// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2025 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file deh_soc.c /// \brief Load SOC file and change tables and text #include "doomdef.h" #include "d_main.h" // for srb2home #include "g_game.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "info.h" #include "d_think.h" #include "m_argv.h" #include "z_zone.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "y_inter.h" #include "m_menu.h" #include "m_misc.h" #include "f_finale.h" #include "st_stuff.h" #include "i_system.h" #include "p_setup.h" #include "r_data.h" #include "r_textures.h" #include "r_draw.h" #include "r_picformats.h" #include "r_things.h" // R_Char2Frame #include "r_sky.h" #include "fastcmp.h" #include "lua_script.h" // Reluctantly included for LUA_EvalMath #include "netcode/d_clisrv.h" #ifdef HWRENDER #include "hardware/hw_light.h" #endif #include "m_cond.h" #include "dehacked.h" #include "deh_soc.h" #include "deh_lua.h" // included due to some LUA_SetLuaAction hack smh // also used for LUA_UpdateSprName #include "deh_tables.h" // Loops through every constant and operation in word and performs its calculations, returning the final value. fixed_t get_number(const char *word) { return LUA_EvalMath(word); /*// DESPERATELY NEEDED: Order of operations support! :x fixed_t i = find_const(&word); INT32 o; while(*word) { o = operation_pad(&word); if (o != -1) i = OPERATIONS[o].v(i,find_const(&word)); else break; } return i;*/ } #define PARAMCHECK(n) do { if (!params[n]) { deh_warning("Too few parameters, need %d", n); return; }} while (0) /* ======================================================================== */ // Load a dehacked file format /* ======================================================================== */ /* a sample to see Thing 1 (Player) { // MT_PLAYER INT32 doomednum; ID # = 3232 -1, // doomednum INT32 spawnstate; Initial frame = 32 "PLAY", // spawnstate INT32 spawnhealth; Hit points = 3232 100, // spawnhealth INT32 seestate; First moving frame = 32 "PLAY_RUN1", // seestate INT32 seesound; Alert sound = 32 sfx_None, // seesound INT32 reactiontime; Reaction time = 3232 0, // reactiontime INT32 attacksound; Attack sound = 32 sfx_None, // attacksound INT32 painstate; Injury frame = 32 "PLAY_PAIN", // painstate INT32 painchance; Pain chance = 3232 255, // painchance INT32 painsound; Pain sound = 32 sfx_plpain, // painsound INT32 meleestate; Close attack frame = 32 "NULL", // meleestate INT32 missilestate; Far attack frame = 32 "PLAY_ATK1", // missilestate INT32 deathstate; Death frame = 32 "PLAY_DIE1", // deathstate INT32 xdeathstate; Exploding frame = 32 "PLAY_XDIE1", // xdeathstate INT32 deathsound; Death sound = 32 sfx_pldeth, // deathsound INT32 speed; Speed = 3232 0, // speed INT32 radius; Width = 211812352 16*FRACUNIT, // radius INT32 height; Height = 211812352 56*FRACUNIT, // height INT32 dispoffset; DispOffset = 0 0, // dispoffset INT32 mass; Mass = 3232 100, // mass INT32 damage; Missile damage = 3232 0, // damage INT32 activesound; Action sound = 32 sfx_None, // activesound INT32 flags; Bits = 3232 MF_SOLID|MF_SHOOTABLE|MF_DROPOFF|MF_PICKUP|MF_NOTDMATCH, INT32 raisestate; Respawn frame = 32 S_NULL // raisestate }, */ #ifdef HWRENDER static INT32 searchvalue(const char *s) { while (s[0] != '=' && s[0]) s++; if (s[0] == '=') return atoi(&s[1]); else { deh_warning("No value found"); return 0; } } static float searchfvalue(const char *s) { while (s[0] != '=' && s[0]) s++; if (s[0] == '=') return (float)atof(&s[1]); else { deh_warning("No value found"); return 0; } } #endif // These are for clearing all of various things void clear_emblems(void) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXEMBLEMS; ++i) { Z_Free(emblemlocations[i].stringVar); emblemlocations[i].stringVar = NULL; } memset(&emblemlocations, 0, sizeof(emblemlocations)); numemblems = 0; } void clear_unlockables(void) { INT32 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXUNLOCKABLES; ++i) { Z_Free(unlockables[i].stringVar); unlockables[i].stringVar = NULL; } memset(&unlockables, 0, sizeof(unlockables)); } void clear_conditionsets(void) { UINT8 i; for (i = 0; i < MAXCONDITIONSETS; ++i) M_ClearConditionSet(i+1); } void clear_levels(void) { INT16 i; // This is potentially dangerous but if we're resetting these headers, // we may as well try to save some memory, right? for (i = 0; i < NUMMAPS; ++i) { if (!mapheaderinfo[i] || i == (tutorialmap-1)) continue; // Custom map header info // (no need to set num to 0, we're freeing the entire header shortly) Z_Free(mapheaderinfo[i]->customopts); P_DeleteFlickies(i); P_DeleteGrades(i); Z_Free(mapheaderinfo[i]); mapheaderinfo[i] = NULL; } // Realloc the one for the current gamemap as a safeguard P_AllocMapHeader(gamemap-1); } static boolean findCharacterSlot(INT32 *num) { if (description) { // Send the character select entry to a free slot. while (*num < numdescriptions && (description[*num].used)) (*num)++; } // No more free slots. if (*num >= MAXCHARACTERSLOTS) return false; else if (*num >= numdescriptions) M_InitCharacterTables((*num) + 1); // Found one! return (description[*num].used = true); } // Reads a player. // For modifying the character select screen void readPlayer(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; boolean slotfound = false; boolean failure = false; INT32 i; if (num < 0 || num >= MAXCHARACTERSLOTS) { deh_warning("Character %d out of range (0 - %d)", num, MAXCHARACTERSLOTS-1); failure = true; } #define FINDSLOT \ if (!failure && !slotfound && (slotfound = findCharacterSlot(&num)) == false) { \ failure = true; \ deh_warning("Too many characters, ignoring"); \ } #define SLOTFOUND \ FINDSLOT \ if (failure) \ continue; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { char stringvalue[MAXLINELEN]; if (s[0] == '\n') break; stringvalue[0] = '\0'; for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN-3 && !failure; i++) { if (s[i] == '=') { strlcpy(stringvalue, &s[i+2], sizeof stringvalue); break; } } word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; if (fastcmp(word, "PLAYERTEXT")) { char *playertext = NULL; FINDSLOT if (failure) { ignorelinesuntilhash(f); continue; } // A friendly neighborhood alias for brevity's sake #define NOTE_SIZE sizeof(description[num].notes) for (i = 0; i < (INT32)(MAXLINELEN-NOTE_SIZE-3); i++) { if (s[i] == '=') { playertext = &s[i+2]; break; } } if (playertext) { // PLAYERTEXT is really weird, so this doesn't use deh_strlcpy. strlcpy(description[num].notes, playertext, NOTE_SIZE); strlcat(description[num].notes, myhashfgets(playertext, NOTE_SIZE, f), NOTE_SIZE); } else description[num].notes[0] = '\0'; // For some reason, cutting the string did not work above. Most likely due to strcpy or strcat... // It works down here, though. { INT32 numline = 0; for (i = 0; (size_t)i < NOTE_SIZE-1; i++) { if (numline < 20 && description[num].notes[i] == '\n') numline++; if (numline >= 20 || description[num].notes[i] == '\0' || description[num].notes[i] == '#') break; } } description[num].notes[strlen(description[num].notes)-1] = '\0'; description[num].notes[i] = '\0'; #undef NOTE_SIZE continue; } word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; if (fastcmp(word, "PICNAME")) { SLOTFOUND deh_strlcpy(description[num].picname, word2, sizeof description[num].picname, va("Character %d: picname", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "DISPLAYNAME")) { char *cur = NULL; SLOTFOUND // Remove any line breaks cur = strchr(stringvalue, '\n'); if (cur) *cur = '\0'; // Turn '#' into line breaks cur = strchr(stringvalue, '#'); while (cur) { *cur = '\n'; cur = strchr(cur, '#'); } deh_strlcpy(description[num].displayname, stringvalue, sizeof description[num].displayname, va("Character %d: displayname", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "OPPOSITECOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "OPPOSITECOLOUR")) { SLOTFOUND description[num].oppositecolor = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "NAMETAG") || fastcmp(word, "TAGNAME")) { SLOTFOUND deh_strlcpy(description[num].nametag, word2, sizeof description[num].nametag, va("Character %d: nametag", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TAGTEXTCOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "TAGTEXTCOLOUR")) { SLOTFOUND description[num].tagtextcolor = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TAGOUTLINECOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "TAGOUTLINECOLOUR")) { SLOTFOUND description[num].tagoutlinecolor = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "STATUS")) { /* You MAY disable previous entries if you so desire... But try to enable something that's already enabled and you will be sent to a free slot. Because of this, you are allowed to edit any previous entries you like, but only if you signal that you are purposely doing so by disabling and then reenabling the slot. */ i = atoi(word2); if (i && !slotfound && (slotfound = findCharacterSlot(&num)) == false) failure = true; if (!failure) description[num].used = (!!i); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SKINNAME")) { // Send to free slot. SLOTFOUND deh_strlcpy(description[num].skinname, word2, sizeof description[num].skinname, va("Character %d: skinname", num)); strlwr(description[num].skinname); } else if (!failure) deh_warning("readPlayer %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty #undef FINDSLOT #undef SLOTFOUND Z_Free(s); } // TODO: Figure out how to do undolines for this.... // TODO: Warnings for running out of freeslots void readfreeslots(MYFILE *f) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word,*type; int i; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; char *hashtag = strchr(s, '#'); char *space = strchr(s, ' '); if (hashtag) *hashtag = '\0'; if (space) *space = '\0'; if (s == hashtag || s == space) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. type = strtok(s, "_"); if (type) strupr(type); else break; word = strtok(NULL, "\n"); if (word) strupr(word); else break; // TODO: Check for existing freeslot mobjs/states/etc. and make errors. // TODO: Out-of-slots warnings/errors. // TODO: Name too long (truncated) warnings. if (fastcmp(type, "SFX")) S_AddSoundFx(word, false, 0, false); else if (fastcmp(type, "SPR")) { if (strlen(word) > MAXSPRITENAME) I_Error("Sprite name is longer than %d characters\n", MAXSPRITENAME); for (i = SPR_FIRSTFREESLOT; i <= SPR_LASTFREESLOT; i++) { if (in_bit_array(used_spr, i - SPR_FIRSTFREESLOT)) continue; // Already allocated, next. // Found a free slot! strcpy(sprnames[i], word); set_bit_array(used_spr, i - SPR_FIRSTFREESLOT); // Okay, this sprite slot has been named now. // Lua needs to update the value in _G if it exists LUA_UpdateSprName(word, i); break; } } else if (fastcmp(type, "S")) { for (i = 0; i < NUMSTATEFREESLOTS; i++) if (!FREE_STATES[i]) { FREE_STATES[i] = Z_Malloc(strlen(word)+1, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(FREE_STATES[i],word); break; } } else if (fastcmp(type, "MT")) { for (i = 0; i < NUMMOBJFREESLOTS; i++) if (!FREE_MOBJS[i]) { FREE_MOBJS[i] = Z_Malloc(strlen(word)+1, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(FREE_MOBJS[i],word); break; } } else if (fastcmp(type, "SKINCOLOR")) { for (i = 0; i < NUMCOLORFREESLOTS; i++) if (!FREE_SKINCOLORS[i]) { FREE_SKINCOLORS[i] = Z_Malloc(strlen(word)+1, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(FREE_SKINCOLORS[i],word); M_AddMenuColor(numskincolors++); break; } } else if (fastcmp(type, "SPR2")) { // Search if we already have an SPR2 by that name... for (i = SPR2_FIRSTFREESLOT; i < (int)free_spr2; i++) if (memcmp(spr2names[i],word,4) == 0) break; // We found it? (Two mods using the same SPR2 name?) Then don't allocate another one. if (i < (int)free_spr2) continue; // Copy in the spr2 name and increment free_spr2. if (free_spr2 < NUMPLAYERSPRITES) { strncpy(spr2names[free_spr2],word,4); spr2defaults[free_spr2] = 0; spr2names[free_spr2++][4] = 0; } else deh_warning("Ran out of free SPR2 slots!\n"); } else if (fastcmp(type, "TOL")) { // Search if we already have a typeoflevel by that name... for (i = 0; TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name; i++) if (fastcmp(word, TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name)) break; // We found it? Then don't allocate another one. if (TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name) continue; // We don't, so freeslot it. if (lastcustomtol == (UINT32)MAXTOL) // Unless you have way too many, since they're flags. deh_warning("Ran out of free typeoflevel slots!