* Add an alternate DEMOMARKER for ending the Metal Recording on death, which kills the Metal object as well.
* Add some more relevant exceptions to the "most objects are removed when touching a deathpit" thing, primarily for the sake of ghosts and Metal playback.
* Add height changes to demos and Metal playback (to properly place thok aura relative to object).
* Fix followmobj recordings in reverse gravity (done via more strenuous flag setting + info height serialisation).
* Make RA ghosts fade in from start tic, and go colorized on their final one.
* Fix thok auras potentially doing bad things if they're set to MT_NULL.
* Add sprite change support to Metal playback.
* Re-enable some stuff I previously disabled for Metal recording/playback.
* Make ALL objects spawned with skins properly acknowledge that their spawnstate's frame is a sprite2, rather than just specific objects.
* Fix placement of Metal Sonic fume in reverse gravity.
* Since not backwards compatible with the previous test build, increment DEMOVERSION again. (Don't worry, we've got like 65524 more versions allowed before we run out of possible DEMOVERSIONs...)
* Make the skin to record with Metal rather than Flesh Sonic. (Allowed even if not unlocked!)
* Make the object that plays back the recording actually use the Metal skin, rather than just a seperate spriteset. (The boss will still need the spriteset, though.)
* Actively record the player's sprite2, frame, and followmobj, just like regular ghosts do.
* Disable dashmode while recording, for a fairer race.
* Fix a probably long-standing bug where, while recording, being "hurt" would get Metal stuck in pain frames until they physically left the area of hurt.
* Always start Metal recording in wait frames for bonus taunting.
Other relevant changes:
* Increment DEMOVERSION *again*.
* Improve the Record Attack ghost followmobj recording to accomodate Metal's jet.
* Increase the datatype width of spritenum_t read/write for Record Attack ghosts because SUGOI 4: Back With A Revengance will probably also use more than 255 sprites alone.
* Return to standing frames (or prolong them if you're in them, rather than going to wait frames) if the player rotates on the spot with enough force.
* This was specifically done *for* Metal recording, but I decided it looked good enough to enable all the time.
Music pausing is now optional.
Sounds may be paused--on by default.
The game itself being paused in off-line mode is now optional.
(showfocuslost now loads from config.)
* Show emblem requirement on record attack menu
* Use bigger emblems on the menu.
* Display your best number of collected rings in yellow if reached perfect bonus.
* Adjusted XTRA frames (again)
* Update the function signature of P_MixUp to accomodate both it and drawangle instead of doing it outside of the function.
* If the player is spawning from the start of the stage and it's from the ceiling, be in fall frames as requested (resolves#191).
* Don't allow the stage to be reloaded in G_DoReborn.
* If you do ANY spawn after the very beginning moment, you're forced to be a spectator.
* Have the "%d player%s remaining" Co-op exiting count visible at the same time as spectator controls.
* Genesis-style love and attention to the death event.
* Only visibly decrement lives/rings when you're respawning (or game over, see below).
* Faster no-button-press respawn.
* Game Over specific love.
* Animation of Level Title font coming in from the sides.
* https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/428262628893261828/617692325438554132/srb20067.gif
* Change gameovertics to 10 seconds instead of 15.
* Make the minimum time before you can force going to the Continue screen longer.
* Accomodate death in MP special stages as a form of exit.
* Don't have your rings or spheres reset when you die in a special stage, so that the stage isn't softlocked with the new harder limits.
* Fix a bug with CoopLives_OnChange where changing to infinite lives didn't force a game-overed player to respawn.
Also, two not-quite death things which nonetheless were relevant to change:
* Fix quitting a special stage having some of the shared spheres/rings disappear into the aether.
* Fix a warning during compilation for the Ring Penalty print.
* Array of 8 INT32's natively embedded into savedata (net and SP)!
* Initialised to zero whenever a new save (or equivalent) is started, otherwise untouched by the base game.
* Requires reservation to avoid clobber-conflicts.
* Access via `reserveLuabanks()` - returns a read-write userdata.
* Assign userdata to local variable or global rawset to use later.
Mostly for future SUGOIlikes, but I'm sure someone could figure out an unrelated usage eventually.
* Fixed an unused variable warning in lua_skinlib.c.
