monster Iestyn -- not sure if it really matters what we return here tbh if (window != NULL) return SDL_FALSE; if (fullscreen) flags |= SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP; if (borderlesswindow) flags |= SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS; #ifdef HWRENDER if (rendermode == render_opengl) flags |= SDL_WINDOW_OPENGL; #endif // Create a window window = SDL_CreateWindow("SRB2 "VERSIONSTRING, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED, realwidth, realheight, flags); if (window == NULL) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Couldn't create window: %s\n"), SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } // Renderer-specific stuff #ifdef HWRENDER if (rendermode == render_opengl) { sdlglcontext = SDL_GL_CreateContext(window); if (sdlglcontext == NULL) { SDL_DestroyWindow(window); I_Error("Failed to create a GL context: %s\n", SDL_GetError()); } SDL_GL_MakeCurrent(window, sdlglcontext); } else #endif if (rendermode == render_soft) { flags = 0; // Use this to set SDL_RENDERER_* flags now if (usesdl2soft) flags |= SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE; else if (cv_vidwait.value) flags |= SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1, flags); if (renderer == NULL) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Couldn't create rendering context: %s\n"), SDL_GetError()); return SDL_FALSE; } SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(renderer, BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT); } return SDL_TRUE; } /* static void Impl_SetWindowName(const char *title) { if (window == NULL) { return; } SDL_SetWindowTitle(window, title); } */ static void Impl_SetWindowIcon(void) { if (window == NULL || icoSurface == NULL) { return; } //SDL2STUB(); // Monster Iestyn: why is this stubbed? SDL_SetWindowIcon(window, icoSurface); } static void Impl_VideoSetupSDLBuffer(void) { if (bufSurface != NULL) { SDL_FreeSurface(bufSurface); bufSurface = NULL; } // Set up the SDL palletized buffer (copied to vidbuffer before being rendered to texture) if (vid.bpp == 1) { bufSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(screens[0],vid.width,vid.height,8, (int)vid.rowbytes,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000,0x00000000); // 256 mode } else if (vid.bpp == 2) // Fury -- don't think this is used at all anymore { bufSurface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(screens[0],vid.width,vid.height,15, (int)vid.rowbytes,0x00007C00,0x000003E0,0x0000001F,0x00000000); // 555 mode } if (bufSurface) { SDL_SetPaletteColors(bufSurface->format->palette, localPalette, 0, 256); } else { I_Error("%s", M_GetText("No system memory for SDL buffer surface\n")); } } static void Impl_VideoSetupBuffer(void) { // Set up game's software render buffer if (rendermode == render_soft) { vid.rowbytes = vid.width * vid.bpp; vid.direct = NULL; if (vid.buffer) free(vid.buffer); vid.buffer = calloc(vid.rowbytes*vid.height, NUMSCREENS); if (!vid.buffer) { I_Error("%s", M_GetText("Not enough memory for video buffer\n")); } } } void I_StartupGraphics(void) { if (dedicated) { rendermode = render_none; return; } if (graphics_started) return; COM_AddCommand ("vid_nummodes", VID_Command_NumModes_f); COM_AddCommand ("vid_info", VID_Command_Info_f); COM_AddCommand ("vid_modelist", VID_Command_ModeList_f); COM_AddCommand ("vid_mode", VID_Command_Mode_f); CV_RegisterVar (&cv_vidwait); CV_RegisterVar (&cv_stretch); disable_mouse = M_CheckParm("-nomouse"); disable_fullscreen = M_CheckParm("-win") ? 1 : 0; keyboard_started = true; #if !defined(HAVE_TTF) // Previously audio was init here for questionable reasons? if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) { CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Couldn't initialize SDL's Video System: %s\n"), SDL_GetError()); return; } #endif { const char *vd = SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(); //CONS_Printf(M_GetText("Starting up with video driver: %s\n"), vd); if (vd && ( strncasecmp(vd, "gcvideo", 8) == 0 || strncasecmp(vd, "fbcon", 6) == 0 || strncasecmp(vd, "wii", 4) == 0 || strncasecmp(vd, "psl1ght", 8) == 0 )) framebuffer = SDL_TRUE; } if (M_CheckParm("-software")) { rendermode = render_soft; } usesdl2soft = M_CheckParm("-softblit"); borderlesswindow = M_CheckParm("-borderless"); //SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_DELAY>>1,SDL_DEFAULT_REPEAT_INTERVAL<<2); VID_Command_ModeList_f(); #ifdef HWRENDER if (M_CheckParm("-opengl") || rendermode == render_opengl) { rendermode = render_opengl; HWD.pfnInit = hwSym("Init",NULL); HWD.pfnFinishUpdate = NULL; HWD.pfnDraw2DLine = hwSym("Draw2DLine",NULL); HWD.pfnDrawPolygon = hwSym("DrawPolygon",NULL); HWD.pfnRenderSkyDome = hwSym("RenderSkyDome",NULL); HWD.pfnSetBlend = hwSym("SetBlend",NULL); HWD.pfnClearBuffer = hwSym("ClearBuffer",NULL); HWD.pfnSetTexture = hwSym("SetTexture",NULL); HWD.pfnReadRect = hwSym("ReadRect",NULL); HWD.pfnGClipRect = hwSym("GClipRect",NULL); HWD.pfnClearMipMapCache = hwSym("ClearMipMapCache",NULL); HWD.pfnSetSpecialState = hwSym("SetSpecialState",NULL); HWD.pfnSetPalette = hwSym("SetPalette",NULL); HWD.pfnGetTextureUsed = hwSym("GetTextureUsed",NULL); HWD.pfnDrawModel = hwSym("DrawModel",NULL); HWD.pfnCreateModelVBOs = hwSym("CreateModelVBOs",NULL); HWD.pfnSetTransform = hwSym("SetTransform",NULL); HWD.pfnGetRenderVersion = hwSym("GetRenderVersion",NULL); HWD.pfnPostImgRedraw = hwSym("PostImgRedraw",NULL); HWD.pfnFlushScreenTextures=hwSym("FlushScreenTextures",NULL); HWD.pfnStartScreenWipe = hwSym("StartScreenWipe",NULL); HWD.pfnEndScreenWipe = hwSym("EndScreenWipe",NULL); HWD.pfnDoScreenWipe = hwSym("DoScreenWipe",NULL); HWD.pfnDrawIntermissionBG=hwSym("DrawIntermissionBG",NULL); HWD.pfnMakeScreenTexture= hwSym("MakeScreenTexture",NULL); HWD.pfnMakeScreenFinalTexture=hwSym("MakeScreenFinalTexture",NULL); HWD.pfnDrawScreenFinalTexture=hwSym("DrawScreenFinalTexture",NULL); // check gl renderer lib if (HWD.pfnGetRenderVersion() != VERSION) I_Error("%s", M_GetText("The version of the renderer doesn't match the version of the executable\nBe sure you have installed SRB2 properly.\n")); if (!HWD.pfnInit(I_Error)) // let load the OpenGL library { rendermode = render_soft; } } #endif // Fury: we do window initialization after GL setup to allow // SDL_GL_LoadLibrary to work well on Windows // Create window //Impl_CreateWindow(USE_FULLSCREEN); //Impl_SetWindowName("SRB2 "VERSIONSTRING); VID_SetMode(VID_GetModeForSize(BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT)); vid.width = BASEVIDWIDTH; // Default size for startup vid.height = BASEVIDHEIGHT; // BitsPerPixel is the SDL interface's vid.recalc = true; // Set up the console stufff vid.direct = NULL; // Maybe direct access? vid.bpp = 1; // This is the game engine's Bpp vid.WndParent = NULL; //For the window? #ifdef HAVE_TTF I_ShutdownTTF(); #endif // Window icon #ifdef HAVE_IMAGE icoSurface = IMG_ReadXPMFromArray(SDL_icon_xpm); #endif Impl_SetWindowIcon(); VID_SetMode(VID_GetModeForSize(BASEVIDWIDTH, BASEVIDHEIGHT)); if (M_CheckParm("-nomousegrab")) mousegrabok = SDL_FALSE; #if 0 // defined (_DEBUG) else { char videodriver[4] = {'S','D','L',0}; if (!M_CheckParm("-mousegrab") && *strncpy(videodriver, SDL_GetCurrentVideoDriver(), 4) != '\0' && strncasecmp("x11",videodriver,4) == 0) mousegrabok = SDL_FALSE; //X11's XGrabPointer not good } #endif realwidth = (Uint16)vid.width; realheight = (Uint16)vid.height; VID_Command_Info_f(); SDLdoUngrabMouse(); SDL_RaiseWindow(window); if (mousegrabok && !disable_mouse) { SDL_ShowCursor(SDL_DISABLE); SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode(SDL_TRUE); wrapmouseok = SDL_TRUE; SDL_SetWindowGrab(window, SDL_TRUE); } graphics_started = true; } void I_ShutdownGraphics(void) { const rendermode_t oldrendermode = rendermode; rendermode = render_none; if (icoSurface) SDL_FreeSurface(icoSurface); icoSurface = NULL; if (oldrendermode == render_soft) { if (vidSurface) SDL_FreeSurface(vidSurface); vidSurface = NULL; if (vid.buffer) free(vid.buffer); vid.buffer = NULL; if (bufSurface) SDL_FreeSurface(bufSurface); bufSurface = NULL; } I_OutputMsg("I_ShutdownGraphics(): "); // was graphics initialized anyway? if (!graphics_started) { I_OutputMsg("graphics never started\n"); return; } graphics_started = false; I_OutputMsg("shut down\n"); #ifdef HWRENDER if (GLUhandle) hwClose(GLUhandle); if (sdlglcontext) { SDL_GL_DeleteContext(sdlglcontext); } #endif SDL_QuitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_VIDEO); framebuffer = SDL_FALSE; } #endif