* S_Init -> S_InitSfxChannels because it did mostly SFX anyway
* S_MusicPlaying, S_MusicPaused, S_MusicName, S_MusicExists new status methods
* I_MusicPlaying, I_MusicPaused
(cherry picked from commit f5f0b5e76c)
* S_Init -> S_InitSfxChannels because it did mostly SFX anyway
* S_MusicPlaying, S_MusicPaused, S_MusicName, S_MusicExists new status methods
* I_MusicPlaying, I_MusicPaused
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/456833651645349888/srb20051.gif
* Fix some wipe bugs.
* Solved that thing where there was no fade between two back-to-back cutscenes.
* Fixed there being no effective wipe between the end of the vanilla intro cutscene and the title screen.
* Smoothed out the behaviour of titlemap fades to prevent conflicts.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] Kill the pause graphic and replace with a blue box with text in it, like what happens when the window loses focus. Much harder to miss.
* Enable SECTORSPECIALAFTERTHINK since we probably really want to use that sloped lava wave in RVZ.
* Allow for infinite lives to be set via the setlives command/Pandora's Box.
* Refactor P_DoFiring(), with guidance from Sal.
* Correct the CRAWLA HONCHO\nCAN NOW BECOME\nSUPER CRAWLA HONCHO sliding movement in non-green resolutions.
This makes OpenGL stop using a specific function that doesn't really do anything for it anymore. It looks like it was used for a hack that would change the colour of polygons for the flashpal equivalent in DOOM.
I made it so ST_DoPaletteStuff doesn't set the flashpal in OpenGL as it already does its own hacky overlay and doing that would cause all the textures to be flushed more mid-level, it could be enabled for more correct flashpals, but they still wouldn't effect fog or lighting.
This means the palette will be set when going to the title screen, and twice when starting a map, (causing the OpenGL cached textures to also be flushed at those times)
Additionally, rename any remaining "srb2.srb" to "srb2.pk3" in the main source code files. Not sure whether to bother dealing with srb2.srb/srb2.wad mentions in project files for now.
Add-ons menu
Does what it says on the tin! Very pretty. Would like help testing in filesystems that are not Windows, although I've recieved assurances from Sryder that since it's based on the same filesrch code, it should work cross-platform. Just want to confirm it works, though.
Also, M_* is whitelisted lumpname too.
root/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_addfile.exe, requires new patch.dta.
See merge request !92
This allows saving in special cases where you can go to a map that
doesn't save, and then back to the map you saved on (see: SUBARASHII
special stages), while still preventing you from killing your lives by
repeatedly retrying in said map.
Kept lastmapsaved just in case. Can be removed if deemed unnecessary.
* If NONET, the Multiplayer option on the main menu leads directly to the Splitscreen menu, which also includes player 1/2 setup under this circumstance.
* A mechanism to save player name, skin and colour as defaults to config.cfg.
"pmData" was originally declared in the files in the (non-SDL) OS2 source subfolder, last known to be present in Demo 4.1's source code ...said folder has not been around for over a decade, so this would definitely fail to compile if you tried compiling for OS2 without SDL anyway
-Removed code duplicity on map resource reading.
-Fixed all known PK3-related bugs so far except for the ones mentioned below.
-Blockmap and reject matrix still aren't loaded yet when using a map WAD.
-Palettes and colormaps aren't loaded (by extension, TRANS tables might not work either).
* M_StartMessages when file loading goes wrong! (Determined by CONS_Alerts of warning level CONS_WARNING and CONS_ERROR happening after W_LoadWadFile has been called.)
* Now actively tries to keep your place on the menu if files are deleted between calls to preparefilemenu().
* More enums! DIR_ (for if you want to try embed more metadata in the dirmenu strings) and REFRESHDIR_ (for refreshing the menu and handling warnings).
* Handle changing size menu between calls to opendir() better.
* Don't crash on draw/enter attempt if one of the dirmenu's is null.
* Moved the addons menu to OP_MainMenu instead of MainMenu for now so it can be tested in MP without needing to mess with several menus.
* Display the amount of space used for serverinfo_pak's fileneeded on the addons menu, both visually and with a percentage.
MI's unimportant code cleanup
Just removing a bunch of unused variables/function prototypes from the source code and similarly minor stuff, nothing here should change gameplay much (if at all).
See merge request !71