- fixed post-level cutscenes playing when you get game over in MP (still kinda on-topic)
Also with apologies to MI:
- golden egg statue mode for tutorial, since the grey doesn't contrast enough with the blue and lime green
- fixed closed captions for replaced player sounds being incorrect
- fixed closed captions overlapping tutorial text
* SPR2_XTRA - instead of defining lumpnames in S_SKIN, those kinds of assets can just be bundled into the spriteset. Required for ending cutscene stuff, I guess, but also done for HUD life icon and character select image (aside from Sonic&Tails, still SOC'd in).
* Minor oversights in SPR2 support corrected.
* Better evaluation, featuring ending assets.
* Intro has warping-in blackrock, reusing ending assets.
* Cutscene text now supports lowercase (intro and custom).
* Disable the asset-fucking "gamma correction" I put in over two years ago when implementing colour cube. (This is the only thing I could move into another branch if you MUST, but it's basically invisble in the diff so w/e.)
* Don't blank the screen if the top left pixel of a screen-covering patch is transparent. (Checked via nonzero topdelta for first column)
* OPENGL ONLY: The first ~20 frames of both endings are fucked. A little help here? Might be HWR_DrawFadeFill's fault, which I just created. OR it could be in f_finale, but I doubt it, since it doesn't appear in Software.
Mobjs got their own thinker list after all, and disappearing thinkers are automatically purged from their lists and sent to the limbo list.
So it's safe to assume all thinkers inside the mobj list must be mobjs.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
Set up a main thinker list and a polyobject mover list to test things up. Works so far, networking as well.
Signed-off-by: Nev3r <apophycens@gmail.com>
gametype_cons_t is now initialised using the Gametype_Names array, like how Color_cons_t is initialised using Color_Names
# Conflicts:
# src/doomstat.h
# src/m_menu.c
- Very slightly less claustrophobic camera defaults
- Changed camera settings are saved
- Camera distance increases relatively with splitscreen & analog mode.
These changes are kind of debatable because them not saving was an intentional decision initially, and the camera being farther out could potentially clip more geometry where it previously didn't... still, thought I'd open this for consideration
Needs the config default-changing shenanigans done still, not sure how to tackle that yet. Now the game is TOTALLY playable from a fresh install if you just plug in a controller.
* M_SkyScroll optimization with still speeds; refactor background drawing
* Music (in time attack screens so far)
* FadeStrength
* HideTitlePics
* Scrolling backgrounds in Time Attack (moved F_SkyScroll to m_menu)
* Stop orphaning their memory. They ARE PU_LEVEL, so they'll disappear eventually, but, like... it's not good memory management practice to just *orphan* them when you're literally never going to do anything with them ever again. Y'know?
* Make ghosts spawn properly on slopes.
* Turn off mlook and mousemove by default, as requested by Prime/Mystic.
* Change all the analog cvar names (and hide them from the help function so they aren't so easily rediscovered) to invalidate 2.1-era copies of config.cfg, given I've seen a common sentiment is that they won't try the new controls at all and will just copy their old ones across, and I'd like to sabotage the deprecated feature.
* Spheres in old special stages instead of rings!
* Individual timers in old special stages instead of a global one!
* Old special stages use a variant of the NiGHTS HUD now!
* Special stage damage in old special stages loses 5 seconds of time instead of 10 rings/spheres!
* All damage gained through old special stages is converted to special stage damage! As a consequence, the special spikeball has no need to be special anymore.
* Made emerald gaining function be based on special stage number rather than gained emeralds!
* Consistency with...
* Spheres now flash in bonus time. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452590553100713984/srb20032.gif
* Sphere and ring mapthingnums are now less fucked up in 'em. (Rings are 300, same as usual, while Spheres are now 1706 replacing NiGHTS Wings.)
* useNightsSS is now dead. Each individual special stage is now assessed for NiGHTS-mode behaviour based on maptol & TOL_NIGHTS.
* CRAWLA HONCHO\n CAN NOW BE\n SUPER CRAWLA HONCHO end tally modification now also includes a mini-tutorial on turning super. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* SONIC GOT A CHAOS EMERALD? https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452623869497573386/srb20034.gif
* Colour Chips and Star Chips! Replaces Spheres and Rings of NiGHTS Special Stages.
* Colour Chips turn yellow in bonus time.
