OpenGL papersprites
I don't know if anyone actually tested Sryder's original OpenGL papersprites support before it was merged in, but there was some issues with the papersprites themselves "wobbling" about in a sort of weird way depending on the angle you view it from or where you are. It's easiest to see what I mean if you just load up sawb.wad, and strafe about when viewing one of the sawblades.
Thankfully all I really needed to do was tweak the way angles work for papersprites. I also cleaned up Sryder's original code a little, not that I really needed to do so though.
See merge request !96
"MapThingSpawn" hook for Lua
A hook for adding special stuff to mobjs spawned via a map thing on level load, like special features depending on the map thing's flags, angle, z position, extrainfo, or anything else I didn't think of.
**Function syntax:**
`functionname(mobj, mapthing)`
where `mobj` is the spawned mobj (type mobj_t obviously), and `mapthing` is its corresponding map thing (type mapthing_t also obviously). Note that `mapthing.mobj` will not yet be set to `mobj` at this point (it's set afterwards, provided you don't remove the mobj or something stupid).
Returning `true` overrides features in place for existing mobj types (currently not all existing features are overridden, I may change this; see the source code for what IS overridable for now), returning `false` runs them as normal.
**Hook syntax:**
`addHook("MapThingSpawn", functionname, MT_OBJECTTYPE)`
where `MT_OBJECTTYPE` is the object type to apply the hooked function for. As usual, if this argument is omitted or set to MT_NULL, the function runs for all object types.
**Test resources and where to find them:**
* srb2win-mapthingspawn.exe, my folder on the FTP - test exe, obviously
* luatest-mapthingspawn.lua, same place - a simple Lua script that changes the scale of MT_GFZFLOWER1 (the orange flower) based on the map thing's angle (0 degrees is normal, 90 degrees is 2x bigger, 180 is 3x bigger, 270 is 4x, etc etc)
See merge request !83
MI code cleanup once again
Code prettification branch 12472849127, no real changes to gameplay except a bunch of outdated SOC features have been removed or disabled (most notably, Callum's old texture/patch SOC implementation). Though the changes here might also speed up game startup a teensy bit I suspect, possibly?
See merge request !102
Animdef type check fix
This fixes Sphere's problem with ANIMDEFS, where animated textures and animated flats with the same name cause one or the other not to animate (depending on the order they are in the ANIMDEFS lump, not the WAD; if the texture animdef comes first the texture animates, if the flat animdef comes first the flat animates).
The game now compares the "type" (i.e. whether the anim is for a texture or flat) of a new animdef with that of existing typedefs, before deciding whether to ignore it based on the starting lump's name.
See merge request !100
* Make swinging (as opposed to spinning) maces play the activesound at the peak of their speed.
* Decouple the tilt of all maces from the angle.
* Improve DBG_GAMELOGIC message.
* Refactor.
* Refactor of the unbundling to not involve modifying the next/prev links.
* Make the booleans in vissprite_t use flags stored in sprite->cut instead.
* Make the linkdrawn sprites much more linked - ie, same brightness (unless independently fullbright), same colormap, and don't draw if the tracer isn't being drawn.
* Other minor corrections.
I also optimised those two functions while I was there (why keep a "floating" variable when setting it to false guarantees the functions return false?)
Of particular note: Standing in shallow pools of water as Smiles will now reliably associate the bottom half of the tails following mobj with the underwater portion of Smiles' body, and the flicking ends with his un-submerged head.
Deliberately engineered to only affect objects with MF2_LINKDRAW applied.
