/* C example that opens any music file type, opens an m3u playlist if present, prints its info and voice names, customizes the sound, and fades a track out. Records to "out.wav". */ static char filename [] = "test.nsf"; /* opens this file (can be any music type) */ static char playlist [] = "test.m3u"; /* uses this playlist, if present*/ #include "gme/gme.h" #include "Wave_Writer.h" /* wave_ functions for writing sound file */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> void handle_error( const char* ); /* Example of loading from memory, which would be useful if using a zip file or other custom format. In this example it's silly because we could just use gme_load( &emu, sample_rate, path, 0 ). */ Music_Emu* load_file( const char* path, long sample_rate ) { Music_Emu* emu; char* data; long size; /* Read file data into memory. You might read the data from a zip file or other compressed format. */ FILE* in = fopen( path, "rb" ); if ( !in ) handle_error( "Couldn't open file" ); fseek( in, 0, SEEK_END ); size = ftell( in ); rewind( in ); data = malloc( size ); if ( !data ) handle_error( "Out of memory" ); if ( fread( data, size, 1, in ) <= 0 ) handle_error( "Read error" ); fclose( in ); handle_error( gme_open_data( data, size, &emu, sample_rate ) ); free( data ); /* a copy is made of the data */ return emu; } /* Print any warning for most recent emulator action (load, start_track, play) */ void print_warning( Music_Emu* emu ) { const char* warning = gme_warning( emu ); if ( warning ) printf( "**** Warning: %s\n\n", warning ); } static char my_data [] = "Our cleanup function was called"; /* Example cleanup function automatically called when emulator is deleted. */ static void my_cleanup( void* my_data ) { printf( "\n%s\n", (char*) my_data ); } int main() { long sample_rate = 44100; int track = 0; /* index of track to play (0 = first) */ int i; /* Load file into emulator */ Music_Emu* emu = load_file( filename, sample_rate ); print_warning( emu ); /* Register cleanup function and confirmation string as data */ gme_set_user_data( emu, my_data ); gme_set_user_cleanup( emu, my_cleanup ); /* Load .m3u playlist file. All tracks are assumed to use current file. We ignore error here in case there is no m3u file present. */ gme_load_m3u( emu, playlist ); print_warning( emu ); /* Get and print main info for track */ { gme_info_t* info; handle_error( gme_track_info( emu, &info, track ) ); printf( "System : %s\n", info->system ); printf( "Game : %s\n", info->game ); printf( "Author : %s\n", info->author ); printf( "Copyright: %s\n", info->copyright ); printf( "Comment : %s\n", info->comment ); printf( "Dumper : %s\n", info->dumper ); printf( "Tracks : %d\n", (int) gme_track_count( emu ) ); printf( "\n" ); printf( "Track : %d\n", (int) track + 1 ); printf( "Name : %s\n", info->song ); printf( "Length : %ld:%02ld", (long) info->length / 1000 / 60, (long) info->length / 1000 % 60 ); if ( info->loop_length != 0 ) printf( " (endless)" ); printf( "\n\n" ); gme_free_info( info ); } /* Print voice names */ for ( i = 0; i < gme_voice_count( emu ); i++ ) printf( "Voice %d: %s\n", i, gme_voice_name( emu, i ) ); /* Enable most accurate sound emulation */ gme_enable_accuracy( emu, 1 ); /* Add some stereo enhancement */ gme_set_stereo_depth( emu, 0.20 ); /* Adjust equalizer for crisp, bassy sound */ { gme_equalizer_t eq; gme_equalizer( emu, &eq ); eq.treble = 0.0; eq.bass = 20; gme_set_equalizer( emu, &eq ); } /* Start track and begin fade at 10 seconds */ handle_error( gme_start_track( emu, track ) ); print_warning( emu ); gme_set_fade( emu, 10 * 1000L ); /* Record track until it ends */ wave_open( sample_rate, "out.wav" ); wave_enable_stereo(); while ( !gme_track_ended( emu ) ) { #define buf_size 1024 short buf [buf_size]; handle_error( gme_play( emu, buf_size, buf ) ); print_warning( emu ); wave_write( buf, buf_size ); } /* Cleanup */ gme_delete( emu ); wave_close(); getchar(); return 0; } void handle_error( const char* str ) { if ( str ) { printf( "Error: %s\n", str ); getchar(); exit( EXIT_FAILURE ); } }