* Ideya!
* Its own "drowning" music!
* All of the object types for Dream Hill.
* GIF: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/400761370800422922/452844894113759233/srb20036.gif
* Turn super with the spin button instead of the jump button!
* Followmobj now correctly set with P_SetTarget instead of pointer assignment.
* Emerald hunt uses new sprites!
* Made unlock noise different from emblem gain noise! (It's the CRAWLA HONCHO CAN NOW TURN yadda yadda sound from S3K now.)
* Prevent ANY input when blindfolded.
* Make CECHOs always perplayer'd. (A little hacky; quads will need work here.)
* Make NiGHTS link timer bounces not a mess, and only when the colour changes.
* Rename GZT_SPRITE to GZT_FRAME, since otherwise it's easy to confuse with EZT_SPRITE (which does something completely different).
* Fix issue where ghosts were facing wrong direction on spawn.
* Other minor refactorings.
* ...also, made smiles' tails pop up instead of down when skidding
* Fix replays for the current state of internal, irrespective of that previous thing.
* Fix replay ghosts for everything.
* Known issues; NiGHTS still prints an error message about desyncing on map start, but plays back fine. Curious.
* cv_useranalog is now hidden from the menu.
* Directionchar now attempts to face the camera direction when you're standing still, and handles a few other states with more decorum.
* Tailsbot is now slightly more capable of keeping up with Sonic.
* pflags rearranged/adjusted, combining a few non-simulstaneous ones and turning PF_NIGHTSFALL into CR_NIGHTSFALL.
* [unrelated to branch] all ground-impact based abilities now happen more consistently with quicksand.
* Changed the save format a little more, since I had free reign over it.
* Modified the string drawing functions to not awkwardly clip at the very edges of the screen, considering the relevant patch drawing functions avoid out-of-range memory writes.
* Fix a bug where I got emeralds and mapnumbers mixed up when checking for the "there's a tailsbot" flag.
* Consider a save with an invalid skin an invalid save, rather than allowing its continued presence.
* Each time you die, the number of game overs you've had is counted.
* Your save file updates to record this.
* The number of startinglives is determined by the number of times you'ved game-overed, with the maximum being infinity lives (thereby providing a cap on the number of game overs you can go through in a typical game).
Requires a new patch.dta, but I'm not uploading that yet because not happy with the icon we've got going for infinity lives on the save select menu.
This allows saving in special cases where you can go to a map that
doesn't save, and then back to the map you saved on (see: SUBARASHII
special stages), while still preventing you from killing your lives by
repeatedly retrying in said map.
Kept lastmapsaved just in case. Can be removed if deemed unnecessary.
* Hide the individual lives on the tab menu whenever they're irrelevant.
* Make co-op spectators appear on the tab menu.
* Hide one frame of spectatorhood stuff in splitscreen.
* Fix joining netgames whilst in a special stage not giving the startinglives.
* Make monitors that don't appear to do anything play the failure sound.
* Only make players flash if they're REspawning, rather than spawning into a fresh level - unless it's a NiGHTS level, in which case never.
* Add "Infinite" option to cv_cooplives, inspired by SUBARASHII. Lives still exist, but are hidden from the player's view, and are prevented from falling below 1 at any cost. As a result, made the variable CV_CHEAT.
* Made cv_autobalance an on/off switch which determines the allowed difference based on the number of people in the server, instead of a weird and opaque number from 0-4.
MENU BASED (not related):
* Add horizontal arrows to menu options which respond to the arrow keys.
* Make the menu arrows bob.
* Switch out the seperate arrows for combination arrows on the joystick menus.
* Minor cvar description tweaks.
* Fixed oversight where late joiners may not actually get lives.
* Fixed oversight where zero-livers could spawn in.
* Reinstated flashing because a crawla walked onto one of the spawnpoints and we immediately got a game over.
* Rejiggered the overlay drawer so the printing was consistent between normal spectatorship and game overness.
* Gave lifedistribution a "Sharing" option to go along with its previous individual and stealing options.
* Made the game over graphic and music only happen if everyone's out of lives if you're sharing or stealing lives.
* Fixed a bug where game over wouldn't come to fruition because it kept on happening each tic of the countdown2.
* Made spectator stuff display in Co-op splitscreen.