*removed Texture/Patch SOC implementations, since they weren't used in the end
*removed remnants of AnimTex and some Spritename thing
*none of the save* arrays in DEH_LoadDehackedFile were being used, so I removed all related code disabled or otherwise
*DEH_LoadDehackedFile doesn't need a "wad" param anymore since only the Patch block was using it
"pmData" was originally declared in the files in the (non-SDL) OS2 source subfolder, last known to be present in Demo 4.1's source code ...said folder has not been around for over a decade, so this would definitely fail to compile if you tried compiling for OS2 without SDL anyway
OpenGL slope FOF lighting fix
This fixes some issues with sloped FOFs that affect lighting in OpenGL (as in, those that cast a shadow or have a colormap). Particularly, they can do strange things to any wall textures adjacent to them, as we've noticed ourselves in levels for 2.2. =P
See merge request !194
Fixes with respect to sector special touching and slopes
Some important stuff.
* SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH now actually works. Previously, it abandoned the loop early if ANY bounding sector didn't have that sector flag, which it likely didn't - only checking one extra sector's worth of FOFs. Also, the teleport handling there is more robust, and actually bails out if you teleport, instead of just awkwardly continuing through the loop.
* SF_TRIGGERSPECIAL_TOUCH now works for each time thinkers, too.
* Fixed a bug with being able to go under lava because P_CheckSolidLava doesn't take slopes into account.
* Also, P_CanRunOnWater supports slopes now too.
* Quicksand supports slopes and reverse gravity now.
* Space Countdown supports slopes now.
Also, an experiment behind a #define which currently isn't turned on:
* UNDER A #define, "SECTORSPECIALSAFTERTHINK", WHICH IS CURRENTLY TURNED OFF, BUT I WILL WANT TO TURN ON IN INTERNAL: Moved sector touch handling to P_PlayerAfterThinker (from P_PlayerThinker before movement). Allows for being able to trigger moving slope sectors that are going down, most specifically lava (didn't matter in RVZS in 2.1 because you could clip through the sides and go underneath the lava, causing damage - a sloped testwad version of that prevented going underneath.) Also fixes one-frame standing on deathpits before you die. Basically means sector triggers effectively happen one tic earlier, since it's after movement.
See merge request !131
Polyobject seg render fix
This fixes both Software and OpenGL renderers so that polyobject segs aren't drawn if the game is drawing the actual subsectors they're from (outside the main level, where the polyobject walls were pre-spawn). They should only appear as part of the polyobject itself in-level.
This means a few glitches with polyobjects are probably fixed: for instance in Software mode, polyobject walls sometimes appear through level boundaries (and make everything above/below vanish, turning into HOM or skybox), if the BSP rendering code happens to find one of the subsectors said segs came from outside the level. I don't think anything similar happens in OpenGL, though I'm sure some unwanted typecasting is happening as a result of attempting to draw the segs. (And it fixes a crash in 2.2 anyway.)
See merge request !195
Ping-related code fix
Somehow, the part of the netcode for calculating the players' pings in a netgame frequently gets the concepts of nodes and players mixed up, which is probably not a good thing. This branch of course fixes those slipups.
I originally based this branch on master to be merged to it (since it only fixed issues on the host's side), but after finding another issue with clients receiving PT_PING from the server, I decided to make this a merge to next instead.
See merge request !193
Ld414 invalid sound fix
This fixes Linedef type 414 crashing the game if an invalid sound number was supplied to it (this can happen if you, say, scrambled THZ2's textures *cough*), whether or not the "Repeat Midtexture" flag is checked.
See merge request !196
Fix for Lua's "PlayerSpawn" hook
This fixes how functions for the "PlayerSpawn" Lua hook aren't called when the player respawns at a starpost instead of at a map thing start.
(Note to Lua scripters who may want to adjust their scripts accordingly with this in future, checking if `player.starposttime` is non-zero is the best way to detect if you're spawning at a starpost or not.)
See merge request !198
* Fixed oversight where late joiners may not actually get lives.
* Fixed oversight where zero-livers could spawn in.
* Reinstated flashing because a crawla walked onto one of the spawnpoints and we immediately got a game over.
* Rejiggered the overlay drawer so the printing was consistent between normal spectatorship and game overness.