* Make the skin to record with Metal rather than Flesh Sonic. (Allowed even if not unlocked!)
* Make the object that plays back the recording actually use the Metal skin, rather than just a seperate spriteset. (The boss will still need the spriteset, though.)
* Actively record the player's sprite2, frame, and followmobj, just like regular ghosts do.
* Disable dashmode while recording, for a fairer race.
* Fix a probably long-standing bug where, while recording, being "hurt" would get Metal stuck in pain frames until they physically left the area of hurt.
* Always start Metal recording in wait frames for bonus taunting.
Other relevant changes:
* Increment DEMOVERSION *again*.
* Improve the Record Attack ghost followmobj recording to accomodate Metal's jet.
* Increase the datatype width of spritenum_t read/write for Record Attack ghosts because SUGOI 4: Back With A Revengance will probably also use more than 255 sprites alone.
* Return to standing frames (or prolong them if you're in them, rather than going to wait frames) if the player rotates on the spot with enough force.
* This was specifically done *for* Metal recording, but I decided it looked good enough to enable all the time.
* Red and yellow Boost panels!
* Added because SUBARASHII and KIMOKAWAIII had several levels using them, and I wanted to make them look better.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/359091121789468672/634486669202161674/srb20015.gif
* Uses the mapthingnums of Glaber's SOC resource boosters, but absolutely nothing else - not even the magnitudes.
* Apply MF_AMBUSH to force the player into a spin - even if they don't have a spin ability!
* Banpyura!
* A Crushstacean with a spring instead of a crushclaw.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428262628893261828/634432099306176512/srb20019.gif
* Wanted this for a while, finally added it.
* Improved springs.
* Add pw_noautobrake to disable autobrake for half a second when touching yellow horizontal springs, and a second when touching red ones, even on the ground.
* Add pw_justsprung to disable directionchar for a few tics while touching any springs with a horizontal component to their velocity.
* Add the diagonal spring flag options Red and Yellow Diagonal Springs have to the Blue Diagonal Spring as well.
* Started but decided against a tip of the hat to the CD spring spin, hidden behind #define SPRINGSPIN.
* Make directionchar "lag behind" a little bit in waterslides.
* Improved flame jets.
* They now use new sprites for having their flames move upwards and sideways, instead of having them always face downwards like in 2.1!
* Fixed a mixed declaration and code error in A_RolloutRock. (Sorry Lach!)
* Make the Amy Cameo only spawn in SP, Record Attack, or Co-op unless it's the Clone Mode.
* Improved ZB config.
* Add above new types.
* Add Blue Diagonal Spring, which existed in the source but not the config.
* Re-order enemies in ZB config by zone (but keep them in the Enemies section only).
* Make the center be the object stuff collides with, so that if the door is open people can't slip through.
* Add an MF_AMBUSH enhancement to allow non-minecart players to travel through.
* Make A_SaloonDoorSpawn more customisable. (var1 = object type, var2 = distance sides should be placed apart)