// SONIC ROBO BLAST 2 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Copyright (C) 1998-2000 by DooM Legacy Team. // Copyright (C) 1999-2024 by Sonic Team Junior. // // This program is free software distributed under the // terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2. // See the 'LICENSE' file for more details. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /// \file r_splats.c /// \brief Floor splats #include "r_draw.h" #include "r_fps.h" #include "r_main.h" #include "r_splats.h" #include "r_bsp.h" #include "p_local.h" #include "p_slopes.h" #include "w_wad.h" #include "z_zone.h" struct rastery_s *prastertab; // for ASM code static struct rastery_s rastertab[MAXVIDHEIGHT]; static void prepare_rastertab(void); // ========================================================================== // FLOOR SPLATS // ========================================================================== static void R_RasterizeFloorSplat(floorsplat_t *pSplat, vector2_t *verts, vissprite_t *vis); static void rasterize_segment_tex(INT32 x1, INT32 y1, INT32 x2, INT32 y2, INT32 tv1, INT32 tv2, INT32 tc, INT32 dir) { { fixed_t xs, xe, count; fixed_t dx0, dx1; if (y1 == y2) return; if (y2 > y1) { count = (y2-y1)+1; dx0 = FixedDiv((x2-x1)<mobj; fixed_t tr_x, tr_y, rot_x, rot_y, rot_z; vector3_t *v3d; vector2_t v2d[4]; vector2_t rotated[4]; fixed_t x, y; fixed_t w, h; angle_t angle, splatangle; fixed_t ca, sa; fixed_t xscale, yscale; fixed_t xoffset, yoffset; fixed_t leftoffset, topoffset; INT32 i; boolean hflip = (spr->xiscale < 0); boolean vflip = (spr->cut & SC_VFLIP); UINT8 flipflags = 0; renderflags_t renderflags = spr->renderflags; if (hflip) flipflags |= PICFLAGS_XFLIP; if (vflip) flipflags |= PICFLAGS_YFLIP; if (!mobj || P_MobjWasRemoved(mobj)) return; Patch_GenerateFlat(spr->patch, flipflags); splat.pic = spr->patch->flats[flipflags]; if (splat.pic == NULL) return; splat.mobj = mobj; splat.width = spr->patch->width; splat.height = spr->patch->height; splat.scale = mobj->scale; if (mobj->skin && ((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->flags & SF_HIRES) splat.scale = FixedMul(splat.scale, ((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->highresscale); if (spr->rotateflags & SRF_3D || renderflags & RF_NOSPLATBILLBOARD) splatangle = mobj->angle; else splatangle = spr->viewpoint.angle; if (!(spr->cut & SC_ISROTATED)) splatangle += mobj->spriteroll; splat.angle = -splatangle; splat.angle += ANGLE_90; topoffset = spr->spriteyoffset; leftoffset = spr->spritexoffset; if (hflip) leftoffset = ((splat.width * FRACUNIT) - leftoffset); xscale = spr->spritexscale; yscale = spr->spriteyscale; splat.xscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, xscale); splat.yscale = FixedMul(splat.scale, yscale); xoffset = FixedMul(leftoffset, splat.xscale); yoffset = FixedMul(topoffset, splat.yscale); x = mobj->x; y = mobj->y; w = (splat.width * splat.xscale); h = (splat.height * splat.yscale); splat.x = x; splat.y = y; splat.z = spr->pz; splat.slope = NULL; // Set positions // 3--2 // | | // 0--1 splat.verts[0].x = w - xoffset; splat.verts[0].y = yoffset; splat.verts[1].x = -xoffset; splat.verts[1].y = yoffset; splat.verts[2].x = -xoffset; splat.verts[2].y = -h + yoffset; splat.verts[3].x = w - xoffset; splat.verts[3].y = -h + yoffset; angle = -splat.angle>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ca = FINECOSINE(angle); sa = FINESINE(angle); // Rotate for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { rotated[i].x = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, ca) - FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, sa); rotated[i].y = FixedMul(splat.verts[i].x, sa) + FixedMul(splat.verts[i].y, ca); } if (renderflags & (RF_SLOPESPLAT | RF_OBJECTSLOPESPLAT)) { pslope_t *standingslope = mobj->standingslope; // The