Monster's miscellaneous meddling
A miscellaneous assortment of code-cleanup and other changes, plus fixing up SRB2's tangent array so it behaves more as expected (especially on the Lua side).
More specific details of the changes:
* `finetangent[]` has been entirely redone in the same manner as finesine/finecosine.
* Lua's tan() function shifts `finetangent[]` results by `ANGLE_90` to get what you EXPECT it to return (e.g. `tan(0)` actually returns 0 now). This means finetangent itself doesn't need to change its general arrangment, this only affects Lua specifically.
* Lua's tan() function now also doesn't go out of `finetangent[]`'s bounds at all. Before, `tan(ANGLE_180)` through `tan(ANGLE_MAX)` and such would just give you values unrelated to the array in question, which was clearly a bad thing.
* `finecosine`'s definition moved from r_main.c to tables.c.
* Created `P_CheckTimeLimit` for `cv_timelimit`, much like `cv_pointlimit` has `P_CheckPointLimit`. It cleans up `P_UpdateSpecials` a bit at least.
* Some code cleanup relating to translucency maps - these are kind of unimportant, I was about to stop `FF_TRANSMASK` being used everywhere, but this was apparently a bad idea so I backtracked a bit.
* Re-added `_MSC_VER` check around MSVC-specific code in doomtype.h, in case it wasn't defined (and `__OS2__` was). Also left a comment there regarding `__BYTEBOOL__`.
* Fixed an apparent copy+paste goofup in `joyaxis_cons_t[]` for the Wii-specific code.
See merge request !10
Reduced palette
You guys should know what this is by now. If you don't, you really need to catch up. =P
We should check with toaster and others involved to check this thing is actually ready to go though, the number of changes to the palette itself over the last year has been absurd.
See also
See merge request !13
Yeah, whatever, this is changing stuff that was already all my own
anyway, and I already extensively tested it in the *first* place
when I was measuring the amount of time it took.
Honestly this could be merged into public master, but pfft...
See merge request !19
1up icons were spawning their overlays off sync with each other so the face icon was showing up during static. Now they don't.
(They'd do this in 2.1 too if you have a custom WAD added that doesn't have an overlay sprite, and you use it in multiplayer alongside a character that does.)
Dispoffset changes
Dispoffset now works in OpenGL, and the feature has been optimized so high dispoffset values don't cause sprites to be distorted anymore.
See merge request !12
Compiling errors fixed in this commit:
* Various cases of mixed declaration and statement code
* Implicit declaration of slope functions (read: you forgot to put "include "p_slopes.h" in MORE than a few places)
* an odd case of a bad fixed_t to float typecase, cause by using P_GetZAt directly inside FIXED_TO_FLOAT
* a few minor cases of bad unsigned-signed comparisons
* no prototypes for some of the new slope functions. For goodness sake Red, this is basic stuff!
Dehacked changes
TITLE, EVALUATION and CREDITS are now valid options for a level header's "NextLevel" parameter. All works fine last I tested this feature.
See merge request !11
It's a lot nicer in general, honestly. I think a couple bugs with custom monitors respawning got fixed in the process.
Note that a monitorgfx.wad is needed if you want to see things besides <!>s for monitors, due to graphic changes.
Actions tweaks
This just rewrites the action A_SetTargetsTarget currently, dunno if I'll bother to tweak any more actions in the near future \*shrugs\*
That said, PLEASE check whether the action works properly before accepting the merge. It's been a while since I last did anything with this branch, so I forget entirely whether I tested it or not.
See merge request !27
more detailed description: vissprites now store dispoffset in a separate variable from (y)scale, and uses it to influence order between sprites without it affecting the actual drawing of the sprites themselves
Note: polyobj_t's "translucency" is apparently a SIGNED integer, so in theory it's possible to get polyobj flats to use the "spanfunc = splatfunc" line using negative values. If this is not meant to happen, this should probably be fixed asap
Compiling errors fixed in this commit:
* Various cases of mixed declaration and statement code
* Implicit declaration of slope functions (read: you forgot to put "include "p_slopes.h" in MORE than a few places)
* an odd case of a bad fixed_t to float typecase, cause by using P_GetZAt directly inside FIXED_TO_FLOAT
* a few minor cases of bad unsigned-signed comparisons
* no prototypes for some of the new slope functions. For goodness sake Red, this is basic stuff!
Slopes and stuff
Adds support for slopes, slopes on FOFs, slopes on translucent FOFs, slopes on FOFs with holes in the flat, slope physics, dynamic slopes, vertex slopes, dynamic vertex slopes, and a ham sandwich to the game. Only for software mode right now, though. (OGL still gets the physics and the sandwich.) Some things still need to be done, but for now this can be merged in to be finished later.
Please make sure nothing in the vanilla game breaks before giving the thumbs up for this merge.
Since this doesn't merge automatically, if the code review turns out positive and nobody else has done it, I'll handle the merging.
See merge request !22