* Turn off mlook and mousemove by default, as requested by Prime/Mystic.
* Change all the analog cvar names (and hide them from the help function so they aren't so easily rediscovered) to invalidate 2.1-era copies of config.cfg, given I've seen a common sentiment is that they won't try the new controls at all and will just copy their old ones across, and I'd like to sabotage the deprecated feature.
* Kill addonsresponselimit, which was a hacky solution to a stupid problem. Instead...
* Allocate and consistently handle memory to store the name of an added file so we can reference it directly.
* Replace the choice between ./ and a custom folder with the full, standard assortment of Default (usehome ? SRB2HOME : SRB2PATH), HOME (SRB2HOME), SRB2 (SRB2PATH) or Custom (cv_addons_folder.string).
* Make these render as the name plus folder, since you can't go UP... from the top level.
* Make the path seperators consistently system-based re PATHSEP. (Quite frankly, I'm surprised it even worked in the first place...)
* Instead of iterating through the folder every time you change the search query by one letter, iterate through the "coredirmenu" (the game's interpretation of the folder) instead. MUCH, much less likely to lag to fuck and back.
* Hide a bit of complexity in filesrch.c instead of having the entire thing exposed to mess with. For example, closefilemenu() instead of manually freeing the struct each time.
* Refactor some stuff.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/456833651645349888/srb20051.gif
* Fix some wipe bugs.
* Solved that thing where there was no fade between two back-to-back cutscenes.
* Fixed there being no effective wipe between the end of the vanilla intro cutscene and the title screen.
* Smoothed out the behaviour of titlemap fades to prevent conflicts.
* [COMPLETELY UNRELATED] Kill the pause graphic and replace with a blue box with text in it, like what happens when the window loses focus. Much harder to miss.
* On request of Nev3r and Sphere (combined with my own annoyances), make SOC-loading in .pk3 files use the /SOC folder rather than the /SOCS folder.
* Make the Crushstacean's claw launch sounds stop when killed.
* Actual indication of modified game status on the addons menu.
* Yes, I know this has nothing to do with the branch, I'm just doing little things I found useful.
* Enable SECTORSPECIALAFTERTHINK since we probably really want to use that sloped lava wave in RVZ.
* Allow for infinite lives to be set via the setlives command/Pandora's Box.
* Refactor P_DoFiring(), with guidance from Sal.
* Correct the CRAWLA HONCHO\nCAN NOW BECOME\nSUPER CRAWLA HONCHO sliding movement in non-green resolutions.