\n"); else { G_AddTOL(lastcustomtol, word); lastcustomtol <<= 1; } } else deh_warning("Freeslots: unknown enum class '%s' for '%s_%s'", type, type, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); R_RefreshSprite2(); } void readthing(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word, *word2; char *tmp; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; if (fastcmp(word, "MAPTHINGNUM") || fastcmp(word, "DOOMEDNUM")) { mobjinfo[num].doomednum = (INT32)atoi(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPAWNSTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].spawnstate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPAWNHEALTH")) { mobjinfo[num].spawnhealth = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SEESTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].seestate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SEESOUND")) { mobjinfo[num].seesound = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "REACTIONTIME")) { mobjinfo[num].reactiontime = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "ATTACKSOUND")) { mobjinfo[num].attacksound = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "PAINSTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].painstate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "PAINCHANCE")) { mobjinfo[num].painchance = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "PAINSOUND")) { mobjinfo[num].painsound = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MELEESTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].meleestate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MISSILESTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].missilestate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "DEATHSTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].deathstate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "DEATHSOUND")) { mobjinfo[num].deathsound = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "XDEATHSTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].xdeathstate = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPEED")) { mobjinfo[num].speed = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "RADIUS")) { mobjinfo[num].radius = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "HEIGHT")) { mobjinfo[num].height = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "DISPOFFSET")) { mobjinfo[num].dispoffset = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MASS")) { mobjinfo[num].mass = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "DAMAGE")) { mobjinfo[num].damage = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "ACTIVESOUND")) { mobjinfo[num].activesound = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "FLAGS")) { mobjinfo[num].flags = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "RAISESTATE")) { mobjinfo[num].raisestate = get_number(word2); } else deh_warning("Thing %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readskincolor(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; Color_cons_t[num].value = num; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; if (fastcmp(word, "NAME")) { size_t namesize = sizeof(skincolors[num].name); char *truncword = malloc(namesize); // Follow C standard - SSNTails UINT16 dupecheck; deh_strlcpy(truncword, word2, namesize, va("Skincolor %d: name", num)); // truncate here to check for dupes dupecheck = R_GetColorByName(truncword); if (truncword[0] != '\0' && (!stricmp(truncword, skincolors[SKINCOLOR_NONE].name) || (dupecheck && dupecheck != num))) { size_t lastchar = strlen(truncword); char *oldword = malloc(lastchar + 1); // Follow C standard - SSNTails char dupenum = '1'; strlcpy(oldword, truncword, lastchar+1); lastchar--; if (lastchar == namesize-2) // exactly max length, replace last character with 0 truncword[lastchar] = '0'; else // append 0 { strcat(truncword, "0"); lastchar++; } while (R_GetColorByName(truncword)) { truncword[lastchar] = dupenum; if (dupenum == '9') dupenum = 'A'; else if (dupenum == 'Z') // give up :? break; else dupenum++; } deh_warning("Skincolor %d: name %s is a duplicate of another skincolor's name - renamed to %s", num, oldword, truncword); free(oldword); } strlcpy(skincolors[num].name, truncword, namesize); // already truncated free(truncword); } else if (fastcmp(word, "RAMP")) { UINT8 i; tmp = strtok(word2,","); for (i = 0; i < COLORRAMPSIZE; i++) { skincolors[num].ramp[i] = (UINT8)get_number(tmp); if ((tmp = strtok(NULL,",")) == NULL) break; } skincolor_modified[num] = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "INVCOLOR")) { UINT16 v = (UINT16)get_number(word2); if (v < numskincolors) skincolors[num].invcolor = v; else skincolors[num].invcolor = SKINCOLOR_GREEN; } else if (fastcmp(word, "INVSHADE")) { skincolors[num].invshade = get_number(word2)%COLORRAMPSIZE; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CHATCOLOR")) { skincolors[num].chatcolor = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "ACCESSIBLE")) { if (num > FIRSTSUPERCOLOR) skincolors[num].accessible = (boolean)(atoi(word2) || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else deh_warning("Skincolor %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } #ifdef HWRENDER void readlight(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *tmp; INT32 value; float fvalue; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. fvalue = searchfvalue(s); value = searchvalue(s); word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; if (fastcmp(word, "TYPE")) { lspr[num].type = (UINT16)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "OFFSETX")) { lspr[num].light_xoffset = fvalue; } else if (fastcmp(word, "OFFSETY")) { lspr[num].light_yoffset = fvalue; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CORONACOLOR")) { lspr[num].corona_color = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CORONARADIUS")) { lspr[num].corona_radius = fvalue; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DYNAMICCOLOR")) { lspr[num].dynamic_color = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DYNAMICRADIUS")) { lspr[num].dynamic_radius = fvalue; /// \note Update the sqrradius! unnecessary? lspr[num].dynamic_sqrradius = fvalue * fvalue; } else deh_warning("Light %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } #endif // HWRENDER static void readspriteframe(MYFILE *f, spriteinfo_t *sprinfo, UINT8 frame) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word, *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; char *lastline; do { lastline = f->curpos; if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Set / reset word word = s; while ((*word == '\t') || (*word == ' ')) word++; // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) { *(tmp-1) = '\0'; // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; } else { // Get the part before the " " tmp = strchr(s, ' '); if (tmp) { *tmp = '\0'; // Now get the part after tmp++; word2 = tmp; } else break; } strupr(word); value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "XPIVOT")) sprinfo->pivot[frame].x = value; else if (fastcmp(word, "YPIVOT")) sprinfo->pivot[frame].y = value; // TODO: 2.3: Delete else if (fastcmp(word, "ROTAXIS")) deh_warning("SpriteInfo: ROTAXIS is deprecated and will be removed."); else { f->curpos = lastline; break; } } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readspriteinfo(MYFILE *f, INT32 num, boolean sprite2) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word, *word2; char *tmp; #ifdef HWRENDER INT32 value; #endif char *lastline; UINT8 *skinnumbers = NULL; INT32 foundskins = 0; // allocate a spriteinfo spriteinfo_t *info = Z_Calloc(sizeof(spriteinfo_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); info->available = true; do { lastline = f->curpos; if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Set / reset word word = s; while ((*word == '\t') || (*word == ' ')) word++; // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) { *(tmp-1) = '\0'; // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; } else { // Get the part before the " " tmp = strchr(s, ' '); if (tmp) { *tmp = '\0'; // Now get the part after tmp++; word2 = tmp; } else break; } strupr(word); #ifdef HWRENDER value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "LIGHTTYPE")) { if (sprite2) deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: invalid word '%s'", spr2names[num], word); else { INT32 oldvar; for (oldvar = 0; t_lspr[num] != &lspr[oldvar]; oldvar++) ; t_lspr[num] = &lspr[value]; } } else #endif if (fastcmp(word, "SKIN")) { INT32 skinnum = -1; if (!sprite2) { deh_warning("Sprite %s: %s keyword found outside of SPRITE2INFO block, ignoring", spr2names[num], word); continue; } // make lowercase strlwr(word2); skinnum = R_SkinAvailable(word2); if (skinnum == -1) { deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: unknown skin %s", spr2names[num], word2); break; } if (skinnumbers == NULL) skinnumbers = Z_Malloc(sizeof(UINT8) * numskins, PU_STATIC, NULL); skinnumbers[foundskins] = (UINT8)skinnum; foundskins++; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DEFAULT")) { if (!sprite2) { deh_warning("Sprite %s: %s keyword found outside of SPRITE2INFO block, ignoring", spr2names[num], word); continue; } if (num < (INT32)free_spr2 && num >= (INT32)SPR2_FIRSTFREESLOT) spr2defaults[num] = get_number(word2); else { deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: out of range (%d - %d), ignoring", spr2names[num], SPR2_FIRSTFREESLOT, free_spr2-1); continue; } } else if (fastcmp(word, "FRAME")) { UINT8 frame = R_Char2Frame(word2[0]); // frame number too high if (frame >= 64) { if (sprite2) deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: invalid frame %s", spr2names[num], word2); else deh_warning("Sprite %s: invalid frame %s", sprnames[num], word2); break; } // read sprite frame and store it in the spriteinfo_t struct readspriteframe(f, info, frame); if (sprite2) { INT32 i; if (!foundskins) { deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: no skins specified", spr2names[num]); break; } for (i = 0; i < foundskins; i++) { skin_t *skin = skins[skinnumbers[i]]; spriteinfo_t *sprinfo = skin->sprinfo; M_Memcpy(&sprinfo[num], info, sizeof(spriteinfo_t)); } } else M_Memcpy(&spriteinfo[num], info, sizeof(spriteinfo_t)); } else { //deh_warning("Sprite %s: unknown word '%s'", sprnames[num], word); f->curpos = lastline; break; } } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); Z_Free(info); if (skinnumbers) Z_Free(skinnumbers); } void readsprite2(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word, *word2; char *tmp; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; if (fastcmp(word, "DEFAULT")) spr2defaults[num] = get_number(word2); else deh_warning("Sprite2 %s: unknown word '%s'", spr2names[num], word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readgametype(MYFILE *f, char *gtname) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2, *word2lwr = NULL; char *tmp; INT32 i, j; INT16 newgtidx = 0; UINT32 newgtrules = 0; UINT32 newgttol = 0; INT32 newgtpointlimit = 0; INT32 newgttimelimit = 0; UINT8 newgtleftcolor = 0; UINT8 newgtrightcolor = 0; INT16 newgtrankingstype = -1; int newgtinttype = 0; char gtdescription[441]; char gtconst[MAXLINELEN+1]; // Empty strings. gtdescription[0] = '\0'; gtconst[0] = '\0'; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; if (fastcmp(word, "DESCRIPTION")) { char *descr = NULL; for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN-3; i++) { if (s[i] == '=') { descr = &s[i+2]; break; } } if (descr) { // DESCRIPTION is really weird, so this doesn't use deh_strlcpy. strlcpy(gtdescription, descr, sizeof (gtdescription)); strlcat(gtdescription, myhashfgets(descr, sizeof (gtdescription), f), sizeof (gtdescription)); } else strcpy(gtdescription, ""); // For some reason, cutting the string did not work above. Most likely due to strcpy or strcat... // It works down here, though. { INT32 numline = 0; for (i = 0; (size_t)i < sizeof(gtdescription)-1; i++) { if (numline < 20 && gtdescription[i] == '\n') numline++; if (numline >= 20 || gtdescription[i] == '\0' || gtdescription[i] == '#') break; } } gtdescription[strlen(gtdescription)-1] = '\0'; gtdescription[i] = '\0'; continue; } word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) { if (!word2lwr) word2lwr = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(word2lwr, word2); strupr(word2); } else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; i = atoi(word2); // Game type rules if (fastcmp(word, "RULES")) { // GTR_ newgtrules = (UINT32)get_number(word2); } // Identifier else if (fastcmp(word, "IDENTIFIER")) { // GT_ strncpy(gtconst, word2, MAXLINELEN); } // Point and time limits else if (fastcmp(word, "DEFAULTPOINTLIMIT")) newgtpointlimit = (INT32)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "DEFAULTTIMELIMIT")) newgttimelimit = (INT32)i; // Level platter else if (fastcmp(word, "HEADERCOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "HEADERCOLOUR")) newgtleftcolor = newgtrightcolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "HEADERLEFTCOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "HEADERLEFTCOLOUR")) newgtleftcolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "HEADERRIGHTCOLOR") || fastcmp(word, "HEADERRIGHTCOLOUR")) newgtrightcolor = (UINT8)get_number(word2); // Rankings type else if (fastcmp(word, "RANKINGTYPE")) { // Case insensitive