- Update x coordinates for credits_pics entries
- Reorder credits_pics entries (what even was the previous order lol)
- Add zig zag graphics to credits roll
- Attempt to scale the y positions of credits graphics with the length of the credits roll
- New escape character for credits entries: \2, which centers the text and makes it yellow
- Add support for colored text to V_DrawStringAtFixed
Also, change all the references to XTRA_ constants to consistently check for > its value, instead of >= its value plus one (or that there's any frames at all) - for extra clarity/consistency, and capacity for re-ordering later.
* Moved levelname parsing to before where uppercase conversion occurs.
* Extended titlecard font range.
* Replaced misc. "ZONE" strings with "Zone" for titlecard purposes.
* Don't convert to uppercase when rendering the titlecard name.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
* Port MUSICDEFs from Kart.
* Safe to modify without modifying game, so we can put it in music.dta eventually.
* "Title", "AltTitle", "Authors" fields are self-evident.
* "Soundtestpage" and "Soundtestcond" are used to determine which sound test unlockable can play them (set with Unlockable's variable, just like Level Select).
* "Stoppingtime" and "BPM" both accept floats, and are used for presentation stuff on the sound test.
* Ironically, we don't share a single field name with them. Such is the case of differing foci, though, and I expect they'll change their implementation to match (since this is necessary for a sound test).
* Change how S_AddSoundFx works to avoid iterating through all of them, and to allow cv_soundtest to only scroll through defined slots (instead of the infinite wall of thok sounds when scrolling to the left).
* Change V_DrawFixedPatch to allow scaling on two seperate axes.
* Now called "V_DrawStretchyFixedPatch".
* "V_DrawFixedPatch" is a macro to V_DrawStretchyFixedPatch now (same scale on both axes).
* Available to Lua under v.drawStretched!
* Even works in GL!
* Bugfix: Add SR_PLAYER to SOC's menutypes_list.
Stay tuned for the merge request, where I put the onus on the Music Team to finish this off...
* `SPR2_NTAG` last vestiges removal.
* Removed need for `getskinfromdescription()` by calculating it once, at Menu load, and storing in `description_t`.
* Fixed nametag colour issues.
* Support widescreen with nametags.
* Fix a metric SHITTON of compiler errors.
* Redefining `x` and `y` within scope of previous `x` and `y` (`M_DrawSetupChoosePlayerMenu`)
* GCC straight up will not let you cast a `const char*` to a `char` (`V_DrawNameTag`)
* Redefining `lines` within the scope of the global.
* Redefining `string` within the function-specific `string`.
* It would be recommended for y'alls to turn ERRORMODE on!
* Show emblem requirement on record attack menu
* Use bigger emblems on the menu.
* Display your best number of collected rings in yellow if reached perfect bonus.
* Adjusted XTRA frames (again)
* Re-enable the perplayer stuff in V_DrawFadeFill - not worth having it disabled when it'll just have to be re-enabled later.
* Remove some "consistency with software" stuff in hw_draw.c that already has equivalents
* SPR2_XTRA - instead of defining lumpnames in S_SKIN, those kinds of assets can just be bundled into the spriteset. Required for ending cutscene stuff, I guess, but also done for HUD life icon and character select image (aside from Sonic&Tails, still SOC'd in).
* Minor oversights in SPR2 support corrected.
* Better evaluation, featuring ending assets.
* Intro has warping-in blackrock, reusing ending assets.
* Cutscene text now supports lowercase (intro and custom).
* Disable the asset-fucking "gamma correction" I put in over two years ago when implementing colour cube. (This is the only thing I could move into another branch if you MUST, but it's basically invisble in the diff so w/e.)
* Don't blank the screen if the top left pixel of a screen-covering patch is transparent. (Checked via nonzero topdelta for first column)
* OPENGL ONLY: The first ~20 frames of both endings are fucked. A little help here? Might be HWR_DrawFadeFill's fault, which I just created. OR it could be in f_finale, but I doubt it, since it doesn't appear in Software.
No longer using byte2float in DrawPolygon -- use the surface color data directly
Vertex Buffer Objects for non-interpolated model frames
Removed some old unused paletted texture stuff
* V_DrawFixedPatch and ilk:
* Change the offset of V_FLIP so it's not one screen-pixel off where its non-flipped sprite would have started being drawn from.
* Write to x and y as well as desttop so that anti-screen-overflow checks later in the function behave properly with non-green resolutions.
* V_DrawFill:
* Reduce number of operations performed upon `c`.
* V_DrawString and ilk:
* Offset the left and right boundary checks in non-green resolutions such that you can actually draw stuff to the left of basevid screen x coordinate 0.
* Bomb sphere! Paraloopable hazard. Replaces MT_SPECIALSPIKEBALL.
* Blueberry bushes, both normal and Xmas, from patch.dta.
* BSZ tulips, also from patch.dta!
* Frozen Hillside badniks - Penguinator and Pophat.
* Frozen Hillside ice decoration!
* Fixed some big bugs with the DSZ light beams.
* Made multi-mare special stages work, in a troll way - the Chaos Emerald disappears in a puff of smoke, and the Spinbobert laughter sound plays... >:3c
* Reverted the mobjtype number changes from the source SOC/Lua, which we can do later when doing a final pass of the levels.
* State optimisation.
* Serious cruft-removal of the NiGHTS drone thinker.
* Fix the issues where the player wouldn't curl into jump in waterslides or dropping off rope-hangs.
* Tweak NiGHTS player flashing.
* Add text colour support to the titlecard font.
* Use that to make the PRESS SPIN\nMID-JUMP thing when you get all Chaos Emeralds use the titlecard font for readability.
* Fix the GOT ALL EMERALDS page not lasting the correct, extended amount of time.
* Fix that thing where flying mid-spin didn't enact autobrake.
* Modify graymap a little on Sryder's suggestion.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] fix that thing where the addons menu will fail on files/paths with spaces in [/COMPLETELY UNRELATED]