Fixed new new spriteframe angle
@Nev3r helped me discover a crash caused by NAMEcLcR not loading patches into every angle lump slot. This is the smallest possible change that fixes the crash.
This is a one line change exclusively modifying an edge case for a feature which isn't available in public builds. Therefore, it SHOULD require (almost) zero code review, and I would've committed directly to master if I had the ability to do that (and the desire to disregard ettiquette). Please help me out here.
See merge request !38
Climbing shit 2 electric boogaloo: an adventure in how much toast hates how the ogl renderer was implemented
Fixed Knuckles being able to climb in space in OpenGL.
Using the last-touched line instead of R_IsPointInSubsector because FLOAT_TO_FIXED is bad in P_ functions
To understand the original problem: look at AjustSegs(void) in hw_bsp.c. It reallocates the vetex_t pointers for lines as POLYVERTEX_T pointers, and of COURSE things are gonna get wacky when you're casting pointers.
This merge request is into master because it's a bug that's IN master and must never reach the public because of how bad it is
See merge request !101
Fix non-player objects having busted step-up/down on slopes
Why the fuck did I make this a player conditional in the first place holy shit
See merge request !103
Allowing the disabling of Match/CTF/Miscellaneous Ringslinger HUD elements
Does what it says on the tin.
Requested by Lat and Speedwagon, selfishly also desired because of Thokker, open and shut. If 2.1.16 is delayed, might as well get some goodwill-raising zero-effort stuff in there.
See merge request !106
RA menu can be opened if the game is modified, but Start can't be selected. (Obvious reason: so scripts to display info can be used easier)
Fixed the stupid background for messages in the Record Attack menu, it was bugging me
Also, I added more sortscale handling in the places where I forgot it.
I probably need some help with the maths here to get this to work nicely. <-- this common glitch with crawlas given MF_PAPER (THEY'RE NOT GOOD AT TURNING NEAR EDGES) used to show the behind-crawlas in front of the front-crawlas.
Unfortunately, I've just discovered this issue (which happens with the old version of the sorting code too): but to be fair these crawlas have gotten stuck inside the edges of this platform, so I'm not sure I can do anything about this without cutting off Sonic's feet when he stands on the ground? shrug
* MF_AMBUSH is now MF2_AMBUSH, because it's something you turn on in a map editor, not with a SOC definition.
* Where MF_AMBUSH was is now MF_PAPER.
* MF_PAPER accesses all the stuff I did previously in this branch...
* well as turn on paper-thin collision detection between mobjs, which I've gotten working but isn't perfect but it's still good enough for non-solid objects!!
* recognising that the offsets weren't going to be accurate if you just SWAPPED yscale and yscale2 over 180 degrees
* taking scale into account consistently
also, some optimisations
also, i've sussed out WHAT'S going wrong here - the topleft pixel of the sprite will always be rendered at the height on the screen it would be rendered otherwise, which is causing the waving. now to figure out what to change to get that to move appropriately...
some complicated mathemagic leads to something which... seems CLOSE, but not perfectly accurate, so i think i need to tweak it more for current behaviour
I DID make some steps towards re-implementing PIT_CheckThing for solids only in order to replace the hack long-term and hopefully use less CPU, but is currently disabled via #if 0 since I'm not comfortable changing the function signature of P_CheckPosition right now.
remove all the places where i've set vis->scalestep to anything other than 0 to see something that LOOKS okay, but doesn't fulfil exactly what i want (that being a sprite that looks exactly like a midtexture)
* Effect 3 (Peg Midtexture) is now accounted for properly, flipping the collision box position to match the actual rendered position of the midtexture
* Fixed incorrect application of y-offsets for non-lower unpegged midtextures collision boxes; +ve always goes up, -ve always goes down!
* Effect 4 now doesn't make midtextures solid for polyobjects at all - this "conflicted" with First Line having both Effect 4 (visible planes) and Effect 3 (intangible) simultaneously, where we kind of expect the first line's wall to not be made solid. This may be less of a problem in future SRB2 versions, but for now solid midtextures for polyobjects are disabled.
. tmthing can be NULL if called from PTR_SlideTraverse, so we should use slidemo instead
This fixes a crash that occurs in yet ANOTHER SUGOI map, involving bouncy walls next to sloped floors/ceilings