for some apparent reason the compiler didn't like the while loop condition edit on its own (it complained about inline failures for P_MobjReadyToTrigger for some reason), so I had to add that extra bit above the while loop... and it was happy again, huh
If you want more specifics, sloped FOFs are to blame it turns out: sometimes the bottom of an FOF wall blocking a segment of an in-level wall column can be considered ABOVE the top part of the FOF there (yikes), and then the dc_y* values go offscreen, and then BOOM
Software crashes fix... fix
Fixes a typo introduced by merge request !75 that caused upper textures to set the wrong ceiling clipping value when not visible, allowing all sorts behind the walls to be visible. This is most noticable in GFZ2 when the inside of the tunnel section is visible
...probably a good idea to make sure this one doesn't introduce any MORE visual glitches by mistake (again, compare with 2.1.15 if possible)
See merge request !93
Fix for flats with transparent pixels on slopes
This fixes how R_DrawTiltedSplat_8 unintentionally allows the cyan pixels to NOT be considered "transparent" if after being remapped, depending on sector brightness and/or linedef type 606 colormaps, the result of remapping is not palette index 247 (the cyan we typically turn transparent). That is, the original colors from the source flat graphic are not checked, but instead the __result__ of coloring the flat under the respective colormap is checked for "transparent" pixels. This is only a problem for the tilted splat drawing function, not the regular one for non-sloped planes with cyan-pixel-using flats.
I found out about this bug from the issues Ritz was having with sloped 255-alpha translucent FOFs using transparent flats and his custom COLORMAP lump (and later when he applied a linedef type 606 colormap to the FOF) for his custom map. Thankfully he has some workarounds, but this should fix the code-side issues that caused his problems in the first place.
I also fixed stuff with another splat drawing function that's not currently used atm (maybe it will be in the future, if splats themselves are ever enabled again? *shrugs*).
See merge request !92
Skybox rendering offset fix for third person/alt view camera
Fixes the issue reported in this thread:
I dunno if this will negatively affect any existing skyboxes in SRB2's own levels, that said. I tried out THZ2 and CEZ1 with this fix at least but I forgot to compare them with how they are in 2.1.15 so _*shrugs_*
See merge request !94
OS X Makefile build setup
This merge request:
* Cleans up the OS X bundle resource location code and fixes a SIGSEGV and memory leak
* Simplifies and fixes the OS X desktop alert code, closing more leaks
* Adds the MACOSX build flag to the Makefiles, to allow building a binary (but not Mac app yet) of SRB2.
This is intended to make it easier for developers to build on Mac OS X, without having to pull in all of XCode. You can keep using CMake if you prefer.
To test, use `make -C src MACOSX=1 NONX86=1 SDL=1 NOASM=1` for a release build.
Left to do:
* Add a content bundling script to be run after building, and a flag to trigger doing that.
* Somehow get access to a Mac running PowerPC and figure out how to build a multi-platform binary.
* Add the proper magic to compile using gcc if requested. (Right now, compilation is done via LLVM/Clang)
See merge request !72
Gas jets, fan objects, springs and slopes
Whoop whoop whoop minor bugs that only get noticed due to weird experiments whoop whoop whoop
* For gas jets only: the object's standingslope is ALWAYS null. No drifting down the slope for you.
* For gas jets and fan objects: Now checks whether the player's top is below the bottom of the launcher, instead of its bottom. zdist calculation not affected, since it's signed and okay with being negative by about the height of the player.
* For all 3: the player's standingslope is NULL'd so the player isn't launched off at a wacky angle if they're standing on a slope then walk into the thing.
See merge request !91
Remove i_net.c
The code in i_net.c doesn't actually seem to be used in SRB2. I was able to compile a build without it, and hosting and joining netgames worked just fine (well, as fine as they can with the current state of the netcode...).
The vast majority of code in the file seems to be contained in HAVE_SDLNET ifdefs, and I'm pretty sure SRB2 has never used SDLNET in a public build. The only bit not contained in that block is I_InitNetwork(), which just prints an error and returns false.
Do we really need to keep it around? If not, I say get rid of it. It seems like useless clutter that is just going to confuse people who are trying to understand the source code.
See merge request !73
Re-factoring AA tree code from m_misc.c/m_misc.h into its own files
What the title says. The AA tree-related code now lives in the files m_aatree.c and m_aatree.h. Part of why I did this was to solve this m_misc.h/w_wad.h cyclic dependency problem (involving MAX_WADPATH and AA trees themselves) mentioned in the now-removed comments, another reason was ...only OpenGL uses AA trees at all, why include the relevent structs/functions/otherwise anywhere except where is necessary (which is very few files as it turns out)?
Otherwise, it just looked better on its own rather than mixed with all the other stuff already in the m_misc files. Not really important or anything affecting gameplay at all I guess.
See merge request !82
* When moving slowly, P_InstaThrust at S_SKIN's maxdash forward, and set momz to S_SKIN's mindash upwards. Plays a tok noise (not thok). Hurts enemies/bosses, busts spikes/monitors/all types of bustable blocks.
* When moving quickly... doesn't do anything yet, but WILL do a slide.
Also, P_DoSpinDash is now renamed to P_DoSpinAbility, and CA_TWINSPIN users can bust all bustable blocks on collision too.
* CA_TWINSPIN - you can do it multiple times
* CA_DOUBLEJUMP - your jump height is reduced each time, like in Kirby games. The number of extra jumps once you've left the ground that are available is determined by the character's actionspd.
* Electric sparks coming off entire body instead of bubbles coming out mouth
* Different sounds.
* Different icons.
These sprites are currently local only, but I'll be doing a lot of asset updating this evening since Rob asked me to so it won't be long until you can get them.
Sideways springs, horizontal hog-launchers, perpendicular plungers...
Call them what you like, they're in the code now. And have been for months!
Nev3r uses the hell out of these and I'm fed up of them being <!>'s all over the place, so please have 'em in master so we can update srb2.srb and make things better for all of us.
See merge request !30