Instead of modifying the game, cheats now set a separate "cheats were used in this session" variable, which returns some of the old behavior.
HOWEVER, cheats will STILL allow spawning / collecting emblems & unlocking unlockables. Cheats will purely prevent saving progress. (It was always frustrating that devmode would make debugging unlockable features harder...)
Lastly, the function to set no-saving was exposed to Lua (`G_SetUsedCheats(silent)`). Just thought it'd be useful for large-scale gamedata-using mods that want to add their own cheat commands.
- Can now apply to normal stages, simply defaults to "false" in normal stages.
- Post-level cutscenes are now always skipped when the stage was failed.
- Exposed the boolean as a Lua read+write global.
Desired for SUGOI, as it allows for visited flags not be updated, and level completion emblems to not be awarded. Which means a lot less crappy non-ideal workarounds.
Normal stage intermission currently does not reflect failure state at all. Maybe it could always skip, never award score bonuses, have different text... etc. Probably would leave that up to vanilla dev opinion.
* Hooks are no longer a mess of lua boiler plate. Helper functions reduce hooks
to, at the most basic level, only two calls.
* Lua tables (the array part) are used to index hooks. Such tables contain only
hooks of the same type.
* Hook types are defined in one place so you no longer need to sync up the enum
and name array.
The global "tags" can be iterated upon for every unique tag which is set in the
level. If a tag is set on a sector/line/thing, it will be included. Taking the
length of "tags" will give you the number of these unique tags. (If a tag is
set on multiple sectors/lines/things, it will only be counted once though.)
For sectors, lines and mapthings, call the field "tagged". This function takes
one argument, which is the tag. The return value can be iterated over for all
the sectors/lines/things with that tag. The length can also be taken for the
number of such objects. If no argument is given, the global tag is default.
This is done through the new "registermetatable" function,
in a somewhat similar fashion to "freeslot" but for metatables:
it must be called at script load to tell SRB2 your metatable
can be automatically relinked during the unarchiving process.
* create new file lua_polyobjlib.c
* made a stub LUA_PolyObjLib function
* added META_POLYOBJ to lua_libs.h
* updated makefile, CMake and MSVC project files for lua_polyobjlib.c