* Make setting steallives to true respawn every game overed spectator.
* Make a minimum on the number of lives GetLives can get you.
* Add "You'll steal a life on respawn" to spectator screen.
Needs a bunch of changes to HUD rendering, especially in splitscreen, which doesn't try to show spectator stuff whatsoever. Also, if you're the player whose respawn determines when the map reloads, you'll see the spectator text during the front half of the fade. Unless, of course, it's 2-player mode.
* cv_sharedstarposts - Makes everyone share starposts, defaults to "On"
* cv_respawntype - Defaults to "Starpost". If set to that, people respawn at the starpost you just hit (assuming cv_sharedstarposts is on - may have to combine the two variables later, but seperate for testing for now). The other option is the old, unrestricted spawning. We COULD add TD bubble spawning at a later time using this variable, though.
The level DOES reset if everyone dies, but not in a way which allows for Mystic Realm style non-resetting resets. I'll handle that later.
* Clean up titlemapinaction so that it isn't true when you're playing
* Don't print "SPEEDING OFF TO [ZONE] [ACT 1]..." on screen if it's a titlemap - keep a nice and pretty black screen
MI's unimportant code cleanup
Just removing a bunch of unused variables/function prototypes from the source code and similarly minor stuff, nothing here should change gameplay much (if at all).
See merge request !71
Revamped Level Select (platter view)
Seriously revamped every level select instance in the game to use a more attractive and easier to navigate platter view, including:
* Game CLEAR! save (Title/Pause menus)
* Secrets Menu (including custom ones)
* Record Attack/NiGHTS Mode
* Server creation (Online/2P)
* MP Pause level select (Online/2P)
As a result, the layout of the last three above menus has been changed to varying degrees of difference.
Also, bonus feature: using level select (or MAP MAPxx without -force) in Co-op multiplayer won't reset your score, will keep any lives you have above the startinglives variable, and will not take away all your emeralds. The -force thing prevents both warping directly to special stages to rack up the emeralds AND ensures there IS a way to start a new game.
Check out <root>/!LatestSRB2Files/srb2win_branch_levelselect.exe with the latest patch.dta to see more.
Also, LF2_WIDEICON lets you do this. https://gfycat.com/MenacingClearAngora
See merge request !68
Analog mode's camera is now x1.2 of your actual cam_dist setting,
instead of being strictly 192. "analog on" seems to reset this modifier
every once in a while, but "useranalog on" prevents this. The wiki
itself says that you should only change useranalog though, so it
shouldn't be too big of a deal.
Camera settings: distance from 128 to 160, height from 20 to 32, speed
from 0.25 to 0.3
Mouse sensitivity from 35 to 12
Default control setup is Mystic's proposed scheme from the New Player
Experiences topic (https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?t=42095)
Also, camera settings now save to config, and they no longer try to
reset back to the default at every chance it gets (you can die, start a
new game, or exit, all while still keeping your preferred setting)
* PF_NIGHTSMODE is now CR_NIGHTSMODE as part of player->powers[pw_carry]. This is because it's mutually exclusive to every other "carry" type.
* PF_SUPERREADY is dead because it literally just checked for all 7 emeralds and 50 rings. That's it. You couldn't even appreciably alter its presence with Lua. That logic has been placed back in P_SuperReady.
* Camerascale, shieldscale, height and spinheight are now player attributes which are set to the skin attribute on skin change, not read directly from the skin.
* P_GetPlayerHeight and P_GetPlayerSpinHeight are now macros instead of functions.
* Extra protection against switching to a locked skin.
RA menu can be opened if the game is modified, but Start can't be selected. (Obvious reason: so scripts to display info can be used easier)
Fixed the stupid background for messages in the Record Attack menu, it was bugging me
* Several new supercolours.