newgtrankingstype = (int)get_number(word2); } // Intermission type else if (fastcmp(word, "INTERMISSIONTYPE")) { // Case sensitive newgtinttype = (int)get_number(word2lwr); } // Type of level else if (fastcmp(word, "TYPEOFLEVEL")) { if (i) // it's just a number newgttol = (UINT32)i; else { UINT32 tol = 0; tmp = strtok(word2,","); do { for (i = 0; TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name; i++) if (fasticmp(tmp, TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name)) break; if (!TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name) deh_warning("readgametype %s: unknown typeoflevel flag %s\n", gtname, tmp); tol |= TYPEOFLEVEL[i].flag; } while((tmp = strtok(NULL,",")) != NULL); newgttol = tol; } } // The SOC probably provided gametype rules as words, // instead of using the RULES keyword. // Like for example "NOSPECTATORSPAWN = TRUE". // This is completely valid, and looks better anyway. else { UINT32 wordgt = 0; for (j = 0; GAMETYPERULE_LIST[j]; j++) if (fastcmp(word, GAMETYPERULE_LIST[j])) { wordgt |= (1<lvlttl, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->lvlttl), va("Level header %d: levelname", num)); strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->selectheading, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->selectheading)); // not deh_strlcpy so only complains once continue; } // CHEAP HACK: move this over here for lowercase subtitles if (fastcmp(word, "SUBTITLE")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->subttl, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->subttl), va("Level header %d: subtitle", num)); continue; } // Lua custom options also go above, contents may be case sensitive. if (fastncmp(word, "LUA.", 4)) { UINT8 j; customoption_t *modoption; // Note: we actualy strlwr word here, so things are made a little easier for Lua strlwr(word); word += 4; // move past "lua." // ... and do a simple name sanity check; the name must start with a letter if (*word < 'a' || *word > 'z') { deh_warning("Level header %d: invalid custom option name \"%s\"", num, word); continue; } // Sanity limit of 128 params if (mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numCustomOptions == 128) { deh_warning("Level header %d: too many custom parameters", num); continue; } j = mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numCustomOptions++; mapheaderinfo[num-1]->customopts = Z_Realloc(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->customopts, sizeof(customoption_t) * mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numCustomOptions, PU_STATIC, NULL); // Newly allocated modoption = &mapheaderinfo[num-1]->customopts[j]; deh_strlcpy(modoption->option, word, sizeof(modoption->option), va("Level header %d: custom option %d key", num, j)); deh_strlcpy(modoption->value, word2, sizeof(modoption->value), va("Level header %d: custom option %d value", num, j)); continue; } // Now go to uppercase strupr(word2); // List of flickies that are be freed in this map if (fastcmp(word, "FLICKYLIST") || fastcmp(word, "ANIMALLIST")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) P_DeleteFlickies(num-1); else if (fastcmp(word2, "DEMO")) P_SetDemoFlickies(num-1); else if (fastcmp(word2, "ALL")) { mobjtype_t tmpflickies[MAXFLICKIES]; for (mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies = 0; ((mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies < MAXFLICKIES) && FLICKYTYPES[mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies].type); mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies++) tmpflickies[mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies] = FLICKYTYPES[mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies].type; if (mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies) // just in case... { size_t newsize = sizeof(mobjtype_t) * mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies; mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies = Z_Realloc(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies, newsize, PU_STATIC, NULL); M_Memcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies, tmpflickies, newsize); } } else { mobjtype_t tmpflickies[MAXFLICKIES]; mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies = 0; tmp = strtok(word2,","); // get up to the first MAXFLICKIES flickies do { if (mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies == MAXFLICKIES) // never going to get above that number { deh_warning("Level header %d: too many flickies\n", num); break; } if (fastncmp(tmp, "MT_", 3)) // support for specified mobjtypes... { i = get_mobjtype(tmp); if (!i) { //deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown flicky mobj type %s\n", num, tmp); -- no need for this line as get_mobjtype complains too continue; } tmpflickies[mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies] = i; } else // ...or a quick, limited selection of default flickies! { for (i = 0; FLICKYTYPES[i].name; i++) if (fastcmp(tmp, FLICKYTYPES[i].name)) break; if (!FLICKYTYPES[i].name) { deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown flicky selection %s\n", num, tmp); continue; } tmpflickies[mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies] = FLICKYTYPES[i].type; } mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies++; } while ((tmp = strtok(NULL,",")) != NULL); if (mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies) { size_t newsize = sizeof(mobjtype_t) * mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numFlickies; mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies = Z_Realloc(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies, newsize, PU_STATIC, NULL); // now we add them to the list! M_Memcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->flickies, tmpflickies, newsize); } else deh_warning("Level header %d: no valid flicky types found\n", num); } } // NiGHTS grades else if (fastncmp(word, "GRADES", 6)) { UINT8 mare = (UINT8)atoi(word + 6); if (mare <= 0 || mare > 8) { deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); continue; } P_AddGradesForMare((INT16)(num-1), mare-1, word2); } // NiGHTS time limits (per mare) else if (fastncmp(word, "NIGHTSTIME", 10)) { P_AddNiGHTSTimes((INT16)(num-1), word2); } // Strings that can be truncated else if (fastcmp(word, "SELECTHEADING")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->selectheading, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->selectheading), va("Level header %d: selectheading", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SCRIPTNAME")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->scriptname, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->scriptname), va("Level header %d: scriptname", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "RUNSOC")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->runsoc, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->runsoc), va("Level header %d: runsoc", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "ACT")) { if (i >= 0 && i <= 99) // 0 for no act number mapheaderinfo[num-1]->actnum = (UINT8)i; else deh_warning("Level header %d: invalid act number %d", num, i); } else if (fastcmp(word, "NEXTLEVEL")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "TITLE")) i = 1100; else if (fastcmp(word2, "EVALUATION")) i = 1101; else if (fastcmp(word2, "CREDITS")) i = 1102; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ENDING")) i = 1103; else // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Nextlevel = AB, Nextlevel = FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z' && word2[2] == '\0') i = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); mapheaderinfo[num-1]->nextlevel = (INT16)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MARATHONNEXT")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "TITLE")) i = 1100; else if (fastcmp(word2, "EVALUATION")) i = 1101; else if (fastcmp(word2, "CREDITS")) i = 1102; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ENDING")) i = 1103; else // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., MarathonNext = AB, MarathonNext = FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z' && word2[2] == '\0') i = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); mapheaderinfo[num-1]->marathonnext = (INT16)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TYPEOFLEVEL")) { if (i) // it's just a number mapheaderinfo[num-1]->typeoflevel = (UINT32)i; else { UINT32 tol = 0; tmp = strtok(word2,","); do { for (i = 0; TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name; i++) if (fastcmp(tmp, TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name)) break; if (!TYPEOFLEVEL[i].name) deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown typeoflevel flag %s\n", num, tmp); tol |= TYPEOFLEVEL[i].flag; } while((tmp = strtok(NULL,",")) != NULL); mapheaderinfo[num-1]->typeoflevel = tol; } } else if (fastcmp(word, "KEYWORDS")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->keywords, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->keywords), va("Level header %d: keywords", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSIC")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname[0] = 0; // becomes empty string else { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musname), va("Level header %d: music", num)); } } // TODO: 2.3: Delete else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICSLOT")) deh_warning("Level header %d: MusicSlot parameter is deprecated and will be removed.\nUse \"Music\" instead.", num); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->mustrack = ((UINT16)i - 1); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspos = (UINT32)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICINTERFADEOUT")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musinterfadeout = (UINT32)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICINTER")) deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musintername, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musintername), va("Level header %d: intermission music", num)); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOSTBOSS")) deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspostbossname, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspostbossname), va("Level header %d: post-boss music", num)); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOSTBOSSTRACK")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspostbosstrack = ((UINT16)i - 1); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOSTBOSSPOS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspostbosspos = (UINT32)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOSTBOSSFADEIN")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->muspostbossfadein = (UINT32)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "FORCERESETMUSIC")) { // This is a weird one because "FALSE"/"NO" could either apply to "leave to default preference" (cv_resetmusic) // or "force off". Let's assume it means "force off", and let an unspecified value mean "default preference" if (fastcmp(word2, "OFF") || word2[0] == 'F' || word2[0] == 'N') i = 0; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ON") || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') i = 1; else i = -1; // (fastcmp(word2, "DEFAULT")) if (i >= -1 && i <= 1) // -1 to force off, 1 to force on, 0 to honor default. // This behavior can be disabled with cv_resetmusicbyheader mapheaderinfo[num-1]->musforcereset = (SINT8)i; else deh_warning("Level header %d: invalid forceresetmusic option %d", num, i); } else if (fastcmp(word, "FORCECHARACTER")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->forcecharacter, word2, sizeof mapheaderinfo[num-1]->forcecharacter, va("Level header %d: forcecharacter", num)); strlwr(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->forcecharacter); // skin names are lowercase } else if (fastcmp(word, "WEATHER")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->weather = (UINT8)get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "SKYNUM")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skynum = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "INTERSCREEN")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->interscreen, word2, sizeof mapheaderinfo[num-1]->interscreen, va("Level header %d: interscreen", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "PRECUTSCENENUM")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->precutscenenum = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "CUTSCENENUM")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->cutscenenum = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "COUNTDOWN")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->countdown = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "PALETTE")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->palette = (UINT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "NUMLAPS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->numlaps = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "UNLOCKABLE")) { if (i >= 0 && i <= MAXUNLOCKABLES) // 0 for no unlock required, anything else requires something mapheaderinfo[num-1]->unlockrequired = (SINT8)i - 1; else deh_warning("Level header %d: invalid unlockable number %d", num, i); } else if (fastcmp(word, "LEVELSELECT")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelselect = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SKYBOXSCALE")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scalex = mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scaley = mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scalez = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SKYBOXSCALEX")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scalex = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SKYBOXSCALEY")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scaley = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SKYBOXSCALEZ")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->skybox_scalez = (INT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "BONUSTYPE")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) i = -1; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NORMAL")) i = 0; else if (fastcmp(word2, "BOSS")) i = 1; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ERZ3")) i = 2; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NIGHTS")) i = 3; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NIGHTSLINK")) i = 4; if (i >= -1 && i <= 4) // -1 for no bonus. Max is 4. mapheaderinfo[num-1]->bonustype = (SINT8)i; else deh_warning("Level header %d: invalid bonus type number %d", num, i); } // Title card else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLECARDZIGZAG")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltzzpatch, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltzzpatch), va("Level header %d: title card zigzag patch name", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLECARDZIGZAGTEXT")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltzztext, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltzztext), va("Level header %d: title card zigzag text patch name", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLECARDACTDIAMOND")) { deh_strlcpy(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltactdiamond, word2, sizeof(mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ltactdiamond), va("Level header %d: title card act diamond patch name", num)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MAXBONUSLIVES")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->maxbonuslives = (SINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "LEVELFLAGS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags = (UINT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "MENUFLAGS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags = (UINT8)i; // Individual triggers for level flags, for ease of use (and 2.0 compatibility) else if (fastcmp(word, "SCRIPTISFILE")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_SCRIPTISFILE; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_SCRIPTISFILE; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPEEDMUSIC")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_SPEEDMUSIC; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_SPEEDMUSIC; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOSSMUSIC")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_NOSSMUSIC; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOSSMUSIC; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NORELOAD")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_NORELOAD; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NORELOAD; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOZONE")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_NOZONE; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOZONE; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SAVEGAME")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_SAVEGAME; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_SAVEGAME; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MIXNIGHTSCOUNTDOWN")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_MIXNIGHTSCOUNTDOWN; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_MIXNIGHTSCOUNTDOWN; } else if (fastcmp(word, "WARNINGTITLE")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_WARNINGTITLE; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_WARNINGTITLE; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOTITLECARD")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_NOTITLECARD; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOTITLECARD; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SHOWTITLECARDFOR")) { mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags |= LF_NOTITLECARD; tmp = strtok(word2,","); do { if (fastcmp(tmp, "FIRST")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOTITLECARDFIRST; else if (fastcmp(tmp, "RESPAWN")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOTITLECARDRESPAWN; else if (fastcmp(tmp, "RECORDATTACK")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOTITLECARDRECORDATTACK; else if (fastcmp(tmp, "ALL")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->levelflags &= ~LF_NOTITLECARD; else if (!fastcmp(tmp, "NONE")) deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown titlecard show option %s\n", num, tmp); } while((tmp = strtok(NULL,",")) != NULL); } // Individual triggers for menu flags else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDDEN")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_HIDEINMENU; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= ~LF2_HIDEINMENU; } else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDEINSTATS")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_HIDEINSTATS; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= ~LF2_HIDEINSTATS; } else if (fastcmp(word, "RECORDATTACK") || fastcmp(word, "TIMEATTACK")) { // TIMEATTACK is an accepted alias if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_RECORDATTACK; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= ~LF2_RECORDATTACK; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NIGHTSATTACK")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_NIGHTSATTACK; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= LF2_NIGHTSATTACK; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOVISITNEEDED")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_NOVISITNEEDED; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= ~LF2_NOVISITNEEDED; } else if (fastcmp(word, "WIDEICON")) { if (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags |= LF2_WIDEICON; else mapheaderinfo[num-1]->menuflags &= ~LF2_WIDEICON; } else if (fastcmp(word, "STARTRINGS")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->startrings = (UINT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SPECIALSTAGETIME")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->sstimer = i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SPECIALSTAGESPHERES")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->ssspheres = i; else if (fastcmp(word, "GRAVITY")) mapheaderinfo[num-1]->gravity = FLOAT_TO_FIXED(atof(word2)); else deh_warning("Level header %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } static void readcutscenescene(MYFILE *f, INT32 num, INT32 scenenum) { char *s = Z_Calloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; INT32 i; UINT16 usi; UINT8 picid; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; if (fastcmp(word, "SCENETEXT")) { char *scenetext = NULL; char *buffer; const int bufferlen = 4096; for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN; i++) { if (s[i] == '=') { scenetext = &s[i+2]; break; } } if (!scenetext) { Z_Free(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].text); cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].text = NULL; continue; } for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN; i++) { if (s[i] == '\0') { s[i] = '\n'; s[i+1] = '\0'; break; } } buffer = Z_Malloc(4096, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(buffer, scenetext); strcat(buffer, myhashfgets(scenetext, bufferlen - strlen(buffer) - 1, f)); // A cutscene overwriting another one... Z_Free(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].text); cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].text = Z_StrDup(buffer); Z_Free(buffer); continue; } word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; i = atoi(word2); usi = (UINT16)i; if (fastcmp(word, "NUMBEROFPICS")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].numpics = (UINT8)i; } else if (fastncmp(word, "PIC", 3)) { picid = (UINT8)atoi(word + 3); if (picid > 8 || picid == 0) { deh_warning("Cutscene %d, scene %d: pic number %d out of range (1 - %d)", num + 1, scenenum + 1, picid, 8); continue; } --picid; if (fastcmp(word+4, "NAME")) { deh_strlcpy(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].picname[picid], word2, sizeof cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].picname[picid], va("Cutscene %d, scene %d, pic %d: name", num + 1, scenenum + 1, picid + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "HIRES")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].pichires[picid] = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "DURATION")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].picduration[picid] = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "XCOORD")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].xcoord[picid] = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "YCOORD")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].ycoord[picid] = usi; } else deh_warning("Cutscene %d, scene %d: unknown word '%s'", num + 1, scenenum + 1, word); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSIC")) { deh_strlcpy(cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, word2, sizeof cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitch, va("Cutscene %d, scene %d: music", num + 1, scenenum + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitchflags = ((UINT16)i) & MUSIC_TRACKMASK; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICPOS")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musswitchposition = (UINT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICLOOP")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].musicloop = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TEXTXPOS")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].textxpos = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TEXTYPOS")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].textypos = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word, "FADEINID")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].fadeinid = (UINT8)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "FADEOUTID")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].fadeoutid = (UINT8)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "FADECOLOR")) { cutscenes[num]->scene[scenenum].fadecolor = (UINT8)i; } else deh_warning("Cutscene %d, scene %d: unknown word '%s'", num + 1, scenenum + 1, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readcutscene(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; // Allocate memory for this cutscene if we don't yet have any if (!cutscenes[num]) cutscenes[num] = Z_Calloc(sizeof (cutscene_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; word2 = strtok(NULL, " "); if (word2) value = atoi(word2); else { deh_warning("No value for token %s", word); continue; } if (fastcmp(word, "NUMSCENES")) { cutscenes[num]->numscenes = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SCENE")) { if (1 <= value && value <= 128) { readcutscenescene(f, num, value - 1); } else deh_warning("Cutscene %d: scene number %d out of range (1 - 128)", num + 1, value); } else deh_warning("Cutscene %d: unknown word '%s', Scene expected.", num + 1, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } static void readtextpromptpage(MYFILE *f, INT32 num, INT32 pagenum) { char *s = Z_Calloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; INT32 i; UINT16 usi; UINT8 picid; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; if (fastcmp(word, "PAGETEXT")) { char *pagetext = NULL; char *buffer; const int bufferlen = 4096; for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN; i++) { if (s[i] == '=') { pagetext = &s[i+2]; break; } } if (!pagetext) { Z_Free(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].text); textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].text = NULL; continue; } for (i = 0; i < MAXLINELEN; i++) { if (s[i] == '\0') { s[i] = '\n'; s[i+1] = '\0'; break; } } buffer = Z_Malloc(4096, PU_STATIC, NULL); strcpy(buffer, pagetext); // \todo trim trailing whitespace before the # // and also support # at the end of a PAGETEXT with no line break strcat(buffer, myhashfgets(pagetext, bufferlen - strlen(buffer) - 1, f)); // A text prompt overwriting another