* cv_useranalog is now hidden from the menu.
* Directionchar now attempts to face the camera direction when you're standing still, and handles a few other states with more decorum.
* Tailsbot is now slightly more capable of keeping up with Sonic.
* pflags rearranged/adjusted, combining a few non-simulstaneous ones and turning PF_NIGHTSFALL into CR_NIGHTSFALL.
* [unrelated to branch] all ground-impact based abilities now happen more consistently with quicksand.
* Optimisations in a bunch of places, including to static
* Fix some visual errors with text and patches near the edges of the screen in non-standard resolutions.
* Changed the save format a little more, since I had free reign over it.
* Modified the string drawing functions to not awkwardly clip at the very edges of the screen, considering the relevant patch drawing functions avoid out-of-range memory writes.
* Fix a bug where I got emeralds and mapnumbers mixed up when checking for the "there's a tailsbot" flag.
* Consider a save with an invalid skin an invalid save, rather than allowing its continued presence.
* Each time you die, the number of game overs you've had is counted.
* Your save file updates to record this.
* The number of startinglives is determined by the number of times you'ved game-overed, with the maximum being infinity lives (thereby providing a cap on the number of game overs you can go through in a typical game).
Requires a new patch.dta, but I'm not uploading that yet because not happy with the icon we've got going for infinity lives on the save select menu.
* If NONET, the Multiplayer option on the main menu leads directly to the Splitscreen menu, which also includes player 1/2 setup under this circumstance.
* A mechanism to save player name, skin and colour as defaults to config.cfg.
* Add "Infinite" option to cv_cooplives, inspired by SUBARASHII. Lives still exist, but are hidden from the player's view, and are prevented from falling below 1 at any cost. As a result, made the variable CV_CHEAT.
* Made cv_autobalance an on/off switch which determines the allowed difference based on the number of people in the server, instead of a weird and opaque number from 0-4.
MENU BASED (not related):
* Add horizontal arrows to menu options which respond to the arrow keys.
* Make the menu arrows bob.
* Switch out the seperate arrows for combination arrows on the joystick menus.
* Minor cvar description tweaks.
* Gave lifedistribution a "Sharing" option to go along with its previous individual and stealing options.
* Made the game over graphic and music only happen if everyone's out of lives if you're sharing or stealing lives.
* Fixed a bug where game over wouldn't come to fruition because it kept on happening each tic of the countdown2.
* Made spectator stuff display in Co-op splitscreen.
<Alam_Squeeze> m_menu.c:1907: error: initializer element is not constant
<Alam_Squeeze> m_menu.c:1907: error: (near initialization for `OP_ScreenshotOptionsDef.drawroutine')
<Alam_Squeeze> m_menu.c:9353: warning: 'M_DrawScreenshotMenu' defined but not used
<Alam_Squeeze> Makefile:770: recipe for target '../objs/Mingw/Debug/m_menu.o' failed
<Alam_Squeeze> make: *** [../objs/Mingw/Debug/m_menu.o] Error 1
* Search case is now handled via cvar instead of assumed based on system.
* filemenusearch (previously strsystemstr) uses static char[] to prevent stack suffering.
* New cvar for searching from start of string instead of anywhere in it!
* Menu tweaked for the above.
* Reverted slash from pathsep.
* Improved layout of addons menu.
* Disabled input for 5 tics after a console-touching enter key command on the menu, so that weird stuff doesn't happen.
* Added Add-on options.
* cv_addons_option - chooses save location. A little smaller in scope than the weird Default/HOME/SRB2/Custom thing for screenshots - now it's SRB2 Folder and Custom.
* cv_addons_folder - goes with Custom for above.
* cv_addons_md5 - chooses whether to identify files on the addons menu with name comparison only, or with checksum comparison as well (more intensive hence not default).
* cv_addons_showall - chooses whether to show just supported file extensions, or all
* Some minor other refactors.
* Screenshot options menu crashes on access for some reason (to do with itemOn not being valid?????) looking into
New User Experiences - Menus, Closed Captioning, and other non-substantial tweaks
Hello! I'm going to words.
* Menu stuff!
* Scrolling menus when there's lots of options instead of doing lots of nestling!
* Video Options, Server Options, and Screenshot Options have been updated to take advantage of this.