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERSILVER1-5 (for fun) - "Silver"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERPERIDOT1-5 (nyeheheh) - "Peridot"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERCYAN1-5 (for fun) - "Cyan"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERPURPLE1-5 (for fun) - "Purple"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERRUST1-5 (mecha/metal sonic) - "Rust"
- SKINCOLOR_SUPERTAN1-5 (shadow/silver the hedgehog) - "Tan"
* SKINCOLOR_SUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERGOLD1-5, one index for darkest is changed - "Gold"
* SKINCOLOR_TSUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERORANGE1-5, ported properly to the new palette - "Orange"
* SKINCOLOR_KSUPER1-5 renamed to SKINCOLOR_SUPERRED1-5, ported properly to the new palette - "Red"
* new S_SKIN attribute - supercolor - uses an entirely different function to get the names (R_GetSuperColorByName instead of R_GetColorByName)
* a fun little secret - typing "god on" in the console whilst super makes the player hyper (visual only, no sparkles - just rainbow flash) - can be removed if no fun is allowed
P_RandomChance is now a macro for something that should happen a
certain percentage of time.
P_SignedRandom was moved to a macro. Nobody cared.
# Conflicts:
# src/p_inter.c
Add PlayerSpawn hook to Lua
I don't know how I did this but I did. Something about staring at code from 3AM till 5AM...
Here's a test script too:
addHook("PlayerSpawn", function(player) player.health = 99 end)
See merge request !48
BACKPORT: removal of music slots
Relevant commits cherry-picked. Basically everything except the internal music track name switches.
See merge request !43
(No, game, you can't allocate a map header for the credits, why were you doing that before and how did it not break anything??)
(cherry picked from commit e1f9a01229)
Use whatever names you want for your music. So long as you prefix the lumps with O_ or D_, it doesn't matter anymore.
DISCLAIMER: Linedef type 413 (change music) and Lua scripting is not tested.
(cherry picked from commit 025ca413a2)
# Conflicts:
# src/p_user.c
g_game.c: In function 'G_CheckDemoStatus':
g_game.c:5588:22: warning: logical not is only applied to the left hand side of comparison [-Wlogical-not-parentheses]
if (!modeattacking == ATTACKING_RECORD)
Monster's miscellaneous meddling
A miscellaneous assortment of code-cleanup and other changes, plus fixing up SRB2's tangent array so it behaves more as expected (especially on the Lua side).
More specific details of the changes:
* `finetangent[]` has been entirely redone in the same manner as finesine/finecosine.
* Lua's tan() function shifts `finetangent[]` results by `ANGLE_90` to get what you EXPECT it to return (e.g. `tan(0)` actually returns 0 now). This means finetangent itself doesn't need to change its general arrangment, this only affects Lua specifically.
* Lua's tan() function now also doesn't go out of `finetangent[]`'s bounds at all. Before, `tan(ANGLE_180)` through `tan(ANGLE_MAX)` and such would just give you values unrelated to the array in question, which was clearly a bad thing.
* `finecosine`'s definition moved from r_main.c to tables.c.
* Created `P_CheckTimeLimit` for `cv_timelimit`, much like `cv_pointlimit` has `P_CheckPointLimit`. It cleans up `P_UpdateSpecials` a bit at least.
* Some code cleanup relating to translucency maps - these are kind of unimportant, I was about to stop `FF_TRANSMASK` being used everywhere, but this was apparently a bad idea so I backtracked a bit.
* Re-added `_MSC_VER` check around MSVC-specific code in doomtype.h, in case it wasn't defined (and `__OS2__` was). Also left a comment there regarding `__BYTEBOOL__`.
* Fixed an apparent copy+paste goofup in `joyaxis_cons_t[]` for the Wii-specific code.
See merge request !10
*player->health (formerly the "HUD" health) is now to be known as player->rings, and now acts as the player's actual ring count
*player->mo->health (formerly rings + 1) is now always 1 when alive, regardless of ring count; if player with rings is damaged, this is untouched
Damage in normal SP/Coop gameplay has been tested and still works fine; still a lot of mess to clear up though
Tag damaging probably is broken now, I'll fix this later
Currently the main benefit of these changes is that a number of non-Object-related hazards/deaths no long rely on dummy MT_NULL objects or other hacks to tell the game how you were hurt/killed, yay
git-svn-id: https://code.orospakr.ca/svn/srb2/trunk@9039 6de4a73c-47e2-0310-b8c1-93d6ecd3f8cd
SPR_PLAY now calls up a secondary spritedef for all animations for all players. Old character wads (including player.dta) are no longer compatible.
git-svn-id: https://code.orospakr.ca/svn/srb2/trunk@8993 6de4a73c-47e2-0310-b8c1-93d6ecd3f8cd