one... Z_Free(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].text); textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].text = Z_StrDup(buffer); Z_Free(buffer); continue; } word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; i = atoi(word2); usi = (UINT16)i; // copypasta from readcutscenescene if (fastcmp(word, "NUMBEROFPICS")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].numpics = (UINT8)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "PICMODE")) { UINT8 picmode = 0; // PROMPT_PIC_PERSIST if (usi == 1 || word2[0] == 'L') picmode = PROMPT_PIC_LOOP; else if (usi == 2 || word2[0] == 'D' || word2[0] == 'H') picmode = PROMPT_PIC_DESTROY; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picmode = picmode; } else if (fastcmp(word, "PICTOLOOP")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pictoloop = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "PICTOSTART")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pictostart = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "PICSMETAPAGE")) { if (usi && usi <= textprompts[num]->numpages) { UINT8 metapagenum = usi - 1; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].numpics = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].numpics; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picmode = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].picmode; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pictoloop = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].pictoloop; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pictostart = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].pictostart; for (picid = 0; picid < MAX_PROMPT_PICS; picid++) { // Doesn't use deh_strlcpy because it's not copying input. strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picname[picid], textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].picname[picid], sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picname[picid]); textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pichires[picid] = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].pichires[picid]; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picduration[picid] = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].picduration[picid]; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].xcoord[picid] = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].xcoord[picid]; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].ycoord[picid] = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].ycoord[picid]; } } } else if (fastncmp(word, "PIC", 3)) { picid = (UINT8)atoi(word + 3); if (picid > MAX_PROMPT_PICS || picid == 0) { deh_warning("Text prompt %d, page %d: pic number %d out of range (1 - %d)", num + 1, pagenum + 1, picid, MAX_PROMPT_PICS); continue; } --picid; if (fastcmp(word+4, "NAME")) { deh_strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picname[picid], word2, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picname[picid], va("Text prompt %d, page %d, pic %d: name", num + 1, pagenum + 1, picid + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "HIRES")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].pichires[picid] = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "DURATION")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].picduration[picid] = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "XCOORD")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].xcoord[picid] = usi; } else if (fastcmp(word+4, "YCOORD")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].ycoord[picid] = usi; } else { deh_warning("Text prompt %d, page %d: unknown word '%s'", num + 1, pagenum + 1, word); } } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSIC")) { deh_strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].musswitch, word2, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].musswitch, va("Text prompt %d, page %d: music", num + 1, pagenum + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].musswitchflags = ((UINT16)i) & MUSIC_TRACKMASK; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICLOOP")) { textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].musicloop = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } // end copypasta from readcutscenescene else if (fastcmp(word, "NAME")) { if (*word2 != '\0') { size_t j; // HACK: Add yellow control char now // so the drawing function doesn't call it repeatedly char name[32 + 2]; name[0] = '\x82'; // color yellow // So that we still get a warning. deh_strlcpy(name + 1, word2, (sizeof(name)) - 1, va("Text prompt %d, page %d: name", num + 1, pagenum + 1)); // Replace _ with ' ' for (j = 1; j < sizeof(name) && name[j]; j++) { if (name[j] == '_') name[j] = ' '; } strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].name, name, sizeof(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].name)); } else *textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].name = '\0'; } else if (fastcmp(word, "ICON")) { deh_strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconname, word2, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconname, va("Text prompt %d, page %d: icon", num + 1, pagenum + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "ICONALIGN")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].rightside = (i || word2[0] == 'R'); else if (fastcmp(word, "ICONFLIP")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconflip = (i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); else if (fastcmp(word, "LINES")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].lines = usi; else if (fastcmp(word, "BACKCOLOR")) { INT32 backcolor; if (i == 0 || fastcmp(word2, "WHITE")) backcolor = 0; else if (i == 1 || fastcmp(word2, "GRAY") || fastcmp(word2, "GREY") || fastcmp(word2, "BLACK")) backcolor = 1; else if (i == 2 || fastcmp(word2, "SEPIA")) backcolor = 2; else if (i == 3 || fastcmp(word2, "BROWN")) backcolor = 3; else if (i == 4 || fastcmp(word2, "PINK")) backcolor = 4; else if (i == 5 || fastcmp(word2, "RASPBERRY")) backcolor = 5; else if (i == 6 || fastcmp(word2, "RED")) backcolor = 6; else if (i == 7 || fastcmp(word2, "CREAMSICLE")) backcolor = 7; else if (i == 8 || fastcmp(word2, "ORANGE")) backcolor = 8; else if (i == 9 || fastcmp(word2, "GOLD")) backcolor = 9; else if (i == 10 || fastcmp(word2, "YELLOW")) backcolor = 10; else if (i == 11 || fastcmp(word2, "EMERALD")) backcolor = 11; else if (i == 12 || fastcmp(word2, "GREEN")) backcolor = 12; else if (i == 13 || fastcmp(word2, "CYAN") || fastcmp(word2, "AQUA")) backcolor = 13; else if (i == 14 || fastcmp(word2, "STEEL")) backcolor = 14; else if (i == 15 || fastcmp(word2, "PERIWINKLE")) backcolor = 15; else if (i == 16 || fastcmp(word2, "BLUE")) backcolor = 16; else if (i == 17 || fastcmp(word2, "PURPLE")) backcolor = 17; else if (i == 18 || fastcmp(word2, "LAVENDER")) backcolor = 18; else if (i >= 256 && i < 512) backcolor = i; // non-transparent palette index else if (i < 0) backcolor = INT32_MAX; // CONS_BACKCOLOR user-configured else backcolor = 1; // default gray textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].backcolor = backcolor; } else if (fastcmp(word, "ALIGN")) { UINT8 align = 0; // left if (usi == 1 || word2[0] == 'R') align = 1; else if (usi == 2 || word2[0] == 'C' || word2[0] == 'M') align = 2; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].align = align; } else if (fastcmp(word, "VERTICALALIGN")) { UINT8 align = 0; // top if (usi == 1 || word2[0] == 'B') align = 1; else if (usi == 2 || word2[0] == 'C' || word2[0] == 'M') align = 2; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].verticalalign = align; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TEXTSPEED")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].textspeed = get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "TEXTSFX")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].textsfx = get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDEHUD")) { UINT8 hidehud = 0; if ((word2[0] == 'F' && (word2[1] == 'A' || !word2[1])) || word2[0] == 'N') hidehud = 0; // false else if (usi == 1 || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y') hidehud = 1; // true (hide appropriate HUD elements) else if (usi == 2 || word2[0] == 'A' || (word2[0] == 'F' && word2[1] == 'O')) hidehud = 2; // force (hide all HUD elements) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].hidehud = hidehud; } else if (fastcmp(word, "METAPAGE")) { if (usi && usi <= textprompts[num]->numpages) { UINT8 metapagenum = usi - 1; // Doesn't use deh_strlcpy because it's not copying input. strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].name, textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].name, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].name); strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconname, textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].iconname, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconname); textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].rightside = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].rightside; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].iconflip = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].iconflip; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].lines = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].lines; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].backcolor = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].backcolor; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].align = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].align; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].verticalalign = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].verticalalign; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].textspeed = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].textspeed; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].textsfx = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].textsfx; textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].hidehud = textprompts[num]->page[metapagenum].hidehud; // music: don't copy, else each page change may reset the music } } else if (fastcmp(word, "TAG")) { deh_strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].tag, word2, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].tag, va("Text prompt %d, page %d: tag", num + 1, pagenum + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "NEXTPROMPT")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].nextprompt = usi; else if (fastcmp(word, "NEXTPAGE")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].nextpage = usi; else if (fastcmp(word, "NEXTTAG")) { deh_strlcpy(textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].nexttag, word2, sizeof textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].nexttag, va("Text prompt %d, page %d: nexttag", num + 1, pagenum + 1)); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TIMETONEXT")) textprompts[num]->page[pagenum].timetonext = get_number(word2); else deh_warning("Text prompt %d, page %d: unknown word '%s'", num + 1, pagenum + 1, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readtextprompt(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; // Allocate memory for this prompt if we don't yet have any if (!textprompts[num]) textprompts[num] = Z_Calloc(sizeof (textprompt_t), PU_STATIC, NULL); do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. word = strtok(s, " "); if (word) strupr(word); else break; word2 = strtok(NULL, " "); if (word2) value = atoi(word2); else { deh_warning("No value for token %s", word); continue; } if (fastcmp(word, "NUMPAGES")) { textprompts[num]->numpages = min(max(value, 0), MAX_PAGES); } else if (fastcmp(word, "PAGE")) { if (1 <= value && value <= MAX_PAGES) { textprompts[num]->page[value - 1].backcolor = 1; // default to gray textprompts[num]->page[value - 1].hidehud = 1; // hide appropriate HUD elements readtextpromptpage(f, num, value - 1); } else deh_warning("Prompt %d: page number %d out of range (1 - %d)", num + 1, value, MAX_PAGES); } else deh_warning("Prompt %d: unknown word '%s', Page expected.", num + 1, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readmenu(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = (tmp += 2); strupr(word2); value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "BACKGROUNDNAME")) { deh_strlcpy(menupres[num].bgname, word2, sizeof menupres[num].bgname, va("Menu %d: backgroundname", num)); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDEBACKGROUND")) { menupres[num].bghide = (boolean)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "BACKGROUNDCOLOR")) { menupres[num].bgcolor = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDETITLEPICS") || fastcmp(word, "HIDEPICS") || fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSHIDE")) { // true by default, except MM_MAIN menupres[num].hidetitlepics = (boolean)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSMODE")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "USER")) menupres[num].ttmode = TTMODE_USER; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ALACROIX")) menupres[num].ttmode = TTMODE_ALACROIX; else if (fastcmp(word2, "HIDE") || fastcmp(word2, "HIDDEN") || fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) { menupres[num].ttmode = TTMODE_USER; menupres[num].ttname[0] = 0; menupres[num].hidetitlepics = true; } else // if (fastcmp(word2, "OLD") || fastcmp(word2, "SSNTAILS")) menupres[num].ttmode = TTMODE_OLD; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSSCALE")) { // Don't handle Alacroix special case here; see Maincfg section. menupres[num].ttscale = max(1, min(8, (UINT8)get_number(word2))); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSNAME")) { deh_strlcpy(menupres[num].ttname, word2, sizeof menupres[num].ttname, va("Menu %d: titlepicsname", num)); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSX")) { menupres[num].ttx = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSY")) { menupres[num].tty = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSLOOP")) { menupres[num].ttloop = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSTICS")) { menupres[num].tttics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLSPEED") || fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLXSPEED") || fastcmp(word, "SCROLLSPEED") || fastcmp(word, "SCROLLXSPEED")) { menupres[num].titlescrollxspeed = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLYSPEED") || fastcmp(word, "SCROLLYSPEED")) { menupres[num].titlescrollyspeed = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSIC")) { deh_strlcpy(menupres[num].musname, word2, sizeof menupres[num].musname, va("Menu %d: music", num)); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICTRACK")) { menupres[num].mustrack = ((UINT16)value - 1); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "MUSICLOOP")) { // true by default except MM_MAIN menupres[num].muslooping = (value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOMUSIC")) { menupres[num].musstop = (value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "IGNOREMUSIC")) { menupres[num].musignore = (value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "FADESTRENGTH")) { // one-based, <= 0 means use default value. 1-32 menupres[num].fadestrength = get_number(word2)-1; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOENTERBUBBLE")) { menupres[num].enterbubble = !(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "NOEXITBUBBLE")) { menupres[num].exitbubble = !(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "ENTERTAG")) { menupres[num].entertag = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "EXITTAG")) { menupres[num].exittag = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "ENTERWIPE")) { menupres[num].enterwipe = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "EXITWIPE")) { menupres[num].exitwipe = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readhuditem(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 i; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; strupr(word2); i = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "X")) { hudinfo[num].x = i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "Y")) { hudinfo[num].y = i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "F")) { hudinfo[num].f = get_number(word2); } else deh_warning("HUD item %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readframe(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word1; char *word2 = NULL; char *tmp; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. word1 = strtok(s, " "); if (word1) strupr(word1); else break; word2 = strtok(NULL, " = "); if (word2) strupr(word2); else break; if (word2[strlen(word2)-1] == '\n') word2[strlen(word2)-1] = '\0'; if (fastcmp(word1, "SPRITENUMBER") || fastcmp(word1, "SPRITENAME")) { states[num].sprite = get_sprite(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word1, "SPRITESUBNUMBER") || fastcmp(word1, "SPRITEFRAME")) { states[num].frame = (INT32)get_number(word2); // So the FF_ flags get calculated } else if (fastcmp(word1, "DURATION")) { states[num].tics = (INT32)get_number(word2); // So TICRATE can be used } else if (fastcmp(word1, "NEXT")) { states[num].nextstate = get_state(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word1, "VAR1")) { states[num].var1 = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word1, "VAR2")) { states[num].var2 = (INT32)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word1, "ACTION")) { size_t z; boolean found = false; size_t actionlen = strlen(word2) + 1; char *actiontocompare = calloc(1, actionlen); strcpy(actiontocompare, word2); strupr(actiontocompare); for (z = 0; z < actionlen; z++) { if (actiontocompare[z] == '\n' || actiontocompare[z] == '\r') { actiontocompare[z] = '\0'; break; } } for (z = 0; actionpointers[z].name; z++) { if (actionpointers[z].action.acv == states[num].action.acv) break; } z = 0; found = LUA_SetLuaAction(&states[num], actiontocompare); if (!found) while (actionpointers[z].name) { if (fastcmp(actiontocompare, actionpointers[z].name)) { states[num].action = actionpointers[z].action; states[num].action.acv = actionpointers[z].action.acv; // assign states[num].action.acp1 = actionpointers[z].action.acp1; found = true; break; } z++; } if (!found) deh_warning("Unknown action %s", actiontocompare); free(actiontocompare); } else deh_warning("Frame %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word1); } } while (!myfeof(f)); Z_Free(s); } void readsound(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Set / reset word word = s; // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "SINGULAR")) { S_sfx[num].singularity = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "PRIORITY")) { S_sfx[num].priority = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "FLAGS")) { S_sfx[num].pitch = value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CAPTION") || fastcmp(word, "DESCRIPTION")) { deh_strlcpy(S_sfx[num].caption, word2, sizeof(S_sfx[num].caption), va("Sound effect %d: caption", num)); } else deh_warning("Sound %d : unknown word '%s'",num,word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); Z_Free(s); } /** Checks if a game data file name for a mod is good. * "Good" means that it contains only alphanumerics, _, and -; * ends in ".dat"; has at least one character before the ".dat"; * and is not "gamedata.dat" (tested case-insensitively). * * Assumption: that gamedata.dat is the only .dat file that will * ever be treated specially by the game. * * Note: Check for the tail ".dat" case-insensitively since at * present, we get passed the filename in all uppercase. * * \param s Filename string to check. * \return True if the filename is good. * \sa readmaincfg() * \author Graue */ static boolean GoodDataFileName(const char *s) { const char *p; const char *tail = ".dat"; for (p = s; *p != '\0'; p++) if (!isalnum(*p) && *p != '_' && *p != '-' && *p != '.') return false; p = s + strlen(s) - strlen(tail); if (p <= s) return false; // too short if (!fasticmp(p, tail)) return false; // doesn't end in .dat if (fasticmp(s, "gamedata.dat")) return false; // Don't overwrite default gamedata if (fasticmp(s, "main.dat")) return false; // Don't overwrite default time attack replays return true; } void reademblemdata(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; memset(&emblemlocations[num-1], 0, sizeof(emblem_t)); do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings // Up here to allow lowercase in hints if (fastcmp(word, "HINT")) { while ((tmp = strchr(word2, '\\'))) *tmp = '\n'; deh_strlcpy(emblemlocations[num-1].hint, word2, sizeof (emblemlocations[num-1].hint), va("Emblem %d: hint", num)); continue; } strupr(word2); if (fastcmp(word, "TYPE")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "GLOBAL")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_GLOBAL; else if (fastcmp(word2, "SKIN")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_SKIN; else if (fastcmp(word2, "SCORE")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_SCORE; else if (fastcmp(word2, "TIME")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_TIME; else if (fastcmp(word2, "RINGS")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_RINGS; else if (fastcmp(word2, "MAP")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_MAP; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NGRADE")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_NGRADE; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NTIME")) emblemlocations[num-1].type = ET_NTIME; else emblemlocations[num-1].type = (UINT8)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TAG")) emblemlocations[num-1].tag = (INT16)value; else if (fastcmp(word, "MAPNUM")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); emblemlocations[num-1].level = (INT16)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPRITE")) { if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = word2[0]; else value += 'A'-1; if (value < 'A' || value > 'Z') deh_warning("Emblem %d: sprite must be from A - Z (1 - 26)", num); else emblemlocations[num-1].sprite = (UINT8)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "COLOR")) emblemlocations[num-1].color = get_number(word2); else if (fastcmp(word, "VAR")) { Z_Free(emblemlocations[num-1].stringVar); emblemlocations[num-1].stringVar = Z_StrDup(word2); emblemlocations[num-1].var = get_number(word2); } else deh_warning("Emblem %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // Default sprite and color definitions for lazy people like me if (!emblemlocations[num-1].sprite) switch (emblemlocations[num-1].type) { case ET_RINGS: emblemlocations[num-1].sprite = 'R'; break; case ET_SCORE: case ET_NGRADE: emblemlocations[num-1].sprite = 'S'; break; case ET_TIME: case ET_NTIME: emblemlocations[num-1].sprite = 'T'; break; default: emblemlocations[num-1].sprite = 'A'; break; } if (!emblemlocations[num-1].color) switch (emblemlocations[num-1].type) { case ET_RINGS: emblemlocations[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_GOLD; break; case ET_SCORE: emblemlocations[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_BROWN; break; case ET_NGRADE: emblemlocations[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_TEAL; break; case ET_TIME: case ET_NTIME: emblemlocations[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_GREY; break; default: emblemlocations[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_BLUE; break; } Z_Free(s); } void readextraemblemdata(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; memset(&extraemblems[num-1], 0, sizeof(extraemblem_t)); do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "NAME")) deh_strlcpy(extraemblems[num-1].name, word2, sizeof (extraemblems[num-1].name), va("Extra emblem %d: name", num)); else if (fastcmp(word, "OBJECTIVE")) deh_strlcpy(extraemblems[num-1].description, word2, sizeof (extraemblems[num-1].description), va("Extra emblem %d: objective", num)); else if (fastcmp(word, "CONDITIONSET")) extraemblems[num-1].conditionset = (UINT8)value; else if (fastcmp(word, "SHOWCONDITIONSET")) extraemblems[num-1].showconditionset = (UINT8)value; else { strupr(word2); if (fastcmp(word, "SPRITE")) { if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = word2[0]; else value += 'A'-1; if (value < 'A' || value > 'Z') deh_warning("Emblem %d: sprite must be from A - Z (1 - 26)", num); else extraemblems[num-1].sprite = (UINT8)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "COLOR")) extraemblems[num-1].color = get_number(word2); else deh_warning("Extra emblem %d: unknown word '%s'", num, word); } } } while (!myfeof(f)); if (!extraemblems[num-1].sprite) extraemblems[num-1].sprite = 'X'; if (!extraemblems[num-1].color) extraemblems[num-1].color = SKINCOLOR_BLUE; Z_Free(s); } void readunlockable(MYFILE *f, INT32 num) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 i; memset(&unlockables[num], 0, sizeof(unlockable_t)); unlockables[num].objective[0] = '/'; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; i = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "NAME")) deh_strlcpy(unlockables[num].name, word2, sizeof (unlockables[num].name), va("Unlockable %d: name", num)); else if (fastcmp(word, "OBJECTIVE")) deh_strlcpy(unlockables[num].objective, word2, sizeof (unlockables[num].objective), va("Unlockable %d: objective", num)); else { strupr(word2); if (fastcmp(word, "HEIGHT")) unlockables[num].height = (UINT16)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "CONDITIONSET")) unlockables[num].conditionset = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "SHOWCONDITIONSET")) unlockables[num].showconditionset = (UINT8)i; else if (fastcmp(word, "NOCECHO")) unlockables[num].nocecho = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); else if (fastcmp(word, "NOCHECKLIST")) unlockables[num].nochecklist = (UINT8)(i || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); else