* Headings are prettier in general to match the level platter's headers!
* Expose a bunch of stuff Mystic wanted exposed, without iundating the player!
* Little arrows!
* Better, clearer control menus!
* I know this is probably related to the above, but whatever.
* Very organised with lots of renaming and magical clarifying context headings!
* Killed the analog-only Camera L/R keys in favour of merging them with the regular turn keys in that context!
* Also little arrows!
* Statistics!
* One page instead of two, loses a lot less info than you'd expect!
* The benefit of having them on one page is greater than the loss of being able to individually discern which of your Score/Time/Rings is incomplete.
* ALSO also little arrows!
* Secrets checklist!
* Scrolls vertically!
* Allows for autogeneration of conditions based off conditionset, which allows for names of required levels to be hidden if you haven't played them yet!
* Still allows overriding condition string per traditional checklist.
* This allows us to show every secret's condition without letting it be spoiled or overflowing the everything.
* Also ALSO also little arrows!
* Closed captioning!
* Console command "closedcaptioning on/off".
* Shows stuff in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.
* sfxinfo[sfx_name].caption = "Butt.".
* S_StartMusicCaption(string, tics, optional player) allows for a caption to play without being anchored to a specific sound.
* Color Profile!
* Using only the best in advanced cube-based majyks.
* cv_gamma now goes from -15 to +5!
* cv_saturation - from 0 to 10!
* A new menu for modifying the hue, saturation and gamma of specific corners of the cube (RYGCBM) independently of the master options!
* Screenshots/Video Mode now supports turning on/off circumstantial color profile alterations (cv_screenshot_colorprofile).
* Spring cleaning!
* cv_allcaps is dead.
* Sudden death and old match scoring (25 points for shield damage as the only change??) is dead
* A few things are taken off the menu because they're not that relevant to have.
* cv_competitionboxes now applies to race as well.
* Failed teleports go nuh-uh.
* Question mark boxes don't have doomednums anymore, so they can't be placed in singleplayer and used to get free lives by playing with the tv_extralife etc stuff.
* Other tidbits!
* HUD offsets are tweaked to give one digit less space to score and one digit more space each to time and rings to match up the right edges.
* Emerald tokens show up on the level complete screen and are loaded into a coin slot at the end of the tally.
* Speaking of Emerald tokens, they now give score all the time, and continues instead of 50 rings when you have all Emeralds.
* Moved Race HUD down, and made it go bing bing bing BONG.
* V_DrawCroppedPatch now properly handles topdeltas.
* Minor tweak to GFZ3 eggmobile's pinch to be more lenient.
* Hudnames for skins now replace full stops with katakana dots. We could make it replace a different character instead if we really wanted to, but I figure this matches what is desired.
Check out ```<root>/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_deeznux.exe``` to try it out.
See merge request !91
* Menu shuffling for addons. Shows up on main menu and MP pause menu if you're host/admin (not encouraged in SP).
* The menu yells at you in red text if you're playing, warning of issues.
I will make it prettier.
(Also: stristr. Since the Windows (and others?) standard library doesn't have it for some reason, I modified code someone put on StackExchange as a stopgap; once I'm ready to get on IRC for the day, we'll discuss attribution/rewriting.)
* M_StartMessages when file loading goes wrong! (Determined by CONS_Alerts of warning level CONS_WARNING and CONS_ERROR happening after W_LoadWadFile has been called.)
* Now actively tries to keep your place on the menu if files are deleted between calls to preparefilemenu().
* More enums! DIR_ (for if you want to try embed more metadata in the dirmenu strings) and REFRESHDIR_ (for refreshing the menu and handling warnings).
* Handle changing size menu between calls to opendir() better.
* Don't crash on draw/enter attempt if one of the dirmenu's is null.
* Moved the addons menu to OP_MainMenu instead of MainMenu for now so it can be tested in MP without needing to mess with several menus.
* Display the amount of space used for serverinfo_pak's fileneeded on the addons menu, both visually and with a percentage.
* Instead of needing to press backspace, going back is now handled via an "(up arrow) UP..." entry in the table.
* Maximum depth is now #define'd instead of dotted around everywhere.
* Enums!
* Exec for .txt (with confirmation dialog) and .cfg (without)!
* Complaints about folders and etc now mention the folder names.
