* When activated, stops the timer in SP/MP.
* Applies to the mapheader countdowntimer as well.
* If you're playing Record Attack, also exits the level immediately.
* It has no special modes, no linedef flags, no parameters, nothing.
* Only not an innate property of A_BossDeath because people may want it to NOT happen sometimes, or make it happen with non-boss events too.
Also, skip over calling P_DoPlayerExit if the player isn't in game.
SIGSEGV in the case where you have a TEXTURES entry, but no texture or flat,
has been fixed.
Missing flats for now yield a HOM instead of REDFLR as well.
OpenGL also doesn't work yet. And I'm too tired for now to bother with it.
When a tag is provided, the tagged sector-related branch is run exclusively now. This prevents playing the same sound again from the caller object's origin and other unwanted behaviors.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
* Update the function signature of P_MixUp to accomodate both it and drawangle instead of doing it outside of the function.
* If the player is spawning from the start of the stage and it's from the ceiling, be in fall frames as requested (resolves#191).
- Frontside x offset = boss ID (determined via parameter for all bosses)
- Noclimb flag = disable mode
- Bosses don't do a fuckin' THING - no state updates, no player searches, no sounds, no lua, no nothin' - and it's all totally netsynced.
- The only thing they WILL do is flash infinitely if you hurt them, but this is designed for stuff where you're not meant to be in the same room as the boss til it's activated.
- All bosses of all IDs are automatically enabled on mapload, then if an enable mode version of this linedef is present in the map for a specific boss id, that boss id is automatically disabled.
* Add multi-boss support via parameter for:
- All bosses' MT_BOSSFLYPOINT search
- Boss 5's waypoint search
- Oldbrak's waypoint search (this one's for you, jood)
* Fixed an unused variable warning in lua_skinlib.c.
- fixed post-level cutscenes playing when you get game over in MP (still kinda on-topic)
Also with apologies to MI:
- golden egg statue mode for tutorial, since the grey doesn't contrast enough with the blue and lime green
- fixed closed captions for replaced player sounds being incorrect
- fixed closed captions overlapping tutorial text