* MT_EXPLODE's anims partially FF_ANIMATE'd.
* A_FlickySpawn turned into a wrapper for internal function that does what A_FlickySpawn did but returns a pointer to the spawned flicky.
Sprite2 changes
Some stuff!
* Lua access to sprite2.
* Introducing new Lua-exclusive function, P_IsValidSprite2(mo, spr2). Basically just a wrapper for (((skin_t *)mobj->skin)->sprites[spr2].numframes > 0), useful for creating custom sprite2 defaulting functions since hooking into P_GetMobjSprite2 wouldn't be worth it.
* FF_ANIMATE support for sprite2s. The var2 of the state works identically to normal FF_ANIMATE, but var1 is completely disregarded - it just runs all of the frames available to that one sprite2 animation set.
* As a result, a bunch of states which were either not previously animatable or had animated at constant speed now get animation without state changes.
* P_SetMobjState now supports sprite2 defaulting like P_SetPlayerMobjState does.
See merge request !51
* All Lua-originated sprite2 settings are now forced through P_GetMobjSprite2. Makes sense because of SPR2_JUMP, which none of the main characters have sprites for yet all use.
* Cleaned up P_GetMobjSprite2 to not set irrelevant, otherwise-unused variable.
* shields give you 1000 points
* redundant shields don't make you puase
* checkpoints give you 2000 points
* falling down a deathpit is just falling, not bouncing
* Camerascale, shieldscale, height and spinheight are now player attributes which are set to the skin attribute on skin change, not read directly from the skin.
* P_GetPlayerHeight and P_GetPlayerSpinHeight are now macros instead of functions.
* Extra protection against switching to a locked skin.
* radius - sets the player's radius for that skin.
* height - sets the player's normal height for that skin.
* spinheight - sets the player's spinheight for that skin.
* shieldscale - see http://i.imgur.com/BQ5DhKC.png for justification
- Press spin in midair to stomp directly downwards (losing horizontal momentum), creating a flickering fireball around you.
- No bouncing on enemies, item boxes, etc - just go straight through.
- Hurts other players on touch whilst you're stomping.
- Spawns a bunch of flames around you when you hit the ground.
- Electric shield's ability now uses different sounds, because I'm picky.
When I first wrote this, I thought the .h file that contained a function declaration needed to have the same name as the .c file the function was in. Now I know that's not the case, off to p_local.h with you.
It's a lot nicer in general, honestly. I think a couple bugs with custom monitors respawning got fixed in the process.
Note that a monitorgfx.wad is needed if you want to see things besides <!>s for monitors, due to graphic changes.