* A shrinking folder now prevents dir_on[] from going beyond its end.
Basic as fuck UI, and the controls for manipulating it suck, but the basic elements of the feature set I'm looking for have been implemented in some form or another. More at a later time.
MI, be glad I didn't do this in deeznux ;P
A less memetic message: On permission of Mystic, rejiggered a few things such that Race uses cv_competitionboxes, allowing the menu to be nicer.
* disabled the doomednum for ? boxes
* made A_MixUp play sfx_lose if you're in a gametype that can't use it
* Removed the all-teleporters option from cv_competitionboxes. It could just be done by tweaking the random monitor toggles, anyways.
Basically in preperation of supporting colourblindness modes I implemented the following link when loading palettes.
This basically means I can do whatever the hell I want to the colour profile of incoming paletties, and nobody can stop me. Muahahahaha etc.
Also, I added a saturation feature to show off its full potential, converted gamma from a table to a factor of the calculation, tweaked some menus and made the default value of cvars show up on sliders. Because that's how I roll.
* Provides a helpful description for the hearing impaired, whether permanent, temporary or situational.
* Consvar "closedcaptioning", with on/off values available.
* Only works if sounds are on. This is frustrating. I will see what I can do to allow it to work with sounds off in future, but for now it's dependent in order to properly accept or decline sounds.
* Thanks to MI for making that wiki page a lot more comprehensive a few days ago.
* Weapon ring is now a seperate sfx_wepfir instead of doubling up on sfx_thok.
* Also, made V_StringWidth work with V_NOSCALESTART.
* Made it possible to switch statistics pages using left and right arrows. Their previous functionality has been given to Page Up and Page Down.
* Swap over header style to the new version for everything.
* Move Master Server into Data Options, since it needs to be exposed somewhere.
* Show resolution on main Video page.
* Optimise by using V_RightAlignedString instead of V_DrawString with V_StringWidth.
* Revamp sliders. (Requires a new patch.dta I'll upload in a little bit in order to be perfect, but does pretty well w/o replacement graphics too.)
* Revamped base video menu and moved all the relevant stuff from the Game Options Menu onto it. Still mulling on where to put the Master Server reference.
Revamped Level Select (platter view)
Seriously revamped every level select instance in the game to use a more attractive and easier to navigate platter view, including:
* Game CLEAR! save (Title/Pause menus)
* Secrets Menu (including custom ones)
* Record Attack/NiGHTS Mode
* Server creation (Online/2P)
* MP Pause level select (Online/2P)
As a result, the layout of the last three above menus has been changed to varying degrees of difference.
Also, bonus feature: using level select (or MAP MAPxx without -force) in Co-op multiplayer won't reset your score, will keep any lives you have above the startinglives variable, and will not take away all your emeralds. The -force thing prevents both warping directly to special stages to rack up the emeralds AND ensures there IS a way to start a new game.
Check out <root>/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_levelselect.exe with the latest patch.dta to see more.
Also, LF2_WIDEICON lets you do this. https://gfycat.com/MenacingClearAngora
See merge request !68
Simple port of something I made for a 2.1 exe mod that Mystic mentioned
needed doing on the 2.2 Priorities topic
(http://mb.srb2.org/showpost.php?p=790613&postcount=4). Adds emblem type
"map", which gives you an emblem upon beating the map it's for. Var sets
more specific conditions; 1 for all emeralds completion, 2 for Ultimate
mode completion, 3 for Perfect Bonus completion. (These can be easily
removed if requested; these were added simply because it was easy to
implement for modders.)
Criticism on the way it's coded and/or how it is implemented is highly
encouraged. Test wad is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.wad,
pre-compiled exe is <root>/TehRealSalt/levelemblems.exe.
* Changed the order of Record/Nights Attack and its level select menu option so that you go from the main menu to the map page to level select, rather than main menu to level select to map page.
* Cleaned up a lot of code.
Will be discussing what to do with the space freed under "server options" the heading on IRC tomorrow.
(MI, if you're looking - the mistake was that I set up an IT_CALL menu line as IT_CVAR by mistake, which of course caused a crash when trying to get ((consvar_t *)M_GameTypeChange)->string. ;P )
Updated the mid-game gametype/level select menu! Just need to combine it with the server creation menu, and then I'll be ready to make a merge request...