if (fastcmp(word, "TYPE")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_NONE; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ITEMFINDER")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_ITEMFINDER; else if (fastcmp(word2, "EMBLEMHINTS")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_EMBLEMHINTS; else if (fastcmp(word2, "PANDORA")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_PANDORA; else if (fastcmp(word2, "CREDITS")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_CREDITS; else if (fastcmp(word2, "RECORDATTACK")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_RECORDATTACK; else if (fastcmp(word2, "NIGHTSMODE")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_NIGHTSMODE; else if (fastcmp(word2, "HEADER")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_HEADER; else if (fastcmp(word2, "LEVELSELECT")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_LEVELSELECT; else if (fastcmp(word2, "WARP")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_WARP; else if (fastcmp(word2, "SOUNDTEST")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_SOUNDTEST; else if (fastcmp(word2, "SKIN")) unlockables[num].type = SECRET_SKIN; else unlockables[num].type = (INT16)i; } else if (fastcmp(word, "VAR")) { Z_Free(unlockables[num].stringVar); unlockables[num].stringVar = Z_StrDup(word2); // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') i = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); unlockables[num].variable = (INT16)i; } else deh_warning("Unlockable %d: unknown word '%s'", num+1, word); } } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } static void readcondition(UINT8 set, UINT32 id, char *word2) { INT32 i; char *params[4]; // condition, requirement, extra info, extra info char *spos; conditiontype_t ty; INT32 re; INT16 x1 = 0, x2 = 0; INT32 offset = 0; spos = strtok(word2, " "); for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { if (spos != NULL) { params[i] = spos; spos = strtok(NULL, " "); } else params[i] = NULL; } if (!params[0]) { deh_warning("condition line is empty"); return; } if (fastcmp(params[0], "PLAYTIME")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_PLAYTIME; re = atoi(params[1]); } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "GAMECLEAR") || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "ALLEMERALDS")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "ULTIMATECLEAR"))) { ty = UC_GAMECLEAR + offset; re = (params[1]) ? atoi(params[1]) : 1; } else if ((offset=0) || fastcmp(params[0], "OVERALLSCORE") || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "OVERALLTIME")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "OVERALLRINGS"))) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_OVERALLSCORE + offset; re = atoi(params[1]); } else if ((offset=0) || fastcmp(params[0], "MAPVISITED") || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPBEATEN")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPALLEMERALDS")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPULTIMATE")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPPERFECT"))) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_MAPVISITED + offset; // Convert to map number if it appears to be one if (params[1][0] >= 'A' && params[1][0] <= 'Z') re = M_MapNumber(params[1][0], params[1][1]); else re = atoi(params[1]); if (re <= 0 || re > NUMMAPS) { deh_warning("Level number %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, NUMMAPS); return; } } else if ((offset=0) || fastcmp(params[0], "MAPSCORE") || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPTIME")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "MAPRINGS"))) { PARAMCHECK(2); ty = UC_MAPSCORE + offset; re = atoi(params[2]); // Convert to map number if it appears to be one if (params[1][0] >= 'A' && params[1][0] <= 'Z') x1 = (INT16)M_MapNumber(params[1][0], params[1][1]); else x1 = (INT16)atoi(params[1]); if (x1 <= 0 || x1 > NUMMAPS) { deh_warning("Level number %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, NUMMAPS); return; } } else if ((offset=0) || fastcmp(params[0], "NIGHTSSCORE") || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "NIGHTSTIME")) || (++offset && fastcmp(params[0], "NIGHTSGRADE"))) { PARAMCHECK(2); // one optional one ty = UC_NIGHTSSCORE + offset; i = (params[3] ? 3 : 2); if (fastncmp("GRADE_",params[i],6)) { char *p = params[i]+6; for (re = 0; NIGHTSGRADE_LIST[re]; re++) if (*p == NIGHTSGRADE_LIST[re]) break; if (!NIGHTSGRADE_LIST[re]) { deh_warning("Invalid NiGHTS grade %s\n", params[i]); return; } } else re = atoi(params[i]); // Convert to map number if it appears to be one if (params[1][0] >= 'A' && params[1][0] <= 'Z') x1 = (INT16)M_MapNumber(params[1][0], params[1][1]); else x1 = (INT16)atoi(params[1]); if (x1 <= 0 || x1 > NUMMAPS) { deh_warning("Level number %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, NUMMAPS); return; } // Mare number (0 for overall) if (params[3]) // Only if we actually got 3 params (so the second one == mare and not requirement) x2 = (INT16)atoi(params[2]); else x2 = 0; } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "TRIGGER")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_TRIGGER; re = atoi(params[1]); // constrained by 32 bits if (re < 0 || re > 31) { deh_warning("Trigger ID %d out of range (0 - 31)", re); return; } } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "TOTALEMBLEMS")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_TOTALEMBLEMS; re = atoi(params[1]); } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "EMBLEM")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_EMBLEM; re = atoi(params[1]); if (re <= 0 || re > MAXEMBLEMS) { deh_warning("Emblem %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, MAXEMBLEMS); return; } } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "EXTRAEMBLEM")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_EXTRAEMBLEM; re = atoi(params[1]); if (re <= 0 || re > MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS) { deh_warning("Extra emblem %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, MAXEXTRAEMBLEMS); return; } } else if (fastcmp(params[0], "CONDITIONSET")) { PARAMCHECK(1); ty = UC_CONDITIONSET; re = atoi(params[1]); if (re <= 0 || re > MAXCONDITIONSETS) { deh_warning("Condition set %d out of range (1 - %d)", re, MAXCONDITIONSETS); return; } } else { deh_warning("Invalid condition name %s", params[0]); return; } M_AddRawCondition(set, (UINT8)id, ty, re, x1, x2); } void readconditionset(MYFILE *f, UINT8 setnum) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; UINT8 id; UINT8 previd = 0; M_ClearConditionSet(setnum); do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; strupr(word2); if (fastncmp(word, "CONDITION", 9)) { id = (UINT8)atoi(word + 9); if (id == 0) { deh_warning("Condition set %d: unknown word '%s'", setnum, word); continue; } else if (previd > id) { // out of order conditions can cause problems, so enforce proper order deh_warning("Condition set %d: conditions are out of order, ignoring this line", setnum); continue; } previd = id; readcondition(setnum, id, word2); } else deh_warning("Condition set %d: unknown word '%s'", setnum, word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); // finish when the line is empty Z_Free(s); } void readmaincfg(MYFILE *f) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; strupr(word2); value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (fastcmp(word, "EXECCFG")) { if (strchr(word2, '.')) COM_ExecFile(word2, COM_LUA, false); else { lumpnum_t lumpnum; char newname[9]; deh_strlcpy(newname, word2, sizeof newname, va("Maincfg: execcfg")); lumpnum = W_CheckNumForName(newname); if (lumpnum == LUMPERROR || W_LumpLength(lumpnum) == 0) CONS_Debug(DBG_SETUP, "SOC Error: script lump %s not found/not valid.\n", newname); else COM_BufInsertTextEx(W_CacheLumpNum(lumpnum, PU_CACHE), COM_LUA); } } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPSTAGE_START")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); spstage_start = spmarathon_start = (INT16)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPMARATHON_START")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); spmarathon_start = (INT16)value; } else if (fastcmp(word, "SSTAGE_START")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); sstage_start = (INT16)value; sstage_end = (INT16)(sstage_start+7); // 7 special stages total plus one weirdo } else if (fastcmp(word, "SMPSTAGE_START")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); smpstage_start = (INT16)value; smpstage_end = (INT16)(smpstage_start+6); // 7 special stages total } else if (fastcmp(word, "REDTEAM")) { skincolor_redteam = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "BLUETEAM")) { skincolor_blueteam = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "REDRING")) { skincolor_redring = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "BLUERING")) { skincolor_bluering = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "INVULNTICS")) { invulntics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SNEAKERTICS")) { sneakertics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "FLASHINGTICS")) { flashingtics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "TAILSFLYTICS")) { tailsflytics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "UNDERWATERTICS")) { underwatertics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SPACETIMETICS")) { spacetimetics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "EXTRALIFETICS")) { extralifetics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "NIGHTSLINKTICS")) { nightslinktics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "GAMEOVERTICS")) { gameovertics = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "AMMOREMOVALTICS")) { ammoremovaltics = get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "INTROTOPLAY")) { introtoplay = (UINT8)get_number(word2); // range check, you morons. if (introtoplay > 128) introtoplay = 128; introchanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CREDITSCUTSCENE")) { creditscutscene = (UINT8)get_number(word2); // range check, you morons. if (creditscutscene > 128) creditscutscene = 128; } else if (fastcmp(word, "USEBLACKROCK")) { useBlackRock = (UINT8)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "LOOPTITLE")) { looptitle = (value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEMAP")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); titlemap = (INT16)value; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "HIDETITLEPICS") || fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSHIDE")) { hidetitlepics = (boolean)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSMODE")) { if (fastcmp(word2, "USER")) ttmode = TTMODE_USER; else if (fastcmp(word2, "ALACROIX")) ttmode = TTMODE_ALACROIX; else if (fastcmp(word2, "HIDE") || fastcmp(word2, "HIDDEN") || fastcmp(word2, "NONE")) { ttmode = TTMODE_USER; ttname[0] = 0; hidetitlepics = true; } else // if (fastcmp(word2, "OLD") || fastcmp(word2, "SSNTAILS")) ttmode = TTMODE_OLD; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSSCALE")) { ttscale = max(1, min(8, (UINT8)get_number(word2))); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSSCALESAVAILABLE")) { // SPECIAL CASE for Alacroix: Comma-separated list of resolutions that are available // for gfx loading. ttavailable[0] = ttavailable[1] = ttavailable[2] = ttavailable[3] =\ ttavailable[4] = ttavailable[5] = false; if (strstr(word2, "1") != NULL) ttavailable[0] = true; if (strstr(word2, "2") != NULL) ttavailable[1] = true; if (strstr(word2, "3") != NULL) ttavailable[2] = true; if (strstr(word2, "4") != NULL) ttavailable[3] = true; if (strstr(word2, "5") != NULL) ttavailable[4] = true; if (strstr(word2, "6") != NULL) ttavailable[5] = true; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSNAME")) { deh_strlcpy(ttname, word2, sizeof ttname, va("Maincfg: titlepicsname")); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSX")) { ttx = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSY")) { tty = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSLOOP")) { ttloop = (INT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLEPICSTICS")) { tttics = (UINT16)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLSPEED") || fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLXSPEED")) { titlescrollxspeed = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TITLESCROLLYSPEED")) { titlescrollyspeed = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DISABLESPEEDADJUST")) { disableSpeedAdjust = (value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "NUMDEMOS")) { numDemos = (UINT8)get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DEMODELAYTIME")) { demoDelayTime = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "DEMOIDLETIME")) { demoIdleTime = get_number(word2); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "USE1UPSOUND")) { use1upSound = (UINT8)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "MAXXTRALIFE")) { maxXtraLife = (UINT8)get_number(word2); } else if (fastcmp(word, "USECONTINUES")) { useContinues = (UINT8)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "SHAREEMBLEMS")) { shareEmblems = (UINT8)(value || word2[0] == 'T' || word2[0] == 'Y'); } else if (fastcmp(word, "GAMEDATA")) { size_t filenamelen; // Check the data filename so that mods // can't write arbitrary files. if (!GoodDataFileName(word2)) I_Error("Maincfg: bad data file name '%s'\n", word2); G_SaveGameData(clientGamedata); strlcpy(gamedatafilename, word2, sizeof (gamedatafilename)); strlwr(gamedatafilename); savemoddata = true; // Also save a time attack folder filenamelen = strlen(gamedatafilename); // Strip off the extension if (filenamelen >= 4) filenamelen -= 4; if (filenamelen >= sizeof(timeattackfolder)) filenamelen = sizeof(timeattackfolder)-1; strncpy(timeattackfolder, gamedatafilename, filenamelen); timeattackfolder[min(filenamelen, sizeof (timeattackfolder) - 1)] = '\0'; strcpy(savegamename, timeattackfolder); strlcat(savegamename, "%u.ssg", sizeof(savegamename)); // can't use sprintf since there is %u in savegamename strcatbf(savegamename, srb2home, PATHSEP); strcpy(liveeventbackup, va("live%s.bkp", timeattackfolder)); strcatbf(liveeventbackup, srb2home, PATHSEP); gamedataadded = true; titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "RESETDATA")) { P_ResetData(value); titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "CUSTOMVERSION")) { deh_strlcpy(customversionstring, word2, sizeof customversionstring, va("Maincfg: customversion")); //titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "BOOTMAP")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); bootmap = (INT16)value; bootmapchanged = true; //titlechanged = true; } else if (fastcmp(word, "STARTCHAR")) { startchar = (INT16)value; char_on = -1; } else if (fastcmp(word, "TUTORIALMAP")) { // Support using the actual map name, // i.e., Level AB, Level FZ, etc. // Convert to map number if (word2[0] >= 'A' && word2[0] <= 'Z') value = M_MapNumber(word2[0], word2[1]); else value = get_number(word2); tutorialmap = (INT16)value; } else deh_warning("Maincfg: unknown word '%s'", word); } } while (!myfeof(f)); Z_Free(s); } void readwipes(MYFILE *f) { char *s = Z_Malloc(MAXLINELEN, PU_STATIC, NULL); char *word = s; char *pword = word; char *word2; char *tmp; INT32 value; INT32 wipeoffset; do { if (myfgets(s, MAXLINELEN, f)) { if (s[0] == '\n') break; // First remove trailing newline, if there is one tmp = strchr(s, '\n'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; tmp = strchr(s, '#'); if (tmp) *tmp = '\0'; if (s == tmp) continue; // Skip comment lines, but don't break. // Get the part before the " = " tmp = strchr(s, '='); if (tmp) *(tmp-1) = '\0'; else break; strupr(word); // Now get the part after word2 = tmp += 2; value = atoi(word2); // used for numerical settings if (value < -1 || value > 99) { deh_warning("Wipes: bad value '%s'", word2); continue; } else if (value == -1) value = UINT8_MAX; // error catching wipeoffset = -1; if (fastncmp(word, "LEVEL_", 6)) { pword = word + 6; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_level_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_level_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "INTERMISSION_", 13)) { pword = word + 13; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_intermission_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_intermission_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "SPECINTER_", 10)) { pword = word + 10; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_specinter_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_specinter_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "MULTINTER_", 10)) { pword = word + 10; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_multinter_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_multinter_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "CONTINUING_", 11)) { pword = word + 11; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_continuing_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_continuing_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "TITLESCREEN_", 12)) { pword = word + 12; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_titlescreen_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_titlescreen_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "TIMEATTACK_", 11)) { pword = word + 11; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_timeattack_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_timeattack_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "CREDITS_", 8)) { pword = word + 8; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_credits_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_credits_final; else if (fastcmp(pword, "INTERMEDIATE")) wipeoffset = wipe_credits_intermediate; } else if (fastncmp(word, "EVALUATION_", 11)) { pword = word + 11; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_evaluation_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_evaluation_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "GAMEEND_", 8)) { pword = word + 8; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOBLACK")) wipeoffset = wipe_gameend_toblack; else if (fastcmp(pword, "FINAL")) wipeoffset = wipe_gameend_final; } else if (fastncmp(word, "SPECLEVEL_", 10)) { pword = word + 10; if (fastcmp(pword, "TOWHITE")) wipeoffset = wipe_speclevel_towhite; } if (wipeoffset < 0) { deh_warning("Wipes: unknown word '%s'", word); continue; } if (value == UINT8_MAX && (wipeoffset <= wipe_level_toblack || wipeoffset >= wipe_speclevel_towhite)) { // Cannot disable non-toblack wipes // (or the level toblack wipe, or the special towhite wipe) deh_warning("Wipes: can't disable wipe of type '%s'", word); continue; } wipedefs[wipeoffset] = (UINT8)value; } } while (!myfeof(f)); Z_Free(s); } mobjtype_t get_mobjtype(const char *word) { // Returns the value of MT_ enumerations mobjtype_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("MT_",word,3)) word += 3; // take off the MT_ for (i = 0; i < NUMMOBJFREESLOTS; i++) { if (!FREE_MOBJS[i]) break; if (fastcmp(word, FREE_MOBJS[i])) return MT_FIRSTFREESLOT+i; } for (i = 0; i < MT_FIRSTFREESLOT; i++) if (fastcmp(word, MOBJTYPE_LIST[i]+3)) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find mobjtype named 'MT_%s'",word); return MT_NULL; } statenum_t get_state(const char *word) { // Returns the value of S_ enumerations statenum_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("S_",word,2)) word += 2; // take off the S_ for (i = 0; i < NUMSTATEFREESLOTS; i++) { if (!FREE_STATES[i]) break; if (fastcmp(word, FREE_STATES[i])) return S_FIRSTFREESLOT+i; } for (i = 0; i < S_FIRSTFREESLOT; i++) if (fastcmp(word, STATE_LIST[i]+2)) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find state named 'S_%s'",word); return S_NULL; } skincolornum_t get_skincolor(const char *word) { // Returns the value of SKINCOLOR_ enumerations skincolornum_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("SKINCOLOR_",word,10)) word += 10; // take off the SKINCOLOR_ for (i = 0; i < NUMCOLORFREESLOTS; i++) { if (!FREE_SKINCOLORS[i]) break; if (fastcmp(word, FREE_SKINCOLORS[i])) return SKINCOLOR_FIRSTFREESLOT+i; } for (i = 0; i < SKINCOLOR_FIRSTFREESLOT; i++) if (fastcmp(word, COLOR_ENUMS[i])) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find skincolor named 'SKINCOLOR_%s'",word); return SKINCOLOR_GREEN; } spritenum_t get_sprite(const char *word) { // Returns the value of SPR_ enumerations spritenum_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("SPR_",word,4)) word += 4; // take off the SPR_ i = R_GetSpriteNumByName(word); if (i != NUMSPRITES) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find sprite named 'SPR_%s'",word); return SPR_NULL; } playersprite_t get_sprite2(const char *word) { // Returns the value of SPR2_ enumerations playersprite_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("SPR2_",word,5)) word += 5; // take off the SPR2_ for (i = 0; i < NUMPLAYERSPRITES; i++) if (!spr2names[i][4] && memcmp(word,spr2names[i],4)==0) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find sprite named 'SPR2_%s'",word); return SPR2_STND; } sfxenum_t get_sfx(const char *word) { // Returns the value of SFX_ enumerations sfxenum_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("SFX_",word,4)) word += 4; // take off the SFX_ else if (fastncmp("DS",word,2)) word += 2; // take off the DS for (i = 0; i < NUMSFX; i++) if (S_sfx[i].name && fasticmp(word, S_sfx[i].name)) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find sfx named 'SFX_%s'",word); return sfx_None; } hudnum_t get_huditem(const char *word) { // Returns the value of HUD_ enumerations hudnum_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("HUD_",word,4)) word += 4; // take off the HUD_ for (i = 0; i < NUMHUDITEMS; i++) if (fastcmp(word, HUDITEMS_LIST[i])) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find huditem named 'HUD_%s'",word); return HUD_LIVES; } menutype_t get_menutype(const char *word) { // Returns the value of MN_ enumerations menutype_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("MN_",word,3)) word += 3; // take off the MN_ for (i = 0; i < NUMMENUTYPES; i++) if (fastcmp(word, MENUTYPES_LIST[i])) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find menutype named 'MN_%s'",word); return MN_NONE; } /*static INT16 get_gametype(const char *word) { // Returns the value of GT_ enumerations INT16 i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("GT_",word,3)) word += 3; // take off the GT_ for (i = 0; i < NUMGAMETYPES; i++) if (fastcmp(word, Gametype_ConstantNames[i]+3)) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find gametype named 'GT_%s'",word); return GT_COOP; } static powertype_t get_power(const char *word) { // Returns the value of pw_ enumerations powertype_t i; if (*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') return atoi(word); if (fastncmp("PW_",word,3)) word += 3; // take off the pw_ for (i = 0; i < NUMPOWERS; i++) if (fastcmp(word, POWERS_LIST[i])) return i; deh_warning("Couldn't find power named 'pw_%s'",word); return pw_invulnerability; }*/ /// \todo Make ANY of this completely over-the-top math craziness obey the order of operations. static fixed_t op_mul(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a*b; } static fixed_t op_div(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a/b; } static fixed_t op_add(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a+b; } static fixed_t op_sub(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a-b; } static fixed_t op_or(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a|b; } static fixed_t op_and(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a&b; } static fixed_t op_lshift(fixed_t a, fixed_t b) { return a<>b; } struct { const char c; fixed_t (*v)(fixed_t,fixed_t); } OPERATIONS[] = { {'*',op_mul}, {'/',op_div}, {'+',op_add}, {'-',op_sub}, {'|',op_or}, {'&',op_and}, {'<',op_lshift}, {'>',op_rshift}, {0,NULL} }; // Returns the full word, cut at the first symbol or whitespace /*static char *read_word(const char *line) { // Part 1: You got the start of the word, now find the end. const char *p; INT32 i; for (p = line+1; *p; p++) { if (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') break; for (i = 0; OPERATIONS[i].c; i++) if (*p == OPERATIONS[i].c) { i = -1; break; } if (i == -1) break; } // Part 2: Make a copy of the word and return it. { size_t len = (p-line); char *word = malloc(len+1); M_Memcpy(word,line,len); word[len] = '\0'; return word; } } static INT32 operation_pad(const char **word) { // Brings word the next operation and returns the operation number. INT32 i; for (; **word; (*word)++) { if (**word == ' ' || **word == '\t') continue; for (i = 0; OPERATIONS[i].c; i++) if (**word == OPERATIONS[i].c) { if ((**word == '<' && *(*word+1) == '<') || (**word == '>' && *(*word+1) == '>')) (*word)++; // These operations are two characters long. else if (**word == '<' || **word == '>') continue; // ... do not accept one character long. (*word)++; return i; } deh_warning("Unknown operation '%c'",**word); return -1; } return -1; } static void const_warning(const char *type, const char *word) { deh_warning("Couldn't find %s named '%s'",type,word); } static fixed_t find_const(const char **rword) { // Finds the value of constants and returns it, bringing word to the next operation. INT32 i; fixed_t r; char *word = read_word(*rword); *rword += strlen(word); if ((*word >= '0' && *word <= '9') || *word == '-') { // Parse a number r = atoi(word); free(word); return r; } if (!*(word+1) && // Turn a single A-z symbol into numbers, like sprite frames. ((*word >= 'A' && *word <= 'Z') || (*word >= 'a' && *word <= 'z'))) { r = R_Char2Frame(*word); free(word); return r; } if (fastncmp("MF_", word, 3)) { char *p = word+3; for (i = 0; MOBJFLAG_LIST[i]; i++) if (fastcmp(p, MOBJFLAG_LIST[i])) { free(word); return (1<