slope that the object is standing on. // The slope that was defined for the sprite. if (renderflags & RF_SLOPESPLAT) splat.slope = mobj->floorspriteslope; if (standingslope && (renderflags & RF_OBJECTSLOPESPLAT)) splat.slope = standingslope; } // Translate for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { tr_x = rotated[i].x + mobj->x; tr_y = rotated[i].y + mobj->y; if (splat.slope) { rot_z = P_GetSlopeZAt(splat.slope, tr_x, tr_y); splat.verts[i].z = rot_z; } else splat.verts[i].z = splat.z; splat.verts[i].x = tr_x; splat.verts[i].y = tr_y; } angle = spr->viewpoint.angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT; ca = FINECOSINE(angle); sa = FINESINE(angle); // Project for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { v3d = &splat.verts[i]; // transform the origin point tr_x = v3d->x - spr->viewpoint.x; tr_y = v3d->y - spr->viewpoint.y; // rotation around vertical y axis rot_x = FixedMul(tr_x - (mobj->x - x), sa) - FixedMul(tr_y - (mobj->y - y), ca); rot_y = FixedMul(tr_x - (mobj->x - x), ca) + FixedMul(tr_y - (mobj->y - y), sa); rot_z = v3d->z - spr->viewpoint.z; if (rot_y < FRACUNIT) return; // note: y from view above of map, is distance far away xscale = FixedDiv(projection, rot_y); yscale = -FixedDiv(projectiony, rot_y); // projection v2d[i].x = (centerxfrac + FixedMul(rot_x, xscale))>>FRACBITS; v2d[i].y = (centeryfrac + FixedMul(rot_z, yscale))>>FRACBITS; } R_RasterizeFloorSplat(&splat, v2d, spr); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Rasterize the four edges of a floor splat polygon, // fill the polygon with linear interpolation, call span drawer for each // scan line // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void R_RasterizeFloorSplat(floorsplat_t *pSplat, vector2_t *verts, vissprite_t *vis) { // rasterizing INT32 miny = viewheight + 1, maxy = 0; INT32 y, x1, ry1, x2, y2, i; fixed_t offsetx = 0, offsety = 0; fixed_t planeheight = 0; fixed_t step; int spanfunctype; #define RASTERPARAMS(vnum1, vnum2, tv1, tv2, tc, dir) \ x1 = verts[vnum1].x; \ ry1 = verts[vnum1].y; \ x2 = verts[vnum2].x; \ y2 = verts[vnum2].y; \ if (y2 > ry1) \ step = FixedDiv(x2-x1, y2-ry1+1); \ else if (y2 == ry1) \ step = 0; \ else \ step = FixedDiv(x2-x1, ry1-y2+1); \ if (ry1 < 0) { \ if (step) { \ x1 <<= FRACBITS; \ x1 += (-ry1)*step; \ x1 >>= FRACBITS; \ } \ ry1 = 0; \ } \ if (ry1 >= vid.height) { \ if (step) { \ x1 <<= FRACBITS; \ x1 -= (vid.height-1-ry1)*step; \ x1 >>= FRACBITS; \ } \ ry1 = vid.height - 1; \ } \ if (y2 < 0) { \ if (step) { \ x2 <<= FRACBITS; \ x2 -= (-y2)*step; \ x2 >>= FRACBITS; \ } \ y2 = 0; \ } \ if (y2 >= vid.height) { \ if (step) { \ x2 <<= FRACBITS; \ x2 += (vid.height-1-y2)*step; \ x2 >>= FRACBITS; \ } \ y2 = vid.height - 1; \ } \ rasterize_segment_tex(x1, ry1, x2, y2, tv1, tv2, tc, dir); \ if (ry1 < miny) \ miny = ry1; \ if (ry1 > maxy) \ maxy = ry1; ds_source = (UINT8 *)pSplat->pic; ds_flatwidth = pSplat->width; ds_flatheight = pSplat->height; ds_powersoftwo = ds_solidcolor = ds_fog = false; if (R_CheckSolidColorFlat()) ds_solidcolor = true; else if (R_CheckPowersOfTwo()) { R_SetFlatVars(ds_flatwidth * ds_flatheight); ds_powersoftwo = true; } if (pSplat->slope) { R_SetScaledSlopePlane(pSplat->slope, vis->viewpoint.x, vis->viewpoint.y, vis->viewpoint.z, (INT64)pSplat->xscale, (INT64)pSplat->yscale, -pSplat->verts[0].x, pSplat->verts[0].y, vis->viewpoint.angle, pSplat->angle); } else if (!ds_solidcolor) { planeheight = abs(pSplat->z - vis->viewpoint.z); if (pSplat->angle) { // Add the view offset, rotated by the plane angle. fixed_t a = -pSplat->verts[0].x + vis->viewpoint.x; fixed_t b = -pSplat->verts[0].y + vis->viewpoint.y; angle_t angle = (pSplat->angle >> ANGLETOFINESHIFT); offsetx = FixedMul(a, FINECOSINE(angle)) - FixedMul(b, FINESINE(angle)); offsety = -FixedMul(a, FINESINE(angle)) - FixedMul(b, FINECOSINE(angle)); } else { offsetx = vis->viewpoint.x - pSplat->verts[0].x; offsety = pSplat->verts[0].y - vis->viewpoint.y; } } ds_colormap = vis->colormap; ds_translation = R_GetTranslationForThing(vis->mobj, vis->color, vis->translation); if (ds_translation == NULL) ds_translation = colormaps; if (vis->extra_colormap) { if (!ds_colormap) ds_colormap = vis->extra_colormap->colormap; else ds_colormap = &vis->extra_colormap->colormap[ds_colormap - colormaps]; } ds_transmap = vis->transmap; // Determine which R_DrawWhatever to use // Solid color if (ds_solidcolor) { UINT16 px = *(UINT16 *)ds_source; // Uh, it's not visible. if (!(px & 0xFF00)) return; // Pixel color is contained in the lower 8 bits (upper 8 are the opacity), so advance the pointer ds_source++; if (pSplat->slope) { if (ds_transmap) spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TILTEDTRANSSOLID; else spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TILTEDSOLID; } else { if (ds_transmap) spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TRANSSOLID; else spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_SOLID; } } // Transparent else if (ds_transmap) { if (pSplat->slope) spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TILTEDTRANSSPRITE; else spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TRANSSPRITE; } // Opaque else { if (pSplat->slope) spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_TILTEDSPRITE; else spanfunctype = SPANDRAWFUNC_SPRITE; } if (ds_powersoftwo || ds_solidcolor) spanfunc = spanfuncs[spanfunctype]; else spanfunc = spanfuncs_npo2[spanfunctype]; prepare_rastertab(); // do segment a -> top of texture RASTERPARAMS(3,2,0,pSplat->width-1,0,0); // do segment b -> right side of texture RASTERPARAMS(2,1,0,pSplat->width-1,pSplat->height-1,0); // do segment c -> bottom of texture RASTERPARAMS(1,0,pSplat->width-1,0,pSplat->height-1,0); // do segment d -> left side of texture RASTERPARAMS(0,3,pSplat->width-1,0,0,1); if (maxy >= vid.height) maxy = vid.height-1; for (y = miny; y <= maxy; y++) { boolean cliptab[MAXVIDWIDTH+1]; x1 = rastertab[y].minx>>FRACBITS; x2 = rastertab[y].maxx>>FRACBITS; if (x1 > x2) { INT32 swap = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = swap; } if (x1 == INT16_MIN || x2 == INT16_MAX) continue; if (x1 < 0) x1 = 0; if (x2 >= viewwidth) x2 = viewwidth - 1; if (x1 >= viewwidth || x2 < 0) continue; for (i = x1; i <= x2; i++) cliptab[i] = (y >= mfloorclip[i] || y <= mceilingclip[i]); // clip left while (cliptab[x1]) { x1++; if (x1 >= viewwidth) break; } // clip right i = x2; while (i > x1) { if (cliptab[i]) x2 = i-1; i--; if (i < 0) break; } if (x2 < x1) continue; if (!ds_solidcolor && !pSplat->slope) { fixed_t xstep, ystep; fixed_t distance, span; angle_t angle = (vis->viewpoint.angle + pSplat->angle)>>ANGLETOFINESHIFT; angle_t planecos = FINECOSINE(angle); angle_t planesin = FINESINE(angle); // [RH] Notice that I dumped the caching scheme used by Doom. // It did not offer any appreciable speedup. distance = FixedMul(planeheight, yslope[y]); span = abs(centery - y); if (span) // Don't divide by zero { xstep = FixedMul(planesin, planeheight) / span; ystep = FixedMul(planecos, planeheight) / span; } else xstep = ystep = FRACUNIT; ds_xstep = FixedDiv(xstep, pSplat->xscale); ds_ystep = FixedDiv(ystep, pSplat->yscale); ds_xfrac = FixedDiv(offsetx + FixedMul(planecos, distance) + (x1 - centerx) * xstep, pSplat->xscale); ds_yfrac = FixedDiv(offsety - FixedMul(planesin, distance) + (x1 - centerx) * ystep, pSplat->yscale); } ds_y = y; ds_x1 = x1; ds_x2 = x2; spanfunc(); rastertab[y].minx = INT32_MAX; rastertab[y].maxx = INT32_MIN; } } static void prepare_rastertab(void) { INT32 i; prastertab = rastertab; for (i = 0; i < vid.height; i++) { rastertab[i].minx = INT32_MAX; rastertab[i].maxx = INT32_MIN; } }